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The Oshawa Times, 13 Sep 1960, p. 9

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'Series Of Small Wars Foreseen The need for retaining the ea-|formetive which can be used if of the population ( y escape the effects of a nuclear] "Russia is attack, in the The Oshawa Times PAGE NINE SECOND SECTION TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 1960 2624 PUPILS High School Register Exceeds Expectations students, the school os size followed it from - its schools, 9204 IN PUBLIC SCHOOLS In the public HE ready, The club was told that Montreal, | {Ottawa and Buffalo would be the 4 main targets in the event of war| |but the odds were 60 fo 1 in favor {of the individual in this section of {North America surviving, At the same, time it must be kept in | mind that defences must be main- tained against threats of war, | in Barrand said thet ree 1] been ABILITY TO STRIKE [iy placed the burden for the| pected had enrolled, bringing Even if atom and nuclear) qminictration of civil defence on| total to 1200, the principal, G. hombs were banned, 14-Col, Woli| gue municipality, As clerk of the| Roberls said, Xo ton commented, there would ell) po picipality he would serve A More Grade 10 students Jad o Beet Au : { ~Col, , the | C188 ' chairman with 14.-Col, Wotton, registered for cha! Mr, Sisco said he thought it ol that area particles with effects would fall, BURDEN ON LOCALITY 1200 A At In his int Vv dents more than and stu ! % OSHAWA LIONETTES INSTALL NEW OFFICER Shown above are the new of- | left to right, rear; Mrs, Wilfred | Rufus Lambert, director and | president; Mrs, Jack Anderson, \be a threat, The best defence ficers of the Oshawa Lionetles, | Britton, secretary; Mrs, John | Mrs, "Ed" Wellman, treasurer, | president snd Donald Branch, | the event of attack was thel oo oii ior "as secretary, {es than could be accommodated The installation of officers wis | Kent, director; Mrs, Gernld | Seated, from left, are; Mrs, | hig non off ne Wel: ability to strike hack and an pd ry | was significant that nine boys in Mr, Roberts said, 'and some held at the Oshawa Shrine Club, | Hudson, pensity officer; Mrs, | Norman Gower, past president; gressor would think twice potorer, Under the. provisions uf By y Grades 9 and 10, who left last he Monday night, They are, from | Wolfe Miller, director; Mrs. | Mrs, Robert Schoeman, vice ~Oshawa Times Photo |launching an attack if he knew 'eBISiA ¥ | course and would only be able to| year to work, mainly on the cor: ---- that he would be hit in return, Decessary bylaw and other miin-| COU Bots in Grade| vair lines at General Motors, and . TRAIN LEADER" 'Maintenance | Staff Praised ein] | Jaycees Challenged |, oad To Boost Membership City as recuperative powers to come ready been given by Oshawa , Roberts others who had planned to leave pret an attack" said the| Council to have such a bylaw fused, Mr had changed their minds, he said, 58 OVER CAPACITY | Because Sept, 12 to Oct, 24 has| Leadership training is one of at present but during this mem. been declared membership month | the fundamentals of the Junior bership month, it is his commit speaker, who said that people will| drafted, With a Grade 9 class 38 strong, have a chance of survival in the| "Volunteers without the sup-| At the Oshawa Central Col-|ngy "gicon said this would swell legiate Institute, with a total of by the Oshawa Junior Chamber Chamber, Its members have a tee's intention to boost that mem-| * "antral Oollag of Commerce Douglas Fisher real sense of leadership, They bership by 60, Oshawa Central Collegiate Insti: event of an attack, For that rea-| port of the municipality would be the school considerably as it Discontinue general manager of the Oshawa not only learn to be leaders but] He warned the club that altufe, sald he very much appre- son they should receive sound in-| worthless," Mr, Barrand said, moved up the school and classes Chamber of Commerce, offered learn to accept leadership, steak and bean supper fs being ciated the work that had been N Executive Members of the Oshawa Board of Education voted Monday night 4 : ; uh |d he school hy