Sarnia, also playing 10 games, have won three of thelr sight matches, Relders clinched thelr win when fullback Howard Neely went over from two yards out at 12:28 of the fourth quarter, Up tl then Lords appeared set for & win, Linshacker Bill Ben nett started the victory march when he fidlded a pass from Jerry Tompking on London 40, Neely went over six plays A crowd of 9000, largest this netted 21 yi ie Sos. 4 to 71 yar by Lords, London Lords Bow To Raiders LONDON, Ont, (CP) --~ Port Huron - Detroit Raiders Tuesday night hammered thelr way to » 22:18 vietory over London Lords! nd uimadiae ie in the | jor Omarie On 14 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdoy, October 13, 1960 SPORT OUTDOORS Third Place Is Big Prize In WIFU Loop By THE CANADIAN PRESS Wineipy Bus oomhers ad vane, ¥ € vineial Foothall Union Ri fii Edmonton Eskimos by defeat) Saskatchewan Roughriders Monday, Bul the Mggest interest of the kend fred around British Columbia Lions and Cal gary Stampeders, The Bombers have all hut even- ed up the league ehai " Again and the Eskimos ean no worse than second, But the Lions and Stampeders {are en in a tough stry OLD COUNTRY SOCCER SCORES LONDON (Reuters) ~~ Results of Tuesday night's soccer games; Football League Cup First Round Sawin ows Barnsley 2 am Athletic 2 Hartlepools United 1 Preston North End 4 Peterhor- ough United 1 Watford 2 Derby Country § Bury 8 Sheffield United 1 Archie Moore And Schoeppner oof By Jack Sords Roberto Clemente's Great Throwing Arm Has Been Key Factor Yankees drove hurler to the showers, Bkow- Football Up Raiders have won four games anon oe, ig, et e 8 fete eight-game a whe play a 10 . schedule, have a 54 record, NEW YORK (AP) -- The un-|series by heating Washingion when the sung star of the world series? | Senators and pitcher Walter (The! Vern Law i could well be Roberto Cle- Big Train) Johnson, ron had opened with a double, te, Pittsburgh Pirates' right. "Sure, Roberto grinned hap- but he didn't try to score when [ielder with the rifle arm, ply, "Nobody con run on me." Gil McDougeld singled to right, The point wes emphesized in. He did no say it in a hoast-|{He would have been out as Cle- the Pirate dressing room after ful manner, He was just stating mente tossed a bullseye throw Monday's 52 victory which gave a fael, {home to catcher Smoky Burgess, them a 32 edge over New York] Clemente put fear into Yankee The Moose later scored as Bobby Yonkees in the best-of-seven se-|base runners in the first game| Richardson forced MeDougald, ries, lin Pittsburgh, In the second Then come another play (that SATURDAY EXCURSIONS Reporters surrounded pitchers Elroy Face and Harvey Haddix, shortstop Dick Groat and man- ager Danny Murtaugh, Clemente sat alone in front of his locker His bullet throwing arm had in ning after Yogi Berra and Moose Skowron had singled with none Roberto gr [1 out, he gathered in Dale Long's fly and just missed fantastic peg, | doubling Berra at second with H showed how the Yankees respect 's arm, Pinch - hitter John Blanchard for kngsjed ace and the | playoff position, singled past first baseman Dick Stuart, Ordinarily, Richardson might have raced to third, In Calgary vaulted into third spot Saturday with a 81-11 win over | Eskimos, However, Lions have played two games fewer tha May Go In Feb. NEW YORK (AP)~A title fi hetween Archie Moore, hah weight champion, and "We discovered then that they stead he stopped at second, Ames light-heavy have a good Aight fielder, salt) ob Sony, frat man face e- sche ' " the 10-game vogular LJ Yankee manager Casey Stengel, pi 'ace, belted a long PLAYED VITAL ROLE drive to Bil Virdon in centre Jlfback Gene Filinski, paced AM was nk te yur, po Wtinveders apni pA old Puerto Rican could do ahout| - Richardson ensily went to third (0 Wo HEE OR "ol ihe Yankees one-sided triumphs after the eateh but got no farther i Doug Brown picked up Seven nthe second and third games, |If he had been on third he would! i poy a field gon) and four But his arm