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The Oshawa Times, 3 Oct 1960, p. 5

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WHITBY and DISTRICT Whitby Safety Council, Whithy Bureau Office: 111 Dundas St. West Mana~er: Lloyd Robertson THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, October 3, 1960 § ww Sponsors Bike Rodeo [mellane WINNERS IN BICYCLE RODEO Ea a ¥ Close to 300° Whitby cyclists The children were not only; Girls' Fifth Prize ($10 voucher, lined up in the early hours of judged on their attempts on the donated by Dupont of Canada):| HEARST (CP) -- A father of Saturday morning in order tosix tests, but also the condition Jacqueline - Anne Gorman, 219ifive was killed and an 18-year- enter Whithy's very first Bicycleof their machines was inspected Warden-Wilson avenue, Colborne!old youth critically wounded Sat- Safety Rodeo and graded by the police. Street Public School. urday when mistaken for a Sponsored and organized by the The children were competing Boys' First Prize (Raleigh Hud. Moose while hunting at Lost Rodeo Committee of the Whithyfor prizes donated hy service or- son bicycle donated by Sports- Lake, 20 miles northwest of here. Safety Council, the Rodeo was the ganizations, local merchants and! man's Corner and Whitby Rotary! Dead is Gerard Vaillencourt, mecca of many Whithy boys andindustrial organizations in the'Clyh): Brenten Lamb, 807 Byron| 0. of Wyborn, near this com. girls who showed interest and Whitby area north, Colborne Street Public munity 130 miles northwest of desire to live up to the desired Co ERS School Timmins. standards of the Safety Council. The winners of the Bicycle Boys' Second Prize (flash cam. Jean . Claude Houle of nearby Killed, | Six extremely difficult bicycle McManusville is in critical con- riding tests were set up in the parking lot of St. John the Evan gelist Church on Gifford street donated by oand ed 0oanne Smith, and the people of Whithy hav much reason to be proud of th { g | way their children attempted toStreel successfully pass the tests The purpose of the Rodeo was to promote increased interest in safe bicycle riding habits and toWhithy ance of havingation) : porte yng Perry street, Colborne Street install the i the bicycle i y condition at all times among the F elementary school pupils in Whit- Rodeo were as follows Camera outfit, era outfit, donated by the Whithy . : « cycle, Retail Merchants' Association): Girls Viel lize (COM Mewtle. | Gy Mattie, 3 patie] Whithy Lions Club: sireet, Colborne Street P ublic| 307 Anderson School Street Public Boys' Third Prize (Dynamo bi- cycle light and bell, donated by Second Prize (Flash the Whithy Police Association): donated by the David Yates, 930 Greenwood Retail M=~hants Associ- crescent, Colborne Street Public Charlotte Graves, 223 School. Boys' Fourth Prize, years (baseball glove, (Dynamo by Dunlop of Canada): the Colborne "hool. Girls' 8 to ublic School. Third Girls' Prize dition {with a shattered ton, was charged with criminal negligence in the use of a fire. arm and arraigned Sunday. Bail | {was set at $1,000. No date the hearing was set He told police he and Joseph Mayor of Toronto were on the lake in a boat when he thought 10 he saw something moving and donated took it for a moose. He said he Larry fired two shots from his 30-30- in Port Arthur hospital hip. Kenneth Fanson, 32, of Fullar- LANDS IN STREET HAYWARD, Calif, (AP) A pilot brought his plape in for an emergency landing at a street intersection Sunday and knocked out traffic signals all over town James Deloach, 32, reported that the plane's cockpit was filled with smoke; and he had to land. The plane damaged utility wires and traffic signals, WROOKLIN CONCRETE PRODUCTS 11M ITen ) , a DURA'STEP rou