THCUGHT FOR TODAY The average person spends a great deal of time talking about something he knows very little about -- himself, hye Oshawa Times WEATHER REPORT Warming up today and Prie day, Some cloud and the possie bility of showers. VOL. 89--NO, 237 ing chosen Queen of the Fur row at the International Plo ing Match hers, At left is Hazel Reid, Georgetown, who Pr wife from Aylmer, Mrs, 1} 20 old farmer nda ng Cars ( poses with runners-up after he Nixon Called 'Trigger-Happy' NEW YORK (AP) =~ many eminent military leader Kennedy says Vice President have concurred in this view Nixon's position on the islands of| 3, The U.S, persuaded the ( Quemoy and Matsu mean he nese Nationalists to abandon the would give the United States Tachen Islands, also close to the "trigger happy leadership" as China coast, and Nixon never president that 'might lead to nu- voiced any protest. on prine iple clear war, 4, Drawing Sho U8 delance mm . seatie " ontial! line to include Quemoy and oho. Demacratie presidental V8, itu bios nesday night that such a conflict|the position of letting Generalis would be "the wrong the Simo.Chlang Kai-shek, the Nas ong place at the wrong time,' |tionalist leader, and the Chinese Wrong ¥ Sy [Communists decide whether | If elected president, he sald, 1 American troops shall. fight on Antend to see thal not a single the islands, American dies on these islands, 5. Nixon Is alone In Ms view Kennedy made his speech on that the islands must be de the Quemoy-Matsu dispute al Ai fended, as far as U.8, leaders Democratic fund-raising dinner|are concerned, and the United here after his staff worked all States would be without the aid day lo get it into shape, [of its allies if it decided to defend Lh TO SEIZE ISSUE Jom They obviously felt that the . fmt over the question, which has Niagara * Erosion » Project heen raging ever since last Fri day television radio debate, gave Kennedy a chance to seize the initiative on the peace issue OTTAWA (CP) The interna tional Niagara board of control has given a final report on con struction of erosion-halting works It seemed clear that this had ballooned into the major fight of m the Niagara River to the In ternational Joint Commission, a the campaign to date, with the statement sald today question of war and peace atl stake as well as who can. best A structure above the falls has been in operation for some time stand up to the Communists The hasie positions arel( Nixon and the report gave details ol its effect on controlling the river saus Quemoy and Matsu should be defended as a matter of prin eiple; Kennedy they should flow, It will he made public later In other business before the WC which meets to tackle prob henalor ays I coun to and not b Kennedy apparently decided to make | pitch on Quemoy and Matsu Wednesday night after Nixon charged Tuesday that the Democratic candidate's policy on the islands would take the try down the road "war surrender--or both lems arising from mutual hound STAND BY PLEDGE ary waters with the United States Kennedy said this the international St, Lawrence 1, As president he would stand river hoard of control reported fully by the U.S. pledge to defend that the St, Lawrence as of last Formosa and the Pescadores is- April 20 has been successfully lands perated in accordance with re 2. Quemoy and Matsu, lying quirements laid down by the within easy bombardment dis. commission, These are designed tance of the China coast, are not to maintain river levels for navi essential to the defence of For ation, hydro generation and pre mosa. President Eisenhower and vention of shore erosion Firing Squad Death Rebels | For US, Cuba HAVANA (AP \ young Am n adventurer and 12 Ca bans were executed for plotting to overthrow Prime Min ister Fidel Castro Anthony Zarba of Somerville Mass ent before a figin in Santiago with companions. - Havana tions reporied five other wer (ecuted in Santa ( a Zorba and his; companions had been ¢ hours belong by m of » a Castro-sty to guerrilla Cut Zarba, 1 eight pr citizen before four different firing squads) firing neu 0 two at atime, The The US reports of pealed to down the Wednesday ho weeution wd an LANDED LAST WEEK A five-man military sedtenced Zarba and his seven companions to death after con vieNng them of landing with a Woman group on the northeast vast Lol Oviente province last veex he Ry othér tring squad in the provin vial capital of Santa Clara, in leentral Cuba, executed five in surgents captured in the Escam bray Mountains. Two were re ported te have been rebel lead ers ie today quad seven Cuban ado ®t Cah 141 Radio Voz in Havana said