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The Oshawa Times, 13 Sep 1960, p. 4

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September 13, 1960 LS ------------ I ------ 4 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tussdey, I FISHING Sept. 15, Later, prizes will be awarded hy the club for the largest fish esught during this period, A group of West The fishing derby sponsored by the West Rouge Kiwanis Cub for the past month will DERBY NEARS ITS END Rouge boys are shown here, | 8 fine trophy but win a prize, near the mouth of the Rouge | PI» hocs and pe ch heve been River, each hoping to lard that | esught in the derby so far, "big one" that will not only be | ~Photo by Pomeroy officially close this Thursday, -- a ---- New School Cost Plan Classes Dog Control , In First Aid Gains Approval BOWMANVILLE (Staff) ~ own counell voted approval in two motions for a shere In the expenditure of $800,000 on two chools to be built by the Dis frie! High School Board, The cost fo . Bowmanville will be about $200,000, The school board in thelr brief fo council said the schools will bé built, "to accommodate the expected wave of high school punils, the Board finds that an padition for 150 pupils to Port Yiope High School spd a new gohool for 400 pupils In Clarke Township will be necessery, The fovation proposed in Clarke is on fhe east side of No, 85 Highway| ard ahout half way between New castle and Orono, Both these| units are heing planned to open in September, 1962." The addition to the Port Hope school will cost $125,000, The Clarke Township school will cost $475,000, The council discussed the ex penditure at length, Councillor Ken eth Nicks summed up the d'souesion by stating, "the peo ple who are going to be the over all losers are the students if we delay this motion, and on that| basis, I don't see that we should stand In the way of getting the schools built," Coungillor (lenholme Hughes suggested that before passing the resolution the council make an. Fines Result Of Disturbance PICKERING (Staff) ~ Donald O'Day, 18, Willlam Puddister, 17, and Dale Laundrie, 17, all of Pick: other attempt at splitting the school area, Depuly-Reeve Ivan M, Hobbs said he felt the council should break awey from the larger high school area, but, last year we gpent a year discussing the subs ject end we didn't accomplish a thing." Councillor Ross Stevens sal "I am opposed to the larger area, and if anything could be done to divide it up, I'd attempt it, but it is costing just as much money | with teachers' salaries, and stu-| dents' are getting only one half {as much time in school with the {shift system." He continued, "If| anything could have been done jt should have been done earlier, We should have seen that we had| appointees who would look alter the wishes of the council," Vehicle Found In Bad Shape PICKERING (Staff) Peter| Bond, Toronto, charged with op. erating an unsafe vehicle, falled| to put in an appearance and his case was heard in absentia, The court entered a plea of not| |guilty, Constable B, A, Box sald} he stopped the driver and had the car towed away after he had found it had only one light on the entire machine that would function, The horn did not work, there was no emergency brake, no left or right door handles, Constablt Box said the accused told him at the scene that "he thought the car was in good shane = he had Just fixed it up," The court's decision: a fine of $50 and costs or 10 days, Measure p.m, to stress first aid, oS RERING - A social Red ross meeting open the publie will be held a' the Brock Road highlighted Red Cross Centre Sept, 15 at B/s2eves gathered to pointed cuffs, dp, aw erin township, pleaded guilty to] Maurice Doyon, 19, pleaded un'awfully creating a disturbance| guilty to carele:s driving and was and using insul'ing and obscene fined $23 and costs, language, A fourth youth pleaded, Sergeant John Pugh said three no! guilty and heard the charges cars were involved in rear end cols against him dismissed, |liglons on Highway 2 near the Fred G, Hunt said he was/2nd Concession of Pickering, The asleep at his home near the Rouge accused's car had struck the rear Hills shopping centre and was of another vehille and forced it pwakened at 1 a.m, by loud shout forward into the rear of a third Ig and soreaming of tires, He, car, investigated and saw two cars and a motor seooter being driven around the shopping centre, The nelre awoke a slek relative whe had been given a sedative so she could sleep, He called the police He said he could not positively identify the offenders, Leonard Miller gave evidence that he owned the motor scooter| which he had left at the parking 130. Hoe heard it being stared and rushed out and saw Puddister rin the three youths and corroborated Mr. Hunts' evidence, The three accused were fined $19 