pes srr 10 siauny ae snr | for y wen > and bicycle light and bell, donated by Horack, 306 Euclid street, In between the: ages of 2 angle Whitby Police ASiSialion) crest Public School In addition, the Rodeo was aSandra Rycroft 700 Byron street! povs' Fourth Prize -- 11 to 13 " means fo show the children the south. Colborne Street Public oc ibaseball glove, donated by NEGRO WRITER DIES [types of safety equipment that isS¢ ool. : is 3 to. 1 Dunlop of Canada): Robert His. CHICAGO (AP)--Roi Ottley, ; |essential to today's busy streets, Girls" Fourth Prize -- 8 fo bo cox, 315 Mary street west, Col- 30, Negro author and journalist, 7 Prior to the Rodeo the chil-Years (baseball glove, donated by porte Street Public School. died Saturday in his home after dren had to aftain at least 40Dunlop of Canada): Susan Mac- Boys' Fifth iid : ; I A y ifth Prize ($10 voucher ; jong illness. A member of the ar 5 a written test Donald, 300 High street, Hillcrest 2 # A marks out of 50 on a written test LOI . donated by the Viscount, Green- Chicago Tribune news staff, Ott- 4 md' 5 4 Hill-' calibre rifle at the object circulated through the schools, Public School wood Chapter of the I0DE 2 This was a standard set by the Girls' Fourth 11 10 13 (he. Wh Safety Councih): 'ey was the author of four books Wiithy Fey 0 owned aus pt a 2hall o Sonated Garry. Gudgeon, 309 Gilbert on Negro affairs, The World A- | Whitby Police Depar nt, and it by wp of Canada) arron| street, Colborne Street Pi -- iy , : i {had to be attained in order toSutton. 929 Greenwood Cres. gop oi oi ' ublic| Coming, Black Odessey, No qualify for entry in the Rodeo. King St. Public School 3 Green Pastures and Lonely War- . - - -- All prizes were presented by _ H a let Bis {irs His Worship Mayor Stanley Mar. "or He was completing his first tin who said that the Rodeo was novel at the time of his death another outstanding event that I OE - Prize glove de | / TV. AERIALS Moved -- Repaired Installed, INDEPENDENT SALES & SERVICE (WHITBY) LTD. MO 8-2081 : Mother-Daughter Banquet Is Held BLACKSTOCK A crowd of chishin, Patsy Wotten, Marion Guides and Brownies and moth- Argue, Lorna Wright, Lynda Roh ers or adopted mothers enjoved rer, Betty Bradburn. Second year the mother and daughter ban- stars to Pat Adams, Janice By quet held in the Recreation Cen- ers, Margaret Carnaghan, Lynda Friday evening, Sept, 23 Kyte, Brenda Malcolm, Glenna Hamilton McLeod, Cheryl 'Metcalf, Nancy Staniland, Joan Suggett Third year ars to Margaret Argue, Carol Blythe Mary Bradburn, Marion Bradburn, Syl via Lawrence, Laurel Mackie Donna McLaughlin Bonnie Mountjoy, Carol Rahm, Alice Taylor, Anne Shirley Turner and Gwen Bal lingal presented service bars to Brownies Third year 1 =) pb Lap on one | Hunter Safety 'Program Launched wishing take the Hunter Safety training program in preparation of obtaining a hunting licence in the next two! ire years please contact Matt A Commissioner Agar, Brooklin, immediately comed all, The starting date for the course' The turkey dinner prepared by Tuesday, at 7.30 p.m, in the the mothers auxiliary and served old Brooklin Fire Hall by fathers and scout leaders all The course is open to boys, 15 dressed in white shirts, how ties years of age vith or and dark trousers was then par Whithy taken of. This being the Guides Golden Jubilee Commissioner Hamilton had made and donated a lovely fruit cake of which a Iplece was wrapped in gold and Itied with blue ribbon and placed by each plate. Also the place cards for head table were made gold and blue, The toast fo the guide move ment was proposed by Marion Carnaghan and replied to by Jes sie Gunter. The toast to the moth ers was proposed by Laurel Mackie and Margaret Mountjoy replied Dora Martyn read the report