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The Oshawa Times, 28 Sep 1960, p. 6

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Fhe Oshawa Simes Published by Canadian Newspopers Limited, 86 King St. E,, Oshawa, Ont, Page 6 Wednesdoy, September 28, 1960 More Than Expedients Needed To Make Work More than 100,000 men are expected to be employed by the winter works programs now being planned by muni- cipal provincial and federal govern- ments, That such planning is necessary, goes without saying. Until a better organized, more enlightened attack is made on the problem of chronic unem- ployment, such expedients as winter works programs are necessary, The ex- pedients, however, should not be regard. ed as solutions, Economist Walter B, Harvey points out that unemployment is of several types and has various causes, The weak ness of most popular remedies lies in the failure to distinguish between the differ~ ent maladies that may "afflict the body economic, and in prescribing some single remedy for all cases, To apply any one remedy to all our economic ills is on a par with expecting some drug to cure all diseases," Government spending is one popular answer to the problem ~ and it can be, under certain circumstances, A collapse of credit may drastically reduce the money supply, When the nation's busi« ness has to be carried on with a greatly reduced money supply the volume of business, production and unemployment necessarily drops, unless there is an ace companying drop in prices and wages, But today most prices and wages are inflexible, and when demand falls off there is not any substantial decrease in prices, Moreover, the supply of money is not reduced, The recent tight-money policy was just stiff enough to curb in. flation, One frequently hears that if govern. ments can produce full employment in times of war, they should also be able to produce it in times of peace, But ware time financing is inflationary financing, Prof, Harvey comments: "Wartime financing regularly involves the creation of large amounts of purchasing power which have the same inflationary effect as the printing of paper money , ,. It must be remembered that war finance regularly releases such strong inflation. ary forces that governments resort to controls of prices and wages" In other words, the same thing could be done in peacetime -- in completely regimented economy, REPORT FROM U.K. Steps To Improve British Athletes By M, McINTYRE HOOD Special London (Eng) Correspondent For The Oshawa Times LONDON -- With the shouting #nd the cheers -- and the dis appointments ~-- of the 1960 Olympic Games si Rome still echoing around the world, moves ere slpeady under way in Britain to ensure that British athletes will make a better showing in the 1964 Olympics to be staged gt Tokyo, The one grest come plaint of British swimmers, div. ers and sthleles generally, aris ing from their poor showing at Rome, hes been thet there is a great lack of proper training facilities. Brian Phelps, bronze medal winner in the high diving contest, hed to travel all the way from London to Cardiff in Wales to find a pool of internationsl standards in which he could practise, Before the time comes fo pre- pare for the 1964 Olympic games, end glass, shining wood - concrete, the centre will jn. clude; A vast arena for foothell and athletes with a stand to sest 12,000 spectators, Three swimming pools, one a arving and Fig ] ochng a eet wide of Olymple standard, A large gymnasium hall with 1220 seats arranged in tiers that ean be wheeled away when not in use, Practice rooms for ericket and tennis, a squash court, a lecture theatre and chenging rooms, Open-air games pitches and practice aress for all track and field events, An 11-storey hostel block with rooms for 138 resident athletes, COACH'S OPINION Geoffrey Dyson, coach to the British Olympic team, snd na- tional coach of the Amateur Athletic Association, was largely ible for the ideas which that will be r died, al least so far as the south of England is concerned, The eyes of frus trated athletes, swimmers and divers are now turning to a well wooded hill in southeast London, This used to he the site of the long-hurrcd out Crystal Palace buildings £2,000,000 CENTRE On this site, work has started on what is described as the most exciting development in British amateur sport since the war end- ed, It is taking the form of the construction of the London Coun. ty Council's new £2,000,000 Na- tional Recieetion Centre, It is based on a comprehen. sive plan for the encouragement of greater participation in ama. teur sport, With gay buildings of have gone nto the creation of CONVENIENT TERMS ame of your holes rom "You purchase lenses and YOU BWA BYRgines spe: Cini (Gh i al it aE of vo. this centre. He gives Ms views of its value as idilows: "The new cenire will provide training facilities on & splendid seale--~probebly much better than anywhere else in Europe, Winter training is the grest probe lem for so many British athe letes, The middle and long dis. tance runners do not fare so badly, They can set off for a practice run in any old weather and there are plenty of places where they can do it, But You can't polevault in Piceadilly on 8 wet pfterncon in January, You can't put he shot in your local High Street on a dirty evening in November," GET THE BEST For Less At MODERN UPHOLSTERING 9262 SIMCOE ST. N, RA 8-6451 or RA 3-4131 OSHAWA ONLY 10% DOWN UP TO 2 YEARS TO PAY IMPERIAL OPTICAL CO, LTD, 11 ONTARIO ST, OSHAWA PHONE RA 8.6239 That is why thorough study is sary of the problem, to provide sound plans that can replace the present necessary expedients, Acceptance Of Blame Considering the density of traffic in Ontario cities, and the noticeable pre- valence of unsafe driving by "bumper riding" motorists, it is surprising that rear-end collisions are not even more commonplace, An Ontario Safety League official had a closeup view of a rear-end smash re- cently, The details of the incident