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The Oshawa Times, 13 Sep 1960, p. 16

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16 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tussday, September 13, 1960 5% THE OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS bi I Aone mi i Oshawa, ! | ; a gyi ha 20890, WE. DEWAR sad €o., and Auditors, Cedar Glen ,» 11 On tario Street, Oshawa, Ontarie, BA - 13--Gordening & Supplies| 15--Instruction 5 CLASSIFIED AD RATES fuen A Bw Crane Ham. 225 24 0 a7 402 Emin Ea Er anal share CEDAR trees for o- ive, ? ny ste, Delyeied lawns MA 3 ron ros lifting. sovaving and prus- | 16 lf mpists davies Serves Cu Bk id TnL ft fr $1.50 per yard Jor Ra, and driveways month, Each initial letter, abbrevietion, $ onde figure, counts os © word, Box 15¢ additi Sol ER Residence, dis] RA JosErn P, MA NGAN, a0, arrister, an, (ri ANI St EL 32201. Resi RA and Solicitor, Telephone; Business dence, RA 83-5373, lacs Vo lh, EEE 0 ,|Phome RA 53521, Harold R, Stark, ALL plumbing and heating _ #0 ies. 1d, mbing, heating and engineer: ing, 365 Bimeoe Street South LL types of carpentry "work "and poo work, chimney repairs, Saves, all bins Jak ve estimates, pling Toohut, INTION! Bungalow owner ty Gliddon Products su COMPLETE GARDEN SERVICE Gordens ploughed, disced, landscoping, wood eut trees removed, RA 8-1798 TV TOWERS 40-ft, self-suppor towr, Hot dip gelvanized, paint, Complete with new Wave. Master all - channel ontenne, Total price, installed ond 4000 a He valeseing Siderly ry dad tad yf pe and second morigage, sal sale AURORA SAND & GRAVEL Brick, Sond, Crushed Stone, Rood Gravel, Pit Run, VALLEY FARM RD, Phone Mobile Lind TEmple 9-2541 LANDSCAPING SERVICES Weeds treated, field nursery sod, top soil, gravel, sond fill. Complete service. Weed control, Free estimates, ED KNOWLTON RA 5-6047 BY OSHAWA GARDEN SERVICE LANDSCAPING Specializing In foll seeding ond planting. RA 3-3222 ied Five and six-room bungs E ¥ SAMENE, WA, ete, Wimeoe | Street 13% * North Office RA 53741; Residence RA ve RA 5.5542, BOWMAN, David L. tor, 3% Simeoe South. RA 5 denice, RA 8-0264 JOUN A, CAMERON, bar ister, solic: tor and notary public, 18% King Street East, RA 3.2200, NHA and private mortgages arranged, Barrister, Bolici- 59592. Resi GREER, murphy and MacDonald, Bar risters, Solicitors and Notaries Publ 286 King Street West, RA 54717, Russell | P J. Murphy and James A, ext MeGIBBON and BATE hy Ba | Solicitors, Cliens' funds wt TH first mo 0 84 on ¥ harles C, "8 ila foo &. Wetivoon, 661 i THOMAR, M {low exteriors, painted, $55 and 57864. Phone RA stairs, rec-rpoms, garages. No job too | mall JEubetimotd workers, Pickering | WH 26143, ALL Kinds of ullding "and repairs, recreation rooms, roofing, water proof sonable rates, MO & [GENERAL i building, all kinds of re- work, masonry. No job to] small, KA 5.1479, WATERPROOFING specialists. Root to cellars, For a 255 Bowma RULLDORING | » i MO 85613, Free es Phi rid Ti Brothers, 38 dillcourt Drive, Whi W, WONDLE, Darsisior, ol itor and and Notary tary Public, x King 6--Optometrists a, Nu pay accounts at FE TOOK RO, optometrist Pioss Bank or 74 Burk el Taoalds on eld A iminaton 7% ah po TED VEENHOF WELL DIGGING CLEAN OUTS AND DEEPENING COMPRESSOR WORK RA 8-3864 | For complete garden serv- Al CARPENTRY - Kitchen "cabinets, | | ing, Brick Bloc and Semen work. Rea: | 2204 9---Building Materials BUILDING To Tor sale ple. ae fo be moved be used for a stone, 4 fee on pesutiful natural MO 