WEDDING PRINCIPALS Married recently at North- minster United Church were Mr. and Mrs. Gary Edward Vaughan, Formerly Miss Bar bara Jean Eleanor Daynard, | the bride is the daughter of Mr Double-Ring Ce Jacqueline Smit Albert Street United Church was the setting for a wedding on Saturday afternoon, October 1, when Jacqueline May Smith was united in marriage with William Morley Cook, The bride is the daughter of Mr and Mrs. Victor Moody Smith of Whitby, and the bridegroom is the son of Mr, and Mrs. Arthur Mor ley Cook of Oshawa. The Reverend S. C. H, Atkin son performed the double ring ceremony and Mrs, Bruce Searle played the wedding music, | Given in marriage by her bro ther-in-law, Mr. William Shaugh nessy of Toronto, the bride wore a street length dress of rdenia white silk cathedral velvet. The slim bodice was offset with a bateau neckline and long sheath B. Wannamaker N. Sanders Wed The marriage of Barbara Ann daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Rober Wannamaker, and Norman Ar thur Sanders, son of Mr, and Mrs. Norman Sanders, all o Oshawa, took place in Simcoe Street ' Pentecostal Church re cently, The Reverend J. 8. Pierce per formed the ceremony and Mis Mary Bell played the wedding music, The bride was given in mar riage by her father, She wore a full-length gown of white lace over nylon net and slipper satin with lily-point sleeves and a scoop neckline embroidered with pearls. The full skirt had a long nylon net train, inset with lace, A crown of orange blossom t vith rhinestones held her veil and she carried a cascade of red roses and white chrysanthe- mums, Mrs. Leonard Clement was ma tron of honor wearing pink nylon chiffon with a full skirt, empire waist and pleated surplice bodice with a bow at the back. Her ac cessories were pink and her flow ers were pink carnations and white chrysanthemums The flower girl was Miss Donna Wan namaker who wore. a matching long-sleeved bolero trimmed with lace over her scoop-neck dres and carried the same pink and white flowers in a basket Mr, Leonard Clement was best man and the ushers were Mr Glen Peeling and Mr, Robert Gordon A reception was home of the bride's Ronald Wannamaker boulevard south. held at the uncle, Mr Oshawa | Photo Jo Aldwinckle, Dial RA 3-3474 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, October 3, 1960 PERSONALS Guests from Montreal at the Higgs-Sabyan wedding on Satur day were Mr, Ross Cotton, Mr, Ralph lon, Miss Irene Leger, Miss Barbara Pellerin, Mr. Richard Brown, Mr. Grant Wright, Mr and Mrs, Joseph Zara, and Mr and Mrs, W. A, Higgs. Other: from out of town were Mr, and Mrs. George Andrin, London, On tario; Mr, and Mrs. Richard Amey, and Mr, and Mrs. John McGarry, St, Sauveur des Monts; Mrs, J. Belko and Mr, and Mrs, A Legeny, Brantford; Mrs. M, Bertram, Mrs, 8, Carrie, Mr. and Mrs. R. White, Mr, and Mrs, John Cluff, Toronto; Mr. and | Mrs. George Burnett, Don Mills; Mr. and Mrs, Nicholas Diperno, | Verdun, Quebec; Mr, J. D. Higgs, Cold Lake, Alberta; Mr. and Mrs, Bernard Stankovits, Sarnia; Mr, Kalman Grantze, Windsor, On- tario; the Reverend Leo J, Aus in, Mr, and Mrs. Paul Irwin Whitby; Mr, and Mrs, J. Good win, Brooklin, and Mr, and Mrs Karl Hampl, Port Perry, Mr. James Sabyan, Jr,, acted as master of ceremonies at the Higgs - Sabyan wedding on Sat- urday and at the reception read elegrams of good wishes from friends in Canada and relatives in Hungary, Following the service at noon and before the reception at 4 pm, Mr, and Mrs, James Sabyan, King street east, enter tained the out-of-town wedding guests, vis on. | and Mrs, Clare E, Daynard and the bridegroom is the Mr Mrs. Watson Vaughan, all of Oshawa by