MARY HAWORTH'S MAIL Readers Offer Some Advice To Parent Dominated Spinster | Haworth: You arelin at her parents' house, Bul she GROUPS, CLUBS AND AUXILIARIES | iness meeting and their coaches in the CRA hall lon October 15 at 6 p.m, AUX, { The regular bus bie will be held next Tuesday, Oc I he tober 4 at 7:3 pm, and dopa- A Hallowe'en party will be held t| tions and workers are still needed for the children in the club house for the bazaar, on October 21, _---- Plans were PMA CLUB cial evening to be held with a The regular meeting of he, oq ond puiter plate for the gave the bingo report, Treasur- Pleasant Monday Afternoon Club 1 ouse and lunch as admis ers report was given by Mrs. |opened with the president, Mrs. 200 John Pisher, Mrs. Byard KingiG. V. Lee, presiding. reals gave the sick-list convener"s re-| Roll was called and reports CALVARY BAPTIST WMS You suggested she get spe port, Mrs, Ray Kenny and Mrs given, Birthday greetings were The WMS of Calvary Baplist ip "readying. herself to wants and fes Jack Jenkins arranged a con- sung for Mrs. Charles Goodman. (hurch met recently. Mrs, Wil- exercise appropriate fr wm of luck to her, test, and the winners were Mrs. Mrs, John Parker was reported jiam Spencer led the meeting in| 00g opiate $oeio hod Cleve McMann and Mrs, Prokop. to be on the sick list the absence of the president, Mrs. cas" arena of life, FOUND A MATE A prize was given to the one| Films were shown by Mr. D. ono' Sharrard read a letter of "pi STDC chiatric treatment is) Dear Mary Haworth: For once who had the oldest coin, Mrs. |M, Welsh of the Bell Telephone. (onyx from Mrs Jones of Mb oy and Apensive wonder! I disagree with you. Why should John Fisher, The members then Refreshments were served bY pores for the parcel sent. Jengihy am, Sxpesmy J oie 1B ager Wncther year before surprised Mrs, Jack Jenkins with Mrs, Margaret Johnston and Miss" py. guest speaker was Mr he eas 9% Getting 8 place of her own? a stork shower, Refreshments! Annie Stewart, Norman Genbry, missionary hile living ~at home| Ob, 10, LS; don't wait! The WE Seiad 2 pone Ag a ROSSLAND GROUP home from the Philippines, whol" uo"oorents' camp, why not same problem confronted me, | Mii Ty Me Donous A hid ofl The Rossland group of the WA spoke on the Holy Spirit, "The ou out into the activities that celled a family conference, and thanks was given to the host- of Northminster United Church natural man lives by his senses ooionie widows and spinsterstold mother, dad, nd is not able to receive of the customarily pursue? and two brothers that | was mov- end with everybody's esses, held its first fall meeting in the 8 v Church parlor with 16 present, spirit of God. Paul compares the! "por example, subscribe to the bg out; FRIENDSHIP GROUP Miss Esther Lane presided Christian life to running a race, BIN heater season, Go help, we, the children, would send The regular meeting of the "The theme of the devotional OM thiBEE Fol passed away; be-| CC ond on a regular night, our parents a stated allowance Untied Ch Lig Ty King Sctiwas "Yolth and Hor vest', Aho, all things are become new," | pio 'bridge or other games with each month, n Shure + WES held re. ead by Miss Norma he said / ' ; : ti he meeting opened with Docners. A reading and a closing "All Scripture is inspired. of a regular group, Or go bowling.| Everybody fussed and fumed; , Or art class, or any of but they were all married, off to} a pot luck supper. prayer were given by Mrs. W. §./God. Think on it carefully, pon . ha Mrs, Douglas Redpath had poco. tor it prayerfully. the various evening study courses themselves, happily living their J g i 5, ay, the charge of the devt *nal Perio | The minutes were read by Mr "By doing God's will today, we 2 The boca og " ou ves 5 moves} anyuaty Jae fut theme Wal | Blagings. "iii William Blight, The treasurer's will know what His will is for to- community ereation center, of: years ago, and 1 was Men 44; on Os id OP | aa sea * ; ; ; Pletcher sang a duet, " geport was given by Mrs, J. T. morrow fering courses in everything from two years older than L.8, is now. eM Mr, Gentry