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The Oshawa Times, 8 Sep 1960, p. 3

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursdey, September 8, 1960 3 "1/Fast Government |Say Mowers| Action Proposed |Worse Than By FORBES RHUDE est in the Liberal party's peon- Jet Planes | Canadian Press Business Editor omic thinking. He Is a special] KINGSTON (CP)--The Liberal economic adviser to opposition | party economic adviser says ma- leader L, B, Pearson, who 6irst| Tyo Oshawa housewives Hold chinery should be set up to en- suggesied the study conference. magistrate P, 8, Ebbs this morn. able the government to take The meeting is not affiliated with ing the noise coming from power! swift, effective action in an eco-| the £ Liverdl party. mals. recom lawn rs in their area was ie erisis. ai OI worse n "pe " and RO urice Lamontagne, former mendations included setting up "like shots 2 yisnty your AAA professor of economics at Laval an economic research council head." i tlined at a study with which the bureau of statis Yoichi, hy national problems ties should work in close. col | at Queen's Universily Wednes- laboration; an advisory board on day a recommended program to economic development and sta- strengthen government economic bili'y; and a special cabinet com- They were testifying on a charge of making unnecessary, noise laid against lawnmower repairman Oliver Olan, 81 Cen initiative, E He said that under traditional | | practices . often res mittee, ernment action was ment of a public debt commi (ricted and delayed by sion, responsible to the finance and Mrs. Fleanor Train, neigh-| Isuch things as budgetary de- minister, which would manage bors of Mr. tral Park boulevard south, { I geste stablish., After listening to the angry| He ao mitgesied esta ga testimony of Mrs, Helen Coppin Olan, Magistrate p , Belective policies would] the national debt, This would per- Ebbs eadjourned the hearing to Silom. be prt meet prob- mit the Bank of Canada to con- Sept, 21 telling the court he had lems concerning specific indus centrate on monetary matters, | |tries in specific areas. Wp op oosal wos for 8 n : re conciliatiol 0 w P : is dangerous iv aliempt 201 certain monopolistic industries" j | solve sue Sas If they had the would submit projected price in- i | unemp oymen pod intensity creases before putting them into : [ame a country and as if effect--though remaining free to they could be effectively met by UF JRE DR PACE the same policies in all industries) He "advocated that government wi in Lo Joguns, Je vd. {financing be Dcxible to show a "In Canada we deficit, surplus or balance to * [known depressed industries sich meet changing situations in las coal, wool and cotton textiles which unemployment and infla- | and depressed areas such as the tion rapidly succeed each other . | Atlantic provinces, |Tax changes should be made as -- { required, and retroactive BAYS PROBLEM CHANGED culs introduced at any time, . ture of the unemployment prob- Mr, Lamontagne lem had changed from the 1930s when unemployment and exces | |industrial capacity were viewe " las basic long - term problems Now there was no fear of a pro- longed depression, but of short term business - eycle unemploy- ment, | Mr. Lamontagne's address was | considered to represent the lat 1 : | « research in Canada, At govern. € 4 ment level research usually was piecemeal and directly related r only to the department con: "SCHOOL OPENS NEW VISTAS School, She is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Reginald Craggs, 34 Avenue street, ~Oshawa Times Photo duplicati and inefficiency Industry, labor and agriculture had to ple» their activities more systematically, Private and pub- lie planning had to be co-ordin- ated, { year-olds who started school on Tuesday, Seen here with her mother, Teryle shyly opens the | door of E, A. Lovell Public | The opening of the fall term in Oshawa schools opened new vistas for Teryle Craggs, one of the hundreds of Oshawa six- CAPSULE NEWS said, Mr m up defense tax Phreys, she invited the lawyer to : expressed With a hand mower