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The Oshawa Times, 12 Oct 1960, p. 19

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U=Houtes, i, Ap, Flots | WTRACTIVE three - room spertment treet level, private three-piece bath, we, Ri¥ Garains ahotainers, adult ol, NvE - oom m Spartments for rent, heat reel "Both d, Apply 786 Bimeoe EW six ro0 six-room n darter private fen apartment, . a bus se hedsoom, RA pA FRENCHMANS BAY our 100m | winterized eotlage, Rds gd around poncy, Meringer's Store, TEmple oy rE mom me apartment. modern | Kitchen, ove rigerator, priv vath, HA 42016 after 7 p.m. WODERN, semi - furnished, basement riment, three-piece bath, nav end Bl possession, Phare BA 140 n Ne , and entrance A 80797. ¥ - contained apartment, private, posse , central, BA 86184 or RA RA 5745. FOR RENT -- new store in modern | new Shopping Centre, For information, phone R RA 65-0266 or RA 84678 prvain " ook, Aowly 97 Verdun Hosd RES ®- bedroom bungalow monthly, ofl heating, avaiable 5, storm Vindows, finished re ereation room, R nom i apart shopping centre and or thr uy "Good bus service, Apply 77 ihbons Btreet TowER « duplex, four rooms, now ant, near nospital, BA A514 SIX - room ranch style bungalow, 00ls, and "188 weekly 440--Rooms For Rent f furnished i it] LARGE, clesn, comfortable room, close Lo hospital, parking, Ava able mmm tely., Phone BA 59985 Artinglon Avenue $5676 svenings OF SINGLE furnished 4 room, ventral, close PRYyment, fd #15 hus, Phone Two large I woms, Wp stairs, sorage space, cuphosrds and closets, on bus line, Telephone Al | 30462, ONE Tarnished Tight housekeeping room ng sd ee Apply 163 Bimene | Boul neh furnished Tousckeeping room, (twin beds, suitable for one or two, Park | ng. Apply 708 Carnegie. FWO-s00m furnished apartment, (1g. | washroom, private entrance, Parking, |" very centra's also single voom. Res wonabie "Aly 96 Centre Street LARGE furnished room, '(rig, central, for ome or two gentlemen, Appy ws! Court Bireet | iwi furnished bedroom for ss man, Apply 98 Colborne West afer 4 pm TWO furnished rooms, ground floor, private entrance, newly decorated on (Gibb Street. Phone RA B47 COMFORTABLE clean room for ve fined gentleman, very central, Apply hush: Street room apartment, 114 Figin Street East or phone RA! 19767 TWO unfurnished light housekeeping rooms, ol heated, Parking facilities Apply 252 John Bireet West LARGE room, completely furnished for Nght housekeeping, including elee trie refrigerator, heat, Nights and eon tinuous hot water, use of washing ma. chine and dryer, eeniral to downtown and shopping centre. Suit working girl, RA 55227 LARGE furnished front room, Nght housekeeping privileges, separate en: trance, near bus lines, Phone RA 80746, close to bus, sch south GM. Immediate possession, ly 1248 Wecker Drive between 7 pm ED th FURNI m nln lovely home, upstairs, business evuple, reasonable North Oshawa, RA 5-106, FOUR - room apartment, built-in eup boards, hathroom, North Oshaws, RA 57764, 147 Mill Street, ONE double room and "one single room, close to hospital and bus, NGM, cook ing privileges, 927 Kingsdale, RA B-6387 FURNISHED three « voom apartment, utilities paid, wood location, $65 per month, RA 83054 APARTMENT = two large rooms, hed sitting room, Kitchen, cupboards and stove and refrigerator if desired 12 weekly, heat, hydro included, sec: ond floor, private entrance, three min ute walk to South GM, RA 85217 MODERN, three- apartment, pri: vale entrance and bath, hesvy wiring, tile and hardwood, bus, close to North GM, Available now, 330 Adelaide Fast THREE completely furnished rooms, glean, central, for dependable couple Phone RA LARGE four.room modern apartment, private, close to downtown, parking, adults, 860, RA B-0960 440--Rooms For Rent fe home, very central A i gentleman, 104 ONE furnished it room, suitable for Heht housekeeping, with frig. Apply 163 Simcoe Street South, GLEAN furnish double, twin he central, RA 8.8402 Kiowy housekeepi oom for two tlemen to share, Pras 261 Celina #568. 