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The Oshawa Times, 27 Sep 1960, p. 8

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14 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesdoy, September 27, 1960 FORD, bile that dard equ | that were THE 1951 Monarch is a com- ely re sion of this tinguished Canadian automo incorp led ve NEW TYPE BUNKS FOR SAILORS Sweet Dreams For Sailors McINTOSH Staff Writer A moment, By DAVE in Press WA (CP once BRIER WAS FIRST WINE, ASBL RUM FROM DONNA Y PARK "Rn R BETTY SLEEP FARLY START WVER (CP VAN( do not in pres Monarch and parr xamining pr pi has the u polio m, art} tubercu CROSS FELT lous MONARCH END FALCON FOR 1961 models. The 1961 exterior is norier ower than the preced. retaining its Available ing model while interior roominess in three models the addi. 85 ¢ capacity, In economical tandard an opt 101 the engine onal horse. ht Cancer CLL LANDSTROM | Mother Marie Landr!, a. (AP) In al of Regina Mundi priory, ge litfle labors that approval and the a bathr up in the bath ically-aflicte nuns once 1elr bit he f The I ry lab room of man m a small sot wha a doctor on ded ght 1 , he Mother about by Japanese Mar Aimee, exam 0 slides a week dule, It 100 a 4 K bers the members 1¢ line. nesen hope t over micro hed reach before long men slide Doct Joel i | 1h or esence uterine can : Dora tective have the betw et, thou e and 10 endo rd orts 0, to ment It as bh to detect ht be 4 1,000 out of « pecimer mined ol I eff n of Jesus Cru rance slides are brough order Iy { bog ' 1" Stat vith bi nun vzed for the henefi « handicapped the asic to join he phy Women between i0 and the re- of of mspiry unle K supplied the hl ot mental, ne anada Malaya Ali um V l ave i 1 nie S30 ue for the nuns them \ ffer from heart «d ti osteomyelit uch iin ease ma and | WORD PUZZLE ACR 1.1 8) 6. G OSS DOWN 1. W I 0» I ( (WW Yesterday's Answer Monarch yrloress i, prior i place or to In SIX nuns f 20 VOUS ria, | Hol Ire. 'Honeydale WI 'Holds Meeting PORT PERRY -- Amid the and grain, saving only the buck- leool and gracious of Miss wheat which the children carried! A. Ken home, Port Perry the!to iphool al, winter long as dis Honeydale Women's Institute held wheat bread and pancakes; so the September meeting, that the money made from the Mrs, Bryant president, sale of the higher valued grain called the meeting to order with could go towards the payment of the Institute Ode and Collect, |the church morigage, Mrs. Wm, Moase, secretary, read SEND COOKIES fe m ye es, 3 yan ah i the Cookies which are baked and aim of the Wo stitute Fats to provide Country Women with a iy 4 Mrs Vix viet au In useful educational program (o en win lnstructs swimming "classes rich their lives cultusally andi" ono " ond retarded chil economically that they might im- dre, were in plentiful supply son prove and further enjoy their place of sending cookies a collec. homes and community It's motto n and this was soni | The Institute has "heen - called ably outs ing contribution to the rural women's university, Itiyer wide community, Ibe 08 (he gin of oe Jo Rituie to Tentative plans for a bus trip ta unds are raised and)' in Ocother were made, A visit to ] joie canta ny 1 h A ty en. @ session of Parliament is wider terprises as the 4-H Clubs, Schol- consideration A bus will be ¢ ar. | arships, Historical Research, Hos- tered in November for the annua pitals, Local Fairs and the pre visit tothe ' Women § Institute Cons servation of Early Antiques and Y¢htion. Part of the price of the / ticket will be paid by the Insti- a (relics. tute Te a members are wd | Mrs well-known for their loyal support Fal- report and members to at this convention each year, _|wels gh their * decisions, Further]! Money was set aside to assis! discussion on several resolutions the |was reques ed for another meet coming {leads this ling, During the ection of make ng wi setting the HI Bell read the resolutions asked oon in all Ford-Monarch across Canada will be seen of Canada con dealers Mrs Airline In gr Wisecracks By HAL BOYLE NEW YORK (AP that an airline hostess of hearing "Well, looky little sister of busines 1e meeting, the plans of the yr Homemakers 4-H Club di M Pa'terson quired w leader to Remarks with he yd it was hoped that| sets tired Mrs. Ploughman ; d be able To o direet this excellent project, oing". Mrs, Moase spoke briefly GIVES REPORT on the wisdom of this saying Mrs, Fred Rain pointing out the futility of pinning port on Historical on such foolish and| get to Current. Events, She oullined the materialistic standards there, don't bother." don't get growth and development of the phe program conveners Pr carliest churches in the commun: gonted a delightful skit of Ma and ha ili old days the hostesses ity, Seagrave and Scugog Island.