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The Oshawa Times, 8 Oct 1960, p. 19

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Aha--Rooms For Rent 45--Reol Estate for Sele 45-~Reol Estote for Sole AS--HReo! Estate tor Bole (AD---~Kegl Esiote tor Dole (95-~Keg! RIote 107 Sols (8/~~Automopries tor dele | INE UIMAWA TIMED, Serwisey, Goseer B, 1960 YY F109 BOWE, Cheemng spit level Boh wg have lewis fon # Wieabediooms '5 CHEVROLET fowrdoon wlan, Goh . -- _ BOM is ' FRIVATE #5 Sa room Ropes Moe > EROW, WAR RURcRES Eine, Seshs bosguiow WH The KeEth WEN oF » » 4 E agp. ww iw 3 en Sr] DOUGLAS L GOWER going. boty BW. Seem Boses, a oF Hr i hts oh 2% Sen 5 50---Articles for Sols 50 Articles for Sole Feleghonn ¥ pila bee 1 BowRim vi ' away, BA SW ion bwn-siasny a | oF ROWED, WH 4 rad vcard | 4 4 ' " LARGE i PERYEE NE MS R y . 4 4 : 4 , oF #9 pe i Smaps Scho, TH OLBSHORILE lowe on sviomutic, BIFLES, shotgon, gon cabinet, shells LIGHT » y ores Low BWR BEYER, MET REALTOR PRIVATE, : A es hen Sl on Coli Se ib say Poss uid 4 ' , Kale, very cass Mens, CO 35048 WET it, BOVIAWIE OPEwIIeY, Resorts tranee. Apiiy ¥ i BA vive : Sevens West, ] Braatime HA i" § PIANO in vary E558 aondition, $I08 or 8 TREN s CORRE sits $8 (hort) Ras. a . ; Ancor tnd Bowe ASTOR AVE 8 sot offer. 5 lero Siant wwy- sonawie. RA S874 FURNISHE yh de coted. Barly y Mpups po PRIVATE Sale, twosiopey brick, thie WRIVAYE siie -- f som frame bok 9) bila CoRVETiiie (oF, FERsoR: fine BLACK fitlad cont WHR white monk & . i AWB Gayest AOA BO heArnome, CRER DEER Wo IWow, BE JE 5 hapian : ax, WO BVI etwas 6 Ad » " 4 gy or RA i oft dv £1 000 DOW AOA pt po . . banmant, prves Brive, beswtits io - Hontey to Fodey iA E Baby amiriage E600 Condi Worn one sensor. Ladies His §8, . as ax / oe g v Hom, Soin. Qual Samet, Sriced fon muck Hale w watlings. $v ov WE sneviticn. Phowe WG 2438 | L PRICE sowie, S110. * : / HY CHBUSLER Windsor, $01, BT fev. Mushy 91 Bin East, KA 4 BED ond spnngs, few mattenss Laka Scohog | dd HOUSE, is : ¢ HIE , SK payment, lesving for © b SUING. Eaccwtion Gren, Low miles s. AS S95 ASenl Fei igarnions rugs 95° by V8", new Ae '4 STALE FLomE, WAR RTPis 0d GRE RETA 0 GOWER ERI nt. Many other ex raves b Prone 8, Jas 4 prov I NH A MORTGAGE or best ofisy, Fre Beniior, Wor PRIVATE sole or » pit i" RB . RA 8278 PECK BOA, wos sopronimmay C8 Hon. Phone RA SAI , ie Desist, Blecksiock 458 " . ATW 2 Adwid ? 6 the, fhe ® come on wales, $35, foil RABY has REE, EI ARAGON. PRONE Bl acksinek! . '8 me SEW » p GOOF Manali, Reds price. Phone BA § 600646 FA EH Ts ON SCENIC i 4 21 E WARN la ww or ale $ i +5 wt Osha FE ds » Saaritan for 84 fo h 4 ) LOCATED ON - YALLE RIVE REE BROSTRE KERIiR 4 Granias; Gime. | og co Rakachors The. est ris uci 541 MOUTON fur aval, Brown, site 15, ex Messier ding A ov Wd snestions BEDROOM BRICK BUNGALOWS Phone stier 6 BA 57115 o ie below S496 4 AR iu on : ' ant ae yan co hone OF, 5 , did odin chi ' 4 HONAKEN. tng o doo Bardiop, wie co S064 FLECTRONONE REA Views, Ad A ha ' : * whert £onk Vitor $m Of EN } {OUSE cu fare, wih porns, Tevks beck fo. PRIVATE ax room oh, PrvaE, TH0 Burk Serest oe fomast 15 TY, id ahd serve 4 7 y f ! i ! fF \ 4 Sd ee 762 after § SPREioNe on : ad 4 COLEMAN oil spree hoster, ke pew, ies iow ation #6 Parke U » om 