srgest skyscraper Aevelopments under construction in North [Ameries, 1 Js located fn the {heart of Montreal snd will come For Skyscraper iprise offices, stores and under. MONTREAL (CP) -- Willig] ground garage. A Yi-slorey build Zeckendorf, president of Webbing will dominsie the project. and Knspp (Canada) Limited | Mr, Zeckend or ('s announce announced Wednesday that the meni said sn Insurance company real-estate deve bent firm has which was not identified, has obi sined $50 00 nent Ateed to provide the permanent financing for dy lle-Marie, financing in the (orm of an issue Place Ville-Marie is one o the of 50,00 ph hands RFEGTLY MARRIED When fully motured, the whiskies for Wiser's 101 are taken out of moll ook barrels for blending, then returned 10 the some barrels for an additional lengthy period. This is known os the "merrying" (Financing Deal 32 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tharsdoy, October 6, 1966 semis | Today's Stock Market Listings on Toronto - Suit are BRADLEY ~ er ovis of there TORONTO 1 AM. STOCKS , weight § Ww. Born on Tharsisy By The Canadien Freee puss § wt the Owmaws Ge Tone Suh Eacags=dsh. § " Prop pr W6 WE Wh WH (GUARGORE IR CARE Wilkes marked ad Switeon "wa me 1 A gla iat, 34 ~ Extvidend, Ex ! 4 Tor-bom Be 26 rights, ww --Ea-warrams.) RC Tr Can FPL. 56 { is oe " Trane Me "we INDUSTRIALS mw 7 TSR Wet ; YA Walk GW ad Seles Wigh Low 1 am. CW ge 5 - Wethv Kay Ait 130 Weston A Alta frst id Give Emo . i Weston % Alta Dist wt hit Gas Cd Alte Gus wr Alt Gas wt Aig Cen Aamin #inci W Lense W Maes Soler Wigh Low il p.m Pr So Ms Ms Ws iw » » B mm Pv Boies. Wigh low Vl a. Poa jenny, 1 Whe, a6 Tussdng, Gelober br #6 the Oehaws Generel Hospitel siete for Danny a Derry. Thoms Dr. Glaser > =Es¥ > -- Madsen MaWa Mernlt Min Corp Me. Wright Mgsray M Bama Cr y Dicken K Mas N Mylsma KEMP ~ Dennis and Lynde (hes 7 J WEE RAPE 6 REROWRCE (he as won on Tuesday, October 4 [960 at the COshawe (Generwl Howptal SAUNDERS ~ Mr. and Mes. Walter Saanders wie Reppy 6 SRnoWReE (he servnl of their son, Mark Wight, on Mondey, October 3, 1960, at the Osh awn Genersl Hospital, » baby Wether for Aan OS EERES iE I § ei AER AFP Cons All Rox idl Alainer Bailey § A Britalts Marne Wh em We po 17h Manner fy i Howthid C Bannorm Cop-Man Covrand Covileg Cralnor Crowpit Cusen Delnite Tame East Bull dey, October 5, Genernl Hosphal. A brother oF dnmes| Wiliam WILLIAMS Betty and Ted Williams, 8x, pre hoppy 16 announce the Wrik po A son, on Beturday, October |, Toot, ot ot the shana General Hospital A brother for DEATHS BOUWMA ~ In the Toronis Hospital for Sick Gntidren, on Wein October §, 1960, Linda Ann, bel daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Richa Bouwms, wn her rd year. Funes from the Armetrong Funeral Home Oshews, Friday, October 7, 2 pm Interment Oshawa Union Cemetery HARRISON Bowmanville, on 1966, William his 68th FEAF, Grace Harnipon, Rix Athsh Ryanor Ban Ant Bheryitd Blarratt Bleep BR Blusgeon ullivan Territory Tomi Ventures YVespar Vislam Wiliroy Wiitsey Can Perm Bank Com Cent Del Dynamie HEOG Medal Flder arthent 4 NCO wis 1h Frit Fae Pele 4 b Genes Palliser Gunnpr Prove H of Takes Sowth U Hendway Nat Dig Bat Gre pr A Mer Phone wi ah fveriand wr Frirtks A Fate Eng Fairbks B aN Gas Royal Bank Huseell st I Corp Seven Aris Selkirk A Showin YE Bear Ch 20° 420 2h | oh $255 2 Ji : Bimpsons 2 i G 44 Y HYP # 4 } Wh b . p 4 ; % Bleel Can ibe #9 ik + % Wahurne 00 $ 3 Irieh 4 5 Buliio 4 5 5 # Meinbg A I q 4 Welnles #0 Iron Bay 152 5 4 Bales to 11 mm. 465,000 (0 1sers 101 "American and other foreign have obtained in the same quan- foreign domination in Canada has r'To uce ore, CANADIAN WHISKY AGED 6 YEARS IN WOOD capital and management have no tities or so soon, but rarely the gone on so long that perhaps Ca- {doubt given us some henefits benefit of self-development,' nadians