20 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, October 6, 1966 | Some Of 'Color Missing | By JACK BULIAVAN Canadien Press Mall Writer Some fime In the next lew weeks, someone 1s BORE 16 ask Dallled on he the mevilable question: Where team - mate are the National Hockey Leagne er snd off color guys, the chaps whe il policemen, Ms Owh the arenas simply by 1aCIBE ON generis! manager Jack & pair of skates? Wing The league has & lew now nn sport can afford to lose such flaming, crowd-pleasing Payers cooky " he hid #s Rocket Riehard and Ted hing they find ont In (Bearface) Lindsay In one swoop pecs is if without people feeling let down ai their depariure, Whe can they taunt or cheer now? Chicagn Black Wawk he jee ihe ers "A little guy» nit one yoni ean fivefeet-eight and 160 pound with his own two and: opp and even Team WH (gughest OPPORENLS take the ides that | should heat up Players' Association, # the every player | tangled with, and he & good ides YEARS RED We sing play He has lost battles. in. vEvOiution with Tans, cluding one to employer, ince Campbell and (he Adams of gwners, who proved (eo he sone team WIng.' hig We NHL Picture Now "We have start of the 1057.56 season. Only Vm still not convinced it wasn't mole and protect the best inter he told a reporier esis of the don't organized fo he war! players intend 16 pro said # hy Canadisn aren't displeased first seven months of 1960 were President Clap. of discontented about & single 043660 000 ponds, valued at $37, The owners weren'l reassured by these words. They fought the union and it gradusily petered om Lindsay was traded to Chicago alter #8 blowup with Adams, and Benrface, who never backed out of 5 fight, refused to gel Into what he termed a "name-calling exchange' with his employer "I'm not sore at Adams, | pity # man like that," he sald AL least he had the last word, SEA PRODUCES Sea fish and shellfish landed fishermen in the WT 000, It started in February, 1091 lo he when Lindsay, the players' arch The first enemy during working hours this busl- popped up ss thelr spokesman it, 1 had for the "newly-organized NHL The end of the road came this summer for Bearface and, within weeks, the Rovkel, They bowed out amidst great gobs of public fy due & pair of baitlers whe have enlivened the big-league scene for many years BOTH PLAYED HARD Creal hockey players, they had lost some of their famboyancy in the past couple of seasons Neither one Was ever serioisly considered as a candidate for the Lady Byng Trophy as (he gomtlemanly player in the league glthough there were chuckles & couple of seasons back when & sports writer, noting the placid hehavior of the Rocket rs gested he might qualify Both Lindsay and knew every splinter NHL, penalty hox The record hooks are jammed with the exploits of the Rocket who now is goodwill ambassador fost Richard In every BOXING SATURDAY, OCT, 8 8:30 P.M, AT THE AVALON BOXING CLUB KING WEST OSHAWA 7 BOUTS MAIN BOUT~=5 ROUNDS--1 ND Freddie Richardson vs, Richard Konifzny Avalon Boxing Club Toronto German Club SEMIFINALS ROUNDS--130 POUNDS Bernie Guindon vs, Pete Dillig Avalon Boxing Club Toronto German Clu 150 POUNDS SANDZU STARCIC vs, LEN ANICIC Toronto halian Club Avalon Boxing Club NOTICE fo HOMEOWNERS For dependable, honest remodelling and home impravement work , . . deal with a reputable known firm BEAVER LUMBER. o Auminum Doors and HW Windows ¢ Goarnger * Roam Additions » Sid. ing # Roofing » Fencing eo Recrooms o Porches, LU A COMPLETE HOME IMPROVEMENT SERVICE BUDGET TERMS FOR ESTIMATES AND PLANNING HELP AT YOUR HOME PHONE NOW NIGHTS RA 3.3405 DAYS MO 8.5818 | Another ose MIRACLE SALE by DUNN'S | Men's Canadian Made vith Montreal Canadiens, Lind 147 POUNDS say, who also owns some re nrds, 1s In business with Gordie Howe, his old leam-male with Detroit Red Wings They arrived in the NHL about same (ime, The Rocket