THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tharsdey, October 6, 1960 3] 25 2 s-- ------------------------ per TORONTO (OP) ~~ A protest | against allegations made in royal | commission hear #t Brandon, iMan., was voiced Wednesday byl' Toronto businessmen D. Hubert) Cox snd Hugh Palos, {| The provineisl commission, ithey seid in & prepared state ment, bad heen called to study rBandon Packers Limited, which) they own, "but has been sided tracked into mondshor relations matters such as the company's financial history." "The suggestion thet there wa anything improper or illegal J our business dealings in Brands is completely ounded," the! two declared, ! "All information concerned iwith our purchase of Brandon Packers in 1956 has been volun- tarily given to the Ontario secur ities commission apd we asked se ais od S| 0 [pach Fruit & Vegetable Specials 4 0 48-0x tins ¢ | "These trensactions and all subsequent ones have been per ONTARIO GROWN, FANCY GRADE 3-1b cello bog fectly legal a proper. | "Apert from the sspersions on SH -- SAVE Be lour personal reputations, we are C CASE OF 12 TING $0.04 most concerned that a govern [4 aL Ee Ca ia : 5S Fancy Quality, New Pack Reg, 2 tins 35s--8AVE 18s named to investigate a strike can be sidetracked to the degree) A EL CO BRIN this one has been." : California, Ne. 1 Grade, Finest for Eating mumba said it was the fault of GRAPES 2 25: he Canadians, contending they { Y " had refused to show their identifi-| TOKA 14-0x tins C {cation cards, UN officials denied| DEAD STARLINGS MAY BE CLUE iv: Ce EROS oh seo bos 256 SADE OF 16 TING $001 = SAVE bh p Pour days later Lumumba CRANBE Y P p ihe ausi wer g p vide and £ de Leonard Claceio of the Bos- | Boston harbor seconds later | gines causing loss of power apologized for the incident an , 4 Grade Um AV " port aut rity holds one | killing 61 persons, Gen, Elwood | leading to a stall, Two dead (05 Mobutu, Congolese army| Native Grown, Firm, Green, No. Reg. FT r-- UTS 25¢ fons Btd, Keiffer ; | i on eder . ar 1un- {opie " d the acts were! Mi o box of many dead starlings that | RB. Quesada, Federal Aviation | starlings are on ground. } chief of staff, sal ' tiered run yay from which a | administrator, said Wednesday dreds were seatlered length of | 00 iitted by a few "irpespon BRUSSELS SPRO 20-02 tins [4 turbo prop Flectra took off | plane might have drawn floc runway, i sible persons" against' whom No, 1 Grade TING $4.20 ~~ BAVE #8s late Tuesday, Plane crashed in | of starlings into four jet en i __~--(AP Wirephoto) strong measures had heen taken | New Crop, POTATOES 3 os 19¢ CASE OF 24 w -- ------ _ a -- | On Aug. 22 two more incidents SWEET A. , lo AVE Be * [J loceurred in Equator involving Native Grown, Washed and Waxed, No, 1 Grade 5 5 Henley Choles, New Pask Reg, tin Mo--B identification Four signalmen ativ 4 Canadian Congo Aid [Eis | | Yeiow TURNIPS FRUIT COCKTAIL 2»-+69: quickly after Ethiopian UN offi- CASE OF 24 TING $628 = BAY 8 cials intervened Wo | Grade, Yilloe NS ib soho bos 2 B¢ * Five days later, however, two| Hi COOK NG ONIO es Canadians and eight mericans te Bookers F F f More Effective Now arriving at Stanleyville in a US New Brunswick, No. 1 Grade, ony vm 26-1 bag 89: rozen 00 earures We Globemaster carrying eommuni . 