0 large unfurnished room, able rent. 26 Prince Street FURNISHED front bedroom, quiet,| ood location, central, parking space 7 5-5748 FURNIRHED bedroom, continuous hot water, very central, Telephone RA 60303 acllities, Ee rer -------------- wont Tousekeaping room, central, RA 5378 LAnaw 3 room, twin heds, spring. filled mattresses; garage; nooking priv Hewes, quiet district Apply 45 RA & 504 vo Rs, 0 to share room, | inde; ads, close to BGM, RA 59505 after 4.30 p.m, wo rd rooms, suit bachelor or eouple, also two boarders wanted, park + RA 3.7580, 306 Pacific Avenue ONE bright spacious bed . sitting room with modern furniture, in clean home, cooking facilities if desired. One mon ute to Shopping Centre, Gentleman only, 3 eran Blvd, RA 5.7205 ATTRACTIVE furnished rooms, avail: able n rivate home. 83 Park Road North, 57 p.m. RA 8.8671 ONE NE To housekeeping, completely | furnished, with sink, stove and refriger ator, suitable for one leman, cen tral, Apply 237 Athol East FURNISHED room, twin bed with springfilled mattresses, may be shar. od, private kitchen, frigidaire, close to King and Park Road. 57 Montrave Av: enue after § TWO rooms for rent, one child wel. come, $45 monthly _Phane RA #5468 CARGE, comfortable "furnished room for gentleman with refrigerator, hot plate, dishes, in nice district Central Apply 12 Elgin Street East off Simcoe ROOM for two gentlemen, single beds, corner store William and Mary Street Telephone NA §-0006 LIGHT housekeeping room, private en trance, Apply 97 Albert Street FURNISHED single room, close downtown, Apply 203 Chadburn Street or " 37370 wo e self-contained rooms, Child BU 360 Oshawa Blvd, South, RA| 5.4535, ONE "Furnished room for Apply 620 Simcoe North "gentleman reason Drew to} ni 45--Real Estate for Sole {PRIVATE ~~ For sale, 20 acres of jand, Ritson Road North, Call Mr, |Sniderman, RA 65-5451 TWO hedro bungalow north east distriet, Immaculate condition, new forced alr oll heating, Dargain, eas or terms, Call Mrs, Walker, RA 5 for or KA B-6228 JOHN A. J, BOLAHOOD LIMITED REALTOR INSURANCE 167 SIMCOE ST. § RA 5-6544 $800 DOWN 6 room, one and a half storey clapboard home, Oil heating, low taxes, carries for 75,00 monthly, en bus line, Don't wait, only asking $8,900 full price, Call Howard McCabe af RA 5.6544 or 3-4164 $5900 DOWN $16,900 full price rooms, attached garage, electric heating broadloom two baths, Owner anxious to sell, call Howard McCabe at RA 5.6544 or 3-4164 $1000 DOWN storey with g Di % | | 6 room brick two | garage. Oil heating, heavy | duty wiring, good cation, | carries for $85.00 monthly For appointment call Howard McCabe at RA 5.6544 or 3-4164 FIVE ROOM APARTMENT Large two storey building with store front and storage space on main floor, Modern five room apartment on sec- ond floor, full basement, oil heating, private drive, double gorage Call Bill Ratcliffe at RA 5-6544 HOME TOO SMALL? Here is the one you are looks ing for, a beautiful six room |. bungalow off Ritson Rd, South modern in every detail, Sells ing for $11,800 with sub. stantial down payment. For | inspection call Anthony Sihs lock at RA 5-6544 or 5-4362 WANT CHARM? Then you can't afford to miss seeing this five room bung. alow, Farewell Ave. district Has to be sold; why nat in. spect to-night, call Anthony Siblock ot RA 5.6544 or 5.4362 LIKE HITTING THE JACKPOT Terrific value at a full price of only $11,200, om home in the north-west dis- trict, Seeing is believing, so call to inspect, Anthony Sib. lock at RA 5-6544 or 5-4362 | Member of Oshawa & District Real Estate Board 45--Reol Estate for Sale |45--Reol Estate for Sole 'PRIVATE sale ~ fveroom frame bun PRIVATE sale or will rent with option | 5 alow, sx years od, oi heated, dry (0 buy, brick bungalow at 32 Admiral basement, pived 4 Seis, beautiful loca Road, Ajex. Extremely tion, safe, eet, priced for quick forms on mortgage arr sale, StI Mews substantial down shors Die leaving for US, RA 5029, Danville, Vietor 52807; = | Yietor 50478, PREMIUM TO TENANTS For immedigte occupancy, Adelaide Manor, 2-bedroom opartments, electrically equip- Modern five room bunge- low with extra large rec~ ped, TV, outlets, broadioom, | reation room, fully land. hot water ond parking ine scoped, vicinity North RY Vickery REAL ESTATE | Simcoe and St, Joseph A 8-6228 schools, RA 88749, ELGIN STREET $10,800 -- 6 room brick home ~~ Hollywood kitchen forced alr, oil heating. $1500 down, Gerold Borrow, Broker RA 5-3852 PROPERTY FOR SALE | $1,500 Down -- 3 lorge bedrooms, storey end a half, oil heated, garage, on large landscaped lot, A real buy, $11,500, one mortgage. RA B-0478. EXECUTIVE HOME AINSLEY ESTATE Four bedrooms, three bath. rooms and over eighteen hun- dred square feet of floor space on ené=tevel, A fom- ily room that opens out 10 on extra large quarry tile patio, completely landscaped with trees, shrubs