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The Oshawa Times, 11 Oct 1960, p. 8

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WED IN DOUBLE-RING CEREMONY ter of Mrs, Stanley r, Fraser and the late Mr. Fraser and the bridegroom is the son of Mr and Mrs, William Duncan Photo by Ireland Dianne Elizabeth Frazer and Philip Edward Duncan, both of Oshawa, were married recently at St. George's Memorial Church, The bride is the daugh- Bride's Father Officiates At Colleran-Jacenty Nuptials The Ukrainian PresbyterianiLord"s Prayer" and "O Perfect Church was the setting recently| Love" for the marriage of Dorothy Leo-| Given in marriage by her bro nora Jacenty, daughter of the|ther, Mr. John Jacenty Jr the Reverend and Mrs. John Jacenty bride wore a street-length dress and Jack Jeffrey Colleran, sonlof white silk organza. The slim of Mr. and Mrs, Herbert Coller- bodice 5 offset: with a scoop an, all of Oshawa weekline and short tiered sleeves The ceremony was performed with short white gloves, A white by the father of the bride, The satin cummerbund accented the wedding music was played by waistline and the bell tiered skirt Miss Zena Dzikevieh, and Miss was highlighted by a large bow Diane Bell accompanied Mr. and sash at the back, A crown of Wayne Heuther, who sang, "The pearls and rhinestones held her fingertip vell and she carried a cascade of yellow roses and white chrysanthemums The bride's sisters, Miss Iris Jacenty, as maid of honor, and Miss Diana Jacenty as brides- maid wore dresses matching that of the bride in a pale mauve color, with a deep purple cum- merbund and bow, They had fea Parent Education Theme Of Address At H&S Meeting The Duke of Edinburgh Home and School Association was privil eged to have Mrs, R. D. Heard, thered whimsey hats to match Latin and English teacher at the and carried cascades of white OCVI, as its guest speaker for chrysanthemums with peach and the first meeting of the school| Yellow roses, : year, Mr. John Gerald Colleran, bro- Mrs, Heard was chairman of|ther of the bridegroom, per- parent education for the Domin.|formed the duties of best man ion Home and School Assocla-|@nd Mr. Alan Collatan ushered tion, is on the provincial com pi graception followed 4 She mittee for Home and School and], y om 0 0 0 e spoke on "Parent Education," Genosha, where the bride's mo- which was the theme of the meeting. Mrs, 'Heard was intro. duced by Mrs. R. J. Manning, who with Mrs, F. C, Malloy and Mrs. William Keeler, had charge of the meeting, Mrs. Heard felt that the treat- ment a child gets in the early stages does In some way affect his behavior as an adult, and sug- gested parents could perhaps be| a little more sensitive to the| child's real needs in any particu-| lar stage, Two skits entitled "TV Invades the Dinner Hour," and| "Must We have Bedtime Blues," were presented by members and staff, Following the sketches, Mrs. Heard Invited the members to discuss the situations and to ask questions, In closing, she sug- was the bridegroom's mother, who wore a navy blue dress of nylon lace over: rayon taffeta with sage of pink and yellow roses Later the couple left for a honeymoon to the Province of Quebec and the New England States. For travelling, the bride wore a navy accessories and a corsage of pink roses, in Oshawa. SOCIAL NOTICE ther received in a sky-blue after-| missionaries in the different coun. noon dress of peau de sole with tries especially at this time when blue and white accessories and| much is centred around these corsage of pink roses. Assisting| parts, beige accessories and cor- blue sheath, grey was 18 years old and was worn Mr, and Mrs. Colleran will live| was held on the birthday of the gested that it would be interest ing to form a few study groups by which all could gain an in ht as to how to handle a|"'" child, Mrs, Heard was thanked ot thor daughter, Mary Eliza by Mrs. F. C. Malloy hein, Mrs. Gordon Jackson presided bert, son of Mr, and Mrs. Joseph at the meeting, The minutes