3 J} v Y ip punk Mrs rigs ot Mer? ot sean fy fans, A of wa g sary sERsonadie. FA BANE i Fate v, Of Simese Street . iad F dion room, #1 he #4 4 P p T " v -R aon, aie York. Color TV on Sepiay £ f E THE BEAL IFUL 4 £ " PROVERTY lor swie, 94 acres, good PH CRIDRORE, IREETT TARGSERIER W) 5 18 oi 4 Gees, COM fwinges, "Good Chesr", enselient : , A J ' he 4 * REGULAR sive lenis table woh to location. Apity alter & pas. #6 1187 D906. IR WER edabiished resident wl Con finsnek or take nde, Telephone "TPO. Has lop, Cresm emma kit a 4 , cM / HOMES OF Cader Sireat South wien. For fuither particwinrs BA 580A. LL Jnr) hER rihas anity WOCAER SOT Row; hithrosm sake; aren a windows, hel CO 3399 5 Rona w5 > ¢ JADED WITH EXTRAS PRIVARE Boe soom brick end some ig pr 3 MODELAIRE HOMES LOADED IIBEEIOn, Semen Sore Sha # FOSTIAC ston, corel and white, BABY cirrioge, $id Tula sirfier, WIGHTEN wp your home with sew Ae (er, fi LTD - E BYNG AVE (1 po ook 19 BE we . Very $004 ao Both iw G8 condition Weds #8 ison and wall coverings from Wien : ; CA iL RA 8-46 51 : ' and SGU [ poids sid Bl uA wre 10, Tolephone BA B46 mitre. FIOOr covermgs, Contes " = A win Giiaks 5. BA § i J ") ah LW 5 ER " isapmiinnad paitarns, Many cheer for your inspection see to Simcoe MN. AEP STORE nv oie Ma Tren MATRIC, REY GRE USED tires, most wil sires, 8 i WP: fur devdns, reduend lor quick sie, 29 e east on King S19 OSSIE MARTIN RA B-3404 store, sch two new brick [oor cover, Biatures, cod storage ment ve Ee © g bungalow locker hones, good Sines, SI800. ANTIGUE ies, radia. Telephone MA 39547 8B. F. Geodesic Stores, BA 54540 canis por fool, sanvie kad Inlaid ' : 4 feds & Moiet "57 Ford, inn WF. GOODRICH Blores = Gres, bat lincoieum, Reavy Guly, long weave, Athobaska Sf PAT PAT REN RA 5.8653 4 / Fred Cook He fq Besintt, door conch, wo tie, In pL condi. HIE, KEmalor FRIngsTRors, ime regiiar $1.09 sq. yard. Wile they feet, LARGE | SALLY WALLACE x RA B.6297 NX Kitener 4 Sing Site, Nastieton Bisckstock 44 KB 1 tion, $195, Phone WO B5496, vision, Thety Budges Vien, BA 65-9543 Halt price lentont 9 genie sg. yard, Lwin bes y i wn ect oor - £5 IE . Be Y ' # WEGWRT, BE cers, completa with ocd MARY CLARK A 53-3689 £172 966 me OME home, Contice, 8% rooms, VE CHEVROLET deluxe, fonrdoon ado Rpphences (hn Binion of Loe reuniar 89 canis per foot, owt f : $v BR $12.960 w § ' » Beatty Bigs.) sow sold wt Vaddy's sarian, rrasonaiie for gue sale, Phone ¢ £9, 44 conte per foot, Wilson's GUS su EEE---- -- ; WA Se GAOT REAIIRENLS, 1 " y Bo 7 ¥ ; h DON HOWE RA 5.6031 iin RL Bas orm windows, KA S489 Marsas. Som gd A omy gui Bind Furniture, 39 Chureh Soest erator Ke ! f / ' y ; oe 4or $10 a ane! ora AOURY yonet with low entre 35M) 5 ROOMS of furniture, only 809. This ig 1A h f 9 E trees, Ao 4 09 dowh, OB windows, ihede SE EYIRGET, = we hesterfietd, ¢ / m0 omc ste | Open for Inspection EVENINGS | HOUSE FOR SALE ies "ween ar 1 bes sto st, i OWS Sophy, 1 bin, ices rie ht: eee oo iid 4 pr floor seats BRA Go "Domimen Tie Sore, 4 Bond wha coffee (able, Dowden and teh wash : 2 £ 737 i ! very . RA 57732 ! ? ia Pe fied se RE (FUCK OF BISLON Soret West, BA 54511 pmps, pillows, ste. $25 down delivers! poy an an 4 Hae 9 MAS FE hgh. HA / talks = L Cusraptend Best Value!" Barons' droo of snd @ , ; SA DLDSHOBILE, (we lone, hydra 8K 177 television, wiliit CRIAREL jiome Furmishings, 426 Simeve $1. 