and hedges, For the children, or enters otining, o@ wood ponelled recreation room with hides away bar ond sink, Also, in the basement two finished rooms for play room, guests, or maid's quarters, Double ospholt drive leading to en ottached garage ond breeze: way, Financed to suit any= one's budget from the Jr, executive up, Shown by op- pointment only, call Lloyd Bolahood of RA 8.5123 or efter hours coll RA 8-5000, LLOYD REALTY LTD, REALTORS 5123 ~ RA 8-524 RA 85125 URGENTLY NEEDED-- 6 TO 8 ROOM HOME IN GOOD CONDITION ANY LOCATION SUITABLE FOR SUB-LETTING CLIENT WITH $1,500 $2,000 DOWN IF YOU CAN HELP CALL RA 3-2254 [LLOYD AYERS REALTORS' 101 Simcoe St. N | FARMS, FARMS, WANTED For buyer with good cash payment, 100 acres to 200 acres on or close to paved road, within 30 miles cf Whitby, must be good farm land, Contact MERVYN BIRD, BROOKLIN Junction Highways No. 7 & 12 Brooklin Phone OL 5-3159 J, A. WILLOUGHBY & SONS LTD. REALTORS 9.room, 2-storey home with gracious living Tile bath and extra two-piece bath ups House in beautiful landscaped lot, Call RA B-5 Central Oshawe, room and dining room stairs, Hes a delightful recreation room condition, garage for two cars, large Millie Bilida, MO B-5853 or MO 8.2167 Pickering == Convenient to everything New brick bungalow on hardtop road, large living reem and dining reem, 3 extra large bedrooms. Down $2,500, Completely decorated in pleas- ing colors with stained trim, Vanity and tile bath, attached garage. Call Audrey Moore at MO B-5853 or MO 8B 4088 Weuld you like a new three-bedroom bungalow with oodles of cupboards and on extra two-piece bath off the master bed. room ot an extremely- reasonable price? Call Jean Naylor for information re location end price, at MO B8:5853 or MO B-4612 Exceptionally nice interior trim and floors in this 6-room brick bungalow with fireplace, Landscaped lot with trees end paved drive. immaculately decorated, storms end screens, Centre St, South, Call Rita Snow at MO 8.5853 or MO 8.2430 Don't miss this wonderful buy! Three-bedroom brick bunga~ low, close to all schools, Fully equipped, storms and screens, TV antenna, water softener, and completed rec-room, Good lot, reasonably priced, Call Phyl Therndyke for information at MO B8-5853 or MO B-4743 SACRIFICE! $1,500 down, Cash to mortgage, Completely dec- orated, planter in living room, poved drive, close to public aend high schools, landscaped. Call Audréy Moore at MQ B-5853 or MO B8-4088 Custom-built family home, 4 bedrooms, extra large kitchen, Beautiful fireplace wall, with planters in panelled living room Buit-in garage, two paved drives. Treed lot, close to schools and park. Excellent terms, Call Rita Smow at MO B8-5853 or MO 8.2430 Apartments for rent, One, two and three bedrooms, $80, $100 and $110, Also three-bedroom homes at $95 to $108 monthly fai Phyl Thorndyke for information at MO 8.5853 or MO OLIVE HOWE, REALTOR 130 BROCK STREET NORTH, WHITBY MO 8-5853-4 MEMBER OF THE OSHAWA AND DISTRICT REAL ESTATE BOARD, © WILSON Realtor WHITBY CLASSIFIED Oshawa Shopping Centre RA 5.6588 FOR the best in INSULATION use, PALO-PAK, Save money and install it yourself, or we can da it for you, For free estimate call H, MH. Goode and Son's Lid. 601 Brock North, MO 8.2017 USED FURNITURE and appliances, ote. We buy, sell, exchange anything Hamilton Used Furniture, 103 Street South, MO 88431 TYPEWRITERS, new and used, down payment, $39 up. Desks, cabinets, adding machines, cash regis ters Mamilton Office Outfitters, 103 Byron Street South, Whithy, MO #8431 FOR RENT Three.roomed unfurnished apartment, No children, Apply Dundas Street West, WOMEN for art time telephone solieit ing, m hi private phone, must have ehsant ® vice Age no object earn In your spare time. British Pacific Life Insurance Co, Hox 906 Whithy Times. FOR RENT -- Modern one bedroom apartment with balcony, fully equipped kitchen, ga 105 Craydon Road, Phone MO 8477 Fon = Byron low 2 b FOR SALE -- Rlack loam, ianure for gardens, Call MO 8-4514, Whit! FOR RENT One Dedioony apart ment, large rooms, private bath, in heautifully located new home. Young couple preferred. Utilities paid, MO 2131 FOR RENT Large, nicely furnished room, suitable for one or two, een trally located Meals optional MO filing | FOR RENT ale entrance 8.4735 OR SALE reg, $30.95 cle Threo room apartment, and bath, Phone MO One 40" dress trunk, g $21 One 36" dress trunk. reg, $24 clearing $22.00. Col lings Shoe