because she concern at neglect of economic 9idn't like the noise of any pow-| cerned, resulting in serious gaps, anti-noise bylaw was passed, heard enough noise for this morn. ing." The first witness, Mrs, Coppin, testified the noise coming from al lawnmower, being repaired by| Mr, Olan, was so bad that it was| unbearable, "I just want a little! civilization around here In a R1 district," she said. ] On the day in question, she Olan's wife started to wow her own lawn "to cover La THE WEATHER OFFICE says cool, moist air lying over northern Ontario and northeast ern Quebec will move south- ward to cover all of both prov- inces by Friday morning, bring- CITY AND DISTRICT FALSE ALARM | er mower, He replied he might] The Oshawa Fire Department comie if he had a pair of ear Answered a false alarm to Ko mulls, She admitted the business hen's - Boxes Oshawa Ltd, 1ad been established before the William w., { | J In a spirited verbal duel with counsel, Russel Hum- come down and mow her lawn | St, this morning. | Mrs, Train said the noise was Wednesday morning, There was s0 bad "it would almost make ©ne routine ambulance call. you sick." She said that the ac-| GARDEN CLUB CLUB cused was always testing ma-| The Oshawa Junior Garden chines and bothering her, {Club will hold its annual show at When asked by R. D. Hum-\the Children's Arena auditorium, phreys, QC, defense counsel, to Saturday, Sept, 10, It is sponsor- give the specific times she heard ed by the Westmount Kiwanis the noise on the day in question Club of Oshawa. The show will she replied she didn't "have all pe open to the public from 3 p.m There were no other alarms since) go ooasts issued at 11 a.m.: ee ing relief from the current heat | northern Ontario will be 10 to 30 wave in southern regions, How- | degrees lower. storms ever, southwestern Ontario can | will precede entry of the cooler expect a high tomorrow in the | air into southern regions tor mid « 80's. Temperatures in | night, (CP Wirephoto) WEATHER FORECAST Slow Progress Of Cool Front TORONTO (CP) Official; Northern Lake Huron, southern | Genera Bay, Haliburton reg- Synopsis: Southern Ontario's|ions: Mainly sunny, very warm late summer heat wave Is mak-| and humid today with the chance ing itself felt again today withiof a thunderstorm by evening, most indications pointing to an-| Friday cloudy with a few showers other very warm and humid day or thunderstorms and turning {in the lower lakes regions again| cooler, Winds southwest 15 today, Friday, Cooler weather firmly light Friday. established over the northern! Northern Georgian Bay, Kirk. part of the province is moving/land Lake regions, North Bay, slowly southward into the Geor- Sudbury: Mainly cloudy with a FLORIDA 1 oytona Beark Niagara Area Project Okayed NIAGARA FALLS, Ont, (CP)|lice found Valerie Reniewick The Niagara Peninsula Conserv- 33, shot to death on the ver ation Authority will establish a anda of the house and her hus 100-acre project in Lough Town-'band Alex, 32, on a bed inside ship west of St, Catharines at with a 12-gauge shotgun beside an estimaetd cost of $33,600, To the bed be called the Ball's Falls Con ; servation Authority, it has been CHARGED IN SLAYING MONTREAL (CP) Jean approved by the Ontario eabi Claude Chalifoux, 23-year-old la net VE CAS PLANS borer, was charged with mur ROVE CAS PLAN! rer, was oh ' y JRONTO (CP)~Plans of the|der, Wednesday in the Aug. 31 JOR0 Idren's Ald So- robbery-slaying of a Hungarian Braat { Ooulid yh 015 admin} immigrant, Preliminary hearing clet 0 bulld a 33,950 , Hd : ' I anion building in Brantford was Jot for Sept 4. Emile Rek have been approved by the On by of a fractured skull swnment, Public Wel after he was found unconscious art Minister Cecile announced |in the doorway of his apartment Wednesday, The province will house, His pockets had been grant up to $30,983 emptied A ND CONSTABLE ONTARIO GETS GRANT PEND (CP)~Pro- , OTTAWA (CP)~The Canada vinclal Police Constable Freder- Council announced Wednesday feck G, Pollitt was remanded an $8,000 grant to the Art In. Wednesday to Sept, 21 on astitute