were| Gilbert, all of Oshawa " y rriage will ta keplace on Fri read by Mrs, William Moring| Marr 1 ay aR and the treasurer's report by day, November 11, 1960, at 7 p.m, Mrs. R. D. Malcolmson. Mrs in Christ Memorial Church Jackson announced that during education week, November 7 to| 12, Mr, Arthur V, Pigott, MA, will speak at OCCI auditorium on Tuesday, November 8 at 8.00 p.m Mrs. Alfred Turton, finance chairman, presented an outline of the budget for the coming year, which was adopted. Mrs, Jackson introduced the| principal, Mr. Kelvin James, who| Arthriti introduced the members of the| r r IS staff, as follows: Kindergarten, @® Parkinsons Disease Mrs. Irene Ebert, Mrs. Lillian : MacBeth; Grade 1, Mrs, Helen|® Rectal Fistula Richards, Miss Margaret Patier-|® Diabetes Explained son, Miss Dorothy Somerville Q. Is arthritis @ modern disease Grade 2, Mrs, Sylvia Oaks, Miss and can it be helped through Sandra Gaskell; Grade 3, Miss diet? Elsie Lyon, Miss Eileen Ewart; (A The answer is "No" to both Grades 3 and 4, Miss Lamoine |, estions The very first evi Love and Miss Ann Adamack;!dence of arthritis in any creature Grades 4 and 5, Miss Aldyth Mc: has been preserved in the spine Murtery and Mr, H, B, Fletchiof oq Comanchean dinosaur Grade 8, Miss Gertrude Penman|)00,000,000 vears old, Arthritis and Mr, P., Wright, is reported in the remains of Mr, James spoke of the value|neolithic man, ancient Egyptians, of the Home and School organiza- Peruvians and early American tion, and stated that the mem- Indians, to name only a few bers of the staff welcomed inter- examples, A well-balanced diet views any time throughout the|is indicated for arthritics (as it is year, He stated that an appoint-/for all other persons) but no ment for an interview with the|special food or vitamin hos been teacher should be made and that!found helpful the interview should be a pri- i 0 vate one between parent and S. My Jothae. hoe Horkinssers teacher. He announced th at|goes fairly well butcomplains Church and School week occursof excessive amounts of solive. the week of October 10 to 16. /Can this be helped? During this week the board will|, Various show their alliance with the. 4 : work that the church is doing by mens of Batkiracn : Yar tend trying to add their encourage: bur there is ony pi hid ment to the children of the|yve so far as Ie I for school to attend the church of diminishing excessive saliva' fiow their choice, ¢ in some persons It was decided condition William Moring, Jackson and Mrs, Harry Me-| Grath to the Area "C" Confer. ence at Peterborough on October|Rersonal physician 29. The theme of the conference|¥': Terminal "A™, is "Wake Up Home and School." columns when possible. Mrs. R. J. Manning, Mrs. C. N. McDonald and Mrs. Harry Me- Grath have volunteered to repre- sent the Duke of Edinburgh H-S! at Council meetings, Refreshments were served by the executive and Mrs, John Elliott, social chairman. ENGAGEMENT and Mrs. Sidney Winsley Mr h to announce the engagement drugs used in treat. {which occurs to send Mrs with this Mrs Gordon 28 King Sy 3 to Mr. Joseph Albert Gil The edical Mirror Answers do not necessarily reflect the opinion of all doctors. The diagnosis and treatment of disease is the function of the patient's Questions directed to Science Editors, P.O, Box Toronto, Ontario, will be incorporated in these Kan Drugs RA 3-462) Wenner, Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Dial BA 3-3474 8 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesdoy, October 11, 1960 white tapers in crystal holders. Pouring tea were Mrs John Darcy, Mrs. Angus Barton, Mrs David Taves, Mrs. Boyce Waram, Mrs, Sidney Parrott, Miss Edna Greenfield Tea conveners were Mrs. Ralph Hopson, Mrs, Arthur Howard and Mrs. Richard Brit. ton A setting of roses and candles greeted the mothers of the Grade 1 pupils at the annual grade mothers' tea held at E, A. Lovell school, The guests were welcom ed by Mrs, Nicholas Lakas, presi- dent, who introduced the execu tive members