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The Oshawa Times, 4 Oct 1960, p. 4

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FOUND DYNAMITE 117 years by Durbin Lohr, Gar. 4, 1960 | oat: reff' oe § TOF CHINA THB Tmt At BowMANVILLE Police Court oe drt wel ae" of a house in this Somerset NEAREST THING TO i SUBWAY IN RRX ; COUNCIL BuILgS County community Friday and ED Longa --- found 20 sticks of dynamite. The QUEBEC (CP) --~ BOWMANVILLE (Staff) n erpre ers dynamite was wrapped in © 3,000 of Laval University's 5,000 |ward J. P. Morley in a Bry. 0 ' newspaper dated Feb. 19, 1926, students are searching for lodge council suggested the council yANCOUVER (CP)--The Van. (tongue. The second man passed indicating the hy he Jay have ings dutsige the diversity adopt an anti-noise bylaw couver police court has neverion the words to his accused house has heel spol iad tiie 13st mated. y Council authorized the chair: heen stuck for a word shipmate in his own dialect 8 ecupied the last mated, man of the Industrial Commis Officials are proud of the fact! "We gof through all right," sion jo atlend the Lake Ontario that never, no matter what lan- called Mr. Cumyow Development Association conler- guage or dialect an accused or " {ence al Peterborough, Councillor] witness used, have they failed to| COURT KEEPS LIST | §THE WORLD'S Ken Nicks said that he would provide an interpreter, At different times interpreters, attend also Many of the languages en have heen needed in the Maltese, | 'MOST Mayor W, D. Carruthers pro- countered are obscure from the Portuguese, Turkish, Egyptian, claimed the week of October 16 to, Canadian point of view and in. Latvian and Estonian languages. HONORED October 22, 1960, as - "Business terpreters are difficult to find, "It's a big headache for us be-| SHOW Women's Week One recent case involved an cause we never know what lan It was suggested to Mayor East Indian who spoke an obs. guage we are going to meel ina Carruthers that he contact Ceeillcure dialect Court clerks single day," said court clerk W, Bellman to see if there was any Soare hed until they finally found W. Edwards 52 BEST wossibility of securing a right of @ University of British Columbia' 79 help solve the problem, the is py the Albert Bellman Student who spoke the dialect court keeps a list of interpreters | PICTURE estate for landlocked properties pwo INTERPRETERS in about 30 languages, Some are. § AWARDS on Chapel street, The suggestion ~ go otimes two or three differ paid monthly rethiners and {came as a result of a letter from | ans Linon oe involoed One others receive fees Acgording fo & WORLD Jack and Ruth Leddy of Chapel! of (he most complicated cases oc- Me Sumber of times they are| R wipF FIRST OSHAWA | FEATURE | SHOWN street north. They wrote that curred some years ago when two "MPIOVEe H SHOWING AY 1:28 CPR ; The budget for interpreters has ONORS REGULAR PRICES 5:00 . 8:35 P.M, their road across the line interpreters were needed for one dl was closed in February, 1958, man climbed steadily in recent years, | and they have not had access to. A Chinese seaman who ap aid Mr Edwards, Last year the -- A their property since then peared in court spoke only thel cost of their services was $6,354, |" Four employable persons from|dialect of Ningpo in Northern While in 1958 it was $6,119 : the welfare roll have been placed China. A chain of communication The only staff interpreter is on the hospital building project, had to be sel up through vet Jack Brauchfeld, 50, who speak and more men will be placed on eran Chinese interpreler Gordon Arabic, German, Hebrew Yid - : -------- the cross town paving project Cumyow and another seaman dish, Romanian, Halian and Welfare cost the town $434.92 Mr. Cumyow spoke to the other | French. A keen language student interpreter in the Cantoneselhe"s now