CC CC : 20 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdoy, Septamber 28, 1960 (45---Real Estote for Sole |45--Reol Estate for Sale |45--Real Estate for Sale | 47--Automobiles for Sole |[47--Automobiles for Sale [50--Articles for Sale 9 hed y , mil: MODERN prick bungalow, three bed. 2 CHEVY. halison_ pickup, fa ly rooms, osk and tile floors, oll painted | 4 WL ita I 9 No ICE Jo D CREDITORS CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING | G. MILLER |smafariannd sein = =D Emulate CASH EERE igi 4 REAL ESTATE gon, 2 vacant una 10 sere. gn TOT ne grmerats. Eo" or we wie] FOR YOUR CAR i =i Te oath OF EDIT 440--Rooms For Rent _[i5--Rea! Estate for Sole RA 5.2993 Grove ws. Apply 314 Asian 9690 aucgnr Bh i Be es Wisi hd col 4. $307 wen HILLTOP MOTORS Lory vasa ais| Lodee, Whitby, Widow, De- fs, a A cul $600 DOWN Pontiac just off Sommerville S15 Gown Triephons RA" 59185 ier si room wansion. very central, mod.| PL PONTIAC coach, (air condition, 7os- RA 8-6891 vi % storm windows, vood, Wi Those having claims ogainst Wee ZX oom brick in im 3.30, throughout, Substantial payment, | *Onable. "hop 975 Ammapoie Aves, after § af 481 Drew or phons| this party who died June fate condition, Full Asking 316,00. Phos RA_ S974, wr DODGE wilh radio) aise Wi More 48-- Automobiles Wented [a7 sete 10th, 1960, $12,500 FULL PRICE | $11. 900 with 0 5% % MODERATE priced i Vackaass | Hiner BO RA CAREORE hus Winchrs war MINTY or Some wih vaw| fle root of ome with me ' . bol Close to n ; 4 GMC hall ion rick, new waiog Joh 4, bef Oct 24th, bing vs, Smaoe N, cow | 9000 for boos Cima ve |S [) HYMAN [Eo oa i win ch 0 oo at i 0 fmt 0, bere Cciobr Zk, en : 3s i Sy | i Hy HHEH i A jit fo RA 32512 or MO of h brick, 3-bedroom bungolow, Son ai Pi Jubb of RA 3- REALTOR Street, 55 CHEVROLET four-door sedan, blue , reduced for 25] be distributed having regord NHA. 39 PRINCE ST. re Years ona Tne AA eT bande SPOT CASH LR ony 10 claims then known, 8-6286 Jos | 55 GLDRMORILE "3 aod Galion, Bes Dated this. 20th doy of Seps RA 5-6031 sate, a Sy Ss Private $400. ravine BA PAID FOR oll with] tember, 1960, $500 DOWN payment, leaving for U.5, RA 50209, | '7m 5 us Good clean cars, Trade up |Songow Pons | SO Nn Four-room brick bungalow Dory, pie, Pa, o [] r DDB MOTOR SX SALES , : 2 Bios Sree Eo, oc. DOUGLAS L. with oftached gofoge, located [sum some irom, oul. dened SVs; "7 essa 314 PARK ROS, (LAE re i, wp | Tonle Gower | Realtor | ams we [fh ms ft Ee x o ee Property cost money, Bell or f tie, tires, cloning swe, HOUSTON'S GARAGE REALTOR OSHAWA NEW HOMES [Fin Ghndet, fs Jbl 33th price soi, King West Woiors, opments) AND SERVICE STATION GOOD VALUE SHOPPING CENTRE FULL $4850 two storey frame ST CWEVROLET, good rusning eondy| DR BRAKE SRAKE SERVICE COM- i house, Inside plu , berries plant-| tion, $175, RA RAKE SERV! 0 farished rooms, A , Very good area, 5 room brick $695 od, fairly new, oy 4 15% METEOR Niagara, One owner with pot, TUNE » Va - home in love) 88 Dunbarton, TE 9-1458, 4 sod dichen,| Hi hg oid RA 5 65 TWO bedroom bungalow, ides! loca piso lo, Avis 1 Ke esdowiis] GENERA ephins A Tan or HA Ho 0 | reds ol heor, 3-9, and 2- 4 BEDROOM: FONE One Mortgage [lin saswient condion. "seduced pris | Avenue." aio NG a2 Hectic § NOTICE OF ANNUAL pce, bath, gorage. Toxes 8-6228 So radio, white val, black Edgar's, Economy MEETING $194, Close to school and NORTH END ay 07 ea h with red interior, Like "Aceept| 30--Articles For Sale transportation, Call Pot Pot- You can hove immediott pov $73 MONTHLY FSIATE 5" Seren, some. ish. arse rade and finance, RA | balm, MODEL 4 Ford ond Box Grailicr TA |B Mock : The Liquor Licence Act » . : se, coral i terson of session, Lovely 7 room home, Yes, automatic oil heat close to Oshawa. RA 5.3454 evemings.