the firing squads were composed of militiamen. The duty officer af Santa Clara military headquar tors sald he had no immediate information on executions there but the government - controlled tations usually are well in formed ANG « A wicted only evolutionary cou nvasion ip front - in 27. was to die squad the before first US ted a Castro SONErs were Noa Embassy Castro's night for had ap qovernment A slay he first acked San Juan Valley firing range 1 Havana radio CITY EMERGENCY PHONE NUMBERS POLICE RA 5.1133 FIRE DEPT. RA 5.6374 HOSPITAL RA 3.2211 b 8 tes « ol 0 am tat tribunal execution for Sarba § companions was a firing |vange in San Juan Valley, in the shadow of San Juan Hl where } site 29 - Price Mot Over 10 Cents Per Copy OSHAWA, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1960 Authorized es Second Closs Mal Post Office Depertment, Ottawe TWENTY-EIGHT PAGES WING MATCH QUEEN right is placed placed second, and at derilyn Deans Paris, third in the coplest (CP Wirephoto) Rhodesia Calls Up Volunteers SALISBURY, Southern Rho. desla (Reuters) Government au. thorities today issued urgent call up orders to white members of the special volunteer force In the wake of bloody racial disturb. ances, A government spokesman sald Prime Minister Sir Edgar Whitehead probably would ex. plain the reason for the callyp in a broadeast tonight The extent of the call-up was not immediately known, Federal defence officials were all In con, ference The call-up came 48 hours after publication of the Monckton com mission report drew bitter eriti cism from white settlers in this self-governing British colony The commission, headed hy Lord Monckton and appointed by the British government to make recommendations on the future of the Rhodesian federation, recom mended that its three constituent territories should have the right to secede K. Lacks UNITED NATIONS, N.Y, (CP) The United Biates agreed today {to full UN assembly debate of a Soviet proposal for freedom for all colonial areas, This assured its overwhelming approval, Delegate Francis O, Wilcox an nounced the U8, stand lo the as sembly after one of the Boviel Union's closest supporters in Af rica, the president of Guinea, chided the Communists for their demonstrations Wednesday night which broke up a UN session in wild disorder Soviet Premier Khrushchev whose shoe » waving demonstra tion played a large part in Wed nesday night's turmoil, joined in the applause for the American announcement Khrushchev quickly took the floor under the right of reply and expressed pleasure at the US decision, But he accused the United States of plotting to 'wiggle its way out' of the colon fal question by seeking later to water the resolution down into scmething innocuous NEED BRAINWASHING Khrushchev, speaking off the \euff, resumed a denunciation of [* colonialists," He suggested the) needed "good brain washing from society to change their at titudes DAY OF DELAYS The assembly Wednesday by 1, Three Khrushchev trips to the rostrum, during one of which he called Senator Lorenzo Bumu long, a Philippin edelegate, "thi jerk' or "this joker" and a 'stooge" or "boot licker 2, Communist fury thal ex ploded when Sumulong, speaking on the question of colonialism | ARTIFICIAL - CUD-CHEWERS MONTREAL (CP) Mont real police are wondering what they can do with 500 pounds of |. top « grade beelsteaks if they can't eat them, The problem arose Wodnes day after Clement Cloutjer, 47 tear-old longshoreman, pleaded not guilty to a charge of theft of the meat from a truck Judge Paul Hurteau ruled the heelsteaks could not he re turned to the owners until 30 days after Cloutier's convietion or acquittal at trial, To return the meat might prejudice the case for the pros ecution's, sald Judge Hurteau Cloutier was released on $050 hail pending trial Oct, police sought out a cold stor age plant for the meat | was delayed Power In UN-Green UNITED NATIONS, N.Y, (CP) Affairs How ard Green sald Wednesday night External Minister that despite an ' peal and some pretty terrible threats' Soviet 'Premier Khrush chev was unable to sway a single vole on disarmament in the 15th General Assembly The Canadian said that speeches chev Tuesday night--when he violently attacked the West « disarmament were "very de structive' but "our main objec. tivé continues to be to try to get negotiations under way,' Green spoke to Canadian cor respondents before returning to impassioned ap foreign chief hy Khrush Ld Theodore Roosevelt and his Rough Riders made their historic charge Another American, Richard Pecoraro of Staten Island, N.Y was reported among 167 defend ants in