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The Oshawa Times, 15 Oct 1960, p. 14

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14 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, October 15, 1968 sii THE OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS [2:5 13--Gaordening & Supplies 15--Instruction 21-Ffisonal Service 25~Pets & Livestock 36---~Female Help Wanted 44---Houses, Apts, Flats | 44----Houses, Apts, Flets CEDAR for gupropieed Pa dent 5 GAN Schon Serre BOKER pups, bun mule, sue fmeale. \CAVABLE won ht Bouse For Rent For Rem EWS i 4 PRIVATE tes WAGAN : ; bo " Sid C i aden ew 4 P i srl fl be | Registered 5 week 2 bg OIL here ping and care ol Bye-ye . ( p v hve red, DIARIBE iG years eupericn view ob - dust eon [fies tous ecks oid, Phone Port) heey on A IVEVER Clu R 1ooms newly decorated have APARTHENT -- sell = contained, § " r " 7 ro sow BA 54 KA BEA. ry, ¥ 52494 hd 2 ™ 7 WER ApRTiment, fly oF sesmdur. Ply private, Oke rooms and hath, ANY kona of garden work by expert HOUSEKEEPER requ to Ive ni mished, Tensonatie TeRt nCuding are PREIEIRl withowt children, $9 months LY) { o oa ', { A A >. J RIEDLA i ¢ AAI ong 41S HARVEY DANCE ACADEMY ~Hston Thode 'Repairs 26-~Farmer's Column eral time ol vale tom. Good and water sveiepie Oc. 28° Awl i. AP at 271 Smee Breet Nor ' ; ' IANURE 200d TOMER Fieh mApure. ls Regine pe. 424 Hing W 4 FPR hs Phow WE Bloor Street East. BA S788. SINGLE wr double iwems for ladies oF before you Bb Phone RA 5.612 i hin # . # phirs I WELL roied manure (or sale OE NEED « 0 Sell your Bo Ink: WHITBY two - edroom apartment, BERtIEmen be ol Jilchen ni washing dd ; OS Avan a OAT siraw lor sale, % acres in field. |e ed Ai ems with 8 185 ove and reingeraior. Balcony, baum PACHA , Phone RA 8129] Li IAN Mae Ma ed 4 ' WO B28. action Osnawe Time Jan Ad. Make ry fpahities, Parking. TV _aBlenns. AWE - bedroom Apsriment Ww aperl: I fC ality Dutch aes ng school, bails p . "hk ORGE Ss 1 N V DEAD faim sock picked up promptly y hi nd phose B $3091 day Appl Apt. 18, IB Craven Ropd. MO ment buiiding. slave, relnigerstor and he home of Quality Dutch Saturdey, Masons Temple. RA $7250, oie on / exits VIome collect, Wamplon, COWsE ADH. (GENVRAL ussenors. copale older #4221 EORVERMRAES, FERS AMIE rent BULB [S Be ve TR rv unding die | Wasswill Fur Form. Tyrone vo Vi weekly Live in OF OW, UPSTAIRE flal or ground floor apart Av aisania Nov. | Mens North GM. Call - J wh -- » H ir M 4 olf. Frlephone WA Sm ment, oil beat, shored bath, tenced #1 on wd ' : ¢ : ' v a Ww. . 7 eRrRe oh dies VRIES working phienis. Will give THREE 104 PRILBENL, ReWly ¥ie Bok CLANCY ' Pw Jan Belle Gardens | LEARN TO DRIVE" 2] Fuel & ood indus wo ta . ¥ pid any care. Rh BMS modeled, prvaie hth Rew gis Moves VICs be 4 Od y 4 0 W ¢ WHEN YOU WANT hardwond ends, suitable for fu § i« a Pervisors, and Wh SPACIONS three room apartment, NERIRd. Varking. South end Absiainers; ~-Accountants At the Oshows Driving Schoo f AY OR NIGHT! ; loves, Direbleces ele 89 VOVBE | (erviners, DReIRg experience Bok newly renovated, and decorated, Sim.|BA 8% 4 by 2 Pp Jice Commission TY. ond RADIO ARG AEIVEFRA none y. Kop siliry or QUahtied Bp: coe Street South wn apartment ares, SEAR OCVI three rooms, bie bath, pric 4 ates WE pened, I you bambos drapes included. BA 8-125 viele entrance, Joseph Boscs, Besiior, ; CALL RA 8-5286 20--Summer Properties [iii viel site "int of, en a eve" wang RSW a app Pein Murray School . . ¥ COTTAGES, camps, Bomes, acreage of Dancing , Simene Street South. | OW, BEAT AJax, BESE school, $85 month: BAREMENT apartment ~ (hres rooms Cox TT f LR yy: HN wiaranteed beautiful i warths Lakes trict, # ! 