- The Oshoroa Sines Published by Canadion Newspapers Limited, 86 King St, E,, Oshawe, Ont, Poge 6 Thursday, October 13, 1960 Income Tax Anomalies Should Be Considered The Diefenbaker government has shown considerable interest in mat. ters of constitutional law and individ. pal's rights, A Bill of Rights has been passed, discussions are under way with the provinces about cone stitutional amendments, and revise. fons have been promised in the Im- migration Act. There is one allied subject, however, that is being studiously avoided, That is the mat ter of personal income tax. Gwynetl, McGregor of the Canad fan Tax Foundation points out in a booklet that a strange anomaly exists in permissible deductions for income tax purposes, An employee pays ine come tax on gross earnings, less the customary deductions for dependents, charitable gifts and so on; but a per- son who is self-employed, drawing income from a business, profession or vocation is permitted to deduct from income the expenses required to pro- duce that income---expenses covering such items as capital equipment, offices, repairs, depreciation, Yet an employee can incur expenses as part of a job, A man who gets a job in a plant wherein a closed shop is in operation must pay dues, It could be argued that the dues are a necessary ex- pense to his holding the job, and therefore shoud be deductible, Other workers need special tools to carry on their trade, tools that are neces. sary to earning a living as those of a doctor or a dentist, If the costs of are deductible, why not the other? A man who borrows under the one National Housing Act actually pays double interest, He pays the interest on the loan, and he also pays income tax on his full earnings, even though the money made available for the housing loans -- either made directly by the government or guaranteed by it----comes from tax revenue, to which the borrower has contributed Thus if the borrower pays six per cent on his loan and pays 15 per cent of his wages in direct income tax (and this does not take into account any other taxes), he is actually paying up to 21 per cent, One can assume that the money set aside by the government for loans itself must earn at least six per cent, Both the US, and UK, governments recognize that there Is double taxation in such a ease, and make provision to ease the burden, There is another anomaly. A lives stock farmer, quite rightly, is pers mitted to average his income for tax purposes over a period of years; a herd is not built in a year, breeding stock must be acquired and maine tained, and so on, It is a just provi. sion, But people such as writers, artists and performers, whose income can fluctuate wildly from year to year, are not treated the same way, They must pay the tax on their year's earnings, A writer may pro- duce a highly successful book one year and go four or five years with out any substantial financial success, The one success may bring him say, $30,000 in royalties and various rights, and on that he pays the full rate of tax; in the succeeding years he may be lucky to average $3000, Improper Car Lights Attorney - General Kelso Roberts has announced that police throughout Ontario have been instructed to pro secute drivers operating improperly lighted vehicles after sunset. The instructions were part of a program by Ontario Provincial Police to pro- mote safe driving during the fall and winter months, The announcement is welcomed although it seems odd that the At. torney-General considers it necessary to instruct police to prosecute, Are not all infractions of traffic laws to be prosecuted? And the law is quite definite about the lighting require- ments of vehicies, The fact is, however, that there are far too many vehicles on the roads at night with improper or in. adequate iights, One has only to drive the roads in this district--away from Highway 401---to realize how many cars are being driven with mechani- cal faults such as one headlight, one tail-light or none at all, In addition to the mechanical faults, there are the discourtesies and errors of ignorance, Noting that the use of parking lights during the hours of dusk has become prevalent, Mr, Roberts warned that drivers were breaking two laws, one that parking lights are prohibited while a vehicle is in motion and the other that head. lights must be visible for at least 500 feet, Lights must be turned on from a half hour after sunset to a half hour before sunrise--and there are times during the daylight hours when the lights are necesswury. A general increase in traffic accle dents during the fall and winter is largely attributed to early darkness, slippery roads caused: by falling leaves in the fall and snow and ice in the winter, and fog, Fifteen per cent of fatal accidents, the largest percentage of daily fatall. ties, okcur between four and six p.m, according to a 19569 police survey, Between October, 1968, and March, 19569, 349 people died and 4416 were injured on highways patrolled by the OPP, Discovery Of Talent Most people have hidden