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The Oshawa Times, 15 Oct 1960, p. 15

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} i ho 1 Ba I FIVE i 44---Houses, Apts, Flots For Rent ATTRACTIVE Tires © 100m Soriment sires evel, prvels ihicepicse bath Hove, IRINGRERtor, ShMEiRers, Adit we, contrat. BA BIE evenings of and i . Koom RURILIEIS (oy rent, het sud waler Reiuded, Apply TH Simcoe Sirest Bowth NEW Buroom Aven spsriment, com pletsly private, mnie Tus sEvies, Sen Sarge turmshed bedroom, BA 599%} FRENSCHMAN'S BAY id] WIRE A EMLAgR, VERE RIGWAS Aeon panecy. Mennger's Sore, TEmpe $2, HODERS, semi « furpiahed, basement apariment, thise-piece hath, north end smmadiate possession, Phone BA 3-48 FURNISHED spariment in Chiistion home, Private bath and entrance. Ab stainers only, Phone BA 8479] FOR KENT -- new slore in modern new Shopping Centre, For iplormation phone BA S006 or BA B4676 ™ 100m asement FpRILInent, " ontained, priveie ERLERneR, very centeal. Call BA 39066 IX room, sohitlevel bungalow with c. room, fenced yard, Desr Sour {| 6 plant, schools, 985. RA B68 wir oy War fight married couple n THEEE unfurnished rooms ng, suitable for stainers. Vacant November ven or BA 54681 ¥- contained ground ie for wo PRISONS Phone WH 22673 UNFURNISHED apartment, with gar age, pear Shopping Centre, suilatie 1or one OF wi DUSINEss Persons. Abstain ers. BA BA282 PUPLEX inrge rooms, heating, euphn TV outiet gen THREE add bath, near Bouih 6 ber Apply 254 Malage Road bedroom bungalow onthily heating siorm winde om. BA § J TWO or thresgoom § wikh é r floor wile, Friveie en entrance, four hot duty, winng HA BH684 APREIMEnt, Private M, Possession Octo Private bath, witie ds, heavy #lly located an finished we arnished § centre Apply apart nen of nd wis. Good hus service 7 Street {44g---~Rooms For Rent for 1% Avy BA COMFORTABLE clean 160% fined KeRticinnn, VETY EERHR. 14 Figin Street East or Ld LARGE fo Suht compuinty Surmiihed Brisa hh Eig, TREIGGINE Kies tne reins eraior, Went, Hans snd con aeons Bot waler, Gee Of WANIRE We Wine and dryer, eentrat to AeWNLOWE and Shopying eentre. Sul working £0 WW weekly, BA S527 LARGE furmished front REAERDIRG PIII LR tranes, nosy bus Woes. ¥ WO jerge Cup Vie Viens WO rooms ta siderty fans, 1xpconalie rent Rad A 32998 ROOM in private IRE mattress, Fi # Blieet Eat FURNISHED front Lond location, eepitysl BA 5/48 FURNISHED bedroom waler, very sentinl add AGH AS TWO turpished rooms, sit bachelor oF ougie, wien two Dosrders wanted, park HA 27588, 36 Vaciie Avenue ATERACTIVE furnished rooms, aval hie in yale home 82 Park Hosd North "4 m, BA 34671 FURNISHED room, (win. bed with spring filled matiresses, may be Sher ad, private kitehen, f¢ % to King and Park Road J enue wfiar BOOM or COREY SLE Telephone RA TAGHT hovsekerping roo private en trance, Apply 91 Albert Street LARGE attic room filled matiressas; Barge; jewes, auiet district. Apply w phone HA BAS LIGHT Keeping ror Apply 261 Celine aia room, Hight sEpRIRiE oR one BA S974 WLI ihed FOOT hd and heavy Gly WIRE, Bak, SWI ORE OF LWG PETIONS vim Jady in Gost bus slop at the very eemivel gentieman. 