1, Telephone Ajex WH 20196 nivale hath and entiapce children wel: Mo TEVIH. MBNTEITH. RIEHL y Adve 3 y 10c and up RA 8-009] 0 4 . ' L FREE wi Jewellery . come, Also housshesping oom. 28 ( AAA adda 4 halk atalogue. | w de, » ENSFURNISHED thie room ree JSHAWA "i 4 4 oe ment apartment, heated, private hath CCIN8 or whore RA 8 ---- K and entrance, Available Nov. | Tele ONE or ine 100ms or one or we Jurgatioyd Co. Dept, Al, Agincourt, Phone BA B1114 ENE, BY Whies - room apartment, heavy ty wir i ontui ont THREE moms at Tyrone, (wo children 9907 WIRE. scll-contained, TV outlet, wanted realest i : ' / couple preferred, 1A B86 | i : 280--Trailers KONALI PARTIES WA. ave open. | welcome, Teiephone CO 3545 iy ING + P ' atiat ba AVACRE tept trwiler, sleeps' four, Inlings in Whithy, Ajax, Port Perry and nwo - bedroom ground fioor apart |S © 100m house, garwge, garden, off : wrnace, Mathys hy 1 2-~Barristers RA 964 on, May he seen atl Bowmanville, (or Indies to 0ispiny ©5: ment, stove, Sad WASHING Machine sp turn €, hathivom, Phone Neweastle A CAMBER , ade 37044 / f y wer venus or phone BA clusive lines of plastics. Apply Bok 12), plied. tour - piece bath, available Noy. 7 JOBN A ERAN des --- A Bro a PROrI ver, 9 Even £ KA 64188 FIVE : room bungeiow, hot water, wf wit Bip hesiing, all conveniences, College Will distriet. Phone BA 53455 L HUIZIYGH, 2 p , y tigined instructors opts y 7 4 3 Standard, Automatic cars y wha y | F e x n } 8c and f 3 ' i, Besiors igh oui HHIRm LEHANE PrOfHS . sid "LEARN HAIRDRESSING ELECTRONICS for your free catslogue, now RONALD KF, Bh Wis " : os. Re Ever A niant f RA ' 3 INO nade ' y # QI FOR BENT Lent Leaner ny week $25 BREGISEERED purse required for 500th MODERN (our 106m apartment, stove Ll 4 3 300 3 : ' Wave accommodates ®ix people, Phone MA Waven Nursing Home, Newcastle, Ont | yetrigerator, nesr 5GY. Ra b#170, 28% , fe 5 22 five in oF » hiveday week, Phone Thomas Street, Apt. 2) FURNISHED hase me nt apartment, 4 yeweastie, 444) Faunton Road. Would suit young couple, HUMPHEEY J ' BELF + comtained apartment, furnished child 29---Summer Properties KAWLEIGH business pow open In Dor: » GRE mEnt DNGING, New Bae Phone RA og & MAKIN d ed | $59.95, | 2Bb--Huntin WANTED experienced well groomed | or unfurnished, business couple or Hach cure J devired, $65 monthly 1: DRESS \ G ' i, $9 : ng i {hairdresser full fr part me, over 21 elor apartment. available mow, Phone W0€8 heat and hydro. CO 40%, i i , i rv Ere prise DEER Iunting dpen Novemhes eirs of age prefered Reply in person Wiliehalt 2.4186 FIVE - 1oom bungalow for vent, 19 y " C $000k SLL LL ? "eh mi wo Ko Beat vialon, 66 Rossin av Erthie gy dliesl ly ih ( OURSE D prise noyih Shishot Lik oh ne 1, Bosstyon & He 00 RASA rT VERRY. Tatoom house. son Kawartheu Breet, Apply 1260 Simo A Phone RA 5.5287 4 ' 3 Drew St "ood n f oh H. Wed EE Ve mm | VERIENCES, CED IY Vocated, $45 month: |" Lid RALPH JON} ! J 4 D ( £9 y o Ji did on, OF 0 y Phane YUlkon 57580 THREY pomed apartment, ground , i F OPENING OC | WAY Th u e BN 1 tare 210.137 --~Male Help Wanted : : y 100s, Private empane, ample PATE - . RA 3.3553 oh Fou * BOOM self-contained apart Ari : ' ; CLIFF BROWN y Reasonable. Apply 162 Wing East. BA ula . ' be » ag J . For Sale and Oshaws, Trade wel asi ©, refrigerator, Liose to G0wnown. DONALD BLAKE DODD * Ls Ear i cellent opportunity, Full available Novembel? 