83631, NORTHEX GRADING AND EXCAVATING All types of earth-moving, CALL FOR ESTIMATES TORONTO PL 7.5211 11Business Ovportunitios FOR RENT -- Large siore, §0od 1008. Fy Available Riri Frome Me MO ON Ti eames Ih area, 496 Albert Street. RA 3.3635, FOR RENT or hie, restaurant i or fo counter, \obaoco ete, good book wales, 154-156 Willlam Street East, ice and maintaining -- sodding and fall planting. Call RA 8-6366 OSHAWA HOME LANDSCAPING LOAM GRAVEL - SAND FILL ond STONE RA 5-5279 PLANT NOWI EVERGREENS somplete stock, 22 varieties, LAWN SEED (no charge for seeder) POTTED MUMS FERNS, CACTI FOLIAGE PLANTS VAN BELLE GARDENS HIGHWAY NO, 2 MA 3.5757 BOWMANVILLE STORE, can be used for Iarge or two small stores; also four-room apart: ment. RA ea. 333 Ritson Road South, FIRHING & unting camps, resorts, lodges, FR land for develop: ment, restaurants, service stations, GARAGES EXHIBITION SPECIAL 10% OFF COLONIAL HOMES 134 SIMCOE ST, §, {RA 8.4614 stores, in boom Kawartha Lakes | district, oil re icture Usting follo, Cook mited, Re tors, Pete , RI iverside 24234. 12--Dressmaking : PREMMARING and alterations. RA 14--Housenold | Repairs YOUR local chimney cleaner, "Chim- neys built and repaired, gas linings ine stalled, furnaces vacuumed, Free esti mates, RA 3.2007, PROFESSIONAL painter, paper A er, at your service. Guatanited Wo! *|manship and materials, RA FROFEABIONAL pal ST Wand: er, Guaranteed otk mantp and ma. terials. Al Conroy, RA PAINTING and ri d males, work guaranteed, i ha 13--Gardening & Supplies ANY kind of garden ork by expert, |" reasonable rates. RA 8-1524. DODD & SOUTER PAINT~~WALLPAPER PAINTING & k DECORATING CONTRA BA ve i coll EVENINGS RA $3426 107 Byron St. S., Whitby BUILDERS Coramic Hed, BUlvosm dup. " plied and fix compiete with four fittings. Large color range. 4 First class trodesmon, Phone anytime, RA 8-1177 W. WARD WELL DIGGING BY MACHINE SPECIALIZING IN 30" TILE WHITBY, ONTARIO MO, 3863--MO 8-3009 204 CHESTNUT ST. P.O. BOX 329 CLIFF BROWN GRAVEL & SAND LOAM Prompt Delivery RA 8-895] CROSS TOWN SOD SUPPLY Al rolled fertilized sod cut fresh daily, prompt delivery. Special contractor rates, RA 5.8504 PATIO STONE FLAG STONE STONE PLANTERS ROC ARy STONE Ql BSHAWA GARDEN SERVICE RA 3.3222 GRANDVIEW SOD SUPPLIES We specialize in A-1 fertils ized field sod. Prompt de liveries for Oshawa and Dis- trict, Field loading for trucks ers and special rates for con- tracts ; RA 8-8111 Flowering and Tropical Foliage Plants, We still have o good selection of plant boxes, Evergreens, shade trees and potted roses, etc. rem PRECAST CONCRETE SEPTIC TANKS SIDEWALK SLABS COLORED PATIO DURA STEPS CURBING - WELL TILE BROOKLIN CONCRETE PRODUCTS LIMITED OLiver 5-3311 VAN BELLE GARDENS 2 Miles Bost of Oshawe MA 3.5757 BOWMANVILLE (OPEN EVENINGS) OWEN BROTHERS CO. LTD, TREE EXPERTS We specialize in tree prune ing, tree planting, tree re« moving, cavity work Phone RA 5.5287 HAULAGE LTD. LOAM ~ GRAVEL FILL -- STONE | RA 3-3528 CALL JOE, RA 08-6444 for carpentry, painting and handyman, Work guaran. oe FURNITURE repaired and re-uphols- tered, See our materials for re.cover yf RA S818, R. Dalton, 78 Charles Street, YOU'LL find exnclly the worker you want with an Sstiawa Times Want Ad, Call RA 3.3402 now. ING "PHCOGRATING [3] 3) tradesman: tenor exterior, Roxa: tone heh ou rantesd, Pros FIRST morgage motiey Wahled on a owntown room awa, Will pay good interest rates FA or write Frank Hazlett, 3005 Bathurst Street, Toronto 19, Phone RA 3-1733 or evenings RU 