8, $19,300. S tr | matic radi, good condition HA S812 WB legs; one maroon hed chesterfield 21 GG lg { Both IR very enceilent condition. BA WE psy highest prices in the city for n \ washiGom teaiur 5 DODGE, excellent condition, can be! B-6488 toed furniture, Pretty's Used Formiture cour ew riomes | NEW LARGE RANCH STYLEe | fonsore io. A eo bus | Sing rom: cod pte |r is ee dente tomar i mt ie 3m bc With 7 Whithy or 321 Kent Street dy hesds, cords, eis. See the New DESIGNED AND | EXECUTIVE TYPE" BUNGALOW | & us fighting ond sen. | moni sean Ta, Fab fre poser Meokher' ats" uschmante Wishots SORIOR: Feliiit machines. Fstimales free, North end, Pho Fy ver Going (o Staten, O95. |Get GAVER for every esd at Remiala, Ynewum Clasner RepR $erv: CONSTRUCTED B® . ) | | in gare ot $01 wns INSTRUCTED BY | GLENRUSH ST, - ROSSLAND MANOR 39 Ta Wr mA A Bs By J Bia BA JBL LLL A WW. BANIELD dict / 4 ensonaiie. Hav, Hits. iin "of TesH nd prepesied PAINE, interior, exterior s he D 4 2 Wil 1.54 " Ack for Yard All solors. Guaranieed pt CONSTRUCTION SPECIAL REDUCE D 10 9] 9.900 3 bx oe y £04 4 | vnge 8 Ye DR i iM, ey. ound. Calf ALES oy ig A i Str igve we 4 Church Street TA $9024 pT . camp stoves y wots, 18 whan fo 5, Woe ia Irae InN GOOD CONDITIC TENTS ne se Ir ov evils, tar ORDERS ken for storm sashes, wood SKING $77 000 Mer ane ' 1 ' Fes JIN el i sedan. 65400 PRINS, sleeping bags, ianterns, shies num, (res estimalss, Terms WAS AS} WIN D ly | ded ANY LOCATION 8 4 oh, only $95, A HN 0a Female Oshawa MHerdware and Phone 1A 3.4088 INE 1 y VICKERY REA SUITABLE UNPAINTED rr Ty WAREROUSE clearance of odds and a or £14 (" ent condition, $250 ub # d he r ightly marked, Many SHE ATU RA 8-6228 FOR SUB-LETTING y sasy terms, RA|DUTEhase of Any piese of 4 twine . 5, Costs IorRoLen, hed goreg CLIENT WITH $1,500 [#4 ates of rare, $11, Wowkenses, 90.09; van | 1CEndous Savings, dressers with mire . er / " AN white, red trim, still under ity dresser, $26, Wilson Furniture, 20 00 of draw od ry ad 45- Real Es y & ¥ FOR SALE ve, 000 DOWN PWIEE BORE 10 Slates, $1245, Church Bireet ts 2 Sag op A re " : ne Service od MAKE OF FER IF YOU CAN HELP Y Bis evenings th PRI E lamp sale, (riliie, (able and maple dresser, reguinr $129, ol AJAX Pig 4 q r A 2 99k 1 FLY ot ™m ved and Wack, two: houdoir lamps, Large selection of (555; spaee saver davenport, § b { / vind CALL RA 3 2254 dik ps tm atie slore samples and diseoniimied Vines, urings, reguler $59, special $36 and Bulls y J y Le 0 YD A 1 RS REAL TORS whitew ails y y Phone BA now clearing #8 14 ws % pried & top desks, regulur $20 95, sale $19 65; dl] ' ' brick ane £ / Re 4 ap two - storey 4 TET Barons' Home Furnishi ings, 424 Bimeos sprnghitled mattresses, slightly soiled, $300 CONTACT | § i FOYER - -- rre------ - Bireet South cearout $14.88; lovely arberite oofles £ £ | I 1 Gna removes 1950 FORD or 15, moter, transmis : k 47 Automobiles for Sale A tables, reguioy $16.95, seven only, $63 W, G. Soloniuk Fear end. Phone RA BOB60 siler 6. CHRISTMAS trees, pruned, by hun walnut and blond end tables, pinin snd N of 4p ! 