1. RA 5449 THREE and tvnroam apartments, re } GRAVEL & SAND ; '"TELEVIS ION CARE Ride or 4 co. Rawleigh's, Dept, | Loo Te [I aves, SKS, EHPRORINS Te f f ng 4 ¥ oA white ' aH J 4 Richelien, Montreal roam uniirmsh 4 FRRROR | ivate # ih Child welcome. 53% f ; "R pom part ini CULBRE, hse ple. Apply 6 Charles Steel Phone [10500 ------------ LOAM : SERVICE CO wi 4 suis. base : Taal ET Au How ar uilding Trades ' SP w YJ 57787 st oe Apply Baron's - AFOUR. - room apartment, modern, $98 0 el v ' 274 FOUR or woreom apartment, 1ve|riy : HA rompt Delivery nes TV --RADIO.--H|-Fl (COTTAGE, 18526 Phurstonia Park Md minutes to four corners. Apply 172 Ce-| Ail: Aviliale Nov. | YATERPROOFING ' . 0 - f WRT SERVIC very reasonable for quick sale. For in| LOCAL p old Oshawa com: link Street or phone RA 8-131 after 6, |" V 4 R A 8 895 | RE EXPERT SERVICE ormation, wile Mrs, MH. Gallagher, | par 0 rie Gime. Quay % vee THREE lovely rooms, downstairs, news 16--Insurance faynooth, On rohan wick cash commissions, | TWO furnished rooms, wise three-room ("ge 0 Lf copious in. Kilehen, CALL | wm | Wile confidentially (0 Box 124, Oshawa | UEDIshed, apartment, stove, fog, oub:liio.yy dus vale entrance, ' LS ALLSTATE Auto Ip 4 in y 30-1 & F d lime hoards. Very central, Adult VB. very central, RA S707 50DS MIATE A : Lost & Foun BY a ------ : : 2 y [| DAY OR NIGHT y THREY unfurnished apariment, SURSISHED hasement apariment . be ) NIG Los p Bulovi i 39--Agents "Wanted quiet home a 10 SHOPDIRK CEMIE. | (ison ronme aid hath, In quiet homes weed | tee cord 3 ein i" Suit couple able now. Rent ren! onc TURE CHaon evening 4 or + a SHAWA RA 8.4241 MeL aughhn Phone BA 52 1h Pleasant nutdoor work, Aver sonable, BA 53777. 630 King West ential, BA 34000 evening 17--Money To Loan or 50" Meauuhiin iva CV er hour No experience necks suki room apariment, _ privaie| NAVERIALE wyvied lor handy man ¥ 3 LORI $a ch brad iever |' Havieigh's, Dept, F3OVY, Lyi" and entrance, heated, heavy duty ! yr ar Carste, mate WE HAVE (lis . BOWMANVILLE BR of , 005 Richeliew, Montreal Lk YY Minor . repaivs, anid manage centrally i a 3.3683 h ay A CRRITIAR 2 ; wiring. Phone 2 locited rooming house business, Exeels ) nil i MA 3-3883 § / i Jost 1a Diente ured C108] (Ar aeents, Bell CAN EwREE room apartment, private en- lent income potential for suitable sous 2 4 4 g WPREF BeAadl OF wan ana a Gest selection of pevsonshied) once rite and hardwood, modern Kil lpi, RA 51442 , ; f ni Port Hope, Reward veeling card ver 50 cards to choose " tet, wining, his at - : J ) " A ¢ ( \ me ---------- | { 0 PeCin § CRY A chen A Hoy RA 49199 FING, hus # Oxf anarting n Sultale for couple, w PE | our free album 8 4 adies or gentlemen. Day care given ia OSI {AWA ACME | of IA 32-- Articles Wanted and f THRE room hasement apartment ehild while mother works, Apply 128 CLIENTS y WANTED one metronome, in. good wm ntow | (1 @pATLTENL building, No children, | Elgin Street Ea ~ TT ™ gauge. Mort e) $ IT _ / as oly i A = AU AGE L D purchased, NWA morigi ON FAMOUS {condition Phone BA 57117 a --Room & Board Rlewst. Apply 103 Wilson Road North: \¥uREY, room avariment, share bath, f - ' 82 to 820 for Canadian silver quiet home, couple only nH nie Yew, eam SAMPSON OE 0 Cn, un | LARGE, room in private home" Viekl |p UN E800 Sari ont Thou | ar re, "200s "only. 115" Ahety J bi LOAM GRAVEL iki SA O) vewloundland mickels. Members want: |" (Wo to shave, Hght housekeeping