bull Black Hawks GIANT KILL FOR SUCCESSFUL MOOSE HUNTERS [ie = | vo Pe vo here with Lake of Des Quehet Du Moine Joachims 72 On men 1400 panne mhroke | bush moose he od al i Blank Leafs By Chit b) {0 winge first Hoeke nigh Hull from Sunday's ance ass last-p 340 in Hall, goals diens' Verina stoppe shutow It w Humboldt, never his & day ner | Memo yer) elimb night Hull THE CANADIAN PRENS ago Black Haw) ded walie Glenn Hal id elt r Bobb Hull, moved plice the Nal na y League Welnesda thie race Gieoffy seoring Boom Boom) real Canadiens into HESISE UNASSISTED GOAL One Hull's assi third period less had s¢ of the the 21.year-old Point Anne, Ont three « point hy sed goal ill matched ta alter i Isted Tahnny He Ie nie he goal Rower, in drew Bower corner, and slid the the goal mouth te perform nd tw hutout the Maple Leal scheduled game hed only Montreal Plante In the last season to post his fir wring a Ha s ns the wept fo only fn ace the who behind Jacques Trophy d 25 shot t of the campaign as the #2nd shutout for the Sask,, native who has sed an NHL game in m career, Wednes 154th Iwo four Tonight, diens will ( unheaten Red Wings eau Sine cored period Sunday Wings 34, eoach vin:| shuffled two of his Calder new poss Cana second « seek streak game, Toronto two goals to t mi ix-seas vas h #- llnemate Bill Hay ast year of the rial Trophy (rookie of the] Centre assisted on two goals to|Gerry into a seventh-place tie injlines Norm Melnyk Melnyk hay will Lett with ored an un agains from over Murray who eased It into the cage to Inerease when visit them in the only Maple in Sid Ullman fill 'HEC' CRIGHTON VINDICATED A few years ag blew the whistle on Canadian pro foothall when he tional magazine coaches in the ( |are 4th-paraliel fect, he homehrews paid, much-hatlyho That was in 195 the issue right on loperators didn't like HE dido't take the him out of the {He had heen a and official for 40 years {written the Can {Union rule hook guthority on rules | Today, he's on By JACK SULLIVAN Canadian Press Biaff Writer said they hypassed the in favor of the pertaining 10 doesn't hack and fights ding SECOND IN He had to Clair used when probably would 1 things in suyihing the Big Your as Wester ference, Al the time of his writing, om of the guilty parties was Conch Frank Clair, whe had piloted Tor onto Arg Cup vi tories in 1W5H0 and 1952, Clair fig red Americans should esl! the ors signals vary the hall and Ca _. padigns should labor at the un glamorous job of making the , and Hee Wt holes or playing strictly on de the nose, Team fence it & hit and m long to ease CHANGED MIND oothall pleture But Clair, given a five foothall player contraet by Ottawa Rough Rid had re- ere in 1956, hus changed hig mind adian Rughy --or mayhe Canadian players did and was a top it for him-becanse the Roughies right now mre the terrors of the the fringe of Big Your. And a lot of the credit ean go to his Canadian ball car Cop 0 Hee Crigiton in 8 na American game In ef wrole that anadian blind," nauts to Grey well. ood imports, more fensive load Bi 0 the is sed Dixon of Moi st with M4 downs~13 of year Bp! BY HOCKEY SCORES | 'AND STANDINGS | riers He anadian (ence are 1] club in the has a flock of outstanding and stickouts on of couple that no pro country could buy By THE National wi Chicago } Mon [4] 2 New Yi In ] Boston 0 Detroit 0 Toronto 0 Wednesday's Toronto 0 Chicago 3 Tonight's at Montre American Detroit Springfield Hershey Rochester Cleveland Juehed f Oscar Heinke nf and Don