ard costs after thelr moth. ers had spoken on their behalf, | "When events happen which hel pletures, Canadians Like Home Front News VANCOUVER (CP)~The aver age Canadian prefers bonsplel re sults to satellite news in his newspaper, the retiring president of the Canadian Weekly Newspa- pers Association sald Monday, Leslie Barber, publisher of the Chilliwgek Progress, told 400 del: il, He was able to identify egetes at the CWNA annual con the Charters Cup for the best vention that the average man wants to absorb "only so much ahout the satellites and mis giles." Di d iscusse There have been many requests | BOWMANVILLE (Btaff) --|f0r first pid clasees to be held in Councillor Kenneth Nicks suggest. the township and village, and| ed in town council Monday that drench members are anxious to) | properly trained dogs were in the begin such a program as soon as minority in Bowmanville, Counc!!! possible, : | {was discussing the dog control] Mrs, David Crichton, president, | bylaw, snd My, John Daniel-Jenking, vice: Counell approved a resolution| president, have made an appeal | to empower the dog control com. ito all eitizens interested In be mitiee to Instruet the dog control coming Instructors or attending| officer to relax control of dogs classes to come to this special during December, January, Feb: | meeting, ruary, and March, | One of the features will be a Clerk - treasurer R, B, Rey- movie on mouth-to-mouth artifi-| nolds told the council that Dare ficial resniration, The Red Cross| lington county had emended I's has recently approved this method | dog control bylaw during the win-|of artificial resniration, ter months, but that other near-| "It {5 going to be one of our by communities kept the bylaw most [nteresting, exciting and | during the winter months except|yaq 1 date,' sald Mrs, Crichton, Gladioli, we Es il = 3 HT 3 5 "Be i i i : if 1 LN = fi iB jewellery was a small gold eross and chain, A cascade of white roses, white earnations and blue pom poms comprised her bouquet, The atiendants were Mrs, Ron gid Lott, sister of the bride as matron of hoor and the brides maids were Miss Joyce Kimura Miss Elizabeth Hill, sister of the groom; Miss Madeline Bchmeler and Miss Janet Jones, who were gowned alike - in shirtmaker dresses of blue orgenza over white taffeta printed with large blue flowers, The overskirts were bell shaped and the bodies were with full bishop Youths Guilty 0f Consuming PICKERING (Staff) --~ Two Pickering youths were convicted of consuming liquor while under pge and of heing drink in a pub. lic place, They paid fines of $10 each nn the consuming charges and 925 and costs on the drunk charges, Constable David Fleming told Magistrate Crawford Guest that he arrested the two on Septem: her 8, Lawrence Krocker, 18, was wee 10 force but did not enforce it educational programs we have lying face down in a ditch in an intoxicated condition and Wil when It was necessary around | |] schools or main streets, 4 oy OIL, REQUIREMENTS Coupelllor Glenholme Hughes In 105 Canada produced the felt the council should eonform| equivalent of "81 per cent of Its with the Darlington bylaw, total ofl requirements, | liam Puddisier, 17, was stagger~ ing, passed out after the arrest and had to be assisted into the police station, he sald, Wedding ted eh Stocks Settin (They HERE] fei sib 3 RS 5 ; 1 ; i : 3 i ESs [EF itl tes BEE foils i g ; : 5] h whi ¥; 2 corsage of white sweetheart roses Mr, and Mrs, Hill will reside in Searbore, Ont, seit | § 4 5 gf : ix geiadt i sf a Marie, Ont,; Miss Bonny Heard, | | By GRACE MILLS AJAX ~Baskets of mixed sum- mer flowers formed the back: round dn St, Paul's United | Chureh, Ajax, on Saturday, Bept, 8, at-2,30 pm, for the wedding of Joanne Alanna Chidley to Randal Peter Boyle, Rev, T, Rex Nor. man performed the ceremony, The bride is the daughter of Mrs, Margaret Chidley and the late Thomas Chidley, and the groom is the son of Mr, and Mrs, eter Boyle, all of Ajax, Given idley, oor » length, g of white bro- ended [aille, the fitted bodice hav ing a sweetheart neckline, long fitted es, Her waist: length elrcular veil of illusion net was caught to a matching cap obroidered with seed pearls, he © a cascade quet of red roses and white Mephanet A iss Betty Chidley was her sister's maid of honor, in apricot organza over taffeta, with match. bolero, The bridesmaids were groom, a and flower ah Miss Avey_Ciide 0 her| tish Regime Joanne Chidley Charming Bride matching boleros and bandeau| headresses of the same material, Their flowers were semi cas eades of yellow roses and bronze "mums, : Orville Boyle Was his brother's best man, and the ushers were Wayne Chidley, cousin of the bride, and Kenneth Scott, cousin of via Smyth played the 86 y wedding musie and accompanied the soloist, Mrs, Harry Smith, Two pipers of the Toronto