1 WHITBY and DISTRICT Whitby Bureau Office: 111 Dundas St. West oy Baety Tel, MO. 8-370¢ | COL. HEDLEY BASHER BORNE TO REST Former Deputy-Minister IOOF Prepares Whitby Hospital Committee Aim Ideas beneficial to a commun-[support and ideas from interest- Two barns and about 200 pigs |were destroyed by fire Wednes- problems day night on the farm of Donald ity, although sometimes ham- ed citizens during the meeting. pered by insufficient funds or| One of the bigges: pclitical manipulations, have the facing the committee is that of pleasant habit of being revived. money; specifically, how much Repeatedly falling into this government assistance will the gory fi hospital | scheme obtain? | Sarcgony in The plan for 2 Yowpila With the recent addition to the comm arhes |Oshawa General Hospital and also A ittee, spearheaded bine undertakings in Bowmanville Cait Mantz, has been set A again investigate the possibility toe snide Tashon . of establishing such a hospital polly gM apreind doubt, Representing a cross-section of They felt that since it was the occupations and interests, theigogpiial Services Commission's committee included the following noiiey of investigating an area members: Mrs, Brigadier Bedell, |ihoroughly = before making any Mrs, Stuart Roblin, David Cuddy, | .omyiiments regarding grants Jack Roblin, Harold Mace, Ivaniit would be another four or five Wallace, Len Tution, Rev. John|years before Whitby could obtain Emith, George Anderson, Raya grant for a new hospital. Campbell, Albert Randall, Neill Ope member of the Whithy Shortreed, Gordon Richards, | committee suggested that a 500- George Bevan and Alex Fillier [ped hospital had been propos- Dr. Matthew Dymond, Minis-{ed. Another member thought ter of Health for Ontario, will be the hospital would limit itself the guest speaker at a public to less serious hospital cases. meeting scheduled for Oct, 20 in! This type of hospital would ease the All Saints' Church Parish Hall, |the Joad on the Oshawa General A representative from the On-| Hospital. It wouldn't need to be tario Hospitals Services Commis as expensive as the 500-bed pro-| sion is also expected to be at the | posal since there wouldn't be al meeting, [duplication of expensive equip- The committee hopes to gain|ment, Helen Marshall BOWLING NEWS Auxiliary Meets WHITBY AND DISTRICT MEN'S BOWLING LEAGUE | Wednesday Section The regular meeting of the wpton Machine 3, Legion No, Helen Marshall Auxiliary of Pres- 4 byterian Church met in the - 0; Bathurst 2, Firestone 1; | Barber Shop 1, Fittings cadsch hall Tuesday afternoon| thy ar » 4 with Mrs, J. Robson presiding in| Laid To Rest At Whitby |For Installations . " olla ashe .. ate Jue 0 ne all ¥ . Col, George Hedley Basher, for- atroy, Guelph, the officers and The Whitby Independent Order week for the installation of offi ister form | ranks of the Royal Regiment of ; mer Deputy-Minlste: o Reform) ada, The Ontario Public Serv- of Odd Fellows (100F) held their cere there and, while it was the Institutions in Ontario was laid to lice and Quarter Century Club,|pogyiar weekly meeting rest Wednesday afternoon Inithe Ontario Department of Re- y - . installation team was found to be Cf lodge hall, Noble Grand Brother i Mount Lawn Cemetery, following| form Institutions, the IODE Chap-| lacking very little in the way of funeral services in All Saints' ter of the Royal Regiment, the Stevens presided, any required improvements, Anglican Church, Whitby. Col.