12 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, September 28, Fabrics Have Distinctive " Ari stocratic Appearance tie ideas and cottons and blends are styled t nan- like fine quality wools nd cotton 7 note of the fact thal ning a there's a lot of warm weather appear. in the fall, fashion presents many more cottons, Comfort is further- the ed by the prevalence of wash asd wear qualities achieved with or without synthetics blended in. Glitter, Glamor | Seen In ml Dresses for occasions, alter and in noon to evening, succumb to the home- influence of glitter and glamor, {anzuid, Gleaming sequins, bugle beads, crystals lavishly embroider ating, broczdes, velvets, Metal pels lic fabrics shine on their own. A prime example is the sleek evening sheath sparkling all - over bugle head em- hroidery, Ball gowns appear in eeping brocades, or ether - and - sequin combina- 1g { of fn Npress nsional texture wes, often enriched ag Last SLCC orsted stimula'es 1 iki 1% jor ded wea hones a ng ps Or co gaba showing ta lor ed loo} rong where brushed mocth and t the -look of fall's weeds, include eye-catch gain'long for voolens and sheer, Wool prints ance in dresses emanates floors vel- eal tulle camels tions ning silks The two - and broczdes and dress is an important entrant evening continue in uniting a glittering "sweater" vein top with rippling chiffon skirt. fibres, cottons and Short formals come with w elegance. The flounced hemlines and lengthen xample I. ed hodices, or with fitted bodice rea of silk, and wide, stiffened skirts, trous n-made FASHIONS FOR FALL Winter + + » That Winter uminum Self-Storing 4 windows can do for you, . Why not investigate today? Eveniss Sales ond your free estimate t nothing but the fin. the most reo- Satisfaction st fashionable houses " And for good They odd beouty value to a home ve fuel and 'provide cozy comfort eal Ors what Spring . . and Summer Too! ality at sonable pr is guarante £4) PHONE RA 5-4632 for your FREE | | piece - look eveaing: | coat | fur By Double-breasted tweed fa' fz ant collar notched beaver look for juniors comes | co-ordinates ked blazer jacket and plee ab skirt Sulit with che ed BEARS HAZARD VANCOUVER (CP A mother bear and two cubs by humane society officials in a backyard tree in suburban Ly Valley. It was feared that smal children might be attacked by the mother bear if they got be ESTIMATE tones N These nationally known suitings reflect the beauty and richness of Nature's own colours. Flecks of Olive, Gold, Burnished Brown and Grey have been subtly and magnificently blended GARNETTS pot 1 Faced Wome lis WOH INCCaNO RED EXCLUSIVELY or | oGRess Brano Clornes ! MEN'S WEAR LTD. "The House of Style for Men and Boys" 74 SIMCOE ST. N, RA 3.3611 tween her and the cubs, were trapped Convers pupils Franklin. Simon OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE costume colors, checks or solids can be with a brizht red, dozp bluz, rich green or earth brown bag in hand or swinging from the shoulder Pouches, totes, boxes, envel- opes and tailored bags add fash- Muled plaids, a Handbag Hues Suit Costumes Colors to keynole costumes, on set off for business wear. ] The seme tunic-and-skirt taker Plish the mood magic, point for neutral or understated grained cocoa brown leather gives accessories, A deep red shivref tailored look to a tunic suit syede pouch purse, with malche ing leather gloves, can accom: a festive late-day early.even = For fall's perennials--suils and ing elegance with a change of coats In checks and plaids novel sizes, interesting shapes . and unusual detailing tute the fashion news ion frosting to the new coat and consti- suit silhouettes, in fall Knitted tunic separates, seen handbags. in beiges grays and taps, can Rich autumnal