4 d WM METEOR deluge, automatic. Will ; dreds, hy field; wide choles, height and fancy, values to $20.95, out they go. $4; DON HOWE } neg RA 5.1197 or RA B.3B8973 |tike an ise ao payment. BB----Automobiles Wanted price, 50c up. See what you Buy. bresdicom seater mats, $15 (ri-lght hb Mu BEPreciale I, 53102 CART OWh v Whithy , MO B-3766 floor lamps, regular $19.95, slashed fo \ ' { KESHORE Auln Wreckers have 7 ' , Ul ¥ al ig iy Hilal Highest pA aid, WA Foy K space heaters, nearly new, two Wilsons Furniture, 30 Chureh St G f A rn 7749 % 3 50 DOWN A 118 havea, two medium, Telephone KA PALL Again! Cavin eniiser, 19 foot, of, Must be seen to he apprecisted . pg TL el YOU'LL be thankful when You Bet! LoWERT srices In owni Coie dl me ; a 3 % 3150 DOW N Wi Hi able o : ash by selling your exirs appliances OW a oli oy N00 par Coan |Clienp for cash or ferme and (Faden nstruction Ltd ~ ler 3102 with, an Oshaws Times Classifien Ad now only $360; baby carriages, new MAY be siranged, Phone RA 4733 | wil" BA 53492 now for friend help, | 166 § 2 e fi ' . | $8,900 full ce ix rot i 9 stanzas. fi y ¥ i660, car bed vie, $28 large Tey TOWERS, 40 1, selbsupporting . ake trade oF se t |eFihs AIEPrIce - Elearou PES hot dipped | galvanized with al ( i 27 ie 0 I with : alow or W., cer ; 1 New Home YEE ) ' A na down PRyment to responsible part cpl SH springdilled erih mattresses channel head, installed snd guaran taxes $135 oi : 4 POT CAS playpens, SKus; Meh chairs, teed for one yews, $57.99, Trio Telovis 4 : 7 > | y |strafiey son Furniture, 20 5 BLAIR PA RK Oshawa Shopping Centre ol Giver meving to Tor AY CHEV SeiRgT Re Tahar, PAID FOP [sroflere, oh teed" far one 4 ake gondition. Will take older car or Goon nef y ---- USED parts and repairs for sll makes A £4508 | ontoct Mrs. (Saul Vt ae dow payment. OL Ocod Bein Ears. Trade up bh og, OU ubdi ) A ' i § r RA 6-5207, Don [#4102 , AATOR € « [resonable rates, Paurs Sporting |S? 10 $10, gusranieed reconditione curbs f f "WIN f tat 87 King 1068 CADILLAC eoupe 4 He, reason DODD MOTOR SALES li jood 9 Albert Blreet, Telephone LL ne Jaren Paddy's Market, iro ate, 6/7 RING | ahie offer accepted A § 314 PARK RD, § {ita 54708 amp --- Is and " I | 7732 5 OLDS, fully es N RA 39421 URED 177 and 817 V fe, TYR OPEN OVER THANKSGIVING taeinona rakes, (wo on Cs GARAGE ATS i. Yo Toei bor ALUMINUM DOORS N.HA - LL OVD REALTY COMPLETELY Tehoin mator, will it] JU ONS \ {ONE western saddle, lke new, (or Are \ | "pe WEEKEND bord wot, 8710 10 Viale] AND SERVICE STATION pink "hore, bet ier: Prone | AND WINDOWS be INL price. Phone HA 86007 4448 i LIST WITH LLOYD (0h CHEVROLER Bel Air. in excellent Bf AKE SPE IALISTS, COM« | nono Hroil 400 for sale, also tw 6 vail Special Reduced Price, THEN CALL YOUR MOVER |eondition, many extras, BA B68) PLETE BRAKE SERVICE {ear vadios, KA B4631 days; RA 8.8604 or We Sell, Cash ik [4 PONTIAC conch, radio and heater] MOTOR TUNE - UP AND |evenings HARMONY VILLAGI good FUnnIng ear, 865, BA B:5387 GENERAL REPAIRS |CHERTERFIELD suite and ehair, full SATURDAY, SUNDAY & MONDAY SPECIAL [i HEY. Gnd mackpicate, Adine| 67 KING ST. W walnut dling sue buifel lable snd €ALL FOR QUICK SERVICE $1,900 DOWN $1,900 [4% Phone HA 57150 RA 1.7822 2 Duew Street . y oa eh two single bode, Tami, three wives, ALEX YADA VISIT OUR 4 new 6-room brick bur |AVKSTATE Auto insurance; Save up to §50--Articles For