are blind to it. He {which we would nol otherwise] Mr, Coyne said the growth of ded CALGARY (CP) Canadians aries, unless it can achieve full porating Canadian ideas whether must produce more of the goods! diversificaiton of its economic ac | 800d or had | . - Ea a hey need--instead of importing tivities, Primitive peoples, hack. "To a great and increasing de-| | them and must stop running ward nations, seriously under-de-| gree many of the most gdvanced l I X ! I ! I M i I t into debt with other couniries odd nations, obviously cannot fields, of secondary industry---in 75 SIMCOE ST. NORTH RA 5-161 dames , Coyne, governor of the| g ihic on" 1000 time to come, cInding electronics and all that Bank of Canada, told the Cana Canada can do it now this may develop into in the fu aris Tomorrow, Fri. 7th Oct. 9. a.m. i Chamber of Commerce | 4 2 Rd 4b » R dian Hh pt om "Savings generated by the Ca:|lure -- are dominated and con Never before offered in Oshawa & District These things must be done, hel ome =o ive discretionary in-|HoP and exports restricted and period in which Wiser's 101 dow ly reaches perfection in chores ter, favour ond smootmets. This costfier" Is what makes Wiser's 101 the smoothest 6 year old whisky you con buy, Pet or Gas wr Ab 48 Chureh Blreet 11% Tuesday, October 4, Robert Harrison beloved huchand and dear father of Trevor and Bil. Resting st Morns Funeral Chapel, Bowmanvilie ber lee in the chapel on Thursday al & p.m Interment Bowmanville Cemetery HICKEY » At Memorial Bowmanville on Wednesiny, 5, 1960, Ketherine Hick years, beloved wile of An 5 Liberty Street, MN, and dear mother of Clare Irene (Mrs, Cornelius Vanbm), pe Gladys (Mrs. Fred Willis) Resting at the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bowman ville Service In the chapel n val wrday at 2 pm. Interment Bowman ville Cemetery Db Dairies Huspital [i Kanes aged, any Hie paw manila Hilda Genevieve En suddenly, at the family Bivd French Monday, Oct, 8 Heynolds, be W. Kennedy, of KENNEDY tered inte rest residence, Pleasant man's Bay, Onl, on 1960, Hilde Genevieve loved wife of Gordon Frenchman's Bay, Onl, and dear sis ter of My (Mrs, Roy Stirtevant) of Orillia, Mrs, Kennedy will rest at Me Eachnie Fune Home, 28 Kingston Rd W., Fi ing, after Tuesday noon Funeral service in the chapel on Fri day, Ost, 7, at 2 pm. Interment Fair port Cemetery, Frenchman's Bay Joseph--Buddenly, on Wednesda MURRAY Michael in Pickering township Oct, Sth, 1960, Michael Joseph Murray heloved husband of Nora Lawlor of Brock Rd. N., Pickering township, in his 6ist year and dear father of Thomas of Oshawa, Shelia of Conneclis out, Frederick and Dennis of Fiekering township. The late Mr. Murray will rest at McEschnie Funeral Home, #8 Kingston Rd. W., Pickering, after hadians Thursday noon, Funeral on Saturday Oct. 8th, at 11 sm, to Bi, Francis de Sales Chureh, Pickering, for re quiem mass st 1116 am, Interment Bt, Francis de Bales Cemetery 1 rosary will he recited at the funer home on Friday evening at 8:30 Draperstown, Ireland, papers please copy are I whie ot Wu i eer | to sccomplishing these things, mination, or even half or one Lions eh donot fing publish] Mr. Coyne sald quarter so much f statements of accounts for their| He indicated, however, that Ca-| He sald Canada has In many Canadian subsidiaries | already large savers--(lines a "branch-plant economy,"| oqnadians cannot participate| would have to put more of their and commented lin the share ownership of most money to work on the desired ob-| "Rarely is there genuine Cana-|of these industries | jectives |dian participation in the intro RA He sald he was not raising ar-|duction of new ideas or the de B C C E? guments or getting into an argu-| velopment of new products and ment about free trade versus pro-| projects, Important management because