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The Oshawa Times, 20 Sep 1960, p. 10

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0 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Yussdoy, September 20, 1960 SPORTS CALENDAR TODAY'S GAMES BASEBALL Lakeshore Minor Lesgue (284 game of Zowt-old Le ge Chom- e vs Kinsmen Waist, ot 7.9 wr Vikings Rugger Club 4 % - 'Wins Over Peterboro Ca | On Saturday, Oshawa Vikings' Kelly's conversion kick was sue-| which were expertly taken by the CL hirst team travelled to Lindsey |cessful, Petes' full back, # Le J for on exibition match with| The Vikings began to resly get (hs player and Goldman of ' © their old rivals, Peterborough. into their stride and the oulstand- awa were asked lo take part in | | The game (ook place in the Ex- ing play of the game come with 8 an Ontario trial, by the selectors 4 | hibition Grounds st Lindsay, and| 50-yard run through the Peter- pitending the game, | was delayed somewhat due to the| borough defense, by Goldman, | star of the game for Osh late completion of a "Brass| Peterborough struggled to even awn, was Goldman, but mention Band" competition, {things and took advantage of must also be made of Farquhar It was pleasing to note. thet! Vikings' rule infringements by son, Sheppard and McArthur, Imany of the estimated three scoring two penalties, They were their fine contribution to an excit- thousand spectators stayed on to (880 a little unlucky to have a Ing match, iS | watch, what was to most, sn un-|deshing free-quaricr dragged SHAWA {familiar sport, They were helped off the Vine by the alert Oshawa Williams, {to gain an understanding of what forwards, when he was only Taylor, Nicholls, {was going on during the match inches from scoring, {(Koeho, Sheppard, {by 8 loudspesker commentary,! The second half saw 8 more Rysn, Gibson, Ary, A | which the players found 8 rather open game, punctuated by intelli-| and Pringle, 'novel experience. gent plays from Farquarson and NEXT SATURDAY The game hegen in hard style Goldman, The Oshawa forwerds| Vikings 1 vs Irish 1 ~ in To and even though the ground was|too had many fine moves: Ayles.|ronto end Vikings 11 vs, Bank of Iriok hard with many stoney sec. |worth, McArthur and Sheppard| Commerce in Oshawa, 8st Lake tions, the tackling was very keen, |were especially good, They did | view Park, Vikings opened the scoring after however lack cohesion and need Why don't you come 8 and la ground gaining forward play,|a firmer, more positive leader. see 8 thrilling completely {when Williams scored as touch |ship, | free of charge? We guaraniee you down from a set serum, Goldman, MeArthur and Kelly won't he disappointed, Give your Encouraged by this esrly suc-|completed the second half scor-|support to some of the men Whose | cess, the forwards made a pum-|ing for Oshawa, and the game spirited contribution is helping to {her of disconcerting ground|was closed with 8 Vikings win at make the name "Oshawa" known | pushes with the loose ball which|2312, All of Peterborough's and respected in all fields of Sl resulted in @ touchdown by Kocho, points came from penalty kicks, | sport throughout Canada, | iy MIDGET FINALS A Dave Thelen Fernhill Aces |Best Rusher One Game Up In Big Four TORONTO (CP) Halfback ernhill Park Genosha A ces Elmhurst, Mason and Mosier al|Dave Thelen of Ottawa Rough do Kingside Park Colts 7-5 kept the merry-go-round rolling, Riders rolled up another 501 last night at Fernhill Park, in| for the four-run splurge. yards of football rushing in the the third game of their Oshawa| In the fourth, the home team ('8st week to Jump into a eom- Minor Softhall Association's Mid-| added another pair of rups, Ver-|manding lead in the Big Your, get League eity championship| non, Elmhurst, Mason and Mosier The chunky Rider offensive title series. The