R, H a challenge to the Junior Cham: p id in his 14 vears| Planned for Nov, 7 and the cluh|0one in | } ber at its first meeting of thelip ir isto? suid Hi ie} ars is being divided into two teams to|Lunney and his building and Rev, R, B, Milroy, minister of fo discontinue the teaching of Knox Presbyterian Church, was oral French to public school 1060-61 season Monday night. | which he rose to the office of form a membership drive | maintenance staff during the hol- Mr, Fisher challenged every in- national president, one of the No one will be aware which idays, f the Oshawa Mini dent of the A 5 jo puplls, terial As Two Grade 6 classes were ivi # Es i g the 'e# d 'e J Trustee 1 : hairman| dividua member to et out things he has noticed among the! team they are on, but one team Trustee M, Brown, E RVigus | Neb of oy Jaycees is the silent growth will enjoy a full course steak of the property committee, told sociation, He succeeds Rev, N. T, Holmes; minister of Har- chosen two years ago to recelvel mony United Church instruction Jn Jnl Pre. nk Others elected to the executive | report to the board, the si "include: Rev, G, F, Swackham- and bring them into the organi. which takes place within a young Supper and the other, which willithe hoard he had visited all the) tendent of public school edu:\mer. minister of First Baptist Eoin Ho 44 hee re oy te ho become. Sup (Aro brain In tho Sx. eh "choi and most of 1 ut can, or, CM. Rill, ou Chul, vicwprendnt; New, W. young men in the community cee, + ("have nothing but beans, And and found that the maintenance ined ga were being given| gi, Rion. Siniser of Cetra Who could have the direction off Mr, Fisher stated during a re-| yey viii ho lousy beans at that "department had done a tremend:| pgs - their lives changed if they enter-|cent conference at Western Uni: ie" committer chairman warned lous job ; at. present, ed the Jaycees, versity he was proud whenever i," .."aiiemnt to encourage the : he heard the Junior Chamber of FAST CHANGING WORLD Commerce cited by some of the Th speaker told ex the L. oing on to bigger, he said, NOMA MEETING Will Counsel On Use Of Telephone he (with the Bell company since her s+ graduation from high school |there, Her first position was as a teller in the commercial de- partment--the company organ. ization which handles business contacts with users of Bell's serv- fe The maintenance staff of the Oshawa Board of Education re-| {ceived a bouquet from hoard members and staff at the meet ling of the Board's committees {Monday night, H, E, Murphy, principal of the| The Lakeland Chapter of National Office Man t sociation, which has members In Oshawa, Whithy, Ajax and Bow. manvillé, will hold its first meet- ing of the fall and winter season at 6 p.m, in Hotel Genosha this Thursday, The speaker will he Miss Bar : ' bara Taylor, of Toronto, A cus. "Some of it can't easily bel omer relations assistant in the seen hut it has all been done very| peli Telephone Company's public {well," Trustee Brown sald, "Alllyeiations department, she will the principals are very satisfied." | sneak on the subject "Seen from Trustee A, E, O'Neill sald he|iho Telephone Doorway." was delighted at the changes the| e staff had made to TO GIVE SUGGESTIONS Her remarks will include sug: gestions for using the telephone in such a way as to gain the max. imum benefits from it In both business and personal life, She will point out how the tele- phone, to the unseen caller, serves as the "doorway" to a person's home or business and she will show how the caller, or the called person, gains an over es, From her teller's job Miss Tay- lor went on to hecome a stenog- rapher and after that a 'service representative', a job in whic she looked after applications for various types of communication services, Later "she went on to supervisory posts in which she trained and supeivised service representatives, MANY ACTIVITIES Miss Taylor joined Bell's pub. lie relations department (two years ago. In her present post she carries out a wide variety of pub. lie relations activities, Besides giving talks to groups in various sections of the province, she car. ries out many staff public rela