closed the meeting| p . Beautiful Garden of Prayer. ne Reverend H, A, Mellow with prayer. Basil Weaving to square! Result; 1 have been married T Plans were made for the an- showed colored slides of his trip an CENTRE. STREET WA DON'T SIT HOME gual fait bazaar on November If. to the west coast this summcos i 2 I 4 Refreshments were served by The first esting " t he stg. Take up a hobby, such as paint- on of the omen's Association... photzg=aphy, hiking, ete., ad trin to Scarborough Miss Esther Lane's group ot eh meeling i be held next meeting will be held in the of Centre Street United Church attend hobby club meetings. Join 5 Church parlor on -Oct, 18, was held recent y with Mrs, Fred! "00 oh charity, civic or politi- MADONNA GROUP ARVILLA MeGREGOR AUX Urabam presiding. cal club, many of which meet The Madonna Group The regular 'meeting of the, Miss Flora French read the evenings, Do anything except sit Gertrude's CWL, Oshawa, held ne R1cG a heeting the! ipture and Mrs, Dean Peel at home! its first meeting of the season, Arvilla © MeGregor issionary PCRS OL Creed, Mrs, Gra: gp : : Monday, Sept. 10 Auxiliary of Knox Presbyterian hi ive 8 reading, enlarging She says she can't have friends Mrs, Walter Branch asked the Church was held in the church fan Ay Creed d P| remesr-- ut full co-operation of the members lounge, Mrs, A. J. MeDongld, 4 oh N M before re-opening of the Nearly first vice-president, presided and Minutes were read by Mrs New Shop, and announced the re- opened with a short poem ¢ titled Dean Peel, secretary, Mrs David opening date as Oct, 6 "Where", Morris gave treasurer's report, It has been decided fo con. The worship period was led py Mrs. Earl James reported flow- tinue with the policy of operating Miss Mildred Davidson and Mrs, (€rs sent to sick, Thursday and Friday, from 2 (0 gert Montgomery led in prayer Various projects were discuss- 9 pm, every week, Mrs. A, J. Campbell, bale secre- ad for the fall season, among During the summertime the...' ronorted on the bale sent them, the turkey dinner on Wed- Nearly New Shop has been moved at the June meeting. nesday, October 19 from the basement of the fon ony Invitations were read from the The regular meeting for Octo- to the oid pariss ba a ne a Kate McLaurin Circle of First per will be held on October 20. There will be a fresh stock of Baptist Church, also from Ash porreshments were served by all kinds of clothing, for men, burn Auxiliary, Mrs. Mansel Gerrow, Mrs women and children, There also Members were reminded of the pavid Morris, Mrs, Fred Graham is a big and fine supply of gifts sent last year to the Indian snd Mrs, Dean Peel jewellery. schools in the west and a shower Also present at the meeting of gifts will be held at the Oc was the Rev. John B, Myers, who tober meeting. The study on the thanked the group for the good Mission Field in Nigeria was led work which has been done py Mpg, George Hamilton, Mrs through the Nearly New 8hop.|gtewart Soanes and Mrs, A. J and the help to other people Camphell. The work of Miss through means of welfare work. A nes Gollan was stressed. He expressed good wishes for the a coming. season, There was nc welfare report, BATHE PARK LADIES The ber meeting of Ladies' Auxiliary was held in ¢ park clubhouse with Presiden Mrs. Cleve McMann presiding, Mrs, Robert Hewitt read the minutes, Seventeen m em bers were present, Mrs, Wilfred Ogden discussed for a 50-. Dear Mary very wise in advising the 42-yeal old spinster L.§. to build up her of associating with congenial peo- self-confidence before making a ple, spending break from ber parents' domin- least the dinner hour--away from rs to venture. Good| 8, happy I could burst. Oh, my folks stopped speaking for a while, but I didn't care, So, LS, pull up stakes and find yourself, Peace and happiness are waiting for you; I know cB SUFFERING 18 CHALLENGE Dear Mary Haworth: May | say to LS: we all have our crosses in life, The important thing is not how much we suffer, or how little the other fellow, comparatively, Rather it is how well we shoulder our individual Crosses, Suffering is a challenge, and| our