of the Home and School Association, Mrs. R. H Broadbent and Miss Rita Robin-| son, a former teacher at the| : school, poured tea and the execu |¢ arl, Wellington |tive members served, Mr. R H. land Mr, and Mrs, J. H. Long, | Broadbent, principal, introduced| Colborne street west, Oshawa, Miss Judith Sills, Mrs, Ruth|have returned from spending the Creswell and Miss Margaret | Thanksgiving weekend as guests | Reynolds, Grade 1 teachers, Miss of Mr, and Mrs Robert Mooney {Reynolds gave a talk on the|Lake Placid, New York Grade 1 curriculum Zaplais ig --_-- that phonics taught by ea one and then the asl Albert Street H& known vocabulary of sight Words . Following the talk the mothers 0 b M had an opportunity to meet the| cto er eeting of their own particular! phe October meeting of Al ducted by the hert Street Home and School As. ©. F. Twining idl th wed ation was held recently at the ©d the new executive in Ah andl school, with the president, Mrs ear, with changes due 0 resig and Newton Wright, presiding nations. The new vice - preside The minutes of the May meet ng were read by Mrs, Lloyd Patterson and Mrs. Robert Mc Girath gave the treasurer's re port It was brought to the attention f those present that Home and chool Council held in E. A. Lov ell School October 22 at 8 p.m Mrs, Newton Wright introduc ed Mrs, M, Allin from Home and School Council who explained the functioning of the monthly ouncil meetings Announcment was made of the "Area C" Conference to be held in Peterborough, October 29 At the graduation night at Al hert Street School recently, Mr Laurence Millson, principal vin poke to the pupils receiving al their pins, He stressed the point Miss ©n education not being hut Perry hould be enjoyable, to develop Ross | Zood work habits and if intend ing to go on, set aside a suitable nlace to work, not in front of the T™V or radio. Mrs. Norman n 1.0 Wright assisted by Mrs. Joseph Patterson Mary street spent She Jotiday Rocque presented pins pL hammer | week end in Orange vA ' Bs Pa extended congratulations of Mr, and Mrs. Samuel & Mrs, Lloyd Annis introduced Forder's main guest speaker the Reverend | served by | Major and Mrs, Leonard Kirby |N. F. Swackhammer. His ad-'pupils of the Salvation Army and daugh Sons of Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd Mahaffy, Raglan, are Wayne Everett, William Patrick and Gordon Lloyd, Wayne, seven Richard Mac- street, Whitby, Mr, and Mrs The first the form of a - Night," was Massey Home and School Associ regular meeting, Get are ents president, teacher S80 who also present child parties oe coming your Teas, birthday ding anniversaries, going of guests and holiday plans are always of inter est to this column, Write, tele phone or visit the SoC jal depart ment with your item of news which there is no charge ¢ phone RA 3.3474 ow is new exe members are ¥ Ulrich Strahl, and Mrs Glassford. The grade vere introduced as follows: Kin dergarten, Mrs, Harold Forsyth and Mrs, Harvey Armitage Grade 1, Mrs. David Bowman; Grades 1 and 2, Mrs, Bruce JAdster; Grade 2, Mrs, Lawrence Millson; Grade 3, Mrs Barton; Grades 4 and 35, Leonard Saunders; Grades 6, Mrs, Arthur Smith; Grades an 8. Mrs, Lloyd Flavelle Mrs, Robert Peacock to be a delegate for the Area "'C' Conference to be held in Peter horough on Saturday, October 29 cutive for the were town guests at wedding Mrs. Leo Bu Out of Colleran-Jacenty the Reverend and chak, Hamilton; Mi Mich Wiadyka, Port Hope Mr, and Mrs, William Wladyka and Dor een Wladyka, Port Hope; the Honorable Michael Starr and Mrs, Starr, Ottawa; Mr ind Mrs. William Mykietyn, Pas saic. New Jersey, USA; Mr and Mrs. Gerald Colleran, Uxbridge; Mr, Robert Burkin, Wash on DC; Mis Anne Goo Niagara Falls, Ontario; Mrs Parry, Mr. Robert Parry Doris Parry, all of Port Mr. and Mrs, Douglas Windsor, Ontario el & Mrs 5 and asked to notify a member of the executive by October 20 easy dress showed a way to direc course of life by having a guid ing light or a fixed light to fol low to