Street United Church; secretary and Rev, K, J, Matthews, minis. The Board decided to accept enlisting of new members to the the report but agreed to put it on the Junior|jeaders in the business world "as olub, Chamber that we are living in a (one of the best places for a young PLAN GASORAMA ter of St, Luke's Presbyterian the agenda for discussion at the fast changing world today, And man to come up into the world of| The annual Jaycee #gasorama" | | REV. R. B, MILROY ! coming to the city = Rev, Mr, Carroll of Byng Avenue Pentes Church, treasurer, next meeting and gave Dr, Elliott A i . the 1060-61 season appointed three he said the first thing that is|pciness", {1s being planned for Oct, 1 and | city's public schools, members to committees, Trustee M, Brown sald he was Is a revolution going on in the|Jaycee movement for a YOUDE| a, hat day, the Jaycees will d represen d today. It 1s a revolution of man to not only better himself, | Lo oo. operation of the tiation Children's Xd Soil. Rev. public scheols seem to me the ber has fo gi lot Student Pastor only positive progress we have they want out of life, e member has to give up a lot| "A young man, who In this|of his time to the organization. It was also announced that 500) An anonymous donor, who gave Sitverdol A rat iat tion as the Junior Chamber of but also in his home life. One of | Commerce, He ean hecome the most important things the by becoming a Jaycee, can teach! "Membership," himself to become a leader," Mr, sald, "is one of the problems the {been hand picked and will be sold dent in the ministr iby the elub as its second money. |his gift this year making project for this season, CELEBRATING BIRTHDAYS y, has repeated Trustee G, A, Fletcher, chair. cation, sald at a meeting of the board's committees Monday night that the hoard had again heen entrusted with finding a student {all impression 'of the person at [the other end of the line -- and the company he or she repre {man of the Oshawa Board of Edu-|gents -- hy the manner in which that person uses the telephone, Other Bell employees from the company's business office in Osh. awa will dramatize some of the tions functions, These include work on post. card customer opinion studies and on special public relations events, arrangements for open houses at Bell premises, advising Trustee Brown but thought it essential should be given that it should be taught by French accent, Dr, Elliott said he agreed with| oJ Community Chest executive, Rev, Dr, E, R, MacLean, a re- tired United Church minister from Toronto, a representative of the Canadian Council of Churches, was the speaker, He that if oral French someone with a and assisting other Bell manage. ment people on public relations matters, and assisting other Bell costal Church and Rev, Mr, Ward of Westmount United Church Rev, W, N. Aitken gave a re. port on the new Oshawa Home or the Aged and preliminary lans were made for conducting nday services there, The coms mittee appointed to make ar chose as his topic "Religious In. struction in the Schools", COMMITTENS NAMED A ministerial association In ig hid Bee a bilingual addition to electing its officers for h at one of the changing In the modern world Is will again be held at Don Down's | MAalntenanc City's public, seh Rev, J, K, Moifat, minister of the people who inhabit It, BETTER THE COMMUNITY | Texaco service station on Sim King Street Senior School, ire Brent Torit uiuster ob According te Mr, Pisher there! He said it is the intention of the|coe street north, OE ---- deeply opposed to discontinuing| a tative to F d T A [] French classes, " h FE an ie, Smt a 2, nvr Tun To Assist RN world today have {0 decide what|fil his obligation to the Jaycees, the #216 of gasoline and car wash: ental Health Assoclation and . of made in education Ja Yio_pant Venerable Archdeacon H, D, two years," he complained," a world of changes 1s looking for di.