win gives Fern-|again doing the hitting, along | star now has 785 yards in 140 hill a twoto-one edge in the with Beneco, Vernon scored his(c8rries, averaging b6 yards, round, with the fourth game| team's 7th and final run in the George Dixon of Montreal Aloy- virihe series scheduled for King-|fifth, with Elmhurst and Mason |etes Is second with 518 yards side Park diamond, on Wednes:| combining to drive him home , |and Dick Shatto of Toronto Ar- day of this week, at 546 p.m,| Vernn, Elmhurst, Mason and gonauts next with 481, sharp, Mosier, along with Flinotff him-| Dixon, however, is well in front Last night's game was called | self, were the big men at thelin scoring, with 72 points on 12 after Kingside Park had had| plate for the Aces in last night's touchdowns at the half . way thelr seventh inning, due to im-|win, in which Barnoski pitched mark of the schedule, He has a pending darkness, |good ball but couldn't stop the|12-point margin over triplethreat Kingside scored two runs in the | big hitters, after the first inning. | Dave Mann of Toronto, first inning, Barnoski, Buechler| KINGSIDE PARK COLTS Ron Stewart of Ottawa 1s third 8 plonship Finals) --~ New Oshewa Legion Civie Memorial nals series ~ Ajax vs Oshawa Dalry, at Kinsmen Civie Memorial Sta um m, SOFTBALL, Oshawa Minor ASSO, iia ague championship finals uth me of Sout.old series | Fernhill Genosha Aces vs Kin side Colts, at Kingside Park, 5. p.m, ghavp. OASA JUVENILE "A" = Vir. a vs Oshawa Cole's Sporting oods, 1st game of Zout-of Southern Ontario Finals, st Alex. andra Park, 8.00 pm, LAWN BOWLIN Men's Doubles tournament (fowl) 'st Lindsay Lawn Bowling Club, 1.00 pm, » L ' LEAFS' MVP SCORES A TRIUMPH - Ml Cicotte, Judged the most | Cicotte had a 167 record VANCOUVER (CP) ~ Veterans| valuable player with the 1960 | the season snd pitched Affairs Minister Brooks officially nant-winning Toronto Maple Shutouts, cluding H 5 oy no-hitter, m wmph, Padd Lou opened a $4,500,000, six-storey| Leafs of the International Base. addition to Shaughnessy Militery| ball League, won this car for his brilliant work ss a pitcher, Clover, Wirephoto Grandview Golf Club Big Closing Tourney whose ard drive In the teeth during the day, which just falled of a 15-mile "south wester" held to qualify including, Steve Melch up throughout the dey, In second|who came within T' 9%" of a lon were Cec Pearn and Val holednone and Don Brockman sky, who tied with Identl-\whose fee shot stopped Just cal 225-yard pokes, Trudelle's® 5%" from the cup, For this prize, as long ball-hitting cham- event the winner, John Gow, re. plon was a mated sand wedge ceived a putter, while the runner. while both Cee and Val received up, Bill Milne, received three B Jacks of top line golf balls, | packages of well-known golf balls, e ""Hole-in-One-Contest", No,| 9 hole, carried a great deal of WAS LONGEST PUTT interest and suspense, The man-| The longest puit on the ninth agement of the club were aware| green was sunk hy Moe Peters of of the statistics that a hole in one B95 Myers street, His putt travels A beautifully bright sutumn day, 112 eager gollers and the challenge of Grandview's diversi fied layout were all the Ingred. lenis necessary to make the "Champion for the Day" tourney on Baturday, at the Grandview Golf Club, an outstanding success, To climax its first season's op- eration, Oshawa's only pay-as- you-play golf course was privil. eged to host sueh a large turn out of ardent golfers and was gratified at the keen competition {and sportsmanship that resulted | BROGLIO PITCHED FOR HIS SUPPER Ernle Broglio, ace right- | after posting his 20th win of | dium, on Sunday, The tomato hander of the Bt, Louis Cardi- | the season, a 4-8 decision ever | sauce came later! 