If ling stove, refrigerator, sink in kitehen, FURNISIED bedroom wilh kitchens CREIGHTON y f STON FIRST apd nid UTIL ale oe y C d for Oshawa Coin Club, Dial RA hath Li I d facilities aa Kate! s sult couple. thres Jadies or three gentle | om" CER light hou sekee Pings FRDOCH y RI p I osold. H [RV TOWER 5 5 502 . we Jl dint "I men, central, RA B-8402 adults, central, parking facilities, Ap: i r ' nek and Hennieh i} {] {) Kin - Nt Room and une nn : 3 3528 A WANTED Organ, In good condition a h IN New sib: FOUR large rooms, ground floor, pric iply 2385 King East p RA 3-3f street East, RA : vision, private room and home privil ¢ hath, heated, central, HA 52217 reasonable, Phone C0. 3.2027 bid Ap Phone MO 84517 Yous / APARTMENT two large rooms, hed: MeGIBBO | Lam pulie bought and | os i | sitting voom, kitehen, cuphoards a SS T y 4 Royal Coin and Stamp Store, 64 IM and hoard for gentleman, park: LARGE #) room house, - spacious sink, stove and refrigerator if desired, CR ho bu | OWN MONEY T0 ehann 1d 9 JR AR iy iy, hg, good home cooked menls. Also Ba: | grounds, College HA ares, oil heat, $12 weekly, heat, hydro Inclyded, seer C \ pletely ed and ¢ ) > : riage for rent. RA 53-3239 895 a month, available Nov. 15. RA ond floor, privite entrance, three mine . YUPP WANTED oe Pressure "wm ind board for ge Jill | 5-9622 days: RA 58885 eve ute walk to South GM, RA 85217 SOD SUPF L Y f f Phone RA 3.007 Hoom ll ward fo nile men will i in RA 58885 evenings i J i i f | OAN ) Fhe, goon locality. Phone BA SEVEN © room house for rent, oil heat: FURNISHED two « room apartment, i f ed ( at - 0 C OM | NE, immediate possession, on Division private entrance. ground foeor washes g RA Fe) 8 | 80 - BOARD and care for elderly ladies, near Alice. Near North GM, RA 88463 room, refrigerator, parking, also single ? wir da, ppt Melony or al types of mo A Bt WANTED a LR eparate rooms, private home, close to) #fter 6 p.m furnished room, very sentral THOMA by A ' 18H ' yp 3 Centre Sireet - gages; | ind dq i p N POUL ' hopping, Whithy, MO 84363, [THREE + room basement apartment, | oro - | : RA 5 8! 04 3 OSHAWA | V CRAP IRON, POULTRY BOOMS and hoard if desired, close to #1 conveniences eparate entrance, LARGE fouroom modern apariment, 5---N Se d y ; AND FEATHER TICKS downtown and NGM. Apply 25 Elgin|immediate possession. Apply after 8! privite, close 10 downtown, parking, ursing Services : p ' a Th ! private, of i 161 GIBBONS T | TURNER det Kast. or phone BA 57814 pom, 472 Drew Street {Adul HA 0360 a Adihid dis C \ / -- . BOOM and hoard for twa three FURNISHED hachelor apartment, hed. THREE hedroom home, full cellar vale f 11 { ol [ )F Hla ind RA 3.2043 RA 3.3374 entlemen, all conveniences. hom el SLUNG room, kitehen, fully equipped, forced aiv oil heat, pressure systems oh DID YOU SEE QUR ) woked meals, RA B-0283. 21 Gladstone built-in cupboards, stove, refrigerator, half acve lot in. Kendal, Ontario, $30 LANDSCAPING tay Ta , j Hect . AYERS TV outlet, bus stop, business couple, 18 | manth with option of buying, low flown a} \ \ X \ Me payment, rms arr "hone TU I 1--Business Opportunities NEW ALL GALVANIZED ROWS ard Tene wT wit | Melavghiin Blvd payment, orm ranged Phone TUrme RA 3.9020 tre ) ™ p I Lo v fr £9 ' {board, 206 Ki Street East, Rit | HAREMENT apartment, 855 monthly Wein LEERELOYRENT on A ed. laid. tepsol East, Oshaw f ce CEDARDALE on Rogd 0 Bireel East, near Rit: (0o0ly 74 Wilson Road South Phone| FOUR + room apariment, private hail J, laid, toy