7.0387, BRIDERT Hats made fo match your gowns from your own materials, in cluding coat, a suit or dress, RA 5.7008, omplete rivacy, all Soni. Contact' RA 52031 between 4 cash price Phone OL 5.3019 27 Fuel & Wood DRY hardwood h Snde, suitable for fur. aces, stoves, Ld and 6, BOWLERS! For fun and Join our our Aoclal bowling club, Pion Ron IGRNIG er "Th, Tone delivered, Phons RAT Botta" 28-~Summer Properties nick and Hennick, Barristers, 31 King Sireet East, RA 37232 CLIENTS monies ios available for able for Hirst 4 Wi. ¥, os fle puch No- try pubic, 30 King: East, Othaws, SS. it, ny ths {0 PBY, vor cent, month pers servis your homes, eall MONEY TO LOAN $2,000.00 to $50,000.00 for immediate loon on First and FE HATE ~clieniv monies available guaranteed for yeor, wy id ie ribs of morgegts ad TV Enterprises aETecmenla of Sale, iy aT 253 Drew St. ART money 1 loan on first RA 3-3553 gage, Mortg: Mist sale GE TS. HE i SPECIAL ON FAMOUS SAMPSON TV TOWERS 40-ft, tower structure with single Radess AC 2-13 all- channel head. $59.95 come pletely installed ond gueran- teed | yeor, RA 8-8180 OSHAWA TV 361 GIBBONS ST, ly of six boy ie 1 snd boy 8. Wing aiing MOTHERS . Need extra money for school outfits? Avon Cosmetics hos , Earnings begin at once. Coll todoy, LEnnox 6-0627 © SALESLADIES Second Mortgages, Agree- ments for Sale, on vacont and improved property, residen- |SPEGIALI Tieat tial ond Industrial city, sub Cola wave $6.00, urban and country, and Sum- mer cottages. 43--~Women's Column rmanents, 90.50, age Hairdressing, RA 5536), Pine Avenue, FULL AND PART TIME Must be experienced, 24--Market Basket Summerland Securities Lim- [EANNING tomatoes i Busha rink ited, 112 Simcoe Street [your own containers, eb Phone RA [of Raglan, Don Linton, FOR LADIES' WEAR SIMCOE BY. 8 5-356 MONEY TO LOAN Monies. for all types of mort. goges; for first and second mortgages on dll types of real estate including vacant lands; short term mortgage for mortgages and agreements for sale purchased. Apply M, Swartz, 262 King Street SPANIRL | pups_for » ad: ind each, Phone R. 7 50830 after ~--e| 25--Pots & Livestock or "ool "of nuiria, wiiver grey, seven months old, same stock being sold ecom- {mercially for $600 per pair. Sacrifice $250 with cage. RA 65-8604, COLLIE pups, healthy, mother pure 85 each, #5 59204, PIGEONS for sale. trumpeier and fan § + alls, Apply J alde Avenue Eas builders; first ond second | tor 4 pm BEAUTIFUL baby budgies, ready for training, talking strain. Broad, 114 FEigin Street East , Telephone RA ios owe Tolaohere RA \uptsl nimi ool RE O 18a--Mortgages WwW ANTED Good homes for three cute kittens PHONE RA 5.9452 SECRETARY firm, good starting salary, pleasant working conditions, excellent fringe benefits, doy week, Please reply stat. ina qualifications to five "weeks farm raised, red boarder, from $2 to ilson Road South. RA |36--Female Help Wanted A41--Room & Boord Mewliguise, Apts, FVONY pr ---- [ HE al, three. Toons, ose 10 RAE gl ee ETS MK own dewellerys Fre ond Rai, Set Ed Dai ft - Xmeonst,| koond ~ Sehr Hs nud HOUSEKEE VER requ) a for WM std downtown. pA 83643, Mates Clas te" wath EL packed, i 1y ai loc iocalan. Avply Mee ir, Win ed [77 wr Mill Street, BO ES a RA 80004, LA phy NA, single beds, home nih privileges, close to down town. cooked meals, plenty of clean, quiet German home, 81 Toad South, Koo and board for gentlemen, con Koly ul Ritson Rond Wo Kentiomen to share, ds | home privile home Lunches fried RA 57043. ROOM and board for one lady, pri