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The Oshawa Times, 1 Oct 1960, p. 7

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gh iH, ] Womens Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Dial RA 3-3474 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, October 1, 1960 7 Mr. and Mrs, William McCourt Hold Reception on Anniversary Marvied in St. George's Me-( Mr, and Mrs, McCourt have morial Church 25 years ago by two daughters, Mrs, Jack Kilburn the late Canon D, M, Rose, Mr (Dwayne) and Miss Carol Anne and Mrs, William Thomas Me. McCourt and one grandson, Jay, Court, King street east, celebrat-| Pouring tea at the candlelight. ed their wedding anniversary onled table centered by the three Wednesday evening, September tier wedding cake were Mrs 8, Miss Mary Ellen Armstrong, W. 8, McCullough and Mrs, John 1 nice of the silver wedding cou- Wilson and serving were Mrs ple received the guests at the Jack Kilburn and Miss Carol Ann {oor and took charge of the guest McCourt, daughter, and Mrs, Re- 200k, ginald Smith, a niece, Also assist-| To receive Mrs, McCourt wore IDE were Mrs, McCourt's two sis-| a violet sill crepe dress with a/'¢'s Mrs, Norman Price and| orsage of white roses and ste- Mrs. Ivy Armstrong with Mrs, oy Bain ihe | MR. AND MRS. SAMUEL DONALD JACKSON Pictured following their mar- riage recently at King Street United Church are Mr, and Mrs, Samuel Donald Jackson, | win E. Adams and the bride- 4 The bride, the former Mari- lyn Dianne Hendershot, is the daughter of Mr, and Mrs, Ber- groom is the son of Mr, and Mrs, Bam Jackson, Jr., all of Oshawa, ~Photo by Rae Johnston ohanotis, Wilbert Blair, Mrs, McCourt Is the former|, MY, McCourt is a World War 11 veteran and the. couple are Py p 0 Fi 4 ' Miss Alice Jackson of Oshawa, connected with St, George's Me laughter of the late Mr, and Mrs morial Church samuel Jackson of Oshawa and PERSONALS North Simcoe H&S Grade Mothers Meet Guests of honor at the forth-| Kenneth Herrington/,, | Irene Ferguson 'Wed In Enniskillen In Enniskillen United Church recently, Irene Ferghison became {the bride of Kenneth Herringion |The bride is the daughter of Mr and Mrs, Carl Ferguson of En Iniskillen and the bridegroom fis {the son of Mr, and Mrs, William Herrington of Oshawa, The Reverend Walter A. Logan officiated, The wedding music was played by Mrs, Milton Stain- {ton and Ross Mercall sang, Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore a full length gown of white nylon and lace over taffeta, The lace bodice with scalloped bateau neckline was embroidered with sequins, | Appliqued lace motifs decorated the front of the skirt and lace panels, the back, A lace-edged nylon veil was secured by a scal- loped crown and she carried a cascade of deepening pink roses. regular monthly Home and School house, the annual graduation party and the kindergarten tea, Vice - president, Mrs, Malcolm Adam, is the grade mother con vener, while social convener, sistant, Mrs, R. G, Lancaster, are also helpful in the work, Association meetings, open] Mrs, Fred Bidgovd, and her as-| Mrs. William Parker, matron honor, was in green and the | bridesmaids, Miss Diane Leavitt and Miss Leowna Ferguson were in pink and blue respectively, Their dresses of nylon over taf- feta were styled with pleated taf- feta eummerbunds, scalloped 'meclines and cap sleeves, They wore matching feathered ban- {deaux and carried tinted blue and {pink carpations, Mr, John Herringlon was besl man and ushering were Mr, Boyd Herringlon and Mr, Douglas Fer- guson, A reception was held in Ennis {Killen