Bhaw, Pem CP Wirephote Ie miles tario, } Her Pr ny Bprin north | they in the Fg to right hroke has re n Bernie of Mont ion ion CANADIAN PRESS WK' Fr { 10 i] Wednesday's Russ Jackson and Stewart, Each ha ftiders three the only Can ring quarterback halthaek Ron with the and Jackson 15 7 dign-born fist b the Vast League heen YOHrs «TF APis 0h 1 V1 I | f 4 10 4 11 3 6 | Results quarts n 22. year-old of Hamilton last year narrowly missed tern title, Faoothall him Landing Jackson, 8 x-fool ne native iMozhis own Rider the ¥ named Games Canad) al He Lengue Cams when the winning writ of the out n the eountry Four's passing percent the one o CCCI OOOO in player von the Big vith 'a 06 round title completion and direcied HW ensive ol x" club's HI he hest 1h And Bie fl 4 thing 14 10 { n Canada art? Well Just five ind a mere 175 pounds, he like a frightened rabbit, He ) 2 harely up and touch tower Result n helmet hut he hey 4 fessional he' Tool ome hi run could ~ = A Dove 10F GQ NE reach Hnemen on the - may be - y . add to 0) Results ner ngston 4 Game Nite show vy Marle mean nas tow hire title mimi ner Gene SEVEN wrnean 8 came | than he a min ialtienger t Toronlo Greave 1 the right the middlewe Heit earlier to 1 Empire ero sot puck across this Hal year, three The Montreal Chicago New New Montrea Moore field Sidhu Is Re-Instated e ns a e Wednesday's Wednesda hi It Tonight's middleweight boxer to defend his Hy 1 Bmpire nstated after greed to de: By THE ton Nov, 1d the sensation of ( n from Tiger Boal and up lonto Wednesday night Detroit | London Lords players, halfback pow in whieh Hul Leafs| With Ottawa Rough Riders of the {Hull Abel hasipost between Gary Aldeorn and Cullen and| Brian Smith Hicke, Montreal Eastern Kingstan QUEBEC (CP)~The Canadian Sudbury 2 Kitehe tated Willi Montreal at Sault I Hb | National ¢ fend his title against Lelt winger Bol Ww ho | also Canadian The 21 « yew Chicago defeated place Cana BIG FOUR TRYOUTS | Weds in the {Ernie White and end Jim Reyn of his team the final| Pig Four players intoiHowie Glover while Ullman Bathgate e switched] Canadiens are pected to Geoffrion, Montre . Kitchener Wilf Greaves |i: Montreal Boxin Federation announced Hull-Ottawa 5 Ki \ Greaves of uspended last month for fa NHL BIG Lel ald Greave Vis Te Dick Tiger of Nigeria in Edmon.| C080 Black Hawk I tht champion, won the Pointe Anne, On Maple their] LONDON, Ont. (CP) Two It was the see (olds, left Wednesday for trials leaders: ie the Red centres Alex Delvegehlo and Richard Ullman'si make any changes in the lineup. Hay, Chicago not ¢ 1960 M.G. CONVERTIBLE White and Blue. Like New THRIFT DAYS SPECIAL CANADIAN PRESS Leals seoring York York hy Hull of Chi § 18 once agawm 3 k hicago old native t scored two others as! last-place Tor in Chleago to gain second | race md game 1 figured § goals ol one | & Hals EXPORT | EERE PLAIN OR FILTER y CIGARETTES na In all a re al 1955 CHEVROLET Station Wagon New paint job. Fully reconditioned THRIFT DAYS SPECIAL ¥ a +845 he Join thir seathack, Stewart work in 1959 and this ses son has been carrying a big ol If but nol 10 Rider fons when they smart , .. Canadian Homebrew Stars Prove They Really Belong anyhod He 1s yard he off from for every on. running plays hehind team-mate Dave in rushing. He lends the return men snd is third on of returns, And of owns the Big Your recor rushing In s single game WT yards Mond the Riders ed 1-21 OTHER CANUCKS you want to Otiawa SCORING fight for his Job, too him only sparingly