vale room, near bus "on. a Mor 5 rm, L560 Athol East, RA QUIET gentleman, ollie] for ¢om- fortable Dome, central, Please ROOM and hoard | for 4 two teachers or da ay» ad North an and A iavde vi RA ROOMS A "vent, with ¢ son Road IN CLEAN | diet "home, Good beds, 0 to South GM And Shopping | 8 water, close u centre, 81 Park Road Routh, ROOM for gentleman, board onal, close to South GM plant, RA §- OSHAWA TIMES Apply Mrs, EXTRA MONEY Canada's finest Xmas cards, includnig Deluxe, and Personal cords, bbons, Toys, Books, 19--Personal 26--Farmer's Column Dolls and Jewelry, Many DEAD farm stock picked up prompily. Phone collect, Hampton, Cox on, Margwill Fur Barm, 43--V ented To Rent HREE by October 20, Central ari Kod Fe J : EEE EE rn cy re HET Pim Vo a plat Tar fonth, features Move, 1 ge ROOM i board for ge senilerian. | an. Home i; I 7% Ara Eh yo or Prhawa. C all Ll i oy ous hot water, TAL nn per J oun, vate hath oy e, Parking space, Phone ties wie? ren without boned, 296 King Sirect East, near Mit re SAREE modern "ph {frigerator and slove Bireet before § pm, THREE : room basement Apartment, HR ruEy i vate and bath, id FL.) PA nes mtral, et contained bedroom spariment or ie ed South aM, on rr bamves awe reese EE at trates, Apply Maple Grove Inn, two gid in he ghey vo 3 room, targe » he 104, Grentel) *utohe, to HT THREE a ee ted a) hot Brat Intranet, ER py fe ih td somvente W-\FOUR ~ room spariment, sullable for |i A isla" ly kl Ay Wd FRET oy fy a "Cin tt ' poly 18 Contre miles west of Bowmanville, CHERRYWOOD, six-room brick | 20 miles east of downtew! 4 ie, 3 = Ba Sentral, ee J reer | FWO © TOOM apartment, AN a at 730 Sim: TWO furnished (oom, ome," private Ball room, suitable for twe Fk jo Kn, Street West. Phone fe A waliesbie: ay : ai ond ut, oy er $0 minis Avy 0k Bloor We 4 JFEMIONALLY decorated, Ba ¥, trical), i a 0] equ eilties, oni iy Josaled: Open for rE I AR at 67 McMillan Dri WANTED - Th Wiurnished, to suit business woman, ble, eentral, Oct, Phone RA 80705, WANTED -- (hres + room, sei-eonta couple, abstainers, November Box 8, Oshawa Times, ed ground floor apartment, w "wit THREE - room "obi ment, stove and ) at, ton or" Phoms pre on -- -- "room aparimet. "heated, a Tah or Ra a quire small house or four-room apart: ment, Write Hox 135 Oshawa Times, WANTED - Two YOUNG eo couple with two children ve: | room a: basement ws %: a Wout: Phone oa fis oa after § two children. : Preferably north distriet oF Jat WANTED -- immediately a YANTED ~-- Two gentlemen or ladies, willing to share three room apartment, two - row com mn Vianisr with fe on Je godron oS 3ting Will pay top WE REQUIRE 2 YOUNG onve: jopes with price iu? hy "mn les, 25 gents) 11) ov inte 1.00 Order |. Dept, All ubber con WAGARS Wit School -- Govern: week Wiitehall 3-503 ment licence, fully Tonired, a con trols, Call evenings. RA #- ELECTROLYSIS y 3 (TWO mong, near Denutiful Kawartha miles northeast Toronto, For ing follo, write Bowes and Cocks ited, Realtors, Peterborough, 2 y + bedroom cottage, Lake terhorou boat. Special for September, TTAGES, eam) Homer, Acres; TO INTERVIEW CUSTOMERS AT OUR DISPLAY BOOTH AT COUNTY EXHIBITIONS Selling experience helpful, TELEPHONE BETWEEN gh, inside oi ' i Lakes district, free list: Lim. sid Removal of superfluous hair Marie Murduff will be in Oshawa, Sept, 13th and 14th, these dates for appointment, MRS. ANN PROFESSIONAL PALM READER phone RA 54 ment, FOR RENT -- Tent traller aecomodatey six people. 