| phone WA 8.5020 aioe 5 pm. , Sontition, [$40 s Licensing District Number 7 SELL large dining room, extro large es, automatic re ONE light duty Dominion NOT OWNER FORCED TO SEL ) Of PRIVATE five rooms brick and stone FRIENDLY Oshawa Times Ad |good condition reasonable, we bummer TAKE ICE thet the An- slso parking space. Apply 156 Agnes kitchen, Li hos © A h all attef | SHNING, iain glory or Su Street. § Lot 50' x 331 on loke front, Fhe ; n, pang room oo $695 bungalow, aluminum storms 4 nd Writer will be Sad to help you self 5 RAS: DaNing, gov nual Meeting of The CONT ueneeping room, in| City water Dont miss this | CEPR, Fong. $13,900 El Rd | alii fae FE A SE [ire bots ot ace RA 53751 argain, * ' ssession, RA , be icensing Distric rr i Coll Sally Wollace RA 8- with reasonable down pay- is your full down payment for pu ; -- pari RR Yo 51 PONTIAC, A-1 eo condition, ion, mechanic: now only $309; baby carn COMPLETE sok of comprising The Counties 4 ™o ligh 97, ment -- belonce on one mort- kK b ally and body wise. RA 3-704 1960, car-bed style, $28; large pani mping equ rooms, hested, semi-private entrance, 4651. after 4, RA 5-62 / these 6-room bric unNgoe in villagi Fi Full basement, or "CRE VROLET i iis, eribs, half-price clesrout, $19.88 Samp Tet quip fy Bega its. rhom, Ontario, Peterbore parking space, near Park Road South. goge, For appointment to in- lows 1140 square feet, large lot, Phone CO| rd springilied crib mattresses, $9 8) RA 5.6991, ough, Victoria end the a" Apply 252 John Street West, $6,400 spect coll RA 5-6588 today. a2, ina yarn 18 Tudor Breet, Ajax. WH 21083, 99.66; high chairs, $7.88; ZC trict of Haliburton will be THREY, unfurnished, light Is the full asking price for NO SECOND WE have lients for a ihree-bedroom | strollers,' 95,08, Wilson Furniture, 203 ROOMS of furniture, only #89, This rooms, all conveniences, Apply 343| ath Bl 4B BUILDING LOTS bungalow in the north west or north| ALLWTATE Auto insurance, Save up fo| Church Sireet, char, chrome set] held of Canodion Legion, son Road North or RA 3-4817, this neat 4 room, e MORTGAGES east section of tha ety: Also buyers| 20 per cent. ix months (0 pay. FOF Caro wie, spring, sted] 217 Murray Street, in the room cottage. Very quiet oreo ON HORTOP AND NOTHING for two-storey or 1% storey homes, in| personal service at your home call RA ood cumition pi A Rig "ADDI and solies tale, ne able City of Peterborough in the 45--Real Estate for Sale | in the north cast section of VAB Tact of fromiope bv. o tha vicinity of North Bimeoe Behiool, | 52802. {186 Adelaide Street, aoa tne; Wl plows diversi] County of Peterborough on fo Call Schofield Insurance Associates] ry TH! EA ------------_ the city. Owner wants an of depth of 186 feet, Call today, EXTRA TO BUY Ltd, Daytime RA 3.2265, a i pi an DUCK Season special, migratory birds, Home Furnishings, 424 Simeoe tow truck, nd storm fer as he is onxicus to sell, TE sale -- Five bungalow, | use as 1960, commenci Rg Cash or terms, RA| For