|John Howard Society, of Ontario, | The Brothers were welcomed At this evening's meeting it Basher died suddenly at hisithe Queen's Own Rifles, of Can-|hy Noble Grand Brother Stevens,| ya. decided that the annual home, 400 Fairview drive, on Sun-| ada, the Royal Regiment of Can- including a recent new member, Christmas fowl draw would be day afternoon |ada Association, members and| Brother James Walker. handled by the incoming officers Attending the funeral were| [riends ol Clyne a [esbytesin General business was about the Books of tickets will become many of his associates in govern- Slick aud the Ladies A Ulaverage and was dispatched in available at the next meeting of mental services and officers of WMS 0 Bre : due course the lodge. The winners will the Royal Regiment of Canada| Col Basher hove 10, Whitby! Sincere sympathy was extend./drawn at the monster euchre on which he once commanded. Con-|16 months ago. Born 9, Or led to Brother Walter Couke, of Dee. 22, Additional details will be ducting the funeral was Rev. England, he came to Canada in this lodge, in the passing of his made available when all plans are Stanley Armstrong, Rector of All| 1913 and became a member of the ge, : finglized | be illustrated by Mrs, P. Newton, Reynolds introduced Penetang, are spending a few|_ 1; Jokers 2, Legionaires 1; Ram- lers 2, Millwork Builders 1; the absence of the president, hic Press 2, Dupont 1; Alsco Miss M. Ross, : 3, Yardbirds 0, The thankoffering service and| 'rriples over 700, worship provided by the glad tid-| peg Denyer 810 (340); Clarence in the first installation of the term, the wg was the theme of the day's\nyoore 765 (256); Ron Childs 735 tarded Children's meeting. Mrs. D, Wilson acted as) leader while Mrs. P, Newton took| the meditation and Mrs, F, Law- rence led in prayer. | Singles over 250, The growth of the glad tiding| Richard Sandford magazine which in 1685 was al wilks 271, Ernie Shepperdson 207, humble little booklel has since| poss Ward 266, Ray Richard 266, developed into today's book of 251; Wilf Hubbard 274, 250; Tom information and inspiration was Mclivor 263, Tom Sheaham 257, Glen Stephens 257, M. Kowal A beautiful Thanksgiving poem |255, 8. Stone 250 enumerating many things for Thursday Section which we should be thankiul was Legion Old Sweats 2, Knights read by Mrs, D, Wilson, Mrs. J.|or Columbus 1; Donald Motors 3, Robson was pleased to reportiAvena Sunoco 0; Legion No. 2, that the number of home helpers 2. Silversmiths 1; Coca Colas 2, has doubled that of last year. |Firemen 1: Red Wings 2, Mowats | The auxiliary was reminded|BA 1; Credit Union 3, Dodgers 0; {that the WMS of Knox Presby- County Bowl 2, Abner's Esso 1; |terian Church, Oshawa, will bel Amateurs 3, Ottenbrites 0. {holding their thankoffering serv-| Triples over 700 -- Marsh Sles- {ice Oct, 18 at 8 p.m, when Mrs.|gsor 846 (279, 306, 260); Fd Sman- {P. Newton will be guest speak-\gki gog (264, 819); Dick Adams r. All who can attend are cor-\745 (262, 274); Merv Bemis 744 dially invited, [(268); Myrle Reeson 729 (256, The Helen Marshall Auxiliary|258); Ron Pascoe 727 (318) ;Tom | will be holding its annual Thank-|Perrow 724 (309); Harry Barrons | offering service at the echureh|720 (250, 261, Nov. 13 at 11 a.m, Miss Margaret| Singles over 2560 -- Colaire Hut. Kennedy, Evangelist, home onchinson 208, Doug Allan 290, Har- furlough from the Bhil Field, old Moore 289, Joe Izatt 280, Bill India, will be the speaker. Jordon 280, Ward Bick 285, Alf On behalf of the members Mrs. Reardon 277, George Richardson J, Robson expressed a sincere|268, John Bruechle 264, Marty Jor- welcome to Mrs, C. G. Dag- dan 264, Bill Gordan 261, Jim leish, formerly of Hamilton, who |Kirk 256, Jim Slessor 255, Bud has taken up residence in Whitby Bragg 252, Charlie Sawdon 251, and has b a of the A ssoclation, . "he 'Sees Decline In Housing Bob Villeneauve 725, (275, 252); Les Reed 718 (209); Doc Dafoe 703 (292), The meeting was closed with prayer by Mrs. P, Newton, who will convene the Nov. 8 