joined Canadiens in the 1042 sen son and Lindsay made his debul with the Hed Wings Iwo years Lindsay was a step behind Rocket tor the title as the colorful performer the hig time, bul the erowds alway when he He Vas A talented left winger Wings until he' was No Obligation DEPENDABLE R LUMBER WHITBY JUNIOR WHITE vs. DAN DANDOLFI Avalon Boxing Club Toronte Italian Club OTHER BOXERS IN TRAINING DAN GALLAGHER, Ajax JACK GUINDON, Oshawe ED, STOLDT, Oshawe CLAY ASSELTINE, Hampton HENRY STOLK, Whithy LARRY LYON, Oshawa KEN HUM, Oshawa RON BRYANT, Hampton JOHN HOTOT, Whithy BILL GOULDING TRAINER AND PROMOTER GENERAL ADMISSION $1.00 CHILDREN WITH PARENTS FREE BOB BOYCE Home Counselor the Alen the most in knew was around riehl Hed to 419 DUNDAS ST. EAST narling for the traded ~ One car still offer Size, power, room, quality] the way you've always wanted them Made by BEAVER, BALLIN end MORIS 2 FOR 9.00 MEN! Here's the opportunity of a lifetime to save on windbreakers. We've got hundreds and hun- dreds of them in all sizes and colors. The Boss is mad and says we must get rid of them at all costs + + +» 50 come a running fellows and choose yours while the selection is at its best, There are quilted lined, some leather trimmed, gabardines, some Made of heavy frieze cloth, etc, Whatever you do don't miss this big clearance starting Tomor- row, ' Mercury's designers have STEPINTO FINERY MORE COMFORT. ABLY, For 1961, Mercury's front doors are eight inches wider tional dubrications, Mercury's chassis is pre-lubricated | for up to 30,000 miles, Oil changes? Now there's up t0 4,000 miles between them ! Every possible advance to improve the lating qualities of your Mercury is standard equipment on every model, Years from now | you'llfind yourinvestment still | paying off, Today, you can | enjoy it all==in the distin. | guished 1961 Mercury, Visit your Mercuty-Meteor-Comet dealer and discover the size, the power, the room and the doge ut again. Brought you everything imaginable to create the hetter Rear doors, four inches wider, Head, leg, hip, and shoulder room make even greater pro vision for comfort of al six passengers, YOU GAN STAY AHEAD with Mercury's Marauder V.8 power, up to 300 hp, Also, for 1961 you have the convenience of famous Merc-O-Matic antomatic quality you've always wanted, It is yours in Mercury transmission as standard . equipment on all models ) for 1961==the better car in every satislying way, YOU CAN FORGET THE car--the Car you've always wanted Styled with a new "formal line," the 1961 Mercury provides more smart features weaters MEN'S PULLOVERS AND CARDIGANS mare Interior spaciousness, more performance mn the Mercury tradition. More--in the olf-servicing system that leads. "the rest" in quality and lasting value, TODAY YOU GAN ENJOY A FINER RIDE hecause Mercury's oll fons wheels now roll back from road shocks, cushion them better than ever before possible. YOU GAN form of a new ~~ MOST MAINTE. NANGE, Brakes are self adjusting, Gone are conven Sweaters by the hundreds, including Cardigans and Pullovers in sixes 36 to 44. We have them in Grey, Navy, Olive and Sand. You'll never again see such fine sweaters on sale at such low, low prices, Hurry down tomorrow and take your pick of these . . . for yourself or for GiftGiving, 3 FOR 11.00 Remember YOUR CREDIT 1S GOOD! Reg. to 9.95 SHOP and SAVE THIS WEEKEND At . . . UNN DOWNTOWN OSHAWA 4 DOORS WEST OF REGENT THEATRE Mercury Monterey 4-door sedan--one of Ford of Canada's ne sars built Wn Canada. WARRANTED FOR AN UNPRECEDENTED 12,000 MILES OR ONE FULL YEAR --~ WHICHEVER COMES FIRST! TOMORROW AT YOUR MERCURY-METEOR- COMET DEALER Certain features Mustrated or mentioned are standard on some models, aptional at extra cost on others SEE THE NEW MERCURY on DISPLAY TOMORROW ... BRAMLEY Motor Sales tm. "iii hs" Open 9 am. To 10:30 p.m, 36 KING EAST RA 3-761 REFRESHMENTS SERVED