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The Oshawa Times, 13 Oct 1960, p. 17

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SE -------------------- ------ ---------------- a ---- WEDNESDAY MARKED Osh awa's first Industrial Day, In dustrial Commissioner Thomas McLaughlin played host to some 140 development special INDUSTRIAL TOUR Visitors Are Shown Industrial Potential A busload of Toronto Indus trial development specialists led a cavaleade of local civie lead ers, department heads and bu ness personnel through Oshawa Wednesday afternoon on a hour tour of the city's residential and Indusrtial show places With the assessment roll just released and showing a [alr gain in population and a $5,000,000 gain In assessment this year, the out-of-town guests were viewing a city with acute growing pains a progressive city Through the downtown centre with a hurried look at the federal post office, Memorial Park and the clvie centre McLaughlin Publie Library, eity hall and police station the bus route took the visitors and local types past Parkwood, home of Col R. 8. McLaughlin, past O'Nelll Collegiate Institute where many leading Oshawa men were edu cated, to Russett avenue and a look at Economy Forms of Can ada Tid "BREEDER" PLANTS omy Forms, and its Up-Right Beaffolds, were de scribed by Industrial Commission er Thomas McLaughlin as "quickie" or "breeder plants 'Quickie' because such a fac tory can be erected within six months of the signing of a lease and Is Invaluable to an Industry | which wishes to locate In a hurry, "Breeder" because It 1s hoped| that the tenants of such plants] will be successful to the point of wanting to expand facilities and bulld a new plant In the In.|around 3.10 p.m dustrial Park a pre-planned and pre-serviced Industrial com munity, SEE AIRPORT Up Stevenson road for a look at the city airport which may soon be Included as a scheduled stop on an Interprovinelal air route perhaps with Viscount service, depending on the length ening of the existing runways Down Stevenson road and over'on the Hall vehicle, Jaycees Plan Lindsay Club The Oshawa Junior Chamber of Commerce hopes to extend the Jaycee movement Into Lindsay and charter a new club there within the next month JCI Senator, Don Brown told the Junior Chamber at its dinner meeting in Hotel Genosha Tue day night progress is being made towards extending - the move mont into Lindsay He sald he hopes to see 16 to 20 prospective members out in Lindsay when he, with other Osh awa Jaycees visit that town Thursday night, Senator Browy and other Oshawa Jaycees have heen for the past few weeks, pay ing visits te Lindsay in an at temp! to get a Junior Chamber of Commerce formed there Meanwhile, Jayveee Fred chairman of the Oshawa membership committee continued his 'steak and bean threat" for the Nav, 7 dinner meeting GOOD STEAK DINNER The Oshawa unit has set a goal of "60 for 60" members. Under the chairmanship of Jaycee Rall the membership commitiee is launching an all out drive for members To prove the commiftee means it, there will be a steak and bean supper Nov, 7, if the membership is not brought up to the intend od 60 within the next two weeks Ball layeee "Half of the members will en. Joy a good steak dinner, Nov, 7 while the other half will have beans lousy beans," Jaycee Bell warned at an earlier dinner meeting The club will be dived into twe groups with no one except the membership committee knowing who is on which group. No one will know whether he eats steak or beans until he has been seated at the table Nov, 7, the commit tee chairman warned Jaycee Al Lockhart, treasurer and fund raising committee che man said the club netted the first of two fund oS in raising 2 V4] | Coca Cola In Canada, age waiting for The plants housing both Econ. served to advertise the neighbor present settlers and future ten.) supper ants and owners % i w A id ks. * a. Isgs, civic leaders and local blsinessmen as the advantages of the pre-planned, pre-serviced Industrial Park area were pointed out, Shown here is a group of visitors watching an employee of Myers Cotton Products 1d, working on oven mitts. The tourists spent almost an hour examining this plant Myer Cotton watch women machine to Thornton road; south almost buses and into to the lake past prime industrial Products Lid, to acreage Mr McLaughlin ex: hunched over sewing plained that this area is not be- turning out oven mitt ing developed