adding Russian Tor September, Twenty-nine per sons received aid 16 in fami lies, four ingle person ind . pine persons in nursing homes Wha 1n ra 23 Total cost was $2556.48 hut e pected recoveries of provincial subsidies and chargebacks will he HR me une « FOAAING Away $18,008 as the first payment for oily » COS y 5 on, e French the cost of the new hospita By JOE DUPUIS Borgen says there now is an un entertainment wing Canadian Press Staff Writer limited market for whale meal sennalion ST, CHIN'S, Nfld, (CP)--Four in the U.S. and Europe. One Brit | whaling ships lie rusting in har. ish firm, he said, annually buys Bylaw Gets hor along the Newfoundland 500.000 tons coast, testifying to the demise off, He is the last of the great : 1 a once-prosperous industry that! whalers of Newfoundland, His Ir ed ing played a big part in Newfound: |half.century old plant at Hawkes | ' land's great sea tradition Harhor, Labrador, was destroyed BOWMANVILLE (Staff) he old ships are all that is py fire last year | {Bowmanville town bylaw 1779, eft of the whaling industry that p . ng g 3 $ Mr. Croshie estimates it would Woe given thind feuding amd ng Al the start of the century wa cos $100,000 to build & modern 4) ot Wie town. council meeting annually exporting about $500,000 Ww haling hip, Talking of mar vancay worth of meat and oil processed w : Ete | The bylaw authorizes the town in 45 tactari ke he said that on a recent i] 1 M $ pvy a special tax rate to raise 3 ete siness trip he found there was 10 levy 4 special tax the ost a Only one such factory remains, = no gar Don 7008 in the the new high school at Courtice, Dildo in Trinity Bay, to pro \ nited States for whale meat as 4 p! r J Ph mie o é Pp » in Darlington township. The town ©%% the meat of the pothead ; i ai feed " S , uly » Whale, It is a seasonal operation, |* is jevied igang Tg with little relation to the output| Newfoundland Fisheries Minis. cent of the total cost of $700,000, "' h 4 " YEARS 3 > when blue or fin + back whales er J. T, Cheeseman. says the government "cannol see any jus were hunted hy men with har - a, u poons in historic fashion tification in promoting or invest CINE MAS coPE Assessment ; Al ing money in the whaling indus COLOR BY DE LUXE ANNUAL SLAUGHTER try." The government eight years Study Set | fires vii viet eh lr Se TOTAAL RARE A pear along coasts for weeks each summer are driven port BOWMANVILLE Staff) ashore by men in dories and . , ; Mayor W, D. Carruthers slaughtered in hallow water LONG HISTORY . French sailors from the Bay of was authorized at the Town coun- T} | | | Fi we i 8 ¢ ( The mea in demand, here Bist vere tho fiat Brat congts CHANCE "WALK LIKE cil meeting Monday to appoint a and on the mainland--and in the ay were Kirst grea a MEETING" A DRAGON" committee of three to investigate, United States. Britain and Ru. ©'s to hunt in Newfoundland wa and to recommend a suitable firm pope--as feed for animal farms, /ers and it was a Basque whaling to study 'the equalization of gyeh as mink ranches fleel that suffered the worst trag- assessment in the town There still is money to bel/®dy in whaling history in" 1577, The nearest approach to a cowrse which has its beginnings = through the pipe shown in the and ig headed toward the Pick " Die fit in Menyeded Joe the made in ocean whaling, says Whea ont. 300 ind Wore I un A I ' re N a reports from other co whos . | ar {ra subway in Ajax is the 72-inch at the west side of the Shop- Phata El ewjere iu the re Sens ering Beach Road and finally (ants oul > izsatietacton. with Che i vos hie lo e fire in ice H 3 'a y lal area the open dilch wi he ake The hk " ol " cessiully engaged ir € whaling : storm water drain which tra- ping Centre, Within the sub-divi- oxdod along Hs banks and the Jake Ontario. The drain will [the firm led to the appointment industry for 20 