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The Oshawa Times, 3 Oct 1960, p. 16

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President and publisher 1s 16 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, October 3, 1960 Simcoe Paper suc i perce. so ok over in 1933 on the death of his pees | Today's Stock Market Listings on Toronto Exchange 103 Years Old wx, 7 come rues vite SIMCOE (Cp The Simeoe gent Net Net et Net Reformer today marked the he The newspaper has become the BULL Fred and Reta are YORONTY MAN SHNRA » sales Wigh Law 15 a.m. Ch'ge Stock Sales Wigh Low 11 a.m. Chge Stock Sales Wigh Low 1] s.m. Ch'ge Stack Sales High bow 11 a.m. CW'ge ginning of its 103rd year of con 0 PLLC The Canadian on rederich Alexander. 8 hs. 14 oun. | Exchange Ww si 19 19 Weston B40 536 6 36 ~% 4 100 3 3 NB ~2 Magnet lm 3 12 3 tinuous publication by becoming po... "ipo national co-operative son. Frederick Alexander # the. 14 oi. h Exehang » no 2 % % © ' Watn 6 pr 20 $106 506 106 : 000 5k 8%: 3% Mariage nk i 5 an evening daily newspaper ews - gathering association an Sunda A Brat g 7 7 Camp Chib 1000 3 50 530 ~13 Maritime #00 : pews gs 3 5 Genera Hospual A brother fo Ma 20d Ie g er ; ba 50 8 \ . Wood J A 05 $B% Bh 2% -- amp Loi ae A aa 1000 $5 Wh ~ a Situated in the heart of Can which provides the bulk of its gave sther and baby doing Pn § b ' 4 : i C Tun 116 11 140 2 Melntyre 00 $25% 2 ol B00 POUR: ore sb » a Many thanks ta Dr. Orton : Ang Cdn BY3.4 Pungsten 1100 Ty Bl Meta Uran 2000 TV + ada's rich tobacco-growing €oub. word national and provincial INDUSTRIALS be En $1 1 Dont ' 1 2m Erin 5000 5% 5 Mt, Wright 7 5% 5 try, The Reforthet ad oupded news 4 8 A . a Dupont 3 250 2s 12% Murray 1000 77 1 in 1838 as The Erie News by Tr It has & staff of 45 plus 50 part. | Maclaren A 4 " Murray or 4 s : William H, Oliver. He sold it in' "0 spondents in its Nor- their son, Gesald eptember Li sales igh Low 11 a.m. Ch'ge Zeller's 3 lh 3 3 New Bid 0 ; 1 1861 to William Buckingham who time Sgitesp oats 18 58 or Ta. : ries ? : : bo = | 2 " i me 24 5 : ; gave it the presept name : lished, Monday through Friday. Ait Gas " , fe 0 3% Ne rod "0 Between its founding and 1924, : h od are , announce iris Aigo: } i ' Atminex 0 154 i54 Ven 00 i 7 ) 0 46 46 46. 4 {when The Reformer became a a : Am an + 1 100 oy afiwel! 1100 98 48 y A de Me a [twee . weekly publication. the| FROST MISSES CROPS Can Dev 550 405 39 +2 Vo oy Ah Ar tring pode 4 {newspaper three times won the| {ONDON, Ont. (CP) -- The C Husky wis 280 224 220 2% ; He 16 5 5 A aymast 3H 8 Mason Trophy as Canada's best! ro heavy (rost of the season Com Det" 73 a 9 1 sii rid : oh 2 a2 +a weekly, In 1953 it began publish. goo000s 16 have done little harm me Pr v0 700 700 enis pitt 35 935 5 2 3 |ing Mondays, Wednesdays and "...0c in Southwestern Ontario 21 y 2 20 Purdex ' : Fridays, Circulation this year [ 0™ 0 ookend Late husk- "Wo 143 5 a2 2 . 0. 3 # has averaged 8.800 ing corn and tomatoes suffered i ) The Pearce Publishing Com: some damage in the Friday night pany Limited purchased The Re: ro5 hut the tobacco crop had ; NO ( i ' % $32% 32 ¢ 1 ) former and its rival, the Simcoe giongy been harvested, Sugar TINK ef apd Marjorie (nee 0.00 : 3 2 NO NGaw os To 250 $id arad aa a a a. . British Canadian, in 1922, amal- Loe s and white beans were not aivival ot thes duper, Lynetie" Ve one" 18 ] pa ¢ 3" 4 y +a p f " 96 29 | gamating them under the one |g riciently matured to be seri vn. at Bowmanville Memorial Hospit ] y ; - petro 0 ; 6 co Mines * 730 $17 wi ery 00 3 = gama Sulflcjestly an aca Lowy ; , swe a W'Cn op wis 30 Wa - fo i; tw seh #8 73" a 8 MARKET PRICES Helps You Overcome DEATHS Ca a , ; . : ae Zn a de i : " i * a ' A : : san 21800 : rH 45h: --~Atg TORONBO (CP) -- Churning FALSE TEETH 2g ne wg 0 Ia vi 00 oa, BR cream and butter print prices | goseness and Worry 1000 2% 2 pmb) yt 8 were unchanged today. LAYENDER--ANred and Hess) wis th @ or DOWSON don e Nephe : : No longer be annoyed or feel Mais 0 7 2 3 \ i ' ' 4 * " v 5 , ease hecuy of loose, wobbly false readia 1000 $3 43 A3 + ) ! 