GROUPS, CLUBS AND AUXILIARIES -- CEREBRAL PALSY COUNCIL [Crawford and Mrs, Henry Thomp-(the hostess assisted by Miss Carol The September meeting of the Oshawa and District Cerebral Palsy Parent Council was held in Simcoe Hall with an attendance of 28 members, In the absence of the presi dent, Mrs. D, G, Arkless, Mr D, G, Arkless presided, Announcement was made that Mrs, Walter Sterricker is now principal of the school Mrs, Charlotte Clark of Bow manville arranged a successful euchre in Bowmanville on Sep- tember 20, Mr, and Mrs. Ralph Campbell were both reported ill The annual bazaar is fo be held on Saturday afternoon, No- vember 19, in Simcoe BSireet United Church Memorial Hall, at 2.3 p.m. A euchre and raffle draw is scheduled for November 15 to be held in Memorial Park Clubhouse Bowmanville, A rummage sale is planned for the Oshawa area for October, Mrs. Albert Rose of Bowman ville was elected delegate to at tend the Ontario Federation for the Cerebral Palsied Conference, to be held in Toronto on October 15 and 16, Special announcement was made that the October 25 meet- ing will convene at 8.30 p.m, to allow any to attend the Court Charlene bazaar in aid of the cerebral palsy school and clinic, Refreshments were served under the direction of Mrs, Jack Luke assisted by Mrs. Albert Rose IND GROUP COMMITTEE The regular meeting of the 2nd Group Committee was held at Guide House Wednesday evening October 5, with the president Mrs. Frank Ball, welcoming the 14 members and especially the new members Annual reports were given by the secretary, Mrs William Arnold, and the treasurer, Mrs Douglas Kirkland. It was noted that the group had raised over $200 during the year and had spent that amount in various ways in helping the Guides and Brownies and the Guide Move son, Mrs, Ball gave a brief re sume of their past activities on behalf of the group and Mrs Gordon Barker made the pres entation expressing the apprecia tion of the members for their services, The lucky cup draw was won by the Brown Owl, Mrs, F. M. Jamieson, Befreshments were served by the social convener, Mrs, Thomp- son assisted by Mrs, C pelius, ST. STEPHEN'S MC The regular meeting of St Stephen's United Church Mission Circle was held at the home of Mrs, Samuel Jackson on Monday evening with the president, Miss Dorothy Fish presiding The worship service theme was Thanksgiving, prayer by Miss Dorothy Fish, Mrs. David Du chemin introduced the new Study Book, The first chapter of the book, "The Ship Under the Cross", dealing with the Ecu- menical movement, and a chap ter from 'The Turning World", an interesting book of a corre. spondent's tour of World Council of Churches abroad and the peo- ple she met. An interesting dialogue on the 'Ecumenical Movement" was held, led by Mrs John Hoskin and Mrs, Elsie Fice Miss Carol Alexander gave the secretary's report and the roll call was answered by eight mem- bers, Treasurer's report was given by Mrs, John Hoskin, New books were discussed by lit- erature secretary, Miss Sylvia Rundle. An article on steward- ship was given by Mrs, David Duchemin It was decided to make towel kits for Overseas Relief and save all silk stockings to send to Korea The group decided to decorate the church for Thanksgiving on Saturday afternoon + The meeting closed with the singing of "Spirit of the Living God" and Mizpah benediction Next meeting to be at the home of Miss Dorothy Fish on Novem ber 14 Refreshments were served by E. Cor- 8 Alexander North Simcoe H and 8 ASSN, | Association began its 37th year of activity auditorium