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The Oshawa Times, 8 Oct 1960, p. 9

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OCCI AND OCVI ELECTED STUDENT GOVERNMENTS AT COLORFUL CEREMONIES ON FRIDAY NIGHT |OPP Patrols % SHOWN IN TOF pic treasurer, Bill } oeial | O'Nell ollegiate's Congre manage feft, is Central olleglate CONVENE Dianne and | Back from left: Attorney foltom 1 Mike! Bell; organiz president 1960-61 student go Hm % eeretan I brie From Cheng wil President ecutive All Delo { Are, row, from efi lee-president, | ation eerelan Hub hat row, left to i | Ed Merringer and president, | kin eeretary of publication paign Manager bi Keitha Mosier, At top right is | Bona Kupnieki and campaign | HuntedOn 2 Central Parties In Tie Wrong Side lar Vote T Ti Of Tho Road Popu ar Vote Turns Tide ne federal or fl | Four Ire covered It ear n te Vrid ay afternoon as the hunt ducks on Ih { ofl 4 ¢ road th ' tons and Delon ere deadlock A i ) Valihe Wiad in a tie. Each had elected 11 man ar Delons formin he ents learned the two parti Al: pli and ha Ie ind cal Kirkhatric) f af i | aan 1OPM PEPFOseIaLIve as Myma the Altons B u treet; Ernest Pere B, of 515 Seniral's twa - pan tem It was Rathy Hi (den Vipigon street and N ta il, of 100 Banting tudent hod peared hefore Ma form dedicated Khbs, Friday, each cha thin h ( hunting ducks oul of calls for a part ale Individ Meanwhile | fudent uals do not count, only the parl heered Friday ni as each of i hey represent. Whichever party he I making up the party in ects the most .Fepresentanves power i announced bh hool puts forward its f man exeel: nringipal George Roberts at the tive and 18 known as the party glection Dance held in the au in power With the losing party diterium forming the opposition After Mr, Roberts had called nthe ealteleria he four men th fo ot a golf elub Eun were arrested pi 7 hile Nooting on the we ide ol Highway 12, in Boalt township One representative from each ut the nam af the first 10 ne The migrator hird ( ention party stands for election In each irioe holds with on oe classe president still tn he revealed, h act allowed duck hunting, at that room, Central has hallots were counted? The four accused pleaded guilty Delons had elected 11 candidates stage explaining they had read the acl apiece, How to figure which ex: o'Neill tem differs from wrang We Just Ricked the whens ecutive would assume the reins central's in that at Central the . side of the road," Percy sa of power" | tral He Magistrate Ebbhs imposed a party | We important thing p It was determined on a basis O'Neill, the person Is the thing minimum fine of $10. He decided not to eonfiseate the four shot of popular vote, All the ballots with individuals from hoth par aun vere counted, a total of 404, and ties making up the final execu Ald, John G4, Hrad ¥ it was found that the Delong had! tive peaker at the me lsh wat le le lt Si, od Rie nw ie no To. Address RALLY SPEAKER Anniversary jinn owls | over the Altons Those elected, irrespective of Columbus, Tuesd 0 Cement Mixer |". " ume ested, ressesive ui Selim, Tues, jy those wha re defeated are the Girl So the Delon ire theoretica Oshawa from his na Mixes Court in power hut numerically the twa! '0Yal opposition Ald, Brad horn in Seo in po \ ieally 0 B and. Sent. 8. 