| But the time the Jaycee de:|g. ih Pine (hris aa last va : now We are dropping them," orl o & angen ook ng lon |votes to his club will benefit him Scotch Pine Christmas trees have funds last year to support a stu- appointed to tthe Greater Osha. ate that hoe is kd py ih not only in the business worl aware of his economic standing YOUng man learns in Jaycees is| and the economic standing of the to get along with people, the | community in which he lives, He, speaker said, Mr Fisher Fisher sald, |Jaycees have today, A lot of this {problem is that the members are DEMOCRACY IN ACTION getting soft, They would rather r ts is Rev, W, N, Altken, convener; Rev, Mr, Goodswan and Rev, N, T, Holmes, RELIGIOUS INSTRUCTOR A full and comprehensive res port on religious instruction in the public schools and colleglates was given by the Rev. W, G, Dickson, He said there would be 81 classes of Grades 7 and 8 which would be taught by 28 min. isterial instructors and in the cols legiates instruction would be given in the Grade 11 classes, A new book, "The Story Jesus" will be used in the second term in the public schools, The speaker thanked the Dept, of Education, the teachers and the principals for their splendid co-operation and spoke of the help he received from his pre. decessor, the. Rev, C, D, Cross and the members of his commit. tee and from the membership of he Ministerial Association gener ally, The ministerial association de. cided to get more information on the 'Mission to Canada" by Tom Rees and party from February to June 1981, The Rev, A, Le. Drew Gardner of Toronto is als ready planning a schedule of the various centres which the team hopes to visit, of the ministry in need of funds Church offices in the city were being canvassed for suitable candidates, he told board mem- bers, 'BROOKLIN AFFECTED Restricted Parking Passed By Council A bylaw restricting parking in Brooklin for a distance of fifty terly for a distance of Twenty Brooklin was passed at the Town. (50') feet, | five (28') feet, ship of Whitby Council, Monday! On the east side of Baldwin| On the west side of Price afternoon, |street, from the southeast cor.|street from the north westerly To be enforced hy the bylaw|ner of the intersection of Baldwin| intersection of Campbell street enforcement officer, it will not be street and Roebuck street, south. and Price street, northerly along elfective until the Department of erly along Lot No, 67, Campbell I No, vy Campbell and Way Transport grants approval, |and Way Plan of the Village of{Plan of the Village of Brooklin The following Is the complete Brooklin for a distance of Fifty AR distance of Twenty-five {breakdown of the streets/(30') feet, ( > et twa . affected, | On the south side of Roebuck ek on oh ig of rice | When properly worded signs|street, from the south east cor. hi 5 Py Hol Jy erly in [have heen erected and are of|per of the intersection of Bald: terse on 3 am ol red and [displey, no person shall at any/win street and Roebuck street, 4 Res Reel ost Sy long Lot time park a vehicle on the high: |easterly along Lot, No, §7, Camp of th 'mpc a an [ways or parts of highways here-bell and Way Plan of the Village|q. 2 rage : ro he a inafter set out: [of Brooklin for a distance of ance of Tueulvd v a) et On the east side of Raldwin/Twenty-five (23') feet, street: hain tie Seth -- ot street, from the south east cors| On the west side of Baldwin tersection of Campbell street and iner of the intersection of Baldwin street, from the south west cor Price street, easterly along Lot [street and Pearl street, southerly ner of the intersection of Bald: , he No. i {along Lot, No. 43, Campbell and/win street and Campbell street, Re vaampbel NY Kay Lig points of the talk, NATIVE OF TORONTO Miss Taylor is a native of To. ronto who has been employed NEED INSTRUCTION Dr, Maclean outlined the history of teaching religion In the public schools and stressed the need of religious Instruction in the schools, The speaker told the gathering to provide for a rounded educa: tion, children must receive the religious message in their every. day schools as well as in Sun. day Schools, Religion must be taught as part of the academic curriculum in the public schools of today, he said, publie relations people engaged in such public relations activities as advertising and preparing public and employee information, Board Will Pay Student's Fees The fees of an Oshawa student at the Central Technical School, Toronto, will be paid by the Osh. awa Board of Education, board members decided at a meeting Monday night, The fees have been asked for by the school on behalf of Boris Ketelewetz, who until last year was a student of the O'Neill Col: legiate and Vocational Institute, ae Mucclation decided to G. L. Roberts, principal of eelings from the sec- OCVI, sald in the past students|ond Monday morning of each from OCVI at the school had man.