192 Wome bedroom, quiet, PRIVInG SpRcE eontinumis hot Telephone RA 1] " hausekesping oom, cents ed gid pir, close yl Montrave Av single beds twa Renilemen we Willis y t y and Mi LAVA twin nods, spring GWEIRE LTV % Drew Wo clean y hed Ihungalow, twa years oid, sacrifice sie for twa! tf 2 ( (45--Reo! Estate for Sole (45--Real Estate for Sole LAREFRONY collage, view Ils, large In, good beseh, TOO eiags With seR room, {aly hd furmiohed, $4000 Marvin Besbitt, Nestieton, Black "EI WE hove lents for # hungsiow 8 the north west or we FULL DOWN, sxroom brick bungalow, § per cent WHA mortgage fll basement, Aecorwien, Bik splsened (amfly kiahen, (hiss BRGrooms, Wh madipte Possession, Re ANAC ORS necessary, Mr, Lavon RA 20), Bre thows Resi Essie 148 ul OPEN for ) ation, we Rew Fench bungalows, 1156 and uk Belvedere first street south of Beventh-Dpy Ad yantist Church, Superior Workman wna matensis, lassi peigihorieod, one Wieck to Kiog bus, Wilk consider lower price, tradeins. Coptr tiildars Maodeiaire Howes 144. 12208 % East, Days, BA 35005; vem Vist Call Behoficld Insuinnes i44.,, Daytime RA 3208 Avenue, Apply 94 Rowe Street #f Vom ares, good ot He PROVERTY lor sale, 9% Three bedrooms, oi) sing, se location. Apphy slier 4 pm Coder Sirest Sowth, AJAX, centrnl three hedroom ngs iow, fimahed recrestion room, MOrms and screens, TV) sienna, many Flies, hesutifully dekorsied and landscaped vim down. Call WH 2295 0 DOWN, one mortgage for bal WER, INIREGIGLE POSSESSION, SEYENTOOM brick, storey, family or Reome home fully decorated, four bedrooms, three . piece tile bathroom, WIRE room, Aining 100m, MmeGern KiLchen, 181 base ment, wil heat, private Arve, Bes Es rage. BA 52803 tA DOWN, three LOY 7 x 21¥, V9 school, wx miles from Phone BA 57792 FURNISHED cottage, west Bow ville heseh, lakefront, Full partie write PO Box 131, Owhaws ad AAI wnpetient sondtion, Ie ped ot BETIOONS OF BVERIBES TWO ravine ots, heswtiful trees, walter, Mes! for spitlevel houses hy 23 Jnckman Birest, Bowman Oman FRIVATYE iand, Ritson Spiderman RA 37104 «bedroom brick Private, MO 85205 4 ACRES of land, suitable for growing Christmas frees; wise approvimetel £000 pruned Scoteh Pines, six and seven years, Hampton, CO 32478 slter 6 wo bedroom bungalow north eest district, immaculate condition, new {oread air oll hesting, DArEsn, eaih or terms, Call Mrs, Wilker, BA B-1442 or WA BW2u8 THREE Plex good stucen, each wpa ment has separate entrance, hydro, In good district. 817.000, $5000 down Kood terms. $195 per month income, Tindall Heal Estate, 43 Bond Btrect West, BA 0429 Rosd North, Call RA 0450s waiter 7 ft and Rosd West, 62 by ind water, $4000 each, terms, W Auley, Rerlior, 26 Prince Bireet, $2512 or MO BH165. $1100 DOWN, Charming sphit level glow, with attached garage, B Rewltor, RA 59970 Lake Sovgog, Fran Cook Renttor, thie hub nem aast section of the city. Alss buyers for twoeorey or Vi slorey Romes, i» he viemty of North Simese School Asincinies WOUSE lor sale, six rooms, 356 Filalie WIITRY, bungalow, $10,500 full price gnrage, corner VA, awner MO 85179, Close 9 pablie OTRETS GOOD building 101, 100 fost frontage Repsonable price, in Brooklin, Oliver go BRrRgs, price S00. Phone WH 2475 For swle, 2 aeres painting, Only $11,800, Joseph Bosco,'m hoe ew Hoek nerrth oy 4 WEF, men wlars 9 CHEVROLET # cyinder four 800 | Bardlop sedan, Bel Air, one owner and tranem sein, and brakes ar Blame A steering, vs, Wo weeiient yoy THREE bedroom bungalow Wn Alex, in 525% he WW PONTIAC Laurcntinn, One OWRET|coy MO street South, Whithy condi. | Vent table, mural, Bir covler, single bed, Electric, 8 Church Bireet, RA 37604, | two-tone | OWer household Wome, Wo deniers, BA | jy FING: Voreed Mr ON Furnace, white | 39761 after 6 p.m with leaving town, Must sell, $1000, 82900, BIG Byron WR iss PONTIAC sedan, excellent AP \tion, hewter, tinted Eines, Ville basin, regatta and horizon Blue, - walls, Telephone OL, 5-566 A Mr | ( le VB, white wails, radio Peel discs, S00 mile condition, $325, BA 56133 LOF on Wilson Woad North, 86 by 660 0 00 SSSsomii ly four-door automatic, 90000 BTU, $195; only $a, Also we Jos on Wows | gong tires and motor, radio, very elean 150 ft, sewer Me. Hedy. Call HA B16) HA y able price, MO 83976 in 1pm, Monday (0 ¥ridsy Needs' tie transmission {RA 30061 venroom hrick y 40 toms oA ushel oats, All for $12,500 4 Ths td is 26 mil Oshawa on county rosd, Kd ¥4 Irish RA 3-501 " 100 meres [0 hears WW x BO 47 Automobiles for So mE Arr th of oy Real Estate EMERGENCY Leaving Cot ir '58 CHEV li] i threahedron BISCAYNE "5 PONTIAC sedan £ | Ha, he fi dition, Call BA 3.2929. lots OLDSMOBILE sedan, radio, #000! oy 19800 mies. BA chairs, HEYROLETY convertible, automat washers, TWO new Findlay natura) Bas sutometie| immacwiate | ichen ranges, from 8 MONARCH two door hardiop, alo, i vidio, whitewalls, | 1.4366 Al condition, private, 240 Burk Strest,| coral and white, VERY $004 eon 47 -- Automobiles for Sole 47 --Automobiles for Sole _(50--Articles for Sole Willis Motors Invites you fo visit their new showroom fo see 1961 AUSTINS Austin Healey, Austin Healey Sprite A55 Cambridge, A40 Wagons and Austin 850 WE ALSO HAVE A WIDE SELECTION OF USED CARS / THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, October 15, 1960 15 JACKET henter, weed one yenr, 99 Call at 504 Front Strest GIRLS for trim cont (Little Wageet) wize 10; navy wil wether cost, Hppered Interiining, size 12, BA 50677 GRAND plane, fully reconditioned, New Fewie Wiliams, $650. Phone BA 375. | IAYNG room Grapes, grey background with flowers, 9 % 184 Wh oh TWO piece sections! chesterfield, best offer. 34 Burk Street GENDRON baby 'earnsgs, in condition, $15, Telephone BA 50855 TWO Model A Fords, 1929 and 1991 Vor more information, Nes, Prince Albert, Omens i] TAPE recorder, Was new, ressonshie; | 6 inch chainlink, steel gate, RA 5308, | [GIRLS CCM Weyl In good condition Phone BA 5-495, TV TOWERS, W@W, seli-supy | 50--Articles For Sole wer - - - Many FURNITURE for sale, Beds, 1a0ies,| WE ay highest antique love scat and ehairs, chest drawers, singing canaries, breed cages, Phone RA 54850, 38 Hoss West . KELVINATOR refrigerator, oak drop | FOR BALE =~ Wedding gown, white, long sleeves, ize 12, Phone "A $146, one new I naturel gas Coleman Trim Boy furnaces, one used whi mel kitehen range (eon, wood or oil), small $655 one Kemae ofl homer, | GE CrRONOME, RCA Victor, Ad. Joronto visited , with Mr, 1835; one used Coleman naturel gis Hi MG white convertible (op, IeRson | space heater, mutomatic, $49.50, Miller, hetween 6 an Ajax, WH 2441 GURNEY