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The Oshawa Times, 8 Oct 1960, p. 1

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WEATHER REPORT THOUGHT FOR TODAY 4 n A A 2 . Crisp fall weather is expected Wald Fall: the Darshalot sve ifs to continue through the week- half pin yi 1 | alist notes v end. A little warmer, that neither » ange the amount "rice Vet Ove OSHAWA, ONTARIO, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1960 Pent" Orca Dopermen, Ottows TWENTY-TWO PAGES "BP WARNS NON-OP STRIKE OULD END RAILWAYS UK May Stall | || Strike Can Ruin S.A. Decision | Bp | Railway Industry il OTTAWA (CP)~With a nation-; "I railway costs steadily in LONDON A decision on. If Britain's advice to take wide strike vote of 111,000 "non-|crease," be warned, "the indus South Af- matters slowly is accepted, the 4 J ¢ op" rallway workers under way,|iry will handle less traffic and ved to re- question of South Africa's ac id , i 4 {the publicly-owned CNR say: provide fewer jobs," may be cepiability may not come up y y 1 railway survival---and the jobs of until the next time prime minis ' i many rail employees are at FIRST SINCE VOTE etrs of the Commonwealth meet § |stake In Canada's biggset 'labor His address is the first major perhaps next summer isin 4 J management dispuie rallway comment since 15 unions Apart from the momentous % . The rollway has bluntly in representing the "non-op™ work {iis back into the question of South Africa, leaders b ? v 5 # £ jected the issue of Joh security ors launched a strike vote on cool | IR Be .: # " presumably would like to meet into the long-hrewing contract Whether a railway tie-up should family fold, In a refer um the prime minister of Nigeria vi 7 veangle over wages--a major|be called to back demands for 5 won ; ' - ' ' Thursda the Nationalists : afauye hy Mh / 4 or battle now fast approaching a railway acceptance of a concilia FLOUR MILL T IT'S HEIGHT (Prey. in Nafovaii von te ime, miner, of Niger Ny ble" nw 4] away sreianct of 3 Sol ol ad OTN : yp 5 4 whether puUbiCcAn rics enter dele Indications Whitehall are that Britain | press the Na tionalist government to "play Mt ad the ewest Common Al constitution 5 M th ol { i 8 r Ak abe The union reply generally fis boost worth 14 cents an hour over fe Ter choo { p AC hh er yd re- that job security is an issue @ two-year contract, vere reported mi Lime of 1 wplosion. The much depends on whether Sout) garded here as a man of out i |sivoreed from wages, The CNR and the privately. ruins of the Maple 14 " Ie por { flames could be seen as far [Africa picks a time tanding gifts The CNR's Atlantic region vice- owned CPR have rejected the ing Co, Lid, in Port ( | even were treated | away as Buff y shout | psychological climate vor ; » ont lor} " (president, D, V, Gonder, thrust| wage proposal, They say it would bourne, Ont., after an explo urns, Only 40 of the com- | 30 mile (AP Wirephoto) (able, The a There mn Den 7h ' . {the job problem into the multi {add $34,000,000 a -year to their hourne, Ont, iaas " Prime ister Nation being expelled from th million-dollar battle in a TV ad-|labor costs, o Commonwealth, Somehow itis 2 dress Frid night at -Moncton.| ' felt, a way will be found to , N.B Text of his tall was. made The dispute probably will end » W fessor of psych . } up in the lap of the federal eal ary an avoid that extremity, despite the lavallable here, ot whim SRO 4 " sa > Huge Flour Mill | t URGE PRUDENCE trong feelings against South Af ' ---- [fut wit. § Scaetias the virlke view is that rican racial policies freely ex next month, 4 udence the best counsel. Alpressed by Ghana, Malaya : a bid z ega ity Couree informed on African af- India, Ceylon and even Canada, ive ore m his 1s uo ordinary labor dis urne 0 roun fairs pointed to the developments fois % Abi a ; | "It Isn't just a question of of the last few weeks at the . | G il I where are the rail % g i ; ; . : eda. Marehanko Bap United Nation vhere there " A . | t |W i railways going to PORT count (cp ws wae ne Debated fu fn ite oe Find Clue To | a uilly In [fir mbar so ; f p I i caused an ) ! 0 force of [republican form s en and an aerie jo sd caused | |} : y Firem i 400 were in the building st the British ministers feel tha der are silhouetted aga n 2.5 million damage Hendrik Verwo once A pro One official British in tt Vo { | d Man | " py . largest flour mill in the Comn : 1 in : , ! hh 14 cents an hour, Much more wealth, the Maple Leaf M ! € REGINA (( WCMP stood Jeers uen 4 1] pine ia jor a ¥ 2 | . {Important is the question how Rae . 