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The Oshawa Times, 13 Oct 1960, p. 11

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be [8 Mr, and Mrs whose marriage ized recently in Kapuskasing United Church, Kapuskasing Ontario. The bride, the former Miss Donna Jean Smith, is the was solemn Holy Cross WA Installs New President and Officers Mrs. J. T. Mulen was installed as president of the WA of Holy Cross Roman Catholic Church at {ts monthly meeting held recently in the parish hall The other officers vice-president, Mrs. James Han sen: second vice-president Mrs, H. T. Anthony; third vice-presi- dent, Mrs. T. J, OC ' tary, Miss Anne Kennelly urer, Miss Mary Fitzgerald, chairman of standing committees are: social, Mrs, James Hickey; welfare, Mrs, J. H. Lyons; sick, Mrs. Stephen Coe membership, Mrs, Lyman Beatty: telephone conveners, Mrs. H. T. Anthony, Mrs, Harry Canfield, Mrs, T J O'Connor, Mrs, R. W. Lack, Mrs Donald Logan The president, Mrs Joseph Cal- lahan presided, The secretary's report was read by Mrs, Leo Kry- hul. The treasurer, Miss Mary Fitzgerald, gave her report The various reports of other commit- tees were read and the annual reports were given, Mrs. J. H. Lyons reporting for welfare stated that 541 articles of c'othing had heen nocked and shipped to Northern Ontario Mission, also 180 articles, includ. ing jewelry, pictures and prayer books had been sent to a mission "to ald in bazaar work. Many articles of clothing had| been distributed locally as w i as 12 hamners of groceries sent| to the needy at Christmas time. | Mrs. Stephen Coe, sick con-| vener, reported on cards and flowers sent to the sick also are: first {reas [1957 and served In that capacity Mrs {until 1958, but, owing to ill health liam Beaton and Mrs, Wilkins and "ADDING THEIR SIGN Oshawa will be the home of | daughter of Mr, and Mrs, W. L, Gerald L. Lohnes | {a success and a shower for the lipstick, GROUPS, CLUBS AND AUXILIARIES wCTU | The regular meeting of the Oshawa Branch of the WCTU | was held at Simcoe Street United Church. Mrs, H, A, Mellow led in the worship service taking a her theme "Giving Thanks", Mrs, 7 |Stanley Gomme sang a solo ~ | |"None But Thee", "| Mrs, Harold Parrott introdue- 'led the speaker, the Reverend ! | Frank Swackhammer, who spoke on the work of the Alcoholics Anonymous, He mentioned ' | steps of the "A.A." and how they : leould be applied, | Mrs, Harold Brand expressed | | thanks to Mr. Swackhammer and '1to Mrs. Mellow for the worship {| service and to Mrs, Gomme, "(the soloist, Mrs, Lloyd Pegg gave the sec- | | retary's report and Mrs, Fred Williams gave the treasurer s re- # | port. Mrs. Clayton Lee spoke on { | contest work. The date of the au- tumn tea was set for October 12/Mrs. T, E. Simkin presiding, annual meeting to be held in St. the November 3 meeting or: be- Paul's Church in Ajax on October fore if possible, Mrs. Harry Fern- 27. » ley, Dorcas secretary, reminded Tickets for the "Turkey Din-/members to bring a toy for the ner" on October 22 were distribut-| Dorcas parcel, October 20, or No- ed and final arrangements were|vember 3, Mrs, Clarence Keith, made for the bazaar to be held|Litt'e Helpers secretary, re- November 5 at 2.30 p.m, quested members attend party for Little Helpers, October 20 at 2.30 ST. MARK'S W.A. pm, Mrs, Walter Meens report The regular meeting of Bt.led on the Mary and Martha Mark's Anglican Church WA|Group of WA. was held in the church hall with] »... Philip Lawrence, JA Leader, gave a report on JA work being done, and highly praised the assistants Wording with her, Mrs, Kenneth Kerslake and Mrs, Clifford Branton, The WA will have a fall bazaar on Friday, November 25, 2.30 till 5 p.m, Mrs. Simking reminded members to bring thelr dona- ions for apron booth and