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The Oshawa Times, 17 Sep 1960, p. 7

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Qeft) brings a broad military. background to his job with the Canadian Provost Corps in the ing years @ now ma the Canadian Army 10 John, N.B., is shown with L, Cpl, Dharm Singh of the Indian Served 3 Armies, Favors Canadians com and eight other Canadian provost| joined the French , Sgt. Martin, who his home in Saint tions Congo headquarters here, By BERNARD DUFRESNE in France where he picked up Canadian Press Staff Writer pany, Martin, from Saint Johns, NB, in oreign Le 19 Indians in Indochina and was involv: (border sera) He the training, nd snd experience for the His From the Far Ess! United Nations Congo force, The 42-year-old native of Ger- | Military Police (centre) and many served with the French | Cpl. Mama Baasre of Ghana Foreign , Free French | during patrol duty in Leopold and British Army before join- | ville, NONTITLE BOUT land, Detroit, Chicago, Milwau- HOUSTON, Tex, (AP)--Light-|kee and the Box, had seen mostly weight champion Joe Brown is to pinch-hitting duties this year un- Reet Mexico's Raymundo (Bat- til 8 back injury sidelined him, ng) Torres in a non-title fight here Oct, 6, Brown last week LIFE SUSPENSION agreed to defend his title in| TORONTO (CP) Soccer ovember ayant Cisco Andrade| player Joe Pellegrini has been in Los Angeles, suspended for life by the Toronto RELEASED BY S0X BOSTON (AP) -- Infielder Ray for striking referee Klaus Meh- Boone was given his uncondi-| ner during a match Aug, 28, Pel tional release by Boston Red Sox|legrini's club, Calabria, also was Wednesday and was immedial- banned from the association until ely hired as a scout, Boone, a|1962 for aiding and abetting the veteran performer with Cleve. incident, TELEVISION LOG WKBW/TV Channel 7T-Bufiale WROCTV Channel S---~Rochester CHCH-TY Channel 11--Hamillop CBLTTV Channel 6~Toronis and District Soccer Association) hy experience ice with the French Foreign Le- army in the Middle East and more than 10 years with the Ca nadian army, glon and the Free French in In| donesia snd Chins, the British battalion moved to iddle East where, because of his knowl edge of English, he switched to the British army, joining the mil- itary police in 1944 as a corporal and ending up In 1949 as a war- rant officer, SOLDIER LINGUIST As a military policeman, the light but muscular sergeant has met many kinds of soldiers but prefers Canadians, "The Canadian soldier is » gentleman," he said in an inter. | view, "He doesn't have to be told | anything twice," Martin, whose accent fs a pleasant mixture of German, English and French Influence, is something of a linguist, He speaks all three, though he mys his German is rusty, Along the way he has picked up a smatter- ing of Chinese and Arabie, He regards the police training given Canadian Provost Corps men as the best of any police force and comparable to that re- ceived by the RCMP, He has at tended the RCMP police college and investigation courses in the 8 CHANGED NAME He served five years In ¥gypt, {became a British subject a went to Canada in 1949, In Feb- |ruary, 1950, he was back in uni {form with the Canadian Provost Corps and now is 8 Canadian citi- |zen, | In Canada, he has his name |ehanged legally to Martin--his |father's first name, His father died in the United States several years ago 'but his mother, Mrs, |F, H, Martin, now 73, lives at fOronto with her sister, His Canadian service included Mr, Martini was w would be impossible to commodation for him famil in London, armed 1t| find ape- and his) I'll leave them here and Dancing Tonite AY DNIPRO HALL EDITH ST. One block Fast of Comer Ritson & Bloor DINE AND DANCE to the music of "THE CAVALIERS" ® EVERYONE WELCOME eo adopted by the town of