I, ' |? A D f S SC RAP RA 5.5225 heat and hydro supplied, close to Shop: 6--Optometrists ( in up. trimming 1.4697 » v ») oh IS IROOM and hoard lor gentlemen, good | Li w= | ping Centre, on his line, parking, bi hy ' walk hed ever re ---- -- -, IRON METAL LTD meals, continuous hot waiter, Apply 248 FOUR . room house, 850 per month, no monthly, RA 53206 RICHARD BLACK / i 1k 19€s, 18--L Wanted I 0 W F | C Avthar Street, RA 58006 [inside convenient suitable for any tilizing oan anfe IN WJ IRON METALS TWO gentlemen ia" share nha one, City water, euphoards. ete, Phone Expert workmanshis RO EWALD fa ian, mies tale fh a asain." THLE | PREMIUM TO TENANTS . nd Grandview Sod © upplies of " Shikid rsmansiip AFERS ALD lunches packed, BA 5.7043 INICE four room apartment, private) For immediate occupancy, n TUCK RO, b / t fori) MONE Y ro LOAN | ==1961 All Wave Antennae OPEN SATURDAYS ALL DAY = [RooOM and hoard for one or tw niet | bouts' po ig ren Uae | Adelaide Manor, 2-bedroom B i ; ! aril 000.00 to $5000.00 Did You Know That We RA 5.3432 | Bentiemen, Mary Street district, RA [Ritson North | apartments, electrically equips : y ( 4 ¢ 3048 fs ned a : LL ( 4 mediate I ) Have Same Day Service | FREE PICK-UP 0 ; {SMALL four-room bungalow, suitable ped, T.V, outlets, broadloom, { p Ervploy expert: eehricig RESIDENCE RA 5.4159 WO large furnished rooms, with sink, [for couple, immediate Possession hot water and parking ine 7 Surveyors f Cc T frig and stove, very central, suit quiet |» 4 | 3 2 ot Town Line Road North, outside con cluded 4 Take Service Calls till 8:30 100 ANNIS STREET ouple ar twa gentlemen, Apply 31 Col: | yeniances $45 monthly. RA S8507 doh iHORTO dh ' d property, residen by borne. West ' | R. VICKERY REAL ESTATE y Land Vit i ' RA 8.8111 . ndustria ' a} =x SHAW ROOM and" Saari Tor yours Rantle THREE . room apartment unturnish: | RA 8.6228 TRY U on Park phoung. kentle: od, private bathroom, heavy duty wii 3 4 m RIN ily J rk J No ing, parking space, one child welcome, |™ h { , {phone HA 50812 | DONALD MH, TROLLOPY : 196 T R 0) AUTO WRECKING CO pent Ln EE : {Availuie naw, Apply 43 Ritson Road NEW ening i voard optional, good meals, ! Oshawa d 5 JA, Wants cars for wrecking: Pats |Home i hea close fo N iM, 10 minutes to Four Cor | your" voom apariment, including one nels, garike for vent, Apply 340 Divic[pedioom, heavy wiring, unfurnished,| Attractive two bedroom aparts BAWARTHA LAK] vA e \ ef yp - . { 7™ for sale, also scrap irgn and v . A dui, Home Landscaping | we TELEVISION metals, etc, bought, Open |Won Street Iainens. oouple. preferred, venurer 13] ment completely decorated, PECIALIZEC IN FALL 59-3568 le Yo pli Saturde all da Phone ROOM and hoard, in new home, home [downtown, available immediately, RA range, refrigerator, T.V, outs PLANTING al ' rr ---- 171 BOND ST. EAST diibabid Y [conked "meals, lanches pavked, near |333521 after 7 pm. RA 51664 Thoin Taig R -- ! 4 : | 1 SQDDING, | 19--Personal " 4 g RA 5.2311 89 BLOORE, | GM, home privileges, RA 55087 FOUR room apartment and hath Pork cl high bo h 8---Building Trades EEDING, TULIP BULBS . 