miscel- laneoys booth, The WA will also cater for the congregational Mrs. Ernest Pope read the sec retary's report and Mrs, T. A Boughton the treasurer's report Mrs, Ross Backus, educationa' secretary, gave the 1st chapter o! the Study Book "Towards the Centre" by Sir Charles Jeffries who is a member of the Overseas Council of the Church Assem bly. Mrs, Backus is also taking Shien for the 1961 Church Calen ar, 25, THORNTON'S CORNERS WA | The October meeting was held | lin the Sunday School with 15| members and four visitors and ! |Mrs, Leonard Brash presiding. {| After reports were read and { [business discussed, It was decid- ed this year to hold the December ! |Christmas, party in the Sunday > School in the form of a pot luck Aa - supper and have exchange of ATURES gifts, names to be drawn at the November meeting. Mrs. Douglas Lander and her | committee of Mrs, Thomas Shep- {herd and Mrs, Albert Hircock as- bridegroom is the son of Mr, |sisted by two members from King and Mrs, Gerald L. Lohnes of Street United Church, and Mrs, | sa " Nace {Frank Hertop as nianie oneness Kitchener, --Photo by Wallace, | ith gn instrumental "The World I Kapuskasing |. waiting for the Sunrise", Mrs, Douglas Redpath led in the de- votional, Her theme "Count Your Blessings", Mrs, Douglas Lander sang two solos "Sweet Hour of Praver" and by recnest "Galway Bay". Mrs, Redpath closed with "A Woman's Prayer", | Mrs. Lander thanked her com- mittee and the members from her sroup at King Street United Church, The November meeting is to be held in the Sunday School at 2,30, Members were the Sunday School Rally Day on October 23. HARMONY WA Woman's Association of Smith, Kapuskasing, and the baby gifts to members with new babies, Spiritual bouquets and visits to the hospital, The visiting committee made 145 visits to the nev comers, the sick and shut-'n Mrs, Joseph Callahan thanked the executive and members for their help, donations and co-oper- ation during the past year and on behalf of the members present ed a cheque for $500 to the Rev- grend Philip Coffey who express- ed his appreciation, and it was his wish to have a larger mem- bership for the coming year, and advised the members to have mere social evenings, The new officer then presided for u short business meeting. Plans were discussed for a ba- zaar to be held in the afternoon and evening of Tuesday, Novem. ber 15. Mrs, Joseph Callahan was appointed general convener. Refreshments - were served by Mrs. James Hickey, A gift was presented to Mrs, Callahan, the retiring president. reminded that The Church hall, Mrs and her committee had of the devotions and "Thanksgiving" as the theme, chased by the group and also members volunteered to their turn in the "Tuck Shop" at Hillsdale Manor, Members were asked to attend the Missionary Rally at St. Stephen's United Church, North Oshawa, on Oc- tober 18 and also the Presbytery | Woman's Association, Sem i Canadian Legion Aux. Pays Tribute To Late Past-President The Ladies Auxiliary, Cana-| catering report by Mrs, Herbert dian Legion, Branch 43, met on|Bathe, Tuesday evening, October 11, with| The election of officers and ex- President Mrs, Herbert Bathe ecutive will take place on Decem. presiding. ber 6 and In order to vote dues It was with deep sorrow the must be paid up to September charter was draped in memory (30, 1960, of past president, Mrs, Peter Sim-| A pot luck supper is being ar. mons, who passed away recently ranged for Ocotber 25 with mem- after a lengthy illness, She was| bers' husbands as guests, elected to office as president in| Reported ill in hospital Charles Lamb, Mrs, were wil. was unable to carry on. Mrs. Aston in hospital at Hills. During her term of office she|dale Manor took an active part in all work| Business meeting will be