THE WEATHER OFFICE says showers and thunder showers will move into south WEATHER FORECAST | ANDREW LOKIEC (LOCKIE) (Church, Rev. P. Coffey, pastor | | iL. ern Ontario this bvening and 4 | vorma, Increasing cloudiness temperatures will climb with | is expected tonight In Quebec howers Friday, OBITUARIES or FUNERAL Hedwig's Roman Catholic in'of Holy Cross Roman Catholic Chiurch, was also in the sanctu- ary, Interment was in St, Greg ory's Cemetery. The pallbearers were Paul Volchoff, Felix Boblarz, Joseph Poblarz, Fugene Malski, William} Wilson and Walter Koco, | At the cemetery Joseph Halik| spoke on behalf of the Polish National Sick Benefit Society No, Requiem mass was sung Holy Cross Roman Catholle Church st 10 am, todsy for Andrew Lokiee (Lockie), 375 Mit- the {Oshawa General Hospital Tues day, Oct, The mass was sung by Rev Felix -Kwaltkowskl, pastor of $i SPEND MILLIONS FOR NEWSPAPERS): The most informed people in the world, US, readers, purchase $3 million dollars worth of newspapers every day. To inform Interested buyers of pets, toys or other things you want to sell, use Oshawa Times Classified ads, To s'art your low cost ad dial RA 43492 now, Rev, Andrew Walczak of St, |Hedwig's Church, 'conducted a rosary at the Mcintosh - Ander. won VPunersl Home Wednesday evening, HOUSE GUTTED An empty house, three miles north of Prestonvale, was com-| {pletely demolished by fire early {his moming, By the time Bow- | manville fire fighters arrived at [1.45 am, the fire had reached values slightly higher than | followed by 5 wp Witephoto)_ Partly C A Little TORONTO (CP)-~Forecasts Is sued hy the weather office at § am. EDT Synopsis--A disturbance mov- ing eastward from Manitoba is eausing showers and thunder showers across Northwestern On tario, extending southeastward to! porthern Lake Huron, This weather will spread over the re mainder of Northern and Cen tral Ontario by this evening, Warmer weather will be general over all the day and over southern and cen. tral Ontario Friday, Reglonal forecasts midnight Friday Lake Erie, Lake Huron, Ni agara, western Lake Ontarlo, southern Georglan Bay Windsor, London, Hamilton, Tor- onto: Partly cloudy and warmer today and Friday, Winds south. erly 10 to 16 Eastern Lake Ontario Halibut. ton regions: Bunny today, part) cloudy tonight and Friday and warmer, Winds light, becoming southeasterly 15 this afternoon and southerly 15 Friday Northern Sear gian Bay, Kirk land Lake regions, North Bay, | Sudbury: Cloudy and a little warmer today, Showers or thun dershowers beginning this after. Poon. Friday partly Cloudy and! AIR CADET NEWS Squadro valld until More Recruits i By WINGLESS wWiLLIE Yorty-one cadets were present Tuesday evening and new re eruits are » coming In all the time, HONOR BIRTHDAY A scholarship fund marking the 80th birthday of the dean | of Canadian musiclans, Dr, Healey Willan, has been started | by the Royal Canadian College | of Organists, Dr, "Villan cele: hrated his 80th birthday yesters day, The RCCO fund with the assistance of friends will be used to provide an annual scholarship In Dr, Willan's name, Dr, Willan is still doing Hturgleal work at St, Mary | Magdalene Church in Toronto, is the official organist of the University of Toronto, and Is composing consistently, forecast regions to-| regions | loudy, Warmer warmer, Winds southeast 15 fo- day, southwesterly 15 Friday, Western Timmins - Kapuskas ing; Cloudy with showers or thundershowers today, Priday| partly eloudy with isolated] showers, and