| Oth In the Chapel at St, An-| aged to pay their own way but the drew's United Church to the third A Monday morning of each month, soa Wan ang, Solptauiiy, ie The meetings will continue to art was not provided by any of ie held as, Andrew's United the schools in Oshawa, he said, pels A second student from OCVI,(WELCOME TWO MEMBERS whose home was outside the city,| Two new members were wel: was having his fees paid for by comed -- Rev, Mr, Woolcott of the county, Mr, Roberts sald, |St, Mark's Anglican Church, who The chalrman of the board, G./ Succeeded the Rev. Neil Lothian Fletcher, said the board might be|and the Rev, Mr, McMillan of the compelled to pay the fees in the Free Methodist Church, who sues same way as district boards paid| ceeded the Rev, R. E, Dargan, It was announced that two other for their students to come to Osh. awa secondary schools for special | "eV members would shortly be ps hw sd wie TAILED SEVEN DAYS Accused Claims Congratulations and best wishes to the following resis dents of Oshawa and district who are celebrating birth. days today: Don Bishop, 164 Brock street east; Sam Mills, Gen. eral Delivery, Oshawa; Mrs, Joan Morton, 913 Brock street south, Whitby; Lynda Man. dryk, 330 Eulalie avenue; Barbara Armstrong, 1110 Hortop street; Joe Burke, 156 Leslie street; Ronald Gannon, #9 Bloor street west; Darlene Stazik, 739 Albert street; Joyce Westlake, RR 3, Osh» awa; Norma Williston, #853 Byron street north, Whithy; Barbara Henning, 37 Duke street, Bowmanville; Mrs, Mary Anne Rint, 172 Mitchell avenue; Teresa Comerford, RR 2, Oshawa, The first five persons to in. form The Oshawa Times of their birthdays each day will recelve double tickets to The Regent Theatre, good for a four-week period, The current attraction is "Please Don't Eat the Daisies", Reports on birthdays will he received only between the hours of 8 am, and 10 a.m, Phone RA 307 Town Approves Conservation The one place to see demo: sit at home and watch TV than eracy in action is in the Junior turn up at the meetings, But as Chamber of Commerce, That is) Jayeees, they have an obligation achieved through its constitution, |to "themselves as well as to the Its divisions of the budget and its | other young men in the commun: program of work for the mem: ity to get out to the meetings and bers, bring along other young men with them," Mr, Fisher concluded, 22 MEMBERS Jaycee Fred Ball, director of the membership committee, said [there are 22 members in the club Name School er Formed Man Escapes Specior From Police The Oshawa Board of Educa! tion has named Its new senior A suspected car thief escaped| TE SF sll of 48 Cbs ple pe F acho [officers early this morning, . | Detective Bruce McGregor and At a meeting of the board's patrol Sergeant Peter White were committees held Monday night in dispatched to Ajax about 1 a.m. the board room at the O'Neill joday to pick up and question al Collegiate and Vocational Insti: man suspected of stealing a car | tute, the board passed the fol: pom behind the Lancaster Hotel lowing resolution {in Oshawa earlier Monday eve "That the new senior publie/ning, school now in process of cons] The suspect was placed in a struction on Wilson road south be police cruiser but managed to named the T. R, McEwen Senior jump out again while the officers Public School," were out of the car 1a making the motion, the He ran between tw chairman of the hoard, Trustee #nd has not heen seen since, | G. A. Fletcher, said the name Constable C, Daniels, of the Roberts that it was worth doing, The board also agreed that the question of students attending courses, not provided locally, should be investigated, 0 buildings | should be given to the school in Pickering