Crew) in set, The people of Crew kerne really scied the part of Good Samaritans to this refugee family, who were living in poverty in one room in Southern Italy when they were selected to come, to England under the world refu- gee scheme, The peo of Cr agreed to their own, They subscribed a fund of £1000 and more than £400 was spent on furniture and house hold goods for the family, Th were provided with a council house, in spite of the fact that there was 8 long waiting list for 4% years as an instructor in Shilo, Man, and postings at Camp Borden, Ont, and Saint John, N.B, Martin's wife, Arlette Peggy, Is the daughter of an English engin. eer and a French mother, They {met in Egypt during the war, WGR-TV Channel 2-Buffale WBEN-TV Channel 4~Buflale SATURDAY EVE, 5:00 P.M. 11-6-6t, Lawrence North B-Movie Film Featurette Twilight Theatre 5:30 PM, 116=Cartoon Party Award Theatre Twilight theatre 6:00 P.M, Dennis The Menace $~Reflections - S~Life in the 30's Wrestling 6:30 PM 11=Movie J=Derby Mr, Fixit $~Casey Jones 6:45 PM, 486~News: Sports 7 ' J~Home Run Derby S~Dennis he Menace S=Highway Patrol =U of B Round Table 3~This Man Dawson 7:30 PM 1--Sea Hunt 9~Our Miss Brooks 6~Caribou Country 6-8it Back With Jack" 4&=Film Feature 8~Family Playhouse 1:15 P.M, Queen's Park Report 4~U of B Foothall 1:30 PM, 11=~Country Calendar 7=Bowling Stars 4~Basehall 2-Family Playhouse 2:00 P.M. 11~Roy Rogers Show 7--Premier Playhouse 6~Junior Magazine 2:15 P.M, 2~Family Playhouse 2:20 P.M, 7--No Holds Barred 3:00 P.M, 11---=Movie T==Open Hearing Good Life Theatre 2~-Family Playhouse 3130 PM, 116-Movie Time 7-8ix Gun Theatre 8--~Rocky Jones 11:6~Holiday Edition b--Bengal Lancers S~Benate News ence 8:30 PM, 1=In the Law Ei it To Beaver 3 Tall Man 116--Great Movies T--~Lawrence Welk 54-The Deputy ~Adventure Series 130 . S~Lawrence Welk Show 4~Have Gun, Will F=Jubiles US A. 4=~Gunsmoke 10130 ".M, 116 Twilight Zone Twslohnny Staccato §=The Nebel 4-Grand Jury #--Harbor Command 1 00 P.M, 1:7:6-4.3-Nows: Weather Sports $=--Rescue 8 $~Award Theatre 11:15 P.M, 11-News and Weather T=Late Show 6~Man Hunt 1l=Late Show 6~Feature Panarama 4~Playhouse S=Award Theatre 100 s §-News and FR 18 0 AM #-Fiction Theatre SUNDAY 8:00 AM, #=Chureh In The Home 8:15 AM, $~Christian Science 8:30 AM, T-=Herald of Truth §---Bars-Ranch S--8acred Heart 8:45 AM, 4115 P.M, $~Yostorday's News reel 4:30 PM, 11~Twentieth Century 'ountry Calendar S--Captain David Grief Zero 1060 5:00 P.M, 11-8 News Magazine T~Natty's Funday Sundays B13 Stooges 2-The Lone Woll 5130 P.M, 111 Love Lucy 7~Lone Ranger 6-Why Is It So SFelix The Cat 4~Film Featurette 11-Bor Cummings Show T=HBrave Eagle G=Disney Presents S=Meet The Press 4-FY1 Current Affairs S=People's Court 6:30 PM, 11--8tories of the Century 7-Home Run Derby B-sMaverick 420th Century Walter Cronkite $~Arthur Murray 11-6= National Velvet {=Rroken Arrow 4 Lassie $~Overland Trall 7100 PM, 11-6-Hatful of Musle T=Maverick 8-US Marshall &=Denn's The Menace 100 P.M, 11---8unday Showease 6-4--Ed Sullivan §:3~Natlonal Velvet 30 PM, T=Lawman §~Tab Hunter Show 9:00 P.M, 116--Encore T=The Rebel 2 hevy Show GE Theatre 9:30 P.M, 5-2-Concentration 4~Berial Drama 12:00 NOON 7--Restiess Gua 54~Truth or Consequences 11--Bugs Bunny married in England in 1049, They have three children, Patricia Mary, 10, Ronald Ernest, 7, and Deborah Claire, 3 months, Us. Martin, a native of Berlin where his father, Martin Hirsch. berg, was a doctor, left his home- such acc A Toes! firm gave Mr, Martini & job at £10 a week, which is a pretty good average wage for a small com munity, NOT SATISFIED Everything seemed set falr for the Martini family to succeed in their new country and new en. vironment, Then came the great shock to the town council and the towns-people, Mr, Martini an. d that he was leaving land in his