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The Oshawa Times, 8 Oct 1960, p. 5

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, October §, 1960 § | Out of town guests weve from (Oshawa, Toronto, Beaverion, Wik: Karen Hurlbert Wed In Faith Baptist Chur tions, I we hove lukewarm re Faith Baptist Church, Whithy est men, The usher igiong beticts, shortly we' Will was the setting for the wedding of Richard Hurthert snd Mr have lost ovr religious Iresdom." Karen Margaret HWaribert, Wit Harding A god eiizen appreciates what by, daughter of Mr, and MIs. For the reception the bride's others have done lor Wim; he is Clifford Huribert, Wilthy, 10 Yi mother wore # Hue linen 8 Just and (abr; he oheys the laws tor Burion Harding, Wiithy, $08 snd matching jacket and & cor of the land; and he voles regu of Mr, and Mrs. Kenneth Bardlsaoe of white carnations J larly and intelligently ing, Yarmouth, Nova Beatie. The A od eikizen is imaresied in geremony was periormed For the honeymoon (rip the fresdom, he said, and the weklare Rev E, €. Corvett, Wr {Pride wore » royal ue lace over Hof all the word's people snd does Camphell, of Oshawn, was at the toilets dress suit with beige pe: i his part to assist Lose people, |oream Sooties #04 o corsage of pink 7 j ol "1 grant you thet your eon The bride, given In marriage : eiisen Jar, the dies othe rim a. 4 seem very smatlby her lather, wore a white floor, Mr. and Mrs. Harding ar 10 Rules Given 'New Citizens A group of 118 new Canadign | citizens on Friday weve given 16 ries to he [hlowed as Canadian citizens, rides which many pative "orn Canadians may never have {hesrd, Judge W, 6, Lane, of Pie Lon, pr in the Ontario | County Court at Whithy, gave the | rules #fier presenting certificates io fhe new citizens Taking part in the ceremon were two officers of the RCM WHITBY and DISTRICT nity Offices 111 Dundas $i, West Wb) Bussey Tel MO, 5-870 Manavers Lioyd Roherison good gitizgn whe does Rot carry wit (0 the full Ms own conic 5. were Mr Eant CERTIFICATES PRESENTED TO 110 318 Dundes Eon MO 83552 ville 7:00-English Worship at Whithy Everyone Heartily Welcome FAITH BAPTIST 419 BROCK ST, N,, WHITBY Pastors Rev, E, C, Corbett, B.Th YOUR FIRST HEF 110 BEAUTY ANB SAIFTY" | | St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church REV. D. MARSHALL BYRON 87, 6, AT 57. JOHN 7, ' he sald TOWN OF WHITBY Notice to Retail Merchants Retail Merchants in the Town of Whitby will kindly take notice that a By-law was passed of the regu. far meeting of Council held on September 12th, re- stricting the hours of trade as follows: 9:18 AM, RADIO BROADCAST 9:45 AM BIBLE SCHOOL HOUR 11:00 AM. & 7:00 PM, OUR PASTOR SPEAKING Special Music et both Services WHITBY UNITED CHURCH Rey. John M. Smith, BA., B.D, Mrs. J. Beaton, ARTE, Minister Organist Rev, A, M. Butler, Assistant Minister EXPRESS YOUR GRATITUDE SUNDAY SCHOOL 11:00 AM, Girls and Boys under 9 years | CLUB CALENDAR (TUESDAY, Oct, 11 Whithy Baptist Chureh CGIT | Faith Baptist Church YPA | 9:45 AM SUNDAY SCHOOL AND BIBLE CLASS 11:00 AM MORNING WORSHIP BEGINNERS CLASSES & CHRISTIAN ENDEAVOR Eastern "On Mendays, Tuesdays, Thursdays end Saturdays from 8:00 o'clock a.m, to 6:00 o'clock p.m. On Wednesdays from 8:00 o'clock am, to 12:30 o'clock p.m.; On Frideys from 8:00 o'clock a.m, to 9:00 o'clock p.m., EXCEPT when Friday is @ Dominion or Public Holiday in which case stores may remain open on Thursdays from 8:00 o'clock a.m, to 9:00 o'clock p.m., ALSO EXCEPT the month of December when the store hours will be announ- ced by retail section of The Chamber of Com- merce", Hew work Church room WA refreshments 10 the group at the it MW we keep our Institutions length lace over satin gown, lace misking thelr home In Whithy, ""Mayhe you have & more Im greet fallacy, It tury belongs to Canada, | expect) communiy. "It is only @ 6 indi {local and national affairs Helen Marshall Bociety part In the community and | and Bcouls Chureh N, working properly, we gn & long fitied bodice with sweethesrt | Untied Shusch hal the highest| way towards essing the yoke of pecking topped by & malehing wag @ nation can confer on an) [VFEER domination In other ace Jacket. A crown of simulated ™ individual not born In that coun- lands," he sald pearls held her fingertip veil, She try," said Judge Lane, "You 87€| A wood citizen 1s productive Corried a bouquet of red roses 1 ure es somewhat In the nature of Bh nd Fenders a worthwhile service and white carnations ehild, It has heen 8818 i, his fellow mean,' he said.. Her only attendant was Miss) thet an sdopied child is €hosen! 