2 ¢ ed by 1 4 { 4 nd 4 p nele JAKer ol ini ( ! 11 a . A " Company " a ) a : fi rented and guard the office d home of jan of Brita and - Monzies of Mutilation | ' 3 ' | Swindle Long (Fn fe vallways Sontiue to eXplos'on oii reach $10,000,000 t of the other he | ahiumlateher tod A Australia, acti with a i of i WN Fontes oe a0 nr al os, eep 4 f Had i A BeATCh warran idarity in rebutting Russian ; Bikini rh \ hg Eight persons were la fered over 20 to 50 per was d in up av olidar ; 4 ' HARTFORD, Conn, (AP) In the last year, he sald, rail. hospital, most of A ! cles her Cir: argument i EVERYBODY HAPPY Five men pleaded guilty Friday Way employment has dropped severe burns Althou NE e | came from Wel-. The | The Informant said he thinks ur erer {to fraud charges in connection Dy. some 15000 Johs---5,000 of pot off the danger list, a hospila ! nherstone Township, round pil volving Toe there Is a growing feeling that | Veteran bandleader Ted Lewis | marks Lewis' 50th year in show |with a stock swindle through sale (em "non-op" workers whose source said toda It look a . and Hamilton Schumiatel > d . x 5 the Commonwealth can acl use QUEBEC (CP)--Police Invest] holds his wife Adah as they | business, He is wearing his old |or shares of the Atlas Gypsum force has shrunk from 116,000 they'll make it.' o 4 Gop . ten a ie Sany "lfully as a team of these inter aid | celebrate their 45th wedding an- | and battered trademark, a top (Corp. of Ontario when negotiations began last No. G. M. MacLachlan, executive SHE BLEW UP wah beeurilies Lommnis national occasions gating the death of a Woman pivargary fn thelr New York | hat that has accompanied him | A" total of 24 men now have|vember to 111,000 at last count vige-president of the company The fire erupted at 8 p.m, EDT i (found horribly mutilated sald, apartment. The celebration also | through his career, pleaded guilty fn the action, two months ago, The "non-op" sald In Toronto today the damage .... in the words of mainten | Friday night they know the iden w-- e-------- ME ---------------------------- ======1" The five men who pleaded Workers are employed in raf! | : J ing may be removed from Dr i [reight sl res, sho would run between $5,000,000 and ance worker George Growther, Adah { . / vo guilty Friday, all of them from: velght sheds, offices, shops, sta. $10,000,000 exclusive of uny hy 0 worker George G Schumiateher's house or office ara 'E] ras itity af the man who accompanied ity y ) ve Ulons and on the tracks, just A decision on the latest move a court order which says noth James Kanter, Henry R, A spokesman sald the man may | and Hugh A, Lopez, " he New York City area, a p ) ator g Is expected to be given Tu { tb an upperdown roomin : , ; ! 05 © damage to the elevator building vhe ton blew: 4p 0p her. N » i od to io gion Tesday . hey in upr L] { 'uban on | aste James Grave, Robert Amer 1hout all rallway employees ex- Heuroy [ Kills Driver om Orloff "cpt those who actually run rains, exploded about on the third floor the Saskatchewan Court of W MILL fant went right on through, There gee wi TO BUILD NEW queen's Bench be in Montreal but declined to U.S, attorney Harry Hultgren Me. Gondor said past of the \g ' py * p, MacLachlan said work on were flames right away, then" pean of. A , | ow Pp . RABE fon , i il will begin as soon as coming through the windows and h IP Officer, went to the of:| OWEN SOUND {CH } one comment further, said the defendants had partlel. [efor for the Job reduction a new mi fices of Shumiatcher, M and man was killed and another seri A is technologleal ehange but the ssible, using oaf em, roof 1 " 4 M 1 : x! The woman, Jeanne Gamelin of pated in a conspiracy to inflate] ' " 4 poss J AVE la tuesday to search ously injured when a car gilt 1 8t, Joachim, Que, was found the price of Atlas gypsum stock biggest factor" is a slump in hdres + J : . ; : J ; y Pat 0 . 