100f 1] MeCleary nk , pil RE Inca Maryn Sivileld was an. S00 Soh oy \ i aon \ i pea £ t | Tor J jocleary fa i Wow eo of Dr, ¥, J. Donevan Colleg traight nounced as president of the ex A cement mixer had Magistrate if each party voted the 1018. He | F. 8. Ebhs "all mixed up" in tot, nothing would ever he ecutive, This does not mean that 0 f has heen a Oshawa Magistrate's Court Fri. accomplished the Inea party is the majority, this elty ever sin 2 votes, a majority of 14 vole As principal Roberts put it: Grego Counell, Kn Out In Force On Weekend Maolarist lookout! Hadar traps and police cruise ers will make it difficult to have an pecident during the long week: end, Bergeant Charles Hefferon, Whithy detachment, OPP; an. nounced today the police will patrol the highways in full force during the holiday All out effort will be made to keep people from killing them selves on the rords, Whithy Des tachment OPP has the available service of 35 policemen and Bix cruisers lo ensure public safety, Two Accidents Are Reported Two minor injuries were re- ported in separate accidents yes: terday, Jerry Knight, three-and-a-half years old of 79 John street in Oshawa received a bruise on his forehead when he was struck hy # truck driven by Allan Maguire of 250 Edward street, RR 8, Osh- awn, The accident oceurred when Jerry Knight ran across Centre street al approximately 1.15 p.m, Friday, Cyeling south on Park road without lights at 10.55 p.m, yes terday Jacques Chamberland of 258 Quehee street received a cul wrist and a sore hip when he was struck hy a truck driven hy i; vioe: | andl 4 Walter G, Hicks of 675 Howard teld treet, Oshawa Phot No hospital attention was re: didiid quired and he was moved to his home, Damage to his bleyele was reported to he $10, | | | 3ECOND bhi OSHAWA, ONTARIO, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 8, ii PAGE NINE Calgary Man Approve Plans Is Charged Brian Godfrey, of Calgary, was hd returned to Oshawa Thursday or (®) e 1ate night, to appear hefore Magis: trate ¥, B, ¥bbs, on a ¢ e of 7 break, enter and theft, Friday Building plans for the KH, B area of the city similar in: most morning Vebaughlin Collegiate were ap respects fo the T, R, McEwen His Worship remanded the case proved hy the Oshawa Board of Senior Public Behool, It recom to Tuesday Oct, 11, on a $5,000 Fducation at a specigl board mended that tentative approval hall, Godfrey was charged with meeting held Thursday night in for the school be obtained from % a break-in at Hambly's Bevers the hoard room of the O'Neill Col-/the Department of Education, | 4 ages, May 21, Two other men late and Vocational Institute, Cit Counell and Municipal ; were charged in the same incl \ report of the bullding and Board as soon as possible dent: William Crosson, 19, of 13 planning committee on - public he second publie school proj Lloyd street, and Arthur Robins ehool hullding for 1061 was also ect for 1061 is a four room addi i son, 24, of HO Wayne avenue approved hy the hoard tion to the Conant Behool ; § The three. will appear before I'he report provides for a sen The Board also approved (he i Magistrate Ebbs next Tuesday lor public school in the north west vecommendation that the hal ? Godfrey was returned to Oshawa the Ald w ance of the debenture allotment hy Sergeant of Detectives William erman tor 1061 should he used for the 2 Jordan, Rill Zo. who Is In chool plans, the Board went ND ehar ° . beth : youth (le har Speaker At iio dorimitice, l deh the Shaire HIGH HONOR CITY A chalrman of the building and Graham Nelson, director of DISTRICT who will. speak at the Greater . Oshawa Youth for Christ Rally [planning committee for secons| the Bimeoe Hall Rovs' Club al 8 pom. Sunday, Oot, 9, at Northminster (pars schools, members reviewed| Oshawa, who was honored re NE . IAETAMA ill he the 450 Hichmond street past REV. RAY MeCLEARY final plans for the R. 8 Me] eently with the appointment to SUSPENDED SENTENCE | i A Al the aand hid th ry a Laughlin Collegiate with the ar-| the National program commit Karla 8ibloek, 81, of 106 Crom- ne 4 chiteets, Gordon Adamson and tee of the Boys' Clubs of Can. | well avenue, was given two of ) ht Wi . Narthminser United Church Con W. Hannick ada, The committee has com. years' suspended sentence, hy and Civi al ner 0 Oot, 0 the Rev. Ray MeClear he three secondary school pleted a series of meetings al [Magistrate ¥, 8, Ebbs, Friday, BA, BD, MBE, DD, will