recently tendance resulted in the leount being won by Mr Murray's Grade 6 The principal, Mr, Lawrence ry, introduced his staff, after sident, Mrs, D, K red the home and school executive for this year A film on "Mouth to Mouth Resuscitation" was shown, follow. ed by a UNICEF film, which the Stiles, intr pre dian Red Cross asking for volun- were on display and for sale, also teers to assist in the tuck rhop other articles, at Hillsdale Manor, Mrs, Robert » Williams is to be the permanent! bers were signed by those pres- representative, Mrs, James Dobbins was ask- held ed to purchase material suitable for making tributed to Mrs. Mrs, aprons Taylor; fish pond a Mrs, ent, The and other of her recent at next giorida, Refreshments sewing, Lorne presiding, Ars, Lorne Dalton and Mrs. Jo- er's report. It was announced that a UNI seph Larocque, CEF Hallowe'en held again this "Open House' November Refreshments were provided by the mot 5 of Miss Smith's Grade 5 and 6 class and by the mothers of Mrs Trotter's Grade 7 class of the evening grade mother ander, Mrs Robert Kelly Taylor HOLY TRINITY WA regular business meeting of the Woman Auxiliary o Holy Trinity Anglican Church was. held recently in the parish with Mrs, Robert Williams pre- siding The minutes were read Mr Lorne Dalton read a letter from the Diocesan ecretary listing the Dorcas responsibilie for 1961, In addition to the cloth ing needed the oup was asked o provide two dolls which Mrs Thomas Murphy volunteered (0 dress. A letter was also read from the Oshawa Branch of the Cana party will be year and that| will take place in| iis part Mrs and The dorcas CENTRE STREET WA (West Group) Mr. A. 8S. Winter, Cards to be sent to sick mem- annual fowl supper will be Wednesday, October 19 from Mrs, Harry Young showed some North Simcoe Home and School hand made articles to be dis-| i400 members when it met in the school meeting so that everything can A large a- be completed before the Christ- Mrs, William Badgley and com- room mas bazaar on December 3, The! mittee James conveners are home baking and candy, Mrs, Joseph Laroque and Norman James George Coverly; touch and take, Dalton and Mrs, Carl Creamer.| trip were served by RITSON H and 5 ASSN. Ritson Home and School Asso- Yobbi JY ciation held its regular meeting Dobiing and ir recently with Mrs, Carl Creamer Mrs. George Jones, recording secretary read the minutes, Mrs, Refreshments were served by| Laverne Devitt gave the treasur- principal, gave a bef report on school ac- tivities, and reminded the par- ents that Open House will be held The West Group of the WA ofl Monday, November 14, Centre Street United Churgh met Dorothy recently with Mrs smith presiding. devotional was arranged by|' 'Thanksgiving', Mrs. Walter Alex-| Young was planist for the eve-| Alan Preston, Mrs, ning, Various items of business M Harry were discussed, y A rummage to contact Mrs period, or Mrs, Goldsmith The west bazaar will be held Thursday, De- cember 1 group opening Leonard Gold- [the guest Mrs. sale will be held Friday, October 21. Anyone hav-|, ing goods for this sale was asked" pg ol " ve Wilfred Badgley! Refreshments were served by her Harry ings rs. Garth Gillespie, ney ithe mothers of the |Grade 1 annual fall at 2 pm, The Rev. H Mrs, William Milne introduced speaker, the Reverend 8. C. H, Atkinson, who gave a Amy, Mrs, W, G. Dickson led in the talk on "Opera Can Be Fun", theme | This was demonstrated by record- Mr, Atkinson was thanked by| WOOLWORTH | Roll call was won by Miss Sid-| Strawbridge's class, pupils SIMCOE