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The Oshawa Times, 6 Oct 1960, p. 17

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P D AWARDS Li if: Wi | Fine Slides #4 Entered In The Osharon Ces LAYGROUN CENTRAL COUNCIL PRESENTS Ww ------ i a --------------------------TE ---- ND SECTION OSHAWA, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1960 PAGE SEVENTEEN The Oshawa Camera Club held omens iy 4 i a its monthly meeting with the president, William Laird, in the chair, A list of the photographie books in the club's lending Ji- brary, newly set up this sum- mer, was made available, For the monthly competition {Fred Miller reported the deci sions and comments of the three judges Of the fine slides submitted in {the nature section, open to hoth {senior and junior members, Wil- liam Laird's "Tree Toad" was rated slide of the month, his "Wolf Spider and F.ggs" won first honorable mention, and his |#Green Trilliums" also an honor- {able mention; Archie Dancey's "Showy Lady Slipper" won hon- orable mention as did Fred Mil- ler's "Snail Shells," In the senior pictorial section, {slide of the month was oblained hy "Iris No. 7" made by Mrs Bert and honorable! | Boorman, mention hy "Sand Beach" made by Fred Miller In the special competition |" Architecture," open to both sen- for and junior members, a large and interesting group of slides were entered Highest place went Miss Grace Trull for Gothie Archi- tecture' which showed in beauti- ful and satisfying manner a see- tion of the lovely arch over the doorway of Toronto Universit : ri uy i ing which is an Rots ratings were Fred Miller's "Var: example of Gothic Architecture |SIty" showing four buildings on and said to be the most photo- one slide in a clever montage, graphed doorway in the world and his slide "St, George's Obtaining honorable mention taken through an Oshawa Public Library window, alse Grace |Trull's "Roman Bridge" and 'Modern Apartments" whieh | showed an interesting repeal pat | tern of apartment balconies, | Teachers To to ED BY STEPHEN LANCASTER OF BEAVERTON iz iG BOD IS TURN ENTRIES DOWN High Standards Of Plowing Maintained The high standards which have was awarded to Joseph Tran, of, Tractors in Stubble Iways marked plowing in On-|Claremont; while the T, Eaton! McAloney, Clairmont, tari. County were maintained Co, Trophy for the best plowed! Tractors in Stubble ~~ Ivan De. Wednesday when the annual and turned by a junior was won Geer, Mount Albert, South Ontario Plowing Match by Stephen Lancaster, Traclors : Slutle was held at Ransom Farms, be ah Ce Diceman, 'oodhridge; tween Oshawa and Brooklin LIST OF WINNER : Clark, Blackwater, The winners In the various sod » On Frida The number of entries was Tractors in Stubble down about 40 per cent from last, 8%: stubble classes follow Smith, Blackwater Jointer Plows = Oshawa's public school teachers year but the competitors, in both Wii n fod low Tractors in Sod or Stubble = will take a busman's holiday the horse and (ractor classes For po saris, / gins; int ony Utility or Speed: Norman Tym. Friday to attend a day long con. maintained the high standards of ¥€8 ersione, imi en; Byrnell dell, Gormley; Joe Tran, Clare: | ference arranged hy the Public! perfection which have marked the| ~~' Oakwood; James Lee, mont; Don Dunkeld, Claremont; School Teachers' Institute, Chair. match in previous years, It was Gormiey, Howard Nesbitt, Woodville; Ross man. of the Institute for the year, stated that many plowing experts, Traglors in Sod Nottingham, Little Britain; Carl is Lloyd Weiderick, principal of could not attend because the late-| Claremont; Norman Diceman, Woodbridge; Stephen presented the playground cham pionship plaque; Ald, 8. T Hopkins, a member of the CRA