oppointment A os bv SEE OUR WE REPEAT -- NO A or bites a 753 TRIUMPH Mayflower, $100 or Bont | Goods, 389 Albers yf Telophons WE P8Y highest prices vn She Sit: Tor the hour of 11:30 a.m. D. 5 Ossie Martin ot MODEL HOMES HIDDEN COSTS [8 Do a ny ete ant en: nd Be Conird Breet North, | or Sata Blore, TA 33471, 444 Simeve South. In the forenoon ot which time / Phone USED 17 and 317 TV wets, ap low 8% Bro as 2 wo it will heor ond determi plug stirs, fate, quiet street, $49.50 and up. Trio Telovision, 171 Bond | EY MIGERATOR sale . $12,600 Full price for a 5 room bun- RA S030. ere _ Belair, _euniom Bt A i. family opplications for the renewal AJAX |sesziieme | HuSDAE |W. T. LAMSON err a Sh wna fo BCAA | sna el home now near complet. REAL ESTATE LTD. Cedar bret foul Miter 10m 51 TWO oor Plymoutn sedan, may be |parts, sitachments, brus guaran: ALY 2 yn bow, hand The Liquor Licence Act, ond Tr rl ~~ t Rose and Marine, [teed rebuilt machines, Estimates free, Regulations thereunder, 3-bedroom bungolow, resale, Jon. Two Shuice lois Jot in TERRACE RA 5.8831 Lake R [iB built up ven dent we Kilo hn per, oi rr Ty Yash, Close Repair Serv: by? ub fi fis tn rer aka prin FURTHER TAKE NO. A y 4 . ' su ) Ying - dining room, : lend, hat articulors on ptgards Open Evenings ond don, Suitable for, chur he sens bui ao a amr ann: vou ono Taken for vio aah wind bn BEVRIO BERATOR, 1 eu. [3 , wiki mp Tick that anv person resident 3ape i adit a tras coll Ossie Martin of Il Day Saturday EXCLUSIVE AREA NEW five-room modern bungalow for sid Tons Dinu, 2. on mates. Terms chine, he a apne A gna In sold licens srl n mind ote. td extros . vent or sale. near sehools, shopping,| CORVAIR automatic CR B,~ radio, tion, RA Ms uo objecting to any such opplice- sion, ing AH 3. RA 8-465), Representatives One of Oshawa's loveliest [south GM, Apply 448 Drew "or RA 57716, back- up lights LT iy, miles Iv TOWERS, 9 ft, Jou: supporting | GIREON Bpan hair Spanich nuitar. ros Fd J ies nas Fa Jr tions shall file his grounds of Lloyd Corson Dick Young Hosts Co Bessborough 2 $050 FULL price w with | $i000 down for | 70 ROLE AM A r= | Channel he Saivanized a J yarn Brand new, must sell Shlection in writing Mth the egant /-room tri-leve this six room home close lowntown, y df , 5 SICKROO) MASSON STREET BW Novia with ottached poroge. gleam. |Complete with four-piece bathroom, HI | matic, radio, two tone, exceflent con. (ited for one year, $67.95, Trio Televi. ey equipment org rent and for Deputy Registrar of leost ten . ' i % it wiring, private drive, low taxes, cal dition' One owner, Phone RA 81584, doys before the meeting, ing ook ond tile floors, ample 1G or 4 icicinnon at RA 86286, 8. D. |; o ATR Ble 040 up, de. | kers, commodes, hei Ph JOHN A, J. pboard space, finished rec- Real E 8 PONTIAC, four-door deluxe Laur- oral hap canes; also I-away beds HJ. t half brick home in quiet residentiol cupboard space, Hyman Real Estate, w entian very clean. Take and eribs, Low rentals, No investment. Siig hy ig 20, pleasantly londscoped with Towne, trees rection room, forced air oil |§isi FULL price wilh 9iis down for| irade and finance. RA 88170, Glos A, 00 ou. th year, ATID. | Free delivery and pick-up. Phons Ald. 9 Deputy Registrar nd shrubs, Large double garage, set well back from the street, BOLAH heating, professionally lond- |ihis six roam home with private drive jos VOLKSWAGEN, greellent