tare Mivided into three groups for' hoth high schools -- Bantam, Jun or and Senior The meet is planned for THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tussdoy, September 27, 1960 § The participants must doball and badminton, Basketball practising on their own appears in be offered and the two October Students are finding some coaches have temtalive hopes of "tem, students are finding it diffi "Pe available during regular getting a combined school team cult to praclise. Consequently jPisieal education classes together and entering the Oshawa there are no aller All Saints' Scene Of Autumn Wedding vhrysanihemums: tices thelr sometime in time annual track and field WHITBY and DISTRICT Whitby Bureau Office: 111 Diandas St. West Again with the shift sy Manarer: Lloyd Roherison Tel. MO. 8-370 Decorated with candelabra and white shasta schoo prac Service Station ® Limit Set At 31 | After a recount, Whitby councill Mayor Stanley Martin reporied learned #hat the town will have 31 that there are four stations ye! gasoline stations, On Monday to open, which are already li evening, # bylaw limiting the cenced, They are al the corner number of outlets received third of Blair and Dundas street, Slarr reading, setting the number at 31 avenue and Brock street north / rather B%an 27, a figure discuss. Brock street north al the new ed when: the bylaw received its CTC store; and Watson and a JUNIOR BAND not essential bul 1s an The Whitby Junior Band chance in a life place in its ranks, All will be Interviewed Bandmaster J evenings al bandroom Four sie lve -° Z 4 Displayed in the window the Whitby PUC building are these brass band instrument is The display is to promote the (ime new Whithy Junior Brass appheant Band and to encourage a few by the intelligent music-minded Clarke men and hoyg in the commu 6.30 nity to teke advantage above expert tuition that is Corners by the band. Knowledge of WHITBY COUNCIL BRIEFS attend ihe meet. warehouse for the works depari- Included in the requests was ment at (he sewage treatment use of a room for a pub-/phant could also be considered, | hospital- Ai fked if he planned on letting the | [eo mtract for, razing the old hall to| Cost Isa me of the present unemployed MONE = |Hiig Worship replied that 'I had Pose A 2 {nas thought of handing a sledge to . : Aine } Storia Oey of eweryone in Whitby who has no GRANT TAXI LK ENCE : granied. | thing else to do and let them go! ¥d. Downey, a former (ax |owner, was granted permission to canvass for " jal. the hall"; ; ¢ beginning on renew his taxi licence for a stand . TO hy AME WYER oct ALLOW TAXI HIKE {on Byron street south | The week of Oc 0. Jct, ae Council, after debate, approved | will be proclaimed Retarded Chil. BOUQUET TO GARDEN. CLUB {Anereased taxi fares from Dyroved | LEGION WEEK dren's Week in Whitby by Mayor Councillor William Davidson's... the first one-third mile to 50, Mayor Martin will proclaim Martin, Such a request came moved that a letter of apprecia-inonig for the first half-mile, The the week of Nov, 5 to 12 Legion | from the Retarded Children's As. tion go to the Whitby Gardeniyaoveqse takes place when a new Week of Remembrance. The re.| sociation which was granted per. Club which provided two flower taxi bylaw is approved, Mayor quest came from Branch 112 of | mission to hegin a campaign for arrangements for the council yaartin noted that the new rates|the Canadian Legion, Whitby. | funds in Whithy during that week, chambers at Monday's meeting, gy nean the end of a 30 cent taxi : HAVE LOT, WILL PARK of music assel offering a rie on Tuesday p.m In the Allin's Drug Whithy Oshawa oung of the sore provided Times Photo first twee readings two weeks ago, Broek streel sonth | Councillor Paul Coath said that He said that some municipali a recownt had been made and it (ies do not renew permits or Ii-| was fou nd that 31 licences have cences unless the property is be- heen ist ued. He said that 27 are ing assessed as a business now in operation, For another Wi-| Councillor William Davidson cence #1 be issued, he said, one said that he objected (o a law of the present stations would have limiting the number of service to sure ender its licence, stations on the grounds thal i EE mrmm=lwas a diserimination agains . business, Oil companies, he said Cou ncils To Meet build service stations only after . {careful study and they would not On Annexation put up a $100,000 buidding if they , did not think i would make A co mmitiee from Whithy