meet: |ing, HONOR RESCUERS WINNIPEG (CP)--Three Cana- dians were honored by the United States Wednesday for rescuing a U-2 pilot after his plane made a of Peterborough, regional vice: president of the National House Builders' Association, told the Sarnia association Wednesday night he expects a decline in forced landing in northern Sask-|housebuilding in the next few atchewan, Willis C, Armstrong, years, | deputy to the U.S, ambassador| "The peak In house building |at Ottawa, presented scrolls of has been reached," he said, [commendation to J. Pender "and we will have lagging years {Smith, 48, pllot of a clvilian/to come." helicopter which found the U-2;| Mr, Mitchell estimated 3,200, [Ernest M. McNair, 60, an obser-|000 home units will be needed in| ver on the search flight, and|Canada in the next 25 years, al-| Dayton W. Reid, 30, maintenance most the same number now ex-| ngineer of the helicopter wholisting, also was aboard. | He predicted that builders will and Ajax, several OGH commit-|mediately known, No estimate wv Parkside H-S | mously, that $100 of the funds SARNIA (CP)--David Mitchel, |" THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursdoy, October 13, 1960 § Two Barns Burn Down SPRINGFORD, Cnt, (CP)~ Woman Bites Ambulancemen LONDON, Ont. (CP)~Two am- bulgnee drivers were attacked Wilcox near this community 2] can akg Yom. they miles Sothcust f cist seq ® Wo-car collision in the city, oul pigs were turned bul i loose from the blazing barns and), A si the Service refuced Many Ware. left running loose treatment and sent away the A d {first ambulance to arrive at t Cause of the fire Was not UI scene of the accident, She then | collapsed, and police called » sec- ond ambulance, a On the way to the hospital, the spokesman said, the woman bit attendant John Langweaver three times on an arm and scratched his face, She then bit driver Gerald Glazier, and left the am- bulance, She was restrained and taken to hospital, where she again refused treatment and signed herself out, PORT ALBERNI, BC. (CP)= Webster A, Thompson won a car at the Alberni fair, which pre. was available of the damage, p---- Will Lead LEST WE FORGET Fund Drive | AJAX -- Thirteen new names | have been added to the list of captains who will lead the drive | for funds for the new Aldon| School for Retarded Children, | which is nearing completion in| Ajax, Each will be responsible | for canvassing in a definite area, | They are: Mrs, Cooper and Mrs, Green, Claremont; Mrs, Gates, Dunbarton and Dunbarton Beach; Mrs, J, C, Richardson, Pickering Village; Mrs, Pick. ard, Fairport Beach, In Whitby, several captains will be sharing the over-all area: Mrs, Jack Hope-Brown, Mrs, Ted | Simms, Mrs, Walter Brownell, | Mrs. E, Petrie, Mrs, lan Hamer, | Mr, A, Branton, Mr, Wm, Green, Once again Remembrance Day is drawing near, To avoid disappoint- ment order your wreath now , , . | ON THURS. & FRI, OCT. 13 & 14th Members of the Canadian Legion will call on Business Establishments in Whitby, PLEASE GIVE GENEROUSLY and Mr, Turner, The Ajax, Pickering and Whit. by Association for Retarded Chil. dren is campaigning for $25,000 to finish the school this year. A sizeable list of children is al- ready waiting for admittance to the new classrooms, and it is estimated more than a thousand children in the area are retard. ed and need the special training, Contributions may be fled, if no canvasser calls, to the Re. Association, Box 86, Ajax, Ontario, This renowned last has built a Pp for p I fitting qualities, Finely aofted in black or brown calf for dress or business wear, Holds Meeting AJAX -- The first meeting of Parkside Home and School Asso- clation was held on October 12 in the auditorium of Parkside Jr. School, The