d the Riders in 1958 king the big bruis nanhandle the little got a little made on Wimiia 1y Mo know Ahey dull, 'ensive ent } Bobby Simpson, & eran with the « Davey West, a has broken up a couple of this season There's also Gary can he pretly Wyenr-old Bow ih ond behind George nires) in the scoring points on 14 {touch which were scored ORDA ALIIAIIAIN © GOOD LOOKS 5 Along With COMFORT ir topcoat ww Fall suit one of our they all confident M comfort along with \w good looks ' ! Drop ir v and we'll ou what we Topousls 49.50 up veee 1.86 up LRRDDDDDDDDRDDDDRDDDDDDO0 TILL 4 DON'T MISS THIS WEEK'S SPECIALS second Thelen course Canadianborn 10 yenr ved and hal A2-yony-old game Sehrei THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, October 13, 1960 19 Crighton's -eriticism snd appointment to the Of. he has learned & oA Queen's team-mate with Blew. tweet i, The Uyesroid Behreide & Clair's defensive who enn gise ava i, is onvert snd for fi all mn Canadians WIN RUNNING YORK (AP) ~Foneateher git Berio, stepping the 1s mile dis anes In a snappy 2:90 35 won the 90th running of the $56 .- 700 Ladies Handicap st Belmont Wednesday, The filly heat ry Lhe be Abed Iplacement kicking specislist ou EW Other clubs have & fair share yp of native-born ball-carrying 3 {pass esteching Canadians, but oli've got 10 hend i to import coach Clair for giving his home hreds a chan Woodlawn by 2% lengths, Who's punt Somewhere slong the line, be Ahead ran third, kick wo ans Park vk d for with nen wires | BEAVER LUMBER about of nd fhack who ler, a STA-DRI MASONRY PAINT Paint the Water Out of Your Basement And Have Colorful Wells Too! With REG, 14.95 $12.95 PER 35-48. PAIL 2-coat coverage for average basement 1 WEEK ONLY ORDER NOW! Prefinished BATIK 14" Mehogeny Plywood per 4' x 8 panel 6 05 L} Parma Tred Reg. 5.95 « ONLY fle tura-prool = fweproot = odories Notural Rendom V Grooved Tr / 3/16" Mehogany Plywood = 4.45 Sta-Drl masonry point you con eolorfully basement and make i 8 dean Ha-Ori becomes o 5:b, Box 1.98, Reg, 2.35 PERMA-TRED Concrete Floor Paint modern € CAC IOCOCOOCOOOO0X the nerete non-tading dust-free or just bri handled | ment floor ata... 1.9% REG, 2.39 A OT, NOW 1.98 1 WEEK ONLY per 4' x B' panel Reg, 5.45 ~~ ONLY with Pre-Finished CEILING TILE Per 4' x 4 panel 2 16 1] Reg, 2.39 ~ NOW RECESSED LIGHT FIXTURES Reg. 10,85, NOW " ' " NANPA ANPP CONCRETE REPAIRS MADE EASY WITH PARACRETE LATEX CONCRETE Your levelling CSC COON MONTH OF OCTOBER HAPPY HOME SALE IN FULL SWING AT of sracks THE BEAVER STORE NEAREST YOU 2. 95 COME IN AND SAVE! DEPENDABLE QUALITY and SERVICE BEAVER LUMBER CORNER DUNDAS AND HICKORY WHITBY MO 8.5818 aracrete Is the modern Do cement for patehing, ain vy type of 8 h package hanyman kif, approx, ize age 100-11 OPEN FRIDAY TILL ¢ 1958 CHEVROLET AT CLIFF MILLS m------ | 1957 CHEVROLET & DELUXE SEDAN New paint job, Clean as a pin, THRIFT DAYS SPECIAL | $1095 A TT 1949 FORD SEDAN SEDAN 1955 BUICK 4-Door Hardtop Dynaflow, power brakes, CONVERTIBLE Coral with white top, THRIFT DAYS SPECIAL 1645 PH on] 4 PONTIAC CONVERTIBLE 7.500 0x mile mini executive Come plete ly pe ter tires n Royal Reg, List Over $4600, $$ THRIFT DAYS SPECIAL 33545 19568 BUICK SEDAN Dynatlow wer equipped custom radio. Power steering and brakes THRIFT DAYS SPECIAL 4 1954 BUICK SEDAN This week only THRIFT DAYS SPECIAL 245 A ---------- 1959 AUSTIN SPRITE THRIFT DAYS SPECIAL $1445 ILLS woTons LTD. RA 3-4634 Th AS IS SPECIAL *69 me CLIFF M 266 KING STREET WEST