hoard of dirrectors, who pre sented the grand champion pet and pet plaques and Mason, central council | chairman, Recipients of play ground awards, front row, left fo right, are: G. Godfrey, Har- man Park; C .Grimbleby { view Park; F, Densham, Fern hill Park and J, Clemente, Run- ! dle Park awards on behalf of the council are shown, back row, left to right: Ald. A. V, Walker, who presented the arts and crafts | sandbbx and special events | plagues; Edward Bind THE CENTRAL COUNCIL of | Neighborhood Assoc ons Wed pesday night presented play ground awards to park chair men for winning various ev nis in inter-park competitions dur ing the summer months, Those who presented the various AIR CADET NEWS Present Wings To Four Cadets By WINGLESS WILLIE Well we've got to admit it sure show recrea- | Chris tion committee chairman, who Elmer a Carl Ralph shopping Centre, The window will " give the public a good idea of| looks good ix senior what the Air Cadets are and what| NCO's wearing Royal Canadian training they receive, Thanks Air Cadet Wings. Two NCO's pre. from the Cadets goes out Lo the viously wore the only wings, but T, Eaton Company for donating of Tuesday four vear the space for our display It is hoped that the public will wer make it a point to see our dis- Les lo see them The four Joe Tran, Tyndell, mley; Donald Dunkeld, Clare: cadel wings by pre Squadron play on their next visit to the Leader GG, Ogilvie of RCAF Sta- Shopping Centre tion Downsview while officials sented with Boys who are interested in Air Sunset Heights School For the morning session the teachers will he divided into five ness of the mateh interfered with|( fall work on the farms, mont, ictors in Sod -- Biephen Lan- ' Lancaster, Beaverton; Les Smith, Blackwater; Ralph Clark, Black: water Following the match a banque! from the Air Force, RCAF Avia- Cadets may, if they wish, come tion, and the Oshawa Rotary Club down to see our squadron in- ac looked on tion any Tuesday evening at the Rotary Hall on Centre street SQUADRON INSPECTED Prior to the wings presentation GRADUATING CERTIFICATES to Warrant Officer Larry Gal Our Commanding Officer F.L lagher, Flight-8gt, Greg Bohaker, Gilbank issued two graduation and Sgts, David Jubb and Ted! certificates to be given out to two McRae, 8-L Ogilvie and his party former Air Cadets, The certifi inspected the squadron, After the cates are given to cadets who Inspection the Squadron Leader have taken three years of cadet spoke to the cadets and especial: raining, The two certificates will ly to the four cadets who re- be given to Barry Walters and ceived their wings, Gord Brennen, two former Ser- He talked on various types Beants, ranging from opportunities in the CLEANUP RCAF today and reasons why the cadets should stay with their|, co ave reminded that the drill I studies in school sequences they must know for Guests were plentiful Tuesday their test has been put up on the evening, It is good to 50 bulletin board, Make sure you many people interested In the Air have a copy of this to study for Cadets, Officials from the RCAF the test, were! Squadron Leader G. Ogilvie With the Wings parade over, i (inspecting officer), ¥-L, G, Scott gppears that this cadet year is and F-O Tricker (Air Cadet Llal- going well, The NCO's lounge is son olficers), Guests from the flourishing and coffee and other Rotary Club, our sponsors, were treats are served on a regula Mp, Slocombe (chairman of the basis ih the lounge, All the NCO's AC committee), Mr. Paltle and are quite content and all but one Mr, Bassette - a certain Sgt, --- have steady Present from the RCAF ASSO. girl friends, (Heads will fly this clation were Mr, Dell, chairman week Alex Oakley of the Alr Cadet Committee for I'he Senior