talents-- fiidden because the owners were une able or did not bother to develop them, That is a conclusion reached by Dr. Wilder Penfield, internation ally famous Canadian neuro-surgeon, In an article in Health magazine, he writes: "l have long interested myself in the human brain and wondered at how clumsy we seem to be in making Fhe Oshawa Times ¥. L, WILSON, Publisher and Generel Manager €. GWYN KINSEY, Rditer Ths Oshawa Times combining The Oshawa Times (estaclished 1871) ond the Whitby Gazette ond Chronicle (established 1843), i published dally (Sundays and statutory holidays excepted), Members of Canadian Daily Newspapers Publishers Association, The Canodian Press, Audit Bureau of Circulation and the Ontario Provincial Dailies Assos ciation, The Canadian Press 1s exclusively entitled to the use for republication of oll news despatched in the paper credited te it or to The Associated Press or Reuters, and also the local news published therein reserved All rights ot special despoiches ore alse Oftices: Thomson Building, 425 University Avenue, Toronto, Ontario; 640 Cathcart Street, Montreal, P.Q, SUBSCRIPTION RATES Delivered by carriers In Oshawa, Whithy, Alex, Pickering, Bowmanville, Brooklin Port Perry Prince Albert Maple Grove Hampton, Frenchmen's Bay, Liverpool, Taunton, Tyrone, Dunbarton, Enniskillen, Orono, Leskard, Broughhom, Burketon, Claremont, Columbus, Greenwood, Kintale, Raglon, Blackstock, Manchester, Pontypool and Newcastle not over 45¢ By mail (in province of Ontario) outside elsewhere 15.00 per per week corriers delivery areas 12.00, year, Average Daily Net Paid as of April 30, 1960 116,999 use of the potential wealth of the in- tellect, So many unsuspected talents lie undiscovered, So many brilliant students drift away from study and genius sleeps, unchallenged," This was the thought expressed by Gray in his "Elegy in a Country Churchyard" when he wondered about the "mute inglorious" Miltons lying forgotten in their final resting places. It is a thought, too, that has been strongly disputed since Gray wrote his poem, Genius, it has been claimed, will always make itself known, since its possessor cannot help himself, Neither physical nor mental ills have prevented such men as Keats, Van Gogh and Beethoven from revealing their genius, But back to Dr. Pen- field, He says the greatest opportunity for the Canadian governmen. to serve its people is to discover talent in young Canadians and honor it. He adds that towards the close of life there is also some misconception of the capacity of the human brain, which has resulted in a social disease which might be called false senility, The proper preventative for this false senility, he suggests, is not to post. pone the age of initial retirement, but to recognize that there is a time for "changing harness." It could be called "the second career", coming at a time when the physical load can be lightened and the mental challenge increased, BY-GONE DAYS 40 YEARS AGO A representative of Harris and Hale, landscape architects from Toronto, met with the parks commission to discuss the pro- posed layout for Lakeview Park, R. H, Mulch won permanent possession of the Goodyear golf trophy, after having won i for two successive years, A total of 96 members were added to the role of St. Andrew's Preshyterian Church which was the greatest number in the his. tory of the church, Messrs, Ward and Dewland moved into their fine new store in the Bradley Block, corner of Simcoe and Athol streets, Dundas Centre Methodist Church, London, had extended g§ call to the Rev, John Garbutt, minister of Simcoe Street Method. ist Church, Oshawa's building record for the first nine months of 1920 reached a high total of $741,506, Thornton's Corners held its second annual school fair at the school, Cedardale, Westmount, Harmony and Baseline schools also participated in the event, Al the Oshawa markel eggs were selling for 68 cents dozen, dary butter at 70 cents a pound, apples at 25 cents a peck, honey al $1.25 for a five-pound pall and fowl, 40 conts a pound, Mrs © of Namly Glasgow Gren, soprano soloist ord Parish Chureh, Seotland, sang at a fine recital in St Andrew's Preshy terian Chuvreh. She was visiting her mother, Mrs, Melntyre, Al bert street An agreement was arranged with the waterworks commission snd GD. Conant, giving the commission the right to eross his Jands with the new water main, Oshawa's newest bakery, Boke. Rite Ltd, at the corner of King sireet west and Prince street, opened for business, SHIPPING BOOST SARNIA, Ont, (CP)--Shipping tonnage handled by the port of Sarnia up to late in September was nearly double the same per: fod of last year. Harbormaster Whitney Hillmer was hopeful the predicted total of 200 vessels would be exceeded by end of the season, INSIDE YOU Muscle Offender Has Varied Names By BURTON H, FERN, MD YOU SLEPT like a rock and pow you're stiff as a board! Every muscle feels like a tight steel coll, Your Joints remind you of that frozen turkey in the freezer, Is it arthritis? Rheumatism? Or what? Aches, pains