held pertaining to the Legion and Aux-| next week at 7.30 p.m. iliary and gave of her best to the| many Jobs she was called on to] do. She will be sadly missed and » |deepest sympathy goes to her The lilac shades are in bloom husband and relatives. everywhere, If you want to wear Bazaar goods were shown and|them, but don't like the look of work given out to be done, Dona: |yoyr lips in a matching tone, try tions for the various booths are still needed to make the bazaar ® foundation of a good clear red topped with a' creme of flovelly booth will be held next|lilac shade. Just a hint of ame uesday, October 18, and one for ' the touch and take booth on Oc. | HVS - and # does the trick! LILAC TIME MRS. C. 8. PATTERSON Photo by Studio Cavouk | Guest Speaker At Fall Rallies Mrs. C. S. Patterson, recently elected president of the Domin- jon Board of the Woman's Mis sionary Society, will be the guest speaker at the Oshawa Preshy terial WMS Fall Rallies, The western section will meet in St Stephen's United Church on Tues. day, October 18, and the eastern section will meet at Maple Grove United Church on Wednesday, Oc- tober 19. Mrs. Patterson who has recently returned from General Council meeting in Fdmonton will speak on 'New Trends in Women's Work' in the mornina and in the afternoon she will speak on the 1981 theme, "Into All the World Together" Mrs. Patterson, who lives in Toronto, is a graduate in arts of Victoria University, She is a lif member of both the Missionary Society and the Woman's Asso ciation of the United Church and is a member of Royal York Road United Church For over ten years she has been chairman of the Home Mis sion Committee of Dominion Board, the committee which has responsibility for the administra. tion of all WMS Home Mission work in 80 centres snd for th placing and supervision of 165 home missionaries and other pers| | sonnel required for communlty| work in rural and city echurches| and hospitals and among Cana. dian Indians, Japanese and Chin.! ese, and has been chairman - of the WA-WMS co-operative mittees and has Served on many boards and commissions of the church. | com | tober 25, The bazaar will bg' held on November 8 | A visit to Dunbarton Auxiliary will take place on October 20 and a chartered bus will leave the terminal at 7.15 p.m. Mrs. Rob- ert Williams is convener for this) outing, The auditors report was given by Mrs, Eric Jacklin and the! é NEW! tip [ON ' s of hair! | Perfect for between = permanent stragglers, bangs and neckline curls, New Result! HIDDEN BODY! New formula now waves Toni's famous "Hidden Body" into your hair, JOHN A. OVENS Optometrist HARE OPTICAL 8 BOND ST, EAST, RA 3.4811 | CITY WIDE I 8 KiNG STE PHONE RA 3-2245 RREE INT STORES IN BOWMANVILLE AND WHITBY PLAZA |ROSSLYNN PLAZA RA 8-4668 0) 3 WAVE" 530 SIMCOE ST § PHONE RAS5-3546 is holding Harmony United Church held its regular meeting recently in the George Lees charge chose Fifty new chairs are to be pur- take dinner October 22 and Mrs. Har- 1d Beamish and Mrs. Ross Back- us will be the conveners, Mrs, Simkin requested th members to bring the Unite Thankoffering boxes to WA by KEEP IN TRIM Imagination, Powerful Force In Your Efforts By IDA JEAN KAIN The most misunderstood force in the world is will power, People commonly think of will as bein| sell-assertive, Actugly, our wi is the set of our whole being, and for this reason true will connected with a goal, The young woman who wrote, "Hurrah--it's finally gotten through to me that will power isn't what I lack , . . it's a goal 1 need," was on the right track, When you set your sights on a goal, the force of your will is steered In that direction, It's a mistake to associate will with self-denial , , . for that is a neg- ative way of dealipg with this powerful