NCO's had quite an| Alex the 81-year-old Olympic his assoclati on, Mr. Humphreys enjoyable evening Tuesday when games competitor who lives ats and Mr. Lyon Il, Gilbank opened his moth: 1424 Simcoe street south, is an The squadron would like to eaten wallet and shelled out 18¢ tol employee at the General Motors thank the RCAF and the RCAF Pay for the damage to a packdie south plant body shop. He won Association for sponsoring the of cigarets which he and F-S|the only track and field point four cadets who took their flying) Bohaker so wilfully destroyed on Canada achieved in the Rome training this summer. Without the range, On receiving the Olympic their sponsorship Air Cadet wings money the NCO's framed it and According to the Canadian com in our squadron would be a dream Placed it on the wall of (the petitor, Europeans work at their instead of a reality lounge training. Training for internation | It is hoped that we will 'have al competition to a Furopean AIR CADET WINDOW basketball game with the Sea Athlete is like a vocation Luck seems to be all around us Cadets after the NCO course is Russian athletes are out this year! The T, Eaton Company over, Cadets who wish to play for track all the time, night nsented allow Osh the Jet Jockies please sign the They never seemed to tire awa Chadburn Cadets to place a list that will be put up on the Canadian. athletes have to display in their window at the bulletin board their own expenses, general SONIC BOOM ALSO HONORED WAS Wes ley Ogden, centre, of the CRA central staff, who received his ermanent 'B" Diploma In nunicipal recreation from J, Says Canadians Lack Training field com dell Brewster, director of the Oshawa Community Recreation Association Eilbeck, left, district represen. tative of the community pro grams hranch of the Ontario Department of Education Looking on, at right, is Wen Cadets who are laking the NCO Times Photos, Canadian track and petitors lack training facilities and are not serious about their training, compared to European athlete says marathon walker | various I ), 1 at Ritson School to hear Mis 4 : ; | Neshitt, Woodville; Ross Notting: wood; James Lee, Greenbank; Constance Fuller of the Toronto SPECIAL AWARDS [ham Little Britain; Graham| Ray Smith, Gormley; Anthony Teachers' College discussing) Carl Diceman was the winner| Little, Little Britain, Featherstone, Milliken Todds, primary work consultant pray fob the best plowed land of the Toronto Board of Educa tion, speaking on planning and 0 h L N Cl . for socal studies of the Toronto : I Board of Education, will speak Chess Match The third annugl Ontario Coun- Moore, Uxbridge, RR 1; Evelyn to teachers of Grades 4, 5 and 6 ty 4H Calf Club Championship| Page, Uxbridge, RR 2, Oshawa 4 y qi of public schools in Oshawa, will Sunday at Club 224, in Peterbor. ty taking part, (8; Allan Wellman, Claremont, speak about mathematies in| ough : The call clubs represented RR 2; Jim Wilson, Claremont, Personnel Of Grades 7 and 8 at the E, A Following are the individual were; Scott 4-H Reef Calf Club, RR 2 speak on the social studies pro-|0; D. Day, 1, D, Skorohohaez, (calf Club, Oshawa Kiwanis 4-f Ha et ae P60 R Philips, Y, M. Slemko, or Club, Oshawa Kiwanis 4H yon may ™Osnawa, RR 3; gram in Grades 7 and. 8. ' r Dairy Calf Club and the Broug:|qp. Hill, G d Teachers of special classes will ['a; D, Mangan, 0, I. Chrome), jam" ¢H Dairy and Beef Calico aries Hill, Goodwood, RR 1, Ciub Haby Heef Steer -- 1st -- Scott the tourist and convention de the Department of Education, will |W. Day, 0, Charyse, 1; 'Society, a number velopment committee of the Osh-| discuss aspects of special educa Rostacky, 0; P, Mibus, hs County livestock breeders and|Pridge, RR 4, awa Chamber of Commerce, an.