at the present as Some men alked the Industrial Commission's pols road to get a look at the ley at present is to develop a building put up by Guild single area before moving on to trial Bullders, a local another area > which bullds factories Into the federal government's perspective tenant or Camp X for a look and to turn approached around, The bus was stopped on the way out of the gote by a curl. SCHEME LAUDED ous khaki-clad officer who In Industrial Commis Mc quired politely If 'he could help Laughlin lauds the scheme, point ing out that this gives him a sald Mr. McLaugh. factory home to show to site-and re just looking for a!plant-hunting businessmen place to turn around,' One-half of this bullding | ® already occupled by an owner SMALL INDUSTRIES Union Clty Body Co, of Indiana Back to Bloor street and east {jg A to the Industrial Park--past sev eral small industries such ax Canadian Welding Gases and 4] Humoly Lig Me atin i to have a sizeable influence on| akeshore development when the Iytle spende! tler of [18 the largest independent bot "| as-yet-unannounced Harbor Com:| industrial acre-| Mission puts the area under its neighbors and development microscope, Park's! All were treated to a in Lakeview Park down the "pec Indu roup| hefore al buyer | loner us "Oh no,' lin, "we Industrinlist went to have a glance at the Oshawa Harbor, which promi From here, the Signs dotted the chicken The men poured out of the Rutos Damaged In Collision WHITBY (Staff) - Damage was reported to be minor in a two-car collision at the Intersec tion of Athol and Colborne streets Wednesday, Cars driven by Willlam James Dands, 85 Fernhill Blvd, Osh.| CI awa, and Mrs, Audrey Loulse| This Is the month when we Hall, of Spruce Hill road, Pick-lcelebrate Thanksgiving, Our ering, collided at the intersection, {churches will be decorated with Details of the mishap are not the evidences of harvest, We immediately available, However, shall be singing, "All good gifts no one was injured around us are sent from Heaven Damage to the Dands car 'was above; then thank the Lord, O tormed minor front end damage, | thank the Lord for all His love No estimate of damage was made| But does Thanksgiving merely mean a long weekend or even a special service held each fall? Rather, is it not a central theme of the Christian life? Is it not then important that each child should be attending Sunday School? We as adults should hold high these values and sympathe tie understanding if we are really concerned for our children BETTER PREPARATION | gasoramas it The Sunday School gives to all this year, youth a better preparation for He sald his committee oxpectsiliving in our present automated to make at least $150 to $200 inl world and for coping with its so the next gasorama, He sald the cial problems. Ours is the task lack of advance sale tickets for of supporting the work of the Sun the last gasorama was the main day School in its effort to ineul reason the club was down Inlgate Christian principles in revenue, However the tickets are youth ready now for the next one, Jay coe Lockhart said He said "a lot of still being done" on the Junior Chamber's Christmas tree proj eel, Tickets for the sale of Jay Christmas trees should be | available at the next dinner meet: | | ing the committee chairman said CHEST DRIVE The Junior Chamber will be assisting with the Greater Osh. awa Community Chest Drive col lections, president Bill Edwards announced Tuesday night, The Jaycees will be collecting from the city gasoline retailers The Junior Chamber of Com merce fall conference will be held in Toronto Oct. 30. The Oshawa | group won the prize last year for| | the best conference turn-out, | Jaycee Alan Nichols, traffic] safety committee chairman an] (5% nounced he would be representing ' the Junior Chamber in the Osh awa Safety League Instead of having the after dinner speaker, the Junior] Chamber ran into conflict Tues-| day night with the business man-| agement course it is holding in co-operation with the Ryerson In stitute of Tec hnology, Because of the conflicting dates of the dinner meeting and the course, the second session of that course was given to the membership. | Harold Shaffer, Ryerson in Training Mrs, C. C chairman of the Oshawa Board of Education's publie relations committee, has cons tributed today's article for Church and School Week which Is being held in the Trustee Lee, has planned for our work