condi: | yy gr rr ls, RA 5.164, 8% i Lin Blvd, E,, hs y + 4 living brig? natural fireplace, separate scaped ond decorated, Owner [and double garage, Aluminum orme,| tion, $650, Phone CO 3.20%, 0, Tavided sloreery Jacemmip OUTBOARD molar, ew Weou 1A WF, Toronto 2, Ont, dining room, kitchen with breakfast nook, bedroom ond adjoin REALTOR INSURANCE sacrificing this gem ot $17,- [RCO on roughout, Neat and clean. | 53 OMEVROLET sedan, excellent eon |with steering a ols, skis, ete. | py, ne OL ad an, 9 spends, in' Ai Upstairs are two large bright bedrooms ond e full 900.00 with substantiol down |cail | Bob Slavenson at RA 44286, 8. D. a Jinanee from 6.10 # p.m. | Reasonable, "RA" $004 4 Toi ir bathroom, Finished basement contains recreation room, kitchen 167 SIMCOE §, payment, a Pid ie down ior | 50 METEOR. Nisgara, iriions Wades, Condliton, vo i in ood I otis, Ta ADUIOVY ette ond woshroom with shower, Oil furnace and glass lined hot RA 5.65 A LAKEMOUNT ST. this seven room two storey home with| excellent condition, $95 gash or trade. | Co pe i . eh: unk | rea ht Pieces y private drive and arage. situated jjust| Kurt's Fina Service, 146 Liberty South, anor | d water heote N.H.A. resale, 6% =~ Well: loft Mary Street. Decorated, ofl heat-| Bowmanville, years oa, an eliont working i nei De 8 Suilted . o ick |ing, three-pi bath , Call Doug / ' 3 Reduced to $16,500 with $5,000 down HARD Ld in cig palin Buliied at WA 8.0286, 5. D. Hyman Reat | tom built ray Tre elon $i | EARGE space Teater, with Blower: niture A det nearly new, one year old, Price #75, '2a room, 4-pc. colored bath, ARNONY . a 83110, To | Phone RA i876, UNPAINTED bookeases, only 9c wilh Telephone RA 3-3183 HERE IT IS! forced air oil heating, No. 1. JACKONT, BX Joom, Soeors ALOR Oshawa Times ONE space Bester, Two Gi drome 3nd frviures 'udante" desks, nd In the desirable north-west, oak ond. file floors, patio i Owner' Arislerred, Post dowh \Jayment| Classified Ad. can RA A ui now to pines, Janis Six x Jooma; » volumes |of f drawers, #17; bookeases, 55,99; van. rear entrance, uly and- secures. Bargain for qu sale, one | pl ad, A frie oi ly rosser, $26, 5 room bungalow, 3 bed scoped ond decorated. It can |RA 58603 after 630 pm. Will 'be glad io help you. | PHOT | Gorpad 6 x 9. Phone gornags RA 6.1204 | (Ch, Sesser: $20. Wilson Purniture JOHN A. J, . A 58603 a --- pad 6 x | o rooms, 4-pce, bath with beou- be yours with $1,800 down |PRIVATE, two bedroom bungalow, bus| /55 OLDSMOBILE hardiop, "To oe nd J J USED parts and repairs for oil make makes LANDSCAPING tiful vanity, One of the stop at door, close to schools and shop- wi play-of [} nicest a we have and only $13,950 full price. 100 , MGT Ce colored bath: double | sar Cenar Vale ve en ht rama ed ONTARIO HOSPITAL, " Why poy rent when you €on ~|giainiess steel sink, new aluminum | SY eee cies resmeeene | §-3480. wasiers and stove Paddy's gh seen. Schools ond shopping be the owner of this nice 4» |storms, screens and doors, dryer hook. '46 MERCURY, rad in very good OUTHOUSE, perfect condition, sullable| Hampton. CO 32241, WHITBY, ONTARIO centres close by, Price only . wat oftener unit, Apply + 0g) funtion RA 887 $14,900 ie by substantial Fal bungalow on Deen lve; Pid 1nd Avent between 2 and 7 | VOLKSWAGEN deluxe, black, 00d fo | Sotiage, RU HER 4d MINOX N a PPlisnoes 4 division of SEALED FIXED SUM TEN. LIMITED : /, i ull price only ' ' a LOT on Grandview Avenue for hon. condition, 15,000 miles, fix ESTE and in good Noy Be Ho 80) down, Syment, hy A foil to With, 0 few, ow Jown pov. scenic view. RA 50345, $1732 after § p Market H pin 4° tom ole lin | PERS propery dried, sn see this one. nthon ment, and monthly poyments rms supplie REALTOR ==$NSURANCE Sblock, RA 5.6544, RA | of $5000. Don't mi this |47--Automobiles for Sale Ean Ln partment, will be received by ay Eu rey FA b inf b _ 4 167 SIMCOE S. boi. bora. sso" ov) SABY AN MOTOR SREEh oS Pe IE 0. Ss Bloc, Frama n a $000 miles, also Phone RA 5.9304 after 6 p.m. motor, Must. be seen 10 be J. "SO FRIENDLY" Enjoy country living with city n , Very clean, RA 8-517, tr en mee | CHORD HOF ASK OF terms idl RA 5-6544 Have you wondered what | conveniences in this spacious ww Qldamobiie, power SALES LTD. BELLING Turnitire? Well buy 1. We may be Aranged. Phone. RA 8473s. | BY dings, Toronto 2, Ontarie, 3 ! CARH, hy A m, ap makes some homes so friend" ranch style brick bungalow [sauisped, two tone. RA STUDEBAKER, VOLKSWAGEN |stoves, ete, For top cash alter, "con: [247 GAR "stove, good condition Phase] nti 2:30 pm. (E.D.T.) on featuring 6 rooms, 3 large tact 19 Prince Street, Phone RA 8.1131, [MO 08-8765, Y, ly, while others seem cold? SALES and SERVICE - THURSDAY, FOR THE EXTREMIST You G81 46a H6oling of Warmth fir Joe se tim The Weather Is 334 SR ONT, OUTH gion. Parkway" Teleison, mao tu Eh TnL, OCTOBER 13th, 1960 WHO WANTS THE UNBELIEVABLE LUXURY, QUALITY AND and rear, natural stone fire Tel: RAndoloh 3-3461 Strost North. RA 3.3043, serv ed, 0 Je ngdret) for the Londscoping Work in PERFECTION OF ONE OF BEAU VALLEY'S MOST DELUXE | Ios fovely bunasiow. iow oo place in carefully planned SHARP i Raves FLECTHIO RA wey io foe CONTEMPORARIES. CUSTOM BUILT BY KASSINGER CON- phi lan Sh ving Loom, kitchin = (A AND SO ARE CASH dlso 38 1. green scroll fencing. R FLvCTROWONE NCR Viekor, Admiral. and the laying of Drainage STRUCTION, JUST SIX MONTHS AGO. THE OWNER IS MOV- Bice only TIE aor with | [5c qew, ceramic tiled both. 5607, | he In Sowanens st at Parnway| Tile, the preparation ond ING AND IS FORCED TO SELL THIS BEAUTIFUL SPLIT LEVEL $1,500 down, Gell Athen - | om. with _galored fixtures, OUR CARS FOR YOUR CAR po TI maiivess. Tage wie, ay ob Simeos Street North.| placing of top soll, the sod HOME WHICH OFFERS EVERY DETAIL AND EXTRA IMAGIN- Siblock ot RA 5.6544, RA --v r Th eating, bg $2 METEOR Customline Se- blond finish; sh or radlo, Ee or TV on display. ding, seeding and fertilizing FOS Oh Aen" Avance DishoRue MACOS | 402 fo oF he mas Siring | don = Wade her, | VAN HEUSEN js, eT BY So LRA GR | (ace, i, comple 08 y ' ' A) ' H 20 elephone r 8 VACUUM CLEANER OUTLETS, DUO-PANE WINGOWS, PANEL- WAS IT YOU ? with only $5,000 down. 'vr ret Jab, wee ore MOTORS i 500d #8 Bow. | a AE one Hosp on Whitby. Ome LED ENTRANCE HALL AND RECREATION ROOM, BUILT IN That said you were tired of ated on the edge of Oshawa, '52 FORD Two-door = Good iN store sand 'dlicontinued lines, tario BA WITH ST TS JATHEGOME. STONE PATIO paying high texes, tired of For an appointment coll condition, heater = $295 149 KING ST. W. d 0 ha, Searing Rind ining oF shri Plans, Specifications, Tende . 