of the vear's work of the Mother's Auxiliary and Edith McLaughlin presented a little gift to each of the following: Shirley Turner, Jessie Gunter, Gwen Ballingal Flaine Bailey, Connie Swain and Gwen Thompson, NEW SLATE Commissioner Hamilton iniro- duced the new slate of officers. I'hose to wel. is and older without licences, in the and Brooklin district, WHITBY DAY-BY-DAY FIRST AID COURSE Charles Stafford, chairman of the Chamber of Commerce first aid courses, announced this week that there is still room for interested persons in the course now being offered every Tues day evening at King Street Public School. Any wishing to enroll are invited to be at the school at 7.30 p.m. Tuesday, Wind Thwarts Policeman's Gibson Elizabeth Thomp son, Sharon Archer, Nancy Dor rell, Sheila Tomechishin, Sharon Larmer, Judy Swaii, Joan Wot ffon and Joanne MacLeod 2nd year Sharon Archer, Lin da Butf, Virginia Mackie, Judy Mountjoy, Gail Malcolm, Doris Ashton, Gail Bonnetta, Bonnie MacLeod, Bonnie Malcolm and Donna Edgerton Ist year Joanne Lois Wright Bernice Karen Campbell, Carol Diane Gordon Mrs. Buttery presented prizes to the Brownie Six who won most points in inspection Nancy Dor- rell received a handbook for Guides, Doris Ashton, handbook for Brownies and Donna Edger- ston, Dianne Gordon, Joan Hor- ton and Carol Werry received a of Ballingal Mappin, Wotton, {made Whitby a better place to live in ISSUES STATEMENT | The following is a statement to! The Times, issued by Cpl wil-| liam Middleton of the Whithy| Police Department and chairman! of the Rodeo Committee of the Whitby Safety Council: It gives me great pleasure on behalf of the Whithy Safety Coun. cil to express our sincere thanks and gratitude to all those persons who helped make our first! Bicycle Safety Rodeo an out-| standing success | Firstly, our thanks goes out to| Father Austin and the congrega- tion of Si, John the Evangelist Church for the use of their paved parking lot Secondly our thanks are ex tended to those persons who do nated the wonderful array of prizes. These people are as fol lows: Sportsman's Corner, Wil- son's Cycle Shop, Whitby Rotary Club, Whithy Lions Club, the Whitby Retail Merchants' Associ ation, the Whithy Police Associa tion, Dunlop of Canada, Dupont of Canada, and the Viscount Greenwood Chapter of the IODE. Thirdly, thanks to Hambly Beverages who supplied free cokes to the children, Hayden Macdonald for the drinking cups and to the British Petroleum Company for the use of "Mr Beep," the talking car. Finally, we especially appreci- ate the help afforded us by per- sons giving their time, namely: Ross Drew, Ron Barcham, Edwin Vickery, William Batten, Pat Wil. son, Larry Donald, David Me- Keagh, Sgt. Clifford Partington, | |Cpl. Jim Barter, PC Eric Erick. 2-WAY MONEY MAGIC! ; A ombank Wy ster Pla "LOAN L.. 0 HN WILL BOOST YOUR SPENDING POWER TO COVER EXTRA FALL EXPENSES FIRST. + « You get extro cash in a lump sum--right now! You need it to cover back-to-school expense -- fo get the house ready for winter--to bu; car, furniture or appliances--to pay bills, You name the need---we put up the cash, SECOND... We'll pay off y You reduce your present monthly payments! our present installment, accounts ~--you pay LESS every month from now on. This means extra money to spend every poy doye YOUR LOMBANK Rooster Plais LOAN WiLL SOLVE YOUR MO! NEY PROBLEMS = BOOST YOUR SPENDING POWER! GET THE CASH YOU NEED FROM LOMBANKI CALL US TODAY: bd | (We regret that in reporting this| escue 1 list last week we omitted camp advisor, Muriel Lawrence. The LAC STE. THERESE (CP)-|Guides and Brownies led in a Photos | Elmer McKnight, 29, of Scarbor- sing song after which Mrs. But- ough, was drowned Saturday tery of Bowmanville who is As- after the