4 3 4 enture 7 2 i 2 TORONTO (CP) ~ Wholesale TCC0, "Siihop Tn sn improved alka 5 ) 2 ! hn a To% W ) ; 30s fruit and vegetable prices were line chang ; aad your p " unchanged from Tuesday. Jour plates Bok Fripp mn d . . . TRSSMED!T ennsed Inase plates Ges TORONTO (CP ~ Potato FAS TEETH today at any drug counter. prices were unchanged today 4 I ' 0 a. 194,000 dralorne + I n J Stra 4 BUSINESS SPOTLICHT ani dv Business Must Solve DUNDEE hers Th ids 1g Canadie al ; soccer n lelegates may speak n an all star soccer se rinscit Chamber Chief [www rvs It's Own Problems re" Qualily m Wednesday, but el { f Dundee led 4-1 at hall » * illy the commitice se ME are Cal GARY (CP Busine Mr. Love said there still are "8M th t 9 I f ef 11 ts Be )O1 y | e real debating forum and fe nen must be strong enough to too many business leaders who Qa rn 1 » of its decisions are upsel esist the temptation to invite have failed 'to grasp the impor nadians, travel » weary! " Among resolutions to be overnment to solve their prob- tance of adequate financial sup- alter arriving from Moscow only the bell bated is one from the Calgary lems, H. Gordon Love, president port fo the 'vitally ¢ tig ix hour before kick-off, were| chamber ich asks that the We of the Canadian Chamber of chamber movement." He added: compleie outclassed and it was nment take steps to see that Commerce, said today If, through indifference, our Main lue to their goalkeeper The whisky thot hos ¢ Montreal market is supplic Expressing the chamber's phil. ability to work for freedom of hat the score was kept down in th Canadian crude oil, instead ggophy in an address to its an-lenterprise falter then we he first half, fame constantly retained have mpori ual meeting, Mr, Love said bus. no one to blame but ourselves if - its character, he London. Ont amber inessmen are dedicated to a be. guy economic system is dra ti| smoothness and that the government ef in competitive enterprise and! cally altered and our free enter 4 { . ate continually it yolicies are not {rightened by change prise system is lost by default,' 4 X lightness vith Communist coun Change and competition he At the same time Mr. Li bh 1859. ith a view to broadenin ontinued, "are synonomou As said "There has not been n { nce ~ i elation mpetitors we welcome Change enough recognition by ! y \ 8 4 B gniti hy the 3. . a Lr hoard of trade and, if we are good competitors, |... public of the selfless gener-| 3 AGED 8 YEARS ~Pecial ) § that provincial ern ( wd iu to change . f ; 4 Ho i IN WOOP Q § as # ' 1 osity of the members of the bus | ¢ of, 1 we asked to decree da This is the whole point of our (hss wommunity in the work of IN f | ~ er fk HESTENR Ho : : : . 5 t saving time the year-round insistence upon freedom, In order A NT er Ger r ¢ 0 io ) oy dian tt community building for the na October 2 0, Alice | 3 0 4 y he Whithy, On chamber sug- to adjust to change we mus ; tional good." J establishment of a nationa exible and we must be free hse cepstake. controlled and oper-|we. become subject to too much] 5 J WI) 7% ; ted by the government, for thelcontrol we hecome rigid -- wel ESKIMO ARTIST Pit ll¥ 4 "Hy yenefit of hospitals annot bend and we must break Charlie Seeguapik of Povung The Saint John, N.B., chamber|We must strive to be allowed, asinituk on Hudson Bay was th K 1at the federal government {businessmen and individual to first Eskimo elected to the Scul/ evise its fiscal policie espect he free to solve some of our own!ptors' Society of Canada, in 1956, n hip-owning and ship-buildin ywoblems through our own organ-| = ~ y Canadian Industrie ma tion nd association - ' i I compete on terms no less favor Vit Love comment vere IN MEMORIA . a bh ible than those provided by otherjcontained in a text made avai i ! 