4 ' sisi ; mi ans, citico 8, r AT THIS PRICE OF $26,900. FOR APPOINTMENT TO VIEW breathing down your neigh- LLOYD AYERS 52 MONARCH Sedan ~-- Every job guaranteed |= fable, 80° square Street South, forms, Envelopes and Contract OLID 4; tabi bours necks, tired of living Good condition , . $295 when entamion: reasonable, 184 Col: (CASH buyers are reading the Oshawa Requirements, may be obtains CALL in the city) We have the '50 MERCURY -- Custom. BUYING OR SELLING SEE [borne Street Fast. Times Want Ade everyday looking od Tom or vied ot Room ee] - ' " tained bed wit furni into TED CUNNINGHAM Siar hen [eo Eel | TED CAMPIN' fl SEER CMD RE 5 (Ee bei RA 5-6544 RA 5-2358 E., just minutes from the town SCHOFIELD More To Choose From 607 KING ST. --= OSHAWA |Board: washing machine motor. RA Sliaa, athe, me 0 por So an fe Ontario, 31300, "ANOTHER JOHN A. J. BOLAHOOD LTD EXCLUSIVE" Jou, diving, on early on ' BUCK'S et Edt of Wilton, Rood) Bireet West. RA 8-000. Local 2.2943), and may alse MEMBER OF OSHAWA AND DISTRICT REAL ESTATE BOARD | home offers 'a modem kit. | !MSurance Associates Ltd. RA 3-4494 Res: 5-5574 FOR SALE uit cp Fe lv viewed ot the Guilges chen with lots of cupboards REG. AKER, Pres. BODY SHOP --_ - Dressmaker's form, In goed ONE baby TT, and one full mize| the Office of Mr, BE C. ond a lote model electric ,| iLL McFEETERS, Vice-Pres. 361 BLOOR ST. E. ANDY _NAGY'S condition. fion, reasonable. Phone RA sags, | Roberts, Superintendent of stove, bright sunny living BODY SHOP Construction, Department of room and bedrooms, modern CLOSE TO RA 5-4513 PHONE RA 5-8310 RIC ay et, ohe laid lawn i MW rk " Hos» WHITBY CLASSIFIED bathroom. Full dry base: NORTH SIMCOE SCHOOL MERCEDES - BENZ ree Vito child's crib. MO Basse oO pital Whitby, Sor Mey ment, with forced gir oil DKW as KY ; Just listed 5 reom bungalow, SELLING OR BUYI w |WARETOUSE clearance of odds and FOR SALE -- 17" walnut Motorola con. HOUSEKEEPER wanted middle-aged furece Aluminum storms newly decorated inside and 0 UYING SALES AND SERVICE BU Slain Jrsduste == ends, some slightly marked, Many] A $1,500 Bid Bond ond a sole TV. good condition. 605 Dunlop preferred for afternoons and part time| 9nd screens and many more out. Good size li "STEW IS WORT. WA ud J (famous brand lives, costs forgotten.) 100% . Performance Bond Street West, MO 8:2052 Whithy evenings. light duties. one child, Must features. All for the low price size living room, ORTH 408 KING W,, OSHA awnings, TV towers, paving, [tremendous savings, dressers with mir- ill be ired ified. {be reliable. MO 8.5432. F) of $9,800. $85 monthly in. family size kitchen, Oil heot- TRYING RA 3.7132 One contract, nothing down, |To™%: regular $59, special $3 wi required os specified, hgh Rng Bisa ran oon Fuclid_ strest, one roll of cludes taxes. Don't delay call Na this poymacts | 3728 CREDIT > For free estimates call= fo, rd Ai: double. genuine Tenders will not be conside Street Wost, Whitby, 4 anny have! right away for Ted Cunning. For GOO maple dresser, regular ashed to| ered unless mode on forms THREE room aparment, $60 Monthivi | C51 MG ity Tot ia VivTSAaTASS. hom. et. RA 35.6344, RA Further pits, RS un 4 TRIUMPH MOTOR CARS ALUMA SEAL CO. Lig iar 830 special Header. supplied by the Department Mls four room a Jument, 32 mo nth PRIVATE' Sale, three-bedroom briek| 53-2358, , evenings a . $25.00 DOWN ON ANY T.R. 3, VANGUARD, RA 5.9365 ANYTIME Ite top a regular $29 05, sale 819.95: of Public Works, Ontario, in lous yard. Central location. Phone