reaction thereto may Carry us either to heights of awareness and humane understanding; or to! depths of despair. The choice Is |ours, L.S., youve been leading too-sheltered existence; you need to immerse yourself in the living waters of life; not in a stagnan' pool, I personally believe you can do this as well at home with your parents, as in a spinster ahode; because as Mary Haworth | says, the problem really isn't your mother and dad, but you. Until you become a less self centered person, you will never he happy wherever you are, E.A SOMETHING'S WRONG Dear Readers: I don't think suffering Is something to be em- braced for its own sake, primar- |{ly--for its supposedly ennobling effects upon Individual life or character. Rather, I believe that | suffering is a sign that something {has gone wrong; that some law of life is being resisted, Suffer-| ing calls upon us to stop, look, listen, learn, and put into prac- tise the right and corrective| | course of action in the circum. stances, L.S. needs, figuratively, to hatch out of her shell of de- fensive thwarted timidity, and partake of more life, MH Mary Haworth counsels| through her column, not by mail or personal interview, Write her in care of this newspaper, The of SIZES 2-8 oy CN : Wo "yp % i785 a Green Vegetables Protect Heart Tentative plans were made for Against Fat Foods the November Thankoffering If you must eat the typically Mrs, Branch asked the ladies Refreshments were served by worth American, fat-rich foods, to bring new members to the Mrs. A. J. Campbell and Mrs. protect your heart by eating lots group. Now the shop i bigger, Stewart Soanes, of green-leaf vegetables with a oe be Jone 4% CHRIST CHURCH EVE, GUILD them. ote af Haka d After the meeting tea and cook-| 'The regular meeting of the eve- Thot $ the Ly vice 0 ¥ arvary jes were served, ning guild of Christ Memorial nutritionists, who hy ou | Chureh was held recently in the that the blood vessels ol Tats can CANADIAN LEGION LA parish hall with the president,| tolerate high-fat foods as long 1 he Ladies' Auxiliary, Cana: Mrs, W, G. Jackson, presiding. that diet is supplement wit anc " . magnesium, Green - leaf vege. dian Legion, Branch 43 met 00 pe secretary's report Was tables are the hest diet source Tuesday evening with Mrs. Her- ie, tom bert Bathe presiding, A hearty given by Mrs Fred Porter. The for that element. treasurer's report was given by i sociate welcome was given to the Port Dr, Joseph J. Vitale, associate ; Mrs, Maurice Proctor, The par- ") i d col. Perry Auxiliary and their presi 4 in nutrition, and his Harvard col dent. Mrs. M. Nightingale, ex- ish council report was given bY|jeagues revorted they fed their pressed pleasure on behalf of the Mrs. W. G. Jackson, test animals an atherogenic diet members for the invitation to be It was announced that the Guild one causing accunulations of there. would be in charge of decorating fatty deposits Inside the arteries, the church for Harvest Thanks. The diet, as expected, increased Work for the bazaar was given at y giving Sunday, October 2, A rum- cholesterol (fatty substance) in out and the convener for the time the blood stream, but they 4 ; ; mage sale will be held some cindy books will be es tants during October. found that it lowered the mag By ANNE ADAMS will be raffled at the bazaar on| Members were reminded of the Mesium content of the blood ONE-STEP dressing! Pop your November B and tickets are avail. bridge party being held in the The finding led them to add youngster into the jump-suit; zip able at the meeting from the parish hall by the Evening WA extra supplies of magnesium to Up and off she (or he) goes to convener, Mrs. Robert Williams. 