Store, 119 Brock Street South Phone MO 8.3022 ONE bedroom apartment in apartment building, close to schools and shopping Parking space. $50 monthly, Phone OL §-3611, Brooklin SEPTIC TANKS cleaned the sanita way, new tanks installed Walter Ward, 204 Chestnut West, phane MO 8-2363 MOVING fo States, complete apart: combination living r-plece bath, storms antenna, reasonable large kitohen dining room fio screens, 08-5453, ALE -- Well rotted manure, 4 per load, delivered MO & six 2077 FOR C.I.L. PAINT CALL Dodd & Souter Paint and Wallpaper Store 107 Byron Street South MO 31 CLEARANCE SALE BOY'S PERRY COMO Long-sleeve, Corduroy and Suede JACKETS Sizes 10 to 18 years, assorted colors. Regular $7.95 Clearing price $2.00 MERCANTILE DEPT. STORE ment fur priced for quick sale. Apply 601 Green Street (upstairs) Phone MO 8.5454 LIVE poultry, also feathers wanted Highest market prices paid. Jake Parker, MO 83644 callect FOR RENT-----Boating, camp. ing supplies, gardening ond lawn equipment, power tools, hox, boat and cabin trailers FOR SALE -- Used boats, motors, trailers WILDE RENTALS Service and Sales 1415 Dundes E. MO 8-3226 PLANT YOUR BULBS NOW We have a large variety of Dutch bulbs. Nursery Stock, Landscaping BEVERWYCK GARDENS HIGHWAY 12, 3 miles north of Whitby PHONE OL. 5.3570 WHITBY, ONT, Residence MO §-473% SEE THIS SPLIT-LEVEL Three lovely bedrooms with a 17 kitchen, 15 x 20° living room, and a 15° x 22' finished recreation room with double door leads ing out to a patio facing your own private beach on beautiful Lake Ontario. Immediate possession. NH A, 6% resale, JUST ON THE QUTSKIRTS Two acres and 5 room bungalow with all conveniences. Three bedrooms, full basement, oil heat, storms, screens, wonderful garden land. Property clear--arrange your own terms, RENTALS 3 blocks to Shopping Centre Two bedroom apartments, stove and fridge, free laundry facilit ies. Call now! Geing fast ! BE SURE TO SEE THE PREVIEW HOMES For the convenience of the public we have installed an automatic picture projector~--and we are now able to show colored pitcures of many of our listings Be sure to drop by and see our HOUSERAMA---QOshawa's most novel and complete line of photo listings View these photos----then drop in to see one of our courteous salesmen. Lloyd Corson Bill Norris Dick Young "OPEN HOUSE Today Until Monday, Oct. 17th $558.00 DOWN $558.00 6-room Brick Homes -- $10,500.00 And $10,800.00 $68.00 per month plus taxes, 1050 square feet, bungalows or 1,150 square feet full two stories, completely modern with all the extras, and top quality construction, second to none. Lloyd Realty Ltd. Realtors RA 8.5123 RA 8.5124 RA 8.5125 101 SIMCOE ST. NORTH favorabie ; angement, ol rite | Bam 4 KA 50971 evenings, | PRIVATE Sale, two storey brick, three! 45--Reol Estate For Sole $1100 DOWN, Charming split level bun | glow, with attached garage, Needs pg Hi, Joseph Bosen, bedrooms, extra end basin In alsa considering renting, im mediate possession, BA ih, _[45--Reol | Estote for Sole r Sole _ [47--Automobiles for Sole weres, "enol '% CHEVROLET Bel Air, in excellent ou Hn Bh, many extras, BA 86810, | iy B08 con [EROFERTE for gies bg Ler m, Cedar Street > EAST-END~Six room I# Owner transterred, Best down secures, Phone BA rl "CREY, Auition 4 home, dition, MO #- yment | 9 PONTIAC WE ve sedan, dusl 6:30 7 automatic power steering, power br , Sl-Way Seats, SUR Visor, radia, NEW five-room bungalow, wale, near hog centre, B3 Griniel Street, Phone & wht ¥ 6 RA 57126 SIXro0m brick house, excelent Cal tion, with garage, large back Vidar' cated on Burk Street, RA 5-9712 alter § pw, No agents please, WE have lets for i ri Wer, "two-tone Wn brome snd eres, beauty is in excellent condition, rice $095 or trade, Kurt's Fine Street South, Bow X , PRIVATE ous Tov #8le, new SAH y Rarage, 929 144, Daytime RA 32265 PRIVATE sale, op Wx room Addi with a Karage, fini ed recreation Foom wall to wall carpeting, Bicely a with pe n well established residential rtber particulars RA five-room brick and stone hungalow, aluminum torms and screens, Tw low, redecorated, close to schools and BGM. Low down payment. Tmme- diate possession. RA 50793, INCOME home, Courtice, 9% Tooms, containing two modern # Spariments, le tile and hardwood floors, wor {85 ft, front, on highway, many Shade | trees, garage, $1000 down, one martésge, By appointment only, RA Bh HIX - "yoom house, CR "down, | 3010 after 390 pm; PRIVATE sale, Six-room