in. terested him, not because of any unusual features, but because it was so typical of the "minor accidents" that drivers invite so consistently, Morning rush hour traffic was travel. ling on the outskirts of Toronto at the permitted speed of 40 mph, Cars in the passing lane were spaced about 20 feet from each other = which, in good drive ing conditions, is a safe distance for speeds up to 15 mph, but not above, Approaching a. crosswalk, the leading driver applied his brakes as a pedes- trian signalled her intention to cross the road, He braked with moderate firm. ness, but each successive car crowding behind had to brake more sharply to avoid a collision, Number five in the line didn't quite make it, Nobody was hurt and the drivers did not seem to be particularly shaken, The most noticeable thing about the driver who had plowed into the other's rear bumper was that he seemed to be very indignant, He made it clear he had been hard done by, Someone had callously ine volved him in this thing that was going to mean delay, trouble and expense, He was undoubtedly angry with someone, though he probably couldn't decide whether to focus his indignation on the driver ahead for stopping suddenly, or the car manufacturer for not giving him brakes that would do impossible things, or the people who think that pedestrians deserve consideration, He had only himself to blame, of course, If you do not keep back from the car ahead at least one car length for every 10 mph of speed, you are in a vulnerable position if the driver ahead brakes sharply, Yet every day, on every street and highway in the province, motorists drive bumper to bumper at all rates of speed, And when the inevitable accidents occur, they try to shift the blame to somebody or something else. Consumer Credit High The argument about the safety level of consumer credit contiues, some author» ities believing that the level has already been reached and others claiming with equal fervor that there is still a consid- erable safety margin, Be that as it may, what cannot be argued is that there has been an enormous increase in consumer credit and that it is now firmly establish. ed as one of the economic facts of life in Canada, The term "consumer credit" is gener- ally regarded as meaning "contractual obligations entered into by individuals, as consumers but not as house buyers, for personal rather than business reasons." That is the Bank of Montreal's defini- tion, Charge account debts, instalment buying and personal cash borrowing all come within the definition, By far the greatest increase has been in the last two The Oshawa Times T. L. WILSON, Publisher and General Manager €. GWYN KINSEY, Editor The Oshawa Times combining The Oshawa Times (estaclished 1871) and the Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (established 1863), is published daily (Sundays and statutory holidays excepted), Members ot Canadian Daily Newspapers Publishers Association, The Canadian Press, Audit Bureau of Circulation and the Ontaria Provincial Dailies Assos ciation, The Canadian Press is exclusively entitled to the we for republication of all news despatched in the paper credited 10. it or to The Associated Press or Reuters, and also the local news published therein. All rights of special despatches are alse reserved : Offices: Thomson Building, 425 University Avenue, Toronto, Ontario; 640 Cathcart Street, Montreal, P.Q. SUBSCRIPTION RATES Whitby, Alax, Braoklin Port Perry Prince Albert Maple Grove Hampton, Frenchman's Bay, 00 aunton, Tyrone, Dunbarton, Enniskillen, Broughham, - Burketon, Claremont, Columbus, Greenwood, Kinsale, Raglan, Blackstock, Manchester, Pontypool and Newcastle nod over 45¢ per week. By mail {in province of Ontario) outside carriers delivery areas 12.00; elsewhere 15.00 per veor Delivered by carriers in Oshawa Pickering, Bowmanville Average Daily Net Paid as of April 30, 1960 16,999 categories, with personal borrowing re. cently emerging as the largest of the three, Consumer credit in Canada has multi. plied eight times over since the war and now represents about 13.5 per cent of annual personal disposable income, according to the bank's current business review, Consumer debt has risen from about $400 million immediately after the war to almost $3.5 billion now, The review observes: "In many respects, the greater expan. sion of consumer credit than of personal income during the postwar period has not represented an increasingly heavy burs den of debt, but rather has reflected some of the deep-seated economic and social changes of our times. To an important extent, the regular payments that flow in large volume to lending institutions these days simply replace cash outlays of earlier years for the same services in a different form," If average rates of pay had not risen with little interruption during the posts war period, it is doubtful that people would be able to satisfy their desire to enjoy the benefits af having services and goods before or while paying for them, "At the same time there has been a significant redistribution of income, both during and since the war, that has result. ed in a higher proportion of families shifting into the middle income brackets, It is this shift, together with the general rise of income, that has broadened the base on which consumer credit keeps expanding to new high levels, Bible Thought Suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, Rom ans 5:3, 4, We want to be men and women of character, Therefore God permits us to suffer, to build character in us MN QUEEN'S PARK Rebellious Note In All Parties By DON O'HEARN TORONTO-There is an under. current of dissension in all three parties these days, IntheConservativesthe younger members have begun to rebel against the old guard This has not come into the open yet but there is a lot of grum. bling behind the scenes, The CCF, despite what is sald publicly, does not have complete agreement about the new party, In Temiskaming, for Instance, the