THE OSHAWA TIMES, CLANCY happy to announ son, Ronald Joseph Sept. 25 A brother Deo Gratias Sunday, at Hospital David CORRIGAN Colleen and Anderson pital on Wedn 1960. A sister for Christopher. Thanks and nursing staft arolyn to Dr MORRISON baby sister Seplember 24, 1 eral Hospital. Pr and Carolyn (mee Speirs) Dr. King NORTON (nee Woodward) the arrival of their sc Saturday, Septembe Oshawa Geperal Hospital. A for Kathleen. Thanks to Doctor Rundle PROUT -- Glenn and Flsi Vetzal announce the of a son ond Glenn, 8 015 | Hospital September son doing fine or Mother and DEATHS Russel drive Apple BLACK. Joseph 8 home, 2052 Hary Acres, Port Credit tember 24, 1960, Rus husband of Mary Elliott, des Sylvia (Mrs. Terence ( Peter and Catherine, brother Bruce Tuttle, Roy, Go and Maurice Mr Black Funeral est wor Middiebr at Ann Street Port Credit the chapel Tuesday at 1.3 ment in Union Cemete 3.15 p.m. In lieu of flower may be made to Cancer Heart Foundation MOORE, Jobn Ivason -- Sudden a i (Ja ved the Port Perry for service on Mond 3 p.m. Inter ment Pine Grove Cem MUIR -- Entered rest manville Memorial September 1960 Thomson of Arch mother Harold ert, in her 77th Armstrong Fun memoria nto pital on M widow of Mr Archie Eliz Id Mu 8 FLORIST naeme ts LOCKE'S arr requiremen occasions OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE 24 HOUR Po) ; RA 8 -655 nt fo Funeral flora! RVICE GERROW FUNERAL CHAPEL Kindness beyond price yet within reach of all. RA 8-6226 390 KING STREET WEST OSHAWA MONUMENT COMPANY SPECIALIZING IN Monuments, Markers, Memorials, Cornerstones, Statutory of all types. 1435 KING ST. E Ph. RA 8-3111 or RA 8-8876 IN MEMORIAM WHITE ~-- In loving memory of our dear mother and grandmother, Mar garet White, who passed away Septem ber 25, 1958 Peacefully sleeping, resting at | The world's weary troubles and trials are past, In silence she she bore, Till God called her home to suffer no more ~Ever remembered by daughter Jean, son-in-law Norval and grandsons suffered, in patience Please Note Deadlines now this column: Births, Memoriams, Thanks --- 9 AM. SAME DAY DEATHS = 11 AM. SAME DAY DIAL RA 3-3492 in effect for Cards of Ask Rid From Europe Gold WASHINGTON (CP) may join the United States to urge hefore the World Bank and International Monetary Fund that certain European countries, well stocked with gold and dollars, in crease their aid to underde- veloped countries, Arriving for the annual 68 country financial conference which opens today, Canada's Fi nance Minister Donald Fleming, told reporters: "There 2 coun- tries which are not carrying their full share of aid programs He declined to name the coun- tries he had in mind, but earlier Per Jacobsson, monetary fund managing director, said Wes Germany has built up heavier monetary reserves than it re quires, and that it "can do more and should do more." The United States, concerned over the increasing loss of its gold reserves to overseas treas- uries, hopes Europe do more to meet the investment needs in Asia Af ca and Latin America. Raps Attitude To UK. Trade SASKATOON (CP) Gleave, chairman of the (3 or province Farm Union Council and president of the Saskatche- wan Farmers Union, said Satur. day Finance Minister Fleming's "attitude toward Britain and the European Common Market is disturbing." "Threats didn't do us any good in the 30s," said Mr. Gleave in reference to Mr. Fleming's state. ment that Canada will take re taliatory action-if Britain's pos sible entry into the Eu Common Market adversely fects exports to Britain, . le should go along with Bri. Canada will opean af Monday, September 26, 1960 {range | Todays Stock Market Listings on Toronto TORONTO 11 AM By The Canadian Press Stork Exchange xd INDUSTRIALS High | Sales Dom The today federal subsidies subven ailing OTTAWA oval commis mended that ment p. stead of tions to CP) nm the recom govern direct in transportation help Canada's industry its 10 coal over next ( prop years Ivan subsidies coal ( a ymmissioner ed tw for all of Easte plus a social subsi 0 basic subsidy P Wes dy for of ar n and terr