president, Donald Kemp, was In the chair and in his open- ing remarks, welcomed the large group present, During the business, a motion was made and carried unani. accumulated last year be used towards setting up a central library in Parkside Mrs, Yvonne Bosch was pre. sented with a past president's pin for her work with the Home and School at Parkside. The program was taken over by the teachers and was intro. duced by Principal James Wilson, The parents moved out of the auditorium to the individual classrooms, where the teachers outlined the work to be covered during this school year, The parents and teachers re. turned to the auditorium, where lunch was served by members of the executive, Widths from B fo EE be licensed in the future, and added, when it does come 'I hope it will not be misused by the municipalities," BROOKLIN CONCRETE PRODUCTS LIMITED ", S A'STEP YOUR FIRST STEP TO BEAUTY AND SAPETY~ | Regd he Brentwood ly HARTT We also have many other styles in these beau tifully crafted shoes. Custom grade. From 23.50 to 28.00 Collins Shoes 119 BROCK ST. §. MO 8.3476 WHITBY OPEN FRIDAY EVENING TILL 9 PM. TOWN OF WHITBY TAXES FINAL INSTALMENT MONDAY, OCT. 17th, 1960 For your convenience all taxes are payable in any Whitby bank. Failure to pay all instalments by this date empowers the tax collector to collect in accordance with the several statutory provisions. F. N. McEWEN, Tax Collector ) n CINEMASCOPE / and METRO COLOR / t/ METRO: GOLPWYN: MAYER Foi presents 5 7 Church, assisted by Rev. Toronto Police Department. Dur. mother last week ii Church: oy Ai of ing World War 1 a served with| It was announced that the sec- Financial secretary Brother St. Paul's Anglican Church, Bloor|the Queen's Own Rifles and was ond degree would be exemplified Simpson gave the mem: rs a 8t., Toronto; Rev. Dr. Ramsey| commissioned as a lieutenant for Oshawa, Brougham and Whit yors concise report of finansial Armitage, former Principal ofl Following the war, he was by candidates next Tuesday even- AN poembership activities cur Wycliffe College, Toronto; and|pnamed governor of Toronto's Don|ing, Oct, 18, A Degree practice!" ok oe pas jerm, hi : 3 part Rev, Cannon W. E. Harrison, of Jail, In World War 11, he served will be held this Sunday evening, |duoted | Roh alning of se vera the British and Foreign Bible 80-| overseas as commanding officer|Oct, 16, at 8 p.m, All members| PEW STI er: Improve iy nm n ciety, |of the Royal Regiment of Canada are requested to attend this prac- bg nin BULL, Ban other Honorary pallbearers were! and was awarded the Order of the tice ending ai Hon. C. G. Wardrope, Hon, R.|British Empire for his services. | The following Tuesday, Oct, 25, £ visa whip in Connell, Col. D, Catto, Major| 1p 1952. he was named Deputy- Will be installation evening for the The regular Voekly Eucare wil John Foote, VC, Rev, M. Pinker, Minister of Reform Institutions, al 1960-61 officers and no doubt the a8ain be held this Friday evening Dr, C. Graham, R. Rapson, Wal- position' he held until his retire-| anticipated large turnout of meey. cOMmencing at 8 p.m. sharp, ter C. Murdock, and Hon, George| ment last year, Since that time, bers will witness an installation) Everyone is requested to note Dunker. he has been 'a consultant to the team performance, under DDGM the change in the starting time, . Pallbearers were Col, C. F.|department, Brother Glenn Wannamaker, un-|Everyone is welcome to attend Frost, Col. F, West, A, Graham,| He is survived by his wife, the cdualied in any district. |these weekly euchres, to partici A. Hackle, C. Sanderson, and F.|former Dora Rosena Stephens,| Quite a number of Whitby mem- pate in the full evening of euchre L. Nicholls, land two daughters, Mrs. J, B.