Sele hedraom shite, Telephone WA 62210 LE . he '¢ nev G-rO6M H Ne | erkanal Service at Your home sail "WA space heater with blower, alse oii] 481 PREW ST § + RA 3 9851 with natural tone y y COMPLETE stock of Hilltap's Rental OIL idided ing equipment. Bargain prices, ist furnace, nearly new, selling eheap 1961 MODEL HOME ont, double sliding wind "SLi CHEVROLET, 51 Meteor, '48 Pan: come Tot served basis, Hilliop Moiors,| RA B870, 52--Legol ) - gins, front and hes Hae HA 8-089 HA 8-680] ELECTRIC guliar, typewriter, adding odded, Double sinks in | AWNING, plain ealors or gay stripes, [machine ike new, student desk, very I WELL NOT be responsible for any I I'M CHEV.; '50 Bludebaker; tractor Hp y » i y by . . tchen plus natural mahog d Prompt service, Free estimutes. Order reasonable, RA 34434 debts contracted In my name by my W HI | B Y Cl A F Bl JI I RY cupboards, Den't miss . th, ahoy iat Take of \'/ Kemp 4 now for early delivery, Chair and table |wife, Eileen A, Fergusan, on or after " - / ph ul HA 5.06 aor Rires esl, O80: | ontals, Clave o%, 418 imene North, | MODEL A Ford and box trailer, RA|this date, October §, 1060, without my nderful bu waturday Awa ahh 10041 Iwritlen consent, =» Douglas Ferguson, HARTWIG CONSTRUCTION TALES or afte ours of [ona aamtl HoCATL fi Teenhne, Mo vou. Mo TE WOMEN Ok 1 ¥ ' non apartment A 32 7 priced to sell vy #h or best offer, RA BOY'S tweed sports Jacket and Trousers | ing i n ) and shopping y 02709 ge 18: girl's coat, hrown fur have 0 month Ania Furnished by Holden Bros, ) ealty Ltd, Realtors GMO Ton | staat por [B's Jackel, wey weed i girl's L VISION LOG ih 6 on Flak n, periact ean | weed T E E eam is ! aki § oat, grey blue, Excellent | Lite | . J : > ; . : | } RA B-5124 tion throughout, Orpwood Texaen, RA condition. RA 5: 1583 Tims h SALK = Bullding lob. 5° 3 HI, Rossland Road & Central Park Boulevard RA 8.5125 [Re011: after 7 pm. RA hO676 RET IIE Via grein ong | CHOW "IV Channel 1l=Hamilton CBLT-TV Channel S~Toronis FOR KENT orth, Whit ¢ Co Bill Norris 101 Simeoe St. N sen 01 eloped, under 1000 min, 0 AML oF Hlary Boag ® "400 | WGRATY Channel S--Bulfale ~~ WOEN-TV Channel é---Butfale ! SEFTIC TANKS cleaned the san all RA 44 alii: SIP a = 4 ~ A kit Hew taf A bg A will bi u BANCROFT AREA pains, GORI OOM equipment for veri and Tor WKBW-TV Channel 7==Buffale WROCTV Channel S-Roch koh, 1alled UTR ATTRTYTIYT phone MO 8:8869 a8 hkhet Bine:passenger ale, wheelohairs, hospital beds, invalid nw ® 0 ARBOR, vu nm radia ' PARTMENT | | B0( AW ) iH amy i . WE \ APART 16 fat cedar strip hoat,] Central Oshawa ious living $500 DOWN -- Apprex, 328 finance or take trade, Phone HA B:6013, | one commodes health lamph| SATURDAY EVE. 0:00 AM, 4:30 P.M, ver Wu Ail shi yom and dinir m, T | e bath up: | acres hardwood and softweed and erihs, Low rentals, No investment, | 5:00 P.M, Holy Geol Rover | 1Laobour Cites 2 I ' } ush ) erin on ¢ 2-ac¢r ee delivery ane od p \e Iriste f ale Al : oe (rails tair Has a ilo I beautiful : A ! x rd 8 f bf | [cre ANDY NAGY'S | hres oi Hoel A iu plekup, Phone Ald | H=Outside Hroadeasts Bee Bar 5 RANCH Be-Captain David Grief Fon WENT f ae : sell condition, garage e land | Call Millie ke, barn X ; dy # il) BODY SHOP |PACTORY ) | 4 Fhe ¢ RAGING Lace d=Papeye Playhouse 5:00 