Hornsby son of and (Skip) | Ontario Ladies' College, Whit by, will be.the scene of an ex iibition of the oil paintings of remony Unites |. i sing h, William Cook th This function will be undey he sponsorship of the Business and Professional Women's Club of Oshawa, Miss Audrey Lawler, Whitby, is in charge of the" exhi- bition assisted by Mrs. Josephine Richardson, Miss Beryl Bassing- thwaite and Mrs, George Tel ford. sleeves with short white gloves A white satin cummerbund ac cented the waistline and the bell kirt was highlighted by draping at the back, A pill box hat fashion ed from material from her gown held her finger tip vell of tulle illusion and she carried a colonial bouquet of red roses Miss Dawn Vicker was maid of honor wearing rub au de sole and Miss Gai ickery of Whitby, was brides in sapphire blue, peau dc The short sleeved bodices with matching mittens, featured portrait necklines and their bil lowing skirts of unpressed pleats vere street length, They wore narrow bandeau headdresses wit! veils to malch their gowns and carried nosegays of white chry santhemums and ruby red roses Mr. Robert Jackson performed the duties of best man and Mr William Howard ushered. The reception was held in the church hall where the bride's mother received in a grey blue afternoon dress of peau de sole with a dusky pink cloche hat, As isting was the bridegroom's mo ther who chose delphinium blue satin brocade. Her hat was small matching model. Both worc corsages of roses For the honeymoon trip to Montreal, Quebec City and points in New England States, the bride wore a suit of forest green French velour, Her hat of petals was a small model and matched her suit, She wore brown acces- sories and a corsage of bronze chrysanthemums, On their return the couple will live on Park road south, Oshawa St. Matthew's Guild Holds Fashion Show The Guild of St. Matthew's An glican Church recently presented a delightful fashion show, con vened by Mrs. Roy Smithers, Mrs. G, A. Turton, president of| the Guild, welcomed those pres:| Formerly Miss Eileen Helen ent and introduced the com.| Reld, the bride is the daughter mentator, Mrs. W. B. Pollock.| of Mr, and Mrs. James Reid, White and red gladiolas decorat ---- -- -- ed the platform Out-of-town guests at the Long- Colvin wedding included Mr, and y of Whithy| Mrs. William MacKay, Acton; V maid ole Mr, and Mrs, Gordon Stanley Barney were married recently in Albert Street United Church, Mr, and Mrs, Victor Davidson, and daughter, Susan, Dunnville; Miss Shirley Hope, Toronto; Mis Siisan Martin, West Hill; Miss Villie Yacobpsky, Whitby; Mr, and Mrs, William Toop, Ottawa; Mr, and Mrs. E. R. Toop, and daughter Lynne, Oftawa; Mr and Mrs. Morris Garner, Co- bourg; Mr. Grant Spencer and Mr, Robert Spencer, Columbus' Mr. Robert Dart, Taunton; Mr, Leonard Hope, Hopewood; Mrs, Ethel Hope, Port Perry; Mr, and Mrs, Roy Hope and family, Port Perry; Mr, and Mrs. Keith Cry derman, Enniskillen; Mr, Stanley and Mr, Brian Naylor, Columbus and Mr. and Mrs, Marvin Col- vin, Orono, | | | GROUPS, CLUBS | AUXILIARIES { SHRINE CLUB | (Ladies' Group) Mrs. J. K. Glover, Bessbhor- borough drive, president of the Oshawa District Shrine Ladies, was hostess for the Sep'ember meeting, There were eight mem bers present, | A letter from Toronto was read asking for donations and helpers for the Bokhara Court bazaar a! the Masonic Temple, Yonge and Davenport road, October Helpers are also much needed for the 47th annual Grand Coun cil Session which will be held at the Royal York Hotel in May, 11961, Twenty-five hundred mem bers are expected to attend from U.S.A., Hawaii and Canada The sewing convener, Mrs, E Taylor, will