'There is a tendency to measure Borie Starring, 85 id ond you have chosen 10 DECOM! man's success in dollars and! yhe chose @ street length dress of Whith B ist EMMANUEL Canadians, a pylon over taffeta with matehing a pylon © 8 A R | portant place here than nafive rather more Important thet We houauetof white ehrysanthemums Church EFORMED {born Canadians" he 88 © should messure a MAN'S SUCCESS cud pink carnations C HURCH {could not help heing Canadians. in "terms of his contribution fo" Hurthert acted asl] Rev, J. M, Word, Minister | You have chosen Canada #5 YOUF Canada and the community in| Mr, Kent Hurthert : REV. GERRIT REZELMAN home which he lives, If that attitude is Mrs, W. E Summers, ATEM, Yhird Concession Read West of | HIGHEST HONOR adopted, the financial returns will LLL We, 12 Wighwey "No sountey 6an otter, " ui follow," zens more than Canada" he to ] 10:00 AM. gE them. "It has her n sald that the MOST IMPORTANT SUNDAY SC 1830 bien Jorvica, Shit. first half of the 20th century De: The most important requisite of ily longed (0 the United States and a citizen, he said, is that he se 11:00 AM 3 90=Eralh Worship ot Bowmen y Pen . School that the next A) years will Prove show the younger generation the : this fo be true," Way that we €an Werpeluste oul EVENING SERVICE As a definition of what eibtizen-| way of if ---------- ship entails, His Honor chose the 10 points of good citizenship set {out by the Rotary Club A good citizen, he said, should be well informed on local and world affairs, The new eitizens he said, have received the right | "You cannot he a good citizen {and not know the way to use the right to vole," he sald | A good citizen 1s courteous i ¥ > selfish, friendly, gets slong we [Ralvation Army Cubs with others and is a good neigh Whithy Chapter Order hor, Courtesy in itself is a virtue itd ig Lh and a great help in being neigh ats' Anglican Chur horly, he said AY Salute' Angie Church Af A good citizen Is sincere and i ' ) p tholce United Church WA Fve Gigup| Chureh of his ehaic p ' i PRACTISE RELIGION Whithy Baptist Church LA "We do expect you wil py p |tinue to practise your religious REUNGEDAY, on | beliefs," he said; "No man ls @ Whithy Red Cross Bt, John Anglican work meeting Bth Whithy Cubs Mother's Auxiliary Canadian Legion Ladies Aux Biche, yo crass] SMOKELESS pity Clu ast Noble Gran VHabekaly | OIL FURNACE Kathleen Rowe H and 8 Assoc, THURSDAY, Oct, 18 Salvation Army Women's HL Sinclair H and 8 Association Whithy Garden Club FRIDAY, Ocf, M4 Senior Citizens Group 9:45 AM, Girls and Boys 9 years and ever 11:00 AM, Infant Care Junior Worship PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE 307 BROCK, N, REY, JOHN SCARR, Pastor Phone MO 8.5772 cents," he said, "and this | SEEMS 10 ME pion headpiece, She carried # that the second half of the een: un example to the youth of the MORMING SERVICE I eh ito vote and guide the nation in Bt, Andrew's Proshytérian Church | dependable ind takes oh Aelive Ruth Group Bt. John's Anglican The Retail stores affected are in the following categories Paint and Wallpaper Wecord Bons Mail Order Office Hardware Stores Men's Wear Children's Wear Bicycle Bales and Repairs Frozen Food Lockers Pry Cleaners Jewellers Milliners Tailors Shee Repairs and Seles Clothing Florists Ladies' Wear Home Appliances Tire and Aute Supplies Furniture Stores (Used and New) CUSTOM Markl Users report % savings on | oil ooo cuts service costs... gives ideal home comfort | a. Randall & Sona. tid. |, 102A BYRON 5. MO 8-3 ------------------------ | 8:45 AM. --Radie Broadcast CKLB Oshawa 9:45 AM ~Sunday Scheel 11:00 AM. and 7:00 P.M, Rev. and Mrs, James Skinner, returned Missionaries from Africa, EVERYONE WELCOME FREE HOLIDAYS About 10,000 housewives in| Norway had free summer vaca| tions In 1060 under government subsidized programs of welfare] agencies, "JONN R, FROST" Clerk, Town of Whithy, Taking part in the Canadian Citizenship ceremony in Whit: by on Friday was a family alfair for Hulbert and Eliza: beth De Jong