[bers journeyed to Pickering last and prizes. =~ Included in the floral tributes Mitchell, of Whitby, and Mw. D.| -- -- of Prime Minister L,/M. Warne, of Sloney Creek, Two | M BE ront The wa John's Train-| sisters and three brothers, all liv-| Mrs. Fairbrother Afternoon Guild ing School, the Ontario Reform-ling in England, also survive, |Add WA At resses . . . Following is the result of the . F ans Bazaar Whitby Kiwanis s-imisary a United Church | For president, Vie, Evans (now | All Saints' Anglican Church first vice -president of the Sui} The regular meeting of the|Afternoon Guild held its regular To Select lor Jice vel gent, ie Women's Association of the Unit- Monthly meeting last Tuesday . and Jack Town; for treasurer, ®d Church was held on Tuesday| afternoon in the parish hall, The New Executive {one to be elected, Stu. Beaton and evening in the Assembly Hall in| president, Mrs. R. E., Smith, {Jim Wharrie, the form of a pot luck supper. opened the meeting with prayer, In one week, members of the| For d'rectors, seven to be The evening group under the Mrs, 8, Armstrong was in charge Kiwanis Club of Whitby will elect elected, nine now in the running, leadership of Mrs. G. Cox were|of the devotional. Various reports a new executive to direct their|are Ron Deeth, Jack Fudge, John hostesses and were also in charge were read and approved. club during 1961. On Tuesday Hodgson, Keith Lunney, Bud Mil-|of the program for the evening During the business meeting night, at the club's weekly dinner ler, Ed. Mulligan, Harold Slich-| The president, Mrs. L. F. final plans were made for the meeting in the Hotel Royal, re-|ter, Sam Thorndyke and Herb. Richardson, presided, opening the bazaar to be held Tuesday, Nov, sults of a preliminary ballot Wright, meeting with a poem on the &ea-|8 at the parish hall with the fol- were announced. In other club matters, Ed, Mul: 50n of Thanksgiving, a hymn was lowing ladies taking part: Mrs In releasing the games of the|ligan reported that seven clublgung followed by prayer. Group/Newman will officially open the candidates for the offices of pres- members would visit patients inpeports, treasurer's and secre-| bazaar; bake table, Mrs, Conrad, | ident, vice - president, treasurer Pavilion 2B at the Ontario Hos-|tary's reports were given and|Mrs. Beckly; apron table, Mrs. | and directors, past president|pital this evening. This is a con-/the members were reminded to/Maffy, Mrs. Bell: children's! Harry Simpson advised members|tinuation of a project begun by have their tickets sold for the table, Miss McIntosh, Miss Row that further nominations will be/the Whitby club nearly two years' «pq Travelogue of the Holy Mrs. Henstock; miscellaneous accepted on election night, Oct, ago as part of a remotivation Land" to be held Oct. 21 as the|table, Mrs. O'Dell; parcel post, | 18. Ischeme at the hospital, |samission is by ticket only [We Cuddy, Mrs, Beaton; home | -- -- "| The members were also re-| Made socks table, Mrs, Marsh,| | minded that those wishing to go| MIs. Clarke; kitchen, Mrs. | to "Open House" at the Vietor| omax, Mrs, McGary, Mrs. | WHITBY |Home for girls on Oct, 25 are to| Daily. Mrs. Seals will be con-| | ! | vener of tea tables {let their group leaders know by| uted | Phone MO 8.3618 |Oct. 19 so that a suitable bus| St Magarets Guild ad the | - . 