| ps Kettle and family, complete had to be nurse Vow, If you nih first establishments were In-| with costume and props which hand em a crying bay, they dian Missions on t} Island in] was greatly enjoyed. Mrs, O don't know which end to hold up," 1845 by the Wesleyans. From | gione outlined her trip this sum- "My, miss, I don't see how 1pg0 to 1880 these served a popu out to the Rockies you whipped up a dinner for 87 lation of 600. She pointed out the people so quick in such a tiny offort and faith of these early 25 QUESTIONS kitchen, Why, it would take me oitlers toward their churches] Miss A. Dodd gave the mem a Wook " nd mentioned one family who bers a con'est of 25 questions con- "If that's old their year's my mind direction of Alfred Prentice, Miss Me Mrs, O. Stone, Mrs, Wm and Miss A. Dodd, The motto for Sepiember wat Before keeping up with ses find out where they are Jun under the were re-| Laren, work | Moase cussed, - the Broth who's here the Wright gave a re Research and one's goal me up when we Angeles. If we mer the pilot, I've changed I believe I'll take some Prince Albert 4-H Club in the Allan Martyn! group of young home-| The balance of the meet-| the|$ pre-| describing species of birds, This won a double African Violet for Mrs, Glenn Hill who scored 23 Mrs, Paul Diamond won a Vicle for having a lucky tea cup. : CC Ca freshments were ved by the committee in charge, The quilt which was made by Q the members of the Ins!itute and old by sale of ticket by Mrs, Vie W Port 9 Mrs, L. Honey 0 WAS Wor Perry C, Ho Post Time irs sam, Mrs, F, Raines, Mrs, J Owens, Mrs. P. Diamond, repre- sented the Women's Instilute {directors of the local Fall Fair and were kept very busy setting up and arranging exhibils and assisting the judges in the Ladies' Division. These directors alon with Mrs, G. Hill also worked during the day of the fair in the TB tent where 117 people were given Chest X-rays. The secretary wishes to inform members that (the Institute pins are now avail- able from her, PM Special Bus Service , , Leaving Oshawa Terme inal of 12:00 moon re- turning efter lost rece, Fore, includi admis. sion fo track, $1.25 Generel yack, 31.29 '$n (inl. tax), Clubhouse $2.50 (incl. tex). Free Parking. Information & Reserved Seats ~~ OX 0 Cs AP SCALDED TO DEATH MIAMI, Fla. (AP)--The sher. iff's department said a first de gree murder warrant will. be sought against a 25 -year - old mother in the scalding of her in. fant daughter. Mrs, Avis Olive was quoted as saying she im- mersed four-months-old Laurie {Olive in a sinkful of hot water "to stop her screaming." $ Romance ! Suspense ! Al in Color ! AN 1 om. "5 we " TES OF THE Mos es, SPENSE | ol is AOU 0) CANTERBURY PRSOUCTON " ay Ld i TOE PROSOCTION LEER i STVovacE En, THE Last Day "SINK THE BISMARK" sam se ores RIVER PLATE" | crop of wheat! sisting of quotations of literature after all.' flight The thriller of aan all thrillers ! ereirmen "GANGSTER AT BAY" STARRING DANE CLARK WITH SIMONE SIGNORET wri to [pp | HELL Where is my parachute?" ( EBBUTIR gape ) "Miss, 1 hate a nuisance that Can't "I know proposal layover to show to keep making of myself, but I stil engine out there's vou the s ay fire see you gal but 1 in Chicas you the get a lot of got a three-day and I'd love town," "Junior n't just let him a while," "Look, honey, up here 30,000 feet how's the g nment : to know you poured me gave me his word he touch a thing--if you'd sit in the pilot's lap wou way at We Is Still Taking Registrations for: ® Ball Room Dancing eo Copper Tooling ® German Conversation ® Art (Wednesday Evening ® Basic Sewing and Thursday Afternoon) ® Keep Fit e Bridge ® Aluminum Etching CALL RA 3-7625 AFTERNOONS a "third double bourbon?" Those rest room just Greek to me I got out of t marked signs ma'am one are NOW PLAYING hrown e to go nto the marked 'hommes'?"" If God he'd have the first one Al } wanted given can a) Is to fly, feathers jE : man him in "Planes have it {In one way, baby my felt like all over trains doll, T never in kissing the con Travelling Overseas WHY NOT FLY 4 life luctor \ DELINQUENCY CAMPAIGN Greece has established a cial co-ordinating committee combat juvenile delinquency, spe to "The modern way to travel is by air,' For information regarding any form of travel . . . DIAL RA 3-944] We have o direct Toronto telephone line tor prompt Airline Reservations MEADOWS TRAVEL SERVICE Owned and operated by Thomos Mecaows ane vo. Canode Ltd. REGISTER NOW t FOR FALL Irenie Harvey A.CCM, "You're all sinners... bYou'll all burn in hell!" Tell 'em Gantry... tell 'em everything «but not about UN your whiskey and pa. Your women! XY ADMITTANCE TO FANON 0 YEARS OF AGH OF OVI Testmae COLOR - UNITEOEIARTISTS PLATA oT FEATURE TIMES: 1:40 - 4:10 - 6:40 - 9:15 P.M. j RAD BALLET CD.T.A, TAP Ww, § 43a ne Sr ALA, TAS 22 SIMCOE ST, SOUTH, OSHAWA DIAL RA 3.944) } ra METRO GOLDWYN MAYER I HAD! SAMUEL GOLOWYN, JR'S duction of | | | in CinemaScope And METROCOLOR TONY RANDALL ARCHIE MOORE -:. ond elie sorring EDDIE HODGES #8 "HUCKLEBERRY FINN LAST: "GIRLS TOWN?" aourr PAY * "NOWHERE TO GO" A FAMOUS PLAYERS THEATRE VALE DRIVE-IN BOX-OFFICE OPEN 7:00 -- SHOW STARTS AT 7:30 GIANT THRILL SHOW !! CARNIVAL STORY IT STV COCRAN YE EGE FORGE A wi Iv, % % ADULT ENTERTAINMENT + *% DANDRIDGE Jus SN J FONIGHT! -- IN COLOR NOW IS THE TIME TO GAIN EXTRA VALUE FROM YOUR BUMPER CLUB MEMBER- SHIP! USE IT TONIGHT! CHILDREN under 12 FREE! ALWAYS A' COLOR CARTO

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