parish hall, To receive, the Ibride's mother wore a softly pleat- 'ed dress of navy blue with white accessories and a corsage of red roses, The bri 0om's mother chose turquoise blue with white accessories and red roses, As the couple left on their honeymoon, the bride was wear~ ing a light blue suit, pink acces. sories and a corsage of white roses, Mr, and Mrs, Hetherinion are making their home in Oshawa, ATTENTION! i You ore invited fo open & | CHARGE or BUDGET ACCOUNT | KAYE'S Sports & Lads' Wear 0 Fmecs, 35, 20, OWhowy | Many gift bouquets, also an Among the Oshawa guests al oreay of greeting cards graced the Salmers-Bohoniuk wedding Mooming dance sponsored by the Bir the rooms. From their family Toronto were Mr, and Mrs, Eres! Oshawa Hairdressers' mem he couple received a walnut Huculak and Mr, and Mrs, M, USHAWE { school ves cocktail table and from the Zubkavich and son, Joseph. ition will include Mayor Lyman schoo year, bride's sisters and brother, Sam Gifford and Mrs. Gifford, Mr,| There are two grade mothers ? Osborne are, m™ {for each class, making a total of a pair of bedroom lamps and a 3 I, D, Thomas MPP and Mrs if a ; Ontario; 4 he Honorable Michael? grade mothers for North Sim- lue fur rug, Other gifts received Ladies' College on Monday after Thomas, the Hon rable Mic Cid PR odoin Ng aii Mocilogd (Rg from friends included silver, cry > , Starr MP and Mrs, Starr, Mr, i500 " noon and evening in honor of 3 " . bridge the gap between home stal and china, A congratulator A : + newly. Joseph Kozell, president of the : The " J i YiMiss M, E, Bope, the newly Oitaric Hairdressers' Associatic and school, They are present at The attendants 'at the wedding message was received from Labor appointed dean, Receiving with or utd df TH ABBOCIANON vopen house" to introduce any were the bride's sister, Mrs. Minister the Honorable Michael Mrs, Osborne will be Mrs, Joseph and mrs Z€ teachers and parents who have Ww. 8B, McCullough (Grace Jack. Starr, Out of town guests were aroDowell of Toronto, president! In the Poster Contest for 1960 not pgeviously met, and also ar son) of Oshawa and Mr, Alex Mc: present from Cobourg, Ajax and of the Alumnae Council, and Mrs. sponsored by the Province of On. range Yor the mothers of various Cullough of Hamilton, Ontario, |Presionvale, T. K, Creighton of Oshawa, Pour- tario Branch of the Women's classes to provide refreshments ling tea and assisting will be Mrs. Christian Temperance Union, two at different meetings David Smith, Mrs, Morley Bed- members of Northminster Church! These gatherings ford, Miss Gladys Jackson, Mrs, |school were prize winners, Mar- WwW. F. Sintzel, Mrs, A, J. Irvine, | jorie Jean Stiles, daughter of Mr Mrs, Morden Neilson and Miss and Mis, D, K, Stiles, Grierson Reta Tew, all of Toronto; Mrs, street, received second prize in R. Leo Gray, Mrs, W, H, Karn Grad and 6 and Janet Shirley and Mrs, Robert Gray, Mrs, Stwe-| Richardson, daughter of Mr, and art Alger, Mrs, Donald Wilson, Mrs, Robert Richardson, Grier Mrs. Harry Taylor, Mrs, May|son street, received first prize in Storie, Miss Doris Batty, Mrs. : Grades 3 and 4, ichardson of Whitby and Osh Wis Mian ne : Richard charge of the guest hook Teas, birthday parties, wed ding anniversaries, coming and " anet Mc nd d yi be Miss Sonat McKay a going of guests and your own Mrs holiday plans are always of inter- Mrs, ¥, N. McCallum, Alexan- est to this column, Write, tele- d ot sireet 4 is opening her home phone or visit the social depart pb 'Wednesday in favor of the ment with your item of news for Prince Phillip Chapter, Imperial