THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesboy, September 28, 1960 3 RAILWAYS SEEK FEDERAL AID » passenger yields about a tenth of rail road revenues, More govern. ment sid is sought, If you seek aid in balancing your budget, Oshawa Times Classified Pages are your answer, Cheek through your house now, make 8 list of the things you ne use, then sell them with » Want Ad, RA 33492 today, -- I" Hospital Worker Faces 11 Charges A social worker formerly emi Police and public besith authori ployed by the Ontario Hospital ties, Mr, Affleck said, in Whithy was arraigned before a TT ------------ justice of the peace in Oshaws Wednesday on nine charges of Falls Aslee At Wheel {theft and two char of false BOWMANVILLE (Staff ok ew York? Headquarter at the eentrally located HENRY HUDSON Hotel 2d from the mid-60's in the south to the mid-50's in the north : (CP Wirephoto) - THE WEATHER office says | (i east from the upper Great Lakes is expected to bring clear skies to Ontario snd Que- hee, Temperatures should range -- ture, Winds southwest 15 today, northwest 20 Thursday, | TORONTO (CP)--~Marine fore-| casts issued ot 8:30 am, valid until 11 a.m, Thursday: Lake Ontario: Variable {10-15 knots. Mostly cloudy A TESTIMONIAL BANQUET was held Tuesday night at Hotel Genoshas in honor of F, E, Bartlett, manager of the Oshawa Woolworth Store who Woolworth Staff | Oshawa, W, Malayny, Assist. | ant manager, at right is photographed as he presented an E Boy Chair to Mr, is retiring after 38 years in the ti result In the heart of New York City «158 steps from Coliseum. Near all activities & tn y terminals, Bwimming Pool Lake Erie: Winds north to svailable to guests, Entertain northeast 15-20 knots, becoming ment Nightly in Voyages variable 15 tonight, Partly yd Room. Superh Meeting Facili Fasy ~Oshawa Times Photo winds | Lake Huron and Georgian Bay: ties, , to 1000, day sunny, clouding over in the Winds north to northeast 20 knofs Garage and afternoon with chance of a becoming variable 10-15 tonight hower, A little warmer Thurs-land southwest 1020 Thursday day, Winds light today, becom- morning. Partly cloudy, Chance ng southerly 15 to 20 Thursday. of a shower extreme northern Foretcast who worked at the hospital for| was remanded until Oct, 1 for| other two children was too much Affleck explained that Ontario on Highway 115, collided with a are held in an account! OPP constable that he had fallen completed by the yorker, that he was in a state of exhaus- funds led to the charges being sounds better than being asleep, WEATHER FORECAST the Criminal Investigetion Bur His third child was born later| TORONTO issued at 5 a.m pretenses involving $500 belong Ling lo patients glmost 15 years, is charged with] The strain of awaiting the birth misusing funds from the Pali-lof his third child and of rushing (hearing in Whithy, Bhe was refor Toronto commercial artist, ; leased on $2000 cash bell Douglas Everett Wright, ' g Zhi | Hospital patients, who are hoard- sign post and spun around in the ed out, do-pol handle thelr own te direction for them st the hospital asleep When clothing or other articles In magistrate's court Tuesday, approved by the hospital, and tion at the time of the accident,| that rain moving into Canada the required clothing purchased, The magistrate agreed that | from the south has heen stalled Bartlett, left, Looking on ap- |leid Wright was convicted of care provingly is Mrs, ¥, E, Bari- | The charges are of less driving and was fined $20 eau of the Ontario Provincial on that morning, Cool Today Synopsis: Rain th been spreading slowly northward from Mrs, Doris Irene Holliday, 50 ents' "pin money" accounts, Bhe to Peterborough to pick up his Assistant Crown Attorney Bruce His automobile skidded 230 feet finances, 1 they work, ther told the investigating are required a requisition Is the aceused told the magistrate Alleged Irregularities in these phrase, "state of exhaustion", A high pressure area moving lett a three month Inve sation by with $2 court costs op the Guif of Mexico is unlikely 1 Honor