shades In change their fashion personality smooth, grained or suede leather vith a change of handbag, handbags provide color counter-| cylindrical oblong box bi 2 bodice, ytie belt high- light a two-piece? dress. Hand- some fagoting adorns the bodice. In Avisco rayon crepe Hin-length neckline, eas collars the fitted | simple this autumn ensemble tweed, Dress has a bedice in matching y Jy Rona INSTALLATION DRAPERIES BY THE YARD BAMBOO DRAPES CUSTOM-MADE DRAPERIES "KIRSCH" RODS & TRACKS BROADLOOM UPHOLSTERING CUSTOM MADE SLIP COVERS : Howards Draperies 926 SIMCOE ST. N. PHONE RA 5-3144 FOR FREE ESTIMATES YOUNG MONSTERS PETERBOROUGH, Ont, (CP A couple of three-year-olds en- Joyed themselves splashing green paint on a car belonging to Kath- leen Letone here. They also man- aged to mix up the automatic transmission buttens lice took them home line before o- for discip DREAM CAME TRUE 1 QUEBEC (CP Mrs. Char- _ lotte Metivier was the winner in a draw for a $35.000 house at the recent Quebec Exposition, "I've had one dream for myself and my three chi'dren,"" she said, "to live in a big house of cur own, on a piece of ground which be- Cau hates SIMPLIFIED CARE for NORMAL SKIN Designed to do the most for the skin in the shortest measure of time, Ardena Cleansing Cream L30to 8.00 Ardena skin Lotion 1.50 to L010 5.50 1.50 Velva Cream Orange Skin Cream 1.50 10 11.25 Velva Cream Mask ..... 3.50, 7.00 FREE Pe NTT 530 SIMCOE ST.S PHONE RAS5-3546 STORES IN BOWMANVILLE AND WHITBY PLAZA Y WIDE 8 KING ST. E PHONE RA 3-2245 longed to us." 1 4 Pl popularity fall outerwear aids and pile bid for in girls' jacket, slacks, FRENCH LESSONS FORT FRANCES, Ont French is being limited number of les V to VIII in pub- an (Cp ational taught to a in gre ¢ sch he Started as re experiment be expanded to more pupils next year. it may Right mow GLORY ANN SHOPPES are featuring everything that's new for Fall , . . Including SKIRTS, BLOUSES, CAR COATS, BORG JACKETS, HOSIERY, LINGERIE, SWEATERS . . . in fact every- thing you need for that new Fall wardrobe « « « all ot prices well within your budget. NEW! By "PARIS STAR" "CASHMIRET" 65% LAMBS WOOL , ., + 10% NYLON, Clos lines 25% ANGORA sic fancy neck IT's CAR COAT TIME! short and 34-length sleeves, These pullovers and cardigans ore made in beautiful fall shades of Violet, Brown, Gold, Green and Grey, SEE THEM NOW ON DISPLAY wo 2 98 5 SIMCOE ST. S. RA 5-1321 Yes, Car Coat time is here SKI SWEATERS WITH HOOD One of these Ski sweaters. is "Must" for girl's wardrobe, FAIR ISLE KNIT, Colors of Brown, Green, Blue, Black and Red. 16.98 See our selection of these in plain and fur trim models a every Priced from 16.98 SHETLAND SWEATERS! We have these in many various styles. Made of Imported Kid Mohair and Wool, Ideal for the Cool days ahead. 798 MN, - 5 bh 22 PRICED FROM Ny a. TE. = comfortable one-piece crotch, has new soft waistband that smooths the waist FLEXIBLE BONING to prevent leg riding up . . . "'Tidy-Tab Feature Sizes SM.L. and Extra Large Look slim in your New Fall Sportswear with NEMO'S "HI-HIPMOULD" PANTIE GIRDLE! This long leg pantie with - . also STAY-DOWN 12.50 line bulges . We're Plaid Happy ! ALL WOOL WORSTED PLAID SKIRTS and POP TOPS (2 Pieces) Priced at 10.98 - 24.98 MATCHING SLIMS 1.98-12.98 LOOK! "BORG" JACKETS! These "BORG" JACKETS look like real fur, and are lightweight and yet so warm and smart looking Why not come in today and choose yours from our smart collection line 60 FOR DAY-TO-DAY ELEGANCE BY 7 oe 0 viginal Priced from 4.98 0.98 / 5 Simcoe St. S. Uy A The AD St le r=, SPECIAL OFFER! NYLON HOSE are discontinued of Glory Ann Hose, and 66 gauge. Values € to 1.50. We are clearing these out at this low, low price while they last 97¢c~ PHONE RA 3-131 SHOPRES ro