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The Oshawa Times, 12 Oct 1960, p. 5

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G d Rd B » d THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, October 12, 1960 § arrar . brigade 3 las appearance this Sunday, The Thomson Sells |. 2a is Sudus. the - To Prepare Case |Launches Prevention pp By lr Fendi In what apyenrs to be 4 para ' of Whithy, Ajax and $108 the Whithy Fownehip Fire of dimior Fire Marshals and were LONDON (Renters) Canadian News when he bought control of dor. #4 hearing win appeals Township of Pickering nopes that Department No, 7 has reached given fire prevention hooks wich publisher Roy Thomson, whe Kemsley Newspapers Limited in againat the Ontario Connty Fans) evidence w we {ahied miahy homes in the ares through pointed owl all fire hazards in (he guns newspaper groups in Brit July, 1956 fation _ Assesstnent Bylaw has time for 8 rilin 4 the medium of school ghildren. home. Each ehild wears 8 ire gin and Canada, announced Tes heen ad lomrned wo weeks In the Chalrman « # As part of National Vire Pre. 1Emer's helmet bo schoo through- day might the sale of The Empire hes that 4 wil goed Wp pr Are fer ' y ention Week, Oct. 915, the fire- 9 the week and during (his News 5 British Sunday NEW sii ceedings. The hearing will begin Canin fy v nen have lectured pupils at "Pace of Lime the hooks are (aken per. to The News of The World Family Monuments % lon Vor and the threes Hatohas 4% WW Fhiormion's Rd. Schad, Grades 3, Wack and judged for Bige preven snother mammoth cireulation t Lhosrd named in hear the appeile and ' § and 5 and also the two junior Tm promotion in the home inday paper woms of Sinclaly School The best hoy and girl fire mas The News of the World has a 'a § Following the lectures the stu shal are made "MM Flame" and weekly elreniation of © 6.500 50% Created Teo [Jailed 30 Days ad jour ment » sireed npon bh Mr. Smoke" and are crowned The Empire News which has &B/ "Individual a wart # 4 (ti i hy their conmterparts for last heen in financial trouble re Beauirements | F p li A ] Com vith PR Stole On Visit Car cently has # circulation of 2 i FOr Folice . sau t with {he i / ' On Sunday. Oct, 16 the children M0000 dames Burgess, 18, of Courtice, iation ¢ f Suspend Sentence will take part in & church parade AM the same time, Thomson STAFFORD BROS i p ¢ 5 1] wis on Tuesday sent to jal for meet on Westminster church and the sald his British Newspaper group i W daye for assaulting two Osh: and copie Ny Marole 18 of Ajax, "me day the fire hy will he would (ake over the printing of Monumental Works " ae pole iy " he He RPpaaren Ajax, Wh Cle Wie an 'y " > nied do open for inspection to the public. The News of the World's northern 318 Dundes fant Adi £4 Wit ol aa oh ne . tence for one year on Tuesday, Visitor will see a demonsira adit on #l Manchester, where The MO 8.3552 PC Brenton Snowden. of when. he pleaded guilty to theft tion of fire prevention equipment ¥PITe News was formerly Oshawa PD, told the court oh ' i of & radio and witch from a home and will hear lectures directed 10. PONted . on Aug. 12 he and PC Cha here a lady friend was bahy wards parents, baby sitters, farm Fhe Empire News makes iis Gallogley had observed a car : in a itting, In passing sentence, Mag- ers and others ceeding mong Ritson Ra 4 hry uli g rate Ceawlord Guest, in Whithy| Fire Chief Jim Watson lists bie Lear. he sald. which they had been " PE police conrt, told Marple that the jo 1iow | i theft. was "a rather sneaky trick ¢ WHITBY And DISTRICT Adjourn Appeal NE Known cases of fire n instructed to keep a lookout fo anada, They are listed on a per They followed. he said, and stop eof ak . 0 do om your friend > cemtage hasis and are as follows rep ' wep Nir ' p pid the vehicle south of RB PC Peter Nicho of the Pick: go ker {7 per cent; heating #M A d WA ering Townehip Police Depart: eouinment 16 per cent; fam Driver of the car, he a wi . : ment, sald that Wis Investigation onie Liauids, 4 per cent: ele Terry Halle and, he told the : p . ill indicated that a 17-year-old gr ooo opin 16 per cent; ashes court. he found the d . dan i ' / had heen bal iting al A home NEF con rithbish and trash on Spruce Hill drive on Sept. 29 while the family were out for the avenin During the evening, he pil Inrple nd three other {i strapped shit, An argument sued, at the car he gid, apd per cent; alher known causes per cent Burge pulled PC Snowden 1e be le up now the ground and kicked him twit f ; ean up n and don't ¢ fire a place to { y of ted § ft nl Pe Gallogle ald that he i ! isited the home, then le and f star sh Fire Chief Jim Wat iy é nyolved in fight with another 8 ' 1 ster Marple and a companion re / occupant of the car on I ' mA le turned. 