dent of the Association, wt Hier 825000 tn Pnich building fhe | 4 Queen sieet, Aw. Phone re Canviassers will |Article Angers 4 : 8 | | : ; : 'ng / By ALS, station i samwwinine i SO He wi oa Council At Ajax J AAR fall ; y ' we nearly we H LEOUREN Rak Bone GR ia Aon i Iaketromt oniy\g SI oa i ; MH 1ang ht WH 1eet HARE FIaL aha 4 THE OSHAWA VIMES, Wednesdoy, October 12, 1960 ARYy MEM & V WE BR price WEHIER § } Wh rota Sar by Bon Hag viel Wayor William Parish|said he said the cowncli ahd PIERRE, had wiiten # letier to the edilor bourd had thrown away BR of the Star pointing ow Ihe OPPOFHIRILY Vo DFESE] Me: prrors In the colimn and noted from tor the public and mAesd that, hesides the lakefront, Ajax] Wad roned Wor industry wad 1oned wil the Duthin'e Crees Fhe Miseission ¢ t Valley ne green hell and there Bround the Eoune $I i was i thal of 450 aeres of land with Councillor Fi SYN, in the town toned as parkland or) wi termed the articie mnt whe green heise, This was # high per [RIF RRA PEERGIRE aid of Centnge of the lawns I0-seret 8 Ihe municipaiing ax had area done mare 16 Keep in efron was aoked that 3 RelRhiO open 10F Hie Dib aa oy Bing municipgity had 2000 serves HALL piece Wa iat ini fl A industrial land zoned Tight io LL ie Lakelromt with Bo reserve 10} Heeve John WM Hind / r phi ei that ne nan gare on the phone Lo pont A resolution fiom the counen HOW WIORE he Was hi Fike seiompanied by a sialement w Wad stuck to his opinion, It wis the tacts will be forwared fo {| \ i a a Feature Daily 1:40 - 3:35 - 5:40 - 7:45 - 9:45 pointed oul to Mr, Ha hat! Editor of the Blar Oshawa Youths | On Theft Spree "READING BY DIRECTOR CY, saucering BOWMARVILLE wh preferved vanged fron Vhive ' i la WET Friday, Dec. 8 in Bowmanville gevers". tn the east. Shown Jj ji 3 Lo Earth (rile 3 TUE [ heft aliglous 4 if nd ¢ Magistrate BR. B, Bb J io malian lamage a cast i . i repding and possi Pee, 10 in Orono ir an Pus wy five i i of househreaking (ome Landi and fram eft 10 n il i { meeting of the Bo Divector Bohert Sheridan (een 4 right: Win Wommace, Robert L f Uproarious noked a rope onto the pay tele: manvilie Arama group Ihe ive Is reading Barovan's fove Shavidan derri Ro and Vie 8 J ahove are. Garth Gilpin court here awa leenager Pilive ad how the auntie pree, 1 with Low Wi and pulled them off Ihe lays i to he performed on word to the pla he Hun Auger. (Oshawa Ting Photo Wrenehie A Ca our of wn of more than $43 in J i iT A ney of 825.00 alr er "iT Wie rather, nickels, dimes and quar fies of $20.00 4 A ot h | S k Feri Jame il ine found in an old leather Jackel i YP OL / i C 00 ee 8 ' 3 ; . a e telephone hooth in Black A meeting on Thulsaagy even Mexandey Yen 4 / f ad in the hasement of the chureh Jas Cal in Colhourne 16a ) an PERSONALS ol the Sunday School and Yong i t 00 8 we other bh } f he ean 15 (0 al in Ar A i } Peapl Wik organized | appeared in juvenile court ist, Thomas Richard Hallett and Eopie & ErouDs of ganized te IH f i looted a ph (nN another season. Meeling wa Ihe new Aldan Schonl 4 GOT hi fl] day afternoon phone § conducted hy Rev. George Rich or Heturded Children, which will y ded it i, They | / hey ei Fen Fhey used the money PONTYPOOI Mrs, Margaret | arason apen soon in Alax, will have a 2nd HIT! y (rip to the United Slate ip a AraRE unt Qet. 17 10 CORONER TOF 4 J io ! Cruickshank, 1an and Denise, To: Sunday School opened on Sun- large room devoted to teaching MR, AND MRS, MeLEOD BIGN THE REGISTER sentence report robbing telephones there also were guests of Mr, and vith " a arte have | MIS WIFE TAKEN BY SLAVE TRADERS . . . ME ante day atternoon A Eond al (Photo hy Mills) | Provineial police sald (he | illett was arrested in Wiseon- sips william Hennie on Sunday. |tendance of teachers and officers.| fools are being sought by hell TMEENTIRE TERRITORY OF FLORIDA vere arvested in littering the highway with I A Mr, & Vi Willis Mao i Cm fl y y Ajax, Plok AI y 5 SIRE 1 arn inde cans. He alse spent & month and Mi Villiam Larvisar AMMUNION service HE con ) Pickering and Whithy Asso Fimed maved into their new home Were quoted on Sunday over the three Clation for Hetarded Children Autumn Flowers os tn a fl 0 Tt WR ar hl, ns, wf, tt" fu N AKED SUN E44 idence reveals i 4 ' Felephone officials esti-| on Friday night in honor of My, | Pentypool hy the Rev, Georgelwith Mr, Don Lawrence, Pres Wedding Setting pow coors HE oe ond wi he ky 91 goer oe or. | You canto ALL-OUT NLR, dd Foide AL one (elephon FROM THE SENSUOUS PEN OF TRANK G SIEAUGHTER Hy GRACE MILLA law cheysamhemim he hii Per ill Lhe With t for the vA voll Atiended and everything 3 ' AAR Brande, gain and vel: maids, Mrs, Ji. 8. Comphe farts wis 10 oon T E 1 E Vv 1 £ | 0 N | 0 G oho top wrioes. "© IF you feel A L-IN y atl flowers with palms | law of the bride and M vir. am I ary anwen i a iy if ting for the path Mahe! Wi | Hy ister of the ingan were very happy and proud Today's tense living, averwark, | JAMES CRAIG 1] MILAN BARTON WLAN CHOHAEY Channel W==Hamilton CBLEAY Channel G=Loronts (1 receive their Canadian eitizen- | ware, may affect normal kidney action , riage of Miss Gwenyth Jean groom, wore dresses of gold (al Big Welcome reat Ohetat ewliuitale WRENAY Channel Sulfate shi! PADEFS 0% Mond | IF kidneys slaw down impurities remain 3d HIT! Campbell and Mr. Daniel Alex: feta on the same lines as the ma nt ns acl and that ner Ajax Bi mn ill male KEWAY Channel T=Bultals WROCAY Channel HR i ) wd ander MelLeod in the Ajax Bap: tron of how ( | WK Wi aly # Rochester ired" fueling often follow, That's the [ tst Church, on Saturday, Oct. HB, | cessor and houguels of ys G S d -- MOVIE VETERAN . ven qua WEDNESDAY EVE | Bi1h AM | THURKDAY KVE, | Spencer Tracy 16 the ony time to take Dodd's Kidney Pill A ' at 3 a'elock low, gold and bronge "mum Ih h add's help stimulate the Kidneys to Rev. Dr. BR. Wighton performed <The best man was the hide a i PM Gaptain § Ea PM movie actor ever to win the SSE E elo 4 gy dad the double ring ceremony, Mi heather, He Kenneth 1, Can baseball team failed in | J re J: 00 A i) Ad Elis hest actor" Oscar (Wice in si hatter --wark hetter play hatter, Gel Gerry Wood played the wedding hell, and the usher Ie He tempt to hein hael J LL eH ! ) or "Captains Conra Dodd's Kidney Pills wow, You ean musie and the soloist was Mi Lorne I. Heron and My wld J hampian f h f I A i f Faown" in 1047 depend an Dodd's Adres Loaswen