attend a meeting .in Toronto to learn more of the sewing required from the .club to aid the crippled children's hos pitals A night of cards will be held | in the Shrine Rooms, Simcoe Street North, Tuesday, Novem ber 8, to help with this work, Mrs. George Russell assisted iMrs. Glover in serving tea. NEWLYWEDS Oshawa, and the bridegroom ls the son of Mr. and Mrs, Ed- mund Barney of Charlton, On. tario. The couple will live in Oshawa, Robert Aldsworth Photography Fashionable costumes comple mented by jewellery from loeal merchants were worn by the models, Mrs, H. M. Sparkes, Mrs. W., A Forsythe, Mrs. A, C Christie, Mrs. Terrance Mat. thews, Mrs. A. G. Culley, Mrs A, G. Davey and Mrs, J. D Andrews Mrs. R. B. Mothersill and her sommittee served delectable re [reshments You'll Save SPECIAL! 15 PRINCE 5ST. LES EVENISS SALES LTD. RA 5.4632 SPECIAL! SPECIAL! LIMITED TIME ONLY SLICED FRESH CELERY SLICED, PEAMEALED BACK BAC SWEET, PICKLED Introductory Offer TOWN & COUNTRY SELF STORING DOOR ONLY 39.95 Installed BREAD EVENINGS RA 3.2707 GLECOI'T SUPERMARKET 174 Ritson S. -- Open Daily To 10 P.M. Specials ! Mon., Tues. & Wed. COCKED HAM CORNED BEEF . 69° CHRISTIE'S BROOKSIDE BUTTER SUGAR GRANULATED SHOP and SAVE at GLECOFF'S - 174 Ritson Rd. S. $33 at... 88° LB. LARGE Cc BUNCHES ON . 89 LB. 2 - 33° . 64° 39° BAG 27.1 Women} Women's Editor | F " | TO LIVE IN | A wedding of Oshawa. interest | was so'emnized recently in St Basil's Roman Catholic Church Brantford, when Mr, and Mrs Robert Neil Tonkin exchanged nuptial vows. The bride, the former Miss Catherine Marie Marilyn Colvin, 7 1 BRANTFORD Haffey, is the daughter of Mr and Mrs. Frank J. Haffey of Brantford and the bridegroom is the son of Mrs, Doris Tonkin of Brantford, formerly of Osh awa Photo by Glenn Graves Donald Long Exchange Marriage Vows, Rings Marilyn Florence, daughter of Mr, and Mrs, Edward A, Colvin of Oshawa, and Donald Roy Long, son of Mr, and Mrs, Hubert Long lof Prince Albert, Ontario, were united in marriage in Simcoe | Street United Church on Satur day afternoon The Reverend John K., Moffat performed the ceremony assist ed by the Reverend Hugh G. Cro- zier, The organ Mr, R, G, Geen played the wedding music and accompanied Mrs. Ronald Kel lington who sang 'The Wedding Prayer" and *'O Perfect Love", | The bride was given in mar. {riage by her father. She wore an original floor-length gown of im- {ported Swedish chantilly lace over satin, "he close-fitting bod ice was fashioned with a Sabrina neckline, trimmed with pearls and iridescent sequins, and lily-point sleeves, The front of the skirt was fashioned in all lace, the back, alternate rows of lace and net, A crown of pearls and se quins held her fingertip veil of tulle. illusion edged with deep lace. She carried a white Bible crested with a mauve orchid with white streamers entwined with fern, Miss Marie Long, sister of the bridegroom, was maid of honor and the other attendants were Mrs. Ronald Colvin and Mrs Marvin Colvin, Miss Long wore a mauve nylon ballerina gown on princess lines with a deep V neckline and short sleeves, Tiny velvet bows adorned the back and she wore a matching feathered headdress and mittens. The bride's sisters-in-law wore similar dresses in mint green. They all carried cascades of yellow pom. poms and Talisman roses with ac- cents in fall shades Mr, Ronald Colvin was best! man and ushering were Mr. Ed ward Colvin and Mr. Ronald Hope A reception followed in the Me morial Hall To receive, the bride's' "mother chose a beige lace sheath dress with a large draped bow at: the back, anc en and tangerine ac sories The bridegroom's mother was ir powder blue embroidered organze with nylon