-- (lormation of Ridesuerest Rome THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tharsdey, October 6, 1960 11 Hor the Aged, Is on the + sm-------- -------- -- community centre's hosed of di rectors, & member of the com Calls on Mothers mites on social planning and the | Former Oshawa Woman Heads SHOP istry is done tn the owtside world) and WA members have sn oblig-| Kingston's Housing Authority KINGSTON, Ont, (CP)~Mrs Marion Earl, the only women ehateman of #8 mughtipal howsing authority in Ontane, isn't satis fied Just in look at plans when she's Inspecting #8 housing pro Jeet The veteran of 12 years i» municipal wliairs hare proved # last spring when it was time to gwd | "he doen' reas opr wr 16 Influence Sons ation 10 be part of this witness CAR cope with the y basenork, The ilehen oor 1102", 'er ou seeretary and | Toward the Church Ry get cianned it odd hours of soaitng the housing authority ol:| y | OTTAWA (CP)~Maothers were the day--or wight--but | gels o done. | dow't fest thal the houses The work of & housing' author. called on Monday to influence his to be cleaned wt § sm, Mon day. MW con be done Just bs Well ol ceeds of the community and The sppest was made by Mrs is 9 o'clock Monday might helping eitizens, involves admin. Brition Osler of Toronto F became active in home 884 io aiion of federal and provin- dent of the Dominion bourd of shoot in Oshawa, Ont, 6 W000 0 none The 75 units of the the Woman's Auxiliary to the ity, in addition to planning for thelr sons io enter the ministry | presi] Attention WOOLWORTH'S FIRST CANADIAN WOMEN Canadian Women born In any of 10 Provinces of DELICIOUS CHOCOLATE NUT COVERED inspect 8 WIV 280 low « rental Il dropped it when our son Was River View Court rents) project Anglican Church horas pretest » Shroud horn ig ae When ' Cay will be fully occupied by mid-| Mrs, Osler sddressed some 40 a y added RIE Hes OF & VEE w Novermh mud over her ankles when she rather hoped my hishand would dhs sr but to By Ad dengates om ond Canada " faim aut oli-Conadion or / the 's Tih anniversary mee} gon zotion, non came 10 Inspect 1, sald W. G. say: "You can't do I Bul he was 0 Stinson, one of Central Mortgage all for it and | wes stuck with" J" we womens she fs helping 7 litical! end non-secter- an, Educational, Benevel- and Housing Corporation's nit with the building of the pid She said answers Wo a recent sectors, "She was never eontent, Mrs. Earl has served on the drew's aid society recetving home Mestionnaire showed thet it hac} ons and Fraternel,, Please | contact , , with Just looking st the plans, YWCA hoird alded n formation which §t 1s hoped will be ready often heen the Influence oA # She wanted to see what wae un of several hospital auxiliaries before Christmas, "We haven't Mother or Sunday school teacher p ace lsison fa J pl. . J dernepth the surface so she and was junior lisison for the Red if the money yet Wit we sre in that inspired 8 man later Lo enter Mrs, Aileen Fines, 147 Eimer Ave, Toronto, B, Onterie He VEATITH Wi he ie Cross, served WM Yenrs G8 alae y 3 inistry f ETT iil a WE ved 0 yen as ala. the idl healthy f {| the ministry TODDLES Reg. 69 Ib, mon DT° w LADIES'~~NYLON ACETATE BRIEFS Reg. 39¢ SPECIAL 3 PAIR 97° TEXERIZED YARN-~LONG SLEEVE CARDIGAN New fall shades including Liloe and Violet Sizes 14 to 20 4.98 TARTAN DESIGNS ~~ COTTON & WOOL HEADSTOLES 5 x 60" ONLY 79¢ EACH BABY BUNTING & CARRIAGE SUIT Infants size only 4.98 & 7.98 FOR COMFORT-~WOMEN'S & CHILDRENS WASHABLE FOAM-LETS 79° & 98° LADIES EZE/ON SLIPPER | Genuine Leather Sole, Attractive Colors & Designs wr 90° wer | GARDEN GLAMOUR TULIPS In a beautiful mixture of Rainbow colors, osLY 69 sox Visit Our DELICATESSEN COUNTER All Cakes and Pastries Baked Fresh Daily on the Premises in our Own Ovens, Conado, ore invited to fainted with ali possible main man and was on the council | campaign It is most important, Bowever, | tenance profiamp, administration, social wellare a ---- ---- {to see that. recruitment for the The smartly « dyessed, Brey: and finance eommitiess CLEAN FRUIT {ministry 15 only part of the work halred grandmother wit BV omy FOR AGED All raw fruit should be washed of Christian vocation," She sald pointed for a One-Year erm Wi gue wes setive In the recent before if Is eaten 5 per cent of the church's