which there is no charge, (Tele Order Daughters of the Empire, [Phone RA 33474.) for a tea convened by Mrs, Leo| Mrs Edward Vennof (nee Rose Glover and Mrs, L. O. Irwin. mary Wadley) and son, Philip, of Pouring tea will be Mrs John Oshawa have left for a two- Houghton, Mrs, R, B, Smith and| month vacation in England, Ive g . Mrs, George Ansley land and the continent, Mr, Ven- 3 { is planni 0 Jol wer : ; i" 4 | Mrs, J, P. Campbell, who ar nof is planning to join them later. wey | rived on Thursday by plane from| Mr, and Mrs, Harold Woods ui Dike of Zdinburgh I and 8 |London, England, will make her| Peterborough and formerly of E nie Club | home with her sister-in-law, Mrs. Oshawa, are leaving to make river Atay ass WN [william Riding and Mr, Riding,|their home in England, In Can.| {entre SL. (West Group) % King street east, Mrs, Riding siada since 1923, Mr, Woods was|/ ep Jackson Aux, in the Oshawa General Hospital| employed by General Motors untjl| th Seo t Mothers' Aux, recovering from a fall, (1938 when he entered the Domin.| Victoria Lodge, LTB grade mothers of North e school met recently to re- Associa: ceive their instructions for the | The Vir, McCourt is the son of Mi and Mrs, R MeCourt of Ham ilton, Ontario | Following their marriage Mr and Mrs, McCourt lived for a ime in Hamilton, but in 1942 they came to Oshawa, Mr, Mec- Court is a well known mail car rier, . 4 fg (fe CELEBRATE SILVER ANNIVERSARY J Mr, and Mrs, William H, F Smith celebrated their silver | wedding anniversary recently at a family party held at their home on Wilson road south Their oldest sop, Mr, Edward Smith, poured "tea and their immediate family presented them with a gift of twenty-five silver dollars. The couple were married at St, George's Me- morial Church on September 21, 35, Mrs, Smith, the for- Eileen Harvey, daughter of Mr. and i Samuel Harvey, Mill street, Oshawa, and Mr, Smith is the son of Mr, Henry Smith, Diva dale, Toronto, and the late Mrs, Smith, They have six sons, Edward, James, Leslie, Wil liam, Kenneth and Dan and two daughters, Miss Eileen Smith and Miss Suzanne Smith, all of Oshawa Photo by Robert Aldsworth mer is Opening . \ Special ANEW FALL [EE PERMANENT Regulor 10,00, OPENING SPECIAL 8.50 get set now with on easy-care flotter- You'll love ours the very first day, Make day or evening Dr, and Mrs, 8, L holding a reception at wr the CLUB CALENDAR MONDAY Mary St. H and 8 Assn Albert St, H and 8 Assn, Adelaide McLaughlin H and 8 North Simcoe H and 8 Assn, Westmount H and § Assn, Women's Welfare League Gertrude Colpus H and § Pleasant Mon, Aft, Club Sunshine Rebekah, 222 Maxwell Heights H and 8 St, George's Guild include Busy days ahead ing permanent your appointment now , , , Gerda"s Beauty Salon 621 KING ST, EAST RA 8.2641 St. Gregory's School Teachers Introduced at CPTA Meeting The St. Gregory's Parent-Teacher Association its first meeting of the school year recently in St ory's auditorium General conveners C, McAllister and new Mrs; W. A, Clarke; tea hostess, Greg- Mrs, A, J, Knox, apron booth; Mrs, D, D. Blair, knitting; Mrs The Reverend Paul Dwyer William Bolssoin; sewing, Mrs opened the meeting with prayer Arthur Boland; home baking, Mrs, Gordon Dignem, president, Mrs. F. M, Gilmore; candy, Mrs welcomed those in attendance Jack Menard; Christmas booth, and expressed her appreciation Mrs. Clifford Harpe religious for the co-operation had booth, Mrs, J, A." Yanch; white received. elephant, Mrs, Charles Stovell; Lia : fish pond, Mrs, James O'Regan, INTRODUCTIONS The annual St, Valentine bridge _The Reverend Sister Mary will he held on February 8, Carmel, principal of St. Greg: 1961 with Mrs, Clifford Harper ory's girls' school, introduced her a5 convener, staff, Miss Claire White, Grades 5 and 6; Miss Terese Murphy, CONVENERS Grades 3 am a Miss Ilion) The following are the con. Salvie, Grades bv 3; Phe Rev veners, grade mothers and teach- rene Sister WA iY A0€% org for the ten months: Septem. anc and rs Margaret Mrs, Forbes McLaughlin, Smyth, girls' and boys' kinder. Farin i hE garten. Carmel ask.