years | Sir Richard Whithourne, the verses diagonally the new sion where the storm water pottom will be paved, The ©iminate any further storm {of the investigating committee But it demands a huge initial| Elizabethan sea dog who first] Southwood sub-division. T he passes the five acre school site | lower photo shows the drain | water problems capital outlay, and, he says, "I'm|yiciied Newfoundland in 1579, t > or 18 y arg after y s 72-inc 3 -P J Mills . : not si it would be worth the drainage area is a natural water = the water is taken underground | after it leaves the 72-inch pipe Photo by John Mills Hummingbird Rat ure woul id probably was the first of the col = Capt, Johan Borgen of St. onizers to take an interest in . " B 1 L Hornet Nest John's, owner of the four idle whaling, In later years whaling f BOX-OFFICE OPEN AT 7:00 tension Port Perry | ow ing oop REXTON. B.C. (CP)--Wil whalers each worth about $30. fleets from New England joined TONIGHT! SHOW STARTS AT 7:30 ' H 1d M t liam Wilson is remembered dog, 8 ays Shere 3 8 lodtuse yet tu the hunt, but the last commercial ' - 7 . " § i 9g Ty 0 S ee | Ba man Pou sharp wi iii find investors for the whaling op-|Xills With the hand harpoon were { "Yr "he q Py eon SEE FRANCE S or ewer 'Auxiliary Meets AJAX The Thursday Niters AR nits in 1a78 erations he is trying to promote Io 1960 Stearn Whaling Shige with ! New t « league held : siv] ¢ al 3 : ig : i owling league held a short busi-| and goon was the talk of the WIDE MARKET for a few years early in the pres. | | TEMPESTUOUS ness meeting prior to the even town because of his practical " 1 } " o ) / PORT PERRY Ihe Portiher talk with beautiful colored ing's game last Thursday, to ap- jokes The Norwegian » born Capt. ent centur y. " -- 'BARDOT S anne zo United Church Evening lides and it was with regretipoint an acting president, until the it aid he was nick How; be flpa de BRIGITTE Auxiliary of the Women Mis-| the evening came to a clo I'he elected president, Earl Krick,| named 'Hummingbird after BOWMANVILLE (Staff osary Foaiely el at the home SomIniiet in that Be Masame who is under the doctor's care,] he sold a Norwegian sea Bowmanville Town Council ap-|™" hs UGE 3 an Sop ig P oe 0 ter apes 21K seh is well enough to attend, Jack captain a crate of wasps. The IONE MASCOPE and EASTMANCOLOR AT HER proved the motion to extend the '€Mmber meetinig plendid re- nedy served a delicious MNCN. p.npie was appointed to this of] captain, who wanted ROLLICKING BEST! esentat ( y ¥ rel Th ( sy C tle F (3 Py v | oversize saniiary sewer to Lib Pres itation of member were| The Courtesy Committee thanked fice, with secretary, Tom Clark] hummingbirds to introduce present Mrs. Beau for gracious hospital . erty street north and third street, . 4 son; treasurer, Berniece John. them to his homeland, was | Vir Rober Walker wa niity and the meeting closed 4 od] under the winter work pro h fd the. meetin nd open-|in regular form ston. Captains are: Satellites, Con told not to open the crate charge « J ting and ope w ar oh gg FT t d } s ) until well out to sea or the gram J owithi-'a readin wv Re LADIES AUXILIARY Racicol; Gabb Madeline Poga hid w Duy By / hit they The project will cost approx Mrs, G. Le t.| The Ladies Auxiliary of the|Cher; Beatniks, Albert Allen and) BIOS. We , Ryo By RUKMINI DEVI 'sonal outbreaks of epidemics of ately $46.( of whit the towr ) ) y . 