Seot- giment, John Me! and John Wakefield, piped happy 'couple from the church and Into the UAW Hall, Cedar street, where a luncheon and was served, The bride's mother received the guests in a dress of brown corded silk, match bolero, beige hat and accesso and a corsage of yellow roses, She was assisted groom's mothe in rosedust peau-de-sole, match ing hat and accessories and core sage of yellow roses, or travelling to morthern points, the bride chose a sult of rown plaid, brown hat olive frees accessories, and wore old orchid by 4 their Tetum the. cou le will ley, niece of the bride, talfet green Organza over 8 reside at 20 York street, Alax, Councillor Ross Stevens stated|. thet the Department of Health had reported two cases of rabies) § within a five mile area within| i8 the past two months, Councillor Nicks sald, "the dog, owners are entitled to a clear out answer to what controls are In effect," : Counelllors Hughes and Blevens moved a resolution empowering the dog control committee to In. strict the dog control officer to relax the dog control during De- cember, January, February and | only vaguely understands, he turns to things he does under. stand , , , he Is keenly Interested in as much his taxes are going up, who won the bonsplel and where the Smiths went on thelr holidays," The CWNA announced that the Nanton (Alta,) News made al sweep of top awards for weekly newspapers with elrculation of less than 1,000, | The Nanton paper was judged best all-round paper in its class and took the trophies for best front page and best editorial page, H The Zurich (Ont) Citizen placed third in the all-round coms, netition, The Rodney (Ont) Mer): , cury was third in the front-nage| onmpetition and the Flora (Ont,)| Express second In the editorial! pare section, The Fairview (Alla) Post won The problem of disposing of storm water from the new sub-division in Ajax has been solved to the satisfaction of Plekering township authorities, bal oc ci Duffin's Creek Hastates Ltd, have constructed a ditch seven feet deep inside the east bound. ary of Alax extending from the sub-division to Lake Ontario, a | CROSSWORD PUZZLE DUWN 1, Bhalies Christmas edition, The Nanton News took the H, E, Rice Tro | phy for the best local spot news ACROSS ol fy Wi WNSHIP 1, Put away as documents 6, Territorial division speare's witty braggart 2 Aper 8, Voleanig rook 4, Ireland 8, Father 6 Tree's shadow 7. Refuse of flax 8. Undevels oped #, Chamber 10, Blunders 16, Sale 18, and blue 14, Protective covering 15, Man's nickname 10, Social worken, Jane we 17, Tantalum (aym,) notioes wes ANA outs capital 22, Bxolas mation 25, Simplotons 20, Thick soup 28, Back 29, Cooking guides 30, Wooden shoe 8%, Music note 84, Jaok-tar 30, Law (Du, BI) 20, Indie anlang 21, Overs head train 28, Teutons i 10 2, Disin. [AH N olined td ih 20. Avyms (810) | 87, Mur murmed Yesterday's Answer exclamas 84, College tion student 20. High, - {eotion) orage 38. Water hill 86, Oulture "™ a1, 0n medium one's #7, Calendap toes number 8%, Domineers 89, Malt ing beverage DITCH TO CARRY AWAY STORM WAT total distance of 2400 feet, The diteh not only solves the ime mediate problem, but will en. able the town to divert any other water drainage to the lake as other sub-divisions are built further south, Without the owins 00 TIONG» CINEMaScOmE uy wi by pho Manid PRESENTED WY ri eg OOFTL » JOSHUA LOGAN ADULT ENTERTAINMENT tts NOY PALATR 5%, "Last Days Of Pompell" & "Gunfighters Of Abllens" "n MLE LY DRIVE-IN TOK-OFFICH OPEN 730 -- SHOW START AY 800 A STORY OF VICE AND INTRIGUE! _ ho ¥ sedi ditch storm water would have followed a natural water course across Plokering land to Can ruthers Creek and would have oreated some flood conditions at certain times of the year, «Photo by John Mills UPROARIOUS MOVIE FROM «WE BIG BEST-SELLER! ADULT ENT, SVANLEY HRAMER NOT "A fine film, .,a gem!" Coming Soon . YOUR LOCAL "Y" REGULAR FRIDAY NIGHT DANCE Dance Band Every Week wo It's all about Love and Marriage and how to mix Shen y TO JANIS PAIGE SPRING BYINGTON RICHARD HAYDN nd te or tte mse" J OL LETT Wow TR MATT NELOER sven, CHARLES WALTERS + tes JE PASTERNAC Cowman OPENED of Rouge Hills and Margaret | the township will be the Indian | Miller of Brougham examining | relig exhIbIL, All school ehils | seum at Hrougham to the pa | afew of the many fine exhib | dren of the township have been | He, An official opening will be | I's, housed in the former | Invited to visit the local mw | Ru sometime next year, | Riougham public school, Of | seum this fall, at no charge, wa here: Sandra Pomeroy | special interesy to residents of Bolo by Pomerey | . 40, Sounds, as a kitten 41, Cacsar's tongue 42, Speady 43. Build Pickering Township's Histork cal Society has opened its mu WATCH THIS SPACE AIHA AKA

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