STREET WMS | A. Mellow was Christmas cards and wrappings the speaker at the annual Thank. Grade offering meeting of the WMS ¢ of Thanksgiving". He The president, to port, Mrs, A, E. Hornick gav the envelope report, byterial Sectional rally is bein held in St, Stephen's Unite a.m, An invitation from the WM of St. Andrew's United Church t attend its annual thankofferin meeting on Thursday, 13, at 2 p.m, was read: Also a WA and WMS to attend "For The Beauty of the Earth". any information on Miss Millicent ¢€t Luke, presided, All reports were! read, Mrs, Glen Henry read the) secretary's report in the absence] 4 of Mrs, H, M. Smith, Mrs, Rex|devotions. Harper read the traesurer's re- It was announced that the Pres. Church, north Oshawa, on Tues day, October 18, beginning at 9.15 October invitation fo all members of the| of day, October 19, at 2.20 Mrs, Rex Harper and Mr, G. e by Mrs, G. R. Booth, mittee, bale H&S Meeting Hears Talk On Dietetics 4 d £ 0 8 n Simcoe Street Church on Wednes- Heights Home and School assso- p.m Simcoe Street United Chur ec h.|when Mr, Harry Cole the archi! His subject was, "The Challengeitect for the addition and reno- quoted | vation of the Church and Sunday the proy| Mrs, Charles Bennett led in the Mrs. Jan Drygala was soloist accompanied at the piano Refreshments were served by old age. It is most important to eat good meals, based on Can- ada's basic food rules she said. Mrs. William Woodcock, health : " Lot or com-| convener, introduced Miss Knox Mrs, Albert Loit and her com and Mrs. Derek Barnett thanked a Lol Members were reminded of the regional conference at Peterbor- ough on October 29 and also that Mr, H. H. Simpson, past presi dent of Federation would be the speaker at Home and School' A talk on "Healthful Eating"y~ = i the by Miss Margot Knox, featured quarterly meeting of the WA of the October meeting of Maxwell THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesdoy, October 11, 1960 § |cladien. Atos Knox, who is adi Council on October 25, Mr, Simp. No. 15 . ary. Se A {ant dietitian at the Oshawa Gen- son will speak on "Family Life". hymn No. 15 from the hymnary, School will be present to give Hospital, defined some of thel: Mention was made of Novem. terms used in dietetics, and point- ber meeting which will be open R. ed aut the gloss Je iakion of Joa 0 | nutrition to health, Good nutrition Booth had charge of the PrOGTam. | coins 2 Dirth And coniinges 10 house in connection with educa- tion week. It was decided to have a bake and candy sale at this time, Room count was won by Grade 1, teacher Mrs. Joy Noble. A committee was appointed to draw up a budget for the follow- ing year consisting of Mrs, J, K, Shepherd, Mrs. Harold Beard and Mrs, James Souch, Refreshments were served by the mothers of the pupils in Grade 7. HOUSEHOLD HINT Put a little salt into the frying pan first to prevent grease from spattering, in SCHOOL OF DANCING D.E.A.--M.D.A. Ballet, Tap, Toe, Character, Baton, Acrobatic, Kinderdance and Jillian. Mae Marsh 4-PIECE SETTING FOR FOUR SINGLE ONLY | Silver-Plated Set includes: SETTING 1.49 SETTING 39- HEALTH "SAFEGUARDS of the Family's "PARAMETTES" "PARAMETTES" JUNIOR PARAMETTE VITAMINS, MINERALS AND TRACE ELEMENTS ment in general, Of particular in- terest was the announcement in the Canadian Guider that in fu ture the name of the group com- mittee would be changed to Par ents' Committee' A "fly-up" ceremony will be held on Wednesday evening, Oc tober 12, and the first fall rum mage sale of the group will be held on Wednesday, October 26 at the CRA. The 'house to house" blitz of parents which has proved to be successful in the past, will again be held and a number of members volunteered the use of their cars to pick up the material During the evening a presenta- tion was made to Mrs, Roland THE OSHAWA TIMES "HOME OF THE WEEK"! SPECIAL FEATURE MOSIER 30" x 54" CRIB Roxatone finish, plastic teething SHEET METAL 292 KING W.