of Ontario to enable it charge of impaired driving. Ballito distribute exhibitions through. was set. at $100, iy police out the province, p etails of id have not disclosed d WON'T RUN . AGAIN , Pollitt did not appear Jeon pi Crown Attorney| OTTAWA (CP)--Mayor George John Bradshaw sald he was In|Nelms announced Wednesday he| hospital |will not seek a third term at {the Dec, 5 civic elections. Mr, BARN SAVED Nelms, 55, told a press confer. FULLARTON (CP) Lorne ence that after 19 years of civie Ross, district farmer, won Aa service--four as mayor--he will race with fire Wednesday 10/re5ume his practice as an opti- warn a neighbor Cape Canaveral Atlantic Osean GRanD PAHABA | GREAT ABACO | MIAMI NASSAU BAHAMA ISLANDS La TITTY » KEY Wiest 2833 JAMAICA g223ass228882888s 222822222222 Kingston MALT) Ot mmican | HURRICANE AIMS AT FLORIDA Miaml, Is moving westward along the northern coast of | Cuba at a steady 10 mph, Flor. ida's southeast coast was put on hurricane watch yesterday (AP Wirephoto Map) Covibbonn Sen TRANSPLANT A SUCCESS PARIS (Reuters)----Officials at the Foch Hospital announced Wednesday the successful trfns.- plantation of a kidney between two unrelated persons, believed to be the first successful opera. tion of this type between twa persons without direct blood lines. W2bold) MEAT MARKE Lost Cash represented by your no-longer-used household items can be returned when you sell them with an Oshawa Times Want. Ad. Call RA 3.3492 now to place a result producing ad. v - f \ ) 5.3564 nC 16 SIMCOE STN. ® OSHAWA RA YOUNG FRESH KILLED ONTARIO--6-7 LB. AV, LEGS LAMB . 65° GRADE A FRESH YOUNG FRYING CHICKEN LEGS OR BREASTS .59* BRANDED BEEF, BONELESS & ROLLED POT ROASTS ¢ Ib BRISKET POINT R. J. LUCAS RINDLESS 1-LB. PKG. OUTER RIB BACON "" . §5¢ Once again it is the time of year for that special selected scientifically fed exhibition beef direct from Canada Packers iol display at the Ex, Will Be On Sale Starting This Week. For that extra treat you have been waiting for, order now while the supply lasts, Stephens, NOVEL BINGO THURSDAY EVENING 8 P.M, aot ST. GEORGE'S HALL (Albert and Jackson Sts) Games $6, $12, $20 May be doubled or tripled De Prize $15 $170 JACKPOT INCLUDED OSHAWA AND DISTRICT OLD COUNTRY CLUB DANCE to be held at the KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS HALL 184 Bond St. West, Oshawa SAT, SEPT. 10, 1960 8 pm. to 12 Spot Prizes OD Refreshments Tickets ot door, $1.50 each FIND OLD SKELETON SALISBURY (AP)--The skele. {ton of a child who lived 3.800 {years ago, wearing an earring made from the tusk of a wild boar, was brought to litht Wed- nesday near Stonehenge, the great stone array of pillars {Where ancient Britons wor {shipped Let Professionals Plan . . . S| Your Thanksgiving in New York Special Package Tours °. AMockennen inquire------ DONALD TRAVEL SERVICE WHITBY -- OSHAWA -- BROOKLIN PHONE MO 8-3304 A] CUBAN PAPER CLOSES HAVANA (Reuters) -- Cuba's rN op 3 HOME GROWN NO. 1 FIELD -- 6-qt. Bske, TOMATOES 435° 6 qt. bas. FRESH HOME GROWI GOLDEN RUSH CORN 45° doz. He recommended that the In- "| dustrial Development Bank have 0 00 nding fey . 4 A tla special lending policy for the amsi---- STATUTE MILEY Atlantic provinces, with special incentives offered to expand, i % ; '| glan Bay and Kirkland Lake Re-|few showers or thunderstorms to- sound economic development gay to watch the clock and Mr.|to 6 p.m | gions, accompanied by a band of day and Friday. Turning cooler where possible : - -- STREETS CLOSED showers and isolated thunder- Friday. Winds light today, be. Russell Beil, assistant research The following streets will be!storms, These showers will edge| coming north 15 Friday, director, Canadian Labor Con. closed for construction today: |into the northern Lake Hu on! White River, Timmins-Kapus- gress, ed, that unless sub ree- ear Ritson road north, from Kingland Haliburton areas by this kasing, James Bay regions: stantial remedial measures are east to Bond; Wilson road south evening with isolaicd thunu..