early teens to study GALLUP POLL =News: Weather 12:15 P.M, 6-~Matines 4--Bpeaker of the House 12:30 PM 7~Queen For a Day S8=It Could Be You 4=Barch for Tomorrow 12:45 P.M, 11=News 4~Guiding Light 100 P.M, 11~Movie Matinee 7~About Faces S--Feature Movie 4=Burns and Allen &~Mid-Day Matinee 1:30 PM, T=Divorce Hearing In Ci 6--Big Four Foothall 52-Queen for a Day 4~Drama Series oung House Party 3:00 P.M, J~Beat The Clock 6-5--All Star Baseball #3-~Young Doctor Malone 4~Milllonaire 3:30 P.M, Whe Do You Trust 6~Movie Matinee 8:3~From These Roots &~The Verdict Is Yours 11~Popeys With Capt, 'And ly T~American Bandstand §~The Thin Man Serials 3~Fibber McGee and Molly 4:30 P.M, $~Buckskin 4=Edge of Night 2..Checkers and Can Can 11=Family Theatre T-~Captain Gallant 6-On Safari B--Piayhouse 4=Fun To Leam 2~Three Stooges 5:15 P.M, Rig 7 Early Show . 6=Cartoon Party #-Wandy Woodpecker 100 P.M, 6--News Western $--Highway Patrol 6:15 P.M, Kennedy Richard . Nixon neck-and-neck race for the Presi- dency. Poll -- with Interviewing during | ation from absolute accuracy the period Aug, 25 through Sept. be expected in all sampling ef 3 -- the Democratic ticket of Kennedy and Johnson has 48 per cent of the vote, the GOP ticket Count of Nixon and Lodge has 47 per cent of the vote, while 5 per cent are undecided, by Gallup Poll reporters In 167 sampling areas across the coun ry: b If the election were being held today, which ticket would you vole for - Nixon and Lodge or Kennedy and Johnson?" {has been 1.7 percentage points, tion, voters were shown a card Gallup Poll overestimated the listing the two tickets under the headings of their respective polit- ical parties, are undecided are divided in the cided today, the results are: this year's campaign, the Repub-|tion enough voters, licans, as of now, hold a strong| advantage on the question of war acy is the care with which the and peace, The Democrats, on sampling procedures are carried the other hand, are ahead on|out, the care with which ques- domestic. issues, Election Race In U.S. Remains Neck-And-Neck Crewkerne, He was not satisfied, He said his £10 a week job was no use to him, He was going fo London, where, someone had told him, he could earn as much 8s £32 a week, The local refugee committee was aghast at the news, after all it had done to settle the family comfortably in the town, Its vice PRINCETON, N.J, - Sen, John PCT, and Vie e-President continue in a| Nixon-Lodee Kennedy-Johnson ,.eeees, BI 4 HAMPTON NOW "TOSS UP" | With sentiment this close ~ In the latest nationwide Gallupand taking into account the devl-| forts -- today's poll would have to be regarded as a "toss up". Perhaps the best measure of the extent of polling accuracy can be seen in the Gallup Poll's record in the last five U.S, elec- tions, Since 1948, a period during which many improvements have been made in polling procedures, the largest error has been 4.4 per- centage points and the smallest has been 0.5 percentage points, The average error for this period asked This question was As they were asked the ques.| In three of those elections, the Democratic vote; in two it over: estimated the GOP vote, CAMPAIGN TO DATE In the campaign to date, there is evidence of three important aspects of the present political picture: 1. In no election in at least 25 years has sentiment been so closely divided or opinion so fluid, This is demonstrated in the trend of the voting in the three nationwide Gallup Poll tests con. ducted since the conventions: The results: Kennedy-Johnson and "Lean" to Kennedy. JONDBOR +o vvesrrarerran Nixon-Lodge and "Lean" to Nixon-Lodge , Undecided If the 8 per cent who sald they PCT, same ratio as those who are de RACE TO DATE (Excluding Undecided) Nixon-Lodge Kennedy-Johnson 53% 41% Report of: Aug 17 oinernnnnnnnin Aug, 91 Sept, 14 4 9 2. In respect to the issues Insimply because jt failed to ques. The foundation of polling accur- tions are asked, and the care In the most recent poll asking with which data are processed, voters which party they believed 6~Father Knows Best 6:30 . 