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The Oshawa Times, 8 Oct 1960, p. 4

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4 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Sotwdey, October $1960 » 3 a Nearly 8, of the 74,100 po y Ho onadian of 1959 had been In hospital for YOUR persobslity "driving | Lin the storm of drive, aan . y CCESS | Dara ' through thet wall of competitors LL iui 0 id ' -- " A Juckst "" 1270 SIMCOE 57. NORTH : g yy i yi ie J ¥ | ». fund d. ; fey (186 : es | 7s ning. Cowbrn this goal, | yung climb up the suscess lad. | fipted personsiity, no one competitive personality often im, Every now and (hen the sonalities didn't mong themselves shout those in. wasting URIMPOTLARG ROBSERsE, broth, Ag of 4 Vik Bhd blond vessels nourishing the . 4 stands hehind every eollection of LEGGETTE : , man bristles at tooth-clean-/ Recently, San Francisco dog STUDY 9710 ¢ any toothbrush , testing or pen £0, LYP, 7 AMY PAI ological fo TAtion tients wander core of € more then 10 yesrs, [tang the test merely listened gi il. - bike, fast » talking riragrh WED 93S, or erond a etime's work G67 = subiect very deer lo the whiched 8 1 Can Supply All OF Your i A nt TOM AUT HOMES | Bits gy " ; om |e to heart miiscks lecture wis Interrupted hy breathing Onis weryome detscior peeved deep little -- J atten hess, Soma have siemaly sud eked, ol J ee Oe orrywerta = poems UP TO 5 YEARS TO PAY 060 SQFT. { Othe; e husily read- Add ] Hardwood Floors ref ing Deiween the ines enalyring Special Cash Prices On Request CALL +o + RA 56851 ho ls tors turned wp vidence that "BULB MAGIC" RA 8.4688 Rg AB manship psychology, The lie de. TULIPS -- DAFFODILS -- HYACINTH Free Parking -- Friendly Service "LIE DETECTOR" f 80 SIMCOE 87, W, pp LIE DETECTOR" TEST PAPERWHITES -- SNOWDROPS | MENTAL HEM/TH meniel institutions at the start) 3 ER 1 0 Ho dl " "a BURTON W, FERN, MD # A fo " gi to elew lio 8 perecorded lecture, Sy : LUMBER and come out on Lop where every: OWE ager described the run | attack Patients uo 254 CIDAR VALLEY omwve | TROVE "ww EVP v id TO (77 Fo ts ie A Thand hard - driving heert aiiack vie-| | neee fas iving deem" wovvice, |B pds gg vg For years, doctors have argued WIWDY feminine vole sion the dividual traits which narsoy viel inte each patient's mind and milk out every last drop of ony: lie 3 pond arin pereamaihy! | IF YOU WISH $ Jha ; handwriting, Real Beouty To Your Home the lie detector cold ouldistance tector Electr ally records blood J ROSS E. MILLS | = pressure, breathing wid other b-| CROCUS--NARCISSUS--DUTCH IRIS To build a heart-disease Jie} & RA 5.6218 detector, old elveuit org | "Flooring Our Specialy" | | ! detector er pig Midd on " YOP-SIZE QUALITY DUTCH BULBS \ ieisl ehalr was connecied fo measure all squirming and fidget. DINING pr # ing. Each person taking the test ' CITY - held special rubber bulbs which FLOOR SERVICE could pick up the slightest flicker) A | LIVING 224148 " ly ' of a finger, Every hresth was (MILL WATSON) rr monitored hy cloth tubes hooked VEVIRYTHING TO PO WITH | . - HARDWOOD FLOORING | FEY eit po Tl Ca 4 oy L's hundreds | 16 CELINA ST, RA 3-2312 NE WINTER CALL , + + RA 39450 i A, WL of unimportant questions ahout one important erime, patients! VALUES and SAVINGS! YI BE sen SS | ICI ALUMINUM COMBINATION t ; Carpets HOME DESIGN NO, CH-7 = on STORM & SCREEN WINDOWS The combined living and Oshaws Times, IF IT'S RUGS , , CALL | dining area with fireplace hy Bg & place, 1§ NU WAY nice and roomy and will permit Oshawa, Ontario, 4 POU BLE HU NG WINDOWS " plenty of sunlight from the large Enclosed please find $1.00 for which send me Book of N Up t i i i : ) : 0 100 United Inches (Window Height pl Walle: Well Brosdloom windows, The study alcove, par House Designs entitled "A New Selection of Low Cosé Wid h) d gt phi tially separated hy bookcase, Is 4 idth), Carpets = Stair Runnemy, ste, NI ot et actical, Ceiling Homes For Canadians," (Please make remittance payable 5 { 171 Mary 5t RA B-4681 || jung draw drapes will convert to The Oshawa Times.) % 4 / | Special Value....... this room into an extra beds room or a permanent wall and _ Name FoR cout