min 1950 as chairman of the Kingston , Housing Authority, one of 34 In the province, The provincial gov ernment last June reappointed Wis : wa lief lor three years y ! | . HOUR DAY in or ou Although she sdmils she would EN] like to have & hour day Ww i wi ROBERT BRUCE | keep up with her interests, Mrs Karl has one rule, Her com munity aetivities are not pe This happy little fellow is | the grandson of Mr. and My mitted to interfere with he Robert Bruce, son of Mr. and | lsase Hardy, Soling, and My family fe Mrs, Joseph Snowden, RR and Mrs, Poster Snowden, RR I have always felt | could or 3 Enniskillen, Hobert, who was | 4, Oshawe ganize my ouliide work so one yesr old on August 23, | Photo by Ireland |sign'e break into our family Nv Japanese Repay the respective NEUres are reason: oo away fields and fail to see aly accurate the mission field all around us,' Wartime Kindness . ....0nd Lowest Prices Too! % | Fresh Killed, Young "The danger is that we see the! he sald VANCOUVER (CP Cana . C Roasting Ih dign-horn Japanese whe went to LJ Japan after the Becond World " v A A " War have sent a gift to the vil tn oy { ® Leys, Thighs, Breasts 1b. 59¢ ® WINGS 41bs. 1.00 lage of New Denver, 40 miles eo NECKS 21bs. 19° FREE! gd het The gift is a ceramic garden GET 5 LBS. FREE! - o. / a) 7 Nei [ AGROMLS, COMNEMENLL, | set, 12 Japanese dolls specimens tL pi ( [a % an, of culture pearls and a selection : of eherry trees (o start & Japa nese garden, It is for Canadian who showed them "hospitality and kindness during 8 time of trouble," referring to the reloca tion of West Coast Japanese dur ing the Second World War Mrs, R, 6 Nishiders, director of the Canadian Nisel Associa tion at Tokyo, wrote "We Canadian Niseis have al length eome fo achieve our long pending matter of sending sou venir gifts to the people of New Denver, In token of gratitude for the kind hospitality and eco-oper ation the community gave the Japanese evacuees during the relocation period." Wo NAHOUBIGANT™ | Chan Loup SKIN SACHEY Fran. You will be proud te show this elegant jew ecantainin We have a good supply of fresh killed Eviscerated Turkeys, Smoked Hams Smoked Picnic Shoulders, Boneless, Ready-to- vler's case lang dasting, beloved Chantilly Liguid Skin Bachet originated by HOUBIGANT, Extra enjoyment is the refill that sccompanys it! MITCHELL' Drug. Store RA 3.3431 Many Canadians Have No Church OTTAWA (CP) Between 8,000,000 and 9,000,000 Canadians do not belong to any chureh, Rey Morse Robinson of Toronto, as sistant secretary of the Anglican | Church mission department, sald' Tuesday Mr, Robinson addressed the 6th anniversary meeting of the Woman's Auxiliary to the Angl can Chureh, attended hy some 400 delegates from across Can aa. sald the "guestimate'" of 9 SIMCOE ST. N. "unchurched" in the United States is 100,000,000 and that sur veys In both countries indicate PRE-SEASON SPECIAL | going Simplicity LIMITED OFFER 1275 Serve Hams e¢ SIRLOIN ¢ WING e T-BONE STEAKS 1b. BONELESS pot RoAsT » 49c CLUB STEAKS Ib. 59° @ RIB STEAKS Ib. 69° BONELESS ROUND STEAK OR ROAST LEAN ROUND STEAK GROUND Ih 79: Ib. 65° MINCED CHUCK STEAK A * NNT 1 | Freezer Special! ect Hindguarters GQ Time Only : v A VAY CLUB STYLE LEAN, SLICED ridms COOKED HAM b. 89 toi Wo. BREAKFAST BACON (SLICED) READY TO ib. H%- SERVE........ 2 bs. 1.00 SHOULDER CHOPS 1b, 4% SPRING LAMB! LAMB IN-A-BASKET 1b, 3% STEW CUTS § Ibs, 1,00 WIENERS ""* 2 .. 79° MILD CANADIAN lb. 49° SHOULDER ROASTS 1b, 3%¢ CHEESE BUEHLER} Nippy OLD CHEESE Ib. 59° Tender EATN AT BOLOGNA IND CUTS BY THE iy 25* D-40 didi dh ahh, . . « . Mwy LOOK AT THESE FEATURES ! THURS, FRI, & SAT, ONLY TASTY MINCE PIE sPEciAL 50° DELICIOUS BOSTON CREAM PIE Reg. 65¢ ® HEAT TEMPERATURE CON. TROL, All temperature set tings are thermostatically controlled , , , the heat you need from 'No Heat" to maximum heat of 185 de rees, ® CONTROL-AIR SYSTEM , . . JUST 2 SIMPLE CONTROLS, All-Temp control for variable heat for all fabrics == Simp- lamatie timer easily adjusted for any desired drying time to suit your type and size of ® FREE FLOW LINT FILTER load, ® PORCELAIN CABINET TOP ® AUTOMATIC OVERLOAD ® SAFETY DOOR PROTECTOR 159.95 SPECIAL MODEL D30, Similar to above but with Budget Terms $10 down as low as 2.50 weekly 3 heats, Limited supply, ONLY \ 12 KING E RA 3-3633