0) |BOOMERS or room and hoard for |near bus stop, store and South GM arking ose to Qshawe COMPLETE GARDEN AUTHORS invited submit MSS all RA 8.678 | [three gentlemen, elose to SGM plant, | Apply 325 Lorraine Streef Shopping Centre. Immediate ALL ¢ A JERRIFH SERVICE pes (including poems) for book pub -- 35---Employment Wanted |5iA"5 iii [THREE unfurnished rooms, private| possession, 317 Frontenac = Lod. Tira \ Eng " . LADY on pension desives housekeep: | ROOM and board for (wo gentlemen, bath, central, suit young couple. Phone! Avenue Ca 1 gir SSIAeOM bw, Tngland. teald, 188) 40-FT ng, reliahle. One adult preferred. Write [wo single room onl home, cooking, | RA 3-3788 - pyle e Bey anvater | foodn) CHANNEL MASTER Han 86: Dehawe Dm Anily 202 King Nuest Kast [THREE rooms and (we rooms. Both RA 8-6366 Solara, haut paid In plain sealed en od DAY care given for children in my |ROOMERS wanted, private hath, two apartments, self-contained, with own APARTMENT " cents NA BIiCe list, Mix impiey. 33 | \/ TO R own home. Hillside Subdivision, North: [blocks from downtown, Apply 116 Al-|entrance, Apply James Gibson (up: Dept At ia, Mail Order + Yu ol) GN east Oshawa, HA 5.8332 (bert, evening [stairs), 140 Celina Niveet, RA 57663 is + ones LANDSCAPI) IG Hamilton, Ontario je TWO ladies would like office gleaning, [ROOM and hoard for gentleman in| APARTMENT - four rooms and hath SIMCOE AT ROSSLAND , . nights 2 shaw 5, (private home, central, 4 rigerate : NIA } > HOM COTTAGES SERVICES SPECIAL Permanent a Mihts, Write Box 133, Oshawa Time Fy he hon Ha tl A Apply 118 Sum [Hove and relnjerd oY aeant vi7| Redecorated, 5 rooms, stove, 4 Edward's Beaul Parloy { ann JoBs lawns mowed, garbage Re Simeoe Street Bouth, Oshawa 'frig, parking, adults, $100, GARAC( yf ( } Y treated, field nurser Street. HA 5.74 ! removed, light deliveries, have own! ROOM and hoard. South district, clean ! y . g | and ianteed f 2 Years truck. RA fill, Alex King wcommodation, winches packed. RA |ONJ bedroom apartment, modern gravel oh: R BA C aan Kitchen and dinette, large bright living | HON RA 5.3302 Complete service MRS. ANN $55. 00 NURRE will cate for infame or ehh oe erm v0, Wardrobe, clothes olokels, Park: (=e r-- sontrol i dien any aye, by day. hour or week and board for gentieman, thee! ive "Anniv 100 Craydon Road. Apt. 4 of : ( IONAL PALM in own home kixcellent veferences, minutes from Four Corners, Apply | | ED K N OWI TON READE! Day or Night T.V. Elecirenie Phone RA #2522 14 Charles Street js PRIYI1. MO 8:33 BUCKINGHAM RN 5.6047 Card read ant Jervice LADIES leave your children with me|ROOM and board for ladies or gentle Foun roam wnariment, twa-piece MANOR ! ' Bring vou ' ' " 2 « while you shop or. work, day or eve: men, close to downtown and NGM. rv ' F 3 rO YOUR INCOMI Bring ro FALL TV OVERHAULS ning: Reasonable taies. Phone WA | Auply 30 Kigin EAS 01 RA ants NOM. apply 343 Bloor Street West APARTMENTS | ! - . y appointment f include 11007 RUAN [Tones room apartment, refrigera-! One and 2-bedroom Aparts COMPLETE | Open daily from 10 AM. 1 A \ en dally irom ! All parts and tubes GENTLEMAN With awn cement mixer 42--Room IN Board Wanted ||: And, stove, furnished, shared bath. | ments, electrically equipped GARDEN SERVICE 10 pm RA B.4141, 140 Cleaning tune ontrol would like work, Free estimates, Phone | [Anply 13 Fairbank Avenue. RA 3.339 best location, $85 and $100 ( Jimeoe South an IRA 5.7006 ROOM and board wanted in exchange | "RREE - room apartment, refrigera: | OSHAWA SU ) | I | i ; di : cha for parttime duties, Good handyman, [tor and stove, private entrance, suit monthly 498 Simcoe St, nl P. p EXPERIENCED day carve for ehildeen | Write Box 128, Oshawa Times 1 ) ) 9 . mplete a 0 I hoa or Sin, thie Or thin Wile Awa able for business couple. 