P.M, iy : 5 Bilida 0 8-5853 Wo é | garage /-room homesteqac P. - ) clearance, smooth top mat. | S=FHE EER #=Your Church 1 a WE M pony ) v " nedern do, M | would make ideal hunting MERCE DES - BENZ sen, 100 calls, fabulous savings, 17 S~Twilight Theatre Invitation EA Nowe NY Afaaine i il J i 1 5 Ir i Pickering ; anit " Brick bungalow: on NR Re en DKW [only, Hoan b nk eds (Sant, pieces fi0 P.M, his AM, f=Youth Confidential ROOM 0 ) wher | Appl A . k Y } Spat I 00 Cartoon Party #=Morning Gospel d=Amateur Hour Roa n vinamner | App hardtep road, larg i = ) 1, 3 extra large SALI AND SERVICE fine nel beds quilted, 18 only, single Football Ni AM > . 160) OW A 28 WALES 0 3 crazy low price 858; voll-awa i8| 9 i Ll FOR RENT wht oamed house, im:| bedrooms, | ted in pleasing | 3 0 POWN full Price | 408 KING W. OSHAWA |complete, special 814.86 Wilson's tur. | += Twilight Theatre 1e=This Is The Li B-Celehiity Golf lars adiat session. 201 Byron North. colors with stair Y | attached gar | $1,025 #5 acres hardwood . 4 > {nitive Company, 80 Chureh Aireel 6100 P.M, 7=The Bible Answers 5130 P.M, RA 3.71372 Siorier of She B=Tim MeCoy 1=The Rifleman dining 1 at Call Audrey N at A i B.4088 and seftwood bush, ne build and je [MEN'S winter counts, miediam sine: Century 3=Public Nerviee 6=Wiy Is It So on Lupin 1:30 PM. -9 PM and Dundas ond Carry' 4 N furnish ing [oambination wooden storm door, 80" hy 1 B=Nows + Kporis i far ane or two, ¢ ould vou li > Rew . dl f n n ) Foothall 10100 AM, wi por Ary oo, wae fur ine of two') Would you Hk hondies | s680 POWN «200 WILLIS MOTORS [5 thor" visher wilh inser ond £=hacukiu wrench | ane erictogare | =i Collede Bow | . Musie upbaard don; pl ¢ bedroom at ere |oandition, reasonable, RA 5.7736 § b T=The Living Word i" 1 5 3) ~ m Avon extremely i ( . ¢ for informa ? Q Scotch pines and 2 000 AUS | IN BARGAINS Henvy duly stoves, Bod y i ( i clenoe 6100 P.M, FOR & \ i / ind bh J f tem A Full 5 | { i and upi nine i WM, {=Lamp Unto My Feet | 11=Boh Cummings Show tion re | dy 0 8:¢ MO B-4612 no. building toll } | SALES SERVICE piece dining room suite, record lave 8, 4 yr Knows Rest g=Cartoon Playhouse T=Hrave Kagle USER - | i 4 ! 3 J radios, new eohesterfields and cha Fixit 10:15 A.M, fi=Disney Presents hb ivi : op Exception f 6 m brick GOOD ASSORTMENT $30.00; new bedroom suite, $001 new! gw y Jones S=Industry uh Parade f=Meet The Press e " AThish : ga . bungalow 1 ; | th trees and paved $1,400 | price, 4-room . pr i ohvame suites, $40 and upi washing ma i145 P A 4=Faee The Nation He { a hi a driv immed 'ORI Centre St insul st ottage en lot 100 USED CARS {ehines, $83 and up; TV sels, Commun ' Ji nM. 10:50 AM, S=People's Court ) he % k x 783 wm Salmon Traut do ol [ity Fuiniture Store, 19 Prince treet by SWai B 1l=Rrave Theatre 6:50 P.M uth. Call \ : WO B-2430 en Saimen Trou TAUNTON RD. EAST | 7.00 PM 7--The Answer Wy ss ; AA Ny Fhree and four-raomes Lake ak 3 14 ACRER of land, suitable for growing {y.6..pennis The Menace | s=Christophers 1 Stories of the FOR | \ | NJ nent se 1 nals. Parking Ban's miss la} ) ! brick 'bunga RA 5.0331 Chi 8 trees; also approximately |e = paothall d=Unele Jerry's Club M Wh 2 High Street, Whith k $1,500 DOWN and only | 8000 pruned Scotch Pines, six and seven fHighway Patrol $=Follow the Children alt Disney Presents low, close ta ¢ f torms and screens, ears, Hampton, CO 3.2578 after 6 4==U of B Hound Table 1:00 AM, : Wah Disney Presents 3 TIS i [ anted | TV antenna, water softe | room. Good lot $3,400 full price 100 ~ RB N 0) ; » pr 5 { price ald Jak DOURLE BED, spring, mativess, chest | $=Johnny Midnight 7=TV Farmorama \ Dodd & ( outer i MO BAG collnet. ake reasonably price { I Th far ' ion at MO acres hard d and seftweed SA YA M T( R BulLE Sl S0Tink: Saliress een wo P.M. T=TV Fatmorama : Walter Cronkite x JU 7 E a 2 wish 8. roc \ aa at low priee Alse TV and radio Re f=This Is The 1 EWRITERS, naw v 8.5853 or MO B bush J m heme heavy ¥ 11=Kena Hunt T ife s > MALL BR dd 5 : id duty wiring, garage, other SALES LTD [48 Rrack 8. Wast, RA 81743 ["6=Hed River Jamboree | 4 Morning Worship he Nis ML ohh ) SACRIFICE! $1.50 'a moHaage mpletely buildings, small pends, good Th, > : [REELING Furniture We'll hay Te: | gonna Bmtre Big Rutialy d=Lantie decorated, i close to public . hunting area STUDER KER, VOLKSWAGEN (rige raters i Hy (ashers, nlanos, a don, 1:30 AM, S--8hivley Temple Show SALES and SERVICE Oves, ete. Kar toh eash offer. eon: | ! | f=Mary Knoll Reports P.M. | | 58 § | 7100 inswiation, wie Pain| and high scl | pec \ \ at MO 8-5853 ! 2d RITSON RB § [tact 10 Prince Street. Phone RA 8.1131 Qunanoke 3=Of To Adventure And. inatalt Aon or MO B8-4088 $500 DOWN 334 QUISON RO. SOUTH . -- | Ameri a Cilil War 12100 NOON ba Musie | ™ v la It for you, Far free 4 ol] . | Aquanauls " _--t vet ATTENTION ) call H. H Goode and Sons] Customebuilt fam r 4 1 extra large kitghen One week possession on this Tel: RAndelph 3-346) SALE | #130 PN i Bute dunn iy Een 'The: Menace Beautiful firepla vall in panelled ng room 4-room insul brick bungalow | Aluminum Products of the | Jamboree Tr Funnies 8100 P.M, eave It Te v HOMI N Ji f Re Broek Narth. MO 8.2019 | / Y -- i ¢ ¢ pave ov Dd Bditin Gara hd % \a wheel ond Gibbons St Full basement I TRIUMPH MOTOR CARS best quality at the best the Tall Man f=Musioal Interlude 164-Kd Sullivan uth, Whithy, MO 88431. | ! BOWYER park. Excellent Y Snow at MO 8:5853 or MO ell heating, garage, T.V T.R. 3, VANGUARD, | price fully guaranteed Phil Silvers 4 Rocky Jones S-4=Natlonal Velvet aerial; carries for $68.00 vaubl : » N 8:30 P.M, . - . 8-2430 BEF carne c 2 , Double hung windows enly 9:00 P.M, d=Gene Autry " 2: . n \ 1ERALD | \ " 14 ' T=Lawman EFRIGERATIO month ENSIGN & HERALIL | $18 call t=tockoy Night In W118 P.M 33-Tab Hunter Show ON DISPLAY AT hnada i domestic. All inteed 508 Ans Apariments far ¢ vo and three bedrooms. 380, $100 | $3,500 DOWN SMITH. SPORTS | Lymer Aluminum Co. | t-Lawrence Welk f=Dateline U.N 9:00 P, ot, Whithy MO now 1, and $110. A three-be ned t $95 to $109 monthly 385 | 88=The Deputy =m Featurette 11.6--GM Presents Call Phyl Thernd or MO 8.5853 or MO | Large 3-bedroom brick ranch | NORTH SIMCOE -- RA 8-5385 ph ------ 130 PM, 12:30 PM T=The Rebel 8.4743 | style bungalow en Sun Valley RA 8.5912 §a-Campaign and =Family Playhouse §-3-Chevy Show s. R A \ 4 - | Candidate T=Nocky and His &=Jackie Gleason Ave. Reduced for quick sale All aluminum products s | d=ave Gun, Wi Friends 2:90 PM i to $13,200 and carries for | Doors, windows, shower doors, | Tr f= Good Life Theat - ig OLIVE HOWE REALTOR only $88.00 month Principal CASH awnings, TV towers, paving. 