is leg coe usual tute retail merchandising instruc tor, dealt with the organization and structure of business in gen eral for the second instruction in the course Gilbert Williams lale avenuwe 30! Kings s seen with Paul Union City Body Co's il street and the plant on Farew« Oshawa Times Photo CELEBRATING BIRTHDAYS Congratulations and best wishes to the following resi dents of Oshawa and district are celebrating birth today Dobbs, RR 3 Billy Killen, ton; Bob Woodward Oshawa; Lynda Bartlett, 2, Oshawa; Karen Barna Eliazbeth street; Michael Melnychuk, 1306 Minden treet; Don Gutsole, 103 rave nue, M 45 Ritson road phine Tobin, 63 Frank Morri street Wendy Gladstone Dougla H 653 Grierson street Monica Eyre, 409 Powell road; Mr Nelson Hatfield, 1162 Nel street; Mr Charles Hooper 323 Division street; Mildred Devrie RR 3, Oshawa; Shella Pearce, 721 Wh crescent and Mrs, Joyee lon, 30 Nassau street The first five per form The Oshawa their birthday receive double ticket Regent Theatre good four-week period, The rent attraction Is "The hoy." Reports on be received only hours of 8 am Phone RA 83-3474 who days Marvin manville Bow Jobler tman Dil ons to in limes of each day will to The for a rs cu * Bells birthdays will hetween the and 10 a.m Sunday School Is Ground TRUSTEE C, C, LEE concern to do our part to encour age girls and boys to attend Sun day School regularly, They will remember tomorrow what we show them today, and if we love to the point of living it, we can help tremendously. The Psalm ist sald, "I rejoice at Thy Word Yes, as adults it should be ourias one that findeth great spoil," 'worship in our community, DRAW WINNER AT SHOPPING CENTRE the Oshawa Mr, Williams In stare Centre Shopping was the | { Pollock, manager of Yalles {| winner of a television-stereo | '4 Members Welcomed By 'Kiwanians } | Oshawa Kiwanis Club welcom. ed four new members into their organization, in an impressive | and dignified induction ceremony, at their weekly luncheon meeting on Tuesday Past-president Verne Walker, chairman of the club's member ship committee, took over the program, after President Ken Jackson had completed the early portion of the day's agenda. Members of Kiwanian Verne's committee, Bert Coulter, Don Storie and Jack Langmald occu- pied head table locations, for the special meeting The four new members were each 2iven an individual introdue- tion to the ¢lub by their respec. tive sponsors, Kiwanian Jack Ru- | pert introduced Ed, Gray, pur. chasing agent of R, D, Werner Cs jwanian Ralph Vickery in. | troduced Lloyd Metcalf, of Met- calf Real Estate Lid, Kiwanian Ken Smyth introduced William Soloniuk, executive secretary of the Ontario-Quebec Conference of | ithe Seventh-day Adventist. Church! and Kiwanian Morey Reed Intro.| duced Rene Thiebaud, proprietor| of the Oshawa Garden Service GOVERNOR OFFICIATES Westmount Kiwanis Club mem- ber "Bob" Stroud, Kiwanis Gov- ernor of the Ontaris-Ouehee, Mar- time District, officiated in the major portion of the induction ceremony, He was presented to the meeting by Past-Governor of | the O-Q-M District, Kiwanian 'Bert Coulter of the Oshawa Club, | Pointing out that Kiwanis In- ternational observed no set initia. tion ritual but that the pledge of membership embraced the six main objects of Kiwanis, which were adopted as the foundation stones of Kiwanis International at | . its Inception, Governor Bob Stroud explained the origin of the | six objects and. outlined them, {dealing briefly but clearly with the purpose of each, "These ob. Jects embrace fully just what is expected of a Kiwanlan," sald | Governor Stroud CLUBS THE CIVIC NIGHT held by the Oshawa and Dis trict Real Estate Board, at Hotel Genosha Wednesday night was one of the most successful Dinner [OVER 4500 He told the four Incoming {members that in joining Kiwanis! ed Hillsdale Manor Tuesday nigh {International they were associat part of their regular {death an organization that has! meeting 183 in the O-Q-M| The visit was arranged by and that Kiwanis club's third vice fons] has a membership Dr, Willlam Sands, who 260,000, The structural duced the superintendent of the 0-QM District, residence, Douglas Johns, divided into 18 Eur ¢ 40 Lions who were present upervised by a Lieutenant Mr, Johns explained the run Governor, as well as the strue- ning of the manor, stressing tha ture of an individual club, was|it was not a hospital and also outlined the residents were not