372 Ritson! North, Ap, 15, RA 8.8676, CON [ [R AC ( ) RQ MIP " ed 4 EL ECT ROL YSIS ) , ong he i Fone Na bum a3 Wanted To Rent [russ a hree-room apartment in - (ING KOIN RA 8.1798 month 'warrant 36--Female Help Wanted [WANTED to vent -- diy graye ir ove Bilis, usiness couple OFFICE SPACE 4 Remove su . v 194 OF mall building for storage. Phone RA |'®4sonable. North Oshawa RA 3.1063 mavel of suf FOR ONLY $24 95 RELIABLE woman. relerabiy Daleh 1a en) ad FOR AUNDERETTE AURORA SAND & Matis Mult will be CITY T.V. chudren. Live nor out. Telephane NA tune Barred hain. Barth | PARKWOOD RENT ¥ ( i] 1, Crushed Stone Phone G J { | & Lou's T.V.) [WANTED Ladies for sales person: ---- Load R ravel. Pit Ri the nme 5 SIMCOE $1 § nel tn meet housewive iene | 44. Houses, 4 Apts, "Flats MANOR Pagsenger elevator service, nat necessary, Opportunity hers VA ARM R RA 5.7844 hl fine Tena ware A gh New building. Centrally lor LLEY | RM f CHILD FOR ADOPTION : kA " For Rent | cated in downtown area Pi e Mabile Operator SIN © vai house. partially fuenishe Female 9 254) NARYBRH ics 23 "Women's Column CHRISTMAS 1S COMING [May ho acon Saturdavs: and Sundaes. APARTMENTS | Moderate rent, Leases' now SPEC \ oa To a 5 rent S80 poy month. Must provide refer 14--Household Repairs tant baby who needs a Wi Pine Avenue. RA 53369 ey for Xmas, if you want I [HOUSE Bowmanville area, hydro, | ec | f parer T-------- -- II a product that is we good road. Apply Box 138, Oshawa | b 8 9 CHESTERFINLDS huilt, TRcovered pecial kind parents Me f I | SAGUENAY AVENUE o now. Why pay mare? Out raies| lorie is a: dwarf 24--Market Basket known and well advertised Pimps, References required casonahle atisfaction guaraneed 1 V a ATTENTION household once investigate the opportunity THREE bedroom bungalow, kitchen (PARK RD. & KING ST Maktresses rebuilt. Oshawa Upholstery Aehalern) Shed again : 8 | p we alfe ol op 1 ater WwW Avon . . vmbination living « dining room, four CTD iY : 10 Hond Streel West. Dial RA y an H top quality beef al low fered | \ n Cosmetics pisce bath. RA 3 7596 DISTRICT) cation. Reasonable ter ockwell TS -- rs -- eyed, 10 il low price Phone wi order right Call LE 64-0627 collect 3 hild apart a TRA omane, Aout order. ¢ il LE 6-06 . [SELF-CONTAINED (Nree «room flat OPEN FOR INSPECTION POUR local chimney cleaner. Chim ' k, arm bhi ee [ORDER early, avoid ridiculous winter ors Jrivate sMtvunce: Pune 0) Aid is At Vora, inings in fe Marjor future Prices. Stores ne Bait cole ont] NEED extra money? $50.00 | RA #dida Quiet; residential street, Contact T. L. WILSON \ ¥ | 12---Dressmakin \ Ao ppiness lies in anent [anring. Potatoes, wholesale, five baks| and more. can easily be earns | FULLY equipped bachelor apartment 2-bedroom Apartment ") 3.3474 v oh RA Jin with parer x . y 235 each, retail $2.80. 73-h in ¢ SG31ly be {oi ground flor, suitable far ane or twa Stoves, 'frigs, T.V. outlet Phone RA EE 4 ALTERATIONS \ « CHEMTERFIELDS and old chairs p ) irae delivery. RA #1903 ed by showing aur fabulous husiness girls or gentlemen. Phone RA h 8, J K ] ' mr -- Plone | it wered like the best \ hi Christmas cards, gift toy 0. drapes, parking, etc. WEEKEND SPECIALY -- Fan lo Aig al Modern aholsterin ) cael n hy ancy grade . . MAKING and alter | Modern tering. 