101 00 PM, 4 Henss (fli +A he Hitters GRAVEL & LOAM 13 . . . Ah Interest and Taxe 6% | afi i One contract, nothing down, |] The Law Rae an PM 10:00 . 1° M, 6 30 BROCK STREET NORTH, WHITBY Completely decorated FOR YOUR CAR For free estimates call wm | =O SEL dNewareel earns Young ive . | Jutiette 1:00 P.M, =Avthur Godfrey , Driveway MO 8.5853-4 NORTH AREA [ VAN HEUSEN Aluma Seal Co. [Muse U=Adventures of Robin 10:30 PA. ALdhuy - nd { One of Oshawa's | das RA 5.9365 ANYTIME | 7=N HA nr Hea 1=Saber of Londen day to Sats ry & \SRAWA AND DIRTRN . R / / | ot Fo t-Rov Rogers 1-Two Faces We Eric Bratton MEMBER ( hy ( , " A A ID DISTRICT Are en pact uy Tie | MOTORS | m-- 1 he y - neh Win 6 Encounter: a REAL £ BOARD el home with ataches no | gid hh od ack Aristopher " age, finished recreation | 149 KING ST. W SEE HOME APPLIANCES | *~Harbor Command §-8iar Rowling "What's My. Line "MO 8-2660 - rom, professionally land OSHAWA LTD 10:48 P.M, ry owe | TLetiuh f ¢ an AHA . ¥ A Maho » TO BETTER YOUR Bin, rl (oon sume wt | 90 SRA Sure [vem | EPR | Se wn sacrif this gem at $17 . "OR ERIGID . | 11--Queen's Park Report Weather: Spor 200.00 mse TED CAMPIN FOR FRIGIDAIRE | 1he43 aA Werner U Ob TR Football | 3=Award Theatre 4 SALES AND SERVICE | Sports 2-WoHd Series ! ROS CL 118 PML WAY OF LIVING N.H A RESALE MOTORS Domestic and 5 335 J=Ruscue Theatre | 0 PM, t T 8 M \ | | 607 KING ST. == OSHAWA | RA 5-5 1:13 PM. | 11= World Sevies 6-Night Metre 1 Only $1,800.00 down ) - f=Premier Playhouse f=Maovie this well constructed 3:t tjust East of Wilsen Road) News and Weather | 4=Foothall 2=News | = : be sure to see | 10 Ml omtructed bed: | A 3.4494 Res: 5.3574 | JUNIOR BEDROOM Sure | i-kaie She 10 PA, 11:30 P.M, | i cabin traile Used hoats LDE RENTALS WANTED Niagara Festival 1=Late Show | Ate G-Rackevound te and Sales " ) 8 I ~ ath pate . : , / Separate pieces or complete 0 Bb, T=Promier Plavhous Aoki on pd ar GOLDELL HOMES | SETI | THINKING OF | ios san « cow | is Se EHR | ® Wo BUYING A CAR: on, RA 5.8203 3 i MONDAY EPIECE designed for | § Hse BABY CARRIAGE : 3:00 AM, RED SNOWSUITS | ay I Riot onlpfuopo ime NE " | ; 130 P.M. Today vd | GRACE AND SPACE ons 5 : Sit $1) and attend . good brake New To x "aM i AY Calendar - Heke iy 3 on | o ungalow site on : RATS 3233 oh Theat : P \ IN AM, | ne | : SUNDAY Capital wt how you ton eve | THE OSHAWA que | cl Cove A 9:00 AM, $10.95 Dawg $6 99 EACH ~ , quan INN 25 GRENFELL ST. | MOTORS F-Christian Seisnes oa a RGR R YARDF { ; 130 AM oh ¥ Lite Mar MERCANTILE ~ BRAEMOK G ARC ENS | on 00.00 « TRE S 10 A M ] FOR RENT Bera BERS uly Buy , pid ¢ SOT \ wd Annapolis a . 4 A eo MAR FORAG : nl SB NMavie DEPT. STORE tevenson's Rd. N. and Annapolis Ave. + | LLOYD AYERS | arenaxiiriy wocars | MARINE STORAGE SEN i Sikware | ToRemr Hoom 1 ¢ FOR gular 31 3 so conveniently located in a aN CAR AUCTION OUTBOARD #F=Chitreh n The ome | 3 : 4 Romper Room | | | A { §=Hame ( ag ITB ) PEN OVER A EXE ? RA 3.99% ¢ : ; $143 AM, $15 PM, Tole of RO WHITBY, ONT, OPEN OVER HOLIDAY WEEKEND {| REALTOR---RA 3-2254 FEERED FOR ¢ BROOKLIN ONT, OL 5.3641 lett Na Te Man Football 3 oe

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