5 pals, digs into his favorite dish, | San Francisco at Busch Bta- =~AP Wirephoto "Kent's Edge SPORTS MENU Moderns It By Geo. H. Campbell SPORTS EDITOR 'Everything From Soup To Nuts' First Game Kent's. Western Tire nosed out and Pleau all clicking al the plate and a sacrifice fly by Noakes scoring Buechler, | From that point on, Kingside| Modern Cleaners 3-2 last night at TWO OSHAWA TEAMS are still very much in the running, following their week-end action, as Ontario ball teams round the last turn and head into the home stretch in the dash for provineial championship honors, Most notable victory was achieved by Scugog Cleaners who blanked Woodstock 6-0 in the first game of their OASA Junior "A" series, The Woodstock folk who eame down to cheer their team, saw them completely handouffed as Danny Peters hurled a no-hit, no-run game, his second this year, He had one in the Junior tournament in July, when he beat Hamilton 5-1, Ray Suddard and "Hot Dog" Burke each hit homers to aid the Scugog cause, But at that, the Cleaners only have five hits off Watt, the Woodstock chucker, who had a very fine slow-ball to confuse the Oshawa batters, The return game in Woodstock this Saturday evening, should be another sizzler, Scugogs have a City Championship round-robin game tonight, Oshawa Merchants, at Alexandra Park, against Fernhill Genosha Aces came through in fine style also, defeating Weston Kiwanis 8-4, in the third and deciding game of that series, up on the Pickering dia mond. Fernhill Aces will now meet either Galt or Stoney Creek (likely Galt) in the Southern Ontario OASA Alexandra Park, in the first] game of their UAW Softhall| League semifinal playoff series, It was a 00 deadlock for the first five innings, as Tamblyn| and Anderson waged a keen pitching battle, Tamblyn pitched no-hit ball for the first four frames, with Shearer's single to open the fifth, being Kent's first safe hit Anderson wasn't as effective but he was just as fortunate, | Berwick singled In the first in-| ning and Mackness walked, but! Berwick got nipped going to 8rd | base. Two errors In the second put Hamilton and Clarke on base but Anderson got Solomon and Tamblyn to shut off that threat, In the 4th inning, Hamilton sin gled with two out and Clarke was safe on an error, but Armstrong snared Solomon's liner, to end ally clicked, for their one hig scoring rally, Anderson started it off himself, with a two-bag ger, after one out, Legree came right back with another double, hy inning, Kent's in| Need Sth (Game had to wait until the sixth in-| ning before they eould launch an-| other successful attack against Flintoff's steady pitching. In the 6th, Pleau and Balson hoth got| on and then with one oul, Buz. minski came through with a hig hit and scored later on a passed ball, to make it 7-5, Kingside had | Vasko and Buechler in scoring position in the 7th, with enly one out but Flintoff got Pleau to pop up to the infield and Balson's long drive to right field was gathered in by Mosier, to snuff the threat, And at this point, the umpires called off the action, runs in their second inning, with Zarowny snd Flintoff getting on hase after two out, then Vernon, Nanaimo Wins, In Mann Cup PORT CREDIT (CP) -- Les then after Johns had popped out, homer, Norman, a lanky New Westmin. Vasko, ¢; Barnoski, p; Buechler, ef; Pleau, ss; Balson, 8h; Nakes, {with 42 points, Bill Bewley of Montreal has 41, Cookie Gilchrist nal events ocours once in every tem thou. od 20' 6" before dropping, A real. sand attempts and since the num. 1v close second was Don Patter. If; Buzminski, 1h; Taylor, rfi|ormonnto 80 and Gerry MeDoug- The "Champion for the Day" son of 09 Nonquon road, whe Norton, 2b; MeDongld, 2b in 6th FERNHILL PARK GENOSHA| ACES -- Vernon, 2h; Elmhurst, | 88; Mason, 8b; Mosier, rf; Gas-| kell, 1b; Seneco, cf; Blyth, If; | Zarowny, ¢; Flintoff, p | Umpires: A, Baroes and T {all of Hamilton 88, an average gain