_-- ization, the English Catholic | * Trustees' Association of Canada, locks 8 matter of doversment | 11 was formed Monday night to en 0 plans has been provided trom) 0 1 0 m é i lJ ata Ca THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wodnesdey, September 21, 1960 | » 3 f Welland Canal [Gof Woman 10% FE Fany pay Two-Way Street? =: 7&4 "og, ou federal prison for women at a0 EY MONTREAL (CP)~Plans areition of the American Association being made to create two-way of Port Authorities that no date Sestsal ara village late possession without a proper per tratfie throughout the Welland has heen set for the work day arrest wes made by RCMp!™t anal, a shipping boltleneck for! Seaway engineers are prepar- ' i, anded weeks at the opening of the BL. ing drawings for the time when at the home of the girl's mother, --Katistion was hand he net Lawrence Seaway B, J, Roberts the federa) government considers Mrs M. Hoffman, less than an = fn jail after he w seid Tuesday, such 8 move mecessary, he said, Dour after her arrival, Bly of Wh Hyer a Mr, Roberts, who retired last! Shipping companies and other) Acting on information from, Gressed skins shipped to him July as president of the Bt. Law-| interests have in voicing the sources who had been tipped the roan 5 Vancouver fur company rence away Authority, told need to double the capacity ofigirl might show up here, police He told . ot delegates ot the annual conven-|ihe Wellond Canal, which links|irom Drumbller made the ar.| Me tld the court he had not Lake Ontario with Lake Erie. rest without incident, {arriedly shipped them to an- N Ca tholi Only one oily canal locks now) She had escaped July 2 from ier company for processing e tw 5 j i e! ; ar nh Kingston Penitentiary by lower-| when they arrived, i the operation in; nerself over a prison wall f t would likely be more than $180, |yith a blanket, after leaving 2 f Assoc. Formed |. wi kw. Rowe. lam, ride at pws Sa neath her covers, ! ys C anad a 7 " [SEAWAY HAS MONEY TORONTO (CPA new OF "tne timing for twinning of alll courage high standards within! the "Authority's budget, Joma Cabtolie chou] SYSLeMS| The United States Army Corps Catholic school trustees attend. | F, Kau neers or n, 8 esting Aolion ¢ 0.8 vo ation hare| 1. 10 Investigate' the possibil voted unanimously to establish! ty of 8 U.S. canal which would TORONTO (CP)~Reeve Chris sight conventional wars that the new organization which willl pu, "onsioole "in "New York state, OPT Tonks of York townshiv, could spark a world conflict co-ordinate efforts of Catholic| 4 | unseated Monday by an Ontario] ~ , ul volice. tore provinelal groups, Mr. Roberts said no members Supreme Court order, said Tues.|, At 4 apa voll Police orce, First president is'A, M, Sheedy|0f the seaway Authority's staff day he will seek re-election if his '¢_ 1° Club . T eral Business of Niagara Falls, Ont, a past|'s scheduled to attend this meel- appeal against the order is un.| cn ® Clu oronto, "is the president of the Ontario Separate ng. | successful, {type of thing Canada can do TORONTO (CP)~Paul Hellyer, . Run Again Liberal Member of Parliament for Toronto Trinity, seid Tuesday {Canada should equip itself to hool Trustees" Association. The| When locks would be twioned| Ie called the Township Citiz arn ATO #5 an individual executive will draft a constitution) also depended on when the canal cng' Committee, which initiat and select a site for a national reached Its capcity for cargoiihe court action, a pin pr The former associate defence conference in September, 1961, |transit, Mr, Roberts said, troublemakers, minister sald "we must work as Tonks was unseated by order @ brush fire force to keep major of Senior Master A, 8, Marriott war from breaking out," of the Supreme Court on the! Discussing the recent N Tobacco Farms grounds he is involved in an ac- Study piri Baio onal tion against the townshin Ont, he eriticized economists at The appeal Is expected to be the meeting who believed in gov- ( ITO Insurar 1Ce heard Sept, 29, Township nomin- ernment intervention as a "pal- {aflons are Nov, 21. lative" for all economic ills, BOY'S FLANNEL SHIRT A wonderful bargain! Made of fine printed cotton flannel in attractive plaids, assorted colors. Guaranteed washable, Sizes 8-14. Reg, TORONTO (CP)~The Ontario|insurance for a specified crop Federation of Agriculture Tues- should be undertaken by local hd day asked the government of On-|producers' boards but conceded! 