party candidate has run un- der a straight CCF banner and has made it plain he is not en. dorsing the new party, But the most unhappy group are the Liberals, RESENT WINTERMEYER There is a die-hard element in the Liberals which has never ac- cepted the last leadership con. vention, They did not want Mr, Winter. meyer as leader and they have not accepted him, And they have consistently tried to discredit him, At the start of the general elec. tion campaign they went to him and suggested he should resign, Now that the party is in the M midst of by-elections they have made another move They have spread the report that there is dissension among the provincial members over the ap. pointment of Arthur Reaume, MPP, as provincial organizer, There Is no such dissension, With possibly one or two ex ceptions the members of the caucus here are most firmly be- hind Mr, Reaume, There is dissension among some downtown Toronto Liberals They represent the core of those who have always heen op- posed to Mr, Wintermeyer And it is principally because of them that the caucus was so de. termined to put Mr, Reaume in control, FEDERAL GROUP This Toronto group has had large responsibility for keeping the Liberal party in low estate in recent years, particularly the provincial end of it, An old-guard type for the most part their sympathies were essen- tially federal, Their machinery began coming apart some years ago, And what usefulness It had left was mainly devoted to the federal field, The provincial members saw them try to run elections and time after time make a mess of So they determined to take over the ship themselves and they put in Mr, Reaume as organizer The only members of caucus who might not be in full agree. ment possibly are one or two of the Toronto members, INSIDE YOU Organs Controlled By Nerve System By BURTON H, FERN, MD Your head's caught in a tight: ening vice, thousands of butters flies are flapping their wings In |y your stomach and our heart's beating out Morse code messages in Chinese, but the doctor assures you "It's just nerves', Even so, these pains and feel. ings are mighty real to you, Throughout history men have linked the physical and emotion. al, although they often connected the wrong organ with the right symptom, The anclent Greeks hlamed hysterical behavior on the womb = called "hyster" in Greek, Beautiful romantic love has al. ways been linked to an unglamor- ous hunk of fat and muscle called the heart, Today we know that the brain and nervous system bridge that mysterious gulf be tween the physical and emotional, HOW IT'S DONE Conscious feelings are phoned down from the cauliflower top of the brain to a small, pea-sized area known as the hypothalamus, Like an operator, the hypothals amus relays the message over long-distance nerves to various in. ternal organs, depending on the code area dialed, When the same original message the same conscious feeling reaches dif ferent organs, It causes totally different symptoms These long distance nerves, technically called autonomie nerves, work automatically to control your internal organs. If these autonomic nerves work overtime, they may damage hody tissue, foul up function, or simply produce unpleasant sensations FORMATION OF ULCERS Ulcers develon when the hy pothalamus continually dials the stomach, At first, the stomach secretes excess acid and wiggles like a caterpillar hopped up with Benzedrine. But eventually a hole or ulcer is eaten away in the stomach lining, The school lavatory can be your laboratory if you want to study function, Before important examinations, crowds of students flow in and out of bathrooms, because anxi ety makes things flow through their kidneys faster, At the same time their hearts pound Irregulars When autonomic nerves cause unpleasant sensations, the agony Is very real, even though nothing on the x-ray or under the micros scope accounts for the symptoms, The migraine or tension head. ache Is "Just nerves", yet it feels like an imaginary steel band tightening around the head while hundreds of demons pound the skull again and again with fairy. magie sledge hammers, EVERYTHING AFFECTED Even "true symptoms" are af fected by emotion; these emos tional effects may account for most of the symptoms, And so every disease, regards less of its underlying cause, can be helped by relieving the emos tional stress and anxiety accoms panying it, Many times bizarre cures work because patients, believing the treatment will work, lose their anxiety, The touch of a faith healer, strong prayer, colored electric bulbs and medicines with no therapeutic value have all cured alarming and incapacitate ing symptoms, BY-GONE DAYS 2 YEARS AGO Oshawa distriet Junior Farm. ers, winners at the Oshawa Fair, were guests of the Kiwanis Club at a banquet in the township hall at Columbus, Hon, H, H, Stevens, leader of the Recenstruetion Party, ad: dressed a mass meeting in the Oshawa Armories, Uxbridge celebrated its 50th anniversary as a town and mayor C. B, Willis declared the day a public holiday, City council and Ontario Shore Gas Co. reached an agreement to allow the company to continue its operations with all its sun luses over actual operating costs ng paid te the city, preresmy § eornpapsaen 1st ITS edi" 'HERE!-The secret SpA of hoy you can avoid FATIGUE BU i L D-UP Gali Invest in the first mattress scientifically-designed to help preven! it SERTAPEDIC FATIGUE BUILD-UP --America's growing health hazard ~i8 the result of not getting enough sleep each day, Your doctor will tell you, lost sleep eannot be made up! If prolonged, it ean cause serious loss of alertness, physical deterioration, even actual brain damage! The Serta 'Perfect Sleoper" in designed to help prevent Fatigue Build-Up by making every sleep~hour count! THE SECRET IS IN PATENTED SERTALINERS .,. Thin Ribbons of Steel that Distribute Body Weight a Crafted for the special sleep-needs of today, the SERTA PER. 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