Township police, took recognition of Mr, McEwen's he man into custody after he outstanding services to the city 3aW him getting out of a car of Oshawa during the 17 years Answering the description of the that he held the position of pub. fe Nolen earlier and go inte lie school inspector, Nhe hoi 3 Nox George "The first senior public school Sills, 319 Annapolis avenue, was| was established on King street) recovered, | spectorship and t 1s filling that CUT TREES TO STOP STARLINGS a senior public school should be given the name of the man who A Connaught street resis dent reported this morning was most responsible for this new departure in the Board's policy, "Mr. McEwen was skiliul and] "tireless in the performance of his| 'hat "a beautiful avenue of duties and the hoard takes great! 'Tees Is giving way to the starlings" Apparently the starling menace along Connaught sireet, one which has been pleasure in commemorating his qualities hy honoring him in this way," Trustee Fletcher said. The motion was passea wnani:! nated for its tree-lined boule. Mously fh vands, has become so bad that " , the city works department is FEATURE TCA CHIEF sending work crews to out LONDON (CP) -- The Daily! down every second tree along Telegraph Monday. published & the street to help eliminate portrait of Gordon McGregor, 54, {M% darling menace, preside of Tans Canada A Reventon Conan Lines, The portrait is accompan- everything to eliminate the starlings but to no avail. Fi nally the city envineering des fed hy a story describing Me! partment had to be called in, | Gregor as the senior pilot of the Battle of Britain, which has its Ath anniversary this week, \ Levy Of $498 BOWMANVILLE (Staff) Town Council Monday, approved the payment of $498.71 as Bow. manville's levy by the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Au thority for 1960, Councillor O, J. Presson sug gested the Conservation Author ity minutes be read in detail Deputy Reeve Ivan M, Hobbs, asked if the council was still af filiated with the Conservation Au: | thority. He said, after they re.! quested in their letter for a frank yes or no to the town's partici pation in the authority, I didn't think we were still associated with them, Councillor Presson explained "It is hy an act of the Provincial legislature and you can't drop out." Mayor W, D. Carruthers said "Once you are in these things, | it's not easy to drop out, just like the high school area. How. ever, if the authority stays with the true purposes of conservation we'll go along with them. We! were opposed to the large sums of money they were proposing to spend in taking arable land out of production and using it for con | servation purposes." | Way Plan of the Village of Brook-|southerly along Lot No, 62, Camp: lin for a distance of Fifty (30') bell and Way Plan of the Village feet, {of Brooklin for a distance of On the east side of Baldwin Twenty-five (23") feet, street, from the north east cars| On the south side of Campbell ner of the intersection of Baldwin|street, from the south west cor street and Roebuck street, north- ner of the intersection of Bald: erly along Lot No. 56, Campbell win street and Campbell street, and Way Plan of the Village of westerly along Lot No, 62, Camp. POLICE CHECK {lage of Brooklin for a distance of SHOTGUN LEAD | Twenty-five (25') feet, On the west side of Baldwin Oshawa police have recovs ered a shot gun which might distance of Twenty-five (35°) feet, | On the south side of King street from the south westerly intersee. tion of King street and Church street, westerly along Lot. No, 148, Campbell and Way Plan of the Village of Brooklin for a dis. tance of Twenty-five (23') feet, On the west side of Church [street from the south westerly {Intersection of King street and {Church street, southerly along Lot No, 148, Campbell and Way [Plan of the Village of Brooklin {for a distance of Twenty-five (25%) feet, On the east side of Church To Entertain New Teachers The chairman of the public re-| lations committee of the Oshawa Board of Education, Mrs, C, C Lee, will be assisted at a rece) tion to be held hy the board Wi nesday to welcome the new teach: ers in the city's