16 was on this second og. Son ¢ Bowden ini ik ripped. Hie a4 nw f iio asion, he that the wale top the fighting or he wld if i NT win sliued nl 865, were taken t SILVER WEDDING ANNIVERSARY iy fa a" rm wea i ees wi 0008 Ne no the a 4 ) farple admitied the thet! Celehratin thew 25th wed 7 Allan Lyme Whith 11] ) ciple ding aamversiary Wednesdi hown together wn thelr hotne p I f i air . PS | ver Mr and Mrs. Peter Rammier, | Although the anniversary 1s | d va Times Photo 1 1ster As ZS { Tr | y | | Fined $200 On RSONALS " Driving Count | W HITBY PE 50 A1 d For Mentally Ill i tess oF fn My H ( Phillip pent 1 clo Shultle ton. Ohio, and Mi OPY at. Whith Detachment Robert David Hibbert, 20. oF Yhanksgiving holida with ? 4 i f 14 fined a Dunbarton 4 Fnesda CRIN Mr. and Mrs. 0 eekend guest arth, of Toronto Apologizin wo his empha tion of the pumber of people # threefold plan for Rolarians are investigating break-ins al $200 and costs for impaired dr f on statistic Matthew quiring treatment tn consider thort's Pharmacy and the Man "YOUR FIRST STEP TO BEAUTY AND SAFETY* ing when he appeared in Whith ohn, of Barrie f and Mrs. V. Rog pomond ter of Health chester Credit Union. They re police eonrt. Magisirale Craw 104 Brock streel sued Rotarians with h an. PEN. DOORS OLD YEARS port. that appears to he fhe yoo on y | Dymond 1 aro ! H ; ford Guest also fined Hibbert $2 uf an i i ur nouncement thal one - oul « of } n A Firstly, they must forget all same group in hoth robberies with a 4430 to fit oueny nee ll { nn I J 0 nl i 'f mii - a " and costs for falling to report an Kini nl 1 i ! the Te Gaorae Brown persons would suffe ons emo. apt : y , ! py Na a the old fears, dreads and mi Police are trying to delerming {. Hibhhert had heen ha i i gl Or catment « we patien 4 Sy wow the thieves: brol the accident, Hip h Mr, and Mrs. Ravin Rabin oleh oir Mth wedding ws the "open door' po conceptions held ahont mental ne Hie woke into th charged with driving while into ) Fuesday. Wor (he ment during thelr life hat hem the aractiee Hi the t] ifness. 5 must not be. gal apart Credit Union where they erack [J CONCRETE inated Whithy Baptist Chureh congre: uooasion, 3 nd Mrs, Muivay | Dr. Dymond was speaking 1050" jock and bar many of the. fi ther disease. he suid, | 00 sale and made away with Mrs. 4 Van Whe WAY. auiion held a miscellaneous show niertained at their home the Rotarians af their weekly doors and windows in hospil from any omer disease, he said. | approximately $700 street, Dunbarton, told COUT ap in the Sunday school ha ' nner on Thanksgl ih 7 En A a ne Mentally disturbed people ar | Once inside, the thieves pried PRODUCTS that on the afternoon of Sept. | I Cyril Riteh and Hime Rion 1 Fo Whithy Comm Vi) hy u Wii I po pect 16 have NOL dangers yore po AAR lh no children serves Arer di he heard he hile Donne Walker as hostess he " : (he 0 hars on the windows or doors and need the 1anily and sociel ey then wenl to work on the LIMITED ing at the front of the house hridal shower was held in honor ail ugh of Mr. and Mi Deploring the trail today of the J . . safe with a drill and erowhar car, she said, had struck a pole, os aye and Mrs, Ross Ward, the A Midd of 167 Hillere populace hecoming indifferent to '"' # of the hospital hin help he } ; ' , The accused, she a fame hi former Miss Pat Maw, who were drive ehrated her fifth birth: major discoveries and problems he next six month becondly, (he stigma attached 1 oy ih 2) Shops J har her house and asked to use the oo f hit Baptist d e occasion a party Dr. Dymond hoped fo spur Ro Modern methods somel bing elo mental ine must he elimi. || v 3 i 1 telephone to call police. She said |p wil uo 4 8 The vith the following tarians to acti I fires nirast to those ad- nated Dy, Dymond feels many "™ w flodd. He saw the For Free Estimates that he asked her son tn find |p" C8 That itully desorated by gi | funne, Brian! Health field o long ago, he said. [people even relatives, are a outside the hack . . the number in the directory as he... ' ¥ Thrower The hride i meth Head, Kath He A ( | ire useful ashamed of those suffering from "00 ™ armacy Dial OLiver 5-331 acknowledeed the THE ton 101i / ) " id i mental disturbance. Increased Flee said