Canada r ard-hit coal Maritimes Dean Rand, mining towns h public did not put a price tag ubsidy proposals, but in regions who visited 31 coal during his three mont invest this year on his around $14,500,000 a to start with The ba aimed at mines to maintain "'at least skel- etal operations' while the social 1hsidy would provide protection for coal towns threatened with ic subsidy would be |abrupt collapse Dean Rand, a native of Mone ton, N.B., is a former justice of the Supreme Court of Canada and now is dean of the newly-formed law at the University of Wes Ontario at London. He school tern was appointed last October to dig cream were hard in into the troubles of the pressed coal industry Maritimes and the West The 75-year-old commissioner talked to coal company officials union leaders, workers and civic authorities during his one-man in quiry. He went through surface mines, plunged into underground tunnels, inspected coal docks and held public hearings His report--about 18,- 000 word his own comments and recommendations plus an- other 25,000 words of was submitted to ment at the end of 12 days of 127-page of the August govern Print ing held up release until today./mall 29; De Rand 16 -11 to assist made recom of an mendations with how dustry in the face of markets and keen rivalry from oil and gas. The other five dealt with the need for other industries for Cape Breton, establishment of a yocational and trade school there, switch in the composi- n of The Dominion Coal Board more coal research and better ef ficiency in Nova Scotia coal min ing operations For Nova Scotia, the basic bituminous coal subsidy was set at 50 cents a fon, plus $2 a ton as a social subsidy ales within the Atlantic prov inces and eastern Quebec, In ad- dition, the report proposed a $4 social subsidy for each ton of the coal in tain and and arouse United Atlantic include western Europe more Interest in the States to establish an trading area. It should western European fries; Such a gigantic economic force could resist Russian domi nation of world trade." STOCKS Net Low Il am Ch'ge Rand coal Quebec, ship bee For subsidy coal cents Rand surface social subsi producing for the apply Atlantie the Quebec these crucial rq; ify ® Fa Fleet G tock "Play Mig Dynam GMI Gp GL Gl GN Ove Roe hipped and ped to for ton depending gation earlier tions, For chewan, formants indicated it would | ymbia, year hasie and Ont New respe on local r subsic coal mined a ton for coal mined by t stripping dy of 60 and 40 cen Cos prov Coal Albe Dean subsidy Drill A Paper Power Gas w Weg vi Wpg 58 rand ( .- Rand Asks For 'Direct Subsidies to cert $5 a 1 other ario, Brunswick une m tive mel used al ine sh kets of lies operator Ita ar Rane of for coal from under 30 on any cents helping existing coal na) The the duced by a bit no subsid max ton fo social 1e§ wo imum eligible operators those in operation up to now of the 1 on 4 three Net HighLow 11 a.m. Ch'ge $ 19% 187% Sales 440 200 9 » €G In 5 +4 C Pap Dupon Ach AP Alininex Am Leduc Ww Biley oil Oil Hus Sup ent Dra | Mic Dynam Fr Pe Home Home Okalta Pace P Petrol Phillip Place vo « « { ( ( « ( ( « an Broul Camp Camp Camp Stock Cons al Ed Chieftn dn Dev De Sales 220 er 1% t 100 v OILS 2000 500 230 Gas 3000 SA 100 210 300 1500 1500 2250 150 800 1050 1000 235 1000 70 225 800 6000 ele 375 3000 1000 1000 700 200 600 500 000 450 2225 500 1000 Las L t ky erior gon Mat nic te pr Oil A oil B Gas HighLow 11 a.m. C -- $304 $381: $24 Stock Tungsten C Malart € N Ines Can Erin « 30% C 8 ny 304, 8 2% hester ib Kay hrom win oin Lake omb Met och Red Pop Reget op Ma oprand oles n « Crowpat Cust Daerin Deer Horn D'Ellona Deinite Denison Dome Galtwin 3 Mines YK MINES 2500 1300 1000 Reef Chib Ch w RL xd 835 30 a5 Hollinger Hud Bay Int Nivel 1th Bay Te Joburke Jonsmith Kerr Add Kirk Min Kpan Labrador Cin Ling Shore n in Lae rio Lorado wis Macassa 1 La i Le Le |! L I 7 BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT ain pa ton for coa parts of Pry By Canadian The Canadian the b: 10 cents a ton ter annual conven round, 30 1 : Good , tion