and stiffness plague everyone from time to time, Of course if you're a mid. dle-aged father who has to play Red Grange with the grammar- school football erowd all Satur. day afternoon, before an evening of goalline passes with the cock tail shaker, you'll really pray for help on Sundpy morning, On weekdays a cold front ean send twinges up your back, A falling barometer may start up erimps und cramps, Damp, drafty breezes con also blow troubles Into muscles, WHAT I8 11? No maller which, you feel as stiff ns a shirt drying on the line in subzero weather, What's wrong! Doctors once thought they knew the answer but different doctors had different answers, The microscope still remains blind to the real trouble, als though at various tmes it has projected erystal-clear images of siek, stil muscles And so all sorts of 1abels have been tagged to this middle-aged problem, which can stiffen june lors and seniors as well, Like any eriminal, the muscu. lar offender travels under varie ous names such as fibrositis, myofasinl pain and the most common alles "muscular rheums atism," MIND OVER MUSCLE Many times this rheumatism is a case of mind over muscle, A tense mind can tense muscles, clamping off blood vessels, Soon dull aches are (triggered Into razor-sharp pains, Both mind and body can be trigger happy. The smallest worry or the slightest touch may pill the trigger to send pains shooting through your system, Because nerves branch like trees, one root may send twigs to points as widely separated as the upper abdomen and upper neck, Minor injury can shape any nervous branch Into a hain like trigger which sparks muscu GALLUP POLL Diet Leading Pearson But Quebec By CANADIAN INSTITUTE OF PUBLIC OPINION Current mood of the people Is to split very closely in opinion as to whether John Diefenbaker, or Lester B, Pearson would make the best leader for Canada at the present time, In one of a series of studies assessing attitudes of the voters in what may be a pre-election year, the Gallup Poll finds that 36 per cent believe the Prime Minister to be the best leader under today's conditions while 34 per cent name the Leader of the Opposition, Mr, Pearson, While the difference comes within the normal sampling error of four per cent recognized in all Gallup Poll reports, the standing for these two leaders on this ques. tion has been reflected in their political atijglgles reported in re. cent studi here is a close aplit of opinioy popular voting favor, and in approval or disapproval of the way the Prime Minister Is handling his Job, In the Maritimes the public fy: vors Mr, Diefenbaker as leadér at the present time, almost two to one. In Quebec Mr, Pearson Maritimes Quehee Mr, Diefenbaker 17% Mr. Pearson 25 Hoth about the same 17 Qualified -- No opinion 1 100% Different has a solid lead, In Ontario the PM is ahead of Mr, Pearson by 4 per cent, In the West he has 11 er cent more endorsing him rather than Mr, Pearson, Reports on public opinion by the Gallup Poll are based on scientifically selected samples of adults across the nation, with a completely new segment of the nation questioned In regular studs les. Question used as a basis for today's report was this, "REGARDLESS OF ANY POL. ITICAL FEELINGS YOU MAY HAVE, AND THINKING JUST OF INDIVIDUALS, WHICH MAN DO YOU THINK WOULD BE THE BEST LEADER FOR CAN- ADA AT THE PRESENT TIME, JOHN DIEFENBAKER OR LES. TER B, PEARSON?" Mr. Diefenbaker best , 36 Mr, Pearson best eee M4 Both about the same .,,, Qualified : No opinion ,... Pet, Besnennany With that as the national avers age of opinion as yard-stick, here is the way men and women react in the various regions The West Ontario 20% 37% 3 33 a1 14 19 15 - 3 1 19 8 1 100% 100% World Copyright Reserved 100% QUEEN'S PARK -- Ontario Mission = Obtains Results Ry DON O'HEARN TORONTO -- Trade missions? These can be good or bad, Sometimes they are hard-work- ing efforts to stimulate trade At other times they are an excuse for a group of men to get away from their wives, The province has made its first venture into the field The agricultural products mis. sion It sent to England has re- turned, And it has given an outstand- Ing lead, MORE RUSINESS Agriculture Minister Goodfel low, who headed the group, is as enthusiastie about its work as we have ever seen him about any- thing In four weeks the nine mem. bers, representing farm pro- ducers and processors, made more than 500 calls In the UK, And as a result Mr, Goodfellow can see increased business for the province in a number of canned fruits and vegetables, to. bacco, winter wheat and beans, apples and cheese. START HERE? Importers, he says, were more than receptive, They are ready to do business with the province, Even more than that some of them are much Interested in starting thelr own processing plants over here, In other words there were open arms and to an extent open pocket-hooks, Regarding this last Mr, Good. fellow says that tight now Is a good time to strike the U.K. market The cconomy is booming and the housewives have lots of money, (He also