town money. To restrict the number of counel'| will meet a commitiee of such businesses, he said, would Whiths: Twp. council on Tuesday, cut down (ax receipis for the Oct, 4, at 7.30 p.m, to discuss an- town nexati on of a portion of the town-! Mavor Martin replied that he ship ry the town The meeting had been advised that the town was arranged by the two councils annually finds itself unable to col on Monday evening lect some of its business tax be Ree we Everett Quantrill, of cause service station operator Whith ry, revorting for his eom- gre forced to close down. He add mitte v, said that one meeting had ed that he was also aware that been held of the committee made oil companies are not averse to up af himself, Mayor Stanley investing some. of their profits in Martin, Deputy-reeve Warrenreal estate as well as oil Mowat and Councillor William | Davi dson During the meeting, he said, a great deal of discussion WHITBY had (aken place with regard. to the correct method of approach: DAY-BY-DAY ing the matter of an amalgama- tion of a oart of the Twp. of Whi thy with the town and out of REPRESENT WHITBY the discussion had come a recom- Ed, Mulligan and Vern, Harris mendation that the two commit- charter members of the Kiwanis tees, meet Club of Whithy, are this week Nn report was made on any representing their club at an aran being considered for annex- Ontario - Quebec - Maritime con atiem vention of Kiwanis International, being held in Windsor, Mr, Mulli gan, chairman of the Whithy |elub's visiting project at the On tario Hospital, will be one of the members of a panel which will discuss the problems of mental health FIRST MEETING next commitiee Mayor Stanley Martin members of his council held their one fo first meeting in the new council lic meeting to chambers on Monday Council members are fore the mayor in an are His Worship presides from a The Whitt raised desk with Town Clerk John Nurses group was Frost seated at his left : to begin a in Whithy and ing Whitby this year since the initial is $4000 and there is no y in the budget for this pur discu evening. ization eated he CANVASS le VON standards of all white gladiolus, pink carnations All Saints' Anglican Church was sweetheart roses and ivy the setting on Saturday, Sept. 3.) The flower girl, Miss Cathy . the marriage of Lois Ineille Kochany was gowned in a soft Burtinsky, daughter of Mr. and pink polished cotton dress with| Mrs. Jahn Burtinsky, Whithy, 19 short full gaihered skirt, short! WM. Gary Vergus Stanley Lockie, stieeves, hatean neckline accent: on of My. and Mrs. Victor od with a collar tapered to the AK aist with how at the waistline, | i pink sparton for Oshawa W "A matching headband of same ma ciated at the ceremony, terial trimmed with net, She car Mrs. ¥. W. Marsh Ne ried a nosegay of white shasta) organ and accompanied the solo- chrysanthemums, pink earns Florence Jenkins tions, pink sparfon sweetheart bride was given I Mar poses and ivy trimmed with 2 riage by her father and she wore, yhite lace frill a white peau de sole gown, made Mr G FOF 1 ¥ ~ ft by her aunt, Mrs, Kochany, of Ar. George Ramsden was best| man and the ushers were Mr Whithy, featuring a batean neck line, fitted hodice tapered to a Robert Burtinsky and Mr. Bruce V back with a graceful gathered Lockie ¢ overskirt of the same malerial,] The reception was held at the Ing pointed sleeves, A studded Canadian Legion Hall, Whithy pear! and sequin coronet held her To receive the guests, the bride's waist-length veil, She carried a mother wore a mauve sheath cascade bouquet of amazon lili 5 dress, mauve accessories and a centred with white orchids and] corsage of white orchids, She was| {assisted by the bridegroom's mother who chose a blue sheath dress, beige accessories and a) corsage of pale pink carnations For their wedding trip to Nia gara Falls, the bride donned an off-white suit topped by a three similar style gowns of silk or quarter length jacket, mauve ac ganza. The fitted hodices were|cessories and a corsage of pink complimented with Sabrina neck-|sparton sweetheart roses On| lines and bell skirts were held their return Mr, and Mrs, Lockie hy bands of shirred organza. | established residence at 493 Floyd Their bouffant picture hats were| avenue, Oshawa, designed for the gowns, by Jody EE They carried arm baskets of |! Stanle Armstrong war a Maid of honor was Miss Mary Burtinsky bridesmaids were Miss Frances Burtinsky and Miss Marie Hallett. The maid of honor vas in mauve