eonl furnace, complete, fully { [ exellent cond {WONG Tar cont, muskrat, wize 14, one Iyenr oid, ressonable, WA 37197 siter y pom FALL bargain! Cabin srilser, 19 fool, | SWNING, plain colors or kay siripes, and Mrs, Earl Campbell and fam necessories, 6 HWP lereury Must he seen to be appreciate of | im only, owner going lo Bates, 8295. | Cheap for ensh or terms and trade in B11 nyemr VONTIAU hig V4 sedan, Aunt yon 27.9 he arranged, Phone RA B4733 $0200, | Write Heating» dipped slvanized wi 2 hand, installed and gusran| one 1.95. Trio Televi wy In the city for | [snd furniture 'vesty's Used Furmi ture Slore, RA 39771, $44 Bimeoe Bouth, TENTS, camp soves, camp cots, Lar pauline, siesping bags, lanierns, sales iand reptile, Oshawn Wardware and | comp Use your own burner, $150 Free delivery, 10-year warranty Air _ Conditioning, 498 Dantorth Avenue, OX B-5568 BROWN movion, full-length cont, size 14 Excellent condition, brand ie new rotor, All kinds of crochet work done, B47 Myers Bireet miral, The finest in TV, HiA and serv lee, Wighest tradadn allowance st Park \way Television, 918 Bimeos Sirest North, Color TV on display, A ELECTRIC guitar, typewriter, adding udent {machine, Hi new, si Irensonable, RA 5-4434, aN LARGE paint sprayer snd sitach ments, CO 3246, ., very Prompt service, Free estimates, Order now for early delivery. Chair and table rentals, Cleve Fox, 412 imeoe North SICKROOM equipment for rent and for George Mae Church enjoyed a turke in the Pickering Town days. Christine Class Enjoys Turkey Dinner By ISABEL ANNIS called on the Harold Barkley fam. BROUGHAM On Monday lly who formerly lived ot evening, Oct, 3, the Good Fel Brougham, lowship class of Brougham United! Mrs, ¥, Carter and Diane had dinner Sunday dinner with Mr, snd ship Hall! Mrs. Albert Gray, Rev, Cresswell prsforin slides. The Women's Missionary So- of the pictures which he took on ciety will hold its regular meets his trip west last summer, These ing at the home of Mrs, E, Lindo pictures were enjoyed by sll. on Thursday, Oct. 30, The host Miss Christine Gooderham met esses will be Mrs, J, Mitchell with an accident while riding her and Mrs, Randal Ellicot!, The horse at the Three Gates Riding program committee is Mrs, School at Green River, She was Reamsn and Mrs, W. Hamilton, thrown from her horse hitting a The roll call to be anwered with post as she landed on the ground. | a verse with the word "Redeem", She was confined to Ajax Hos-| Al ladies are invited to atiend, pital for three days where she had 17 stitches put in the back HOLD RALLY of her head, Christine is home! The Brough y School now taking life quietly for a few Rally Service will be held joint attends Whitby ly with the ehurch service on Ladies College, Sunday, October 16 at 2 2. On Monday, Oct. 3, Debbie Mr, and Mrs, Wallace Ellicott Pascoe, celebrated her Sth birth-| visited with his mother, Mrs, Will day with a party, Ellicott over the holiday, Mr, and Mrs, Andy Nixon of The Young People of and Brougham United Church will Mrs, Chas, Burrows, hold their meeting In the school Mr. and Mrs, Albert Burrows on Wednesday evening at 8 p.m, of Hampton visited with his par-| The Women's Missionary So- ents, Mr, and Mrs, Chas, Bur. clety Thank