and their poms of 407 Anderson siveel, Whitby, Mr, and Mrs, De Jong were (wo of 110 who repeated thelr oath of allegiance before two | Judge W, 8, Lane of Pieton, In the upper pleture, Mr, and Mrs De Jong discuss the meaning of thelr eltizenship certificates with thelr sons Tony, 11, left and Casey, 10, right, The lands, In the lower pleture Mrs. Donald HUI of the House of Windsor Chapter of the IODE offers a sandwich to new eitl- gens Edith and Lothar Schmid, 10260 Newbury Ave, Oshawa, The House of Windsor Chapter following the eeremony, De | entertained all of the new eiti dongs came from the Nether: | #ens at the United Church Hall | CAR DI NAL AS A) Let Us Help You Keep Thal 4, 7 oc | Well Groomed Look oy | ~Oshawa Times Photo ee Motorists Wise Will Winlerize at CLEANERS << are spending the Thanksgiving on weekend In Montreal with "Just A Little Bit Better" om ' (friends CORNER THICKSON'S RD, AND HWY, NO, 2 WHITBY PERSONALS Jessie] PHONE. RA. 8.5611 was) inlaw in Markham Ita, 1s spending the holiday week held at the home of Mrs, Grace| Mrs, Anne Batheson is holiday end with her sister and brother Hicks, Byron street north, the Ing In Ottawa, | In-law, Mr, and Mrs, Victor Scott, WE KNOW MODERN FABRICS lucky winners were: First, Mrs,| Mr, and Mrs, Thomas Sheahan of Lee avenue, Free Pickup and Delivery -- Satisfaction Guaranteed Mr, and Mrs, George Sharman | The weekly euchre club TTERSLEY TIRE SERVICE BOB SAYS: "Wise Motorists will take advantage of our... 1] "THANKSGIVING SPECIAL" ® The newest mest modern plant in the ares, ® Group or individual tours on complete processing at any time, Rose Barrington, Brooklin; see-land family ave spending the holls| a Ma ond, Mrs, Cora Peel, HBrookling day weekend In Ottawa as the( , Sai daushier of Me nd MY. low, Mrs. Howard Bartley, Osh-| guests of Mv, and Mrs Kvans gj, birdy' a nr ni nor awa, A dainty lunch was serv-|Rickerd, ends Ta oh W ig hel ed hy the hostess assisted by Mrs,| Mr, and Mrs, I, Shaw, of Coch igs f the d any happy Barrington and Mrs. Edna Saw:/rane street; are entertaining the|'e'W'8 of ihe day, yer, The next euchre will be held| following guests for the holiday at the home of Mrs, Howard weekend: Mr, and Mrs, Fred Hartley, Willlam street, Oshawa, | Tummon and family, Mrs, E, W.| Mrs, Grace Hicks is spending al Shaw, of Rexdale, and My, D, W, week with her daughter and son! Cole, of Montreal BROCK "W"2 Phone MO 8-3618 STARTS joiiday Matinee Monday 1:30 MONDAY Evening Shows 7 and 8:25 pom, Ss. Buti National Fire Prevention Week OCTOBER 9-15th The attention of all citizens of the Town of Whithy is divested te the following resem for the p ion of loss of life and property of fire, AN dwellings, publie buildings, stores, h and # i should be carefully inspected hy their eseus pants, and al! conditions likely to cause or promote the spread of fire should be ve: maved, All theatres, hotels and other insth tutional buildings should be inspected and provision made for all changes necessary to protect occupants in case of fire, ® 2 Fully Guaranteed Recapped Snow Tires (Either 670-15 or 750-14) * Complete with Winter Qil Change, Grease Job, Full Anti-Freeze Protection ® One Low Price~Only ........:.. 550 Most NE NEWAMAR Waata frame tower! dati PREVENTED Five drills should be held for the children in all schools, for the inmates of all institutions, and for the employees in all factories, in order that a greater degree of safety be ensured by acquainting the occupants with the best and most expeditious means of exit in time of danger, WITH YOUR RECAPPABLE TIRES) TTERSLEY TIRE SERVICE (AUTHORIZED DUNLOP DEALER) MIRE CHIEF PRESERVE LIFE & PROPERTY AND REDUGE Insurance Rates || 401 DUNDAS ST, E. WHITBY m-- Special instructions on the subject of fire prevention should be given by the teachers and by municipal officials in the schools and such appropriate literature as may be available should be distributed to the pupils This co-operation of all citizens of the Town of Whitby is respectiully solici- ted in the above matters, George Brooks CHAIRMAN, FIRE COMMITTEE QnenaScong GOLOR by DE LNG a) Bruce Corner * LAST TIME TODAY » "THE WRECK OF TNE MARY DEARE" With Gary Cooper -- Charlton Heston MUS ~~ CARTOON . COMEDY . ADVENTURE MO 8.5221

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