8 og: eylicn equipment were arrested POTATOES ney dd d gliciuatd Duivtes of fur. cperare. ot Mastin Sop don i SpS, Loploe Ur 1 oud adh aie, Tie serie CELERY "STALKS '2wn28¢ | ASP STRAWBERRIES 3 vu.n 1.00 activities of Canadians serve | The 232-man squadron, includ-|larly with a measure of relia: which was not acknowledged, ing with the UN since thelr |ing a M-odd-man headquarters bility, |[LUMUMBA WAVERED s Grade, Assorted Solours, Full Bloom, ¥" Pot A«P PEAS 2b poly bog Mh 3 ¢ arrival in the troubled Congo [complement to provide ils own|' There was no one in the Congo 'RE No, % te Eilug . w1.99 , erly in August, This is a administrative services, came 10!to allot clear frequencies or ad-| During this time the situation POTTED MUMS B-0n Jar B89 w= 8:08 Jor Be ) : y " B as further confused by the sud rogress report on how they [the Congo in the last half of Aug: vise the Canadians, By trial and WA8 J J Re . dag Hg ust, after being formed Aug, 1 8t|crror the technicians narrowed|den changes in Lumumbas bos! & wl, Kingston, Ont, |the choice to a number of fre-|ton on whether he wanted white Bon By BERNARD DUFRESNE kt {quencies between B00 and 1300 troops in the UN force, He de- Canadian Press Staff Writer SEVEN DETACHMENTS {manded their withdrawal Aug ! * nt Megacycles, te imila S C h th E f S I t A P LEOPOLDVILLE (CRY ~Cab wa ROLE own Stulpment "ae Canadians did. not have io 19, was supported hy a similar ave as on ese X ro pecia Ss a & demand from the Soviet Union ada's contribution te the United job was to provide communica fight the jungle to get established |, op days later, then on the A&P Sweetened Rog, tin Wo~B8AVE te Petergent Reg, box B6o--~BAVE 40 ALP Large Reg, pg MBo--BAVE fe ¢ ('opgo operation is he p but they had to face a people not). Adil 5 i Bont noni JECT 1, Vy oman occ outa irl Su i at wave same daz reversed bio poion) || ORANGE JUKE 3 #ens1.00 CHEER sun seeker 81c PRUNES hohe 3c early setbacks, frustrations and of the world in which modern FIGHTING CONTINUES On Aug, 26 Lumumba called] HW Skim Milk Powder Reg. phy Me--~BAVE 108 Ogilvie White & Chocolate Reg. pkg We~BAVE 11a Monarch = Reg, & Gira, Reg, B hs #e-BAVE be Silacks by ( ongolese soldiers slip day Consdian tioups had sever Fighting among tribesmen 57 [he Jemoval of all 17.000 UN A&P INSTANT MILK 3h pkg 79: CAKE MIXES 3 20-02 pkgs 1.00 MARGARINE A 1b pkgs 89: Re armed with machetes, spears There still remains a lot to be signals detachments in seven cit i arrows, home « "made |combat troops left Aug. 30, the Heinz Weg bil MeBAVE Bo Mebaren's Loose Pack, Stuffed SPECIAL Sunnyfield Salted Reg: phy M0e--~BAVE Ao Sianare 54a dh, Speeaty maintaing regions Reid hea. woeden barreled muskets and SERS Sere were al | KETCHUP ~~ 2woewh 59¢ MANZANILLA OLIVES +5: 29¢ MIXED NUTS meisks 65¢ formed for the UN Force in The quarters Occasionally, unconfirmed tales occasional charges hurled at ; Wo--BA o8, Foam Rubber Peg. H00-BAVE B00 Congo, Is performing Ils com<| These sites are Coquilhatville| of HOEY filter through some members of the UN force, 8 Flavours Reg, 4 tine VE Re Regular Reg. B phge AVE 16¢ " t munications role smoothly and deme in Rdthe hg from the bush * ihe (Sanadiets, were generally PEP DOG FOOD 5 worn 9c MODESS 2 shoei Ts PILLOWS 1.79 "In #nother six months it willitor province; Stanleyville in| Airport incidents here Aug, It of bo wach all be routine," said Major Rob- northeastern Oriental; Lulua- and in Stanleyville Aug, 27, in They still faced other prob: Betty Crocker Reg, pg Wo-BAVE 8s Orange-Pineapple Reg, ¥in B0e~BAVE Bs Ganndian White Reg. Bb MWo--BAYE bo ert C, Bindoff, 39, of Kingston, bourg in og Rashi proving; which Canadian signallers and lems, Righ - She Jwnce of PIE