|tion Sanders, 1, EB. Viasuk, 0: 7 other interested organizations, The winners of the " they will he addressed by Larry|Martyniuk, Isdebsky, A hose ave » A 3 , age ridge g i i i | Those Who wil jerve on the Henderson on his Asiatic tour, | . lyn Page, Uxbridge, RR 2; Winner, Brian Reazin, Brook: Lie ole TR li " Sheila Disney, Brooklin, RR 1;|lin, RR 1 clude i ipney, arry A 'harles 8 ar awe 3 i I $550 D Charles Sutter, Oshawa, RR 2, Hoy Ormisto Trophy -- Chams hi hardson Jack Holliday, Brooklin, RR 1, The purpose of this new com function of this committee is to! ported by the Oshawa Police De promote the holding of small | partment, Wednesday, There Games, He placed third in a two. |Chureh street, early Wednesday | mi'e walk at the morning. One of the cars was : Al one time, though, I|Delhert Crowden, 758 Glen For ant HOlting a cautlonlest street, Damage was estimated 200. | "Reading Readiness '" Also at Rit-'of the special class open to boys organization in Primary grades | on social studies in the junior| Peterborough Chess Club de: snow was held at Scolt Fair, UX: Junior Ayrshire -- 1st = ell se § T Y scores with Oshawa names last. ! | Beaver . ef p i Lovell school and T, Heath, pub. scores § a Heaverton 4-H Heef and Dairy genior Reet Heifer Calf == 1st Tourist Group meet in the library bf the E. A,|1; G. Snowden, 1, W. Yanchey- The championship show is spon- 4H Calf Club -- Wayne Beath, 4 " : The teache i "0 p| N ' M. Rogozinsky, 0; nounced today that eight mem-| The teachers will all meet for Mayes, 1, M, Rogozinsky 3 Phe winners in the various trophies were as follows: | Finer, Larry Gough, Owen Me: 30 pn sifer Senior Holstein Heifer Class =| pion 4-H Dalry Showman -- Win In 2 Accident mittee is to see that visitors feel! n ccl en S conventions here were no injuries, Alox Idriven hy Ronald W, Shortt, 273 : from one of the English judges. at A Junior Ayrshire Heifer Class Elmeroft Perpetual Trophy et Gloria Cooper, Brooklin, RR 1; | Best group of three dairy heifer Lynda Hoskins, Claremont, RR calves -- Winner, Oshawa +H 2; Jim Wilson, Claremont, RR 2,/ Dalry Calf Club -- Brian Reatin, Junior Beef Heifer Class Brooklin, RR 1; Hazel Saunders, Karen Timbers, Mount Albert, Hrooklin, RR 1; Janice Ormiston, RR 3; Beatrice Samis, Canning. Broklin, RR 1, ton, RR 2; Bertha Samis, Can. Veterinarians' Trophy +H nington, RR 2. Calf Club member showing Chams Senior Beef Heifer Class - Plon 4H Beef Steer, Winner, Mary Hogg, Uxbridge, RR 4; Wayne Heath, Oshawa, RR 2 Sharon MeMurray, Oshawa, RR --- Charles Hill, Goodwood, RR L t I $400 3 Break-Ins Three break-ins, involving close to $400 in loot, were reported hy the Oshawa Police Department Wednesday and today Four radios valued at $243.80 were stolen from Eaton's of Cane ida, Lid, at the shopping centre, Wednesday morning, Entry to the store was gained by breaking a ground floor window at the east end of the store Thieves wheeled a safe, froin Associated Budget Plan Ltd, 111° Simcoe street south, into the men's washroom, Jimmied it open and left with $50 in cash, sometime between §:13 pm. and 5:30 p.m. Wednesday, Sergeant Peter White, of the Osh. {awa Police Department, investis gated The office closed at 5:18 pm The safe was spotted in the washroom, by the janitor, at 5:50 pm, Cash totalling $20 and a large amount of merchandise was stol- en fram Howard's Draperies, 926 Simcoe street north, during last night. Entry was gained through {the north-west window at the rear | Stolen merchandise included ready - made. curtains, bolts of curtain material and many one and one-half yard samples of material. Drawers had been ram. |sacked | Sergeant White investigated, a on or day But nay Iy has ¢ to the [tion to keep competitions runner wages { games who ald he quite to in shape for big re ------ EMO Director Points A Moral just travelling around the country to enter various compe A moral the "very titions Mr. Oakley said FREE EDUCATION happened Tuesday night Oshawa's Emergency Measures In Canada, Alex says, a college education is not offered to poten tial athletes the way it is in the Organization head today The moral: Keep the ication lines open! {United States. Over there. he Lt.