of 10.3 yards, pleted 130 of 237 pass attempts and is second in average gains, ber of tee shots from No, § tee was approaching this figure they had hoped that the first hole in one recorded at the elub might occur during the #petial event | day, so that the holder could he awarded with a 1961 member: event was based on the low net score (Atlantic Handicap system) for 18 holes and was won hy the well-known Oshawa sports figure, Ted Barnes, with the low net of 60, For his effort, Ted received a weather guide harometer, In runner-up position were Wes Ogden and Glen Mumberson, one stroke hehind with net seores of 70 and both were awarded wrist | hand score counters, | The hest "scratch score" LANCASTER TOP PASSER Oficial league statistics re. leased Monday show Hom Lan caster, the Ottawa newcomer, has taken over the lead in the passing department, He has tried 100 throws and completed 53 for| In this event, Howard Hall, 115 Mary street, set the pace early! Tobin Rote of Toronto has com- in_the day for the closest to a hole in one by hitting his tee shot | on his first nine to within 8' 4" | Was of the cup. His shot was still| {two packages of top line sank a 29' 5" putt which indeed called for a eareful and deliber. ste measurement by Umpiredn. Chief Ram Venn, Bob Petrie B48 Colborne street east had set |the pace earlier in the day with 5 win. ning effort Moe was the recipient of an attractive, full-size golf hag, while the runner-up, Don Patterson, was presented with #ol balls, In the draw for attends ship, |a good 23" 6" putt, For hi Fernhill Genosha Aces got four R 0.6 yards, Next with 8.8 yards is Barnes, Wings Sam Etcheverry of Montreal who ven ries also holds the lead in percentage TORONTO (CP Rochester |of passes completed--121 out of ed Wings found a breach in the 201 for 602, Toronto Maple Leaf pitching ram: | Bill Stribling of Toronto parts Monday night and pushed jumped from sixth to first place through for a 5-2 victory that tied among the pass receivers during up the International League|the week, He has hauled in 28, finals at one victory apiece [just one ahead of teammate! The Leafs and the Red Wings Mann and two up on Hal Patter: resume their battling in Roches | son of Montreal, the only one in the "select" seventies and was turned in hy smooth-stroking Murray May, who certainly merited the smart um- brella and case given for low gross champion, In putting to. gether his winning round, Mur. ray had a sparkling hack nine of 36 (one over par) which tied the course record-o-date, A five-foot putt on the 18th green which eame within one inch ef ted the ance prives, P, Kelletu received i the first prize of a telese retriever, while Cec Hall and Bi) Thacuk received Green Fee Vouchers, closest when he comple! 16th hole. However, as he stood hy and watched the following foursome hit their tee shots, he saw his mark eclipsed by Bil | Milne, who hit within 7' 8" of the| In the hidden score draws Orve I hole, ! | Holand won 8 Kart Kit, John | This shot remained the closest | Harrison a Green Fee voucher {until late in the day, when John | 2d Phil Orvis, Dave Currie and | Gow of 246 Annis street, the win. | arvy Hutcheon magnetized ball ner, placed his tee shot on the! kes, ter tonight, with Leafs convinced | Little World Series, The Leafs, who have heen win. | ning all year on superlative hurl. ing, got five top - notch innings from Steve Ridzik (14.10 on the season), But with his team ahead the Wings will be no pushovers kicked 52 times for an average in the contest for a berth in the|of 46.0 yards, downs and three converts Sunday| Men and Dave Currie, and seven dropping, was the difference he- tween 86 and even par 88, The runner up in low gross was In the Ontario Rughy Football|Pave Carstairs, whose steady 40, Union, Curtis Cotton of Detroit-|4%-82 provided him