CRUST STICKS 260 hes © Se HI-C DRINK 3 Hortim 79: OLD CHEESE » 53 Ont Kamina and Elisabethville in| American flyers were beaten hy|® ! licles . His apparent - confidence that southeastern Katanga; and Ma aiensen iy Ad bitter| tions; low supplementary pay for Red Ross, Orange Pekos Reg, pkg T0e--8AVE 6s Canned Mest Reg: tin WeBAVE Bo Jubilee Assorted Rog, phy dT: the Canadians would still be here tad, Congo River port southwest | feelings for a time [Congo service; food shortages; Ll [13 ek 4 six months from now was in con- of Leopoldville,» Distances be-| The Canadians did not fight(slow mail service; administra: TEA BAGS haoi 80 7 Be KAM A rneain99 CHEESE S$ C 2 phos ] trast to the confusion of the first|tween this capital and the sites hack, though they carried per.|!ive establishment that was un. three weeks when interference range between 215 miles to Ma:|sonal weapons such as revolvers| Satisfactory from fle signal by Congolese troops and de: |tadi and roughly 1,400 to Elisa-|and sub = machine-guns. They| Men's point of view, But most of mands for , withdrawal of alll bethville knew their role aa nom camibatant these diffioulties are being slowly JANE PARKER QUALITY Meat rls white troops from the infant re.) Wireless telegraph and teletype UN personnel and knew that gun.|®VEr® h - y publie cast doubts on the future communications, with each site/fire in the tense early days of On an average day, the seven a ery pecia J ! of the UN fore linked to an Individual trans:|UN operations might have| 24! = stations and Leopoldville mitter-recelver on wheels parked started a war that would have|headquarters exchange close to BAKED IN A&P's OWN BAKERY BY MASTER BAKERS mAIviNG RIGERIANS at hy hig Playkrout of the Ath delayed the country's creeping [10 Ce Ye WYN 1 {IEE is jy 49: AL " i he Auzu enee Royal school where the recovery from a disastrous start, y io tacks on Lu diane and other Canadians live here, go on 24/hordering on anarchy, as an In| EQUIPMENT ON WAY BLUEBERRY PIs 49 RE DY ps members of the OFC€ hours a day, Bome messages are dependent nation Upwards of 1,000 calls a day | have subsided and they have i; "code and run more than 500 The first incident occurred al are handled by the telephone Hi Jane Pavige Meg: Se-8AVE Yoo Job 2h b hin wnirale on their! words In length Ndjili airport where Congolese switchboard, a manually « oper] MINCE PIE each 49: oh 5 a WIE a communica: phe Canadians also man a 100: troops clubbed, kicked and spat|ated field system, STOCK UP YOUR FREEZER AT THESE LOW PRICES ' Some of the work remaining to/!/7® SWitchhoard at UN head-jon 12 Canadian signalmen and) A semi-automatic 100 « line w-------- er -- 18 to be do neludes the p 18 8 cAuarters, a seven-storey apart: heat Capt, C, A, A. Taschereauhoard made in Antwerp, Bel dane Parker (Orange, Ghesolate, Lemon or Cherry) done include © PINNING ment. hotel of Montreal unconscious with algium, equipped with push-button Reg, 2o--BAVE 18 and development of a central rifle butt dialing is an Mo It 22-1b 4 transmitie e grouping all UN POLAR INTERFERENCE yay, wil [perm It users at ALES, il BAR CAKE 2 45 communications links within the] Setting up radio communica: MISTAKEN FOR BELGIAN I li users 4 i 4 4 4 i ths ol The 3 {make their own calls, A second Jane Parker, Orange Twist Reg, MWe--~8AVE 100 Cong: ai ver Leopoldville tions in a country astride the| The Congolese said they had |i of 100 lines is under order KE 35 aver and UN headquarters in New Equator was not easy