boat in which he was|sistant Divisional Commissioner a riding with two companions over- gave a very interesting talk to turned. the girls and mothers Neither McKnight, Harold Jo Marie Ashton expressed the col- nah of Long Branch or Norman thanks to the ladies and gentle. Doggett of Hamilton could swim./men for the wonderful meal Schu-| They clung to the boat only 100! Now came the presentation of crash near yards from shore until Provineial| service stars to leaders Gwen Golden Bar received hy Ber Saturday Police Constable Robert Gravet! Ballingal, seven years; Shirley nice Mappin, Gail Mal¢éolm, Mari Richard Lesperance, 10, Brant. Spotted them, Turner, four years; Gwen Thomp-|lyn Adams ford, struck by a car Saturday He found a 'boat without oars Son, three years; Dorothy Marlow, First the and Daniel McIntyre, 20, Brantford, and tried to row to them using| three years and Connie Swain, | the Guides conducted their clos- struck by a car Saturday while @ plank," The wind blew him one year, These were presented ing exercises which brought a Slrugs DY 2 oar Baus across the lake away from the|by Jean Kyte and Jean McLaugh- most enjoyable evening to a close. | Elmer McKnight, 29 Wen, AD unidentified man hailed lin ough, drowned when a boat over.|?Y on ravett reached the overturned hoat but MeKnight!® had slipped below the surface ERTIBLE Brenton Lamb, 807 Byron street ight 1s Anderson | the events are shown with ex the safe lower photo The first bicvele rodeo held in Whithy in mar ponsored on Satur h ty Safety compass each. [ son, PC Ernest' Shepperson, PC CAMP SLIDE Jim Hooker and OPP Constable Camping slides were shown by David Kernohan, Gwen Thompson and Elaine Bal- As Chairman of the Rodeo ' ley. This was followed by the/Committee of the Whitby Safety Fly-Up ceremony in which wings Council 1 wish to thank all of the info Guides were received by council members who made this Judy Swain, Elizabeth Thompson,| Rodeo possible, especially to the Sheila Tomchishen, Nancy Dor: Rodeo Committee who worked rell, Joan Wotton, Joanne Mac. With me, giving the kind of sup- Leod, gsharon Larmer, port that means success to any| mer | project members of In the mer ecntive and 1 Joanne 7 north, wa ounceil the Whithy the upper photo, the Cars, Guns Take Toll By TH} PRESS Highway heaviest tall of Canada durin There were overal huntin AC 6 pm. | da nected 1 Smith treet bicycle Left i of the prize with their Coun nner ~Oshawa Time Finance (Eastern) Limited whose hicyele struck by truck Saturday | Mrs. Elsie Ecileen 6, Napanee lided near Kin | Mr machen was Alkenbrack vhen two can ton Saturday 101 DUNDAS ST. W. BROCK BLDG. 2nd FLOOR MO 8-3381 WHITBY Evelyn Cow m South Porcupine mn 7 WILLIAM MIDDLETON, Chairman, Rodeo Committee, Whitby Safety Council, | a two-car Island reported no death Brownies then I'he urvey bnly deaths attributed to normal week holiday activities CANADIAN weeident includes the aero kend in the end VOL death Ontario dead: Ger Vaillencourt, 34 m Saturday Scarbor weelden Wy when Ont RVICE STARS Captain Thompson and Marion Rahm presented service stars to Guiders. First year stars to: Denise Malcolm, Marlene Tom- madian Pre hot da counted five turned Saturday near Lac Ste mistaken for a moose You give Yow bitd an "A IN THIS IMPORTANT SUBJECT? Therese Oshawa free near Fam Rossean i, Dychakowski 33," Parry| whose light plane crashed in bush near Parry Roy Sound Friday night Ada Howard, 41, Highland Sound Mich., when a car hit a Chatham Saturday vith hunt LOSES STOCK BOWMANVILLE (CP) -- Fire- men fought for eight hours Sun- Royal'day in a vain attempt to- save left the a livestock-filled barn on the! and property. of Leslie Welsh near this town eight miles east of Albert Labrosse. 