with a mar. Port Huron Raiders vaulted into|#In of six strokes over his nearest the scoring lead with two touch. Pursuers, Cec Hall, Don Brock: Mann is the top punter, He has 18th hole within 6" 2" of a holes in-one, John was playing In a threesome which was second-tos|! the-last, to finish, Beveral others hit good tee shots (against London Lords, He is two Strokes over Wendell Brewster ' On behalf of the players may {we thank elub pro Harley Trus delle and tournament director ohn Konarowskl for the excels lent job they turned in, in organise ing the tournament and arrang. ing the order of play at the first tee, We should also like to re mind all winners to report te the club If they have not yet Armstrong clouted a to ster, B.C., goalie with a tendency make it 3-0, {to wander, was home when he Modern's gave it the old col. had to be Monday night as Na lege try, They scored two runs|naimo defeated Port Credit Sail in their own half of the sixth, on ors 11.8 in the fourth game of the i, » pun. FIGHTS LAST SPECIAL EVENTS NIGHT In the special event conmtests,| New York--Jorge Fernandes, the competition was keen and re-|180, Argentina, outpointed Stefan sults were literally in doubt until Red], 150%, Paterson, N.J,, 10, the very last stroke had been| Providence, R.1.~Willle Green, taken, IM, Providence, outpointed The longest drive ehamplon Mickey Dwyer, 166%, Dorches: R HPet (No, 1 Tee) was none other than|ter, Mass, 12 {Groat, Pah if} 83 169 398 long-hall hitting Phillip Trudelle, (Larker, LA [Lavker, 1 415 81 135 398 YESTERDAY'S REMEMBER WHEN , . ? Clemente, Pgh Adeock, Mil Jimmy Foxx, one of baseball's] Runs--Mays 106, STARS greatest right-handed hitters, an:| Runs batted Mm---Aaren, nounced his retirement 16 years |waukee 114, ago today after 10 seasons in the| Hits--Groat 188, By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS (major leagues, Foxx played for| Deubles--~Pinson, Cincinnati ", Hitting~Joe Cunningham, 8t,|Philadelphia Athletios, Boston! Triples -- Bruton, Milwaukee Louls Cardinals, broke up shut. Red Sox and Philadelphia Phil: and Mays 12, out duel in sixth inning with|lies, and twice led the American| Home runs--Banks, Chicage 41. home run for 140 victory over Los Los Ane Angeles Dodgers, Pliching ~ Lindy McDaniel, League in batting, In 1081 he hit| Stolen bases--Wills, Pitching = Broglio, St, Louls, Cards, saved decision that elim: 20.7 " oie, 68 home runs, only two short of gele Babe Ruth's record, Lg Bh inated Dodgers from The contain gh salt! Strikeouts--Dr sdale, race by striking out Tommy(to form a layer about 500 feet geles 208, y adi Davis and Wally Moon in relief deep over the world's entire land American Lea with tying run on base in ninth. surface, {Unchanged from Sun ay 240, Ridelk lost control in the sixth, After Johnny Buchek| singled, Rideik walked a pair and hit Jim Frey on the leg to force points ahead of Ray Sine of Sar. and Art Sinclair, For his feat, nla Bears, Dave recelved a& chrome table I ------------ ighter, Midget finals, with the first game scheduled for Oshawa this Saturday night, at eight o'clock, In the meantime, the Fernhill boys have another tough series on their hands, here at home, They managed to eke out a 7-5 win over Kingside Park Colts last night, in the third game of their Minor Association Midget League cham= pionship finals, The game had to be called after seven innings, due to darkness, so the fourth game of the series, scheduled for Kingside Park tomorrow (Wed- nesday), has been called for 5.45 p.m, sharp. A win for Kingside will force a fifth and deciding game. picked up their prize, BASEBALL LEADERS --T TE OSHAWA COLE'S Juveniles, after a two » week layoff, will open their Southern Ontario final series in OASA Juvenile "A" play, here at Alexandra Park to morrow night at eight o'clock, against