-Col, F. §& Wotton told The says, a good athlete can get a Foronto, for the training pro education Oshawa Times Wednesday that the two Sonic booms heard in with free colle ar next to| Sram he drew up for him to use a ; all the time he was in Rome it. An offer like that often at-|%; '°% ° x tracts good Canadian boys to the STARTED IN 1854 U.S, and leaves us with a short Alex hegan his marathon walk NF and athletes career in Toronto in 1954, He Oshawa Tuesday night had people phoning the police and fire tions clogging the line ming the communicatior and, to ALEX OAKLEY Kindergarten teachers will meet | Columbus Tractors in Stubble Howard | Agincourt; Byrnell Wylie, Oaks I, 2 and 8 will hear Miss P The Hon, M, B. Dymond Silver - embers Mary Halliday, distriet consultant Dr, C. M, Elliott, superintendent | 9% to 6% in an exhibition game givis from all over Ontario Coun: Lynda Hoskins, Claremont, RR awa Board of Education, will|0; T. Lewis, 1, N, Maiboroda, (air ( ort Perr Yairy!| . a atin ' t Club, Port Perry 4-H Dairy\ gogo Uxbridge, RR 4; 'Sharon Gordon Garrison, chairman of Spector of special education for|0; D, Clark, 1, P, Novosad, 0 of Ontario| Uxbridge, RR 4; Ross Bailey, Ux sve a Church Hall, During the afternoon | Blodgett, 0, Kachniv, 1; d : to serve on his committee f 00n Junior Holstein Heifer Class --| Champion Holstein Heifer Calf Smyth, J, 8 ¢ iF | y chmitz, and Stan Janice Ormiston, Brooklin, RR 1; their stay in Oshawa, Another sulted from two accidents re there, he entered the Cardiff{collision on Bond street west at flaws fair and withoul| The driver of the other car was | PH ticularly overtrained on short \ 1, distance and undertrained on long distance walking and vice ersa However, he said, he could thank his trainer, Joe Mahon, of Wa | Baby Beef Steer Class -- Wayne Beath, Oshawa, RR 2; Heather McTavish, Uxbridge, RR 4; Ross Bailey, Uxbridge, RR 4, INTER-CLUR T The winners in the Inter-Club Competitions were as follows: Senior Holsteins 1st, Oshawa 4H Dairy Calf Club Brian Reazin, Brooklin, RR 1; Janice Ormiston, Brooklin, RR 1; Haze! Saunders, Brooklin, RR 1 Junior Holsteins 1st, Sunder land 4-H Dairy Calf Club -- Larry Moore, Uxbridge, RR Keith groups in three different schools, was held in the United Church at caster, Beaverton Horse Show - Herb Jarvis, {son School, teachers of Grades and girls from 14 to 18 years At North Simeoe School Miss grades. feated the Dnipro Club, Oshawa, bridge, with 44 4-H club boys and| Brougham +H Dairy Calf Club 5 80 inspector for the .| D, Kustudie, 1, I, Kuzemezak, C } 8 ar) g airy! o lie school inspector for the Osh alt Club, Sunderland 4-H Dairy Scott 4-H Calf Club Mary Is Announced Lovell school where M. Fleck, in-| sky, 0; R, Milne, 1, E, Szeurko, | sored hy the Scot Agrieultyral| Oshawa RR 2; Heather McTavish, ap y » ARTE y y ar s United | Braun, 0, R, Hryvnak, 1; bers of the chamber have agreed|!unch in the Harmony United | Braun Ww. |classes were as follows Orvan Chambers Trophy Crohon, L, R, Barrand, James p saz y A Brian Reazin, Brookln RR 1i|yer' Gloria Cooper, Brooklin, RR 1 welcome and at home during! An estimated $550 damage re. | r | Two cars were involved in a Nara felt the Olympics | Central houlevard south. | But was just a comment when car driven by Louis Rey of 484 Madison