force, Think in terms of what you want to achieve. Think straight, Instead of look- ing upon will power as an elu- sive force that falls when most needed, regard will as being your strongest desire of that moment, To Reduce Grab hold of that idea and make use of it in times of need. At he moment when you are 'empted, the self-denial method would be to lament, "Oh, I can't eat that, it's fattening" , , , and ere long you find yourself eating it, willy-nilly. Try this plan , , in that moment, flash on your mind a vivid picture of yourself as you desire to become. By this plan you enlist a strong ally-- imagination, Put that force into practice, Know for a certainty that when the will and the im- agination are in conflict . , , it's the | ination that ult) fel wins, Think of your image-mak- ing faculty as a force back of the will, Shifting into power-steering in your mind helps you to create the pause needed to prevent your reacting to habit-pattern, Decide what you really want, Your attitude influences your re- action--gpd for this reason gov- 'Ito reduce the impressive amount THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursdoy, October 13, 1960 17 erns what you do. Will power is/one to give yourself st home attitude in~ action, | saves money, and since ¥ needs When you begin to focus your no shampooing before ox alter, attention on what you really wan! | it's a real time-savér, ~your goal -- the temptation to|- overeat or to indulge in a rich dessert perceptibly, Of course, the dessert will still appealing, but since those 40 cal- orles would stpone the day when you will be free from the fat and feel light on your feet, you may happily dec you don't want it after all! overweight who was able Attention CANADIAN WOMEN Canadian Women born in any of 10 Provinces of Canada, are invited to join our all-Canadion or- ganization, which is non- litical and non-sector- n, Educational, Benevol- ent and Fraternal.. Please contact , , , Mrs, Aileen Fines, 147 Elmer Ave., Toronto, 8, Ontario, (0X-1-1728) of 120 pounds gives full credit for her achievement to the plan of picturing herself the way she wished to become. You may re- call , , , this overweight dieted through the winter months. When a slim, trim woman appeared in her garden in the spring. the story got around that the former wife had died and the man had 2 Sew wife. In a lovely way, he ON THE CREST The new, shorter haircuts re. quire twice-monthly trims to keer them pert , . , plus a good per manent. A quick, fashion - right 7 Towel and Linen Set may -- A WN 1 § d___ 13.p16CE. BEDROOM GROUP available 1 99.95 separately, EASY TERMS 3.pc. bedrooin sutte includes double dresser chest, bar bed, innerspring mattress, 2 boudoir lamps with shades, four smart bedroom pictures, steel bedspring. INNERSPRING MATTRESS F URN ITURE | 48- {ele Le HellV. NH) QD FURNITURE Reg. 39.95 If You Buy All Three =a; Rooms of Furniture LARGE MI RA 5-6559 | 60-PCE, ENSEMBLE GENUINE INLAID |, RROR pc. TOWEL and LINEN SET with all 3 room: 6 SHEETS 81" x 96" 6 PILLOWCASES 4 FACE TOWELS 12 DISH CLOTHS 154-1 Vy Vv A ~ 65-PIECE KITCHEN GROUP Feotures INLAID extension table, four chairs, PLUS 20-pe, set of English Dinners ware, 24-pc, Glassware Set, 16-pc, Cutlery set, 65-pcs, com. $99 9 95 plete. Group available seporotely if desired, EASY TERMS TWO TONE CHAIRS NS SMART FABRIC 17-PIECE LIVING ROOM GROUP available 1 q i 95 separately, EASY TERMS Includes 2-pc. daveno-bed, sleeps two, Two matching step tables, and coffee table in ARBORITE, two table lamps with shades, 8-pe. serving set. . TOWEL AND LINEN SET INCLUDES 4 BATH TOWELS 6 POT HOLDERS '6 WASH CLOTHS 4 POLISHING CLOTHS 56 Simcoe St. S. in Oshawa Ne > OPEN FRIDAY UNTIL © P.M. MPLE FREE PARKING

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