~~0SHAWA Pre-School. MIDAY & SATURDAY at the MASONIC TEMPLE 91 CENTRE STREET, OSHAWA Information: RA 3.7253 1 DESSERT SPOON 1 TEASPOON 1 FORK 1 KNIFE FREE Your Old Hot cleaned and re- blocked with the purchase of any Ladies' Hot made to order. While quantities last, Shop with con. fidence where you see this seal of satisfaction, P Rs. Open Friday Night > NOS (ill 9 pm. for WOOLWORTH 5 Your Snapim Convenience, Have a hat to match your fur coat, MODERATELY PRICED RA 5-7908 WEEKLY SPECIAL OK USED CAR '55 OLDSMOBILE 4 DOOR HARDTOP Radio, Automatic RICKSHA CHINESE FOOD » 42 King W. You Don't Need Cash . . . Your Old Tires Make the DOWN PAYMENT! VAN BELLE GARDENS 3 MILES EAST ON 2 HWY, BOWMANVILLE MA 3.5757 OPEN EVERY EVENING Roses--42 Varieties Evergreens--20 Varieties Shade Trees CLEMENTS Supertest Service Your Downtown Location For PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE 102 SIMCOE ST. N. Alvi Rug Co. Specialists in oll kinds of Beauty Salon Floor Covering rails, 4 positions, adjustable spring, plastic.coated posture type mattress, bumepr 33 85 ll pad, COMPLETE Reliable Furniture Co, (Next to Ploza Theatre) 96 KING EAST RA 3.7928 "PRICES ARE BORN HERE AND RAISED ELSEWHERE" GLECOFF SUPERMARKET Home of Fine Foods Open Every Night Till Ten p.m. Look Young Call us for a free estimate on wall to wall floor covering. Oil Burners Heating Units Sales and Service PHONE RA 5-2734 MOTOR CITY CAB 9 PRINCE ST. RA 5-1127 Fast-Efficient Service. Get your coupons on the "Polaroid" by calling us for service E. C. CROXALL & SON FUEL AND BUILDER'S SUPPLIES Fresh Cement Always In Stock, Glozed & Clay Tile & Fittings OL 5-4841--Brooklin Fqel Gay Go To Jutta's Right Away ! Ontario Motor Sales LTD. 140 BOND ST. W. RA 5-6507-8 WHOLESALE PRICES TO THE PUBLIC OPEN THURS. TILL 6 PM FRI, TILL 9 PM, SAT, TILL 6 PM. Oshawa Discount House 290 ALBERT ST. RA 8-0311 34 SIMCOE ST. §. PHONE RA 5.9332 | MEAGHER'S 5 KING W.--OSHAWA HOME FREEZER OWNERS Choice Meats BEEF, PORK, LAMB, FRUITS, VEGETABLES, JUICES OSHAWA FUR & COLD STORAGE Phone 3-3012 81 William St. W, PAUL'S SPORTING GOODS Our Speciality GUNS, New and Used REPAIRS FISHING TACKLE and Texidermy 589 ALBERT ST. PHONE 5-5798 STORES 190 King St. E. RA 5.6566 HORWICH CREDIT JEWELLERS LTD. Your Polaroid Headquarters Gifts For Every Occasion WINDER'S ESSO SERVICE Rust Prevention With UNDERCOATING done with the new ""Und-a-spray" 9.95 KING at RITSON RA 5-8507 Al Dearborn Shell Service Stn. Tune-ups for all Makes of Cars Licenced Mechanic HIGHWAY NO, 2 & THICKSON'S ROAD ED WILSON sez: "This Week's Special" CLEARANCE OF FLOOR COVERINGS Foor WILSON FURNITURE 20 CHURCH ST. STATHAM MOTOR SALES YOUR ESSO DEALER Repairs to oll foreign & American Built Cars, Dealer in Peugeot and Skoda Cars, International Trucks. KING & CENTRE STS. RA 3.7712 We cash Baby Bonus, Pension and Pay Cheques. SHOP AND SAVE AT GLECOFF'S 174 Ritson Rd. 5. Oshawa DO YOU LIVE IN THIS HOUSE? Two Stores to Serve' You Better 20 Simcoe St. S. and Oshawa Shopping Centre Lovely "Squirrel « Monkeys' w= Ideal for House or 39 00 L} Apartment, Each PET CENTRE 9 CELINA ST, RA 8.0403 ALL PETS AND PET SUPPLIES It Pays to Shop at