326: 28a--Trailers TRAILER, (we » wheel, new fires, steel Phone Genoshe Hotel on [frame and ton ue, 475, half cash, after 5 for appoint: Tele: 37--Male Help Wanted WANTED -- Trucker's helper. he strong and willing, Permanent posi: By week $35 hone M lon, shpply Breet Bouth. Furniture Co, CARD READER AND ADVISOR Bring your problems to her, No appointment necessary, Open daily from 10 AM. to P.M, RA 8.4141, 140 Jor South, ft. nished, Balsam Lake, 100 ft one-hour drive, three bedrooms, 17 x 3% living room and kitchen combined, 29--Summer Properties FOR SALE -- Summer © sottage, "hur MARRIED mon (with car) for sales And service in the towns of I Alax, hii by, Oshawa and Bowmanville, tunity for life-time Nagi to party, Write Box 32 Oshawa Tne fifepines. a ane, Jr 21---Personal Service 9106 pom RA 38 ow o- . WANTED HAY fever suffers! Inquire about the Puritron machine [ Oshawa, Beauty| 30---Lost & Found Supply 3 King Street Bont | Tn downiown™ Bank: Photo. "(graph album, Owner LAWN mower a outhoard motor re joie and and sharpening service, ossland on identification, Phone RA 81787 after ports antre, 12 Re Rosana Road West, |g p.m. RA 35-7403 or RA CHEN' VTERFIRLN and old chairs re: odern Upholstert Simeos dire? Nori, Call Fy The for a free ma OWESTERFIBLDN rebuilt, recovered, like new, Why w a ore? Our rates are reasonable, Satisfaction guaran: feed, Mattresses rebuilt, Oshawa Up: gh Co., 10 Bond Street West, isl RA TOMBING and heating phos, 0 lings Hiatures new and used, from fo tank to sewer i po thy ty, stl ations at reasonable rates, information and est Anates free on pe of plumbing, Dial RA Fh -FURNACE SALES LONT--Sum of money and Brock Street Sept RA 59104, YOUNG MAN To start in the advertising dept, of Oshawa Times. Some hing knowledge may have same J ny Vee Wards TRY OUR BAR-B-QUED CHICKEN |FouUND = German Whe Chicken plate, half chicken with french fries, fish and chips, hamburgs,- hot dogs, milk shakes. pherd (sliver, jurebred) elght months old. Contact w 21067 G R. Thomas, WH ey spelling es- FOUND = In downtown bank, "photo. graph album, Owner may have, same on ideniifieation, Phone RA #. after MODERN GRILL 6 p.m 18. Come " and fill out an application, WE DELIVER---RA 5.3887 (LAWNMOWER & ENGINE © 1 mor, SALES & SERVICE |RA Go-Cart Engines & Rotor Tile lers, Used Engines Bought and Sold. Authorized Clinton, Lauson Power Products, Pin. dor Service, 81 Central Park Blvd. S. Phone RA 5.4633, (32--Articles Wanted ASK FOR MRS. KENNEDY IN THE ADVT, DEPT, OWER . A Tvinnide Jit au. WANTED SCRAP IRON, POULTRY AND FEATHER TICKS SALESMEN The Amana Plan For Better Living Requires two salesmen for Oshawa and District, have neat appearance, good HARVEY DANCE ACADEMY--Baton, Tap, Royal Academy, Ballet, High hand, Register now, West, RA 132. LEARN TO DRIVE At the Oshawa Drivi Licensed by the Police [ve 0 Fully trained Instructors Standard, Automatic care RA 8-009) BALLET STUDIO OF TORONTO MARIA de KURTHY Former Member of the Vienna Opera House OSHAWA ACME | | Ballet, acrobat, | 7 RADIO, car radio Topairs, Al 22--Radio Repairs makes Thompson Electronics, 157 Elliott Avenue. RA 3-978 (Fred). T.V. RADIO SERVICE $10 Allowance for your old Picture Tube TOWERS § different types to choose from, All heavy galvanized 16-gouge steel, Installed with @ 2-year warrenty, AND SERVICE I. TURNER H, M. Mackie Co. Ltd. C AND C RA 3-2043 = RA 3:3374 . HOBBY SHOP ue §7 labor plus por NOW OPEN AT CEDARDALE 15--Instruction 16 BOND ST. Ny SCRAP [ua Neh GE Cro op log IRONS. METALS Saturday. Masanie Tomei. RA 