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The Oshawa Times, 21 Sep 1960, p. 18

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18 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wed Police hustle alor picket in vicinit Jet-Age Concer: | By JOIIN MILL Canadian Pre Sti Canada is deep million-dolla: tn keep pac growing 10-year pe a billion ¢ Transpo stribes over-all plan | of Canada' covering every ways, taxiv tion and rel Canada, he forefront of day, both in th domestic and services." But lines turning t pected 100 air tralf du years, heavy needed to mair position. An has been gre in figures fo 4,551,337 pa Canada or lef pared with 3,303 earlier, LONGER RUNWAYS The department «¢ which oper Y jor airport time to en about 10,000 range jet 6000 to ventional Airport bu cially constructed against the ea frequency wall « cilities for serviciy costly. The thou of fuel require must be pumped tanks hy yecial fuel pumps a swift rate to borne again tanks of a Df ample, hold abou Canada's si ; more than any oth the high cost with the re international air European cout tain one or terminals all the poy string a belt of { 3000-mile girth, A cross-Canada Canadian Pre modernization pr planned or being « all eight major air the country. ATLANTIC KEYSTONE Eastern terminus port systems is ( The department ha than $3,000,000 shape it into the the transatlantic a The electronic « of the Gander ¢ located in a m« sheathed buildin over the ocean and west to the ( land. About one-third of | using Gander's control informatio the airport. and from ter Canada and y r and their only contac der is by rac ar out of Gander benefit from it Information air traffic Modern waitin cus oms and are offered est in 1 from escalators to aircraft to an ur drant system for fuelling, combine to r der an efficient se KELLY LAKE FIELD The new I: X airport at ne which staried operat 'Higher Education Costs Increasing By BRUCE LEVETT This Stes a problem Ri Canadian Press Staff Writer Maritimes univ er sities, which - . : . imust keep pace to avoid losing! Le fost Ola iversiy edisa: teachers to the well-salaried cen.| Son is on the in tral Canada market, Within the last two years, more ae Seisir nem, te swe {than half Canada's universities ially-supported western Aniver- [housing 41,000 of the total 9.0005iiig, {student population-- have raise tuition fees, MEDS HIGHEST The picture is general across Fees for 1960-61 at the Univer. the country, with central Canada sity of British Columbia--where | and the , Maritimes the latest the last increase was a flat $100 areas to react to the financial a year for all departments in | merry-go-round. 1958--are: $346 for arts and ag- | In a cross-Canada survey of 25 riculture; $306 for applied sci-| universities, The Canadian Press ©0ce, law, commerce and pharm. [found that 16 had raised their|A¢y: $551 for medicine, Medicall fees in the last two years, Most fees are for four years following of the others had done so shortly three years of arts: commerce | | before. {1s one of arts and four of com. | merce; law is three years arts,| RISING SALARIES three of law. | Two major factors have motiv- Between $425 and $510 a year| ated the increase--the need of jg the room and board price at al matching faculty salaries 16 Sune university residence, [ of industry and a $450,000, ex- 4 2 charges: pansion program across the coun- erly ba! Albetta Shares try. $245 for science, commerce, To send a student away to uni- household economics and nurs-| versity for four years costs about ing; $255 for pharmacy and phy- $4,000 in tuition and board -alone sical education, Medicine costs in the Maritimes, slightly more $365 the first year, $475 the sec- in Centra] Canada and slightly ond and $525 for the third and |less in the West, { fourth, Bursar MacLean Whidden | Figure in another $2,000 for in. 8ays the last fee increase was 10| | cidentals and approximately $200 per cent, about three years ago, | for books, and a conservative es- to "balance the fee schedule," timate of the cost of the average, Room. and board is about $500 a Canadian university education Year. | comes to more than $6,000, wi hl Shiuent away from home, For a six - year engineering Mr. Whidden says, the cost could looune "at ome of higher. Tange from $3,600 for three-year | priced Institutions the price soars| Ourses to $8,500 for medicine or past $10,000, well above $10,000 for a six-year MCGILL LOWER 3 ; . In the last two years, tuition INCIDENTALS COSTLY or hoard fees have risen at St. The University of Saskat- Dunstan's, Acadia, St. Francis chewan asks $200 for first-year| | medicine course, I Xavier, St. Mary's, Dalhousie,|28 and science courses, rising the University of New Brunswick © $225 the next year. Engineer. Maritimes. wan's agriculture degree course is i = In central Canada, increases Tm he jis Sear, $225 for each ~AP Wirephoto |are shown for the University of ox ree, ~ |Ottawa, Carleton and St. ale University of Manitoba av-| 10.000 and 000 Patrick's in Ottawa; University © 28 oul the yearly cost to a) ora to 3} id of Western Ontario, London; Me- esiaent student for fees, room| r jets weighing Master, Hamilton; University of an Doard, incidental expenses, | tons compared Toronto; Assumption at Wind hooks and supplies, at $1,250, | 000 tons Tor sor and Queen's, Kingston. {Registrar RE Armatage said a lled Supercoastel-! In the west, only the University Year ha course would run of Mani WY about $5,000; a five-year archi- of Manitoba raised rates--bring-| ec 4 50 a | reconstruction: is Ing some courses up slightly in a A a, jin w $30,000,000 not in- "tidying up" move. 750. e course $9, extensions and McGill, with the highest fees in Last year 1,500,- Canada, actually cut its rates this "= sit fans A { I 1sed the term- year as Quebec universities, for Soo Shel es jn the $250 to 1971 the number is the first time, took advantage of pm ) area for the cheaper courses. be 4.000.000. federal education grants, | ingineering Ld usually in the {$500 bracket, Board is expensive R TERMINAL MORE FEDERAL AID {--usually between $600 and $650 building a mew! In line with this, there was no|@ Year for the eight months, I consisting of increase at Laval in Quebec City,| The University of Toronto, ts joined by or at the University of Montreal which raised fees 10 per cent this estrian runway, and Sir George Williams, both in/year for the second consecutive administration Montreal. (boost, charges $410 a year for airport op- Dr. F. Cyril James, principal Arts, climbing to $600 for negi- o and vice-chancellor of McGill, neering, medicine and dentistry, Nor The says his university, by taking ad- AGRICU | * con. vantage of money held in trust| GRICULTURE LOWEST # by the Canadian Universities] Laval fees range between $200 y Foundation, will receive $5,342,- and $500. Room and board out. { four maior airlines 900 in government aid in 1960-61 side the university is estimated | led stons at Winni. his compares with $1,876,400 at $750 a year, ! more refuel there| GUring the previous year, | McGill estimates' room and dar. rchite: be Laval, which last raised fees In board cost an off-campus student h America and ROL. 1955-56 to cover an operating def-|$600 to $900 a year. Agriculture ih ob ' icit, emphasizes that two-thirds|at $275 is the only course this of its students receive scholar- most expensive of Canadian uni-| ships or loans, Last year, 3,580 versities offers below $400 a year. | students received a total of $1,-| Arts, science, commerce and law 604,437 in this way from govern-| cost $425; dentistry and engineer- GLIDER ments, public and private groups|ing are in the $500 range and new international and the university itself, {medicine is $600. | ready late this| Vice-president F. R. Stone ex-| Tuition and board in Newfound. $30,000,000 layout Plained that student fees at the|jand's Memorial University for a of the jet traf- University of Toronto--Canada's|four.year course averages out to and share other| largest with 14,500 students--cov-|ahoyt $2,500 a year, lower than| lh Municipal airport, | ered only about 22 per cent of last any other Atlantic university ex-| worated civilian field year's expenses of $17,630,809. |cept Charlotte to w n's St. Dun-| | PROBLEM FOR EAST ) ALONG and Mount Allison, all in the|In8 Is $275 and $350. Saskatché- acts as ffs and landings 4 d 1958 the en to 206,868. {stan's. Tops is Dalhousie, Hali-| 15 mile outh of the Targest single expenditure was! fax, at $4,100, followed closely by aircraft toi for salaries and pension contri- Shs Francis Xavier, Antigonish, | dine approach toihutions, "It accounts for two- Bria an ! ¥ qiyersily of New 1 10.000-foot run-|thirds of our total operating out-| Brunswick, ¥r eericton, lay." i . Vil To keep professors from heed: Ee ing the monied call of industry, Ontario Resources oflicials ithe university is forced to pay R re In Danger minal will see|them $11,000 a year. jams for at least 10]. --------------mme---- TORONTO (CP)--E, M. Nich- Vancouver Interna. concerns ownership of the air-\glson, director-general of the Na- rt consisted of one port. The only major one in {ype Conservancy of Britain, sald Iding at the edge of Canada not owned by the trans- Tuesday that Ontario, with an expanse of grass. port department, It belongs to| abundance of provincial park and d by pitted run. the city. It has offered to sell yecreational land now, may in 10 year the airfield, it to the government but no de- years face some of the problems leal and a jumble ¢ision has been made by t- England has. in buil 1s and tawa. "The ine § 3 5 vi aR. province is well abreast . handled 850 Whatever the outcome, Van of the demand now," he said. 196 Souver airport will continue to "but the problem in the future [ED BY CITY Vf We cant help but expand," [Wil be that of keeping up with) lans for a $25,000,000 ex-|says manager William L. In.|the demand, [ ram materialize, by glis. "We are a port of entry| Mr. Nicholson, here to address| r should have an!from Europe via the polar/a seminar on parks and nature ir that will route, Australia, New Zealand, reserves in Ontario, which opens le a predicted|the Orient, Fiji, South America|today, said, however, that he was engers by 1970 and and Mexico as well as a term-|impressed with plans being made | 139 RCAF an vear | | 50. i Smaller colleges in Ontario by 1980, |inus for three domestic air|in Ontario to get the most use only problem at present | routes. out of parklands, FOE ON SWARMED IN MICHIGAN PARADE lich,, Monday and | Base by plane. Nixon spoke to med by crowds after | a crowd of thousands at the city arrival at Selfridge Air Force ' hall as he started a one-day tour of four Michigan cities, ~AP Wirgphoto | A Y PENNIES A WEEK The Economy Reading Plan...a very special Reader Service offered exclusively by this newspaper! MORE THAN 55 FAMOUS MAGAZINES ... CHOOSE YOUR FAVORITES select any 4 magazines all Oshawa Daily Times for only 60: a week ® Extra big savings over newsstand prices ® Convenient , . , your magazines come by mail ® Your newspaper will be delivered by carrier ® No Money Down! Oe IT Nel ANG s[=Tel Gh {a =H EYe EVAL [=E- IY e IV IRV Tak 4. Fill out coupon hand to carrier or mail today! * I" ve wn. "----e-m---em-mmwmn Mark an "X" before any Four Magazines MAGAZINES MAGAZINES New Renewal New Renewal [J [] REDBOOK [J [J CATHOLIC, DIGEST [J [] CORONET [1] CALLING ALL GIRLS ... [] [] LOOK (Every other week). . 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