patients Fach 'of the new members The staff tried to give the resi was presented with his Kiwanis dence as home like an atmo wall plague along with such Ki. phere as possible, he added vanis literature as a copy of the! The superintendent spoke of the constitution and bylaw needs of the residence and men President Ken Jackson pre. tioned particularly, sented each of the new members and equipment for the crafts anc with his €lub button and lapel| hobby shop, a screen for the audi pin, after which he extended his|torium and books for the library official welcome and presented] Ager touring the residence Lior them to the membership, for thelr | president Bob Brown, thanke welcome Mr, Johns and sald that mem Chairman Verne Walker, In clos. bers would give serious consider ing, reminded the members that | they each have the obligation of | {Introducing themselves personal. ly to each of the four dew KI wanians, and of signing the books with which each of the four were upplied as f 4800 clubs trie over Di Inter of over alone intro of et-un which each needs of Hillsdale Manor. To Lay Wreath On Son's Grave Mrs, Vera Hatch, 310 Pacific avenue, Oshawa, has been ad vised by the British Legion that arrangements have been made for a wreath to be placed on the grave of her son, Lance Corporal Wesley Hatch, in the War Cemetery - at Zoom, Holland PAIR ROB BANK MONTREAL' (CP) Two masked gunmen robbed a Royal Bank of Canada branch In sub {urban Varennes of an estimated $6,000 Wednesday and fled In a | Waiting car and, "Oh, how love I Try law, It is my Meditation all the day," "Thy word have I hid In", 'he wred + laid during mine heart that I might not sin The wreath will be laid duri against Thee," the Remembrance Service on Nov, 11, GREAT EXPERIENCE Lance Corporal Hatch was kill One of the most well . known 4 ed in action while serving with tributes to the Sunday School Is i the Canadian Provost Corps. dur the experience of John Wana jhe the Second World War maker, founder of the famous Philadelphia department store| British Legion oltieils Wiis and a millionaire many times| Place a remembrance card, with Bergen'op Hid, Industries Em $10.00 10.00 20.00 1,00 21.00 11.00 15.00 21,00 21.00 20.00 5.00 1000.00 over, Mr, Wanamaker sald that|® verse, composed by Mrs, Hatch, the biggest day of his life came On the grave of her son, when he was 10 years old and a stranger invited him to a new . Sunday School. Mr, Wanamaker Hos tal F liked it so well that he attended 1 un for 76 years . As a young man, he taught a : H (Class which drew as many as 1 rowing 2000 people, and he maintained that the biggest purchase he! Officials at the Oshawa General ever made was his leather-bound Hospital announced this morning Bible. What is the Sunday School {that contributions to the hospital doing today to reach today's building fund now fotal $1,155 world for Christ? 418.21, The list of individual con Let us say, that IT know that tributions not previously acknowl as an adult, I am going to do! edged follows all I can to keep our local church! canadian Pittsburgh {and Sunday School a centre for ployees as follows Reimer L. KE. Bloye J. Riordan A. 8 Lockard N, V. Ashworth J. Cooper J. Nemeth Muscat J. Varga F. A. Griffiths Oshawa Junior Chamber Commerce Bathurst Containers Anonymous DT. Dickson Modern Sheet 150.00 3000.00 100.00 10.00 10.00 Ltd Oshawa Metal Total to Date S1,155.418.21 AV. Pigott 'To Speak Here The tendent of education in Winnipeg, former assistant superine [A.V Pigott, will' address a pub lic meeting in Oshawa during Education Week, November 6 to 12, Mr, Pigott is now vice | president and director of the {Community Relations Social | Planning Council of Metropolitan Toronto The meeting which will be held Tuesday, Nov, 8, in the auditor ium of the Central Collegiate In stitute has been planned by the Oshawa Education Week Commit: tee, The committee consists of re presentatives of the Board of Education, Secondary public aw! Separate teachers the Chamber of Commerce and home and school associations Mr. Pigott's topic will be "Education The Most Exciting Challenge Today', ool radio combination in a draw held by the store recently Oshawa Times Photo SECOND SECTION _ OSHAWA, ONTARIO, THUPSDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1960 spoke on the problems of sub- urban areas. Caught by the camera is His Worship Mayor Lyman A. Gifford (right) ex- tending a welcome to the