the 1200-1h, safe wa Honal problem needing trem rould not find H ind groom were presented with | 1 Richard Gerhard | ooge in the field of the physical in the therapy for patients, Old Bul, she said, the call wa numerous gifts, During the eve. hments were served Coin Cl Thi felt e are now! ideas for architecture ave being knowledge and understanding are made The accused, she said, ef ning & mock wedding ceremon (iall mother inalsted hy | the frontier of (he eliminated for modern design methods a lavman should use to # a eo ¥ pprosching ih use and said he was going bn a Ay oed i : io Ryn M ho hin ar She said he had " real njoyed Various M f mith mind The mind | far more Preating patient through (he "ombal the stigma 4 we his ' ont kroups of the church assisted the n mysterious and challenging ¢ han oui-patient scheme has produced. Thirdly, the public must fight hous, fifiaking oy aypeuned hostesses In serving My | od i i", wand Xen any other field." he sald excellent result Patient ire thelr apparent lethargy towards Mrs, Svhil Steen, & receplion Mr and Mi Wm, Simpson weekend in Hamilton where they With a total budget of 92 mil. treated on a shift system, said ne ntl iy As Rotarians, the ist In a doctor's office near the visited in Algonquin Park, Trout were the guests of Mr. Finan's lion dollar his department 1s Dr. Dymond. They come for Rroup hould enlist the ald of acoident scene, sald that she Creek and Parry Sound over the parents, Mr, and Mrs. K, J, (using 48 million for the. care of reatment during the day and ul 1ers and think about the prob heard a crash which sounded | holiday weekend Craddock mental patient I'his dos not then are free to go home for the lem of mental illness, Familiar like something had hit the build include outpatients or those he. Mh! lation with problems, methods ing. She went outside, she said [ing treated hy private doctor I'hese are good method " a therapy in menial Mness will and saw the hydro poles waving, WARBLES BEWARE | This figure, he ald, coupled with cause there in, usually, very little ¢ minats ree prevailing and looking along the street saw 2800 beds available to mental upheaval in the patient's life actors, Dr, Dymond concluded, that a pole had heen snapped off . patients, represents only a frac The Health Minister outlined Khe sald that the car drove away from the scene and past Pass Resolution oy Benevolent Lodge her g PC Al Box, of the Pickering Towailp FU/ioe RIvartmen On Fly Control Plans Installation J lio station about one al the police » ) \ lent Rebekah Lodge No, 142 and one-half hours after the Whithy, was held Wednesd accident. He sald that his 19 A resolution was paused at the Fame Pegg representing hy, a aa " i nday eve year-old car had suffered about Township of Whithy Council, about 30 residents, headed a pet {mink in " b } A 4 In the $70 damage, At this time, he | Tuesday which accepted a recom: tion fo stop the township from [Am Ti Soe Kran ' Mater sald, the accused was Intoxk | mendation re-control of Warble installin form sewers In the Are Harris, vice grand sister ted | in heel 1 rea on a local improvement hy Grace Campbell officiated assist. onto eebatization ol. the: adel les In hee : \ Rl od hy sister Isabel Meir, PNG . \ ¥ ' ek {read hat Council aceepl aw a i dent, he sald, Indicated that the a by ie i) i of Fred Fhe oilipen fool drainage After the roll call the Charter ¢ ) r Vas y ) y p ear had struck a guy wire and it Ormiston re control of ditches would he more applicable | as, dritped Ih ti mony of Sn had snapped the pole off about yw, bio Wiies and authorise the for the ares hot 'P, of Re elght feet from the top lerk to prepare and distribute ah Assembly, Nister Campbell Two weeks ago, a passenger 01" 0 BEE E A ature to WINTER WORKS APPROVED gave a report on the sick com with Hibbert ym Noble, 20,/'" A Fownship Clerk, Murray Robin {mittee. Sister Dewsbury is not quaint ttle raiser in the | also of Dunbarton, was sentenced 4U0NaHI atl] {too well and would appreciate Ire announced the acceptance of to tw months In Jail for lone SOAU] the Winter Worl program hy Visitors one ) attempting to obstruct justice hy the Federal Government and ex | I'he report of the distriet com threatening Mi Steen a A ONE MORE TRY pressed surprise at the speed of {mittee wan given hy sister Alma the approval : | Dewey, The next meeting will he i Installation of officers and it is Cl b H conciliation with presidents of the township Is to remove hrush on hoped that a