4 "PR. } ]} h alters Falls Cort wi trangled and with her eyes. HAVANA (AP)--Fear is fast/iorm on unpatriotic neighbors. rrom its nominal value of 10 or 20 Yallway tulfie, with ol R-CNR igainst i humi-| garage at Walter Als LO , gouged out by her landlady replacing the Joy that accom: These informers weve officially nents to as high as $3.75 a share. Ct" he wn 848, 1000 in the parther in thelon County Road 10 at midnight Police sald a man registered panied Fidel Castro's sweep to christened "civic « minded ctl he government also charged the nt Paitin q 1060, d " p \ i n varrants used by the Friday Ig : : ower nearly two years ago and zens." y rator: sing the mails he real Issue here -- an Jum td Subsidies 1 ne i t th Ny 1} yp RCMP were quashed, New war Roy A Thompson 27 of with her at the rooming house f y £ conspirators with using the mail make no mistake about it -- is 0 Bag ) ' 0aa I f he me o! 1e bla \ b \ a : ¢ Wh but firemen pronounced Il lv stages it was be. Ants were issued and Dr. Shuml:|Rocklyn, the driver of the car id . the revolutionary regime Is eX.| The. restoration of -military|to carr t thelr fraud Tuesday and left either Wednes- 810 Ary to carry out their fraud. nothing less than the ability of 1 sl atcher has moved to have them died in hospital here early today 98y night or Thursday morning plotting it to help solidify Its (ribunals has been A grim dle The only" witness in the Jury ihe rallways to survive oe va flames under control shor | mployees were miss oo \ dle , A rT ; Multiple stab wounds covered f ts hothing How io. CbANa ment In the use of fear. In 1950 trial has heen Henry Druce, pres: ooncorns In a transportation alter midnight ve Highl aut I turned up later In|" Ne ment ha bean: worked fom rae ihjus A 81. of the the woman's body and the words yur » aot BE how Foldencio ay Jon: Jere that po, Jetvols ident of a Montreal shipping com: yworid that's getting more and - 0 ary was A S0gA of Inter Ly pital th 1 out allowing John Moss access to| Markdale district 'n in hospital 'de pint Som Berard = Batlsta's dictatorship, It is begin A BY Sag Seaths wur av pg padi Re noe sompetitive every week. | Cause of the blast was not a $ and "Tu me ferns plus son y y ----- duit a i. national co-operation known. but one report anid con. N® firm's offices under police mfering from a broken jaw and UO LT utter any|Ning to show again. The 1abell "oun ny claim the government|1957, In the latter year, he test) Hospitals reported stocks of ff | surveillance, |scalp lacerations, "counter - revolutionary," ug. bl der-| fied, he bec ned wi . ol au [talners of chlorine might have Alp ns, -- |longer--were carved on her body * has a veritable army of under-|/led, he became concerned when blood plasma exhausted and pro. ota Foot Torn ain d with a knife. lest in fovolutigary language, cover agents and unsalaried In./he discovered numerous stock a ng ree vinclal police cruisers set up a "CL HE RE 0 san (Is easy to come by. It can mean formers" male and fem ale, certificates of the company turn he main i af |prison and even death, : relay system to bring in whol - I avoRdt Ph Bas Ay the Is Deark th . : . or. Leal Milling Ww five storey son oi Taian eavesdropping In bars, restau. ing up in the mails bearing the blood from as far ho iy 4 i Chi ! dioinin baz. com Ke ed Sa 3) | . Ll . d | 8 are Jangled herves Josulitly rants, theatres, hotel lobbies and names of U.S, purchasers, rings ea onto 90 miles to the northea iv, The Jdioiming nn ovie mn ow {when he Announces revolu log, oven in taxis, buses and] Druce reported his suspiclons | {ary posses' would be organized .p,rohes, that the company was being used] OWEN SOUND (CP)--Dennis UFFALO SENDS AID 'ALL | \ pe y " BUF ONLY BY A WALL maior, to root out con: yy." ay after the first major|in a fraud operation to the Mont: Lipskie, 18, of the Chatsworth . L At the height of the fire flan Firemen worked in close tc Ld ul . D licked toward the 3,000000-bushel| een the flames away from a ressing Some months previously he clash between antl. and pro-Cas.|[real Securities Commission. He|distriet was killed Friday when national harbors hoard elevator|gecond arain storage Area. se 1 1 " " 5 RE Pa Ihad called on the citizenry to in. tro elements at Havana Cathe testified that while Atlas Gyp- he was struck by a falling tree 70 feet away and a firehoat wa od from the flames only bs SAINT » JULIEN « EN Gene. v dral this summer, the govern- sum had fleld claims on what is| The youth was sawing wood for dispatched from Buffalo, N.