| Convener; Miss Sharyon Maloney, Catholieialso be held held are Mrs, B You'll Save $$ $ at... | GLECOE'FE SUPERMARKET 174 Ritson S. -- Open Daily To 10 P.M. Specials! Mon., Tues. & Wed. fon Civil Service in the Customs| 1th Group Committee [ SLICED and Excise Branch, In 1943 he| Daughters of England | she TUESDAY Knox Presbyterian WA Dr, C, F, Cannon H and § Queen Elizabeth H and 8 TOPS Club SA Home League Christ Church WA Sister hy irk Jip teacher; Mrs, J, Clarke, grade + ed the parents to stress to their| . ; ous children the importance of obey- Hothet, October, Mrs, Vietor ' ing the school regulations espe- Mt dam, convener; Miss Terese clally safety crossing rules, She Murphy, teacher; Miss V lector also asked the parents' co-opera- McAdam, grade mother, Novem.| * tion regarding school uniforms, | ber, Mrs, A. J. Marsala, conven. The Reverend Brother Edward, [6% Miss Claire White, teacher; a hon co of 3 ore te, 1, Sh, mothe eid an rducns the convener and teacher; Mrs, J, C,| Hawley, Hortop street, cele- Reverend Brother Fabian, Howson, grade mother brated their golden wedding an- Grades 7 and 8; the Reverend! January, Mr. Max Ritchie, con. niversary recently when they Brother Kenneth, Grades 5 and|vener; the Reverend Sister Mary| were at home to their many 6; Miss Sharyon Maloney, Grades Carmel, teacher; Mrs, Ma x| friends and relatives who cali- 4 and 5; Mrs, Mary Cole, Grades Ritchie, grade mother, February,| ed to offer good wishes and cone 2 and 3; Miss Helen Way, Grades Mr. Rav Scott, convener; Mrs,| gratulations. In addition many 1 and 2, Brother Edward is the Mary Cole, teacher; Mrs Ray other congratulatory tokens | wood shop instructor for all Scott, grade mother. March,| were received including notes "MARK 50 YEARS TOGETHER Mr, and Mrs, Herbert E, be LARGE BUNCHES LB, 5-18, BAG the De. was FOE +: ps See our outstanding selec tion of Dr, Locke Shoes , Our famous Urbanite In Just 15 Days You Will See How Wonderfully "Ice" Helps Improve Touchy Skins That Break Out' --without costly facials, hormone creams, complicated skin treatments or "lights" New York, N.Y, (Special report) Skin scientists have developed an invisible pharmaceutical ice lee<O«Derm---~that promises mi- raculous new-looking complex« ions, Ice-O-Derm actually gives timetable results you can see, Ist 5 days: Ingredient number one helps free pores of blackheads, pasty ft and impurities not re. moved by soap and water--helps prevent pimple infection from [ reading, Result: Clearer, fresher shin! 2nd § days: Ingredient number two holds moisture in, shields it ifyom sun, winds and steam heat that dry out and wrinkle skin, Result: Softer, moister shin! 3rd 5 days: Ingredient number three stimulates and improves skin circulation, tightens pores and *Due to overactive oil glands, makes fashion asy to wear builds up resistance against sure S oO e C C LE BN J face infection, Result: Firmer, healthier looking skin! Fortified by proper nutrition, food circulation and cleanliness, ce-0-Derm will give you positive timetable results or money back, Get Ioe-O-Derm at any drug or