organza trim, The honeymoon is being spent in New York and West Virginia As the couple left, the bride was wearing a mint green orlon-knit| nade doughnuts, you'll want to dress with mauve accessories and| 45k about a new doughnut maker an orchid corsage, Mr, and Mrs to live in Oshawa. Household Helpers Ease Home Chores Wonderful new household items are moving into the stores, equip- ment designed to make the home chores easier and more efficient Floor - cleaning equipment is changing rapidly, as a wide vari ety of rubber, solid vinyl, cork and other flooring and coverings gain favor, Looks #% though the scrub pail will wind up in the Smithsonian as a relic, as new floor-scrubbers move in, There are new mops that work by electricity and there are new push-brooms with hose attach ments for washing and rinsing floors. Saving kitchen space is the con- cern of several manufacturers One has come up with a cutting board with a magnetized base so that, when not in use, it can't be stored away on the under side of an overhead kitchen cabinet, An- other offers a new under-the-sink ry The fabulous new automatic Reg. 2.50, Br a. Loca to make eyes look lovelier, Reg. 1.50, IS Eee E sar tes ra iss i esies is inti sttssiesseestsestsssssssssastsssasssessosse ® EYEDO' Special DuBarry Offer! dazzle your lashes! Waterproof! Smell-less! Smear-less! "creamy DuBarry EYESHADOW STICK BOTH ONLY OO (Reg. $4.00 value) - In elegant golden cases... leading eye fashion shades. Limited Time Offer from Richard Hudnut, mascara to curl, color and larger, positively brilliant, Long will return cutting of dough, TT PT TT TT TT Pray Piccadilly Room of Hotel Genosha where the bride's moth er received in a sheath dress of wagne-beige silk evelet with red skirt; a matching velvet and corsage of pink roses Irene Sabyan Becomes the Bride Of Patrick Higgs of Montreal 1s. ise ie | The marriage of Irene Mary,| The maid of honor was Miss Alice blue with matching hat and | daughter of Mr, and Mrs, James Frances Minacs of Oshawa and corsage of white gardenias {Sabyan of Oshawa, to Patrick the bridesmaids ese Miss Anne. Later the couple left for 3 |Lawrence Higgs, son of Mr. and Martindale and Miss ria Dil, ; a. 4 I5trn WA. izes of Montreal, Domenico of Montreal, Their prin. 127€ymoon in the Pocono Moun took place fin St Gertrude's|cess gowns were of blue silk ta' [tains of Pennsylvania, For trav- {Roman Catholic Church on Satur- feta, covered with organza, em- elling, the bride donned a two- day at noon, broidered with pastel flowers. The piece ensemble of amethyst cash. The Reverend John B, Myers bodices were fashioned with em-| oo ho rolled collar richly performed the ceremony and pire waists, scoop necklines and ¢ 4 i" Ap Miss Cezaryna Wysocki played short sleeves complemented by| embroidered with "beads, With 'the wedding music, The soloist matching embroidered gloves, maiching accessories she wore a Me. George Andrin of London Beauty Bows With sash lls fall ja velvet hat of petals and veiling ntario, {ing to ¢ ne accented thel ang corried a silverblue mink i bride was Sven in mariage] waist at the back and Joely head | 2d. earn 8 sivertive in y her father, She wore a waltz- dresses were matching veiled . length gown of white silk organ- bandeaux. They carried colonial Me. dug Mis. Sigs will return za and Swiss lace over taffeta bouquets of salmon pink ecarpa-! re-------- ' with a scalloped Sabrina neckline tions embroidered with pearls and opal- + The flower girl, Miss Kathleen escent paillettes, Sheath sleeves Kiraly, was dressed similarly fn and a shirred midriff styled the {bodice and the skirt was appliqu. 