dis- | events ever held in Oshawa, | The large gathering enjoyed the | address by Frederick, G, Gar- | diner, QC, chairman of the To- ronto Metropolitan Council, who Hillsdale Manor NEED FORESIGHT The Oshawa Tunes ~ PAGE SEVENTEEN tinguished visitor, At William McFeeters, president of the Oshawa and District Real Estate Board, ~QOshawa Times Photo left is club the president, Lion the to the! tan Toronto Council, Frederick G, that ation to some of the more serious Canadian Toured By Lions Sound Great Need For Future t The chairman of the Metropoll- Gardiner, QC, told 200 guests i 1 Oshawa clvie dinner Wedne, day night that the present was not time for making small plans. "On your municipal level and in your discussions with adjacent municipalities the major proj ects which you have underway + can all be successfully completed within a reasonable time and machinery within the bounds of reasonable! may oppn 10 F {tax rates If you undertake them with courage and confidence and with due consideration to your re | spective financial capacity," he {told the audience which included |the mayors of Oshawa, Bowman. ville, Ajax, Whitby, the wardens of Durham and Ontario Counties, T. D, Thomas, MPP, member of [ the provincial legislature for On. [MPP for Durham County and leading members of the real er business. The dinner given by the Osh. awa and District Real Estate Board was the first civie dinner that the board has sponsored, WIDE DIVERSIFICATION Mr, Gardiner 'pointed to Osh: wwa's position on the eastern terminal of Canada's golden horseshoe of Industrial develop- ment, where the annual produce sald He continued: "To Alax where a new peacetime industrial area Is being developed to Toronto where we have a most remarkable diversification of in. dustrial, commercial and finan- clal institutions," Mr, Gardiner continued through the communities on the western arm of the horseshoe through to St, Catharines where he said the first example of Canadian auto | mation In the manufacture of | automobile engines was to be found, and eventually to Niagara | Falls with tremendous pro duction of electrical energy that has attracted many industries. ONE ECONOMIC AREA In spite of artificial boundaries every metropolitan area is actu ally one god phic, one economic and one sot unit and must be dealt with as such, Mr, Gardiner sald, "Our Metropolitan form of gov- ernment is our answer to that situation," Mr, Gardiner said, "Merto is charged with the re sponsibility of providing the 13 its | tion of motor cars is 200,000, he/North America as a whole was for CRA Caters Planning Seen municipalities with those services| Mayor Lyman A, Gifford said it which are metropolitan in nature had been seen what had happened while those services which are to the area west of Toronto and local In nature are left to the 13! the five or six municipalities, ade local municipalities." Jacent to Oshawa, would have to Mr, Gardiner insisted that he decide whether they would follow had not come to tell Oshawa and|the same course, . the surrounding municipalities the] Each should continue to hold a answers but to speak from some degree of autonomy, he sald, adds of the experience he hag had with| ing that nothing hurt a commun. | Toronto's metropolitan form of ity more than to lose its entire government, autonomy, In thanking the Real Estate Board for their dinner, the mayor sald he had never before seen so representative a group from ree glonal government and the mu. nicipal field as were present last In each area he sald, regional plans would have to be tallored to fit the circumstances, Suburban development, he sald, had been found to follow the ' automobile and Ignored public night, transport, In the case of Metro.| Presiding over the dinner was politan Toronto he sald, "We arg| William McFeeters, president of fortunate that tremendous capital) the Oshawa and District. Real Investments have not already Estate Board, been made In public transit sys y n » GUES {tems which are located In the HEAD TABLE GUESTS ied: | wrong place, We now know the His Worship Mayor Lyman A | direction in which expansion Will! erg Mayor "Wiltred by Care take place. : ruthers, Bowmanville; William Mr, Gardiner referred repeat Heron, warden of Ontario Coune edly to Oshawa as the largest {y: T, D. Thomas, MPP for Oshe {centre of Canadian automobile| awa Riding; Mayor W. A. manufacture, One in seven Cana-| parish, Ajax: Dr. R, P, Vivian, dians In the working force, he| MP for Durham Riding; sald, was employed directly or in-| Stanley Martin, Whitby; W. J, directly in the automotive Indus! Richardson, registrar, Real try, Its effect on the economy of| Estate and Business Brokers Act Ontario; Alex Carruthers, MPP for Durham Riding; H, W, Follows, executive secretary, Cas nadian Association of Real Estate | Boards; E, Nelson, Wirdes of ihe Ariane oltlsan® ha sid | United Counties of Durham an most illustrious citizen", he sald.