house | and garage, oil heated, storm windows end TV antenns, close to downtown, newly redecorated and immediate possession, Will consider low down payment, After 6 p.m, eal) RA 56782 $4000 DOWN, three - bedroom brick bungalow, two years old, sacrifice sale, Private, MO 85205, §150 PULL DOWN, sixroom brick RA 91 FoR i MORRIS Oxford wietion in condition, $125 or best oi WH 22014, Wi VOLKSWAGEN, wine truck, Low milesge. manville, MA 3475, PONTIAC four door futon, condition. Phone RA & 47--Automobiles for Sole | ORD Judor clean nd ice. ans on" , owner going # Hdl evenings. " WB METEOR four-door sedan, Bew paint and motor Job, radio excellent condition_throughout, $54, BA 81929, PTR foi sat Ww or ¥i Ww) \ wheel dises, miles, condition, Vise ¥ RA 56133, Si 5 OLDSMOBILE four-door ood tires and motor, radio, very elesn y, Call KA 80161, mM MG hits 4 convertible (op, reason: ible price, MO 83976 between 6 and 7 pm, Monday to Fridey i) OWRYSLER Windsor, 4Dr, H, Exeeutive driven, Low mileage, Mi Wer equipment, Many, other ox ns, Reasonable. BA § "8 MONARCH Two oor SN , Wile: matie 41 pod comition, private, 240 Burk Birest, 3 ex "sedan, coral and white, radio, heater, new pres, very dition, Call RA 32929 5 OLDSMOBILE a radio, 48,000 miles only, owner going to States, $295, RA § BB141 evenings, 54 PONTIAC four door, clean, new den, Aix, windowless v AB Telephone Bow: In ex cellent CHEV, | Fickw A AT condition Whitby MO 56409, % FORD #ood eondigion. P pling, % et Appiy 717 Blone Street or RA sa, TRIUMPH MOTOR CARS IR. 3, VANGUARD, ENSIGN & HERALD ON DISPLAY AT SMITH SPORTS NORTH SIMCOE RA 85912 CASH FOR YOUR CAR VAN HEUSEN MOTORS Wood motor, parts, reasonable, Rev, Hils. H084 bungalow, 6 per cent NHA mortgage, full basement, decorated, sun splashed | family kitchen, three bedrooms, Im mediate possession, no qualifications necessary, Mr. Lauzop RA 82041, Bre thour Real Estate Lid PRIVATE sale, storey and hall brick | veneer, five rooms, oil heated, central | Apply 15 Patricia 'Avenue {OPEN for inspection, two new ranch bungalows, 1196 and 1206 Belvedere, first street south of Seventh-Day Ad: ventist Chureh, Superior workmanship and materials, ideal neighborhood, one bloek to King bus, Will consider lower price, trade-ins, Contract huilders, Madelaire Homes 144, 1223 King Street East. Days, RA 3.3383; evenings, R 5-035) PRIVATE sale, six-room house with ge, aluminum screens and doors, very central, south end, cash or terms, RA 50437 after 4 pm SACRIFOE! $1500 + Down, three hed: room bungalow, forced alr by oil heat, This new home is not quite finished, taxes are under $85, Ve-aere In village of Kendal, Good roads! Easy finance! Call Ceell Payne, Port Hope TU 5:46 Long Bros, Redltors, Port Hope, LLOYD REALTY "NEED A HOUSE OR A LOT THEN CALL LLOYD REALTY THAT'S JUST WHAT HE'S Gor!" YOU NAME THE DOWN PAYMENT Here's a real buy in the north west area, 3 bedroom, dining room natural stone fireplace in living room, recreation room with subfloor and extra bathreom in basement, plus kitchen sink unit in 10 x 10 room for your convenience, Paved driveway with patio at rear of home, Immediate possession, Don't delay phone Bill Millar at RA 8-5123, Lloyd Realty Ltd. Realtors RA 8-5123 RA B8-5124 RA 8.5125 Simeoe St wa oll he 101 N, NEW HOMES $695 One Mortgage $73 MONTHLY Yes, automatic oil heat $695 is your full down payment for these 6-room breik bunga- lows NO SECOND MORTGAGES AND NOTHING EXTRA TO BUY WE REPEAT NO HIDCEN COSTS W. T. LAMSON REAL ESTATE LTD, A 5-8831 H. GOLDSTEIN REAL ESTATE BROKER 31 Bond Street East RA 8.5161 NEW BUNGALOW JUST COMPLETED Custom built and has an ultra modem kitchen, All the rooms are extra large and the workmanship is of the finest, Located in north Oshawa, @ fine residential area, Ask. ing price of only $12,900, A home you will be proud to own LANSDOWNE DRIVE A Soom brick bungalow, privately constructed, Cons sisting of 3 bedrooms, living room and kitchen, The best of materials and wdrkman. ship have gone into this home.. Moderately priced. Call for an appointment, NIPIGON STREET Brick bungalow, only 2 vears old. Selling for $11,500 and the down payment can be are ranged to suit yourself, Dees orated and landscaped, close to schools and shopping. A fine home, and a very good buy FAIRLEIGH AVE Located just east of Steven. son Road North, This new S.room brick bungalow is just about ready to he moved into The home and location are excellent, fo