reach a goal, Mrs ar " 5, Mar Mr, and Mrs. C. 8, Martyn thanked Mr Swack Aa Refreshments of Grade Room 3 mothers i : yi. WAYNE, WILLIAM AND GORDON | Vincent Massey H&S Association Holds "Get Acquainted" Night inthe treasurer Acquainted held by Vincent|was proposed to ation, with a very good attend- ¢ ance of both teachers and par-lohairman The business meeting was con-| Danny Mrs, Norman Roe, and the two Claude| mothers John 7 offered Anyone else wishing to go was The 1960-61 budget was read by t Lloyd Room count won by Miss Mary 5 Iters will be visiting Oshawa while lon homeland furlough from] {Africa and tomorrow evening will give a talk illustrated by slides of the work in that conti | nent. The meeting which is open to the public will be of special {interest to those who work for Oshawa Hairdressers' Association Adrnnual Dance U.AW. "9 FRIDAY HALL OCT. 14 44 BOND E. 1960 Dancing 9-1 P.M, anf ORCHESTRA Buffet--Door Prize--Refreshments 5.00 PER COUPLE -- SEMI-FORMAL Tickets may be obtained from Your Hairdresser The christening of Sandra Lynn | Shackleton, daughter of Mr, and Mrs, Douglas Shackleton, Elm. grove avenue, took place at Centre Street United Church on Sunday, October 9, with the Reverend W. G. Dickson officiat |ing. The baby's christening dress . Music by {by her brother, Paul Douglas, at | his christening and the ceremony | {baby's grandmother, Mrs. James | Gibson of Rexdale Mrs. William Riding, King street east, has returned to her home after a lengthy stay in Osh. | awa General Hospital and is mak- ing a satisfactory convalescence, The Mary Elliott Smith Mission Circle of First Baptist Church held a successful tea at the home Friends Gather At Birthday Tea | Mrs, George Jewell entertained lon Wednesday, October 5, at he I home on Pontiac avenue in honor of her mother, Mrs, Emily Booth, who was celebrating her | birthday, | The tea table was centers with a beautiful bowl of pink iroses and tall pink and white tapers, Mrs, John McCullough poured tea, Mrs, Fred Perry had charge of the tea table, assist- ants were Mrs, Austin Franklin Mrs, Earl Booth, Mrs, Robert Gray, Mrs {Ray Yeo, Mrs. Sidney Gedge and Mrs. Bruce Byrnes, Mrs, Car-| son Heard received al the door) d had charge of the guest book. | Many cards and gifts, flowers and plants were received by the honored guest including a travel] ng case from the Sisters of Sun shine Rebekah Lodge, No, 22, andl beautiful plant from her WA) Street United] 7) | | an years oid, William, 18 months, and Gordon, eight years, are the grandsens of Mr. Waller Manns of Raglan, a group of King Church Mr awa of past Booth who has fived in Osh- for 48 years is a member King Street United Church president of the WA, life member of the WMS, life men ber, and past president the ocal WCTU, past president and) fe member of the county exeeu-| of the WCTU, of Ritson Home sociation, member sh Lodge Mrs, Gordon Gar. ison, and a family donation plan meet the ex penses during the coming year M Roe, program tive introduced the film Children," starrir ¥ depict n of Norman chi "Asignment Kaye | work done by UNICEF in the ar | 1 torn countrie It was de ¥Frier have the children who wish, to Bronk collect for this cause on Hal 7 the en night this wi ebek ded to year In connec Week in meeting speaker "ipa with November, will have as its Mr. N of Donevan topic will be fal Prosperity Before th etin t tion Yduca nd i inde Norman Vhose mbers acquainted My hysical n the teachers will be sll spective rooms fro meet the parents of t While the nged by health and the public ) ector of pupil Grade afety education che GLECOFF SUPERMARKET 174 RITSON RD. 5. -- OSHAWA Goren DAILY TO 10 PM) BUTTER «=~ 65° BREAD.cosec 2 33° BOLOGNA uw 23° FRESH, SLICED SIDE PORK uw 49° 10-LB, 35¢ POTATOES CIGARETTES 3.09 mother Is of Oshawa AAAAAAAANA SHOP and SAVE al GLEGOFF'S OPEN TO 10 P.M. DAILY TO BE MARRIED NEXT MONTH A oh vn I a a. Robert Drinkle, Mrs, | 2 fs announe- | 11, The bride-to-be Is the Mary Fliza- | daughter of Mr, and