'N \ mate M0 of which th V Mapes and Mr I. Po vere Canadian Legion in Port Perry Stuer lohnny dolinston { The story. wax recalled 16 Canadian Press Correspondent cholera and smallpox can be 10se scoring over 200 were | cently when a humminzhird BOMBAY (CM A massive eliminated hy observing simple flew into the Rexton post of campaign to make India's peas. sanitation rules Thousands of ant million anitation-conscious government vaccinators will be will be reimb I appre ' } of the devotional,| Branch 419, held their September £7000 unde Government | yy Ellsworth Kennedy appro-|meeting in the Legion Hall Wynn McCombe 226, Albert Allen subsidy for : other $27,000 yriately sang I'he Old Rugged I'he minute and financial 244, Johnny Johnston 216, 292 fice. Postmaster Mae Girvan may be recover n the future ' whit i ought 4 and 4 wn 2 | stmas rva b ; by passing he ( on o the. fu- pr ol vol vor i) "i up urn i» ro ud 309 apbroy om Clak lg 8 a full re] hear exhaustion (trying to | being launched this month by tn hand fo persuade the peasants ture subdivider provoking gévelona perio U to Tae a tl a Ni Overy For Dl rk 5 4 [ cafch the bird, breathed a [India's health ministry in co that vaccination is not the surgi I'he busine 15 attended 0/20 ladie 0 2 end the auxi ary |c ery for Kar rick who is tak- sight of relief when he operation with a number of vol. cal operation many of them be. oo Fasiden! ac elitioned nd Arran, Bema! Made for fu eet held 73 Oshawa oy Tues ing a forced rest, spotted a man entering the untary ocial welfare organiza lieve it to be the town council for an extension ture activitie ¢ : V re go tions The sles am. Miss Gladys Joblin gave an in- installed, Plans were made for building The national cleanliness cam ' | n to the sanitary i : I : . "Here's a guy that can | The campaign--the most m- paign, as it is called, has al teresting resume he trip the bazaar to be held in Novem Dog { atcher catch hummingbird he |bitious to be undertaken. since ready drawn wide support from PLAN NOW TO ATTEND OUR GIANT THREE cials have assured the cour Ml abroad this summer. The high-/ber. The euchre which will be ha said [India gained independence in students and women's organiza. FEATURE MIDNIGHT SHOW THIS SUNDAY !! the ability of the pre t ligh o he je iraey wa Hitenp he Id ery (her wel tl san 0 G iddl George Wilson, great 1948--will cover more than 500, (tions in the country, Five hun : system to accommodate the addi ) he Passion ay" a ef t lowing 8 grandson of Hummingbird 000 villages and some 3,000 towns, dred Bombay gir : ) p IR : i » on 2 ial 1 a 4 gre g ag ay 8 girls have raised tional flow Ammer hy BR JDavatian i 18 SCH HN Bo n H e Wilson, proved him right About 250,000,000 people will feel! money to buy 3,000 brooms to he CHILDREN under 12 FREE! ALWAYS A (OLOR CARTOON Maver W. D that's Com 5 RY Fu ' fb Ho! ml 4 } hi Wonien : 1 Anil... BOWMANVILLE (Stati) its impact in varying degrees, sent to nearby hamlets. Many of mented, the cost to th I : luring a p yin 1 draw which was held last| Peter and Winnie Bathgate, Health authorities in India have the girls have offered to spend years ago when the ex of wa 8 ! ¥ txt las po od of | Sat Wi r huge ucee Flett street, objected in a ier {been oncerned about the fact/their coming autumn vacation! first discussed wi bout $10,000 G00 ¢ Tai ial ere iTh lucky prize winner was 0 town council about the lan da eo 0 S {that, although increasing funds teaching villagers the basic prin guage of the dog control officer are being allotted for sanitation ciples of sanitation less fixion 1 rrection and 18 David Moore of Scugog Is. ®%5 . Councillors K y w I iy blin trate dil This was their second com. schemes, the results fall short of Prizes will be given to the best aid Wesk Fice on Co plaint about the officer to coun. r r expectations, This is attributed kept villages and the cleancet * a 1 v f cil. They said in the letter, that m to the apathy of the peasants in j houses, to the motion. Coun Lat . the officer picked up their dog g ! RON ) Of é rases. Villagers generally and) angue felt the council w end 1 nc ] vithin two feet of their front MOSS GLEN, NB. (CP) A HBRY Cones R ! { will he JM think sanitation is the sole re ing too much mone J | Prob! em ou 1 [lawn. When they offered to pay| Danish