call us for an inspection LIST YOUR HOME WITH US, IF THE PRICE IS RIGHT IT Wits BE SOLD THE SAME After 6 P.M, Call ta and 1, All ALLSTATE Auto Insurance, have up to 9 Kip 1055 MGTF, excellent condition, $250, 14 KING ST. ST. W, tke over payments, easy terms, RA 39706 after 6, ' 48--A ¥ w 160 ANGLIA, white, red trim, still under HALF RON pick-up "54 to "60, will pay WAFFANLY, owner going to States, $1245, (cash, must be gkood condition, MO RA 58141 evenings |A-B431 or OL 55460. |"67 OLDS, fully equipped, radio, power | LAKESHOKE Auto Wreckers have cars brakes, two tone, RA oh wrecking, Highest prices peid, BA 81 i tad 5-847 pL 30 PONTIAD coach, radio and hester, #ood running ear, 595, RA 85367, WM OHEY, Sod mechanically, Asking » $305 or best offer, "60 Vauxhall Velox, 61005, Phone RA 5.7130 SPOT CASH PAID FOP Good clean cars, Trade up or down, Liens paid off, DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD, §, RA 3.9421 HOUSTON'S GARAGE AND SERVICE STATION BRAKE SPECIALISTS, COM. PLETE BRAKE SERVICE, MOTOR TUNE - UP AND GENERAL REPAIRS, 67 KING ST, W, RA 3.7822 20 per cent, Bix months personal service at your 2A I RA 1 OHEVROLE] ET ix cinder, clean pris to sell 4 $995, or best offer, RA 5 GMO V-ton ' plek- up, tion throughout, Orpwoh 86011; after 7 p.m, 1060 CORVAIR automatic, ye door sedan, fully equipped, under 4000 miles, Call RA 35-2458 'S56 MERCURY nine-passenger, four: door station wagon, eustom radio, Can finance or take trade, Phone RA 85-5012, erfeet cond. ad RA '4h PONTIAC sedan, clean, good eon dition, RA 35-2575, OWE, Biscayne, four-door A-1 eon. dition, Apply A Wilson Road South or Phone RA B10 50--Articles for Sale ORDERS (aken for storm sashes, wood or aluminum, sree estimates, Terms, Phone RA 3-4080 CANOE th oer "and brackel, $145, Phone RA 5-726 COMPLETE of Hilliop's Rental | cw camping equipment, hon il prices, 1st WAS on served basis, Hilltop Motors, ANDY. NAGY'S MERCEDES " "BENZ DKW SALES AND SERVICE 408 KING'W. OSHAW. RA 3.7132 "WILLIS MOTORS AUSTIN SALES « SERVICE GOOD ASSORTMENT USED CARS TAUNTON RD, EAST RA 5-033) SABYAN MOTOR SALES LTD. STUDEBAKER, YOLRSWAGEN SALES and SERVICE 334 RITSON RD, SOUTH OSHAWA, ONT, Tel: RAndolph 3-346) '53 CADILLAC Coupe De Ville, qutomatic, signal seeking rgdio, two speakers, two heaters (one under seat), windshield wash» ers, power steering, seat and windows, body, motor and tires in good condition, $800 and/or best offer, Must be sol "RA 8.1996 BUYING OR SELLING SEE TED CAMPIN MOTORS 607 KING ST, == OSHAWA (just East of Wilson Road) RA 3.4494 Res: 5. 5574 AWNIN fy PIA now A NINHED, Telephone MO 8.5673, FIOKROOM equipment f for rent and for wale, wheelchairs, hospital beds, invalid commodes, health lamps, I-away beds Free dtvory and. pick-up, Fhone AM: { elivery and pick-up, ne Re « RA 5-164, ¥ clearance, smooth top MAL bremsen; 220 coils, fabulous SAVINGS, 17 only, $10.60; bunk beds, elght pleces|y complete, three star special, $68; eon: tinental beds quilted, 12 only, single size, oragy low price 838; roll-away cots complete, special $14.88, Wilson's Fur niture Company, 20 Church Street, MEN'S winter coats, medium sie; eombination wooden storm door, 80" by 88"; Thor washer with wringer good condition, reasonable, RA § 14 ACRES of land, suitable i Srowin Christmas trees; also approximately 8000 pruned Scoteh Pines, six a evi years, Hampton, CO 35-2378 afle; DOUBLE BED, spring, mattress, st of drawers, in new I sondition, for sale ab low pries, of oe radio #5 Brock St, Et RA 817: SELLING furniture? We'll it, Re frigerators, TV's, washers, planos, stoves, ete, For ! cash offer, oon: tact 10 Prince Phone RA 81131, LARGE paint sprayer and ailach: ments, CO 5.2246, PIANO In very nearest offer, 5 time, aod _conditio Hilleroft est ny $10; Twin sivoller, $20; both In good condition, Wedding)! dress, size 10, Telephone RA 8-0101, URED tires, most all slses, B Jd wp. i, ¥', Goodrich Stores, RA 6-4 GOODRICH Blores -- oe bat , Kelvinator refrigerators, tele. , Thrifty Rudget Flan, RA 5.4543, DOMINON Appliances (a division of Beatty Bros) now sold at Paddy's Market, Hampton, A complete line of annlianoes at hard to beat prices, CO BARY carriage, ELECTRIO razor service, All makes, eutting heads, cords, ete, See the new Philashave Speed-flex yazor! Meagher's § King Street West, WALLPAPER for every need at Edgar's, Economy room lots and ex: pensive tmports, hundreds of patterns n stock of regular and