the Santa Clara mass trial sentenced to prison terms rang ng from 20 te 30 years. The military tribunal sentenced two women in that trial to 15 years The 174 defendants in Santa Llara were captured during a weekend roundup of guerrillas operating against Castro's forces in the Escambray Mountains of south-central Cuba MOR URGES DEATH Catholic: Youth Organizations and women attempted to organ ize an anti-execution demonstra Hon at a Santa Clara chureh Wednesday. But a mob of about 100, shouting "'Pavedon (io the execution walh, blocked the church entrance and digpersed the would-be demonstrators." Two ert Rervrelles of Press and Wilson, Hall of NRC were detained by army luted gence agents as they watched the| incident, They we held about | three hours, then released with oul charges. The Associated ro American veporteps, Rob-| sald he will come UN Sunday and ex pects that disarmament study will begin in the assembly's 99 country political committee next week "The opinion of nations here 1s obviously in favor of getting ne gotiations under way as soon hs possible," he said It was doubtful that Khrush chev--despile his strong words would be blind to that opinion Khrushchev was defeated Tues day night in his proposal that Soviet views on disarmament he debated in assembly plenary im mediately rather than in commit tee Green drew a parallel between the Russian stand now and what it was following the collapse of t10-nation negotiations in Geneva {in June. Canada and some other countries called: for a meeting then of the UN disarmament commission which includes all UN members--but this was op posed by the Soviets The Russians threatened to stay away from the commission meeting, sald Green, They tried to get neutralist countries to stay away, but "when that didn't sue ceed they walked in and sat down Oltawa, He back to the UN Agrees To Debate Red Plan 19 and | said the debate should he ex panded to Include nations of astern Kurope thet have been deprived of their freedom by the Russians, + Repeated and stormy inter: ruptions hy Romanian delegate Eduard Mezinceseu and Khrush- chev on what they called points of order, They used the device to U.S. RETRIEVES SPAGE CAPSULE mm Three Mice Ride accuse assembly president Fred: erick Boland of the Republic of Ireland of partiality toward the West in his rulings, 1. The final climactic moment when Boland, beet-red and glar ing, hanged his gavel till it broke while suddenly adjourning the| session "in view of the scene we| have just witnessed," | For an instant, 'the hundreds of delegates sat in startled silence en wild applause for Boland swelled through the hall, PROCEDURAL QUESTION All of this arose out of & procedural question----whether to put the Soviet call for a declara. tion against colonialism before the full assembly or whether to consider it first in the political committee, the usual UN proce: dure Khrushchev battled to get it before the assembly first, For the first time in this assembly session, it appeared that he was about to have Is way, It was reported that even the United States and Briain were pre pared to go along with the ma- jority None Hurt . Badly In Train Crash BENARD, Man, (CP)=A slow: moving passenger train collided with a second one standing on the CNR main line early today as dense fog shrouded a switeh. ing area ney: this pommunily 31 [miles west of Winnipeg, | A CNR official sald no serious injuries were reported, An ears lier report that a tralnman had suffered a possible broken arm vai erroneous, he sald, | home passengers were thrown from their seats in day coaches suffered cuts and hrulses Wt a rallway spokesman sald that others in berths on the standing train 'did pot even know they were involved in a col ligion," The spokesman sald train No 5, westbound for Regina from Winnipeg, was standing on the main line waiting to be switched into a siding to allow eastbound train No, 12, bound for Winnipeg from Saskatoon, to pass The crew of No, 12 apparently saw the headlight of No, § and applied emergency brakes, The railway spokesman said the speed of No, 12 at impact was less than 10 miles an hour just a little faster than shunting speed," I'rain No. 12 was derailed, No dy returned to Winnipeg under its own power and proceeded along {another track about four hours lute alter replacing its diesel unit "Stinking Smut' Affects Ottawa | WASHINGTON (CP) With official assurances that it was not veferring to the Canadian capital, the U.S, agriculture de: partment today nevertheless con. cluded that "Ottawa" is still susceptible to "stinking smut," The department was referring # new hard wheat variety| named after the Ottawa Indian| tribe considered to be highly resistant to steam and leal rust and soll-borne mosale virus The new variety also has good resistance to hessian fly, the department added, but not walnst Ustinking and loose smut and streak mosaie."