8 full-length gown and carried a led with lace motifs, A pearled basket of pink carnations. crown held her veil of ilusion] My, Paul Johnson acted as best| which fell in four tiers to the! nan and the ushers were Mr, waist, She carried a rosary and| 4 white prayer book on which rest.|Simon Toye and Mr, John Fitz- gerald, all of Montreal, ed a white orchid and stephanotis with satin streamers, The reception was beld in the Soroptimist International Observing Founders' Week The Soroptimist Club of Osh: for 39 cents a member, but the awa is joined this week with 785 encouraging reports of those who clubs of the Pederalion of the : Americas in celebrating Found- ers' Week, October 2 to 8, 1950 Thirty-nine years ago in Oak land, California, the first club re- ceived 'its charter, and today there sre clubs in 33 countries with a membership of over 40.000 women This has been a steady growth on a good foundation, the ideals and laws of Soroptimism, which has resulted in the growth of the individual; growth "of organiza tion; the broadening of horizons and practical service; and the growth of the spiritual depths. During this week each mem. ber of the Federation will con-| tribute 39 pennies towards the Founders Week Fund, This will be used for fellowships and grants in aid, to provide scholar-| ships for students in the School of International Service; to assist a| research project on Over-60 Em- ployment and Counselling Serv. jee; to provide a *flame-photo-| meter" for a medical college for] research and teaching; and to 15st projects which will lead to ,| International Goodwill and Under- tanding These are ambitious projects cha * VENETIAN BLIN! "DRAPERY TRACKS "RUGS SPREADS received schblarships from the birthday gifts of previous years are proof of the value and scope of this united effort by Soroptim ists of the Americas i 1 closet caddy to hold cleaning i equipment, | As for cooking devices, they grow more handsome, more ver- satile, more useful each season. | If your family goes fc* home- THE CADILLAC INVITES YOU To enjoy its quiet, relaxed atmosphere and superb hotel service. that eliminates the rolling and | b new toaster grills meat and bréad on both sides without turn. ing. Handsome ceramie cookware | that comes to table is better than ever, Its usefulness has been In creased so that food can not only he stored in it in refrigerator or freezer, as well as being cooked | in it, but there's a skillet that now has its own electrified match- ng base so that it can be used for cooking right at the table, A real improvement, too, Is a food mixer with a knife-sharpener »| attachment, Ideal for the small household Is a portable electric heater made with a large handle that can be used for drying small, 'freshly! laundered things, As for can-openers there's a whole army of them awalting the| shopper, Manually operated, or electrified, large or small, wall. {bung, clamp-on or free-standing, | each has some special feature to| intrigue the shopper, | Some of the ean-openers even have clock or knife - sharpener attachments, so they still do use. ful jobs even when not at work opening cans. You will find here the finest in dining room service, spotlessly clean rooms and o friendly dignified attention at the most attractive prices. | | We specialize in Banquets and parties of all kinds. Ask about our special weekly rates. Make your Thanksgiving Reservations NOW ! ORGAN MUSIC NIGHTLY CADILLAC HOTEL 394 SIMCOE S., OSHAWA PHONE RA 5-1734 TO THE MANY CUSTOMERS AND FRIENDS and GLORIA WATTS RUTH HILLER SAUNDERS We Are Happy Tao Say That THEY ARE NOW VALUED MEMBERS OF THE STYLING STAFF OF THE BEAUTY CLINIC HAIR STYLISTS OSHAWA RA 8.6722 SHOPPING CENTRE RA 8-6722