Here 1s a gift that little girls will take pleasure fo sew for their daddy, The golf mitis are made of Tartan Wool Vabrie GOLF MITTS lined with plastic and held fo gether with bles binding, This gift will remind him of you, all along the 18 holes; this is really FOR DADDY something, isn't iH? WW you would like to obtain the sewing instructions, simply send a stamped, self-addressed enve- lope plus ten cents for hand. ling, to the Needlecraft Depart. ment of this paper, requesting Golf Mitts, Leaflet NO, 8-5070, 5 Hi even better, Significantly, in all these places I've been able (o read about, | Phonics and familiarity with the of the het are empha Lies; ¥ § § | hy i i i i i 5 § Sif r 2 : : of i a il iil f i H : | ge ; : hii Hh sik : 5 § i] ] : gs | iid g 2a i Provincial CWL Meeting At N. Bay NORTH BAY (CP)~The 13h annual Ontario provincial econ New Curtains Just As Pretty On One Side Or The Other Have you ever invested in new curtains, been delighted with how pretty they look, and then discov ered that they didn't ghow up so well from the outside looking in? We know we have, #0 now we consider draperies and curtains from both sides, For well-dressed windows do make such an at: tractive impression as your house, fs approached from roadway or drive, Windows really are quite re vealing as to the household withip aven't they? And, only too often, they're a dead giveaway! So it's nice to know that some of the newest curtains look Just 8s the ohter, VELVETY DOTS and the dots stay pully on bot sides, No need to worry that the pretty dotted pattern will flatten when ironed -- because you'll never use an iron on them, As with many of our miracle fabries and finishes ou ust Jaunder ag often as you like, rinse them, and hang them right up on 08 nice, just as preity on one side Dacron curtains patterned with velvety dots that are woven clear through the fabric, ave especially handsome, The curtains are ish the windows while they're still amp, There are a number of popular styles, such as the regular tle backs and the cafe types, VOR WIDE WINDOWS I you have a wide scross & room, two tiers of these dotted and ruffled dacrons lock $0 summery, White Is always a prime favor- ite, of course, but the curtains come in pale pink and aqua, A nice window treatment is to use two tiers at each end of a wide window and just one tier al the bottom of the middle section. Then you ean have a view, ye! all the privacy you need, And the arrangement looks dressy and alry, PLASTIC PERVECTION Here's a way~while we're at the window = to protect your pretty draperies from dust, dirt and fingermarks, all without con- cenling the pattern and design of the fabric, You can do this by using clear plastic protective cov. erings which come in either 24 or 48 Inch widths and ave 108 Inches long, The pattern of your draperies will show through nicely if you keep the plastic protectors clean, TO COOK ONIONS Try cooking whole onions in a moderate amount of boiling water and uncovering the pan when the water returns to the boll, to pro- duce a mild flavor. MILDEWS EASILY { When watering phlox, be sure Ipot to get water on the follage, vention of the Catholic Women's League of Canada opened here Friday night as speakers irged delegates to study thoroughly he convention theme: stian Family