10 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdoy, October 12, 1960 Federal Housing Policy Changes | OTTAWA (CP)~Works Minis ter Walker has announced broad changes in federal housing policy that will affect just shoul every one with the housing industry--whether he buys, sells, builds or rents houses, Mr, Walker, announcing the moves late Tuesday, said he hoped the "sweeping" changes would "inject new life into the lagging housebuilding industry," changes were the lifting of the Income ceiling on direct mortgage loans made by the gov ernment's Central Mortgage and Housing Corporation and hoost ing the repayment time to 3 years from 25, Other changes extend home For the bulider, Mr. Walker sald CMHC would make immedi- ately available two direct loans for each builder for the construe tion of model or display homes to help sales This is connecied with the grain begun Sept, | of ng direct government loans to mer- chant buliders on presold homes, The amount of lending under this scheme hasn't come up to gov: ernment hopes, Federal loans for limited divi- dend housing also would he made on projects larger than the pres. ent limit of 100 units and on pro- jects already planned which pro- Vv less then the average 2% hedrooms now required, WHOLESALE PRICES TO THE PUBLIC WHOLESALE PRICES TO THE PUBLIC nd Anniversary ELEBRATION! To show our appreciation to you, the people of Oshawa and District, for your acceptance of our Discount Prices over our first two years in business, we are celebrating our Second Anniversary by dropping prices even lower, This is a real opportunity for you to save , , weekend, improvement loans under the Na- tional Housing Act to rental pro jects and apartment buildings; ease terms on financing of low: rental housing, and provide gov ernment loans to hullders for construction of display homes, AT BIX PER CENT - The government guaranteed home improvement loans, made by private lenders, were pre viously available only to private home owners, The interest rate on them is six per cent They will cover such work as structural alterations, in terior and exterior decorating, plumbing, heating and electrical work, There are some 1,500,000 rental housing units in Canada, Mr, Walker sald "an extensive program of repair and improve: ment work should result this win ter," Elimination of the income ceil ing on direct government mort: gage loans departs from a policy begun this year that such loans would not be made to families earning over a ceiling ranging from $7000 to $7600 annually depending on family size RULE REMAINS A spokesman said the govern ment rule of thumb on minimum Incomes would remain the same This has heen that no person should tle up more than 27 per cent of his annual income In mortgage and tax payments in buying a house Mr, Walker sald the lengthen: ing of the mortgage repayment terms by five years should help families "who may have been hesitant In building or huying a house because of monthly earry Help him grow tall as his Dad with Blue Bonnet Margarine, Good for growth, because It's all vegetable, Famous for its country-fresh, sunny-sweel fiavar, Buy It In the handy WHOLESALE PRICES TO THE PUBLIC . hurry down to our store this Thank You, FRANK McCAMMOND EVERY DAY DISCOUNT PRIGES ARE EVEN LOWER THIS WEEK! THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY ONLY OPEN Thursday til 6 p.m, Friday till 9 p.m, Sat, till 6 p.m, DOUBLE GUARANTEE Everything sold at Oshawa Discount House is guaranteed by Oshawa Discount House and is guaranteed by the manufacturer, We feature all nationally advertised, name brand mer chandise, at wholesale prices to the public MARY PROCTOR STEAM and DRY IRONS aw owm oncom Bo TS ELECTRIC KETTLES Retail 10,95, 6 . 5 1) Wholesale 7.30, DANBY N\ x -- -x ing charges." On a $10,000 loan, for example there would be a cut in principal and interest payments of $4.50 a month, The maximum interest rate of 6% per cent on NHA mortgage loans remains unchanged, Mr Walker sald last month that a reduction would dry up private NHA lending, hurt the industry and put the government into busi ness as the main lender, | Yellow Quik package. Blue Bonnet MARGARINE -- EW a Wa on Sp re PE et be Sa TR hh oa po Wy to taste more to enjoy unmistakable flavour unmistakably Philip Morris , s - 2 hat x j= 2 1a ¥ £ : g 2 [2 r 2 0 s £ : > Lake = pa ie ELECTRIC FRYPANS 7.50 TRAVEL ALARMS 2.90 The be glue In hame appliances " 0 model, complete with cover, At Oshawa Dissout House, nly Compact with fold-up leatherette case, Only , , \0 MERA pla ve w i 1a Em yout Vonks 8m, 5" Vor on #¢ { Aram \ 8 neal ac \ ¥ \ave¥ LD yo only we TRRLANL WY A LT FLASH ATTACHMENT Flash for above camer Camera Only 1.50 a or any 35 mm ZIPPER GADGET BAGS With large pocket front and and shoulder straps Special | , tripod straps I fil Ti » NN (LISS 7 THURSDAY, 10 AM, S. SPECIAL EVEREADY PRESTONE ANTI-EREEZE & the cans are damaged so we are clearing them at (One Gallon te & Customer) gal, PRESTONE after this opening special, only PHILISHAVE Rotary Electric SPEED SHAVER Retail 29.95, 1 4.90 This Week Only The Latest Sensation Comical Astonisking HOLLYWOOD SUPER-SPECS Largest, funniest glasses ever made, National retail 2.95, At Oshawa Discount House 2.30 World's Fastest Cookbook by Household Magazine ¥ 1000 tested recipes right out of Households Kits chen, it needs never get obsolete because Mouses hold high speed recipes ara published in Houses hold Magazine every month, Add these tested ocipes or your 'favorites 10 your High Speed [§ look. Colors of yellow with black trim, torquaise with blue trim, pink with black trim Regular breakdown price 14.95, At Oshawa Discount House, completely as sombled with 1000 ve: wipes this week only ® (between Gibb and Olive) 7" % J TRANSISTOR RADIOS Personal pocket size static free radio with 2 transistors and | geranium diode in plastic case with 214" permanent dynamie speaker and earphones Flastic 75 J . carrying ease and built in ferrite TORCAN FULLY AUTOMATIC antenna, Gives excellent reception Reg. 19.95 value, Only ELECTRIC CAN OPENER a 17.75 At Oshawa Discount House 2 IN 1 GAME Chinuse and Regular 4] H Retail 1.49, Now only 1 . FAMOUS BRAND GERMAN MADE AM, FM & Short Wave Bands Portable Transistor Radios with steel mounting bracket for use in or out of car, Mani» wit facturer's Suggested Retail $170 At Oshowa Discount House EEE EEE \ compete, AI | IE (WL Ww : Ic CAMERA Camera the In and gq "ive. This IS iy the pn Metormatiq® geld ne Ww Cinest filters, 4 film allow H ). ng + iret r fading thos the od set tings, it Bilin National Re toil 79.95. Sompiote with did Oshawg Discouns Pind SAve $n 100,00 ON FLA N WITH f § BULBS HOPTRONIC SPEED Ligyy Suggested retail 39.95, 28:0 Special This Week, only 1 LISTED HERE IS JUST A SAMPLE OF THE TERRIFIC BARGAINS BEING OFFERED THIS WEEK RA 8.0311 | OSHAWA DISCOUNT Hou WHOLESALE PRICES TO THE PUBLIC NEES WHOLESALE PRICES TO THE PUBLIC 2i12Nd 3HL OL $3D13d FTvsTionm HEE Oi18nd IHL OL SIDI¥d ITvsiionm INE O113Nd IHL OL SIDI¥d ITVSITOHM