Manager iy night, Sept, 27 staff of the ¥, W, Woolworth Co at has On Tue the of 30 nours of day Years ago, from the long work to a 40-hour held ag banquet at Hole to say farewell to thelr manager F. E. Bartlett, who retiring Mr, Bartlett has been with the company 49 ye be ing spent in Oshawa Mr as a Ont Genoshi ar 36 of those Sartlet hi stock ear in CATE! the London He was tran Marie the hoy tore in 191 ferred fo the Baull store wihiere ie wa First World War In 1918-1919 Mr. Bartlett wa in active service, On returning to Canada he s in Toronto for short time, From there went to Alabama, USA he managed a store until In July 1922, Mr came to the Oshawa st Over the he has seen many changes in the department store te ie where 1921 Bartlet! ore years g main one work week Mr the by los Bartlett's store During term in has been de troved fire twice but the reatest was in the fall of 19568 when it was completely de-| royed A new modern self service store was opened in May, 1959, and Mr. Bartlett réturned to cut the ribbon Os} Jshawa He his has among his also is an ardent but ne many hobbies Is musie, and noted selections He has many collection Kiwanian On this staff Oshawa Bartlett long life great event in his life of W. Woolworth Mr, and Mrs and much hap the -- THIS I8 THE Pick-up truck, one new GMC models CITY AND DISTRICT General Motors of Canada The new GMC line | refinements in the 1951 GMC of many introduced hy Limited features piness fo enjoy this well de erved retirement, OBITUARIES | NICHOLAS ROMANIUK In poor health for the past year and a half Nicholas Roman fuk died at the Oshawa Genera Hospital on Tuesday, Sept. 27 He was in his 71st year A son of the late Mrs. Michael Romaniuk, the de ceased was born in the Western Ukraine May 18, 1890, A resident of Oshawa for 20 years, he was a carpenter by trade Mr, Romaniuk, who had no rel atives in Canada, was a member of Bt. George's Ukrainian Greek Catholie hurch The remains are at Mr, and the Arm strong Funeral Home for mass in rial St. George's Church at 9.30 a.m, ( Thursday, Sept. 20, Rev, J, ( Pereyma will sing the mass, In terment will be in St. Gregory's Cemetery, Prayers funeral home MRS, EDITH MAY LALONE Mrs, Edith May Lalone died at the residence of her granddaugh ter, Mrs, Stanley Fice, 530 Gar rard road, Oshawa, Tuesday Sept, 27. Mrs. Lalone who lived at 120 Thomas street, has heen in poor health for two months She was in her 81st year A daughter of the late Mr Mrs. Marshall Demille, she horn at Demorestville, June 1800 She fed at P Oct, 4, 1898 Charle Irwin Lalone, her March 11, will be held the at 8 pm at today and was| 8. on to the late He 1048 Galt and lan) of Oshawa and Mrs, Frank major surgery, 88; minor surger y, Baumgartner (Laurena) of South|105; eye, ear, nose and throat, | River, Ontario, p.m, Oshawa for 51 years living ear! ler in the Picton area, Surviving Mrs, are one Clarence Galt, ( and one Rose Hoffman, of New Jersey f Three grandchildren, Irvin Mrs, Stanley Pice (Viv le | daughter (Edna) of sister, Mrs Jshawa and irandehildren also supvive, trong Funeral Home with memo-| services to be held in the| hapel Thursday, Sept, 29, at 2| Interment will Osh.' awa Union cemetery, Service willl' be conducted by Major M Rankin of the Salvation Army, | Fl AL OF MRS, MAY ELIZABETH MUIR Memorial services for Mrs May Elizabeth Muir, who in her 57th year at the Bowman ville Memorial Hospital Sunday sept, 25, were held at the Arm strong funeral home, Tuesday, sept at 2 pm Rev, Harold Stainton conduct ed the services, Interment was in the Old St, Andrew's Cemetery, Scarboro Pallbearer Tohn Muir 27 | Muly Courtice nald na nN Archie predeceased Charles Me | lon, Howard Orm- gress iston, and William Empringham COMING EVENTS | Jubilee 30, 1.30 p.m west of Bilt sale 'Golden | ter 10DE, Friday, Sept King Street East, Store more Theatre BINGO Union Hall, Bond Street Wed nesday, Sept, 28 8 p.m. 20 games § and $8, Six $40 jackpols, Share the Wealth ¥ B'NGO AT THE AVALON Thursday, Sept. 29th 8 p.m. Eastview Park Neigh borhood Ass 20 reqular games at 36 