warmer, becoming | cooler late Friday, Winds wouth-| east 15 today, southerly 15 Fri-| day, shifting to westerly 15 to 20 by evening, Eastern Timmins - Kapuskas- ing: Cloudy and a little warmer today, Showers or thundershow- ers beginning this evening, Fri. day cloudy with scattered show. ers or thundershowers, warmer, Winds light, becoming south. enstly 15 this afternoon and southerly 15 to 20 Friday, Forecast Temperatures Lows tonight, ge Friday: Windsor [ Thomas | Kitehe mer IL ondon Wingham a Hom Iton | St, Catharines Toronto : Peterborough , Trenton ,..... Killaloe ... Muskoka |, North Bay , Sudbury Farlton ' Kapuskasing .. ; PREPARING Gertrude's CH The women of St two nights last week assisting the Ontarlo County Tuberculosis and Health Association with the folding of Christmas Seals which will be mailed to house. ho'ders throughout the county, This is the third year the Catholic Women's League spent | ithe basement, | slides of his trip through Equa- { torial Africa at First Baptist THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursdey, October 13, 1960 3 Bridge Club | Il ge land Mrs, E. Wadsworth 146%|McLachlan and Mr. Mr. Staller 127; houn, 142%; Mr, and Mrs, R. B,| The lucky draw was won by Davis, 128% ; Mrs, Howard James Mr, Glover. The high scores for games 127%, played Tuesday, Oct, 11, bY poi west ~ Mrs, Small tots may be willing to go ate Bridge Club si Woodview and Mrs, C. E. Stewart, 130% lo sleep easier i there are no Park Clubhouse were: points; Mrs, W. J. Timmins and last - minute romps or excite Hi h S | points; §. Sheridan and D, Cal- 'Mr, and Mrs, Boetens, g land Mrs, Harold Washington, | CALMING DOWN members of the Oshawa Duplie- ¥, Chant] | North-South ~ Mrs, R. Clarke Mrs, 8, Sheridan, 128; Mr. J.'ments. PRIVEY Modivm Growth-Hordy 12" size =~ 100 for $17.98 187 size =~ BO for $13, 100 for $24.95 / 80 for $30.00 | 24" size == 50 for $27.50 100 for $22.95 ' 100 for $55.00 cord " "100 for $50.00 One Red Spirasa Shrub (211, size) plus Canada's ined vr FREE Hath with the purchase of any of these FREE. BROOKDALE - KINGSWAY NURSERIES BOW ANVIL CHINESE ELM Easy Fast Growing 127 size = 100 for § 7.98 107 size =~ 80 for § 7.800 100 for $13.98 50 for $11.95 GREEN BARBERRY dy-dow Growing "" har 100 for $2495 18" size = 50 for $25.00 100 for $45.00 TO SHOW SLIDES Robert Bateman, a teacher in Nelson High School, Burling. ton, who will speak and show 2 ie ~- 19" ee = Church this Friday night, The | travelogue Is sponsored by the | Couples' Club of the church, | -- FOR CHRISTMAS SEAL DRIVE | John Barne and Mrs L. Czr- | enka as they fold seals, It was | previously erroneously stated | in The Times that the profits | from the sale of Christmas Seals would be turned over to | the Ontario County Unit.of the | Canadian Cancer Soclety Oshawa Times Photo | women of St, Gertrude's have assisted the TB association in its only source of revenue to continue its mass TB survey work. About 556 women, during two evenings last week, folded 125 boxes of 500 sheets of seals, | Shown above are Mrs, Frank Doreen, Mrs, 8, Stephinac, Mrs, | | way 'Transport Board, for a pub-| CITY AND Wie vehicle operating licence, "For the carriage of passengers be-| [tween Oshawa and the corner of | DISTRICT n Seeks STREETS CLOSED The following streets will be closed ' for construction today: Rossland road west, fram Steven. | gon road north to Gibbons street; Stevenson road north, from Marion avenue to Rossland road | | west; Wilson road south