and the brides maids were in apple green in Shift System | Bans Football The shift system operating af Henry Street High School ha ruled out the possibility of a fool-| ball team this year Both coaches, Allan King of Lois Burtinsky Feted By Friends Mi Lois Burtinsky marriage to Mr, Gary Lockie was solemnized in All Saints' Anglican Church, Sept. 3, has heen feted at several pre-nuptiall Henry Street and Dave Clutchey events of Anderson Street, say that a Mrs, V, Shaw. grandmother of|foothall team would place too the bridegroom, Mr FE. Moniimuch of a load on the already and Mrs, Wm. Bateman arranged heavily laden time-table a miscellaneous the It wouldn't be fair to the stu home of Mr Vv dents to ask them to come out to avenue, Oshawa, A a practice when they are on the rated wishing well was filled to! shift system," sald Mr, Clucthey capacity with lovely and useful "The students in the morning gift A tasty lunch was served would practise in the afternoon on the lawn and then work at their homework Miss Marie Hallett, a brides: in the evening, The students al maid, and Mrs, C, Hallett were tending the afternoon classes co-hostesses al a miscellaneous would have to practise in the shower morning and then attend school Mrs, Karl Ormiston arranged|later, This wouldn't work out af a "Personal" shower al the Ca-|lall for the football team or the nadian Legion Hall. A mock wed. | students." ding was enjoyed hy all, Partici To partially compensate for the pating were: Bride, Mi Mary elimination of the football, stu Burtinsky groom Miss Irma dents are playing flag football on Hoskin; minister, Mrs, KE. Ormis-| Saturday mornings, The team fon: maid of honor Mrs. Wm -- - - --- Vesters: hest man, M Frances Purtinsky father, Mrs, Azzapardi; groom's mother, Mrs, V, Madore; bride's mother, Miss Nonna MeLuhan, The music was played hy Miss Marie Hallett Dainty refreshments were served, | Mes, John Pardel, aunt of the bride, entertained at a pantry shower for the hride, A lovely | lunch was served, whose nower at Lockie, Floyd nicely deco hride BROOKLIN CONCRETE PRODUCTS | IMITHO Girls are being offered volley- and District Basketball League, Finer taste is a Seagram tradition about whisky Make this simple, inexpensive test at home; Pour an ounce or two of Seagram's "83" into a glass, Add ice if you like. Then pour in clear, cold water" (plain or sparkling) until the mixture is just the right shade of pale amber. Now lift the glass and breathe in that clean, fresh fragrance . ,. like fields of golden rye in the sun, That is Seagram's 83" as Seagram's and Nature made it. -- with nothing added but honest, all-revealing water. If it tastes better than any other whisky with water, then you'll be sure to like it as well with any other favourite mixer, Joseew £ Seaonam Sons WATERLOO, OWIARID, CANADA Now in a distinguished new decanter, SPCA hox is in unnecessary mer SEWAGE PLANT COMMEND BUILDER Consulting engineers Gore and Following motion of Couneffi¢r preceding week, Oct, 9 to 15, as persons and property was givenhon protection to persons and proved a parking ban on both | School Board advised council that humane method of destroying iH M D | St, school and facing on | erchants eny and causes sutfer-| turned over fo the property BUS BYLAW site to the department for appro atements made by Bob Cawker,|they are draining each other torrie advise , Times, 'The downtown shopping Storrie advised council that the po C0 0 Cor commenda tien Times, 'The downtown pping | o employment and the dollar that council grant an extension of ove desk in the new counc [} [Store proprietor, said the decrease] chambers Whitby public is not spending \ reac pg 'he! their spection costs during that period Deputy-reeve Warren Mowii | reach areas where he might find the first in the new chambers. lyuide in Whitby, FIRE PREVENTION | Now that a new parking lot] His Worship will proclaim the ASKS DEATH BOX NO CROSS WALKS has been provided at the rear of The committee for protection of} Councillor Brooks' committee the county buildings, council ap-| Fire Prevention Week in Whitby. power to act on a request from| property reported that no cross sides of Centre street, in front of PRICE SCHOOL LOTS the Society for the Prevention of(\walks would be established in'the buildings, The Whitby District High Cruelty to Animals that a more vo nine building lots, owned hy the mals be used at the Whithy WDHS at the west of the Henry pound, The slated thal Annes the present