1r S a ace tario to devise a crop insuranceithe proposal "contains the seeds | plan for tobacco "with all pos-|of serious embarrassment for the N [ sible speed' as a pilot project|local board should the task of ad-| for federal-provincial crop insur-| Justing claims be included." er) ury arges ance, | Insurance plans for individual The federation made the rec-'crops should be made available ommendation in a 10-page sub-ag organized producers express a mission to the Ontario select desire by plebiscite, CHILD 4-6x Winter Jackets MEN'S CHATHAM (CP) ~~ Two 16- acted and by smelling his breath year-old Chatham girls who testl- that he had been drinking before committee on crop insurance, It The submissic od the. inter fied Tuesday in the trial of Ger- he met her that night, recommended that crop insur. slon said the inter-\q1q Marchand, 19, of Tilbury,! Marchand testified for , ) 4 BNNE I oaeked. luitially: om aon o jlSuerat field SND produs charged with criminal negli-'ye said he teal 30d Jor a8 hour: TAGGED FOR SAVINGS! non-compulsory basis, [the average farm ncreage wast nce: Were warned they ight beer at his home in the early H A complete assortment of Eskimo end Parke style Ved, he Government 10 16 yz pork a Mlk By face perjury charges after tl "| part of the afternoon the day of SHIRTS LADIES' jackets to suit boy er girl, All hove lined split hood, Act, In which Ontario has agreed The federation recommended "Next to murder and treason, Jie said the car's steering and ; These are first quality merchandise with a second to participate, The federation choices of coverage below the perjury is perhaps the most seri: brakes were defective, This was : quality price, sald the act "falls short of the/™aximum set for each crop, Pre- ous crime there is," Mr. Justice proved by tests made by police Smart plaid designs, washable ideal particularly in connection Sotabiishes on A township basis|L. A, Landreville of the Supreme and a licensed mechanic. little or no ironing, sturdily made. with treefruit crops." {according to risk, Court of Ontario told Karen| The trial continues For long wearing, S-M-L. T The submission indicated inter proyINCE's SHARE [Wright ana Carol Putnam. | 9 y its Hii a ONLY - est among Ontario farmers Ini" mye apa oaiied for subscrip:| The two were passengers in the | erop insurance was restricted tol, brig car Marchand was driving when producers of "one or two crops." | n by the provincial government ® EERE BEEDS of 30 per cent of the ¢ it struck and killed Kokichi Wak: Tobacco producers had shown in: administration plus a least bs ayama, 61, March 14, | top. Assorted colors, REG. 59¢ S.M.L, REG. 2.98 terest and producers of orchard o . per cent of the premium cost and, Both admitted they lied at the) crops "modest interest." as much more as would bring preliminary hearing in April, 00 CHILD 4-6x - OTTAWA HELPS PAY the total federal-provincial con. They thought it would help Mar- ® for " Under the federal act Ottawaltribution "to a point equal to, but|chand, they said, but they ow. reimburses the province for any(not In excess of the share con. were giving a true account of |g p n tributed by participating produc. what happened on the night of 2% share of the premiums it pe ' up to 20 per cent, as well as oh Hoa tee i the accident, " L di y N 1 t of admini- ree crops, the 4 payLlg for 30 per cont of adm submission noted the present fed. STORY ALTERED ' (1 | 16S y ons _ 2.Piece lined suit with m 1d ond J choice of poplin or melton cloth. All have split lined stration costs, eral act deals wit { At the preliminary hearing /™ The federal government also| ," ooo) Bulg with lay in terms, ov denied Marchand and his mw agrees to lend money to the Prov-| "wpor perennial crops like