vin in (1 Heron ht averal hundyes f fa | Fapese Perfect Lave hefore the eer AL the reception al the United turned N | Big Rasks Little Marge Ve NEES mony, and "The Wedding Prayer' | Church Hall, the bride's mother royal welcome on Monda ) ih Mm hie AM vib BM during the signing of the register, veceived in deep mauve lace, with! ning a Ae Shey dy 18 Mae Blitw ™ The hride is the daughter of matehing hat trimmed ith The Ajax team heat the Wal vin PM ape b 1 eM a. v Mrs. Campbell and the late Rev, folds of deep pink satin, mateh: laceburg boys in the Hi i Thar OW und te of Rile RAL, he 3/04] RD. Camphell of Ajax, and the ing accessories, and corsage of al Ajax hy 44, The | Pelix The Cat all Ge=Huckletwery Hound / groom 18 the son of My, and Mrs. pink ross She was assisted hy went lo Wallacehu ) 0 fir P.M | iih PM I ND A Meleod Sy of Hayward, the groom's mother in a ming of &1, The third game } L ! Metin New | Wisconsin blue silk trimmed with matehing | ed at Thorold and Ajax Tost agai Western | i AM. i Ha | Za y 3 BIG ACTION & COMEDY HITS! (hiven in marriage hy her bro: lace. white hat and accessories, bd i=Highwar Pail i ! P.M ' | ther, Mr. Robert 8, Camphell, the and corsage of pink rose This 18 the second i the hith PM Yiur Hine hg I -------------- 8 " ] | h 3 n en Hunt Viden Villa hride was attived in a floor length! mue bride chose for her honey: | 'EAM has heen ih the OBA final A om Tin AM fio P.M \ i y § The 1" hnys Wi given tip J gown of net over white satin. The con tein to Northern points, 8 16 hoya were giv ' } Jane Gray Show ad News: Wealhs haved trapless hodiee of rosepoind lace around town en the hose (rue p Marning Court Hidh P.M / on h I charcoal grey suit with red hat 1 later I (or held Tad : ) ) y if ler a reception a6 hele was complemented by a mateh: sod acoessaries, and corsage of 4" } Huntley Hinkle Weather gd HY sen "V!' ne al the Communit f h Ad Lave Lue ing holera, with deep "V" neck red Poses al the Commie Len fiidh PM i 0 AM Hepa! Mikhail he team won the Lake Jt " ¥ h 4 EWE line, tiny standup eollar and sep 9 RY ( x 9 Boh Melean Shin N ' arate half sleeves of lace and MP and Mrs Meleod will veside and Oshawa championships th Huntley Brinkley ha LBL ei Bll Tin PM Bt Sholokhov's nel in Hayward, Wisconsin veal Hepart ; ABR Wanted Dead or | i : X nei \ N ! i Her fingertip veil of illusion net. Out of town guests al the wed AL the reception edit}, ne wo M yinl Drama nu SP h elassie was caught to a juliet eap of lace ding included Mr. and Mys, R, Was paid to team manager Han Aen OnE "12100 NOON Leave It 10 Beaver novel ) ; ) ile § \ J P nN, % ald Crumb and coach Art Hen ) Bugs Bunny and d= Tappes and net. Her jewellery was a tel! Starving, Rev, and Mi m Bugs d=topber mle strand of pearls and she ear. merman, Grandview, Tennessee; | RIK Who had given a 100 ol Hime a Gur eihah The Texan Tih PM vied a white satin covered Bible Mr, and Mes, Carl Nelson, De. 10 the team la bring them sf Cli " Fruth of f=Newsi Weather crested with ved rosehuds and laven, Wisconsin Mi Norma near the championship 4 Waa th 1140 P.M L n COLOR 1 3 Os he club 1 pansared h " N#WEi 4 He Laeki ip " i vhite streamers Nandrea and friends, Denver | Mrs. Larne T. Heron was her orado; Mr, and Mes. B. Rawlin AJax Lions Club, AH the Ri PI af the Hause eM Ah po TODAY & THURSDAY fi Hugh hy Fathe ators afro of honor In a and family, Forest, Oniaria; Mr. were intriduced to the BOON oc mavigen "avo | THEM, | Ei die Ho COAST TO COAST IN CANADA alte length dre of breonge tal and Mps Lansin andan Price fs Hight : ; Canelllar Pat, Bheohun 74h PM ela part pekl and tari; Meo and Mrs. DD, Hrond A member ol the pecreation oy VR Queen hy A Li =Hoin RUSSIAN ENGLISH y Ekin oven] Fonthill, lew. dn Mrs, Lame T. eorvmiton and. ld _iravellod| = Sigh elt tlit oh VL {5 pn] BikkoaUE LTMOR E Bi U.S, AND CARIBBEAN no or headdress was a Heron, Val D'Or, Quehs Vp, With the team same BH mi ad! Ne Ph Lave a Barrows : pinpline. H \ ve LH) ah n h y ul Fly past weekend jin PM | finn Head 5 BRITAIN AND EUROPE {orial, Bhe wore § dle strand Wisoo everal fvo on of pi _ and J ri ng he + hbk Whitby nd man ol WH LL bh + Lia Hin Bm | Choose the service you like -- at the time ¥ : A H | fhe prige 10 Wight | A=AII ine Miler th Juwpits Ae Eng | DCB JETLINER SERVICE AUDLEY To Be amined t ospita ha BM | By #100 P.M eB Daily services -- the only puresjet flights v Rane bres MN i linking Vancouver, Winnipeg, Toronto, pleated handeau of matening ma Iv Thi n Wald & vo Bat Mast houguet af hy 46 gold and vel: and distriel C T t d : in and Haw Viatines AFA A | that: suits you for business travel or | ases Iéa @ : h : { Sy Fae | =Real ain i pleasure trips H en \ ¥ Three Bons e------ A By Psychiatrist aoNax ane i ened Sister Eilees td Turns | a8 Rachels Father : j Montreal, Firat Class and regular Tourist 5 )» PUCKRIN ! . 'Kal COR IT nd Mes, Ge ROWMANVILLY i ar month ol Lem hi PY id and Myo | fares, Also regular DCR service to Kurope, ( (al Firat Class or Hoonomy, as well as lowsoost faatt and Bob MeHugh attended go. Kenneth Hardy, 26, of 52a 8! ¢ f nie P.M boalin NWT ay FN 0 P.M - tie wedding on Saturday ih POR Mt atrave avenue. Ouhitwi. otal In-patien nitted, Five Pasay BAIR Sd Tunnensne Bin f TONIGHT! | propeller services i . | " The Whale A . wd Perry United Church of (hele yomanded for sentence for twa umber of ha Rl Novia: pi Unto Md hgh OVER 50 CANADIAN AND U.S, CITIES hah, | tals S| CEN Son of he IERIE IRANI TRY I Eien Taian domes Ina al June Wirong Miesday. He was eonvieled on » | | Mr. and Mes, Stanley Powell charge of indecent assault | | | Vol Calling ae Pag | "fe Poter Gum Rack 'n Rell Vy fish v 4 and family visited at the home y nepation PI \ ronghn Sha } WE FREE BABY BOTTLE MA Jor Cont tes in Canada, provide nerviee to | | I k Hao the ineidey leadin } Ws. | | fst Mon \ea bd nth Parson Generation! \ WARMER SERVICE! i Chicago, Cleveland, Detroit /Windsor, New it ME. ahd 3 hay | Hin PM \ win Pm York and Boston, Thrifty Tourist flights charge was alleged to Corner on Baturday ) | \ \ Ie vis Week | ouried Oe 10, on a ro | Bm a | span the continent east and west, saving I. Annan h | side Howmanville ! \ HA PM, a ast | T-tntermal Calling SUITE ||| travel time and travel dollars! I h he on Jack and Mi An MURTY HIN ' te wnatlit hb Chose Roots A \ a | Hive a | GOING SOUTH? Annan, Whithy uti ateet : SiH 10 PM Yee Ba -- mhsiane Terrier