MO, LibiNOW, V6 ber Sent NHA Morisate:| BUILT-IN INCOME ! INCOME HOME CAR ENSIGN & HERALD | mmm ihn waiieuses, Sighily soled) accordance with the "terms : d conditions as set forth Whitby, $10,500 terms. A real b 2 ON DISPLAY AT tables, regular 816.03, seven only, 86;| and | - , good Frame 1% storey home lo uy ' 3 ¥ SALE int and blond end tables, piain and | th oe yy S10 1001 wriar [} oi ARGH nicely furnished room for rent, cated a King Nor located on Oshawa Blvd, All 58 Chev Biscayne, bg 41 SMITH SPORTS Aninim: Sri en of the Jat nd ond end tab os Jair and therein, Hah " a dandy | Fon RENT -- One hodroom apartr ment | sated. meats 'optional, MO 8 ok" » Eost, 2 bedrooms, living in good repair. Hes two 3 NORTH SIMCOE best quality at the best pn ea A Deposit of $15.00 cash, tma-g bdin", close 10 Schoo's | ce LL Kitch dA roomed apartments, each with '55 Chev Deluxe, two tone, RA 8.5912 full teed. [$7. Wil Furnit 20 Chureh St.| or cheque made payable to | \YVE "poultry, also feathers wanted,| 100M, tchen an pee. prices, ully guaranteed, . Wilson's Furniture, ure! a on de Fe ron | Wishest market prices paid. Jaks| bath. 2 room opartment with itehen hd 3 5. bath. Hor whitewalls, very clean | ____ w= | Double hung windows only (OTL pace heater, two sieel Raia the Treasurer of Ontario, wit FOP PRVT -- Throerdom nntarnivnod | arker, MO 83044 collest. separate 2-pc. bath up. oie oil heating. Nice lot, OF + isin $845 $18. Call now. one ofl burner unit, 200 gallon oll drum, be required per set of tender FE iunnt. na children. ADGIY 312 Bun dm mene on w ad wow! Paved drive, awnings, storms ig Sorate With | sement *3 Pontiac Deluxe, radio, 1957 MORRIS Lymer Aluminum Co. Mndows, doors and frames, lumber,| documents, which will be re das Street West abinets, adding machines, cash br and screens and many other Call H Si two-tone, good outoma- ONVERTIBLE .5385 © funded if documents are re. SEPTIC TANKS cleaned the sanitary ters. Hamilton Office Outfitters, 103] extras. Priced to sell ot only enry Stinson, evenings tic transmission, white- CONVE #4 mile north Taunton Village, east aidé| turned in good condition en tanks ineiatled Waller Wood 2m Street South, Whitby. MO 88431... $12,500, Coll for Ted Cun- RA 5.0243 walls tinted gloss, outs circle driveway. within thirty days of above AUCTION ai of ow aut. vind uri. | min aon Aim, Sos (S09 #0 pinghem MA Sa544, 5% % MORTGAGE standing value .. 9493 | God condition, New paint | Now is the time to [SRIGERW gis thier Rsur. Tee To closing date, otherwise for- 3 RA 5.2358, ; eige and brown, . : 8 elite: don sruck, 1h mils! GG OWNWRS -- Shingiog. silo, List price $12,900, well con- | '53 Chev Deluxe, very clog have a beautfiul home [tists etnizaled, "jum "is" saw. Sout of Ontaria Hostiial an Dose Line |peuistion. | eavestroughing, painting FOR RENT structed, 6 room brick bunga- tor... $395 RA 3. 4656 with aluminum doors The lowest or any tender . y, MO low, 3 bedrooms, 4.pce tiled -- H not necessarily accepted, Fag FURNITURE ud so lence. iy Upper duplex, completely bath Completely landscaped '53 Chev, very lite 208 and windows, best SEE HOME APPLIANCES ly ead Hamilton Used Furniture, 103 Byron Fon the best in insu'ation, use Pal.O. modern, 2 large bedrooms, ond decorated, paved drive- new valve job .. $29 quality, lowest price in OSHAWA LTD. J. D. MILLAR, Strest South, MO 88431. wt or've Ford ti! vi ving RET ith, ining ares. way, aluminum storms and '52 Pontiac Deluxe, refinish- Ww L L | S town Quick service 90 SIMO SOUTH Deputy Minister, . stimate © oode an s reens. Monthly payments ed and recondition- R FRIGIDAIRE De, f Publi Id, 601 Brock North, MO 8-2017. 