department store. $1.25 (Sold | Moss Shoes Fashions flattering brushed-off squared toe and continental stacked walking heel give it such a beautifully-crafted air, ' Daughton | ¢ AI | was transferred to the audit divi-| St Peter 8 WA COOKED HAM LB, a5 Miss Irene Saby | sion of the Unemployment Tosur. Holy Cross WA ' ance Commission in Peterbor-| A . votive ies! Mu-Phi-Mu Chapter FRESH fenbaker, Premier Leslie Frost Honored By Friends ough, He retired from the Service 15th Scout Mothers' Aux and the Honorable Michael ; Irene a 20, NES, yous ast CELERY 2 25° Starr, MP, Mr, and Mrs, Haw. | A bride of today, Miss Irenc| pect 0 reside o UH C088 wEDNESDAY ley (the former Florence Mann) |Sabyan whose marriage to Mr, | iid | Northminster WA were married in Toronto on | patrick 'Higgs of Montreal is tak-| Mrs, J, J, Wilkinson, Tulip Ter:| Lend-A-Hand Club SLICED, PEAMEALED Sept, 21, 1010. They have one ing place in St, Gertrude's Ro. race, Whitby, entertained friends Queen Mary Lodge son, Fdward, one daughter, | an" Catholic Church, has been and neighbers at a bon voyage|All Doubles' Club LB. Mrs, E. George Perkin (Ma: |yonored by her friends prior to|party for Mr, and Mrs, G. E.|Rundle Park Auxiliary deline) and three grandchildren, |(he event. { Young, who left on Thursday to Holy Trinity WA SWEET, PICKLED Karen Hawley, Mrs, Ronald A al oH | presentation was return to their home- in Peter-| Harmony WA 4 Pierce (Sandra) and David |. / Bowel and savian Culture! borough, England, after visiting! 10th Group Committee Cc 'arade 8 boys of the Oshawa Mrs. Arthur Boland, convener; | from Prime Minister John Die- | Perkin, all of Oshawa held in the ungaria WIC heir son Mr. Alan Young and|2nd Group Committee LB. senarate schools the Reverend Brother Kenneth,| er ahi - -- Club last week, The hostesses Mrs. Y A Tumily. Doved) ) A minute's silence was ob. teacher; Mrs. J, Fudge, grade were Mrs. Stephen Minacs, Mrs late oung and family, Dov ale) Albert Shot ye A CHRISTIE'S served in honor of the memory of mother, April, Mrs, James Jacqueline Smith , Me Jack Vickery and Mrs. Leslie Kiraly, Mts. John, Kehary| rainian B anc ux, H the late Albert Love, one of only O'Regan, convener: Miss Helen | No hverly daisted. 19 HOrving and Mes. Oo. Zavemiesky: ro | THURSDAY BROOKSIDE FOR \ ife members 3t. Greg- Way, teacher; rele : girls fro e Customs De- bride-to-be seelve » He mbers of Si. Greg ax feather: id Tgp 4+] Feted Bride-Elect {partment entertained at a dn gifts and was presented with a SOCIAL NOTICE 00 Clb, itt FIRST GRADE . y i ort Raval p satre party in Ton he , The id of honor, 5th Group Committee Pury engance Wi Menard: Sonvener: oR verand Miss Jacqueline May Smith of ry Where oy Tadomth. Miss ke The al oF the| ENGAGEMENT 12th Scout Mothers' Aux, BUTTER wo! y n evere rol r ac : y 1 vy riage to Mr ol Sid ' |g , " 4.4 Kenneth for the boys' school and Jack Menard, grade mother Whitey Wiise mortage bo Ne. hagtess at 3 fangily dinner party presentation ; rise Datel Mr, and Mrs, Paul Logeman, Suopsam Chapter, OFS Miss Claire White for the girls'|June, Mrs. Charles Stovell, con-/in Albert Street United: Church Dre last Shon. = He twun In Montreal A Paidy |Oshawa, announce the engage: Happy Doubles' Club GRANULATED schol. ¢ i that M ily (Riverend oe Jose: this afternoon, has been feted at home, oR urday svening at her NE Te a Cena ment of their youngest daughter, Pilot Club SUGAR D vag 20 J teat ant Ph Broadbent grade mother yi oe nuptial events, at From her co-workers of Maria Di Domenico Miss Saby. Elizabeth Kathleen (Bettie) to Saivary Bapiin WMS