18° countries to their Maritime in-lable » the press in advance I | GILLARD ' gr dusries delivery ROSSEAL Darlington Township 3 : urday, Octobe 0 nporari hoy HANCE Canada Danie Oshawa, with M Chapel Tuesda Octobe Interment Mount Lawn Cemet awa Largest All-Canadian Consumer Loan Company BILLS? OO pay them all = / with a fast / / NIAGARA LOAN AN JAS > From $50.00 to $2500,00 } ! \ ot ¥ nl 4 (sometimes more) wl TE pe NIAGARA FINANCE COMPANY LIMITED 37 KING ST. E, Alger Bldg. (next to Biltmore Theatre), Suite 22 RA 5.6561 -- Closed Saturdays -- Open te 6 p.m, Fridoy J Branches Throughout Ontario OSHAWA SHOPPING ected 1 e000 evoocscsnoncenocnce® CENTRE FLOWERS FOR ALl OCCASION ef Bowma ' ofte tore ' i WELCOMES RESEARCH 2944 Vi HANCH 5 FLORIST ay & LOCKE juirement GERROW FUNERAL CHAPE. as a | This man needs help... F YoU are like this man, over the years you on all your policies. have probably purchased a variety of life 2. Essential data about your policies and how insurance policies for varying amounts, per- their benefits are to be paid. haps with different beneficiaries and varying 3. A detailed estimate of what retirement "IN MEMORIAM Vera a Oo | 00k ah ad "ee $1 or J : & methods of settlement. benefits you and your family can expect Ph RA | RA B.BB76& f 8-311! or 5 At the time you bought each policy, its pur- from both your Old Age Pension and your RANCH nine 9 3 id pose was clear. But is it now? Looked at today, life insurance. - pr Bi in the light of changing conditions, do these bu V a 3 ed policies still' do the job you intended them to - i Kil eon do? The answer to that question calls for a 4. A detailed description with charts showing ehactly what your dependents will have from insurance in the event of your death. oy : ; study of your program, hor el : : 19 60) \ A : To hel ¢ voor. goliciss under contral In other words "MY LIFE INSURANCE PRO- ) : '0 help you get your policies u GRAM" organizes all the necessary information nd up to date, your Metropolitan Representa- os : a up er " @ rom. broch " 5 You about your Life insurance program in one ve w eve Ars IC) » . » iby Dal rochu Y readily available source, f ¥ 4 & E CANA DA al : may easily review and manage your insurance : Slee ; {a RG a It will tell you what your situation is now It is called "Nv LIVE INSURANCE. PROGRAN" and where you will stand at any given fime in 18 calle f & § RANCE i the future. 3 --a loose-leaf booklet, custom-made to your . . SAVI N G Ss ; : : Your Metropolitan Representative will pre. needs by the man especially trained to do the thi luabl d f ith job... your Metropolitan Representative. pare this valuable record for you without any obligation on your part. BON DS i i 'MY LIFE INSURANCE PROGRAM' arranges your program in a precise, easy-to-understand Metropolitan service is at a ny » CARD OF THANKS | form. Here is what it contains: as local as Main Street of one's hear at > 1. A calendar showing the premium due dates .+. as close as your phone any thin OGDEN 1 would thank a / : h. A protection. ane je memory o The 1 those ha day ou " 5 alt wha | To OPYRIGHT CANADA, 136) -~ METROPOLITAN LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY roronTo-pominion FINA Metropolitan Life Insurance Company A MUTUAL COMPANY) )37 THE BANK THAT LOOKS AMEAD the face we loved 30 de Please Nite | Canadian Head Office, 180 Wellington Street, Ottawa 4, Ontario But ot om far or thought to reach | Deadlines now in etfect tor OSHAWA DISTRICT bo, tra abwen. io jut wi { 8 NS, rere ions 4 John D. Graham, Mgr. wmbered by daughig ta, 0d ou : G. B. MILES, Manager W. R. SINGLETON, Manager 8 Simcoe St. South, Oshawa, Ontario, Telephone RA 8-§224 GARRARD § A King & Simcoe Branch 566 King St. E. Branch i wife anc § 1 f k 3 \ AA AA ; ys remember ' : R/ 1492 I. £. ERWIN, Manager H. J. HISCOX, Manager | Y oa Fn Saugme 4 ; . a South Oshawa, 532 Simcoe South Whity Branch K-5401

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