¥ coment fire wall " . : |VOIS, France (AP) Sources ment « controlled press published believed to be productive land ina neighbor, John Neerhor!, using } WASHINGTON (C} John the networks at more than 80 | President Charle le \ ; 1 a The boat turned its monit mn b het tha 1 11000,000 watched close to Presiden aries de .. a list of churchgoers, mostly Northern Ontario, these claims/a power chain saw when the tree the huge structure, which "would Kennedy warns that the Unite This t N tre Repatl Gaulle, who 1s touring southeast. unisia women, and accused them of had never been exploited and the|they were sawing split and broke have exploded had the fir NO TIMES States early next year will face is time Nixon, the Republi:|ern France, today termed Soviet| causing the flareup, company had never produced alaway part way up the trunk, fell reached it" police said, and keep the greatest crisis in a decade ©@" appeared more "telegenic," Premier Khrushchev's de facto There is a "voluntary tax for single pound of gypsum above|against another (ree then rolled the flames away AY : the unsolved: Berlin: iskte hut wearing a new type of makeup| recognition of the Algerian rebels . industrialization purposes, ground. on top of the two workers. Lip. "We got wonderful co-opera ON Rich rd Nixon 'm Jntains the that removed that "haggard 'a plece of window-dressing." d 1 A worker can decline to have! The government alleges the|skie was crushed by the falling tien from everywhere," polices There will be no publication [Democratic presidential candi look" which his supporters com The most important thing now, this tax deducted from his sal- fraud operation resulied in losses | (ree, } ary, but he must detail the of about $800,000 to 2,000 visti} Chatsworth is nine miles south ol said, "Every small town and Osha Times on date Iv 4 detentist ad that t community in the area sent Re o' Jl.time high (debate in Chicago Sept, 26, He(see before taking any decision Owen Sound, ' . SONS J ist | } Ruffalo | | gi Day, Monday pre in all LLU y France had previously warned Yeasons to the labor minlstry. In the U.S, equipment and that Buffalo b hanksgl \ onday, " sated § also dropped that me - too rance el} \ saved that big elevator and pre to Publication will Ne two vid for an hour gendly approach to Kennedy, Moscow it would break off diplo 1 Friday night e second of four, | v atic relations if the Soviet Un. vented a bad explosion.' v on Tuesday television encounters as a home. |U8 time opposing him on almost Mé ig elution Ee at vn! TUNIS, 'Tunisia (Reuters)- In General Hospital were | Rol ' aldionce. estimated holevery issue oe rma a) rot ha d President Habib Bourguiba sald Bernaza, John Palma, Louis Ro | audience estimated b After the first television de. Berian rebel regime |Friday Tunisia may unite with - {the Algerian insurgents to hasten Soyees ob ti | onstry ) ( Ar he employes |! ld ule for document relating to 1lithe corner of Menary's lo avoid a prolong ) bh | ¢ ie bleaching |... i The blaze was ti ling or packing floor, I don't know wich I through the ruins of the milling w , bd ined about after the first TV|they suggested, was to wait and bale, many commentators gave the decision to Kennedy, This » the "liberation" of Algeria and| hd time there seemed to be a feeling I 1I1@ eat er keep it out of the cold war that the second encounter in He told the National Assembly] e 1 1NAa OW Own the form of replies to questions here that Russian or Chinese | -. lap ) ay by four reporters--was more of F Se S {armies may soon he on the way " Postel y i or rie {to the insurgents, who have been a draw Seen At U N 1 oda | While the presidential candi:| NEW YORK (AP) -- Fine fall| iEMInK for independence from ates tra : 8 ase eather forecast |* hence for the last SIX years, ' date raded accusations of baseball weather was forecas "When Russia and China enter spreading inaccuracies In the! for the third game of the world the lists--and we can perhaps no npaign, they f : ries at Yankee Stadium today i : gambaly ey found cemmoniseries at Yankee "longer prevent them---we will be UNITED NATIONS, N.Y, (CP I St president is Congo for a lim period until g N h . fain c t Chi claim for el tion 1 be' kal and ground on only a few topics. | 1t is expected to be fair--with| ohiived 'to carry out this fusion ammuni a ! eid a Neither would go nto any sum-/the highest temperatures in the reve Afrie United Nations membership h-key tone was cei the people there can decide in a x ) to prevent Africa tending to be. n