| Gorthumberland; Paul Ristow, "On behalf of the municipalities] charter president of the Oshawa of Metropolitan Toronto, the prov-| and District Real Estate Board; ince of Ontario and the Dominion p, M, McKeown, president, One of Canada, # pay tribute to this| tapjo Association "of Real Estate great Canadian," Mr, Gardiner| Boards: Rev, R. B. Milroy, press sald, ident, Oshawa Ministerial Asso- In speaking to his hosts, the|ciation; John Bowes, regional di- members of the Oshawa and Dis. rector, Ontario Association of trict Real Estate Board, Mr, Gar-| Real Estate Boards; the Very diner sald nobody should be able| Rev, Dr. Dean Paul Dwyer; to make a better contribution to Lloyd Metcalf, vice president, the development of this area, than! Oshawa and District Real Estate their association Board and Rabbi M, Kutziner, In a short address before the Rabbl of Beth Zion Congregation, main speech of the evening, !Oshawa, beyond comprehension he said, "ILLUSTRIOUS CITIZEN" He pald a special tribute to Col, R. S. McLaughlin, "Oshawa's To All Groups The Community Recreation As-| members, They are planned to In. sociation in Oshawa finds that/clude all age groups and all in- the winter and fall months are|terests and range from classes best for concentrating on then arts and crafts to physical kind of creative activity for programs or afternoon shuffles adults and children that the three boys in the picture are working on, A number of different activi ties is offered by the staff and the choice is left to the interested Busy Season Is Foreseen The Oshawa Red Cross Home maker Service is continuing its | busy schedule and already many | fall bookings have been made for this service, [ Mrs, Russell MeNeil was wel | 8% 5 {comed at the October meeting iis SN i 3 a representative of the UAW N | Ladies' Auxiliary Red Cross aims cards, it was reported, have been distributed in Oshawa General Hospital and to | all local home and school and parent-teacher associations | It was learned the Kingston GUEST SPEAKEL Red Cross branch is considering | Hon, Michael Starr, Federal Minister of Labor, will be the the setting-up of a Homemaker Service, The Kingston branch| guest speaker -at the Oshawa Chamber of Commerce's executive secre mel with Mrs, N. Hinds, Oshawa Home maker supervisor, to discuss the operation of the service here, autumn action banquet, Octo- | "Mrs, Hinds will be employed on ber 17, at the Hotel Genosha. {a full time basis as Homemaker 'he reception has been ar SupRrvise: as of his 1961, . COR . rs. John Burns, homemaker ranged for 5.30 p.m. to give service chairman, will attend a members an opportunity 10 | chairman's meeting in Toronto, | { meet Mr, Starr, Oct, 26, * | oard sessions for senior citizens, Each is planned to discover and evelop the skill of the individual members, During the summer months the CRA offers one of the most coms prehensive recreation programs in: Ontario, mostly with the chil dren in the city in mind, vINTERE Playground activities provide day-long interest for hundreds of children, There are also groups for children who do not wish to Join in the playground 'programs preferring to do. something in the ine of avchery, baseball, dramas tics or join a sketching or hiking group Highlights the children of the summer for are the city-wide events, These include a play. ground program for retarded children, a day camp for boys, a walking mavathon, penny car nival and city-wide competitions, The CRA accepts responsibility for the recreation of Oshawa's citizens, It does not claim to cons duct all the recreation activity in the city but assisting service clubs, private organizations and peeial interest groups it is able to bring an untold number of people into its work. The CRA's work would not be ~ possible without some help from the publie, This comes in a share of the Greater Oshawa Commus nity Chest,

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