avenue, Later he told me 1 walked was involved in a collision with a good race and congratulated me a car driven by Louis Leger, of just like the most of the British|416 Elizabeth street, Wednesday contestants did." night. The accident occurred at {Annapolis avenue™and Gibbons he said 'sorry Alex, but it's your men, knee,' from and that said fire calls may be gained fortunate thing hospital stations FOOD WAS Good He says Rome RESIGNS POST Rae M. Ferguson, who has igned as reeve of the town of Uxbridge to accept an aps pointment as a member of the Oshawa Suburban Roads Com- mission, Mr, Ferguson, who as. sumes his new duties Oct, 13, served as warden of Ontario County in 1950 and is the dean of that body, He served as a THREE GOOD RULES Col. Wolton suggested rules (1) Don't. call police or fire. departments unnecessarily when an emergency occurs or some thing stirs your curiosity 2 (2) Is a three Ing \ i n commun like CELEBRATING BIRTHDAYS Congratulations and best wishes to the following resi dents of Oshawa and district who are celebrating hirth- days today Nancy Jane Smith, 559 Stevenson road north; David Walmsley, 318 Nassau street: Carolyn Buss, 176 Thornton's road north; © Billy Melntyre, 281 Lakeshore road and Don. ald King, 139 Verdun road The first five persons ta in: form The Oshawa Times of their birthdays each day will receive double tickets to The Regent Theatre, good for a four - week period. The our rent attraction is "Let's Make Love" in Color Reports on birthdays will be received only hetweea the hours of & a.m ad 10 am Phone RA MN ooked tor sta am tem A great extent, rendering ineffectual in an emergency." The EMO head warned that if people react as they did Tuesday, it would be impossible to notify a very large percentage of Osh. Awa citizens In case rea emergency such as a nuclear at tack EMO has s may be on notificatio lack 100-pound KY he anad 0 kil A CO-OPeLa N team in 1956 Il then of { event in the race ¥ vhich \ ) } | m" ately m, he he quite s mr vediate ' > VOrvous race nce as yet to He has comps and These plans include dio broadcasts of instruc every 15 minutes: the sounding of whistles" and sirens from factor ies: and a telephone alarm sys tem It works this way ignated persons each persons: each of the ten phone ten more, and so a € to Wis man \ 3 3a xeept BIG OVERSIGHT xeon. COALVILLE, England (CP) seems to Road officer Stan Shipton po), was one of the first my i ter mn he new 10-year His brakes condition, four several des 10 n turn FALSE ALARM Oshaw; a phone his time, away safety an settle ont He @ lorists 3 y v st \ ( nthe Olympic s \ re whos a Gh me ¢ his return to Oshawa and depend 4 1 - HE mean the anadian UW race may Lond ghave overtrained some days, par- they weat to «Such an alarm in, i system on phones could be ineffec urious persons flooded police, ¢ AS impel Engl ales street, Damage was estimated at beautiful | $350 . | there I" another one While in Rome at the Olympic Was out of wai k and went to the anywhere in the world mes, Alex entered the events! Gladstone Athletic Club says, he wouldn't 12 M h nd earned the single Canadian [Something to do, after he saw a want to live there. The food was uy ont erm track and field point. His first|!