Nations bershij . ¢ ¢ 4 mit conference without prior dips upper 80s-by the time the game come a satellite of East or West," : Bourguiba said, expected to hit a showdown the case as the assembly Pealistic way on their leaders and Jamatic spadewprk and some tan. gets under way at 1 pm, EDT today » today to debate the form of government gible assurancé that Soviet Pre:| The weatherman says it may Soviet Premie: Khru v hiv Sit he 10th time it ha UN admin Hon of trustee pier Khrushchev meant to nego be cloudy for Sunday's fourth i } 1 \ worl ( ) ) Ht 3 : meanwhile, sought to ru i 10 world body ship over the territory of 13.000: tjate and not just to grind out!game. but the temperature will Must Hire Only g ! \ . i P 8 9 members sopulation w 0 y 13th General Assembly \ cased to 99 members 000 population w ut of the propaganda be about the same as today in { he admission of Nis question the Nigerian prime ular ban ' 1 A _e¢elahy in 1 1 al that Canadian Pilots n { ( ominous threat YY a, as a UN member UN must do nothing to violate LATE NE S F ASHES MONTREAL (CP) -- The de-| Cong over nty Y pl » Khrushchev at a I REJECTS PAN AFRICA ps Ort Oh ake Dove ehotbi I partment of transport Friday respondents luncheon i rime Minister 8ir!y . ib : nk {warned shipping firms they are demanded 'a new summit mes abaki Tafawa . Balowd nassible 10 sani e. Qlac aion Mn 3 [to hire only licensed Canadian ing and a special se i a candidate fortes orga) ons Typhoon Batters Philippines [pilots in domestic waters of the ssembly on disarma f t MRO} ROY ; St. Lawrence Seaway ! Rm Mo, ershiy OME: ment which will be ally ac MANILA, 'The Philippines (Reuters) -- Typhoon Kit roared |" Use of American plots Is one a M y table the ni towards the Chinese mainland today after battering the central of the major issues over which The Soviet chief now said Phnplies and leaving 63 parsons de yi 4) i J and Shou the 300-member St, Lawrence| only great-power lead ; Ww ; al sane 3 igi - i 0 n ware A n ded ANN Missing * River Pilots Federation has| UN Prime conlederacy o 1 ora n SOA and cared dead according to rem reaching ationa threatened to call a general walk: | rumah police headquarters of Britain having lef \ but I \ | sek, but he \ evenu loeation . . The note reminded owners, | he re . keep events ngo. a former HITS RED CLAIMS Man Killed In Crossing Crash agents and masters of vessels| high key. He said Macn | ual \ V's ent y the UN as a BROCKVILLE (CP) -. One man was killed, a boy "injured [that pilots are available "at all assured him in me gn . Wnt " ot. Horn ay brow un and the main CNR line blacked early today by a level cross. |[LMes between Montreal and Four summit meeting t MAN "Be. 1 W sme in whieh! n® crash at Caintown, 14 miles west of here, Dead is Earl tor aval : N Abubakar's| who lived near the crossing. His nephew, Earl 4 The employ ment of a pi ot not| was with him in the car when it collided with [licensed by the minister of trans.| CITY EMERGENCY [35,0 Mo, imo Ur, comum remy words avout rain vel WANGRILG, J, ie Sib abide tuphig UMBERS v mW be his i : Omni 2 SH 3 Federation officials did not] PHONE N " iden ed \ Akt ier & Oshawa Youth Critically Injured caters on the possibility of al KHRUSHCHEV GREETS NEW MEMBER prog colonial pow Herman Mills, 16, of Oshawa, was admitted to Oshawa [walkout but suggested that some POLICE RA 5.1133 i k wit mer 1 } Hospital } night with fractured ribs, internal ine [statement may be issued Tues Prime Minister Abubakar | last night after a dinner given | United Nations yesterday. tis €¢ oh : ) J ue uries a su skull fracture. Mis condition today was [day Tafwa' Balewa of Nigeria | by the Nigerian UN delegation | ihe 16th African nation to bes FIRE DEPT, RA 5.6 whout Red eported as serious, His injuries were sustained in a traffic The federation has a series of shakes hands with Soviet Pre. | for many of the missions to the . UN Stabe SPITAL RA 3.2211 | addi il pow ( a Frida di ome adept, accident Friday night on the Oshawa road, near Por: Perry, [wage and other demands before, mier Nikita Khrushchev at New | UN, Nigeria hecame the 99th | tome a UN member HOSE A drs 'ers to the UN force 'mow & the sidestepping | Further Setalls are not available, A |the government. "| York's Waldorf « Astoria hotel ! nation to be Rdmitted to the -AP Wirephote out

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