Mrs, Sid- Eg A a ney Winsley and her fiance is Memorial | the son of Mr, and Mrs, Jo seph Gilbert, all of Oshawa. The engagement ed today of Miss beth Winsley and bert Gilbert who married in. Christ Church on Friday, November | | Pupils' Mothers fe nl ours vornat me "Get-Acquainted" meeling of Home and School Association this month, She suggested some ways the parenis could help their child at home, by reading Home and to the child, by teaching him entertained number facts in g p y A the mothers of the Grade 1 pupils | 4 Aames pr A g- y the school auditorinm Guests At Tea Given By H&S Sunset Heights ition ; Al ing him sufficient meal Coulter to anced recently Mrs ' Kelvi fant; received the duced Lloyd advised the against pre pre-school guests and In principal Mr who emphasiz of parents I teach child to read M Liovd tea w the Weiderick, Welderick poured B., McCullough con- efreshments, assisted by Mrs, J. W. Button, Mrs, John MeNab, Mr Lawrence Savery irs, Kenneth MeDougall, Mrs mley Jackson, Mrs, Donald Cranfield, Mrs, Lewis Lott, Mrs, » Harry Peleshok Mrs 1 the wiapce ¢ ened the COOpera and he Edna hhe tween He teachers, vi ( Coulter M introduced Mrs and ace explained th Webber would af ¢ and be The Dry Cleaner Of Your Choice Is There's a cotchy Calypso tune called, "People Ars Fun. nier Than Anybody," end I'm always reminded of thet song when | heor of the way some people go about getting their dry cleaning done. A woman will make sure she counts exactly the right number of pennies she wants to leave out for the milkman, but then, on the same day, a man she has never seen before and may never sce ogain ~~ knocks on the front door and asks her If she has any garments she wants dry cleaned, And what is she likely to do? Why, she may just bundle up half the family wardrobe, thrust it into yon stranger's outs stretched arms, ond trust to luck thet it will come back oll safe, sound end clean, | don't mean to imply, by the way, that women are any more likely to do this than men, It's just that the woman of the house is the one who usually answers the door and ultimately---puts the care ond safety of the family's best clothes into the hands of a total stranger. I'll bet that 99 percent of the people who send their dry cleaning out this way would be unable to tell you off hand the name of the company who has their garments, let alone the name of the driver who took them Believe me, you're for better off decling with a dry cleaner of YOUR choice = someone who stands ready to teke full responsibility for the care and cleaning of your wardrobe, and whose name end reputation are backed by yoors of dev pendable public service. of the Reverend and Mrs, Frank| and evening of Thursday, Octo. her 6. The tea table was centred with autumn flowers flanked by |W Ed Zs Q. Can a rectal fistula turn into cancer? A. Any open sore, in any loca~ tion, that fails to heal in a rea- sonable time should be attended to but it is unlikely that the fistula will predispose to cancer Most people probably postpone necessary rectal surgery because of the fear of postoperative pain Rectal surgery can be well tol erated if proper are taken. Our advice your doctor, Q. Is diobetes inherited caused by being overweight? A, Both, Diabetes is basically a disease of heredity in which carbohydrate (sugar and starch) utilization measures > See 5 upset by inadequate - insulin. However, obesity ls a if very 'important factor which, in the presence of a predisposition to diabetes, makes it develop ment more likely P.S. IT'S NO SECRET -- Oshawa GAS DRIES BETTER - FASTER - CHEAPER! JF EVERYONE CAN OWN A "Ze GAS DRYER You get SO MUCH more for SO MUCH less!* NOW ONLY ¢ 90:.. ON YOUR GAS BILL 5 YEARS TO PAY VISIT OUR SHOWROOM or CALL TODAY! (Sonsumers' Has 48 SIMCOE SOUTH Gentle AIR-BREEZE System Controlled Heat or Air-Dry Large Loading Door Full-size Drum Convenient Lint Trap Dries clothes for only 2 cents \\ a normal load! RA 3-3468

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