played a vital role have scored after the cateh and HE for stopped the Yankees from taking an extra base on hits to his ter ritory, a feat that contributed] greatly to Pittsburgh's three vie: tories, LIKES COMPARISON He beamed ss his arm was compared to the famed one of Hazen (Kiki) Cuyler, who played the same right field for the Bucs Germany's Erich Schoeppner may be arranged for a Febr date at Miami, oy And x Niederreiter, Schoep- pner's American representative, sald Tuesday "I am very much convinced that an honest effort now is heing made hy Feature Bports Incorporated to arrange this fight, And the fight Is what we want." TORONTO Good going and retuming seme Saturday only, EXCURSION FARE FROM | Belleville . $4.80 Bowmanville + $1.90 Cobourg. + 300 Oshawa + + 148 PortHepe + 275 Whithy + + + + 1.30 Sunday, the score would have been tied The Edmonton Scoring was | handied by fullback John Bright Ron Stewart Now Second Big Four Race TORONTO (CP)~Ron Stewart, Ottawa are deadlocked for sixth|n SPORTS BRIEFS LONDON (AP) == Another top British soccer club, Chelsea, has the little giant of Ottawa Rough with B4 points, Riders, lacks the siz¢ to he a crashing halfback but his great fg speed and faking has made him p the terror of the Ottawa back A three-way battle is going on or the honor of heing the top assing quarterback League statistics show Tobin field on the Riders' wide Plays. pose of Toronto Argonauts, Sam A six-touchdown scoring spree Eicheverry of Montreal Alouettes (ainly not typical of British soc in Ottawa's two wins over Mont- and Ron Lancaster of OLawa| cer and I'm confident the public real Alouettes in their Thanks: Rough Riders sharing the honor pelieves that," giving weekend doubleheader has|so far put him in second place in the scoring race, only six points he hind halfback George Dixon of Montreal Alouettes Statistics compiled by The Ca- padian Press show the 24-year, old Stewart with 84 points on 4 touchdowns, one less than Dixon, who scored one touchdown both games He has & nine-point lead over q Cookie Gilchrist of Toronto Argo pauts, whose 7i-point total in 11 games matches the Figure that | won him the scoring erown last| a n Rote leads in passes attempted {and passes completed 208 out of 358), passing yards gained 3,868) nd passing touchdowns (26) The veteran Etcheverry has hecome involved in a spreading | bribery scandal, Chelsea's man ger, Ted Drake, said Tuesday he was investigating reports that {one of his stars offered two Ever ton players a bribe to let Chelses beat them in a First Division game last Mareh, Everton won 6:1, Drake old reporters, "I have all this bribery talk, It is cer ARGOS SIGN END TORONTO (CP) Toronto Argonauts announced Tuesday the signing of Ted Aucerman, an {end from Indiana, for the 1961 | British Soccer Has Another Bribery Case in 1025 when they won the world' It came in the seventh inning 3-4, The WIFU club signed a years contract giving it exclusive pro-ican League expansion commitiee| Ce fessional foothall rights to Em pire Stadium, owned hy the city and operated hy the Pacific Na tional Exhibition, for the next 2% years CANCEL RACE BRESCIA, Italy (AP) = The oneethrilling Mille Miglia (1,000 mile) open road auto race, sched. uled for Oct, 80, was cancelled Tuesday. Interest in the race has dwindled since Italian authorities toned it down with speed limits and safety rules Pl ps the death of two drivers and 10 spee- tators in a 1067 accident LIONS PROTEST | DETROIT (AP)=Detroit Lions he best percentage of comple: Big Four football season, He was formally protested Tuesday San assing yardage (09), In the rushing department, uarterback Russ Jackson of Of 10 339 yards in 45 carries, CINCH STADIUM VANCOUVER (CP) 'conver at least for the next 2% season, Gilchrist picked up points with four converts and two field goals as Argos split two games with Hamilton Tiger-Cats, Dave Mann of Argos was held to one touchdown in two games and dropped down a noteh to fourth place with 66 points on 10 touchdowns