! Smut is a fungus growth. that attacks wheat in Canada as well as the US, and LATE NEWS FLASHES INCO Announces Copper Price Drop TORONTO (CM) Canada Lid, has announced a to MH cents a pound, delive reduction in two months 30 cents Plastic Bag Tied On B PORCNTO (CP) I'he plastic bag ted around hes near the west-end Humber Riv near a park development in began a search of the ground cord had been used to tie the b neck Fiftéen Forest Fires Bu TORONTO (CP) Fillee Ontario's eas sentral distri sections of the province. Burnin reborted today as low to medi bo he The previous price The International Nickel Company of reduction in its price of copper red Toronto, It the second set Aug. 30, was EY | ody (dy of a middé-aged woman ad found today er, Police sealed off the area, stburban York Township, and A detective said a telephone hag tightly around the woman's a Was in bushes ming n small fires, eight in were burning today in various g conditjons in the forests were um 0 most areas forest Pitcher, Boyer flied to short cen: Times Square yesterday alter ] Atlas Nose Cone CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla, (AP) tached cables to the heavy packs Three mice named Bally, Amy age, which was kept afloat by a and Moe rocketed 700 miles into balloonlike device that popped space today and the Atlas nose out of the cone and inflated, The cone they rode In was recovered delicale job of hoisting the cope from the south Atlantic, 5000 ghoard was completed at 9:08 miles Jay In wae not known ia m. The cone was reported in Immediately whether the mice good condition, survived, pr The air force announced the MLL his Joree emphasized the Atlas successfully delivered the (=o Jip 8 cone "y al 1%-lon cone to an intended fm.| 0 OW Hie Rew ane ak fioneta pact area north of Ascension performance of the missile, The Island, The announcement sald mice and other experiments were the ocean-range vessel Coastal Pldced aboard because there 'the Si uaador fished the cone from |,.one which In wartime would be ' ' {occupied by a nuclear warhead, It reported 'the condition of| This was the third test for the the three mice will not be deter-| sone, designated RVX-2A, The mined until a representative of| previous two sank after success the air force ballistic missile di- fy Atlas flights because of fails vision and of the school of avia-| ure of recovery gear. tion medicine opens the life cell, which contains a stored oxygen! AIRTIGHT CYLINDER system," The representatives) The 12.weeks-old mice, {wo fe. were aboard the recovery ship, males and a male, rode in sep The black mice made the radi-| arate compartments in a 16-inch ation ride in a miniature model|long, six-inch-diameter cylinder [of a man-in-space cabin, The ex-| Which was airtight, It was half« periment, which took the small|filled with oxygen containers and travellers into the dangerous Van electronle devices to stimulate an | Allen radiation belt at speeds up earth - like environment which to 18,000 miles an hour, was an-/may be necessary for manned other step toward manned space space travel, travel, Strapped to Amy was an instrus OTHER STUDIES fend p A ckage wel hing ons, | DIF ourth of an ounce, This was to | The 12-foot tall cone also car radio Information on heart beat, {ried a group of radiationstudy | respiration and other reactions | instruments, . {throughout most of the flight | The Atlas roared away from during 10 minutes of wach (he Ithis test cenfre at 5:35 a.m. The mice were to he in a weightless leone plunked on target 25 min.|state, It may take several days. lutes later and within 20 minutes|to analyze this data, |was sighted by the Coast! Cru-| 'The Atlas was to penetrate i os - i | | 8 : . | 4 i 4 3 hs HE ¢ * k SR Rhian NEIGHBORS Janle, 1, Neighbors are bhulld. Ing a two-storey house for the family, Mrs, Rousseau's hus band was killed In a motors cvele accident two months ago, The triplets are, front to rear, Corinne, Garry and Geraldine (CP Wirephoto) Win ihbiiiid HELPED BY When triplets were horn to Mrs, Birdie Rousseau of Nipls- | sing Junction, a suburb of | North Bay, Ont,, recently, there was already a full house It included twins, David (left) and Danny, 10, and their hro ther and sister, Steven, 8, and | 3 about 400 miles Into the lower YO IR | sader, a tocovery ship oh the region of the Van