4 "noon Guild are sponsoring a, STARTS Evening Shows at 7 and 9 p.m, [Od be chartered |"Fur Fashion Show and Hats to! Mrs, Fred Olen : Batle Teport | be held Wednesday, Oct, 19 at the TODAY Feature Starts at 7:10 and 9:35 0 for current events and gave|a) guints' parish hall at 8.30 p.m. | a very interesting paper on "Asia| Refreshments will be served. Seller in Stands Aside. A startling The meeting closed with pray:| y y as 29! . rot Best Seller In yegry At re, Are, er. Mr. Quer and Mrs." Mo he F200 pilariows Big Picture of th ! of that number are born in Gary were tea hostesses, ' China | ne i ; e year | Mrs. Charles Broughton led the| WHITBY fs © & {group in the Thansgiving wor-| | a i i {ship service. A hymn was sung| | and Scripture read, Mrs. Brough-| PERSONALS | ton closed the worship service | with prayer Mr, and Mrs. J. Murcklen, of Mrs. A. the XS speaker, Mrs. T. A, days atthe home of their daugh.| | Fairbrother, who very capably | ler and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs, | demonstrated "How to have fun|®™: R. Shuttleworth, 104 Brock with flowers around the house." | Street south, | |Using dishes and little articles| mp and Mrs. Cecil Steers. of! we all have as well as bits of jyy and family spent Sunday at| | driftwood, shells and grasses that| ths home of Mr. and Mrs. John (we just pass by, Mrs. Reynolds| Wilson, of Columbus; also Mr. | {turned them into creations of and Mrs, Fred Rainey, of Barrie beauty. It was a very interesting | On Monday the guests were Mr, and inspiring plece of work and|and Mrs, Gil: Richardson and! left everyone feeling they could| daughter Jeannie and Mr, and do are ie beaitily their homes| Mrs. James Gilliland, of Whitby. | at very little cost. Weekend guest was young Bar| Mrs. M. A, Rosebrugh thanked bara Hicks who visited her friend! Mrs. Fairbrother who expressed Janice Wilson, | ithe wish that we do something me " w | | for others instead of showing our, ur. red Michell and Mrs. | appreciation to her. ime Rousseau, itby spent al few days in Montreal and Ile Per- | A blanket was purchased to be rot, Mrs, R. A. Rousseau motored | {sent to Algerian Refugees. The|back with them and is now at| {meeting closed with the WA/Royal Hotel after spending the | Benediction, summer months at her home in lle Perrot, Quebec WHITBY Sandra Lynn, daughter of Mr, | e ad og Delmer Rints is cele-| * brating her first birthday today. | DAY-BY-DAY Friends of the family wish Sandra Lynn many happy returns of the DUPLICATE BRIDGE SCORES day. | North and So Mrs. 1 ¥) R R land pA +h th Ts A ea Mr. and Mrs, W. Samanski and and Mrs. Wells 66, Mrs. Stiner family spent Thanksgiving week. | and Mrs. McMahon 64%, Mr. and end at the home of Mr, and Mrs, Mrs. Baker 63%, Dave Johnson, of Dundalk, | East and West -- Mrs. Chubb, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Saun- and Mrs, Maundrell 78%, Mr, and ders and family spent the holiday Mrs, Winter 78 Mrs, and Miss| weekend visiting Algonquin Park, | Bovay 71, Mrs, Kennedy and Mrs.| Deep River and various northern | Pringle 65, parts, | JS PAGE: PRN BYNTON: RIARD HAN Ib. 3%¢ FRESH HAMBURG Ib. 29¢ Steak SLICED BREAKFAST Ib. 59¢ Bacon Ib. 35¢ Ib. 55¢ PRIME RIB 115 Brock N., Whitby - Just N. of 4 Corners STEAK o { ROAST BEEF Open Thurs Till 8 p.m, -- Friday Till 9 p.m. FRESH CUT PORTERHOUSE ROAST Ib. b : FRESH PORK Sausage FRESH BUTT BLADE OR SHORT RIB ARNOLD'S WING OR SIRLOIN SHOULDER ROASTS Pork Chops 'ROAST BEEF 1b. BUSINESS MEN! It gives us great pleasure to announce the opening of a complete secretarial centre -- especially designed to serve your needs, No longer do you have to send to Toronto for the experienced help you re- quire for that Extra' work-load. CALL S ECRETARIAL 0 VERLOAD Sa PHONE MO 8-8181 OPENING ON OCTOBER 14th, 1960 IN THE BROCK BUILDING--WHITBY Specializing in Typing--Shorthand---Dictaphone--Bookkeeping Direct Mailing, Mimeographing FIFTEEN YEARS IN THE SECRETARIAL FIELD SPEED AND ACCURACY IS OUR MOTTO ALL WORK GUARANTEED WE: MARY CAMPKIN -- DOROTHY HEPBURN -- WINIFRED PEARCE cordially invite you to attend our Open House at the above address en Friday, October 14th from 7 p.m. until 10 p.m,