- Cloudy and cooler with a few taken the Canadian economy from Olive avenue to Shake storms likely to develop over| showers today and Friday, Winds may find en 4 n . Posi on 9 T I speare avenue; Ritson road south Hiogt southern regions late Fri- northerly 15. [bi Te a rm n from King street east to Truce day. Forecast Temperatures [alt of the 10605 that deficit fi.| e street; closed to southbound traf-| Regional forecasts valid untill vows tonight, Highs Friday: ns o Sonne req a A He elt ' : fic; King street west from Waver-| midnight Friday: Windsor Danes n 3. Junie: sev on ley to Thornton under construc-| Lake Erie, Southern Lake st Thomas wou hol, ie or present condi nt dase tion, Taunton road east from Huron, Niagara, Lake Ontario Kitchener Eg is - ation oh i] Sond, Simcoe street to Ritson road|regions, Windsor, London, Tor-|y,ondon ] joe Sxpan i i] Jue is ig 88 | north, When ever possible streets onto, Hamilton: Sunny today.| Wingham jeducation, social secu [oy et' Edward Joseph Cosgrove, 44, will be kept open for local traf-| Friday mainly sunny but with|familton | vies, i r pay Tedeve opment, of no fixed address, was sentenc- fic, Emergency conditions such! isolated thunderstorms develop-| gf Catharines Joa 5, hospitals and 'low-renta ed this morning by Magistrate as weather could require the ing late In the afternoon or even-| Toronto «TURKS I, "OUsINg F s ig to three years in| closing of streets not on this st. ing, Continuing very warm and Peterborough ingstdn Penitentiary for break- 4 humid, Winds southwesterly 15. | Trenton : OBITUARIES | ine and entering MAPLE FROVE WINS t Killaloe | Cosgrove, already under sen-| The Maple eid oki ud . Muskoka | {tence on a charge of false pre- as game © finals from Zion Companies Lower North Bay FUNERAL OF {tenses for a Toronto offense, | ter 1 game will 'be pla ed! Sudbury WILLIAM MAYNARD [pleaded guilty to entering _the| 16, second gam Play Building Interest |Eeriten The memorial service for Wil- home of Stewart Storie, 201 King at Zon ght, g Kapuskasing liam Maynard, who died at his|street east and stealing $200 worth BOND DRAW {White River residence, 524 Finucane street, of jewellery, Aug, 11. George Perry, of Cobourg, was CRON Saree of Datiaws, Jast Monday, In hig 63rd] He has a criminal record dat-|the winner of the bond draw held| (om anies have lowered conven F S 11 B . f Pune has at the Armstrong ing back to 1935, In 1955 he was by the Darlington Softballl ona building loan interest rates ree pe rie a Sent, 7 ut 2 ym, Wel: sentenced fo three years in League, The draw was made by| i, seven from 74 per cent. Os Be of y , | Michigan for false pretenses, Roy Nichols who made a sub-| manufacturers' Life Insurance For Two Esca ees am Boyko of the: Jehovah's) mmm stantial donation for crests for Witnesses conducted the services, | i inning team in the pee wee Co, London Life Insurance Co, Cross locates centre of Hur. Interment was in the soldiers' the Wian 8 and Cutiayg, Lie Assurance co. TORONTO (CP)--One of three ricane Donna, which moved plot of Oshawa Union Cemetery, al urns 4 announc e lower rate during reformatory inmates who today toward southeast Florida, The pallbearers were Harry Ro. FINE MUSKY the weekend. Toronto General | ggcaped from a work gang In Shaded area indicates extent of |bertson, Arthur Wisner, Brnest! Fishing off Thurstonia Park, Trust Co, adopted the seven-per-| suburban Mimico Wednesday winds, which range up to 150 (Wilbur, Arthur Smith, Gilbert| Ld Sturgeon Lake, last Sunday,|®€nt rate two weeks ago. was captured within half an hour miles an hour. The hurricane. Taylor and Gray Maynard an S AC@ [james 7. Freeman, 1357 Park| The recent downward trend in and another gave himself up. about 400 miles southeast of | ; 4 : road south, Oshawa, caught and|bond interest rates accounts for) Police and guards arrested GE a rr FUNERAL OF A 65-year-old Fittings Limited|landed a muskellonge weighing|the companies turning fo mort-ipanjel Sheppard whom they * MRS. MORVEN HUGHES employee suffered second degree|24 pounds and measuring 44|Sa8e Investment, Toronto mort: found standing outside a nearby 1 n The funeral service for Mrs. burns to his face