3 1000" ' PAPER--RAGS OPEN TASS ALL DAY PICK-UP RESIDENCE RA 5.4159 100 ANNIS STREET frozen foods preferred, but day, Sept. 16th, 2 pm, till § p.m, Hotel Genosha, Room 38---Male or Female Help|: hi WANTED -- Tomato plokers, Phone MAN OR WOMAN To take complete charge of SHAW AUTO WRECKING: CO, Want cars for wrecking, alse scrap iron and metals, etc, bought. Open Saturday ail day. Phone accounts receivable departs ment in old established furni« Phone RA 37018, apartment for minister, his wife a i 44---Houses, Apts, Flots For Rent + TOM, roid Ti floor apartment, Ais Child we welcome. Phon large apartment f-:} Sankain- ot, | ie ¥ floors, sink stove ame ¥ lel. UNFUR heavy wiring, couple, One anid" rable Hi 'ond: burn Avenue, ER som spefipin vent, Wink, up: ota dhe pal 0 forts » -- oe AE " Te. one on round floor, will furnish, Phone tier 6. RA 81 1 MODERN two-bedroon Bovey THA ator, immedi RA 5.0191, near Shopping in iN WHITRY Three hedroom [bungalo i 568 Hon" to cay HD bored, oy TWO.ROOM and stove A Avenue or RA 5-778, TRAE |S Te obn ab s Wi SO LL a il i oan x Tee a FoUR-, and (wo ents, newly decorat 4 bs parse {heriments ht: waler supp " op 260 Hulside, Telephone RA 3 hon, ™ part boards in kitchen, alias now, RA 59260 ™ furnished or unfurni Hibbert Street, ment in private hn builtdn cup hoards, laundry facilities, RA, 3.3097, 243 Wilson Road South, 5.1664 after 6.30, ust | month, no mall children, RA after 5 p.m, close to shopping etntre, {ober 1, all conveniene it couple, Apply 630 onl, {| THREE or four-room Apa t| garage, very cen a lately. Apply 281 Arthur es, THREE - room apartment, #5373 | APARTMENT -- Four foun and A ih, Private entrance, or two children, Ri WO - bedroom Apart) owl, round floor North Fi 008 Birasts available Oct, 1, Phone RA 8.0089, Svhilabie immediately, an A DOWNTOWN three: fain: ed apartment, main Lk Releome, For more RA 5.1083, and Jefrigoruion 1 AND # vrs ale ana A Saraware, phi! Oshaw a housekeeping room, frig, and stove, linens Hurnishe od. Near South GM, Telephone RA 33 ER THREE-room i, TT self ntra Park Blvd, Korine Call RA 30060, 30060, MOUSE, furnishe he Tully v eauipped ped, ef erence, middle Souple X son Street Wosly® Port thy, MO 83033. THRE BED nished, Rivale driveway. Also one nished raom. In year old home, 0. Tole. phone RA 9561, REE « room basement apartment rnished, Apply 173 THREE . room self-contained ApATt: APARTMENT SIMCOE N,, AT ROSSLAND Redecorated, five rooms, Tos: fridge, parking, Adults RA5-3302 id Eng) 4 wa " Sdu Rooms Jor Rent ONE bedroo ment, reasona be YH congen 0 live with widow, or. RA privileges, abstainer, RA 84488, FOUR room apartment, unfurnished, central to downtown, heavy wiring, available October 1, RA 33332 or RA SIX Toom two slorey, on Athol Bast, oll heating Immediate possession, hi THREE m unfurnished Apartment, room va ble Ocr APARTMENTS One large, one small, elec: trically equipped. For further information phone RA 5-3815 or RA 8-6485 ed, King Street East, wi oi. duty stove, heated, hot red d water and Move, Sunnie fo Yr: hoo BRIGHY ATTRACTIVE 2. bedroom apartments, ADE. LAIDE MANOR w= Holly= wood kitchens, aleqtrically equipped, broodioom, hot water and poring in ine fided, IMMEDIATE OCCU. locker, ANCY, Contact R, Vickery Rao! Estate, 46 King St, West, phone RA 8:6228 « evenings RA 5.6342, He DUR , i RL a. -- hi FREE ' MO 8.4770 ACCOMMODATION w= . busines or] or elderly couple In ie ody home of widow. MO Sadi. FURNIAHED room with iain, oens al, suit gentleman, Telephone