64, and his Oshawa, Thirteen head of cattle, wile Loretta, 65, Cornwall, in a 14 pigs, winter ain and milling two-car crash near Cornwall Sun- equipment were destroyed in the thrown day, $20,000 fire struck a at Blen en a ca ruck ile were shot and ong 15 drown Saturday in Ontario Saskatchewan cach reported one accidental 1ootin At least country Bowmam Mr Park tree New Brunswick and RR PATTERNS] Halberg, 23 when a car Simeoe Sunday Elizabeth Oak, Mich road near struck near 19 persons died acer 8. Peterbor un discharged he was duck near Peterbor the Kazimierz il on the highwa Ontario ! ul the ongh, whose a tree. ntallv" wh toll, 12. One person died weeidentally while h wnting Saturday had ougn Albert had four way A plane ora Nova Scotia deaths and Quebec were two highway British Columbia Newfoundland BROCK WIT Now Playing Evening Shows at 7 and 8:20 Last Complete Show at 8:20 % Tarr? PINGIERS CinemaScopE SHIRT LAUNDERERS MOTH AND BURN HOLES REWOVEN WHITBY RA 5-3555 There's no Substitute for Experience! about after it Saturday Bean Wn, his car train near Chatham 13, St John rom fre elim Brian Webb while TO VOTE RE BEER EXETER, Ont, (CP) Resi. dents of Stephen Township, west of Stratford, will vote Oct. 19 on a proposal for men's and wom en's beverage rooms and for din ing lounge licences. About one third of the 2,223 persons eligible to vote are personnel at the RCAF station at Centralia Guy McKenzie, 2, Trafalgar crushed beneath the wheel of car Saturday TRIPLE-PACK MATRIMONY NORFOLK, Va AP W. Layton gave away children in a triple Sunday then packed nitcase for what he called | TOPS | 16.00 = ** WHITBY AUTO TRIM REAR-COUNTY SPORTS Ph. MO 8-8121 a and Prince | Catharines Joep ll wed his pic his din own Tes up to you. In this case, you are the teacher, And it won't do any good wo eomplain to your P.T.A. Saving & one subject that has to be taught m the home «+. and, like most subjects, the better it's taught, the better will it be learned. For conscientious parents whe are anxious to develop habits of thrift and self reliance in their children the B of M offers a helpful little booklet "How to teach your youngsters to SAVE", A few minutes study "a much-needed rest cure formal ceremonies at Park Methodist In the Ka Church mount Barbara Anne Layton mar Robert E. Wiseman Jeanne Lavton ried Robert H.. Howell Sandra Lee Layton Harold ¥ Barker Jv The triple rite vent without a single fumble: Six rings 'were exchanged I can't it's over," | said Layton. "This morning I | couldn't even find & room in my house to dress in." As for the mother of the brides "I've been taking nerve medicine for a couple of I'm very calm" HIGH avo DRY ON SIDEWALK SLABS FROM \ Brookin Concrete Products Li, Immediate Delivery ried Gloria mar married ofl beliove will equip you to be a more proficient teacher. Ask for yowr copy at your neigh bourhood branch of "MY BANK". WY BANE 70 2 BILLION CARADIAYS EOMUND PURDOM - PAGE - CERVI « SECOND ACTION ALSO: >". ADULT ENTERTAINMENT days BANK oF MONTREAL Canadas Firat Bank Oshawa Branch, 20 Simcoe St. North: : JAMES McCANSH, M Oshawa Shopping Centre Branch, King Street Wey NORMAN McALPINE, Manager HUGH HUSTLER, Manager JAMES BELL, M COTIN SUITIIrm: (avy fanager HUNT MONTREAI Lawrence FAMILY cP at TTY the ' . Papinean Avenue is to be probed W DIAMOND" olve the mystery of a family eported missing 'since Sept, 9. new WARNER BROS. Steve Tang, 36, a Sino-Mexican, his wife, the former Flore Car OE DANTON - KA A Dain The foot THE MOST yr VICIOUS HOOD IN River Ajax Branch: Bowmanville Branch: : = E= Whithy Beanch pentier 31 ind the couple's 8 not they AManan child at a boarding WORKING WITH CANADIANS IN EVERY WALK OF | tm ---------- home. LIFE SINCE 1817? Sidd

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