11=News 5-Today-1960 3-News 6:45 PM, 11:6:4.3- Weather; News S--tluntley Brinkley |would be more likely to keep the|the Gallup Poll is expensive, It US. out of World War III, the is estimated that the cost of ob-t GOP had a 3to-2 advantage over the Democrats, The type of sampling used by By M. HORN HAMPTON --- Mr, and Mrs, will Hart and Mrs, Mabel Ste to vens, Palmerston, are spending this week with their sister and brother-in-law Mr, and Mrs, Bert Stevens, Mr, and Mrs, Elmer Jamieson and girls of Toronto were visitors with Mr, and Mrs, Harold Salter and Mrs, Theo Salter last week, Mr, and Mrs, Harry Brooks, ewkerne | opt this family as AIR CONDITIONED POLISH NATIONAL DANCE In Cool Comfort TO THE MUSIC OF Mitchell Zaleski's Orchestra UNION HALL AVE, FUN FOR ALL--EVERY SATURDAY--8:30.12 ot the 168 BANTING oP een danci Murray's met A, SPECIAL INTRODUCTORY DANCE COURSE A LIMITED TIME 6 PRIVATE LESSONS 2 CLASS LESSONS 1 STUDIO PARTY FOR ONLY You con brush up on your present dancing, or learn new and exciting steps in any dance of our choice, Whether you are a beginner or have for years, you'll find Arthur d of teaching Is easy ond fun, ARTHUR MURRAY W. MARKS LICENSES 11% Simeoe 8, Open dolly 1 to 10 pm. RA S-1600 Alr Conditioned Only Adults Moy Toke Adventage of This Offer in the most fascinating sea mystery of the decade! GARY COOPER CHARLTON HESTON Nets OO MLAS COED In CINEMASCOPE ond METRO COLOR THEATRE mir DORIS "please Don't Eat The Daisies my: DAY in Oshawa, spent the d with Mr, and Mrs, Lorenzo Trull at thelr cottage at Willlams' Point, Mr, and Mrs, Ross Lane and Mr, Lockwood, of Lindsay, were Sunday visitors with Mr, and Mrs, Pearn Lockwood, Mr, and Mrs, George Gilbert are visiting thelr daughter and son-in-law, Mr, and Mrs, Dennis Marshall and sons, Brampton, Mr, and Mrs, Frank Dewell, Thistletown, visited his brothers, Sam and Percy Dewell last week, Mrs, George Davidson, Picker ing, visited her sister, Mrs, James Smales and Mr, Smales, Mrs, Harold Salter and Mrs, Lorenzo Trull accompanied their sisters, Mrs, W. R, Young of Bridgenorth, and Mrs, Charles Wood, Orono, to Toronto and visit: ed Mrs, Hilton Peters, Mrs, 8, Kers accompanied her daughter son-in-law Mr, and Mrs, Len Player and son of Bowmanville, to Toronto, on Sunday and visited the former's sons, Rev, Ted Kersey, Mrs, Ker. sey and family, and also Lloyd and wife and sons at Weston, Mr, and Mrs, Will Hart, Mrs Mabel Stevens of Palmerston and Mr, and Mrs, Bert Stevens were entertained to dinner by their cou. sin, Mrs, T. M. Mountjoy on the occasion of the latter couple's 57th wedding anniversary, and also Mr, Stevens 82nd birthday, STARTS MONDAY MLE DRIVE-IN" Box-Office Open ot 7:30 -- Show Starts at 8:00 ALL COLOR ~- ALL CINEMASCOPE SHOW ON OSHAWA'S LARGEST SCREEN, TONIGHT! Pulitzer Prize Winner Z0F AKINS' Greatest Animal Story! # Inc Hea BY IH) COME EARLY AND SEE XXX A COMPLETE SHOW! CHILDREN under 12 FREE! ALWAYS A COLOR CARTOON Mr, and Mrs, John Carrigan enjoyed a motor trip to Boston, Mass,, where they visited rela. ives, taining interviews with a sample of 1800 persons selected under {this method would be about the PARENTS--YOUNG PEOPLE 3. On most domestic issues -- |. ci 00"50 000 street corner inter $=Man To Man 02:00 AM, 11=Rev Oral Roberts 7--The Way 7-The Alaskans Report 4=Alfred Hiteheook 7:00 PM 10:00 P.M, H-The People's Choloe N=1'm The Law S--lablo'd § Hotel De Paree 8--The Four Just Men 62 Loretta Young &-Death Valley Days 4-Lucy In Connectiout | ¥=The Vikings 10:30 P.M 7118 P.M, 11--8aber of London T=Newsi Weather 7--Not For Hire 7:30 P.M, f- Outlook 