good number will Couples u as Montgomery Crescent area in roads 1 and 10, Other roads will he in attendance, Business being {completed lodge closed in the F iendshi Ni ht Rrooklin w included within the program Rp oe I p g Katimated to cost approximate PC | United Church 4 W's Couples brief business meeting was held Iv $5200, the program will he nL hirtlutays. fof the month Club held its regular monthly and plans were made for the Split inte payments of $1300 from Lydia Reader. A social hour fol meeting at the Chureh Hall, The forthooming banquet to be held on the provincial government, $1200 towed with. refreshments served evening was called "Friendship Nov. 5 It was also decided that from the township and $2400 from by the committee Night Before meeting at the the group would present a "Roar. the Federal Government church at % pm. the members ing Twenties' Review to be held wheeled outside where about $430 Bless s sions ssa was taken township on the method of Withess Township. of Whithy Council voted to give one more fry al a I'he Winter Works plan tor the were divided in groups with aps Nov. 20 and 30 at the United h PRINCESS ASKS FOR BARE proximately six couples per group Church Assembly Hall. Further WHITBY ALDERSHOT, Fugland (AP) who visited a host and hostess details will appear in the pre oy Princess Margaret went into a for one hour discussion and to get Al the close of the resila DAY-BY-DAY "4 maternity hospital Friday, Her| hotter acquainted meeting refreshment Wer 3 visit was purely social, But the After returning to the hall, a served hy the committee princess showed more than (he FAILED TO FILE polite interest of a routine royal| Malcolm Hampson, 833 Centre v tour, She carefully examined all St, Whithy, was fined $25 and the hospital's facilities and asked * | WHITBY costs when Magistrate Crawford to see a newborn baby, She was a e e& r (0) ut to ni t al the of Mrs, Jane . t convieted him of a charge shown son Ge i ! f Phone MO 8.3618 of falling to file an income tax on Douglas, wife of an army ser demand hy th department Y y eant i : - Lo Driven the new Volkswagen yet? ecially will like this change) » Hampson, in his defence said v " Now Playing Evening Shows at 7 and 8:25 that he had fied in March. June ) Wil A Prt . She's loads of fun our gear ratios have heen mod Lost Complete Show ot 8:25 ane finally again in October. hit ar MODIETS LIMITED M ROMP aftipers testified that Wh re ond mare aople ara having ia n take advantage of tha nsw Por #turn had not heen received ; wall a he = fa driving the new angine § autpul, You.can thread your a Whats ACQUITTED OF SUPPLYING | ) th KE an laaps av at lah i A 'y \ n Nal ---- Magiatrate Guest acquitted gan lad wily ab lights head on th highway, In any ge p-- Joseph Lennén, 31, of Whithy of 3 Yo a lire, Yo the new Volkswagen's a lot mare fun mora power. Tha vay through heavy traffic ar give # y charge of supplying lguor te a OUR FRET STEP TO BRAURY AND LARFTY put you Wh anytime you like 10 drive miner. Gordon Hill and William | My Wallace, both under 21 and both) y pple under entence for consuming olf. The engine increased aw ool i 10 cubic feet in all. A \ i Cn . quer while minors, testified in : ! There's ll § up front and another § behind the case Morally 1 have mn : R \ J Bevel f f ' he back seal, Some of the IMProves =~ ULE NEAR 2. ERY LISTER i doubt id His Warship, "hat Fa wile. goal Ti legally 1 must give you the hene RON ' |Qr is synchromaes nents in the De ea ven fit of the dou! in any get i i really take [hare We 19008 space mn tha luxe Volkswagen are iso in the Custom model REMANDE ) ON RORRERY iS (has 8 straight There's so much 1a say about the new lohan Altman, M. of Oshawa a LLL s \ Wl ® ar, why not get it first hand. Take her emanded until Oct 19 hy al ® \ \ ! tonigl ha's waiting. | TE INTERNATIONAL § . bright and iy Magist est, } i FOUNDATION avers (RE Wt agistrate ( tHe 1x charges Ll \ stan amen drive shining, at your VW deale LER OF J MANATY IN h the a robbory of the hawa on Sent " robbery, Perey A <2 ~La, ws {A of Relleville \ : 2 LEAs \ aw shot and 3 amputated N= Friday foun. traces eaters RETURNS FROM EUROPE WHITBY SABYAN MOTORS the Faste TI irae in WhNhy | Homeric st Montreal. Dun AUTO TRIM RITSON ROAD SOUTH, Tel: RA 3.3461 \ \ 1 He 101 DUNDAS WwW a Ph. MO 8.8121 tha nada ; : Sines during takeolt { from the Home Lines Hagship Home Lines Photo | sibs ' ' " 0 wali. VEUKSWAGEN CANADALTD

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