this was beside decisions are for the greater ppri {of our industry taken outside | Canada by foreigners, whether oof me For relief from backache or that tiredeout feeling 1 depend one tection into * vest in the point Hospital, on Ann Zaharik SIMMONS = Entered the Oshawa General Thursday, October 6 1060, beloved wife of Peler Simmons, in her BS3rd year, Resting at the Arm strong Puneral Home, Oshaws, wilh high requiem mass In St Sirtuery ] Chueh, Saturday, October 8, am _-- INR Tntarement | Bt. Gregory's Cemetery, MUST AID UNEMPLOYED (Ladies Auxiliary of Canadian Legion| He indicated that even if at-lpadians are not encouraged to will hold a serviee on Friday evening tacked energetically, his propos: have new ideas, cannot put theif .rem als for ending unemployment ideas to the test, and cannel as might take time to accomplish sume responsibility for proving their aims, In the meantime, the and carrying out thelr ideas unemployed might have Some phe © i! to in form of Income maintenance, The Canadian au mabrle 1h However, under his proposals, the proportion of Canada's man-| ufacturing in the economy would £0 up {Americans or Europeans, and {taken for reasons which have lit tle or nothing to do with the out look or aspirations of Canadians "In most such companies, Ca TAIT « Entered into rest in the Oshawa General Hospital on Wednes day, October 5, 1060, Violet Jane Law son, widow of Herbert Allison Tall and mother of Mrs. Joseph MeCam-| mond, (Ann) aged 73 years, Resting at the Armstrong Funeral Home, Oshawa with memorial servige In the Chapel and he envisaged the possibility that this might be considerably higher than what now is reeeived dustry has never built a Canadian conditions or dian automobile designed to meet ineor Saturday, October 8, at 1:30 pm. In terment Oshawa Unfon Cemetery under the unemployment insur. ance fund He said there seems "no prac: tical possibility' of export indus. [tries solving the unemployment | problem ') f Canada is to retain her ' f Hy tialtve ited In id, 1 f the ( d le, i managerial initiait stun in independence Canada as compared with what such that we can afford to build ao They could be done without in-| whatever kind of economic struc-|hey would he under Canadian 54" WOOLLENS 36" - 39" - Al pecl twaeds, checks, pleids | DAN RIVER COTTONS flation and without any substan: (ure we want," | oriented management novelties, plains, etc. All colors tial loss in the Canadian stand Regular values up to 3,98 yard, | Regular values up to 1,69 yard, PINWALE CORDUROY le Vial bed of living. by putting Can SAYS CANADA DOMINATED | CANADIANS UNAWARE 10 AM, SPECIAL, 110 AM, yds, All colors. Sale price ] . 149 4" 2.49 ve 19 ada's unemployed people and fa-| Mr, Coyne sald no country In|, " Anad ahs dp Jon ven iow cilities to work on things now im-| the world with Canada's relative 1€ Bia in ALAS 0 J I Yard [SPECIAL 42" Printed Washable |36" PLAID WASHABLE 48" RAYON DRESS AND ported [state of development has ev major industries as these Regular values 1.98 yard 6 d| Regular values 2,98 yard, 99" TERRY = At RR 3 Bowmanville, on Thursday, October 6, 1060, Edward Perey Terry aged 2 months, 17 days, beloved infa son of Charles and Peggy Terry, and brother of Laure Resting at the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bowmanville, Service in the ghapel on . Saturday at 330 p.m. Interment Bow: Mr. Coyne manville Cemelery perhaps the i roads in her OSHAWA conomie developments and| 4 {preoce upation with doctrines) MONUMENT COMPANY {of an earlier are pushing us| SPECIALIZING IN down the road that leads to loss Monuments, Markers lof effective power to be masters Memorials, Cornerstone, in our household, and ultimate Statutory of all types absorption in awd by another, 1435 KING ST. A nation cannot truly eal it:| Ph, RA 8:3111 or RA 8-8876 self a