and $10 ix jackpots at $40, Also Share the Wealth WHITBY BAND BINGO CLUB BAYVIEW Wednesday, Sept. 28th Bus leaves Oshawa Terminal, 25¢ return, 31.00 Jackpot Nos, 57 & 54 RUMMAGE admission CONNAUGHT PARK | CLOSING SATURDAY, OCT. Ist Afternoon and Evening Merry-Go-Round Bingo Booth for Everyone Free treats with membership: NOVEL BINGO THURSDAY EVENING 8 PM at ST, GEORGE'S HALL (Albert and n Sts.) Games $6 $20 May be « ¢ tripled door Priz $120 JAC Junior Jack $12 joubled e $15 KPOT INCLUDED SUNBEAM CHAPTER NO Order of the Eastern Star TURKEY DINNER Masonie Temple 73 September Meeting | of the | Oshawa and District Branch, Canadian Diabetic Association, at Nurse's Residence, Simcoe St, N 8 p.m, Sept, 29 short address by Mr, George Mitford of the CDA. on How The C.D.A. Can Help Doctors and dieticians supply information diets, care of the eyes t the feet, etc equipment and You will on care Display of supplies Friendly Fellowship, No Charge, Refreshments ST. MARY'S BINGO WEDNESDAY, SEPT, 28th 8 PM AT ST. MARY'S OF THE PEOPLE AUDITORIUM STEVENSON RD, N, AT MARION King treet bus at door, Bus w waiting at auditorium after bingo i 16 GAMES OF $8 | GAME EACH OF $10, $20, $30, $40 SHARE THE WEALTH $350 EXTRA 2 CARDS FOR 25¢ OR 10 CARDS FOR $1 ADMISSION $t., Oshawa, 1% 1960, 4 served. Ticke! Children $1.00, Adult 25¢ PER CARD EN UNDER 14 ADMITTED NOT | nik sity entrance | |ATA The deceased was a resident of | tional 4 : |Oshawa General Hawthrone,! week ending Sept discharges, 12 great-[46; a7; The body is resting at Arm. ments, 440, er and an auto collided at Church and Bond streets at 4,15 p.m, The | car and the tractor trailer hy D P | drive died | drive | will he kept open for {have AWARDED BURSARIES Two Oshawa students, Marilyn Bilenduke and Peter B. Potoc have heen awarded univer wmrsaries hy the Trucking Industry Educa Foundation Incorporated Tiss Bilenduke was awarded $250 vious ind Mr, Potoenik $500 crease HOSPITAL REPORT Following is the report of the Hospital for the 24: admissions 23, female, 26 newhorn dls. 20, female General Motors of Canada Limited, today announced its 19461 line of GMC trucks, They feature refinements in highly cessful chassis design of the pre models and notable in in the number of model to be available, The 1961 GMC line includes three new 4-wheel drive models for light-duty, maximum traction application, These 127-inch whee! base, %-ton vehicles are avail able as cab-chassis, wide-box pickup and conventional box picks {up models and rate from 4000 to Bi pounds gross vehicle weight. NEW CAB FEATURES Among the new cab features for 1061 are a lower and narrow er floor tunnel on most light-duty| models, for improved foot and leg room with the 3-speed ox Powerglide transmission New optional equipment includes was driven by Ronald St windshield wiper » washer Jules, of 199 King street west bination with 2.speed electric ¥ " y' wipers, and a comfort option Rvangeline, Consisting of a six-inch foam y {| rubber seat, D the 1 84; births, male 264; harges male examinations and treatments, casts, 12; physiotherapy treat MINOR COLLISION The Oshawa Police Department eported oly one minor accel lent on Tuesday, A tractor trail a com of 1431 Damage was estimated a No one was Injured arsons, also feature and 1 ult Suburban models improved comfort for second FIVE AMBULANCE CALLS third seat passengers as a 1 The Oshawa F department of seal modifications giving m reported no fire alarms Tuesday foot room and more third se while the city ambulance made head room five routine calls All GMC 4-wheel drive units STREETS CLOSED for 1061 feature new 10-inch The following streets will heldiameter clulch, standard 3-speed closed for construction today: transmission and 7.10 x 15-inch| Stevenson road north at Rossland |tires on the '&-ton models, Thu road west, construction In pro. equipped, they meet the majority Wilson road south from ©f 'ghtduty, maximum traction avenue to Shakespeare] Fequirements Stevenson road south Among the from Gibb street the finements, - on all Taunton road east from models, there