10 Simcoe \ Ww Macintosh apples, $2.98 bushel | Pal. to friends and neighbours, 1ROWMANVILLY Heated, partly tw Rents from $90 monthly NEW " ale | y t | ¥ look Orchard ane mile north of i xCiting fult~ cola nished. four room apartment, three - [& Dn ~ J +) timate | Whithy, Highway 12 ; i ik na ; h J \ at piece hath, nicely decorated, centyal PHONE / SHOPPING CENTRE Al PAINTING. DECORATING by dBLUE grap i fiaimas catollgue makes | adults only. NA 3-0384 5.7272 RA 5.5787 C ~ g ¢ radesman, interior or exterior, Roxa ) karan A doar, veg easy to get plenty of order lTHREE bedroom bungalow, near | >IMCOE ST, SOUTH RECAST : | Ui [lone work guaranteed. Free estimates d ) troy A a%ter 4 pan, st UM Coir] ug experience necessary hool 4 ho ' n a ) ¢ " 3 4 « ¥ \ A of N ( ec ary, school bus, shopping and park, Re 2 2 C g 2 2 | f i \ RA 8 i i be made [4 RESH dug carrots by the six-gl, or wend no money. ™Write today {teigerator and stove. ga geal, neay Two BEDROOMS TORI 2 FOR LEASE KLEENER SERVICE Rui, uphol bushel Free delivery, Telephone RA! for samples, on approval, of {SOWh GM, Phone RA 3.73% LOWER DUPLEX CO NCRE RE 1 t 2 4 all KIS of Rx noaapnerks wall washing. Rhone THE MINISTER OF 14086 or RA 8-038 fast elling item ih free |COURTICH NINTOOM Apartment OWE LE | AVAILABLE FOR s 01 | RAB 3531, "Our business 18 4 satiniiod BOB IC ry APRLEN 51 un Sve NCO DE | corologue" Monn Card [Maw fiver, feat and ecutive 4a] 540 | ANDSDOWNE DR CHRISTMAS TRADE " PAINTING and pan : PARLIAMENT BUILDINGS lcious and Snows. On Thickson Road Co. Dept. 16. 47 East Ave A anti a coon TONINA nif : l==20' FRONTAGE x band paper hanging, w TORONTH half wile woeth oi Taunton Road, Alge { ' . AT WILSON RD. N 0° DEEP ee estimate ma Orchard ~ Hamilton 2 CENTRAL, ONE-BEDROOM - ~ i 2 + FRONTAGE x ow prices. RA $0019. OPEN FOR INSPECTION: | 0" DEEP GENTLEMEN TT --Perional Service | 25--Pen & Tvestoek nwa Wi Mouse painted ~-Pets & Livestock TAME \ , . . YA DR Carpentry epair work? Let Andy i ] Andrew Kroontje, 229 Nassau Al Ih RATIONS oi iit fren CN IREGINTY hy of tachshund Muples xix C HRIS | MAS Al AR I MENTS M Riahe 4 3 MORE STORES TO ' Dresamaking also Reasonable Rices. |View Kentois Tolono, oak, Sodas . om ~ ned p \ a q FOLLOW - T FURNITURE J 1 eaphol: | Telephone RA 4. y { tave, Fridge, Washer, Dryer Gardening & Supplies [ion See ou Wao FREI FANS POMERANIAN, purebred, proved stud. | IS COMING upple y 18 ft. Living Room ] ABLE PRICE RENT A = Bruce R Charles Street i ue or ed Nohday bh poly Wk puvehred puppy LLOYD REALTY Large Kitchen BROOK IN \ ) y TH Eiiday, B30 am, to 8.30 wm. Contiet | iy Ba | Ladies, if xtra : j A B.51 Two Beautiful Bedroom CALL \ ; G A poorating eo The Supervise wl moo Stree OARDING, trimming, bat tefl | IMCOE N. R 8 23 \ ~ 1 2 - \L ) H baal A mates, oY 3 RA bX a {North : RA 8 Nid, ge: Fre Waubena no 1s. R A ae id Money if you want to sell Y A. : Lovely Garden JACK APPLEBY o Landscaping work guaranteed Te Oshawa ing - ---- NN, trained A S-B6aT Procuc 0 sw LNOwWr ' DERN =~ N : CONCRETE NO. 1 FURNACE SALES TRVOUR |. [PURRRRED. Meare Tus Wet 0 ar eon cree | Moe CALL OR WRITE | RA 3.3398 AND SERVICE | BAR-B-QUED CHICKEN [flu "ett & Mitt tik Woe Be 2 BEDROOM FRANK HAZLETT RA 5.6544 gate the opportunity offered PRODUCTS OP SOIL | AND SERVICE | cnt i, wo tn ane one wn 9% APARTMENT | 3005 BATHURST s1 OHN A J - | | ; i 3 | a | A RA E 5954 \ J } GERMAN \ at K \ TORONTO RL 2.1733 BOLAHOOD i R112) ) \ y= A nN REATTINUL baby budgies. ready fo K. Mack mou hile 10 OR AFTER 7 Eb OLiver 2-2 | | | Ph ne RA S-3 102 : lob X MODERN GRIL training, talking strain Ba \ > . LIMITED 3 y $7 labor plus pare WE DELIVER-=RA 5.3887 Broad, 114 Elan Steel Kast Street, Peterbore, Apply: 21 GIBBON STREEY RU 7.9387 REALTOR INSURANCE

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