nation or provide a satiafy:| ing way of life to the many vari:| eties of people within its bound CARD OF THANKS MURRAY = | would like ta thank friends and. neighbors for the lovely flowers, cards and gifts, and all wha visited me while in the Hospital, Lapecial thanks to Dr, Russell, Rev Cross, nurses and nurses aides and the girls in blue on 2A, for thelr ex cellent care, Thank you very much, | Mrs, Ella Murray 36" WASHABLE COTTON PRINTS egulor values up to 89¢ yard, [oat SPECIAL ok 29° sald Canada Is at most eritical cross history and added: | FOR SUPER VALUES 36" WIDE Imported from Belgium WALE CORDUROY iW U G fy | Red, black, antelope, gold and rown colors, 198 youd. Sale Pree 1,49 45" WOOL AND RAYON CHALLIS PRINTS [1] 88 | Sale Price, yard Regular value up to 2,98 yard, rie any niday. TPM. Specials. 5,000 YARDS OF ASSORTED BETTER QUALITY COTTONS Assorted prints in every color imaginable ¢ Regular Values up to 1.29 yd. SALEPRICE . . . . .~ 49 YD. ® Stock up for next season at this low price © 45" TAFFETAS aq" Regular value up to 2.98 yard, In 15 shades. Regular value | UPHOLSTERY FABRIOS All decorator colors. 99° 1.98 yard. 9 Regular value 4, 0 youd, 1 00 Sale Price, yord . . . Sale Price, yard . 111s sy. Salt Price, yard - The Above Are Just A Few of the Ouistanding Values On Sale-So Come Early While :c Selection Is al lis Best TEXTILE MILL 75 SIMCOE ST, NORTH FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS Flower Shop Corenation, 55 King St. W,, Bowmanville, Free delivery daily in Oshawa and Bowmanville. Phone MA 3-714), after hours MA 3.2944 LOCKE'S FLORIST Funeral arrangements and floral requirements for all occasions OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE Deadlines now 24 HOUR PHONE SERVICE this column; RA 8.6555 Births, Memoriams, Thanks == GERROW FUNERAL ? AM CHAPEL DEATHS Kindness beyond price HAM AME DAY yet within reach of all, DIAL RA 3.3492 RA 8-622¢ 390 KING STREET WEST IN MEMORIAM WILSON, William George = In loving memary of our dear dad and granddad who died October 6, 184) Wonderful memories of ane so dear, Are treasured still with a love sin cere; SHll in our hearts, he Is living yet For we loved him too dearly to ever forget ~Always remembered hy his daughter, Mikired, son-iglaw Jack and grand ohildren There is no financial obstacle had such a degree of foreign do owned by foreign corpora: Regular value 1,49 yard, Sale Price, yard . . Price, yard With fringed ends, size approximately 45" x 68", store assorted colors and patterns. Reg. 11,95, 9.99 | 2 STORES TO SERVE YOU BETTER! | DOWNTOWN OSHAWA OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE THIS WEEK Please Note in effect for Cards of SAME DAY ATTENTION RETAILERS DRAPERY FABRICS Fortisan and Printed Bark Cloth DRAPERY REMNANTS Stores now renting in this Shopping Plaza to be constructed immediately. Ideal location on Simcoe St. N,, directly opposite the north A & P store. Store sizes suitable to any type of business. Consult Us For Your Needs HARRY MILLEN REAL ESTATE Lah WILSON «= In loving memory of our dear father and grandfather, William George Wilson, who passed away O¢ tober 6, 1M) His memory is as dear today As in the hour he passed away Sadly missed by Viela, Ray, Ann and Edward CARD OF THANKS MOORING «= We wish 0 express our heartfelt thanks and appreciation to our many friends, relatives and neighbors for heir Kind sympathy shown us in the lass of a beloved hushand and father, Wm. Mariag. We especially wish 0 thank the Rev Nivea Aitken for Ms consoling words, all the donors of the many beautiful floral tributes, the paliboarers the Coripihian Lodge No 1 100F, Temple Lodge AF and AM No. 685, and he Armstrong Funeral Home, for their kind efficient manage ment of the services S=Mre Wim, W. Moriag and family. | Betty 11 ONTARIO STREET RA 8.1679 RA 5-161 RA 5.1611