and hands in a|inches in length, Mr. Freeman, Sa8¢ brokers said YMCA building, Benjamin ax 1 Morven Hughes, of Bowmanville, | tar accident this morning {who was accompanied by his son| Wonsch surrendered voluntarily, that flames | sian | Xe Hed here Sunduy orang, 0, Heard, of 61 Muskoka Ave.,|.in.law, George Shullman, Gar. TWO MILLION a2 being LU Sound ting 4 ' . sept, 4, was held at the McIntosh-| was rushed to the Oshawa Gen- k about 15 Somers, d e were wor were sweeping across a field to LJ . A on : hy rard road, sald it took abou! ee i hout 200 area MOVIE O ) PLANNE nderson Funeral Home at 2 pm | eral Hospital after hot tar spilled. 4 on the reformatory farm when utd hr By "Mitchell fire At aoe PLANNED i (0) 1 al ways Wadnesday, Sept. 7. duct in his face and hands, He had | Ta cs land the fish FAMILIES LOST they broke away and jumped a ; wt halted the blaze 20 movie at rob iv histero he services were conductc. been carrying a pall of tar to a ence. Gepastment ia bam which con- he AA BUHL Saris. Kistory by Rev. M, A. Bury, minister of| roof-top when he tripped and fell, | Federal sens takers admit wi od 200 pigs [this fall in Cypress Hill . OTTAWA (CP) A plan to|not pay income taxes as long as|King Street United Church. In.|The tar fell on top of him, | eart oppe having "lost" about two mil. tained 2 tvincial k ren HES PYO-| free Canada's railways from pay-|it operates at a loss {terment was in Oshawa Union| The face burns are concen.| lion houses between 1950 and DRYS WIN ileia Jar bd he story will In" ing income taxes--with the sav-| The UGG sald the saving In Cemetery lirathd mainly on his forehead 1956. SOMBRA (CP)--A liquor ref- yolve lhe tre Shing Bull ings being passed on to freight|taxes must be passed on to| The pallbearers were Pat Dol: und one cheek i B Sur eons erendum in Sombra Township anc '8 Bloux to: Sas atchewan shippers--was outlined today by freight shippers, who, It sald, an, James Dolan, Douglas Taylor, | +m : Y g Wednesday saw the "drys" tri after the massacre of Custer's the United Grain Growers Lim-| have to a large extent had to|Allen Thompson, Carmen Thomp- | ooh for the third time in 25/forces on the Little Big Horn ited, a producers' co-operative of pay freight rates high enough to|son and Pat McCloskey . TORONTO (CP)--It now Is mph Voters cast 896 ballots/It Montana in 1876. The star willl some 60,000 prairie farmers {cover income tax payments, arrier arty possible for surgeons to render ariel liquor lounges and §73/be United States actor Hobert| my UGG told the MacPherson| The main point of the United FUNERAL OF a patient all but dead by stop- in favor. Walpole Island Indian Ryan | royal commission on transporta- Grain Growers submission was| MRS. ARTHUR J. NESBITT yy 3 ping the heart for up to 1% reserve, with 507 eligible voters, CAVEIN KILLS 3 [tion that it prefers to see the devoled to defending the contro.| The funeral service for Mrs,| 1S a ur ay hours, the second world ons) gistered 140 against and 87 in hh ev. = rallways cleared of Income tax|versial Crowsnest Pass freight/Arthur J, Nesbitt, 244 Burke| .. . gress of anesthesiologists was) register # MCBRIDE, B.C. (CP)~Three ) The boys and girls, w | favor. Other votes were held in| F000 Killed Wed ies charges than to have the federal rate level on prairie export|street, who died suddenly last oh ie ov ang girls, Who deliver|in1q Wednesday 1935 and 1047, with the "drys™ THE WEE E00 e 5 nesday| roasury subsidize the railways. |grain, a level pegged by law to|Sunday evening, was held at the fe Dia Ties to the Somes The process--profound hypo:| winning each time caved an oe high a Tavine) The grain growers co-operative| the rate structure of 1899. {McIntosh Anderson Funeral || hn ahi oy awa and. sur- thermia--lowers the body's cir.