from {Olive avenue to Shakespeare av- Stevenson road south, closed | 1t should be noted tha! our quota| is 60 cadets and, therefore, ac- cording to my mathematics, that leaves 19 openings for new cadets, Cadets are asked to fry| and bring a friend down nex tl |nue; ¥ | Tuesday, If everyos , brings down boat all Sunday with no oll mixed! tla new cadet our quota will be In with the gas Tuesday evening FL Gilbank gained revenge by putting Sgt. NCO COURSE Ditmarr's auto In an inoperative The NCO course will be com. state and because of the ser pleted Thursday evening with the| geant's poor knowledge of a car conpletion of the course, A drill engine, the CO had to show him test and a written test will be how to fix it. Revenge is sweet taken by the 14 cadets on course, The written exam consists of Alr| DISCIPLINE DISCUSSED Force Organization, leadership, |" Dise ipline, a great factor In general service knowledge, and any form of ecadeting, took an drill, {other ~ step toward perfection |® At the completion of the course| Tuesday evening when "The the Commanding Offle er, FL Royal Order of the Bucket" was Gilbank, and WO2 Gallagher, FS! Installed, In one corner of the Bohaker, and Sgt, Seeley, willcadet hall there is a platform assess all the different tests and|with a decrepit dirty bucket for decide who will he wearing cor- {cadets who will be responsible poral stripes, for ¢'eaning it If they should for We would like to say that this some reason break a rule of dis course has been handled quite|cipline, If the bucket stays dirty efficiently and the cadets deserve it is a good sign that the cadets well filled, [ 1 {Wilson road north, in Darlington | from Gibb street to the CPR: 1" The , (township, via Taunton road Michmond_ atreet vou," closed LCL 1b ary he street, Whenever a eure {highway transport board in ils {will be kept open for local traffic, chembers, 67 College street, To- Emergency conditions such as {ronto, Monday, Nov, 14, at 10 weather could require the closing a.m of streets not on this list, HOSPITAL REPORT TOOLS STOLEN Following is the report of the an valued at $27 were stolen Oshawa General Hospital for Ye) rom a tool shed on Wilson road| week ending Oct, 8: admissions, 0 Tuesday night or Wednes-|262; births, male 34, female 27: | day morning, the Oshawa Police di eh 8, 270; newborn dls De partme nt reported today, The/cha male 36, female 23; s belonged to Wasyl Nimko, of major surgery, 78; minor sur ; 5 Ritson road south, |gery, 109; eye, ear, nose and ar Wet | throat, 46; treatments and exam Pa AMBULANCE CALL ,|Inations, 114; casts, 10; physio-| he Oshawa Police Department therapy treatments, reported no serious accldents 358, [#ince Wednesday morning, The {Oshawa Fire Department report-| ed no fire alarms during the ame period of time The | FIVE NEW BLOOMS Gardening enthusiasts have heen surprised by an Easter lily was one routine ambulance call, [Plant owned by Mrs, Frank | Fleury, 867 Parklane, which has| APPLY FOR LICENCE bloomed for the second time this An application has been made!year Mrs. Fleury received the by the Oshawa Publie Utilities blooming plant last Easter and it Commission to the Ontario High-'now has five new blooms, N Oshawa Chamber of Commerce |e ROUND STEAK (Groumd) : a great deal of credit for work Ing so diligently, WEEKEND UP NORTH FL Gilbank decided to have a quiet peaceful weekend up north |: {and on the spur of the moment, {he and Mr, Peterson and Sgts, [McRae and Ditmarr struck out {for Lovesick