® mile walking race in Hamilton 5504 at the games. but "not like 4 ace was the 20 kilometer (1213|3 few days before you would get at home, 1 { an emergency of a civil mile) walking race in which he| After watching the walkathon Ba AT me. Jt was n eft Case defence nature occurs, where pine ed ninth among 37 competi. he became interested and joined i 00 Americans and everyone should take defensive ia ' the club, His training started im ana¢ lans at the same time COBOURG Charged with the ction against an enemy attack, Five davs later entered the mediately and after a couple of He found the ( lan rack theft of a coin box from Han's there is no use trying to get in meter (315 mile) race and Months, Alex entered his first 20d field coach, Hal Brown, of Service Station at Bowmanville councillor at Uxbridge for sev a formation at the last minute, It's Maced sixth out of 41 contest race Hamilton, very tive, de- Bernard Leo Derusha 18 To. en years and as reeve for 17 ae akely that EMO ould Bh ARIS It was in this race that he! Because of his inexperience, his Site his ignorance of the walking ronto, Was sentenced to 12 months! Jan . wl t E tallied the only Canadian Track [competitors granted him a 20 ult indefinite in magistrate's court (3) Should a catastrophe coos and field peint minute handicap in the 10-mile] This was not the first time Alex | &t \ ohourg } St 1 A t which may be qualified as a civil. 11¢ sald he felt if he had more Toronto to Weston and back race {has represented Canada in the ] erusha hig alsa_given thee, 0 en u 0s defence disaster, it would be hest |, *"Adian walkers along with him | Now Alex boasts that he beat alljOlympie games. He was on the|%¢ vig] y- Heats Safimite f every citizen had a plan he wo id have done much hetter the other experienced marathon. ( adian in Melbourne ane A ph Sno pi indefinite hoy ction, or knew what to do wth Olvmp He said ers hy 10 minute Australia but "didn't do Noe ace itiany char hes theft Ie ecovere Supplying the plan of action is More Canadians were with 2 F990 We 0 ag WX containing under} i te TATE the Bia venkat + IN 100 RACES Ga $30 the property of Allen 8 Serv-| Recovery was quick in two car Suh uf We BMG. an ENO in the tha first race, Alex has TO KEEP IN SHAPE ice Station, Bowmanville; thelt of thefts reported to the Oshawa n Oshawa is supplying such in: NERVOUSNESS NATUR been in at least M0 races in Can ven at 31 years of age, Alex|NONShARers fo yay He bror-(Ralice Department Wednesday formation. and Teas Hot ol Rv SNES NaN RAY a A gud he beaten by a/does aot intend to quit, He in | Sty of the Globe and Ma Ry he night and Thursday morning sens acquire (free), read and nervous in Jaw : . e \ bit Canadian $0 entered at|lends and has already, since a tn A I A Se ol Patrick hid Neil % Hall street, become aware of EMO methods you 'on your toes'. You ve at sin the United his Fetury warked aut to keep in Mail paper box at Oshaver A reported, ) 3 3 hm Wednos through available pamphlets. oy hav 0 States has always been!shape all w X at Oshawa. Al day, his car had heen stolen from respect vour opponent at' all first three to. finish. Matter of fact. he has sven sentences will be served concur-|in front of his house. The aband Hines When you meet someone for once when he finished tenti a \f eo ly Ans SY ¥ | rently oned car was found hy 11:30 p.m {better than you, it tends to dis t on ¢ really getting into It was in good condition courage you. A better opponent shape and going to the Olympic | stephen Yacobosky, 131 Es " 0) § did! Games in Tokvo in 1964 and puts! + { Stephen Yacobasky, 131 Ea nentally off! tia Ripening and pt The 0 artment mount street 3:45 a.m. today, {his ne hy 'da a little higher on the answered false alarm ta a reported his car had been stolen ho 'onan! street address, Wednes "om the south plant GM lot. | lay evening. There were no oth. Earlier, at 2:55 am, the car had hi K, Alex native ' 1 Wednesday or this beh located in the driveway at a There were four rout Coligge Hill School and police had ine ambulance calls Ibeen looking for the owner, John's, Newfoundland, where morning while (he visited his family 1 cia PT stopped Vis al € wy les were the he nd bad and

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