'on Wednesday, October 5 the rats' food, As soon as the Some: ron Jud play, Choose vor It was unanimously decided A donation was made toward magnesium supplement was hdd: Ce, SUNY So on or fun se Rls EE roan us Ong. osis) stopped. Fat deposts in the Sizes 2, 4, 6, 8. Size 6 takes 2% 5 e next meeting will be held| arteries are dangerous because yards 35-inch nap, i equipment, on Thursday, October 6, in. the|they can break loose and lodge| Send FORTY CENTS (40 cents) | Members wishing to go to the parish hall in the arteries feeding the heart in coins (stamps cannot be ac | Dunbarton Auxiliary, October 20, . the usual cause of sudden cepted) for this pattern, Please | must give their names in to Mrs. | HARMAN PARK AUX. death from heart attacks, print plainly SIZE, NAME, AD-| Robert Williams not later than Oc-| A meeting of the Harman Park|------------------ ee | DRESS, STYLE NUMBER.' tober 11 so that transportation van/Ladies Auxillary was held re. be arranged. eontly Ir the club house with the At the conclusion of the ncet president, Mrs, Ross Godfrey, ing refreshments were served by Presiding, experts, Is healthy and adds ex-| SEND NOW! Big, beautiful, Mrs, Guiltinan and committee,| It was decided that the future citement to living; often gives us|COLOR-IFIC Fall and Winter followed by card bingo meetings of the Auxiliary will be the extra push needed to attain|Pattern Catalog has over 100 The members were sorry to held on the fourth Sunday of. goal But, continued ordinar {styles to sew -- school, career, | + hear that the past president, Mrs, c\ery month, The regular euchres|, i ny Yin _Poter Simmons, Is In hospital, started last Wednesday afternoon, tension can be harmful, especial. | also Mrs. Willlam Beaton. Best Sentember 28, ly since it is known that there is wishes were expressed for their, The Auxillary will convene a a definite link between tensions recovery, ba for the baseball teams'and other illnesses. SEW.EASY Superfluous Hair PERMANENTLY REMOVED Ele rotyoit ond eo C shortwave, revealing your true self, free of worry end embers ressment, FREE Consultation MARIE MURDUFF will be in Oshawa at the Genosha Motel October 4th - Sth, PHONE RA 3-4641 for appointment on these dotes TAKE IT EASY ig] wie Jo ANNE ADAMS, A little nervous tension, say the gare Dept, s Oshiewa Times, Pat- ann Lamm Late mV Lamm Lm FARMING. RETAILERS TO THRIFTY CANADIANS DOWNTOWN STORE ONLY SPECIAL! BOYS' SPORT SHIRTS 37 REG. 1.98 Make Sure The Garment You Buy | Is Cleanable! | There are three simple, straightforward things you should demand to know before you buy any fabric, You'll want to be satisfied on the three points, that is, if you ever want to have the suit, or dress or curtains cleaned, If you're content just to let them get dirty, then it doesn't make much difference The th dyed? Is it Most fabrics will pass the test, it's the unfortunate exs ceptions that cause the woe should alse 2 to take @ small amount of moisture or steam, Th only moisture will dissolve such stains as sugar or perspiration, questions are: Is it preshrunk? Is it fost tant to Keat? Wearing apparel, if it is to be cleaned successfully, The color-fast rule is especially important with the pastel shades of greys, browns and blues. These are the colors most affected by the sun, atmospheric gases and moisture The resistance to heat is necessary, of course, so that the fabric can be pressed, Steam pressing won't put a shine on the cloth, but the cloth has te be designed to accept the pressing. Warm cotton flannel sport shirts in a variety of good looking plaids and checks The kind a young lad woul f himself for None of these problems will concern you, however, if washable you take the simple precaution of asking "can it be dry cleaned?' before you buy. The label will usually tell you; if not the store should be able to say. If not, don't you be the guinea pig, che Lon Sizes to 16. You'll want to buy more than one at this spec ial low price "e sleeves, ¢ And when it comes time for cleaning, you kno h to bring it for expert and individual attention, Y yun TONE 9-3909 Fie 2948. [ELEPHONE SERVICE season that doesn't introduce a as the red wool-and-nylon fire - can go oul. And once in the swing OF the evening--or at mostly home, she will be better prepared prints, ial- to make that new start she bothic frantically wiring manufacturers 8 four sisters, -- for almost a year, and 1 am so} THE OSHAWA TIMES, Mendey, October 3, 1960 9 Culottes Make Big Hit On The College Campus Other articles of clothing