l.. COLLIS & SONS Your one stop shop for the entire family 50-54 KING ST. W, OSHAWA RA 5.6311 SUDDARD'S 497 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH C.C.M., RALEIGH BICYCLES KEYS--LOCKS REPAIRS Phone RA 5-3979 SCOTT Outboard Motors for Sales and Service see TED'S WHITE ROSE and MARINE RR. 4 OSHAWA King St €. RA 8-5924 EDGAR'S Paint & Wallpaper NEW EXTERIOR LATEX FLAT COLORED ALUMINUM ASPHALT ROOF PAINT 34 King St. W. RA 3.7351 MACKIE MOTOR SALES KING EAST--OSHAWA THE GREEN DOOR PAINT & GIFT SHOP Featuring C.l.L. Paints, Free Estimates on Wallpapering or Painting PHONE OL 5.4531 BROOKLIN, ONT, sy ---- Brown's Marketeria Your Friendly Red & White PHONE OL 5-4521 our PHARMACY Ge is - IF YOU ARE THE HOUSEHOLDER OF THIS NOME, CALL AT THE OSHAWA TIMES OFFICE AND YOU WILL RECEIVE FREE A $5.00 PURCHASE ORDER GOOD AT ONE OF THE PLACES OF BUSINESS SHOWN MERE. BONUS MONTHLY PRIZE ; WIN A POLAROID LAND CAMERA Yes, you too might win a Polaroid Land Camera. Simply visit any one of the stores listed here for your free coupons, There's nothing to buy, no jingles to write . , , simply sign your name and deposit the slip. A local draw will be held monthly so you stand a good chance of winning. " JACKSON & RAIKE HARDWARE LTD. PITTSBURGH PAINTS 948 SIMCOE ST. N, RA 5-0514 MOTOR CITY BOWLING AIR CONDITIONED Special summer rates LATE SHOPPERS Do Your Shopping lohnason MOTORS Sales & Service MITH Srort BERG'S Ladies' Wear "The, Store of Better Values" GENOSHA HOTEL FOR "FINER" FOOD at KINGSWAY SUPERMARKET TOWNLINE, RR.4 KING ST. E, For Oshawa's Best Deal in New and Used Cars COFFEE SHOP COMPLETELY AIR-CON, OPEN 24 HOURS STAN'S SHARPENING AND RENTAL SERVICE RA 5-5743 SEE AND DRIVE THE NEW 1961 Buicks and Pontiacs Oshawa Fixture & Lamp Supply 12 CHURCH ST. (at King) DUMONT Aluminum Products 377 Simcoe St. S. Oshawe HOME APPLIANCES (Oshawa) LIMITED 90 Simcoe Street South RA 5-5332 HACIENDA DINE and DANCE SPECIALIZING Spanish Imported Ch. ndeliers Specials On . . Modern and Danish Creations Ceramic and Opal Glassware Walnut and brass room dividers and pole lamps, with planters, book shelves, cabinets SHEPHARD'S FOOD MARKET 'rime Meat & Poultry Fresh Vegetables RA 5-3564 46 SIMCOE ST. N fully automatic pin setters 78 RICHMOND ST. W. PHONE RA 3-3212 8 KING ST. WEST RA 5-1932 Cliff Mills Motors Lid. 266 King St, W. RA 5.6651 3.4634 3.4638 YOUR PONTIAC, BUICK & GMC VAUXHALL DEALER WINDOWS, DOORS, AWNINGS and SIDING RA 8-1651 IN STEAK ON A BUN Specializing in FRIGIDAIRE Domestic and Commercial Sales and Service. YOUR FRIGIDAIRE DEALER IN OSHAWA FOR 23 YEARS. OPEN 11 a.m. to 4 a.m. BROOKLIN OL 5-3301 227 King St. W., Oshawa RA 3-3224 WE SHARPEN & RENT NEARLY EVERYTHING Crysler Furniture Co. "STORE-WIDE CLEARANCE SALE" EVERYTHING LOW COST! Easy Terms -- Free Storage Free Delivery 29-31 CELINA ST, OSHAWA Stephenson's Garage OSHAWA'S WHEEL ALIGNMENT SPECIALIST 15 Church St. RA 5-0522 DRY CLEANERS FOUR STORES TO SERVE YOU CALL RA for Free Pick-up SATISFACTION GUARANTEED SHIRT LAUNDERERS 35-3555 and Delivery VIVIAN'S B-A SERVICE Groceries & Confectionery B.A. Gas & Oil Greasing & Washing NONQUON ROAD RA 3-4872 WARD'S NEWEST STYLES IN UNIFORMS 31 Simcoe St S RA 5.1151 - FREE DELIVERY Buckingham Groceteria TO SERVE YOU Where Canada's Choicest of Red Brand Beef, A Full Line of Smoked and Cooked Meats Supplied by Canada Packers 28 BUCKINGHAM AVE PHONE RA 5.2213 LEAVE YOUR FILM HERE FAST 5 HOUR SERVICE On Black and White Film In by 12:30 P.M. Out by 5:30 P.M. Jury & Lovell Lid. 8 King St. E, RA 3.2245 530 Sincoe St. 5, RA 5.3546