is street to Riston voad| appearance, new Whenever possible streets cation nameplates and new seat local traf- trim design. Eight new exterior fie, Emergency condtions suey as colors are offered in addition to weather could require the closing the seven previously available of streets not on this list CRANKCASE VENTILATION ACHR . In line with truck industry in DOMESTIC MIGRANTS terest in problems of exhaust More than 1,000 young women emissions in areas of high ve come to Canada from the hicle concentration or unfavor West Indies under the domestic|able elimatie conditions, GMC migrant program, offering an optional erankeasc a Olive avenue closed CPR; Simcoe north styling but tilt new irol re cab al classifi many to a group is Refinements In New GMC Trucks affect areas to the north of fhe lower Great Lakes, However some cloud may persist along the | southern fringe of Ontario, Flse where over the provinee kies | are mostly sunny and tempers tures today should range from the mid-60s in the south to the 50s in the north Regional forecasl ( Lake Erie, western Lake On de | tario, southern Lake Huron re gions, Windsor, London, Toronto highly successful chassis i |8 / more artly cloudy today and Thu sign introduced last year, models and styling changes, Bay Thursday north 20 in the afternoon Variable with and ending about mid-day Thurs-| Peterborough day, Little Kirkland Lake region, North!section Thursday morning Sudbury: Sunny today cloudy with scattered howers, Little change in tem- Windsor erature, Winds Light today, St. Thomas outherly 20 Thursday, shifting to! Kitchener London limmins-Kapuskasing regions: | Wingham cloudiness today. Hamilton tonight and Thursday |8t, Catharines , showers beginning tonight! Toronto loudy change In tempera. Trenton Forecast Temperatures Lows tonight, Highs Thursday 50 | 70 70 70 7 70 70 70 70 65 64 Hudson Hotel B53 Went 570 Sirest, Wow York W CQlumboss 8-4100 NEW YORK CITY P | day Cooler today, a tile warmer Thursday, Winds north- east 15 today, light tonight, be coming southerly 15 Thursday Eastern Lake Ontario, Niagara regions, Hamilton: Cloudy ith sunny intervals and cooler today Partly cloudy and a little warmer Thursday, Winds northeast 15 becoming southerly 15 Thursday On CORVEN- afternoon, tonal, light and medium duty" Northern Lake Huron, Halibur model with the six eylinder ton, Georgian Bay, regions engine, It will duct unburned gunny and cooler today, Thurs k . ---- entilating system hydrocarbons from the ecran - case to the inlet manifold where | Order Curfew 'Be Observed | they are funneled into the com hustion chamber and burned with the fuel mixture, This ventilation Among modifications made late I (8 fin - Hy JOWMANVILLE (Sta in the 1960 GMC model run on James Edward Webh, 37 Base-| certain models, and now incor-|jine road, Bowmanville, was told| ystem is standard on heavy duty | models porated across the entire line, in Magistrate's court Tuesday | are revisions in heaters, to pro that if he broke a 7 p.m, curfew vide cab temperatures up to 10), if he touched alcohol between | degrees warmer at normal oper: now and December 20 that he atlon speeds, and redesigned 4 would be asking the magistrate wheel drive lockout hubs to|in send him to reformatory, Withstand greater torque, Webb originally charged on two of illegal possession of Alr compressor assemblies for|COUNtE the air «hydraulic and full-air|8cohol, driving without a Vi] brake systems are modified, to|€ence and a theft charge had] i re aced on a 10 pm, cur: improve braking efficiency| een ple . ? fe as told to stay away through increased reservoir tank few: and was tol y pressure Heavy - duty vacuum] from aleohol " ower ag | oy 4 Evidence submitted by Bow Roe Brakes on medium. duty vie police constablos stated creased pedal reserve and higher| that Webb had gone to he po he braking forces | station late one evening after he " ha " {had been drinking to pay a The 261 cuble Inch and 283|friend"s fine, On another occa: cubic Inch engine cylinder heads gion Webb was found in an auto. have