Apostolate: Rev, Alexander Carter, of Sault Ste, Marle, told hei delegates that the theme should be examined to make "our fam- fy stronger, better and more christian, Most Rev, B. 1, Websler, Bishop of Peterborough, sald the theme was the same as at the social life confernece at Sudbury last year and he hoped delegates would gain some of the spark kindled at that time, Business sessions started this morning, The CWL now has about 122 000 members In 1,600 pari warn horticulturists with the On. Itario Department of Agriculture, councils In 52 dioceses throug! out Canada, ii H H 8 3 2 I 3 i i i § s s i bx EF g Cracken reports s in his Right To Lalu | Compan, ago), book, Reading Chaos and bx Ferman and Walcott (McGraw 111) reports other places in the ii: i 0 TH 2 5 i $ LP gist. | a i x i ts United States to which phonies has returned and remarkable reading results have achieved, PARENTS QUESTIONS Q, Do you think we would ham- per our first and second gr children at lea school where they have hed al most no phonies, i we taught them some of the basic sounds at home? A, Not if you made your ing attracting to them, launch any new enter. and don prises, You'll make greater head. way 4 you conctnisate on Sates: and postpone less important matters, FOR THE BIRTHDAY If tomorrow is bi your prospects for year ahead are highly satisfactory, While the y rthdey,|in January next two weeks may be somes along what disappointing, make con structive plans to advance job. wise and financially in Oi ry you will get a bright plan. THE OSHAW Alvi Rug Co. Specialists In all kinds of Floor Covering Call us for a free estimate on wall to wall floor covering, 34 SIMCOE 87, 8. PHONE RA 5.9332 wd +p | ¢ - ~ ou n Sql on, 4 het TS wl. - RA 3.3425 MEAGHER'S § KING W.=0EHAWA Al Dearborn Shell Service Stn. Tune-ups for all Makes of Cars Licenced Mechanle HIGHWAY NO. 2 & THICKSON'S ROAD Choice Meats BEEF, PORK, LAMB FRUITS, VEGETABLES, JUICES OSHAWA FUR & COLD STORAGE Phone 3:3012 81 Williom St. W, ud Fael Gay ta ty Salon Young LOTVR EVR ITS FO Right Away ! WINDER'S ESSO SERVICE Rust Prevention With UNDERCOATING done with the new "Und-a spray" KING of RITSON RA 5.8507 "| Open Every Night Till Ten p.m, SPECIAL FEATURE 30" x 54" CRIB Roxatone finish, plastic teething veils, 4 positions, adjustable spring, plastic-conted postures type mattress, bumepr 33.06 pod, COMPLETE . Reliable Furniture Oo, (Next to Ploza Theatre) 96 KING EAST RA 3.7928 An Rail BRIN You Don't Need Cash . . . Your Old Tires Make the DOWN PAYMENT! 190 King 80. §. RA 5.6566 WEEKLY SPECIAL OK USED CAR '55 OLDS 4 DOOR HARDTOP $995 Ontario Motor Sales LTD. 140 BOND ST, W, RA 5.65078 VAN BELLE GARDENS 3 MILES RAST ON 2 HWY. BOWMANVILLE MA 3.5757 OPEN EVERY EVENING Roses--42 Varieties Evergreens--20 Varieties Shade Trees MOSIER ET METAL 292 KING W=OSHAWA Oil Bumers Heating Units Sales and Service PHONE RA 5-2734 TIMES "HOME OF THE WE GLECOFF SUPERMARKET Home of Fine Foods We cash Baby Bonus, Pension ond Pay Cheques, SHOP AND SAVE AT GLECOFF'S HORWION OREDIY JEWELLERS LTD, Your Polaroid Headquarters Gifts For Every Occasion Two Stores te Serve You Better 20 Simcoe St, 8, and Oshawa Shopping Centre 174 Riven Rd, 8, Oshawe WHOLESALE PRICES TO THE PUBLIO OPEN THURS, TILL 6 P.M, FRI, TILL ? P.M, SAT, TILL 6 PM, Oshawa Discount House 290 ALBERT ST. RA 8-031 CLEMENTS Supertest Service Your Downtown Location For PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE 102 SIMCOE ST. N, MOTOR CITY CAB # PRINCE 87. RA 5-1127 FastsEfficient Service, Get your coupons on. the "Polaroid" by calling us for service S00TY Outboard Motors Sales ard Service TED'S WHITE ROSE and MARINE RR 4 OSHAWA King 80. 