fa- like a specimen of marine life, It vored for college wardrobes arelis worn either as a pullover or knickers--which are very new-- as a cardigan, and wrap-around short skirts This, too, is sudsable. By ELEANOR ROSS | Many euloties are co-ordinated -- ; ; There's real sense as well as ve' pe Y ahily. col re " PRACTICAL PULLOVER ere's real Fense There's hardly a new sartorial! with brightly-co' red sh An amusing but quite practics 200d fun in this year's college ovelly This fall, it's the culotte man's shirt that is the pride and pullover that is catching on looks clothes divided skirt, joy and best seller at one college In the 30s, it was the rage shop in full-length, one-piece Overblouses are being promoted g pajamas in beautiful silk for wear with the eulotte, too, and This past summer, the the important accessory with such ulotte zppezred on the beach, an ovlit jg the knee-length sock Now it is the rage for campus or tights, fashicns and college shops are e of the culottes are well bove the knee, some just about {or replacements, as suburbanites kpee-lengih, vie with college girls in buying! Many of us, even if we are long up severs! enloties, beyond eollege-girl age, enjoyed The campus culottes are most] ' m the Sp side, with much joi 4 the culotie skirt this summer. We phasis oa bright plaids in wool, know how much fun the divided n wool and synthetic fiber blends skirt is to wear and how conven and in corduroy, ~ ient and easy, 100, Alter all, these : attributes are what turn a fad into an accepted fashion. So we can't blame the campus crowd for adopting this fashion so en thusiastically, for it makes good sense, as well as being something of a novelty, And fashion Is | change, {WASHING DIRECTIONS If your daughier is eollege bound, remind her that all her | wool culottes should be washed in lukewarm suds and rinsed in weter of the same temperature never hot, Also tell her thal | with other fibers are hest washed the same way as 100 per cent wool, loungin, li Mae. Mans) SCHOOL OF DANCING D.EA--M.D.A. Ballet, Tap, Toe, Character, Baton, Acrobatic, Kinderdance ond Pre-School. FRIDAY & SATURDAY ot the MASONIC TEMPLE 91 CENTRE STREET, OSHAWA Information: RA 3-7253 ' » wi We invite you . . TO ATTEND OUR OPENING TEA Wednesday, October 5--2 p.m. fo 6 p.m. o. J 5 HAIR STYLING OSHAWA'S NEW MODERN ANTIQUE" SALON 360 King St. West, Oshawa -- RA 8-435] PARKING AT REAR APPOINTMENTS NOW BEING ACCEPTED PICK-UP CROCHET By ALICE BROOKS The pineapple design, set of hy solid scallops, lends itself to both large and small pieces, This square is easily memor-| ized, Crochet to take with you| or pick at odd moments. Pat tern 7297: crochet directions for 4% inch square in No, 30, Send Thirty-five cents (coins) for this pattern (stamps cannot be accepted) to the Oshawa Times, Household Arts Dept, Oshawa, Ontario, Print plainly NAME, ADDRESS, PATTERN NUMBER, JUST OUT! Our 1961 Needle- craft Book, Over 125 designs for home furnishings, for fashions -- knit, crochet, embroider, weave, sew, quilt -- toys, gifts, bazaar items, FREE six designs for popular veil caps, Quick -- send, "What's that for, Dad?" ¢ Props. Frank and Donna Milligan "That's to show that I am ready and able to give first aid in the case of a car accident." There's quite a story behind that simple question and answer. It started last June at the 42nd annual convention of the Ontario Retail Pharmacists'Associationin London, Ontario. It was decided there that pharmacists would render first aid to the public during this time of increasing accidents on our streets and highways. Now, beginning with PHARMACY WEEK (Oct. 2-8), most members of the Ontario Retail Pharmacists' Association will be carrying the new "life-saver" kits in their cars, Each member's car will be identified by a windshield sticker and a plaque. These pharmacists are now immediately prepared to aid the injured or to offer their kits to the doctors on the scene. Simply =this is but one more example of how your neigh= borhood pharmacist is always prepared to be of service to his community, ONTARIO RETAIL PHARMACISTS ASSOCIATION Wl NE