RA ER i awh Tijutes ONE Tarnished Loom, at 135 Summer a roame ontiomen only, eriy iWa furnished room, TEE ine fo oH iene amen es Celins Bove raished room, wit so ontle: puiod Tavely furni Man: ou vie 0 home: Akh Al ny "w a ab TG Tae uel Iau octing pr 2 WEEKS RENT HE PE ald Modern one-bedroom aparts mont, $85, 105 Craydon Rd, BEBSLITING, fot, Wo RY 4880. foams, -- J LANGE fi us, RA TWO BEDROOM APARTMENT Four blogks north of King Street at Lansdowne Drive, large living and dining room, stove and fridge, soundproof building, Immediate possess GOWER--REALTOR RA 8.4651 TWO two-room Apartments, also three: room apartment, furnished or unfun nished, RA 3.4211, TWO-YEAR-OLD three-bedroom bun: galow, newly decorated, storms an screens, TV antenna, 1 lot with brick patio, paved driveway, jaye for ne or two years, Reason: al le. apartment, hea r private bathroom, suit per' month, eleotrie Street West corner King and | Burk, FURNISHED | basement a parimenl built-in ow sink, tile floors, monthly cludes heating, hydro, Saulion Road near Hampton, COMax APARTMENTS = TWo, tree and four room apartments in ie Duiid- ing, all conveniences, ing and credit experience nec- , 34 day week, Write Antennas moved , . $10.00 |35...Employment Wanted len & Lou's TV Sr Tnde hi (Hea Bi dances, tap, classes start on Sept, 14th, Registration starts on Sept. 6th. Daily from 6 pm to' 8 pm, Wednesday and Sunday ex- | cluded. Register soon, 64 ALBANY STREET OSHAWA | DIAL RA 5.0050 . RA 8-5804 or RA 5.7844 [tha ™ FREE SURVEY _ pian washing and freniad Ta |¢ Day or Night DUTCH Tady a ie dy work. |RA OSHAW. ELECTRONICS 36--Female Help Wanted RA 8.5286 Ro patuanen esi. AE, hy tis: FULLY GUARANTEED TV. = RADIO == HI-FI PARTS AND SERVICE Wayne Street, HOUSE for rent, recreation room. Call RA 58477, FREE home 10 full care of Bava seb elg! SU wet Near schools. An ee GM, ab stain OFFICE SPACE WITH PARKING LOT. 2.4.6ROOM UNITS, [8 CENTRAL LOCATION. [thle \n, private 'home. ug F Phone: DICK BRADLEY RA 8-1296 quiet ome, two has eg Rote nr : "A Laon oom. tor for two, singh Magle pe ils ig Cooking BL APBlY 06 ren Aven! FRR Sowa Tals Yul, oun oles fison SOR 10 a hed room, suitable for Duk a hed close to downtown b privle entrance, Phone hs 53010. 3 Low private in] RAL eran Blovd., or phone RA A or of wlorey, six rooms. | OFFICE SPACE RENT ove | THRE A gh » FIL) ate ome, tile child k | Abstainers only, Possession. re lately, heavy duty wiring, RA 3 120 Elgin East, SIX-ROOM house, oil heating, Sentral location, $80 per month. No ehil available Oct, oe RA 3.4825 after EN pm, STORE or business , Olfico, very eam: tral, hemed, fang, RA even. ings po "downie local own handwriting to PO Box 331, Osh (8 awa. reasonable reat to tenants, A [ness souple prefer: phone 53501 & am. to 5.30 pam. DOUBLE room wilh single beds, close GM. hom MOUSKREEFPER, for modern home. Phone Write Box 928 Oshawa Times RA $2729. 142 Simcoe South For information Re oe location, good size, for , [most any business, reasonable reat. Contaet Phone ho Ee New Pho Centrally to cated in downtown areo. close to bus THE » Moderate rent, Leases now [RGoN. ET EA RT available. THE TIMES BUILDING T. L WILSON RA 3-3474 eT Ter THREE Unfurnished rooma priveS Shed JHE Nan Wk ook 3 1 oS Toms pe decorated, 3 baiiam wih Schon a HT Rick -Jaee Tuned wane oo man only, Telephone 3-2083, BUCKINGHAM MANOR ia ARTMENTS bare a sao oa elec Yon "$100 3 Simcoe St, No Apt, 15; RA 8.8676 X nin

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