been improved for heavy: mobile near the town dump with duty service by increasing thea young girl and Lawson Beers, | ghiome content of the metal, | Three full beers were found in| ange In specifications re-the car, and ten empties on the | sults In a less 'ductile material, ground, Beers was charged with Improving valve seat durability, 'illegal possession, | 1 THE OSHAWA BOARD OF EDUCATION and its ADVISORY VOCATIONAL COMMITTEE Announce the 1960.1961 Program For ADULT EDUCATION EVENING CLASSES registration ot O'NEILL COLLEGIATE & VOCATIONAL INSTITUTE 301 SIMCOE STREET NORTH TUESDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1960 WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1960 at 7:30 pom, in the Auditorium Classes will Start Immediately on Registration The Board of Education may offer the following classes and others it there is sufficient demand; Ladies' Plain Colored Flannelette Sizes S.M.L, BOEN coves rerrvinnnvissneny NIGHTGOWNS With printed top front, collar with ties at neck, Long sleeves, Colors of Pink, Blue and Maize, 1.98 and Maize Each Sizes S.M.L, Ladies' Plain Flannelette Tailored PYJAMAS With long sleeves, lapels and collar with ems broidery trim, Ties at waist, Colors of Blue, Pink mn 398 With yoke front, Sizes 8+10:12 YOO. cavvasvasrares THE FASTEST GROWING ALL.CANADIAN LOAN COMPANY 17 SIMCOE ST, N, CALL AL REKUSH AT RA 5.650) Branch offices throughout Ontario, » Academic Subjects ® English-~Basic Englishe--=Intermedis ate English---Advanced English-~Grade 13 English----Practical ® Frongh---Rasic French--Advanced « Spanish COURSES will be provided if fifteen or more people make a request in writing or register w= on or before pening night, Algebra Mathematics Trigonometry Mathematigs-- Geometry Mathema ties Intermediate ® Chemistry ® Any other 13 subjects Grade Commercial Subjects ® Bookkeeping ® Business Machines ® Stenography-- Basle Stenagraphy---- Advanced ® Typing--Basie Typing=--Advanced Home Economies ® Dressmaking ® Sewing--Rasic Sewing-~Advanced » Foods Special Courses o Ant o Public Speaking ® Time Study @ Interior Decorating @ Physical Education ® Musie Pre FEES: $10.00 PER COURSE TO BE PAID AT TIME OF ENROLMENT; NO REFUNDS AY END OF TERM, Classes may be held on one or more of four even: ings, Monday te Thursday, An of. fort will be made to arrange time to suit students, Credit Cards will be issued to students whe meet the res quired st ndard of proficiency, REGISTER EARLY, AND IN PERSON Technical Subiects ® Auto-Mechanies w= Basie AutorMechanies == Advanced ® Blueprint . Building tion (He ing) » Cabinet Making ® Dratting--General o Elestricity o Electronies (radio and T.V. Theory) ® Machine Shop-- Rasle Machine Shop Advanced o Welding~--Rasie a Welding Advanced Note--Consult aftice for Advanced Techs nical subjects now in progess Reading Construes use Fram. University Extension Courses Some of the courses outlined in the pam: het "Business and industry' issued by the University of Tor onta Extension Des artment will he of. ered In Oshawa, at the O'Neil! Colleniate and Vocational last tute, ot night during the months October to March Inclusive, 1960/1961, if there are enounh registras tions to justify holds ing them Avnplications or res quests for Informe tion should be sent directv to The Director, Division of University Extons 45 5b, George Street, Toronto §, ® Yourselt for Better SKILLS + KNOWLEDGE ~~ CULTURE Things! Children's Flannelette PYJAMAS Pullover top with elastic at wrist, ankles and waist. Colors of Red with White Stripes and Blue with White Stripes, 1.98 Children's Two-Piece Fleece Lined SLEEPERS Design on front. Pants the back, Plastic Sizes 1-2+3 ond 4 years, i 98 Sizes 3.4.38 6yean........: se: Long sleeves with elastic cuffs buttoned to waist front, Elastic at coated feet Children's Flannelette PYJAMAS Long sleeves, 3 buttons down front, Elastic waist, Colors of Pink, Blue and Maize, 1.98 TWO STORE Blue and Conary. coo vvvnnnnes 'bownTowN osHawa ¢ TO SERVE YOU BETTER " OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE \ a SN.