11.6-Don Messer Show 4 What's My Line 7-Cheyvenne Phil Silvers Show 4~Charlle Farrell Lock Up §-Bar-8-Ranch Popeye Playhouse #=Farm Home and Garden 15 AM, $=Morning Gospel 240 AM, 11=This is The Lile TMission §=Tim MeCoy =Cartoon Playhouse 10:00 AM, 11=The Christophers 7=The Living Word $~Christian Science 4=lamp Unto My Feet y Theatre 10:15 AM, SIndustry un Parade 0:30 li=Rrave Theatre T--Insight #=Christophers &=Uncle Jerry 1:00 AM. 1-TV Farmorama &=Church Service $=This Is The Life &=Rev, Archbishop Lakavos $=The Big Rascals 13 AM, Mary. Knoll Reports $-0ff To Adventure 12:00 YOON N-Rues Bunny F=Matty's Funday Funnies &=Musical Interfude S=Family Playhouse S=Dateline UN Film Featurette 12:3 P.M Spa Nits 6 Good Lite Theatre Religious Education Week 8. News Conference 12:45 PM, 11:00 P.M,; Weather: Sporty 2-Award Theatre 11:18 PM, ¥=Late Show 6--Qutlook §-=Movie 2~News 11:30 P.M, 1l-Late Show 4 Theatre B=Award Theatre 6~Camera Three MONDAY 8:90 AM, T-Fun Howe 5.3 Today 4=News: Roundup $118 AM, Captain Kangaroo 100 A.M, 11 Romner Room T-Deputy Dawg S5-Ninn Dong Sehoat Popeye's Playhouse 2-Trouble With Father 0 AM, 11--Mavie T=Romper Room S--Rurns and Allen Lite of Riley Checkers 10:00 AM, §3 Dough Re MI 4-December Bride 10:30 A) T--Morning Show $3-Play Your Huneh 4~Jack Nam 11:00 AM 11. Jane Gray Show §8-Price In Right #1 Love Lucy 11:30 AM, 1:00 P.M, Rogers U-Bod Mclean Show ow $2---Riverboat 8:00 P, 11.6-Ann Sothern Show 4~Pete and Gladys {1-River Boat T-Rourhon Street Playhouse 53 Tales of Wells 4=Father Knows Best | 1 . 83-Peter Gunn to increase world tension, will probably help the GOP, But any storm clouds on the economic 2:30 P.M. front will probably help the Dem: ocratic cause, particularly those relating to the voter's pocketbook -- the Demo. crats lead the Republicans, When voters were asked, for example, which party they would want in office if it looked as if business conditions might worsen, the Democrats emerged with a 4.to-3 lead, In short, If Khrushchev's forth. coming visit to the UN operates this Contrary to popular belief, al poll has ever gone wrong | views 'of "straw vote days, | Orie REGISTER NOW JOR FALL Irenie Harvey ACCM, 424 KING ST, Ww, RAD, BALLET «= COTA, | | sheer numbers have little to do Farge {with polling accuracy. No nation. RA 5.4122 TAP TONIGHT BENNY LOVES AND HIS ORCHESTRA AT THE Jubilee. Pavilion FOR RESERVATIONS CALL RA 32143 4~Celebrity Talent 11-6-Swing Gently T~Adventures Paradise §3-Alcoa Theatre 10:30 11.6-Robert He Theatre T-Mike Hammer 8 Tombstone Territory 4~Presidential Cam. 76542 News) Weather, Sports Late Show 6-Philip Marlowe S3-Jack Parr =Mystery Theatre 12:00 P.M, MOBSTER THE LIFE OF A GANGSTE Cinemasicon MONDAY! 13%] &Y SLAND ® TODAY ONLY oo The House of Usher'] 'Circus Stars' THERE IS STILL TIME TO REGISTER FOR ONE OF THE EIGHT DAY SCHOOL COURSES AVAILABLE AT THE OSHAWA BUSINESS COLLEGE Our method of individual instruction permits stud- ents to commence their studies any MONDAY MORNING throughout the entire year, Registrations are now being accepted for the EVENING CLASSES COMMENCING TUESDAY, SEPT. 20, 1960 TUES. AND THURS. EVENINGS 7:00-9:00 P.M. Choice of the following subjects PITMAN OR GREGG SHORTHAND PAYROLL, RECORD KEEPING, ACCOUNTING, ADVANCED ACCOUNTING, COST ACCOUNTING, TYPING, DICTAPHONE, COMPTOMETER AND CALCULATOR Also Aveilable: Special Classes for HOUSEWIVES, SHIFT. LR PHONE--WRITE OR VISIT THE COLLEGE "HOW TO GET MORE FROM. YOUR TOMORROW OSHAWA BUSINESS COLLEGE 10 SIMCOE ST. NORTH OSHAWA M. C. BARNETT, PRINCIPAL Ww cass OF [gh ers ADDED FUN HIT ! WADE ENTIRELY WITH THE OPPOSITION OF THE WAR DEPARTMENT! Cary On Sergeant WILLIAM RARTNELL 000 MONKMOUSE S508 SHRLEY EATON * TRE BARKER DORA BRYAN * BILL OWEN + KENNETH CONNOR Sarvs + Philp

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