and six singles, He is six points in front of Bill Bew- ley of Montreal and Gerry Me. Dougall of Hamilton, Dick Shatto of Argos and Gary Schreider of John | Fetzer To Control Tiger Club DETROIT (AP)=John E, Fel. ger, main shareholder of the De- troit Baseball Company, said Tuesday he has arranged to pur. chase additional stock that will give him two-thirds ownership of the Tigers, Fetzer sald he plans to become president of the club, a job now held by Bill Dewitt, who has been under criticism by Fetzer and other Tiger shareholders, Fetzer, a Kalamazoo, Mich, radio exeeutive said he has cons cluded a preliminary agreement to buy most of the stock residing in the Kenyon Brown group Brown, a Californian, heads the so-called "eastern group" of Ti. ger owners, Fetzer said he doubts now that a meeting of Tiger owners sched. uled for Monday to discuss the handling of the elub by president Bill Dewitt during the 1960 sea. son will be held, The Tigers fin. ished sixth after being picked for a first divison finish Dewitt, under heavy fire from the owners since Joe Gordon quit as manager last week has com. pleted the first year of a three year, $30,000-a-year contract, - Floyd Curry And Royals In Trouble MONTREAL (CP) rl f of the Eastern Profes. sional Hockey League season, had more bad news Tuesday, Three of his regulars ave laid up, Defenceman Wally Clune, cen. tre Kelly Bursett and right winger Luly Denis have an as sortment of injuries, Clune was involved in a car ac cident last week, suffering lacer ations to both knees oontu « ston of the left knee. He plaved Two-door hardtop... uality Evie in Sunday's game here against Sudbury Wolves but was unable to finish. He is a doubtful starter for Thursday's game in Sault Ste. Marie, Burnett, with a chronic back injury, is alse on the doubtful list, Denis has a charleyhorse but there is a chance he may play Thursday. Curry is hoping to get some res placements in a hurry, His als face three games in four days--in the Soo Thursday, in Sudbury Friday and back home brand new for '61 (tions (,621 on 160 out of 306) and Defroit Lions' 11th draft choice Francisco '4ders winning touch. {Lancaster has the best average||ast year down in Sunday's 14:10 defeat by the const team and asked the Na tional Football League to award the game to Detroit, The Lions | British tawa has piled up 344 yards In Columbia Lions signed a contract said movies showed the touch: 43 carries and Bernie Faloney, Tuseday that will keep profes: down was illegal hecause 'dfer the Hamilton Tiger-Cat pivot, has sional foothall rivals out of Van-|lineman Ted Connolly was down: {field illegally, {ninth and 10th baseball teams, LOSE FTAR BYRACUSE (AP) Whitey Reimer, star defensive halfback for the Byracuse foothall team will be lost to the Orange for its game against Penn Blate Batur day, Reimer suffered a concus sion after catching a key pass against Kansas two weeks ago, BECRET MEETING NEW YORK (AP)~The Ameri secretly Bunday night to applicants for possible i inet screen was learned Monday The committee plans to meel again today, It Is understood the cities given the most serious eon sideration are Houston, Minneap olis and Dallas-Fort Worth, The committee, comprised of Del Webb of New York, George Medinger of Cleveland, Hank Greenberg of Chicago and Jos eph Iglehart of Baltimore, was reported unanimously in favor of recommending Houston but Is split on Minneapolis and Dallas. Fort Worth, DRAW FOR WUNTERS FREDERICTON (CP) = The names of 400 persons to he al: lowed to hunt moose In New Brunswick's first moose-hunting season since 1986 was drawn at a public gathering here today, The 400 was from a total of #. 