8, RA 8.5924 PAUL'S SPORTING S00us ur LJ GUNS, cd Used REPAIRS FISHING TACKLE ond Toxidermy 589 ALBERT ST. PHONE 5-5798 EDGAR'S Paint & Wallpaper NEW EXTERIOR LATEX FLAT COLORED ALUMINUM ASPHALT ROOF PAINT 34 King St, W, RA 3.7351 LATE SHOPPERS Do Your Shopping at KINGSWAY SUPERMARKET TOWNLINE, RRA KING ST. §, ------ JACKSON & RAIKE HARDWARE LTD. PITTSBURGH PAINTS $48 SIMCOR ST. N. RA 5.0514 MOTORS Sales & Service SPokt DO YOU LIVE | og GALA NE A res THIS HOUSE? BONUS MONTHLY PRIZE WIN A POLAROID LAND CAMERA Yes, you too might win @ Polaroid Land Camere, one of the stores listed here for your free coupons, 10 buy, no jingles to write , , , simply sign your name and deposi al draw will be held monthly se you stand o good the slip, A chance of winning, ho It Pays to Shop at I. COLLIS & SONS Your one stop shop for the entire family 50.54 KING ST. W, OSHAWA RA 5.6311 "TROPICAL FISH DOGS, CATS PET CENTRE RABBITS HAMSTERS ill OL 5-4841--Brooklin a E. C. CROXALL & SON FUEL AND BUILDER'S SUPPLIES Fresh Coment Always In Steck, Glazed & Cloy Tile & Fittings STATHAM - MOTOR SALES YOUR 180 DIAL Ngaio of ori 4. orn aed he KING & CENTRE STS. RA 37712 © SUDDARD'S 497 SIMCOE ST, SOUTH CCM. RALEIGH BICYCLES KEYS-=LOCKS REPAIRS Phone RA 5-3979 MACKIE MOTOR * SALES KING EAST--OSHAWA For Oshawa's Best Deal in New and Used Cars RA 5.5743 "Your Friendly Red & White THE GREEN DOOR PAINT & GIFT SHOP Festuting Sri Raiote, bo FEST Wal or PHONE BROOKLIN, ONY. Brown's Marketerla PHONE OL 5.4521 Oshawa Fixture & Lamp Supply 12 CHURCH ST, tet King) MOTOR CITY BOWLING AIR CONDITIONED Special summer rates fully automatic pin setters 78 RICHMOND ST, W, PHONE RA 3.3212 BERG'S Ladies' Wear "The Store of Better Values" 8 KING ST, WEST RA 5.1932 1960 BUICK DEMONSTRATORS Low Mileage ye Cliff Mills Motors Lid. 266 King 0. W, RA 5.6651 3.4604 3.4408 YOUR JRUTAN, Walt DUMONT Aluminum Products 377 Simerg 80 8, Oshawa Specials On.. . WINDOWS, DOORS, AWNINGS end SIDING RA 8-165) HACIENDA DINE and DANCE SPECIALIZING IN STEAK ON A BUN OPEN 11 am. fo 4 am. NOME APPLIANCES (Oshawa) LIMITED 90 Simcoe Street South RA 5.5332 lal in FRIGIDAIRE ord Commercial Sales and Service. YOUR FRIGIDAIRE DEALER IN OSHAWA FOR 23 YEARS, SHORT'S lor ENING RENTAL SERVICE RA 3.3224 © WE SHARPEN & RENT NEARLY EVERYTHING SHEPHARD'S FOOD MARKET Prime Meat & Poultry Fresh Vegetables RA 5-3564 46 SIMCOE ST. N. Crysler funn te "STORE-WIDR CLEARANCE SALE" EVERYTHING LOW COST! tow Tum w= Fre Storage 29-31 CELINA ST, OSHAWA Stephenson's Garage OSHAWA'S WHEEL ALIGNMENT SPECIALIST 15 Church St, RA 5.0522 DRY CLEANERS FOUR ES CALL RA 5-3555 Pick-up and Delivery SATISFACTION GUARANTEED for Free SNIRY LAUNDERERS YOU VIVIAN'S B-A SERVICE Groceries & Confectionery B.A. Gas & Oil Greasing & Washing NONQUON ROAD RA 34872 WARD'S FOR FINEST IN DRY GOODS! 31 Simcoe St. S. PHONE RA 5-115 LEAVE YOUR FILM HERE Rap dpa hg Film in by 12:30 ot by 30 PM Jury & Lovell Li, he oe WINE .