pre-pasted lines, Ask for afree yardstick at Edgar's Paint and Wallpaper, across from Dominion Store, 34 King West, UNPAINTED hookeases, only 90 with purchase of any piece of unfinished urniture; students' desks, $141 ohest of drawers, $17; bookoases, $5.99; van ity dresser, $36, Wilson Furniture, 20 Church Street CHRISTMAS trees, pruned, by hun dreds, hy field; wide eholee, height and price, 800 up, See what you buy, hithy, MO arn, LOWEST pr lees in -- Curlty diapers | = first quaality, regular 0 per dosen, now only $3.60; baby a new 1060, ear-hed style, $28; large full Jnet oribs, half-price clearcut, 810 spring-filled iio mattresses, $0 Hl playpens, $8.80; high ehaivs, 87.08: strollers, 85.68, Wilson Furniture, 20 Church Street DUCK season special, migratory birds, pheasants and pavtridge mounted at reasonable rates, Faul's _ Sporting Ra Sirs S88 Albert Street, Telephone UNED 17 and 81" TV sets, as low as Hin 80 and ha Trio Television, 171 Band reet ast ROTO roll 400 for sale, also two 6 valt oar radios, RA 8.3631 days; RA 83604 evenings, MATERIAL remnants of all kinds at our big bavggain store, opening 22 On. tavio Street, October 18, west prices in town, TWO ladies coats: microscope; Mini: briks; hockey game: children's eloth. hv 1 to 10; convertible baby carriage, al * excellent condition, 28 Oshawa Hlvd, North, RIFLES, shotgun, wan cabinet, shells, cabinet kit, portable typewriter, assort: ed men's clothing sige 42 (short) Rea. sonable, RA 54713, BLACK fitied coat with white mink trim, Worn one season, hadi size 10 Will sacrifice, Phone MO RLECTROMOME, RCA TT Ad. mival, The finest in TV, HI and serv. ioe, highest tradedn allowance at Park. way elovision, 918 'Simooe Street North, Color ™ V_on display, [REGULAR & "Wize tennis table, a new; Reasonabis. J Phone ARIGHTEN up your home With new floor and wall coverings from Wilson Whole- sale Prices ONE DAY ONLY 'S85 METEOR Sedan, Real sharp ... $595 '60 FORD. Automatic, radio and power steering $2295 CHEV. Deluxe, Original PONTIAC Lauren. tian. Radio .. $495 CHEV, Biscayne Coach $1695 MONARCH Con vertible. Loaded with extras ., $1295 FORD Hardtop . $145 PLYMOUTH V-8 MGA, Convertible Van Heusen! '58 '54 '59 57 52 '56 '60 $1745 almost i eream separator, MA 3.5265, of discontinued patterns. Many chee fa designs, reduced for quick sale, 23 cents per fool, canvas backed inlaid linealeum, heavy duty, long wearing, regular $1.99 sq. yard. While they last Som Goldstein . RA 5.6782 Mike Dubyk RA 8-5690 John Penicka .. RA 8-516) Half price clearaut 99 cents sq. yard Congowall, six colors, - camplote with border, regular €8 cents per fool, out Motors 149 KING W. naw; Sleeping beauly Jol, y | Eheap, Phone RA 3214 rh, | year old, reasonable, R aller v after "5.0 ) pm. en oy i i A dhe te dE co ' THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdey, October 13, 1960 19 | 50-----Articles For Sole 50---Articles for Sele Sold regularly $89.95, 24 METAL LAWN CHAI Regular $8 Floral vinyl ; 2 DELUXE GYM SET. s, and chute, Each vinyl, Each ,., 2-piece CHESTERFIELD, mohair reer 3-piece CHESTERFIELD, I red arm chair . , 1.22" RANGE, 4-burner, 1.22" RANGE, 4-burner excellent condition 2-piece DAVENPORT SUI fabrilite and material r 1 BABY"S CRIB, blue gre | COFFEE TABLE, walnu 4 CHROME CHAIRS, pin Beautiful condition T.V, Good condition 1-17" PYE T.V,, console 1 WESTINGHOUSE WAS! Like new 1 GILSON WASHER 1 CONNOR WASHER , . 40 KING ST, WEST 1 3-WAY COMBINATION "Admiral", 1-17" CORONET T.V., walnut TRADE-IN AND RECLAIMED CLEARANCE 8 LAWN SETS, umbrella table, covers, IEEE ERE) 29.95 rrr ERER RRS 395 RS, 8 FOLDING SUMMER CHAIRS, wih wings 19.95 15.95 29.9% red frieze with 2 PADDLING POOLS, large size, deluxe, terrae rr ane royol blue resins ERI RRS 7-piece DINING ROOM SUITE, 29.95 reer rene METAL BED AND SPRING ..,0sv0vssvses 9.95 WOODEN BED AND SPRING ......,:4,..9.95 good condition ,, 49.95 crrerannenes 998 2-piece CHESTERFIELD COVER, red ,,.., 15.95 3-piece BEDROOM SUITE, walnut, tics B95 TE, red '........ 3998 ed | reves VE.00 y Roxatone sessie 198 t 495 k , 9.95 1 ROCKER CHAIR COMBINATION, EEE EEE ree radio/phono ,, 139.95 1-17" ADMIRAL T.V.,, table model, crsrieees BOSS Model sevireeee 7998 39.95 89.95 HER, 1960 model. 