disrepair $t., have been appraised at $20 000 end will he offered to the|ing town at that price, The offer was ecreqase occa committee for consideration,' A new hylaw to licence and Councillors have indicated the regulate bus lines received twa | A survey of several merchants business away from local property might become a park readings in council It now Boe¥ showed a mixed reaction to the chants, it won't be long before or recommended changes acting chairman of the retail mer- 3 g chants association, Mr, Cawker LEVELLING ory line said, in the Saturday issue of The . ne uel on Bois a not necessarily so, states ri Stuart, He says business is level . ge tre , 4 re way 3 new sewage treatme nt plant wa will go from council to Alex Brea of Whitby is on the a ling off for several reasons, 'Un not ready for use by Sept. 24 as goat" 4 former deputy-reewo, | ping 1 Mesher, a jewellery con specified They recommended wn. built the council desk and th e varies § SOIR Ter Syl time until Nov. 30 for its comple in buying was not just lecal but 1¢ are two 9 several factory in tion, The contractor, Dravo Lid all over, "Increased transporta- Ne merchants thinking that the would be required to pay the In COMPLAINS OF STORES tion facilities enable the buyer to money ere 3 " have found the Whithy peo the engineers suggested, The mat. tod ie ve had receive | bargains i : ¢ Mh ter was turned over to Councillor Fuponcd tht he ned 4 vi "Also there is the novelly of ple deri and ve ry loyal Inkpen's sanitation committee for ooo" eho Whithy shopping ple 7ia|#0ing for a drive, If the wife de. 2240 1 r " tart They buy as action, who objected to the garbage arid cides she wants something, tej Auch aa | fey can from log al mer incinerators being piled at tie husband might drive to Oshawa Sab By Sel vary the y Hhink rear of the stores, an area whiozh lor the Golden Mile, He will take Silly Sid er : eo on Councillor Joyce Burns' prop- in fact is their front yard. T he 4n exira 10 minutes to drive the| uel en Ne wil he " ia erty committee will rule on a re sanitation committee will inves ti. 10 miles to another centre Ih ere The Hable 1b y Ja t of the Whithy Chamber of gate bec g roy for use of the ognel Rals |VALUE PLUS more budget conscious Mr. Mesher felt the service of chambers for the chambers' an WINTER WORKS : When questioned about the nual meeting of Nov. 17. The Mayor Stanley Martin sugge st-| fered in Whitby had "just as good| Chamber of Commerce discus committee will also attempt ito cd that the razing of the «ld value as any other place, plus, sion on a shopping mall, Mr, Stu establish a policy for the use of town hall could be undertaken as ind what Is perhaps more impor. art said, "If a shopping mall ix the chambers and Mrs. Burns has a winter works program, He § aid ant, the customer receives pers introduced in the Town of Whit invited all members of council to that the riew ional service," by, people just might bypass it "Large scale selling reduces altogether and keep going to Osh BROC Phone MO B-3618 the cities." customer, Mr, Stuart felt the No blame should be laid withmerchants were not entirely to he town council, said Mr, Mesh. blame, "If the merchant is rent er. "Council members are doing|ing the store from a landlord owner, said plazas were "not'as he gets the rent money." what they are cracked up to be, If they take 10 per cent of the) ------ -- | MORE last Thursday at the Citadel withiving out over Halifax from the Mrs. (Caplain) Roberts in charge! of the devotonal service, | Mrs. F. Locke, Home League Following the business meeting " Mrs. Roberts demonstrated how toric Sites Board decided to make place mats and other Summer that the clock needed articles from foam rubber, which repair and workmen have been he personal relationship between awa, 1 don't think blocking oft Now Playing Evening Shows at 6:55 & 8:28, -- 48 much as they can.' then the merchant can't very well secretary, gave a report on the proved to be most interesting busy for months replacing the ON CHAMBERS USE construction of a WHITBY NEWS ON PAGE FOUR city's historie town clock But until then the clock, which has been tolling the hours since 1803, will be silent as it under goes reconditioning and installa tion of a new bellstriking mech anism Officials of the National primarily because they don't like. On the point of Whithy business he impersonal relationships in becoming more attractive for the area would "add insult to misery'|lord is not too