couple who moulded a sponsibility a Melby N HAPPY TALK | A . eat 0) Re. eitic tod the h eben the fine on the spot, the dog con-| prosperous pottery business out In the last vear, the govern GRAND FALLS, Nfld. (CP) 's ineurre inle Wh fyi ; 8 ' rol officer said, "You have beenjof clay soil of this farming com, ment has conferred wide powers Mrs, H. Wiseman of nearby | . school pro n for th 1 olling lie " il > S¢ oes pi n For Pu ils { Irged telling lie lo council abgut we, munity 15 miles from Saint John! oy vill: councils to undertake Windsor talked on the telephone council had an obligation to 3 0. wus ave w come t ie AOD A < anada Council grant schemes for improvement recently with a sister she had| vice industrial land at the presen hi pay your line, ouncil-|of $8,000 ta learn more about pot-| The anject behind the am: not seen for 40 years, and had ) . " : a lors Ken Nicks and Ross Ste [tery : hought w 8 as he felt it was m mportant STE, ADELE, Que. (CP Es ment of the council should be joo C0 (NEES chairman of ' Kield Deict | paign is to &park a surge of pop. thought was dead. Her sister to spend monev mn that which tablishment of loc advisory! initiated by individual schools to re Bisel, nan u o jele 4 mann and his wife yay enthusiasm among rural Mrs. Kenneth Baker, lives in St would reap benefit tn the town ouncils to which school children ensure a close relationship with YE °0 log rica were hard pressed to make |haante to ohserve the basic rules John's. They were separated in I 4 problems could be children involved and to provide into the matter a living on the farm they hought| fof cleanliness childhood pecia Mayor WD. Carruthers said, when they were married in 1932 » are responsible for our em Feeling the soil lent itself more CHINESE EXAMPLE BETTER BALANCE mt by individual schools was for individual differences among . rut} § sai he 1 ondé a he dre Sa Su Mayor Car uthe ' tid 1e supported M 0 iy ni ht at th chile .- v Winsnear. peigeipal ployees and should see they to pottery than farming, the A new urgency has heen added WED 60 YEARS would rather see a better balance Canadian Children's Conference ary Winspear, | nepal maintain good public relations". couple went to Denmark to study ta the campaign bv the reported. AYLMER, Que. (CP) Con between industrial development! Grace Dolmage of the Univer- of Weston School in Montreal the busine 1 ret 1 { 1 and residential development, How sity of British Columbia, one of Westmount district, said only un \ siness and returned in two success of Communist China in Sratulatory telegrams from . ever the people in that area are several delegates making the pro- dercertain conditions was nursery Pavin ob years to convert the farm to a'making her peasantry sanitation Queen Elizabeth and Prime Min. | entitled to sewerage servics. posal. said school a good setting for a child pottery conscious. the problem before ister Diefenbaker were received The mayor concluded he didn't "A new approach to teacher preparing for school . They worked for a vear, al-'India is how to achieve the same by Mr. and Mrs, J. C. Jamieson, want to see a major residential! {raining would be required to pro- The child living in overcrowded Will Start Nays Juiving fur peviection, be results without using compul- celebrating their 60th wedding development in the town untilivide the teacher With the neces. or slum environments, for in are vi 0 SC | heir dishes. sion nniversary at East Angus. Mr there was industry in fown to sary knowledge and sensitivity to stance, would benefit BOWMANVILLE (Staff) eir efforts paid off as their| qyc Jamieson was born in 1871 0 ia month thousands of wel \ \ T works received intern: F y . \ |Z ' i balance it out recognize problems as they The non-English- and non- Clerk Treasurer R. B. Reynolds ognition ed international ree; workers will invade the In. Bristol, Que., and his wife in 1877 French - speaking" ¢ hild, who told Town Council, Monday that When the council grant 'came dian countryside armed with ® Rockburn, Que ADULT would léarn either language in plans were set to start paving a 1 odel lon handled broo She was speaking at a study though they took their daughter!