fruit|companion, Kenneth Carrick, 18, u ince where funds for the insur. veos or grapevines. investment|0f Tilbury, had been drinking, ance scheme In BY JUNE are I810an hardly be thought of in an. and described Marchand's driv-|m ance to compensate farmers for "A disaster which destroyed a| But Miss Wright said Tuesday unavoidable loss due to weather| mature orchard would seem not It was "crazy driving" and she and possibly due to disease and|'® be provided for in the present knew from his (Marchand's)| pests. Jt urged that coverage|'®6islation." manner of speaking, the way he| should not be established at lev-| r™ els which would indemnify the in sured profitably. es wet DUE TO, HIGH Lose Race | HEBREW HOLIDAY CHILD'S SLEEPER Good quality fleece lined sleeper, Nylon reinforced binding Joy wet: Footed leg, full back opening, Assorted colors, nes 2, 3, 4, REG. 7 7 1.29 LH BOYS' 8-14 CHILD'S 3-6x Suburban Coals [| JEAN SETS For boy or girl. Good quality flan First quality, full fashioned 15 hood, denier, 51 gauge, seamed, latest § | fall shades. 2 PAIR 95¢ BUY NOW AND SAVE 9.88 | Heavy quality melten cloth with quilted h ith the } | lining, split lined hood. Latest styling and pel dbp fg Rg By pi By "King Cot", a sonforized garment of it tor eolor combinations, bows. A wash and wear fabric. strength, triple Witching at all seams, rivet Assorted colors, reinforcing at pockets, Sizes 30 « 42, LONDON, Ont. (CP)--Two One slice of bread leads REG, ambulance men turned mid- THURS & Fil SEPT 22 & 23 | -- jn REG. 3.98 3.98 2 77 wife Tuesday when they lost . . . | fo_another when it's top. - x ° a race with the stork, ped with Blue Bonnet = the 2 88 LJ Jerry Glazier, 23, and Rob- ert Randall, 31, had been Open for Business Friday Night and Saf. called to the home of Mrs, Johg Sutherland to take the expectant mother to hospital, As they were preparing to leave the home the baby are rived and was safely deliv. ered by the ambulance men, They took the mother and baby boy to hospital, where both were reported doing well, It was the third time Glaz. fer has had to deliver a baby, "in 9.95 Ladies' CORDUROY SLIM JIMS™S. "Round-the-world-fashions'. Fine pinwale corduroy in colorful plaids, machine wash- 1 able. Sizes 12-18, Reg. 3.98 . ... | | ] margarine with sunny-sweet flavor. Good for growth, because It's all vegetable, Buy it In the handy Yellow Quik package. Blue Bonnet CHILD'S FLANNEL SHIRTS The little boys plaid shirt, just like ded's, Excellent quality cotton flannel, Washable. Sizes 3-6, REG, wn 82° NC DRL buts was Randall's first ex- 32 SIMCOE or w MARGARINE | rience, qu But he's all right" said . S. OSHAWA | . BOYS' 8-14 n MEN'S GIRLS' 3 . 6x Windbreakers || Sport Shirls This jacket is reversible, fully lined, quite Priced Low to Clear i for this weather ond Spring. Assorted color twill cord one side with A large assortment, good quality decorated opposite, Buy now at this low shirt, Long sleeve, easy to wash, TAGGED FOR SAVINGS! | ™ ... A iy greed Sh RAYON wn 2,77 ws 2.00 BEDSPREAD LADIES' 70 x 84 beautifully worked de- SKIRTS signs with hemmed edges, pink, blue, green, Easy to wash, A full line of ladies fall wool skirts, in plaids, checks and plain colors, Belted or plain, Waist 1 09 band size 12.38.44, + REG 3.95 REG. 2.98 » 2.88 Cotton Blouse Fine woven cotton blouse, whites and colors with colorful decoration. Short sleeve, Peter Pan collar, 88 GIRLS' 8-14 SLIM JIMS A complete line of corduroy and wool slims in lain or decorated patterns. Boxer back waist ve to wash, VALUES TO wo 1.88 * a we ame AW ¥ 3 \ Hr aie ei Ee GR \ ) Ee GIRLS' 4-6 YEARS CHILD'S SIZE -- 5 - 12 BOYS' 8-14 FLANNEL LEOTARDS Running Shoes || LINED SLACKS | PYJAMAS a | tretch lon, ideal od quality, A . conti le in . i edn EE Sis A i Pg phi TR hg So Tee CANVAS SOLES oo Lan conkingwedto pi Thy tion Girls 4.6 + VOREINIY + 1.59 Bg plain colors. Red, black and blue. jorced scwing points of wear, Susaniaed, "ashuble, Latest fo Girls 8.34 .. ... 1.79 =<SRGLISH SEN Ladies, S, M, L, xL 2.49 Boys 8-14 ...... 1.79 wnl39| rule |--288 [EEE You'll Save MORE at "The CIRCUS" baat ER EG 35 REG