because of mistaken the Canadians for Bel:| a In d 0 A onch . York and Geneva high noise levels and interfer: glans and is expected here In about! § C FFEE ¢ ' The Canadian government i } As a side job the Canadians'ence coming from both poles. [protested and in the heated after. three months, Jane Parker Reg, loaf e--BAVE 11e are heing asked to train wireless! Technic be ) ongolese Pr e ov Lu. Here is a capsule rundown of ar ed to train wireless! Te hnicians have been busy'math Congolese Premier Lu die sites: 16-01 loaves { ] 1, Coquilhatville, capital of | Equator, 440 miles due north of Roast your Thanksgiving Turkey in Reyneld's Heavy Duty (here; eleven-man signals team FOILWRAP 18" roll 68¢ 6 to working with Moroccan troops; Don't Forget To Buy Extra Bread For The L Weekend |eonditions reported quiet, forge 1e Quy ® Broad For The Long Weeks ["2, Gemena, in Equator, 763 Jane Parker, Daily Dated 2 16:02 loaves 20 an - miles due north of Leopoldville; WHITE SLICED BREAD 24-0z loaf 19¢ elght-man team working with a GOOD LUCK MARGARINE 1-lb pkg 3e¢ aver. ER | i dedidhee TERE | pone | 3 Stanleyville, capital of Ori KRAFT PARKAY MARGARINE 2 1.b pkgs 55¢ oa, formar, re mie Fol {| ana pry chlo ule ari wn tut! | CRANBERRY SAUCE wen25¢ | Cooked, Ready to Serve, Smoked Hams {team were forced to remain in thelr hotel under Ethiopian pro. ° tection after the Aug. 27 inei Priced Low at A&P SHANK Portion »53 CENTRE CUTS dent; Congolese hostile; by the Jlarth ou of September ten: Bare's Family Pack Reg, phy Me--BAVE de BUTT Portion b 59: or STEAKS 4 Luluabourk, eapital of Ka ASSORTED COOKIES rors 7 Se Ne Centre Slices Removed nT Qe pong fag BUTT HALF »69e atr cities, about 600 miles due i : WHOLE HAMS jpast of here; Hi hal October Cheese Festival No Gentre Slices Removed mde ET SHANK HALF +59¢ 63. rectly by fighting in remote KRAFT PRODUCTS parts of the province §. Kamina, big former Belgian army camp about 90 miles southeast of Leopoldville; seven Velveeta Cheese SHRIMP SAUSAGE MEAT Y 3.1 |signallers working with Belgian equipment bought hy the UN; | . Short Cut learly operations with Irish, inc ge JE 1 Swedish and Belgian technicians 0 VE bbox § M ib ] {in army uniforms were reported 8 A! a 2-1b pkg PRI E Rig ROAST 69 easy, but they now are becoming \ oh LJ Loan Shoulder Cute i vba koe wee an] [1 snare mon GECT COD FILLETS GROUND CHUCK +59 stores with them 0 oth v p. © 4 Allgood Smoked Rindless taint aol [| CREAM CHEESE verve 3 3c 2443: SDE BACON 1ne59: miles southwest of Leopoldville; KRAFT M 11 signallers working with Swed: hy Lb WHE GABA ATANTIE & PAGINIC TEA GOMMNY WB. OPPOSITE SIDES ON SUMMIT Ba radius, duserine reg CHEESE 1-02 phe 51 AP Su per Ma rkets All Priess In This Ad T. Matadi, the Congo's port on Quarantesd Through Australia § Prime Minister | Assembly session at- United ; tween The and Khrushchev, the Congo River in Leopoldville KRAFT SPAGHETTI Saturday, Oct, § 1980 Robert G Menzies, left, and | Nations. Nehru. leading voice | Menzies denounced Khrush. Province, about 215 miles south Jian Lh Mi ter Jawah- | of the neutralist nations, des | chev as a hypocritical lattor. West of here: eight signallers DINNER 2 Me pien 31 Id Co Sh AEC oh UEht | manded unanimous or: nears | day Caesar who is attemnting Working with company of Maroo . ore he | unanimous passage of resolus [10 break up the United Nations, cans who have the port securely oat of Wednesday's General § tion for a twoman summit bes { \ «(AP Wirephoto) (under control, { -- -- iL