Frequent Tourist flights take you from Mp. and Mus, Rewari Phip i a : A how Popnva. With ® Cant 1H PM Toronto and Montreal to Florida, Rermuda, and Geolfrey, Torante, visiied pedich PR AR HAR B-Newsi Bpors . i Nassau and the Caribbean, Firat Class with Mr. and Mes. dames David b=Film Fast Amerionn Bandstand his BM , service also available to some of tl A : ' NIMBLE REY A \ Make Roam fo Tale ' ome ¢ eae oi on Sunday i : | 1200 BM TH Solis ho OI Rereeg TR Wins hl | deatinations, \ wil M Herb ©'Connol | { § 3 ARLE A bo The Brightest Day NE ang two daughters, Montveal, My ho \ THUR SDAY RE AN TEE] p \, | Anyone oan fly TCA: Ask about TCA's 'Fly Hi AM : \ ! \ now «= Pay later plan, and A} Dan Johnston, Rosine \ i ! od nd Ruth Anne, Stambord, M \ y : ) i 5 Nig i \ Car rental services at most airports Guthrie and NM al Ma ( \ A ' AY W y For full details. see voir Travel Agent or Bill Guthrie and family visited at je essed : POA of the hame of M and My Hey Austin Building, 737 Chueh St, Tornts fiuthrie an Sunday Myo and Mes. Dick Winter and the bays motared to Gananoque : ¢ TRANS'CANADA AIR LINES wm Sund calling an Diek's ungle Paul Bartle ( po 3 (With a strange, driven Amerioan { \ Pr OAH pr h-" and aunt, Mr. and Mys, Bradford, Manville, asked tar adios \ 3 \ hy AIR CANADA Cohaui Hil Noy, |. He was of ad with 5 N whi was there to deatray and 4 | Mr, and Mrs, Opville Nelson, S0iving walle Wi i \ | \ 4 Kimona-olad git wha was there R and Calloan, Downsview, Wer suspensio ; bie : \ » love! [pr------------ visited at the hame of Geo and 3 i al Mrs. lzatt on Monday * po NAA PORRES poamols | prone vated t-te vone | MIFACIG Cushion | AGENT ABOUT. ,, Sy sewer] FOUR SEASONS TRAVEL hel ¢ and aunt, George and Mys | 0 \ aunday Hold } | || the © I wishes af the cam S a Se eeth muni Lio Mr. and Mrs. Danie EASES a \ Melead (ihe former Gwen | Tight sone Ng : & be shh 4b Ab RL LEC Camphw via were martied GUMS | 5 3 we Reduced tare: tor as \ A . i! Rk hg 1 Ee ---- -- 5 Ajax Ww Saturday. Gwen has ® Shika to denture vy | -- T---- Ee Wioup avy Ee a LEA LUI GLENN CORBETT 3 "BOOK THROUGH - a » warked w the Awlley CGIT! ¢ adh daily fixing LAA 8 Oveneas Meamship sarviges HENRY (HARRY) MORGAN 4 i Deas . ™ x LJ Domestic bind World Wide Travel Arrangements 37 KING ST, ANY OSHAWA RA 8.6201 wenie: Dame 1ail havel All inichinive fares lincludling meals, herth, et) since I was organized Mr and Mes. Fred Puck family amd Nh andl Ms Clemence visited with Miss Mar bn : \ gavel Puckrin, Oshawa. on Sun ¢ m fly A . WEIRG 3 antinenh Ray : GE 1 PAS te fo Information and rassrvahons from Ww \) " hE NOTED FIGURES mt J 8 denims a YOU CAN'T RUN AWAY FROM IT SEF YOUR LOCAL AGENT a et BE EINE AE [JTYXS] Starting Thursday | MEADOWS TRAVEL SERVICE La we we Orne ok a Ak ion [| eeeeeememmt srr DONALD TRAVEL SERVICE Hateh and resorts acon Canada y CHARGE § LIR SERVICE JUNE ALLYSON---JACK LEMMON in 1200 Dundes 30 B. Whithy » thaws » Brashlime0 3204 Airline service acran Canada product a of Macheth Blmed w . \ AC he met § " nib | Thomas Meadows Co Canada Lid 3 hy "y Yoel Oh CHE tele: Co 1nd, rocknile, Oa 1 LASY DAY, NIGHT FIGHTERS «= MUSIC BOX KID « ADULT I 22 SIMCOE ST. § OSHAWA RA 3.944) LLY t! \