™ de : gh rooms ENTERTAINMEN t t session concerned with children ol en Eh rm the re hefore en Litiesty street, bn Wednesday Anneke from university in Fred shovels, educative posters and a CANADIAN STAR 0 er £6 CO! ng BR Wwritt ; y . { The . + laged between five and 14 veat ( ng n written form in morning ericton, loft a new shop: they sweet temperament. They will be Winnipeg's Gisele MacKenzie hool, also wo He said a five-foot extension « : d | yt heal ' {It was one of a mimber run off "*" id , 0L EXIENSIOn On hava set up in nearby Sussex and #14ed by public health and agri- saps in an, hourdong "Gisele Is Scheduled Monday as delegates in this Laur gush Side Sf A et woud took a plane for Europe. They "Hie OXP MacKenzie Special" on the CBC h | entian resort town north. of Mont g Ry man 0 J Liwill begin their overseas study lagers will be told that sea- television network Oct. 18, snar oQ0se a 00Se ae . real split into project groups Bunch Of Grapes Also tn be oul ha siqewalks in the United Kingdom - | 4 By GRACE MILLS during the five-day conierence « S, gutters and catch basins « bution. COLOR AJAX The October meeting Each council would be com Being Examined The a t a! e town ap CONDEMNED ISRAEL | Tn Jive N VE ' PD roximately hl), p he | wa EE -- arise . apital i n \ posed leaders of th } us y or (n of the Hospital Auxiliary will be ¥ 0 der e commu HAMILTON (CP)--A bunch of The clerk stated, rumors are GAZA. Egypt (Reuters) held on Tuesday, Oct. 11, instead Mty and representatives or pro believed to be the cause about stating sewers United Nations armistic comn ' . ; 3 EN COOPER sion Friday condemned Israel for . y 5 BEN COC rant N Yet ( fessions and agencies concerned i of fonday, O« 10, due to of the sudd illness of a nearby hooked up and road foundations g + v falling . W he antal hysical wel \ . 4 " i Thanksgiving Day falling on the With { \ 'mental ind physical wel-| aledonia couple and their two Were not properly built, He assur- Sending two armored cars about wh EDGAR BUCHANAN regular date. Meeting will he in|fare of children srandchildren, were taken toed council and those present in|!hree-fifths of a mile into Egypt the nurses residence at 8 p.m., Member vould be spuitual Toronto Monday for a laboratory/the gallery that everything will{and which apened fire on Arab 4 A RED BILL PRODUCHON This has been designated a "work leaders," medical men, psycholo- examination "be properly checked and com shepherds Sept. 29. The commi K : A UNE RAL INTERNATIONAL REVEASE night", and members are asked gists, social workers and educat- Charles Stoneman, 74, his wife|pleted: and soil test borings have|Sion called on Israel fo cease STARTING to come prepared with needle, or a comprehensive group: Sadie, 67 ang/their grandchild [proved the road foundations to he such aggressions thimble and scissors ualified to study and alleviate ren Judith Afin Walker 7. and solid WED Any interested ladios are most Problems and defects that might Don 14. both Hamilton, Reynolds added that abou RAILWAY MILEAGE nder a child s proper develop. were ken lo | tal here Sat. $4000 had been spent by the town, Canada had 2.605 miles. o \ welcome to attend. Refreshments yen iwday suffe oi 1 om food pois: this past belt on Ride ways ro) abel ation in 1871, com sax "NIGHTS OF LUCRETIA BORGIA™ (Adu) "ENEMY GENERAL" | will be served. | Delegates felt that establish-|oding. and grading Liberty street. pared with 44,000 in 1958.

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