schools by wives of hoard principals. members, officials and Lack Of Memory Despite protests that he was)fy in his own defence, he told the being framed, William Flint, 39, of magistrate: "What's the use. I'll RR 1, Brooklin, was jailed forjonly get framed anyway. ™m seven days by Magistrate F. 8. |figger it all out later", , Monday, Charged with] Magistrate Ebbs suggested that drunk driving on Brock street "later" would be too late. north, Whitby, early on Friday,| Flint replied: "It's always too Sept, 9, Flint claimed he knew late, anyway". nothing about the incident. The Niuctant ihiied bg ¥ Corporal James Barter, of the nally coaxed to testify. He Whithy Police Department, said|the court he couldn't have started Flint was a passenger in a pick-|the truck because he had been street, from the north west cor have been used to rob the bell and Way Plan of the Village up truck, "We stop) the truck|dri ner of the intersection of Bald {win street and Campbell street, {northeily along Lot No, 63, Camp: Oshawa CNR station ticket office Saturday night, A man roughly fitting the of Hrooklin for a distance of Twenty-five (23") feet, On the south side of Campbell street and Vipond road as ex. {tended from the north east angle {of Lot No, 3, Plan 601 easterly {for 208" 6" to the westerly boun {dary of the Campbell and Way {Plan of the Village of Rrooklin and continuing easterly for an additional Fifty (30') feet in front of the description of the hooded ban dit, walked into a South Osh. awa furniture store Monday afterncon and tried to sell the gun for $5, Oshawa police were called but the man fed before the officers arrived. A search of the streets in the area fail ed to locate him, The shotgun has been taken to the provincial crime labor tory in Toronto for compari son with the shell found at the scene of the shooting, No, 80 On the north side of Campbell ner of the intersection of Camp: bell street and Price street, wes {street from the south easterly in tersection of King street and h Church street, southerly along {Lot No, 149, Campbell and Way Plan of the Village of Brooklin for a distance of Twenty-fiveiwi be: Mrs. W. J. MacDonald, (3) feel, {Mrs, G. L. Roberts, Mrs, Wm. PENALTY {Shaw, Mrs, C, C, Lee, Mrs, G. A | Any person violating any of the| Fletcher, Mrs. 8 G. 8 provisions of this bylaw shall be Mrs, J, R. Backus, Mrs. H, E, subject to a penalty of not more/ Murphy, Mrs, G. K, The afterncon tea which will be| eld in Adelaide House will be (supervised by Mrs, H, B. Armv| |strong, | The ladies helping Mrs, Lee| Drynan, southerly extension of than Ten Dollars ($10.00) for the Mrs, M. Brown, Mrs, J, A, Yanch, He had to be assisted from the, {Price street and a portion of Lot first offence and not more than! Mrs. W, G. Bunker, Mrs, F. R.[truck, He couldn't stand alone. | and arrested the other charge," Barter said, "While we were putting our man in the cruiser, I heard some. one start the truck again, I ran to find Flint sitting behind the wheel, He was attempting to put! the truck in motion, | "When 1 opened the door, he river on am ving for 40 years and knew cttot than to drive while drunk, lara © admitied be had been "preity The magistrate asked Flint if ithe original driver of the truck had been drunk. Flint said he idn't know who the driver was, "but 1 guess he was drunk", He Sa h ho x, aan, [Pulled the keys from the igailion. |" Cle a wander vo A he been killed," the magistrate sad. id he often got rides home haven't "You can't kill rubbish," Fifty Dollars ($30.00) for every Britten, Mrs, N, A, Sisco, Mrs. [He talked a lot of nonsense and!scoused retorted. {subsequent offence, exclusive of C. W, Minett, Mrs. H, M. Sparkes, {be recoverable under the Ontario! Werry, Miss M. G, Summary Convictions Act. Mrs. R. J. Mackie. started singing, He was quite (Street, from the north west cor costs, and all such penalties shall Mrs, A, E, O'Neill, Mrs. W. T./happy," the corporal testified. [hack Kelly and] When Magistrate Ebbs asked He suspended Fliat's ithe accused if he Tanted to testh-'six months, Magistrate dated the sentence to Friday, the day of arrest,

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