interested in the Reg Stuart, a shoe store/appearance of the store as long Salvation Army Women's Home| HALIFAX (CP) -- Ry early League held its weekly meetinginext spring chimes will again in Peterborough, which she and | Mrs, Roberts attended. i 15 this [JOHN BURTINSKY FLORIST When you need Flowers You Need Us Phone MO 8-3324 124 Dundas St. W., Whithy WHITBY CLEANERS LTD, Phone MO 8.2345 For Pick-up Of Your Furs and Apparel WE OPERATE OUR OWN REFRIGERATED STORAGE All Garments Fully Insured 150 Colborne St, East Free personal attention your UPHOLSTERING A. ZAYETTE Recovering and Repairing For Old Quality Value With Modern Re-Styling Phone MO 8-2344 Whitby, Ontario OSHAWA Ornamental Railings Ormamental Metal Work Furniture--Railings Fire Escapes Guaranteed Work Roy Byers, 323 Kent St, Oshawa Ph. RA 3.416) Whitby Ph. MO 8.2681 VIGOR OIL STATION Operated by "Vic" Van Luven Dominion Royal Tires The Best Deal on New and Used Tires Phone MO 8.3644 501 Brock St, N., Whithy reasonable as you will find elsewhere local He serves you better because he is your neighbor and friend with a common bond of eommunity spirit, SHOP AT HOME AND SAVE EVERYTIME, See if your name is'in one these advertisement Times for a 26-week period and there will appear in the advertisements each week two names and addresses of people living in Whitby, Ajox advertisements carefully and if you find your name, found your name and present it along with a in Whitby, showing that goods or services have been purchased from any one of the advertisers on this page and you will receive absolutely FREE a $3.00 order to be spent for merchandise with one of the advertisers on this page must advise the Oshawa Times on which advertiser they wish to spend their order A More Personalized Service When You Shop Locally FRIENDLY NEIGHBORLY SERVICE and prices as low as you'll find else- where, Check the prices at your home town merchants, they're as fair and merchant gives This page ales Winners 156.00 LOOK FOR YOUR NAME you, Pickering, Brooklin or Port Perry clip out the advertisement in which you lip or label to The Oshawa Times office A GUIDE TO VALUES WHITBY - AJAX - PICKERING BROOKLIN - PORT PERRY But the honest, neighborly and wears no price tag. is a weekly feature of the Oshawa Read the ~~ THE DISTRICT PAGE - GEORGE'S FINA SERVICE STATION George Manager Try New FINA Gos For Power-better Mileage and Savings Licensed Mechanic Have Your Car Checked Before Vacation Trip Down Here Phone MO 8.4232 932 Brock St, N,, Whitby Popescu, ROUSSEAU UPHOLSTERY FURNITURE AND FURNISHINGS Qur location at 216 MARY ST, EASY 1 block North of Post Office in Whithy Is Most ( For Your Buying Need Of Quality Good At Prices That nvenient ave STAFFORD BROTHERS Monumental Works Member of the Canadian Association of Memorial Craftsmen Distributor of Rock of Ages Barre Granite ond Eventide Granites Quarry Guaranteed MO 8-3552 Whitby J. A. VONDETTE Real Estate Broker Phone MO 8.3322 ond MO 8.4841 WE SPECIALIZE IN PROMPT SERVICE Listings Solicited Industrial--Commercial Real Estate Harry Jermyn, Manager 104 Dundas Street West Whitby, Ontario Geo, Hamers Lid, Plumbing and Heating ® Automatic heating * Automatic Heating Units ® Gos ond Oil Burners ® Eavestroughing ® General Sheet Metal Work Phone MO 8.3011 212 Brock St. §. Whitby ALEX PEARCE Decorator GEORGE H. HARDING Construction Co. Lid. General Contractors and Builders Alterations---Repairs RW. Lund, 914 Walnut W, Phone MO 8.3566 Whitby DOMESTIC Graining Painting Murals Paper Hanging Signs 905 Bayview Ave., Whithy Phone MO 8-5271 COMMERCIAL Brush Roller Spray M11 Fairview Drive WHITBY AUTO WRECKERS ANNOUNCING "NEW FIBERGLAS FENDERS" For All Makes Of Cors---'52.'60. Specializing In RE-CHROMING CAR-BUMPERS All Grille & Accessories--'52.60 No. 12 Highway One Mile North of Whitby BUTT RADIO & APPLIANCES V. Graham R. Catton' Weekly Specials Automatic Dryers FROM $139 1. WH. Roper, 802 Dundes W 118 Brock St, 5. MO 8.3707 Whitby, Ontario he customer and the merchant, streets In a town of Whithy's size Many people are living in Whitby |is going to help any." Last Complete Show at 8:25 1 . Questioned about plazas, Mr [20 around making major altera ok ) Meslier thought any more in ihe tions to the store fronts, The land Territorial Town Clock 'To League Tolls Again | Salvation Army territorial execu. tive Home League meeting held Light refreshments were served old rubble stone foundation and at the close of the meeting, removing the rotted covering.