4-pce. tiled bathroom. $100 partment o [] FOR CL PAINT [adi monthly with Tyr loin. Pon. | tones Call en gros | Oooo 398 1 MOTORS grees OE A Works, Owen, w § mercial CALL BOWYER Fa gocber 18th Col | evenings, RA 8.8423. MANY .MORE AT -- RA 5.5332 Parlioment Bulldings, REFRIGERA 5:6544, RA 52358 SENIOR EXECUTIVE -- For Your Toronto, Ontarla, Dodd & Souter GERATION once IN A Lirerime | MIKE STARR'S | AUSTIN CAR | sashiice sorpuus sae (53--Tagal September 26th, 1960, Point and Wallpaper Store | Commercial and domestic. Atl | 36,000 DOWN $6,000 OPPORTUNITY GOOD ASSORTMENT | WOODWORKING SHOP 107 Mo 3.553 work guaranteed. 505 An. Tha bee utitul sungglow Just listed, a really fine pre- 314 BLOOR ST W ED CARS Sra Sa leintey, Skits ----a ty . remee| dOrSON Street, Whitby -- MO $16,900, Owner sl out tentious older home, loc. : US Ceramic tile, etc. MUST TOWNSHIP OF EAST WHITBY 8.3276 of town. House consists of | oted in a strictly residential RA 5-56 TAUNTON RD. E. CLEAR BY SEPT. 29th, Even- ATTENTION [~ tiecris hotg, broadibom, | Sri usted en 0 begut 0 RAS 10% pam 121 Machin br 1960 TAXES HOMEMAKERS [GRAVEL & LOAM | num, storms. windows | [ies Shots "ees 'and so oer EE MO 8.538) Cement gravel -- Driveway bid i pops gh 2% storey with er peu SAVE ON 1960 DEMONSTRATORS OUTBOARD The second and last instalment of 1960 Over 90% of your weekly gravel coarse or fine=malso ig ig i age. Home consists of 5 TAXES are due on or befor Hyd in your own kitchen, fill, Delivery Monday to Sat- boon gr 4 rid 3 8 8, Rid bedrooms, master bedroom MOTORS . x : ith 4 pe. bath in suite, 2 Ey foxx jrvg | way ween. En raven," (yan, 4% Winds inves | Whore moth in save, Z4 AND USED CARS FOR RENT SATURDAY. OCTOBER 1st, 1960 family of four into your home, MO 8-2660 5.6544, RA 3.4164 size dining room and kitch- MARINE STORAGE TAXE : Including a WESTINGHOUSE p-------- pi 3 bathroom, ve 4-pc. We want to clear our lot for the arrival of the '61 and SUPPLY Ltd. AXES may be paid at the Township Office, EZ WN PAYMENT FOR RENT--Bouting, camp. y 500 DOWN 3300 4 hot water heating. inaglace, models. Drop in for the best deal in town. BROOKLIN ONT. OL 5-3641 Columbus, tario, REQUIRED ple, Eads ning, and bath, full base. | 1060 Tus be deen to be NO REASONABLE OFFER REFUSED THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA, 27 Simcoe St. Food Plan by SCHNEIDERS, | box, boat and cabin trailers | MeNt, Gorage, needs decorat. | yy F SPRFEUOEE. Zoli FOR SALE imcoe St. The Finest. For further ine FOR SALE -- Used boats, ing, low taxes. Can be seen ings. SAVE SAVE North, Oshawa, Ont, formation, coll movers, vrgias Cobe ot RA 3544, RA Lier Go Tivough Sn, ied Livingston Cool | PENALTIES WILL BE ADDED TO UNPAID TAXES ECONOMART WILDE RENTALS 3-4164. This Office ROBINSON MOTORS be, wen ot Codordla, Fre | after October Ist, 1960. You Con Be Sure, Service and Sales Members of Oshawa & District Member of Oshawa ond Fol, 25) Simcoe Svea GEORGE FARNCOMSB, M W's WESTINGHOUSE 14185 Dundes E. MO 8-3226 Reol Estate' Board : Distriet Reol Estate Boord $74 RITSON RD. §. My Oihawe, or Phone Clerk and Tax Collector.