called its ment ethod, plus roads 17-20 ( Ont highways, of t of nto Oct M. Tore Fred eastern ster beyond qual- meeting $2.70) wy of whic vhic which all to within the and pped vould $1.35 or the destina 10d presider Says government CGRA mec 8 Saskat- common purpose ol the and must tinue to move in d Brit 1 proj cents h Co roads sosed a have if we ton ground mines r strip-mined subsidy uld be tonnage a "The convention wil cu formulate plans of our years ahead." lons based in the pro Topics to be Can tranglehold chemicals in only m ve years of traff MARKET PRICES erossin of nance; grade | economic impact pre TORONTO and reporte TORONTO fruit reported and unc TORONTO prices were oday. The firm fair the CER Nn with de on ( aler federal department appendices culture cp) butter d uncl cP) vegetable hanged (cp reported 1arket offerings demand County a anada delivered Toronto, i | A 54-55 B e Butter them dealing grade non tender dwindling ng | ® for all coal coun- | We stern 3; A 31 n C tc 62% 62% Highway _ departme Churning print 2 price 1anged today Whole prices today ale were ) Potato g unchanged QUEBEC (CP) suit arising ol most damage Quebec's rike to he Superior Court starting Min was reported light for a Gaspe Coppel Murdochville United Steel America (CLC) in ith alleged dam from a strike of its m Canada first and related outbre nderable 63: ence and rioting in light trad I'he (nominal), der quoted of grade e n fibre cases wedium 39; A re at the V ee company, opera ound copper d Roads "Canada's parlia will ich year the unique and os and sire winter Que three of Associa- tion meet in ario's min association he coming alliance business with the giving Can- els it needs are to con- forward 1 study, dis and discussed include: ave the city from the) Engineering Services decisions that will affect all eche-| common enterprises! Industrial and Commercial Lab- Convention Aids + Better Roads FORBES RHUDE Press Business Editor the provinces will report on the pro gress and problems at a round-up session Oct, 19. FROST TO SPEAK Premier Frost of Ontario will address the annual dinner Oct, 20, and Ontario will be host to delegates and their wives oh a post-meeting tour, Oct, 21, of the Niagara Peninsula An honorary life membership in the association will be pre sented to Lieutenant Governor Errick F. Willis of Manitoba, for mer Manitoba public works min- ister. Two members will be admitted to CGRA's quarter century club, marking completion of 25 years of membership for each. They make| are Lucien Perrault, president of oratories Ltd., Montreal, and J. A. Knight, manager, Highway Allied use of| Chemicals Canada Ltd., Toronto. PEN urban ex- sways on adjacent areas. nts of Copper Strike ction A $5,200,000 ut of one of controversial heard in Quebec g today. es suing of is Workers connection the age arising ine employ- saks of viol years ago ating an un- eposit and £m LOANS Largest All-Canadian Consumer Loan Company BILLS? pay them all NIAGARA FINANCE COMPANY LIMITED 37 KING ST. E, Alger Bldg RA 5-656) with a fast NIAGARA LOAN From $50.00 to $2500.00 2A pr (sometimes more) (next to Biltmore Theatre), Sul Closed Saturdays ~-- Open Branches Throughout Ontario to 6 p.m. Friday ite 22 SHOWN DAILY AT: Spire Zod YeuliFul uu to know right from wrong ? ws" i REBELS B.vhe don" Tin VAN DOREN MEL TORME "RAY ANTHONY NAGE ES Var vs dap PAUL AN 2 tt ATHY CROSBY GIGI PERREAL + ELINOR DONAHUE + GLORIA TALBOTT SECOND EXCITING FEATURE! SUSPENSE THRILLER! "GIRLS oT 1:30 - 4:25 - 7:25 - 10:25 "NOWHERE T0 GO" 2:55 - 5:55 - 9:00 mainte. | = | safety; all terior, Limited| 1 ore - processing and smelting plants in the town located deep in the wild Gaspe Peninsula in opposed on points of law a certification demand by the USWA to the Quebec Labor Re lations Board While the company objections were considered before the courts the USWA local at Murdochville called a strike of its employees The union said the company dis- criminated against workers ac- five in labor organization work The walkout started March 11, 1957 and ended Oct, 6 that year The USWA was