noted something many people may find hard to believe--that the British houses wile spends more money on food than the Canadian wile, We may have better bath-lubs but the British eat better.) ONLY QUALITY There was one word of caution that ihe mission brought back, This is that we can only expect to sell quality produce, And we must assure a continuous supply, We can't hope to send along surplus crops and expect to keep the market. And we can't get emotional about sending our best produce out of the province, If we want those trade dollars, which we do, we must be willing to share our goodies, One incidental characteristic of the mission--which is a typical touch -of Mr, Goedfellow--is that It was made up of young men, There was a double-sided point to this. As the future leaders of the industry they would benefit more than older men, And alse they work harder, lar rheumatism in for - awa places, 4 IMITATE AILMENTS These remote control sms can imitate almost any vi allment, In the right lower corner of the abdomen, muscular rheuma- tism con resemble a gilt-edged guarantee for appendicitis, Along the back and neck it may mimic polio or meningitis, Around joints doctors ean even mistake it for arthritis, DIRECT TREATMENT Treatment should attack both target and trigger. frst, you thaw out like that fee-cold shirt, Warmth, rubbing and strefehing ean melt the most stiffly frozen muscles, Occasionally this simpl, ment leeds to such exquisite agony that you don't dare flick one muscle fibre, Here, the doe- tor injects numbing Novacaine (or one of its cousins) along with soothing hydrocortisone into the troubled muscle or trigger area, Of course, if the trigger's up. stairs, he can prescribe 24-hour Sannliivers or & liday vaca nm. DOCTOR DECIDES Various assorted muscle re. laxers to defrost frozen muscles flood drug store shelves; your doctor can pick and choose his favorite, Deciding which of the many multicolored can be a real headache and send him fo the medicine chest for a couple of aspiring -- another ideal Medication for muscular rheuma- sm mailbox fs wide Dr, Fern's Span for letters from readers, plorer, hile he to happier cannot undertake answer individual letters, he will use renders' questions in his column whenever possible and when they are of general inter. est, Address your letters to Dr, Fern in care of this newspaper, Is is best for you tar. PARAGRAPHICAL WISDOM A Floridian who suffered con- siderable property loss caused by Hurricane Donna tried to find something for which to be thank. ful, and came up with this: "I'm pea thankful that hurricanes don't ro- tate and travel as fast as torns does do." Our entry for award for worst pun of the year: out last evening with a gl the new beehive hairdo " happient people I've ever seen are those of a tribe in the Amazon basin who have been out of touch with elvilization for some 20 years," says an ex- They'd probably be even if they knew what they were missing, Blore France could effectively urge the banning of atomic wea. pons, it was necessary for her to explode an atomic bomb, You are a bit shnorms! if you don't have nucleomitotophobis, "Dry cleaning for delivery yes. terdsy must be received by noon tomorrow." ~~ From an ad in the Tuscola County (Mich,) Plo- neer Times, Conditioned as we are (o believe anything can hap- these days, it is still a bit difficult to believe time some times runs backwards, "In Cincinnati, it cheques," It is assumed, however, that they are willing to spend the money on thelr own time, SCOTIADEFINITION Scotiagasser--s car, bought with an inexpensive Scotia Plan Loan from The Bank of Nove Scotia, Get twice as much "for your money with ExclusiVt MAGNETIC FIL PREVENTS RUST PROTECTS ALL cooLING SYSTEM METALS INCLUDING TWICE THE PROTECTION 1 Freeze-up protection 2 Rust and corrosion protection ENA A ALUMINUM TWICE THE GUARANTEE 1 Free replacement of any lost anti-freeze No freeze, no rust, no failure EAA AS The increased use of aluminum in automotive engines makes extra de- mands on an anti-freeze, That's why the fact that "Prestone" Anti-Freeze gives you extra protection is vitally important to you. "Prestone" Anti-Freeze does more than give you superior freeze-up protection, Its exclusive Magnetic Film protects all the metal parts of your car's cooling system against costly corrosion and acid contamination, ARIS AAA 1 AANA There's Twice the R ANDI 4 ty Originators of the first 'no freeze, no boil away, no failure' anti-freeze guarantee, the makers of "Prestone Anti-Freeze now offer an extra guar. antee that could save you up to $10.00 this winter, The extra guarantee: a Free refill of any anti-freeze lost due to any mechanical leakage between installation and Apr. 1, 1961, provided a 'fresh fill' of "Prestone" Anti-Freeze was installed by a service station or garage, which must have checked and okayed the cooling system, * Prestone™ and * Union Carbide" are trade marks, UNION CARBIDE UNION CARBIDE CANADA LIMITED Consumer Products Division eason for Buying "'Prestone' Anti-Freeze this Season