he the principal G4 Roberts of the! the Alpine Inn, at Ste, Mar- lon a eharge of false pretences, West preacher OCVI, H, BE, Murphy of Central] Buerite Station, Quebec She was told to return to Arn: Collegiate Institute and N, Sis prior, Ont, with her parents, Mr, and Mrs, Earl Wilson, who ap» peared on her behalf, The court | oo. I the 8 I cate, and R, H, Lunney, super 'Th k in in the Second World War a visor of building and maintens! an sgiving was informed that restitution I lent « | we A8 Nis down-town work ¢ had been made te the complain { LJ pr ¥ . el mh ish |? 'e present at the meet. : ) an ais that the majors| He was edueated at St, Greg.| D H Woodgreen, Toronto, His Irish R06 Were presen any It sounds lke a coalition goys Party; it me that he Malone Bena t o the acvr inner ere spirit fused with a Christian oh: INE, Service Planned Ant in the ohavge, ~~ He dismissed a charge of theft ernment 1s in the offing, Not nes ty party is made up of six Incas flve Aelecs laid against Austin Bert Wilkins, leessarily, says D, I. Macleod, and ( Mot ore 1 of 083 Shakespeare aver vho staff sponsor of the elections, He Rach of the 11 posts was cons HEAT where he took a cement mixer from Nitk explained that still to he seated tested hy he an Astee and an *' | Is now employed at General | jective has left an indelible mark Members went hack into al Momhers of the Oshawa and on Torante, Woadgreen Commun. Board and on the mation of Tras: | in a Lesson-Sermon for the day Mat Real Estate Hoard ave ty Centre, Woodgreen Lodge and tee Father Coffey the plans! A special Thankgiving service! entiled "Thanksgiving", : vorked : ward with no little an. Woodgreen United Church willlwere approved for forwarding to 1s announced hy First Chureh Of The Golden Text is from Rey. in V0 4 i Having been extren glive 100 : "he wierihin of the ond grog Ragan Bb Elon ngBinndop Big uli ; Te \ pation to their Civie Night din: [continue memorials to his lead the Department of Education Christ, Selentist, for 10.30 a.m lelation (7:12) "Rlessing and The ownership of the cement heads of the B and Girls tion is made up of six Aztecs and mixer was questioned. Whereas Athletic Associations, presidents five Inca Mr, Rysehkow had purchased the of sehpol ronp ueh a the Having uneven number of mixer in June; Wilk sald he Che Club, Beienee Club apd elective ) wvolds the possi hought it the previous November, Curling Club hility o i at 0001 However, he sald he pald only The palitieal ffillation of OCVI's new party in power fal part of the price and the arlginal these still unchosen persons will low lyn Slyfield owner took the liberty of remoy. decide the party with the lon ton Dan {\ Ing it from Wilkin's yard for re: power to pass legislation he dent ieha Hel sale ta Rysehkow. Th was what meotings enera confused the magistraie It sounds as if there will be & retary { el Paltep Haye Assistant Crown Attorng peat deal of lobbying hy the two treasurer); Maus He Wis Affleck sald there was no theft parties as they try to place t 0 \ ecretary of lot 8 a8 A in this ease. He said the originalirespective pay mem y leteher wial af vender should have sued Wilking leadership position of choo! etary Sontag Kupniekli for the balance of payment for group ary of publieation the mixer I'he Delon execut "He couldn't take power) follow Therefore he had no title to it (president Ed Merri vi retary without portfo 80 he couldn't pass title to Krys: president); Judith Broad (secre. seph Marsala (Pag chkow sald Mr, Affleck Lary Rill Hugar treasurer Successful Apparently Wilkins had been and Dianne M y \ | eharged with stealing h OWR vener those Hrady has hi president and presil In add ve attieer of the ented the ( dian | now property director it 00n: was Rohert cement mixes Plank in th Delon party power Mass Tuberculosis urvey Planned Here The holdir \ ! i. The annual skin te 0) ntaets of all he Ve re ewlo Win { \ in the elementary COR A positive aol ni vey n I ol vO 3 i aar Chond 1 In th nes EB exposure to the mioere Pee. 16, ing W + Anes and among the contacts of the organism causing tubereulosis) od this week ¢ \ vill be p ive reactors, carvied out hy eived Mantoux Skin Tests carried out hy the the local Board of Health and the In all, 329 positive reactors ye v Tube A \ y County Tubercul and ceived chest x-ravs and appropri elation in A ( 59 \ ¢ fol xaminatioy 5 tarie Dep \ Hea PIO OI the res ¢ Prorat i} iy ( S 1 \ V chest W i PEISORS Welw 1) Ww ANA medical o er of h \ Ww i on by th nlan } lerium, and ell that thi mg all oltize 5 5 4 and \ SUTVEY Was § ! s¢ finding lage of this y of vin ent of Health woeedure, As § a free tuber kin | ho: Gshawa tal of 8 p indicate : A i a adw 'ik sa doin guards welfare « LOCAL TH PROGRAM ir Newam aid losis prey f awa channed 1. The City anit rrouy { l In } WN 2 The che ¥ 0 1a0d Whe W th A wa Board of Healt PATCH SKIN TESTS KNOW ¢ Mf active and i County m ibereulo and Healt With reference ta the fou ve tWbhereulasis in the COMMUN Ssoeiation N al \hove ) y h x hy 3. The rowt he stot | ty, We food-hand bers, a through and the O 5 losis and Health A in labor and eivie eirel Ald _ of Yabo Aili . was heen fortunate maintenance department of the WOMEN LEADS offices of in the Picadily Room of ership for final approval on Thanksgiving Day, Open to glory, and wisdom, and thanks colt]: SRR ol Cienosha next Wednesday | During 1060 Dy, MeCleary left) It 1s expected that advertising the general public, the serviee| giving, and honour, and power, pal Sh8 night, The sale of tickets has heen his beloved Woodgreen "to as for tenders will take place next Will be held in the church edis| and might, be unto our God for wd a capacity audience is| sume the heavy responsibility of week fice at 64 Colborne Bt, ¥, No coll aver and ever." Canadian f ar N WAY An o SALTY secretary of the missionary and Lili of any kind are to bel The latter portion of the serv taken at this servioe ice will be devoted to voluntary United Church, He is leading in Expressions of praise and grat: expressions of gratitude hy mem the objective of the United World's first woman prime itude to God will be read from|bers of the congregation for Chureh of Canada to reach a minister, Mrs, Sirimavo Bandar|the Bible and also from "Seience God's goodness shown in spirit $10,000,000 objective for that fund anaike of Ceylon is a member of and Health with Key to the ual growth, healings, and other in 1060 an ancient ruling family, (Seriptures' by Mary Baker Eddy blessings, ederiek Gardiner moaf the Metropolitan wwranto the speak wor Mave wl win | one of ures in the Ontario Kk on the suhjeoet,| des", His ads | unusual interest h many of the arising from the growth mnitie urronnding pr elties of the provinee DISTINGUISHED GROUP Among the guests attending the fn will he Hon, Michael { ral minister of labor Dymond, Ontario Min of of Health; T. 1, Thomas MPP for Oshawa Riding: Dr, R \ wn, MP for Durham Rid A. Carruthers, MPP for Ridin W. J. Richard ww, Real Estate and Braker \ot for On R. B Alilroy, presi Oshawa Ministerial naa \ A \ i Real ¥ ie Road His Wn Mayor Lyman A. Gittod: His Honor Judge John B. Pritchard Whithy: BP. Ni MeKeown, pres lent the Ontaria Real Estate Nar i RS, MeLauahling W Howmanvitie, vice the Ontaridh Hydra Commission; Wil naver of Bow nley Martin Llayd Met the Oshawa te Board PY on © » Oshawa Read ¥ Hoard ISIT OSHA " SHAWR CLUB m an effort | on as Robart § 8 WES of the clubs was sponsored hy ions between | de : 5 A businessman Havden i. The Quebhee elubh TON ow Maer SIRE oF the Oshawa Jun t { ¢ ¢ es ater 4 xi \Y. i exchange | Chamber of Commerce, looks \ hreakinat 1 Oshawa Times Phote

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