chairman of the St. Christopher| Mrs. William Boisson, presi- 2 dB Ahiiing Be Drawback Division, Custom an's asso fates 'in the oftice u Herbert Lee Strong, son of Mr. Christ Church Eve, Guild - course starting on Thursday, Oc- dent, east regional CPTA, gave a home 'in Whitby, Mrs. Harold dint if ie Driietobe Avon F Foduets and other frends, Mrs. Herbert J, Strong of St, George's WA SHOP and SAVE at tober 13, In the auditorium The short talk on the role the east Brown assisted in serving, Followin A presen Bion. | Be Bo J an electric Long Beach, California, The mar-/ Challenger Group tea for the mothers of the Kinder- regional plays in the local CPTA.| The Misses Dawn and Galil Thursday R ' Fehentea 18] Hianket, 3 {riage is to take place on Saturday, King Street WMS 7 Hf garten pupils will be held on Sep A social half hour was held in Vickery; who will be bridal at. party was bors. Bw ian oll g tl rehearsal last October 8, at 5 o'clock in Wylie GLECOFF S - 174 Ritson Rd. hd tember 28, under the convener:the hanquet hall convened by tendants at the wedding, arrang: home of the prosnective. bride. evening, the hridal catty was Chapel, Hollywood First Preshy. FRIDAY ship of Mrs, Ernest Marks, Miss Mpg Forbes McLaughlin assisted ed a neighborhood miscellaneousigroom's parents, Mr ye Re: evening hoy Aggy Wi bride's | lerlan Church, Hollywood, Cali- Christ Church Aft, Aux. Way will replace Miss J. Klotz hy the parents of Miss Maloney's shower at their home, Burns Arthur Morley Cook Adelaide en I Y and Pre James fornia. 'Simeoe St. WA (Group ) as treasurer of the CPTA, class street, Whitby, avenue west. ©: TTT 8] parents: King bind jib 1 M-- --- y ---- -- CHRISTMAS BAZAAR - -- The annual Christmas bazaar will be held on Wednesday, No- vember 23, in the aftérnoon and evening and a penny sale will $3001 b In its inaugural meeting of the vear at E. A. Lovell Public School, over 60 H.-S Association presidents and committee chair: men overwhelmingly apprved the appropriation of $300 in bursar- ies for the 1960-61 year, Mrs. A. J. Allen, vice. presi. dent of the Oshawa Council, and chairman of the bursaries com: mittee, stated that $100 would he presented to each of Oshawa's three secondary schools Mrs. Allen commented that the Home and School bursary was one of the larget presented in Oshawa and was initiated to assist students who would like to enter the teaching profession, The Oshawa H-S Council Bur. sary committee was formed in J935 and since that time, has dis-| tributed more than $900 in bur. saried, 19.95 ooo in all these sizes AM iiarsnrasnnnt to ll Mivitarrsiranntte 11 vives 80 10 Wie 10 Ate l0 Ask about Dr, Locke's famous "S-point-At" DANGEY'S 18 SIMCOE ST, S. RA 5-1833 "Goods Satisfactory or Money Refunded" Civ Superfluous Hair PERMANENTLY REMOVED By Electrolysis ond the newest, fastest, Kree Century Series shortwave, revealing your true self, free of worry end embar, rassment FREE Consultation MARIE MURDUFF will be in Oshawa at the Genosha Motel October 4th - Sth, PHONE RA 3-464) for appointment on these dates Largest selling brand of fine footwear in the world. Exclusive in Downtown Oshawa at DANCEY'S 18 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH "Goods Satsifactory or Money Refunded" OF THE BETTER SHOE GUILD OF DOWNTOWN OSHAWA CITY WIDE 8 KING ST. E PHONE RA 3-2245 RREE DELIVERY NTT 530 SIMCOE ST. 8 PHONE RA 5-3546 STORES IN AND WHITBY PLAZA BOWMANVILLE RA 5-1833 MEMBER OF THE BETTER SHOE GUILD OF DOWNTOWN OSHAWA RA 8.4668 "ME! \BER ROSSLYNN plaza 1 ) »

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