| hes ghway project wrence| The CPR and CNR have urged! H. t 3.30 Wednesds rounding districts, are looking| i 4 NC MORE 'BUSY' CALLS [19 miles west of this Cariboo iso Jpposed tay Intatiarence! ie commission to recommeny a iy 7 The Rv hy na, forward to their theatre party culation by means ol ates [ : : a p § ( 8 § A service § ver dg : 7, p a) ol TORONTO (CP) The Bell community, Dead are Alan Val:| \oW relaht Ryle Ye pa grain federal subsidy to offset what the|largely attended. Rev. N. T. Hol this soming Saturday morning, al Jump and hear lon Telephone Company says 1 has nie Frear, his 2l.year-old son, destined for export markets, [railways calculate are losses of | mes, minister of Harmony United The party Will be held at the ¢ ange 3 prat | adjusted equipment to make It Alan Eugene Frear, and an un YAR wists am ,.| more than $70,000,000 a year in|Church, conducted the services Marks Theatre and each carrier|and body temperature. impossible for multi-party con: identiied man from Prince| The UGG viewpoints were pre-|j,pgiing export grain at the|interment in Oshawa Union| '® Ping urged to bring his par-| As the temperature drops, the| i to be held over a George, Jjented a8 te Joyal, commission Crow level Fh was. in Oshawa TION ents or two of his brothers or metabolism rate drops, the ) gnal. The alterations . resume: 8 yearol nvestiga:| piagnosing some of the under 'palibeare! , sisters, {brain's oxygen requirements de- i made after it was discov] SPEED RECORD CLAIMED {tion of the problems of the ma lying causes of Canada's railway Davis Ralph Davis on I Two feature pictures, one of conse and the heart stops } 5 LOS ANGELES (AP) The! Jor railways and e far-flung | ailment, the brief said | | Wy 8, AV: them in technicolor, as well as a ered some weeks ago that calls| © Y , 4 the | » the brief said the pres-|is william Nesbitt, George Prin. hey pumping, were being made by two or US. navy claims a world regions served by them ent railway situation aad its|gle and Russell Nesbitt. number of cartoons, Will be|™p ie neart stoppage. the pa: more parties dialling a line closed-course speed record off The six man, commission, problems are the outcome of Past] eee | shown, [tient appears dead. Not even where the receiver was known 1,216.78 miles an hour for its hoaded by Regina lawyer M A national transportation policies. ray Promises to be al Ch Cres can be detected. . fastest fighter, the F.4H1 Phan.| MacPherson, was set up ------------------------ . " pal Success, A to be off the hook tom II. The record flight was Months ago to try to find a way it 1 S | w-- - The method, an extension of 2 DIE IN SHOOVING made Tuesday by Marine Lt-|to ease the railways' financial G 11 B | the so-called '*'decp-freeze" op-| HAMILTON (CP)--A husband Col. Thomas H. Miller, 37, at|Plght and also to lighten the bur. a ery uys More Pay, Fewer eration plonecred by Dr. W, F.| and wife were found dead in Edwards Air Force Base, Calif. den of high freight rates on rail H A d Bigelow of Toronto, was de- heir home here Wednesday over a 310 - mile triangular| "5°" Old M t : uto urns i i fhelt in a double shooting which course. The record exceeds by| In essence, the farm co-opera as ers 4 ours Tange scribed to the world congress by police described as a probable more than 400 miles an hour the tive called for a change to the OTTAWA (CP) -- The National] WHITBY (Staff) Mr. and! TORONTO (CF }-A Spvenspar Dr. C. R. Stephens and Dr. case of murder and suicide. Po- current mark of 816.3. |Rallway Act so that income Gallery has picked up two old/Mrs, Martin Woodside, Bakers: SON ge increase and a 0x Geoffrey Organe, chief anesthet- | NEW BUILDING PLANNED |'axes would not be considered faster and a 20th Century eld, California, were: admitted week feature a new three-year Sts at Duke University, Dur- COMING EVENTS | LONDON (AP)--A 12-storey an expense in calculating freight| "the horse. a small bronzel! the Ajax-Pickering General agreement covering 2,500 union/ham, N.C, and Westminister office building is to challenge rates. A concurrent change would| sculpture by the contemporary ospital this morning suffering members in the sportswear and Hospital, London, S-- ; the Tower of London's 900-year he made to the Income Tax Act Italian artist Marino Marini, Jun HEHE tuples Bp She Tema of 26 Sressmoking industry in the Tor Dr, a graduate of BINGO at the Avalon Thursday, Semt. [dominance over the tiled roofs! hw .