1 GE, WASHER, good condition issevens 40.98 dvr rinsrerisseey 39.98 iiranrrninannis 1993 | DOUBLE DRESSER, walnut ,.ovvrvees, 29.95 Adams Furniture OSHAWA SET of socket wrenches, 60 novels, electric motor % hp, ear coat sii sie 1", one at, ushkrat LONG fur coal, my % $7107 after 6 pam, news ail . | MODEL A Word and box traller, WA OH aner repairs makes, prin attachm FURTAR. feed rebuilt machen Et ii J ioe, RA 80501 ini Cabin _eriser, 19 foot, Fan, Dariuinl_ Ch HP Mereury motor, Must be seen to be appre Cheap for cash or pli Py may be hi ™w IV TOWERS, ". A a i #a a A Ppa, teed for one jos alls uaran: 0. "Frio "Folovh sion, RA R674 LOYD baby "eATTInNe, baby's ar i) table and hiok chair, rea Phone RA 6 GUN ammunition and huntin plies, new and used, terms 10 down, Dominion Tire (ore, Street West, RA UR jacket, mouton, 3 "ot pow, ol reasonable, sige 12:16, RA 5:0851 GARDEN tractor, bench sander, wash: ih machine, in good working TH] sembly, Phone I pay highest prices in the OILY | WE vay bighes Preily's Used iy You ture Blore, RA 3.3871, TENTH, Amp loves, amp o pauling, sleeping bags, lantern and rentals, Oshawa Hardwa Electrie, 8 Church Street, RA HEATING! "Vorced Air ON Furnace, |b gomplete $280, Use your own burner, ov 8180, Free delivery 10-year warranty, Write Heating and Al Conditioning, 3339 Danforth Avenue, OX 8:5 1] gp er Ly Rnd ¢ a. Phone |, de-n | Chure h length, black, PAINT, interior, exterior, All solors, ware Oshawa _ Hardwi gy Street, WAR vi ends, some famous brand tremendous sa rors, regular chest of Rentals, ¥atuum © Ad i Fi wolion, i a: Sy wi, CA tp of a ho Sy o7, Wilson's Purity UN of w # 'to oF parts an repaira for aif makes 10, guaran and who gr 444 Bimeoe South, ¥o NCR LE TY A FERBIAN amb eo sn BROWN mouton, full-length - Excellent condition, rine new rotor, All kinds of erochet work done, 847 Myers Street, ELECTRIC guitar, AYpewHier, "adding machine, like new, student desk, very reasonable. RA 3-443, DINING room Bi "natural finish, walnut, nine pieces, huffet, glass ohina cabinet, like new, RA B-4408 Aluminum Products of the best quality at the best ices, fully guaranteed, Bouble hung windows only $18. Call now, Lymer, Aluminus Co, A 8.53 385 All aluminum products w= Doors, windows, shower doors, awnings, TV towers, paving, One contract, nothing down, For free estimates call w= Aluma Seal Co. RA 5.9365 ANYTIME OUTBOARD MOTORS FOR RENT MARINE STORAGE and SUPPLY Ltd. BROOKLIN ONT, OL 5.3641 ALUMINUM DOORS AND WINDOWS! Special Reduced Price, or We Sell, Cash and Carry * CALL FOR QUICK SERVICE ALEX VAIDA _ 481 DREW ST, RA 3.985) JUNIOR BEDROOM SUITE WANTED Separate pieces or complete set. Must be in good condi» RA 5-8233 TWIN BABY CARRIAGE, Grendon; grey, storm cover, mattress, good brakes, New __ condition, -= RA 5.8233, SEE HOME APPLIANCES OSHAWA LTD, 20 SIMCOE SOUTH FOR FRIGIDAIRE SALES AND SERVICE Domestic and Commercial RA they go, 44 cents r fool, Wilson » Furniture, 3 Charo Breet §|32--Legel IN THE SUPREME COURT OF ONTARIO JUDICIAL SALE OF PART OF LOT 12, CONCESSION 1 TOWNSHIP OF BROC BEING SERVICE STATI AND GARAGE AT R.R, 1, BLACKWATER, PAGE vi, GLAUS et al Pursuant to the judgment and final order for sale made in this couse there will be offered for sale publie guction in one parcel, by the Local Judge, et the Court House in the Town of Wiby at the hour of 2:00 EDST, on Friday, the ath day of October 1960, the lands and premises known as got of Lot 12, Concession 1, Township of Brock, as dese eribed in the mertg tered in the Registry Whitby as No, 56531, The property will bp offered for sale subject to a reserve bid fixed by the said Local Judge, The purchaser shall pay down to the vendor's solicitor's on the day of sale 10% of the purchase money and shall pay the balance of the purchase money inte Court without interest within 30 days efter the date of sale. Adjustments to be made as of the date of closing, The purchaser shall search the title at his own expense, In all other respects the cone ditions of sale are the stands ing conditions of sale of the Court as modified by the conditions of sale settled by the undersigned, Upon the freehold lands described in sald mortgage is erected a two-storey concrete block dwelling, a frame gars age, a shed, a one-and-one« half storey barn, and two sleeping cabins, DATED at Whitby this 23rd day of September, 1960, "). de N. KENNEDY* Local Judge Jotisvion and eondis Hora of sale may be had from-- Messrs, McGIBBON & BASTEDO, Barristers & Solicitors, 20 Simcoe. Street North, Oshawa, Ontario, 0 regis ffice at Further (Continued on Page 8)

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