FINEST IN oon doorway may be used if pre | OVERINGS soll , , » | ferred, With a minimum of hall Address . Beautify your oma the modern, ones SEL TaTORa it: | passage area, large hodroomé, [ ample closet space tional way; clean, durable ASPHALT ROSS E. MILLS and the step » saving Kite fa 4 FIRST AID TO RILING HOUSE DRIVEWAYS lost a housetime. Inquire STORM & SCREEN DOORS 80 SIMCOE ST, N, | laundry areangome a, this de haw SIEn 1s exceptionally eony RA 6.6218 | lent, The terrace has anya By ROGER C, WHITMAN | ' R 59 50 Vv | 9% from both kitchen and study, f og. ' ave, .. . Bluebrints Inelude Construction CISTERN gum and hy in She Hnoleum| : details for building in either RETION "e ma. 40d. caused it to deleriorate, In I i ~ i Sheet Metal frame or brick, Standard | (SvEsTiON: 1 need Informa, this case, the only real remedy is Complete in 2 bors door closer, wind chain, | Builders' blueprints costing d to replace the linoleum, Or there nep-type larch, sizes, ho how to make a [filter @ | $9.75 a set are obtainable in |& a ap 0 th may he too heavy & costing of | walter will be clear, Canada for 5 Desig A } MODERN anada for this Design No, ANSWER: "Pumps and Plumb: (Wax on the linoleum; investigate | "KOOLSIDE" METAL CH, Now available from ad» this possibility hefore replacing! | SHEET METAL dress below a new and enlarg. | ME for the Farmste atl Is avall:|Remave the wax with a wax re: | baths : ' DOOR CA NOPY 313 OLIVE AVE | ed 1060 Book of House Des je fom the Superintendent a mover made hy a nationally | signs entitled "A new Selection known manufacturer, following OSHAWA of Low Cost Homes for Cana. |It contains detailed diagrams &iv:|iabel instructions carefully, Then 46 x 38 x 18, Your choice of colors, RA 80163 RA 8:8163 | dians', price $1.00, Contains [ this information, apply a cream, clean-up wax 114 designs Including 1 storey, | po a . made by the same manufactur. 1% storey, 2-storey and split BPOTTED ENAMEL SINK er; this leaves a protective coat: -- -- Reg. 59. 95 (ERE EEN] | level homes, plus much useful QUESTION: My fron, enamel-|Ing on the linoleum surface, i A a i AS | Information on building terms [coated kitehen sink has about a ; INSTALLED and requirements, Order. your |dozen spots having the appear.|TILE FOR CEMENT FLOOR copy today, Alse included In ance of rust, They are almost di UESTION: tI am planni For yor MIATING PROBLEMS this Design Book 1s full ine |pectly under the water faucets, Is rks my front ai planing a Ww. BORROWDALE | formation on how to order the [there anything I ean use to re # beauty parlor, The floor is a| --. (SLIGHT CHARGE FOR INSTALLATION) blueprints move them? There Is a greenish | fivedneh thick cement slab and | ¥ i {yellow spot, about three quarters t | poh ii i mo HEATING SALES of an inch in diameter, under the Yary JSmaoth ol loval, I Bian to y Phone HOW for FREE Home n halon RA 34078 Whee, RA 3.3742 cold water spigot about four feet up to the tap, | . THE HOME ANSWER: Try removing the | would like to use te on the floor, ; j Ti § ™ WORKSHOP spots with one of the scratchless| What type would you advise and | % i ; Tek cleansers now avallable at super: how should it be installed? W. BORROWDALE markets, following label diree:| ANSWER: The least a ioubive | ; tions, Or try the following treat: |i yu Id | ia: | ' Furnase Installations and a 4 y 2 | fe wou be an asphalt tile | : : ba rds A po ment; Make a (hick paste ol this ean be used for installation PPROVED FOR ona 's ul in u 08 @® Conversion OI Burners poe RR seratehless scouring powder, A over cement slabs either on rade A ® Supertest rhtnase oi little cream of tartar, and peroXs|op ahove-grade, Rubber file (a| ALL MUNICIPAL AND TOWNSHIP BY-LAWS, QUALITY i} UNCONDI. P.0. BOX 66 Rugs and ® HOUR SERVICE RA 3.4878 Whee, RA 33742 r or a de. Rub ob spots and allow toll softer and per § easier, TIONALLY GUARANTEED, DELIVERIES ARE MADE ON TIM | 4 Nik on the feet) can he used for eith. f rinse with clear water, Repeat ) a 8 Bl until apols disappear, | Peatier tyne of alah and Is more sound. CAPACITIES AVAILABLE: ! ¥ absorbing, Your tile dealer has | FURNACE CLEANOUT n i Wi Bl LOOSENED TUR DRAINS