| a truncated tail and narrow head ho 4 A ¥ onto area. | i versity \ H 0 Poi Fd Wg A Po 1 of the east oud. The Hh so that railway Income is ex | and CONYETS oh Au] impres,| TOW Line. | The new contracts, expected to/M ¢ Gill University, Monreal, and Soven $10 Jackpots ministry approved plans for the cluded from taxation sion of bluntness. | Travelling east on Highway be ratified today by members of said heart stoppages of 1%] Pr Charen Friday, Sept. building, despite protests that it] The plan would affect the prl-| Gallery director Charles Com.|401, in a dense fog, the couple the Taternational Ladies Garment pours with human beings and 10] at 1.30 pm . will overshadow the grey tur. Vately - owned CPR, but would fort described It as a "fine and failed to see detour signs where Workers' Union (CLC), provide hours with dogs had been lw rets of London's famous land. NAVE no direct bearing on the characteristic example" of Mar- an overpass is being constructed for an immediate pay increase, achieved at Duke, mark \ publicly-owned CNR, which does|ini's work, "which is remarkable and plowed into several signs. reduction of the work week to 39 In Britain human hearts have | gene p Rs "for an almost Chinese combina-|The auto went off the highway hours from 40 next January and been stopped for an hour | ¢ [tion of monumentality and terse-|but did not turn over to 37% hours the following year, een Sopp ' f Red Commanders | ness of contour." | p and provision of an employer-| After the heart operation is | The two old masters, both 17th.! The right front tire blew out oniributed severance pay fund.| completed, the hypothermia sar : Century works are St. Jerome|®® A result of the impact and Manufacturers have also agreed equipment warms the blood, the| 0 1tica uties by Goerges De La Tour of 'Aer the auto took fire and was tg place a union label in dresses metabolism speeds up and the i { France, and The Lean Kitchen, demolished. Members of the and sportswear heart resumes its work, MOSCOW (AP) Soviet by the Dutch artist Jan Steen. Whitby Fire Department, who SE . - military commanders are being| "Both Mr. Comfort and Chief/ Were called to the scene, attrib. made responsible for political a5 Curator R. H. Hubbard made uted the fire to the hlown tire well as military training of their! clear that they consider the De Constable 8S. Barton of the men La Tour a first-class find, It and! Whitby Detachment of the On | New regulations announced by the Steen work were purchased tario Provincial Police investi {Marshal Andrei Grechko Wed. in the: New York market, gated nesday stress the principle of id Doyniars sail he had been | S------------------------ - nly Englishdang o «one-man command, There is no! !nstructed by gallery trustees not go) Rn J) only English-language daily, The ay of the role of politicall to discuss values of the paintings] GIVEN REMAND Havana Post, founded in 1898, commissars who have long for "security reasons." | George Millar, of Uxbridge, {Will not publish today because guided Russian | 7 and ne He did say that the gallery Whose car was involved in a col. lof lack of newsprint y doth guide he Co: ny ph ay still has money in the kitty from |lision with Magistrate F., §, Ebbs' sp! and other units in the Communist doctrine the $150,000 voted by Parliament car last Wednesday appeared be- financial difficulties, The paper. The 50 - year - old marshal is for purchases in the current fis. fore the Magistrate in Oshawa workers' militia was ordered to deputy dpfuce minister nd cal year . court today on a charge of ob take the a t commander of Soviet ground Since the fiscal year opened taining liquor while a minor. The - . 4 ePaper a the forces, In July he was named to April 1, the charge arcse out of the accident guversinent hames an "inter command the Sovietled Warsaw chased 52 works Millar wos remanded for hearing |venor, Pact armed forces. | gether, he said. iin Uxbridge Court next Tuesday. gallery has of art over r Prizes pur alto

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