281 applications submitted by resident New Brunswick hunters, with a touchdown, end Tommy: | Joe Coffey with a field goal, hall: hack Jim Woodruff with '8 con. vert and end Vie Chapman with a single | In Regina, Gerry James scored {17 points for Winnipeg with two [touchdowns and five converts | Halfback Ray Jaueh also scored two touchdowns, while halfback {Leo Lewis, fullback Rick Potter and end Ernie Pitts accounted |for one each, Quarterback Vern le kicked a single | Baskatehewan's seven points |were scored hy half Jack Hill las he converted his own touch: down in the third quarter, 'VANDALS BURN STENGEL'S LAWN GLENDALE, Calif, (AP) No matter how the world se ries comes out, Yankee manager Casey Stengel won't he able to eome home and forget about Pittsburgh Pi rales Three youths made sure of that Bunday night, The letters "Pitt" were burned five feet long on Casey's front lawn here, Po- lice said gasoline was r parently poured on the grass and ignited, A nieghbor sald three youths ran away as he wen! to beat out the flames, Valiant prices start 144° loss than last While other compacts ave talking big, Valiant would rather talk small , . . price, that is, Valiant is now priced right down with the lowest . . . and what a choice you have! A brand-new 2-door sedan, new 2-door hardtop . . . 4-door sedans , , , wagons, See them, drive them, today , , , at your nearby Plymouth-Valiant and Dodge-Valiant dealer. Robinson Motors (Oshawa) Ltd. $74 RITSON ROAD §,, OSHAWA, ONTARIO Sunday afternoon against King ston. | McMAHON & ELMS MOTORS | 916 BROCK STREET NORTH, WHITBY, ONTARIO CRANFIELD MOTOR SALES 331 PARK ROAD SOUTH, OSHAWA, ONTARIO ASK YOUR DEALER ABOUT THE CERTIFIED CAR CARE PLAN A) northern part of Scotland, have| [] Jack FVugaey, executive direc tor of Veature Bports, the pro moting organization, sald "we are now making every effort to sel up the title fight," Corresponding fares from intermediate points FULL INFORMATION FROM AGENTS Wa CANADIAN PACIFI CANADIAN NATIONAI NORTHERN ISLES The Shetland Islands, the most | population of 16,400, BUILD YOUR "REC ROOM" NOW DON'T PAY A GENT UNTIL NEXT MAY! FROM THIS , busi TURN Lr YOUR ' BASEMENT INTO A "REC ROOM pn? STR ITS A FACT! AND WITHOUT ANY INTEREST OR CARRYING CHARGES UL YOUR PAYMENTS START NEXT You may purchase ofl the materials needed to build o beautiful "Ree Room" w= hove them delivered free to your home == enjoy the merry Xmas season in your finished "Ree Room's and not pay @ sent until next May, No interest or carrying charges over this peried; Tow, low Interest rates when payments comments in May, Why doen't you Investigate You'll be glad you did, Absolutely ne obligation, AND BY ATTENDING OUR "REC ROOM" CLASSES NOW We'll Show You How to Build Your 'Rec Room' We cordially Invite your wife and Yourself to attend our free "Rec Room" classes, You'll enjoy seeing the tuxurious wall panelling being featured this week , . . learn how to install it the proper way, Pick up your Phane and dial RA 8.6291 , , , we'll be ny ton happy to list you with eur present class, Friday, October 14th at 8 pm, Millwork Building, PHONE FREE ! RA 8.6201 Up te $40 work of Ree Room Marchane Enroll Now ! i ISN (1 LI J FREE CLASSES Absolutely No Cost or Obligation te You LEARN HOW TO APPLY LUXURIOUS WOOD PANELLING See the most luxurious weed panelling , , , watch them be a simulated "Rec Room" wall , , , you'll marvel at the beauti and be amazed at the ease of installation, SUPER SATIN SURFACE REAL WOOD PANELS ® PACTORY FINISHED == Requires no sealer coats, no finish coats, no sending, dise available to th attending 'Res Reem Classes, | { on 4] ® AN EXCLUSIVE FORMULA , , . No other panelling is finished by the Super Microseal Process, « ENHANCES WOOD'S APPEAL == A natural hand-rubbed finish, plus a bumished wex coating that glows like satin, FINISHES ® CANADIAN MAPLE, Random grooved, eo AFRICAN FLAT SLICED KNOTTY MAHOGANY, lsty © Random grooved, grooved. YOU'LL SEE THEM ALL AT MILLWORK OPEN © WEDNESDAY ALL DAY © BUDGET TERMS ® FRIDAY TILL 9 P.M. ® FREE ESTIMATES ® SATURDAY TILL 6 P.M, "OSHAWA'S MOST COMPLETE SUPPLY HOUSE" MILLWORK & BUILDING SUPPLIES LIMITED 1279 SIMCOE NORTH * PASE ren Random Naved ® FLAKEWOOD, in @ var f colors, random ® AFRICAN FLAT SLICED MAHOGANY, Random grooved ® CANADIAN BIRCH, Random grooved ® FREE DELIVERY RA 8.6201