Allen radiation iwi | Atlantie missile range, At thei, t, which starts about 20 mile: 4 «| |same time two alr force alreraft 20 We A ins | picked up radio signals sent from several thousand miles, This pos WEA (the cone, tentially-deadly belt is considered The ship pulled alongside the a dangerous barrier to manned cone at 6:32 a.m, Skindivers at-'space fight, PC's To Elect New Officers TORONTO (CP)--Ontario Pro-/for Prime Minister gressive Conservatives meet here Diefenbaker, Monday to elect a president, secs] Most PC members of the legs (retary and possibly two vice-lislature are expected to attend enone for thelr association, the meeting along with several Nearly 1000 persons are ex: federal cabinet ministers, ine pected to attend the one-day cluding Health Minister Mons PITTSBURGH (AP) == Right-tre, Lopez pinch-hitting for Staf. [meeting, teith, Works Minister Walker, Fis hander Bob Turley started for|ford, Lopez singled to left. Rich! The speclal session was called nance Minister Fleming and New York Yankees today against|ardson flied to left, No runs, one te Hi the Yacutey Saused by the Trade Minister Hees, rap > SRM \ ! vd eh n \ " Pittsburgh's Vern Law in the hit, no errors, zie last May and the resignation ale. 10 voting Jolegacs are seventh and final world series relieved of secretary Fred Cawthorne elections, game Yankeos, earlier this month, Sunday, the Ontarle | Young Turley, who won A party spokesman sald today Pree as able Yalng game 16:3, got the nod after much deliberation, Even the Yankees did not know who would be their pitcher when they came out for batting practice, that Exeter lawyer Elmer Bell, ) , former president of the western/ation Will hold seminars on The Yankees shifted Clete Boyer from the No, 1 batting / 2C affair: 9) " Ontario association, is expected Jousg JC altars; About 200 are to be elected president, | \ FOURTH INN George Hogan, Jr,, of Toronto Yankees Kubek popped to 8 sald to be the favorite for sec: short, Maris lined out to right, "etary, . : i spot to No. 8, Bobby Richardson, Mantle singled to right, Berra Both men are vice-presidents who has set a record by driving lined out to right. No runs, one and if they are moved up, elec in 12 runs, was moved up from hit, no errors, tions will be held to fill their elghth to first, The Pirates were heartened by the return of leftfielder Bob Skinner, out since the first game due to an injured thumb, Man 3 BJ . In Philippines present posts, | Pittsburgh ager Danny Murtaugh benched Burgess grounded MANILA, The Philippines out to second, Hoak grounded TO HOST DIEFENBAKER (Reuters)=Typhoon Lola swept out to second, Mazeraski popped, Premier Frost will pay a trib. over Manila today and first re. to short left, No runs, no hits, ute to Mr, McKenzie and he and ports from outlying areas sald it no errors (Mrs, Frost will hold a reception'claimed about 25 lives, Dick Stuart and put Rocky Nel son on first base, It was another warm day with the bright sun cutting through the haze as the Pirates took bat. ting practice, The weahter man sald the temperature would reach 80 in mid-afternoon, This was Turley's 15th series | game, tying the record for ser ies appearance held by Allie Rey. nolds, formerly with the Yankees, FIRST INNING Yankees-- Richardson lined out to short, Kubek popped to short right, Maris popped to third, No runs, no hits, no errors, Pittsburgh Virdon flied to deep left centre. Groat popped to short, Skinner walked. Nelson homered over the right field wall Clemente popped to second, Two runs, one hit, po errors, SECOND INNING Yankees--~Mantle flied tre, Berra grounded to Skowron grounded to short, runs, no hits, no errors Pittsburgh--Burgess singled to right. Stafford relieved Turley Hoak walked, Magoroski bunted,| safe at first, leaving the bases loaded, Law hit inte a double play, Hoak took third, Maseros: ki took second, Virdon doubled! } to right centre scoring Hoak and Mageroski, Mazeroski charged! with a Yankee error, Groat grounded to third. Two runs, three hits, one error, Soore at| end of second, Pirates 4 Yan Kees 0 Law And Turley In Final Game and Mrs, Pittsburgh Shantz Stafford pitehing Skinner grounded to first, Nelson walked, Clemente hit into a dou ble play, No runs, no hits, ne errors, for the second Typhoon "Toll re ------------ to cen: third, No BOMB DAM a home-made homb exploded, AGE IN TIMES SQUARE THIRD INNING ously, It was the third Yankees Blanchard Police examine scene In shi way station in New York's lined to touched off in 11 days In the Times Square area, shattering train windows and injuring at least 34, none seri " 3