ton Sheets for nataiaton; be ® 400 GALLONS ® 500 GALLONS . on ouanin saver 1 | " fi ny # QUESTION! We have cements sure 10 fallow these and use the ® 600 GALLONS ® 750 GALLONS ® INSTALLATIONS mJ || type Jaunilry tubs The Arai recommend. adhesive and un MBER WAIT TILL | ell are ho nose, Ca 1@ rims hel deriaymen atey Necessary GOODMAN HEATING SERVICE MPF i ih eh | ALL IN SINGLE OR DOUBLE CHA cemented In so that they fit tight? | Most nationally known tile mani 758 Mary RA 51044 |. a INDOOR ANSWER Plastic steel In tube facturors supply expert help and . TOO LATE! BARRAKEET AVIARY) opal of his toe are Avalable vise for selenite problems and CONCRETE noo | ART IRETY By RUTH W. SPEARS at hardware, variely, SOWaTes | y PRODUCTS LIMITED and paint stores, Follow label dis pony Nn PLASTIO | | OLiver 5-3311 toets or other hirds Is fascinat QUESTION: A cigaret was put ing to make and adds a decora- SOFTENED COUNTERTOPS on the edge of a laminated plastle | o FUEL OIL + STOVE OIL Liive note to any ream, The model QUREATION! The o Prompt Delivery hown is 24 inches long and about 104 King W, RA 3.348) | 52 high, Pattern 433 lists mater [the touch, especially around the |® repair this? i1als and shows construction cio "phere are no hreaks, orl ANSWER: This type of dam. | steps, A canary cage thirteen aes "although it has been onlage can be repaired hy filling | | inches long and about 14 inches | :1the hole with satehin ' ' for four years. 1 stopped waxing (the h 8} ng mate | IT'S DIXON'S high of grace etl design may he i" nooause of the ehiiess Is [rial coming in a tube for sealing | , Bor the BEST in FURL and hmade with Pattern 433, These yore anvihing I oould do? {seams in formica, It comes in a ( Heating 4 uipment patterns are 0 cents each Ad ANSWER: Splashes from ouas. lwide range of popular finishes DELCO lick wider i Tie Home Work. {tie foap or scouring powder, fram |and is available at formiea deal ' 8, Oshawa, by GENERAL MOTORS the sink, may have attacked the ens, | A Complete Modernizing Service i Wu oe ES EE BE WISE... CALL BEFORE mhing eli eS [ CHMNEYS-REPAIRED-REBUILT | rye' rempERATURES FALL! LORNE GOODMAN |mw WT || = | NOW IS A GOOD | I BE | You can save yourself a lot of trouble when PLUMBING & HEATING | TIME TO ROOF NG you let us repair your chimney, You save We are Experts in ol : } BUY A HOME PREPARED 1 money too, Plumbing problems masion | ERCRC oe wo a INSULATION FOR WINTER || For A Limited Time We Will MITEAN 3 Electricians (RE YS regres En mere eal SPECIAL RATES ® NOW AVAILABLE | REPAIR AND POINT YOUR I's MoLaughlin Heating A handsome cage for para.|rections carefully, fo ontop table, It burned a small hole linoleum lt on the surface, Is there any way our counter is soft and sticky to {Ing 'storage problem is selved ION: Nh this, irae ve wardrobe at most attractive prices == is available right now 'attern 233, which shows ever RA 8.441) ttl Pri and ~ Mi through--- i WE OFFER A COMPLETE MODERNIZING SERVICE | method of making dvawers with common hand tools, is 50 cents INSIDE AND our i This pattern alse in in the Chil D= | dren's Furniture Packet 12 which | I flaine Batters for furnishings | The easy, trouble-free way to find the right home Ji AC 1 NOW for onl ] 00 S$ $1.75, Address arders to the Home at the right price is through Phota Co-op. Simply | y ee q. ft Warkshop Dept, The Times, contact any member of the Oshawa and District 3 RINGS IV, Oshawa : ; a Real Estate Board and look through his up-to-date SATISFACTION GUARANTEED (AVERAGE CHIMNEY - $20.00) file of Photo Co-op homes, He'll show you homes Building Bin any district you wish. AN details are described YOU KNOW THE COST BEFORENAND PHONE US ANYTIME Supplies 3 ou can quickly decide which homes you wish Gu Si ~ Ls * 34-Hotn Aaweritg Seivica AJAX REPAIR AND CONSTRUCTION {| RA 8-0344 ! Cam Consult A Realtor Today NARLEIGN SUPPLIES || Douglas L. Gower (e +) ---- - -- (OSHAWA) LTD, © REALTOR eo & OINAWA SHOPPING CINTRE 1 For oll your Real Estte Nest F REAL ESTATE BOARD 110 KING STREET EAST, OSHAWA Phone: RA 8:310 WF EXPER Son thin ef ONE) | sm SSLIRXTIN {Fw EXPERT (0

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