unable to ob tain certification from the Quebec labor relations board, even after strike was over. Workers at Murdochville's copper plant now are members of an independent union Sales Exchange Net Sales HighLow 11 a.m, Ch'ge 7000 5 409 113 1300 305 5000 3800 1000 1500 1700 2700 2000 100 12500 2000 3065 500 7300 500 1600 1000 Net HighLew 11 a.m. Ch'ge 137 135 135 Be 38h: We + 12% 12 12% 65 65 ki 12 175 Stock Macfie Macleod Madsen Magnet Malartie Maralgo Marcon Maritime Martin Maybrun Melntyre Murtey Nes Lab N Dicken N Harri New Hosco N Kelore Newlund N Man N Mylama Noranda Norlarthe N Coldstr Northgate N Rank Obaska O'Brien Opemiska Pamour Pato Peerless Perron Pick Crow Que Ascot Que Lith Rayroeck Realm Renabie Rio Algom Roche Ryanor San Ant Sand Riv Sherritt Siscoe Steep R Sturgeon Sullivan Sunburst 3» 13 1900 ~5 00 6500 700 2500 1500 100 1950 2000 1000 500 2200 1000 8600 1365 180 2675 1000 500 2500 200 2100 00 2000 1500 500 1000 0 5 113 305 El 1 #5 M 1000 1000 1000 130 1680 3500 3644 5% 115 15 120 105 " 10 -1 509,000. 1000 Sales to 11 am II] Lillian. Mae Marsh SCHOOL OF DANCING D.E.A.--M.D.A. Ballet, Tap, Toe, Character, Baton, Acrobatic, Kinderdance and Pre-School. FRIDAY & SATURDAY at the MASONIC TEMPLE 91 CENTRE STREET, OSHAWA Information: RA 3-7253 Elevator | an addition shortly after. Steamship Companies, ualty of the St, PORT COLBORNE (CP)--The way. Little National Harbors Board 3,000: 000-bushel elevator here is being offered for sale by tender to the highest bidder, although the board does not bind itself to ac- whereas prior to the opening the seaway vessels at car argoes of grain, ANAS AAAIAAAAAAAAAAA Icept the highest or any tender, The original elevator exploded in 1919 and was rebuilt along with | The Port Colborne elevator, or qa Pe {like the canallers of Canadian 5 ship C 5, Is a cas Lawrence Seas grain has been handled by the elevator this year times waited days to discharge theif MIGHTY NAVAL WAR PROGRAM! == PLUS THE BATTLE OF THE RIVER PLATE OlnvbaTadwicolny, wiswal¥ssson $ TODAY & TUESDAY |INGCXTR3} a Se iit ) 4 ' y "You're all sinners... You'll all burn in hell!" Tell em Gantry... tell 'em everything fp" ~but not about 4 © your vide wd ADMITTANCE 10 #18: "ran om fashmn COLOR - UNITEOMEMRTISTS The most incredible naval exploit ever attempted! v "UNDER POINT-BLANK FIRE FROM ENEMY SHORE BATTERIES... OUR CASUALTIES HEAVY. WE ARE ATTACKING!" LONELY? "I've got a whole new slant on life since I joined Arthur Murray's, People are so friendly there and we have such a lot of fun at the wonderful get-togethers, I'm never lonely anymore!" M.L. Life is never dull once you're a good dancer! And learning to dance at Arthur Murray's is as ~ FORF FALL Irenie Harvey ACCM, RAD. BALLET -- CDTA. TAP 424 KING ST. W, RA 5.6122 casy as ABC. His famous "Magic Step" gives you the key to all the latest dances. Studios are open daily 1 p.m. to 10 p.m. Visitors are always welcome. Come in now. ' Pom A trial lesson costs but $120 ARTHUR MURRAY W. Marks Licensee Open daily 1 to 10 p.m. = Air-Conditioned RICHARD AKIM AMRF WILLIAM HARTNELL KEYE LUKE Michael Anderson - P HERBERT WiLCOX ADDED AYYRACK] SCARFACE Dane Clark DILLINGER : with LITTLE CAESAR Simone Signoret and now THE THRILLER OF ALL THRILLERS ! GANGSTER A7BAY (ADULT) 11V2 SIMCOE ST, § RA 8-1681 UAW. MO Th Oshawa Yachf Club announces "'(ommodores Ball" FRIDAY, OCTOBER 7th, 1960 HALL - OSHAWA The Juck Denton Orchestra 5.00 Per Couple Dress -- Optional TICKETS ON SALE AT ® Wards Dry Goods -- Simcoe St. S. ® Shobbrooks Barber Shop -- Prince St. or Phone RA 3-2659 -- RA 3-9343 Dancing 9 - | a.m. Refreshments -_ = 8-3967 Club: RA 5-0931 after 9:00 p.m. except ursday RESERVATIONS ACCEPTED 23 OSHAWA DRIVE-IN BOX-OFFICE OPEN 7:00 -- SHOW STARTS AT 7:30 GIANT THRILL SHOW!!! CARNIVAL STORY = : WE BAI ER- STEVE a a GER - GEORGE NADER tae * DanbribGE Ju LOVE AND ADVENTURE AS BOLD - 4 ND DARING AS THE CASTING! % ADULT ENTERTAINMENT + CURT RGENS NOW IS THE TIME TO GAIN EXTRA VALUE FROM YOUR BUMPER CLUB MEMBER- SHIP! USE IT TONIGHT! CHILDREN under 12 FREE! ALWAYS A R CARTOON