Lake, near Burleigh| Falls, The weekend was most enjoy. | Able hut also it must have heen {most quiet without Gallagher, | Bohaker and Seeley to keep things in a rowdy tone, I hear the food was quite good, that is if you like beans on Thanksgiving Day Set. Ditmarr and Sgt. McRae| kept themselves busy "fixing" {the CO's car so it was In-opera. (tive, and going out in the motor| | COMING EVENTS UCHRE, Scout ena Vista pm, Six oonts RUMMAGE Sale, Simeae Street Unit od Church, Group 6, Friday, October 14, | 13% pm RUMMAGE Sale, 1 pm tre Street Hall, Friday, prizes, Gi'bhon and Ootoher 14, # refreshments, 80 Friday, October 14,| BARGAINS GALORE NORTHMINSTER THRIFT SHOP | (Please use back entrance) Corner of Rossland & Simcoe OPEN UNTIL XMAS EVERY FRIDAY -- | TO 4 PM. RUMMAGE SALE Sponsored by St. Mary of the People CW.L,, Friday October 14th at 1:30 p.m, at St. Gregory's Auditor- um lower hall, St. George's Parish Hall, Cen: | TANNERY Ladies Thursday 8 pm, fackpots [SOUTH Nimeoe Home and Sohool As {oc'ation, "Fun Far" Saturday, {lobe 14, 2 - Ing. Rummage ete NOVEL BINGO THURSDAY EVENING, 8 PM. at ST. GEORGE'S HALL (Albert ond Jackson Sts) Games $6, $12, $20 May be doubled or tripled $140 JACKPOT INCLUDED | Door prize $13 BINGO HARMAN PARK ASSOCIA. TION, St. John's Hall, corner of Bloor and Simcoe, Friday Tdth, 8 pm. 20 gomes $4 ond $10 -- Five $40 jock pots, Auxiliary, Bingo, at the Avalon, Six RUMMAGE SALE Monday, Oct, 17th, 1:30 p.m. Simcoe Hall. Spon- sored by the Oshawa Jay- cettes. Op: | 3 p.m, Sewing, home bak. | are well disciplined but when the bucket shines the discipline is down Thanks goes out to FO Houston {who donated the bucket and the 'Mr, Clean,' |C LEANUPS | To cadet Tim Ditmarr we send our thanks for his donation of the {H31 Vertol Helicopter model for our display cabinet, Donatlons of the PVY Canso will be accopted also if you find it in your heart to give that to us also, Every 'cadet including the INCO's are asked to clip this | column and bring it to cadets {next Tuesday, We are taking a | poll of how many cadets make i a practice to read the news, reminder goes out to the = and public to take a look at our display in Eaton's window | at the Shopping Centre, ATTENTION RETAILERS !! Stores now renting in this Shopping Plaza to "Autumn-Action" Membership Dinner Banquet GENOSHA HOTEL Monday, Ocober 17th Guest Speaker: HON. MICHAEL STARR Minister of Labour ® BUSINESS MEETING ..... 50C PM. ® RECEPTION ......c oni 5:30 PM, ® DINNER Crs vaavsey oi 830 BM, . | be constructed immediately, Ideal location on Simcoe St. N,, directly opposite the north A & P store. Store sizes suitable to any type of business. Consult Us For Your Needs HARRY MILLEN REAL ESTATE 11 ONTARIO STREET RA 8.1679 FRE WHY PAY MORE? ? When You Can BUEHLER'S "Oshawa's Most Popular Meat Market" 79 Boneless POT ROAST ~ 49: CLUB STEAKS = 59:¢RIB STEAKS = 69- Minced CHUCK STEAK » 65: CUT-UP CHICKEN Freezer Special ! Legs ® Thighs @ Breasis , 59° WINGS ww, 29° BEEF © D9: [vi His ROASTING FOWL "i PICNIC SHOULDERS =. 39. VEEL PATTIES «x 3.1.00 BUY 5 LBS. SAUSAGE MEAT FOR 1.00 GET 5 LBS. FREE! CLUB STYLE HAMS seirtesene 1. §9e BREAKFAST BACON cum 21s. 1.00 Shoulder Chops Ib. 49° Lamb-In-A-Basket 1b. 39° Stew Cuts § lbs, 1.00 oe SIRLOIN o T-BONE oe WING BONELESS Round STEAK or ROAST SPRING LAMB Skinless WIENERS 2 lbs, 78° Mild Can. CHEESE Ih. 48¢ Nippy Old CHEESE lb. §9¢ BOLOGNA ~= By the Piece w= End Cuts «= LB, New Season's SAUERKAUT * 20 2 28" 12 KING ST. E. RA 3-3633