Virgil, Virgil polished off a highly-rated Sarnia Juvenile team, in the Western Ontario finals and word is out that they have "a hot pitcher" in Wally Dick, He struck out 22 batters in Sarnia and allowed only two hits, We hear he fanned 20 in the second game but still only won 2-1. However, the Cole's team, having played this summer in an adult league here, have faced plenty of good pitching and their Oshawa supporters are confident that Herbie Cooper's boys will make a real bid to advance to the All-Ontario championship finals, in quest of the cham- plonsnip won last season by Oshawa's Scugog Cleaners Juveniles, Henry Fost, Bill Massie and Wayne Gordon were the big hitters for Virgil in their series against Sarnia and these boys will get careful attention when they come to bat at Alexandra Park tomorrow night. . a single by McMullen, a double Mann Cup final, | Pat Scantlebury came on w B ff | B by Nami ny filgthe Wd Sallors went into the game |strike out two ina row, Then he u a 0 isons arke, but once dain, {with a 30 lead, needing only one threw four consecutive halls tol base-running cost them a chance, more win to wrap up the best: pinchhitter Johnny Glenn to force Deal Landrum a Lf larke Waa QiouR oll de rns |! seven Canadian senior lacrosse home the tying run, Wally Shan h the last 0 ih, Model championship in straight games, (non's serateh single plated the F : had Victory within thelr EYa8D| Norman and the experience of third Rochester run and brought | & OF ive ar S and lost o Na 4 I REIN the slower Nanaimo veterans Wynn Hawking to the mound to] ng iglak " A ad. | 1oreed a fifth game, set for Wed: close out the inning BUFFALO, N.Y, (AP)---Buffalo A Eu on Sutton's sacrifice Ber. | Resday night, Dick Ricketts, §eeon d Red Bison "one Aernational wick singled and so did Mack.-| Norman was brought in te re. Wins Jie aot the Vietory with ghamie | ded Sitfle dor Don | e a Fred Fi A § as | + Mo 4 | ous. MeMullsn DOpsed on glace deals 1 ved Fula, ont With the loser ¥ | Monday. for etond haseman Bob. erwick w alled | r if hi 4 | The winner of the series will|Padowski and four other players, fering with Bryan's drive into There were 45 shots poured his| oo naan the Annsices: Pen) The Buffalo elub said the that territory -- and that made way during the evening, but he: Inamen of the oti | 1a the third out, to end the ball missed on only flve--a dazzling | 2tion champions for the Little! her players wou game [blocking job on a team which| orld Series title, Toronto hasn't | be anounced later, Berwick and Hamilton, with] scored a total of 30 goals in the| een in the series since 1034 and | Landrum Jed the International two apiece were best at the|first three g hasn't won the series since 1926, | League in five departments and plate for Moderns while five of | o hs Sames a Willard Schmidt, 115 on the/ls a leading candidate for the Kent's shared their five hits, |, OMY Brian Aherne was consis: season and 10 in Rochester's most valuable player award, He ent's sha [tent against Norman--he seored i cal satnst Rich. hit 202 in 188 @ Armstrong's homer being the big : no semi-final series against Rich 202 in 156 games for the Almatong's home L three the $aor gole, The mond, will go tonight for Red| fourth-place Bisons CRNA a wap (Singles came from ayne| Wings, Leafs will start lefty Rip| Sadowski batt RH Bo 3 WESTERN TIRE 2b; Thompson and Ron Roy, | Coleman, 0g for the Season. He ong the 4) iy Jo, So Armstrong, 3b and ss; Shearer,| Veleran Archie Browning won two from Rochester against | League and finished the season Re . 2 We !|scored three goals for Nanaimo,| no defeats St. Loul rf; MeMahan, o; G. Westfall, ih ol Ind 1 Skip M s in St. Louls, Bannon, 8b; Malloy, 1b; Ander-|!W0 each coming {rom Bkip Mae: son, D. {Kay and Don Sherry, Joe White, MODERN CLEANERS - Sut. playing for the first time since ton, 1; Berwick, of; Mackness, | fighting off a bout of blood pois: 1h; McMullen, If; Bryan, ¢; Ham. |oning, got one, as did Fred Ussel. ton, 3b; Clarke, 2b; Solomon, man, Jack Bionda and Tomi Me- s8; Tamblyn, p, Vie, i BASEBALL SCORES, STANDINGS a S60 6% w B85 11% 7 a5 a 3B MN Today's Games 0-668 MINOR BASEBALL teams are still very active here. Oshawa Dairy Legion Bantams got off to a bad start Saturday afternoon against Chatham Legion but they are hoping to reverse the decision when they go back there on Saturday for the second gamé. Chatham's Midget team will invade Oshawa this Saturday afters noon, meeting Oshawa Legion's Beaton's Dairy Midgets, in the first game of the Ontario finals, at Kinsmen Stadium. Tonight, at Kinsmen Stadium, Oshawa Legion Juniors meet Newcastle in the second game of the Lakeshore League title and trophy, Tomorrow evening, at the Stadium; it's Ajax and Oshawa Dairy in the fourth game of their Legion Bantam League title series, The Ajax team leads the series, two games to one. More men-on more occasions-enjoy WHITE OWL than any other cigar in Canada! / Why? Because White Owl, blended with Havana, offers you a unique combination of satisfying taste; smooth, mellow mildness and a particularly pleasing aroma, It's the most popular cigar in Canada. By THE CANADIAN PRESS |Milwaukee National League Los Angeles Los Angeles 000 000 000-- 0 5 1/San Fran St. Louis 000 001 00x-- 1 7 1lCincinnati Williams (14.9) L, Sherry (8) Chicago and Roseboro; Miller (4-1) Mes Phila Daniel (9) and H. Smith, HR, St, L-Cunningham (6), (And Probable Pitchers) San Fran 010 211 92111 14 0 Pittsburgh (Friend 1611 and Chicago 000 010 210-4 9 3 Haddix 11.10) at Philadelphia Fisher (10) and Landrith; Hob: (Roberts 10-15 and Owens 412) ble (14.19) Freeman (6) Drott (T-N) (8) and Taylor. HR: SF.Kirkland Los Angeles (Craig 7-3) at St, 2 (20), Chi-Altman (12), Bouchee Louis (Simmons 7-4) (N) 1) Cincinnati (Hook 10-17) at Mil. San Fras 000 040 00 4 7 0/waukee (Burdette 17-11) (N) Chicago 100 000 00 1 3 0/San Francisco (Sam Jones 16.14) (Bight innings, darkness) {at Chicago (Ellsworth 6.12), O'Dell (8:12) and Sehmidt,; Wednesday's Games Morehead (28) and Taylor. HR: Cincinnati at Milwaukee (N) SF-Schmidt (8) [Los Angeles at St. Louls (N) International League (Only games scheduled) ! (Best-of-seven Finals) ! American League | Rochester 000 003 020 § 7 2 Unchanged from Sunday rer ---- acute R" 011 000 000 2 10 0 Today's Games : ecegan, Ricketts (3) Kay (8) (And Probable Pitohers) ident Ken McMillan of George (Stone (8) and Capnizzare; Rid-| Washington (Kralick 84) at New SPORTS BRIEFS town. Hanley refused to discuss zik, Scantlebury (8) Hawkins (8)|York (Stafford 8:1) (N) {the reasons for his resignation Heman (8) Negray (9) and Boston (Brewer 10:12) at Balti HANLEY QUITS OHA POST Hatt MeMillan has received his Thompson, + {more (Brown 11.5) (N) TORONTO (CP)--Bill Hanley! etter. "I am not too happy with] "(Series tied 1.1) {Detroit (Lary 13.15) at Cleveland business manager for the Ontario certain things," he sald, and in National League | (Perry 17-8) (N) Hockey , has sent a dicated he was resiguing oo W L Pet. GBL| (Only games scheduled) 88 5 618. | 'a G letter 4! resignation to OHA pres matter of polly. Qo 0 mm P| Kansan City at Chioags (8) Nanaimo extended The Mann Cup finals last night with a 11-8 win over Port Credit Sailors, in the fourth game of the set. Les Norman, the goalie Nanaimo flew in from New Westminster, to replace ailing Fred Fulla, turned in a star performance and the Nanaimo team came up with their best checking game of the series | besides. The Sailors only need one more win, but they may find it tough to get now. A 18a] MLL wi ry ¥ 10¢ [| [Ye Buy the handy pocket pack of 5's { Pittsburgh 18¢,

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