Offering service will rows : be held in the ehurch on Oct, 3 Mr, and Mrs, Bud Lehman andl at 2 p.m, Mrs, Hare of Whithy family of Stouffville had Thanks. will be guest speaker, Everyone giving dinner with her aunt, Mr, is invited to attend, The Women's Missionary So. . ciety Rally will be held on Oct, Mr. Earl Campbell enjoyed a 16 In Oshawa, The president of trip north over the weekend, . the Dominion Board, Mrs, C, Pat. Mr, and Mrs, Ken Pascoe spent terson, will be guest speaker, und. ily intr Aust Sal 2, FIR with downstn pp i Ferms aval Silver bl standard trons, ish hospitol snd bu Lak new clutch, new muffler, new $1,600. Willing 1c f ) vl NG 10 linis beauty if ne 5 East tenwherry erates, Practically | soie yu heeiehnire, hospital beds, invalid ~ OWE 4 ean! FURNISHED three Pleasant surrounding east end of eit November. Abst . 6483 automatic power seeing BK duplex, four roems, Row va ; : brakes, SixwRy 5 twat near hospital, RA $35) Power new, complete with slats, 206 Each. | yoikers, eommodes, hesith lamps, the weekend with Me and Mrs,| Everyone is requested to keep a In' ionte sm. cru: Rouge Wi, AY SH Le (cren, (4nA hie Cae mene | Wm. Melver ai $t. Thomas, |in mind the Brougham suniver: exuailent Goma On, | oy Wie bby carriage, like new, Vree delivery and pickup, Phone aia. Thanksgiving visitors at the sary sexvicek on Oct, 30. Rev, Street South, Bow. With maltress, $15. Apply 92 Elgin Rentals, RA 51644 i George Perry home were Mr. |Linstead will be guest speaker 4 Street Kast or RA 2425 VACTORY clenvance, smooth on mt, and Mrs, Allan Perry of Whitby, Services at 2.30 pm. and 7.30 . er tresses, 200 coils, fabulous savings aky four-door fitons LANE ry le only, $10 Dirk. bee * lint pleces nr. and Mis, Bolin ra owoed Pp Mr Challice spent the holiday arhorite table, two ehairs; excel complete, three star ppatial, $10; eon onto at bis home in Bethany, grey Wr ANGLIA, white, red trim, still under | jent condition, Reasonable, BA 57137 tinental beds a, 0 A M Iq ( d anty, owner going to Slates, $1245 ; size, crazy low priee B36; roll-away cols rs , Davis spent a few days ' 58141 evening S USED parts and repairs for al complete, special $14.68, Wilson's Fur isiting her Vip in Toronto ve FIFTH BIRTHDAY makes of wringer type washers, V4 if [niture Company, 2 Chureh Street Vis " 1 ted notors 85 te $10, guaranteed recond cently Miss Shella Annis celebrate Paddy's MEN'S winter conts, medium size; radio take less CO5501 y Brock St RA B-1742 | CHEYROLEY, grey, four door sedan "" in good running es HA 52160 Bh PONTIM Ww PONTIAL one owner, | EHEnt con caving town $1000, MO 82960. £10 1 Whithy MW AUSTIN hest ofley 26410 Ajax room apart § 95 Liberty n nr Modern five room bunga- low with extra large rec- FURNISHED at door, central t Apply EW2 45--Real Estate for Sale 10 ACKES good ill « ane hank ire, good | 8.5 8 h real! i price e of » BA Service, diners, Ie adults only In ex Vi reation room, fully lond- vicinity North and St. Joseph RA B-8749 roam on wiring preferred phone RA 50 BUNGALOW, nearly new, #4 south end, oil heat, Telephone 57088 self-contained apartment TV aenal, quiet eouple Chureh Street, "fele Laurentian ds must sell, ron Bireet South Cambridge ASS, private, nocepted, Telephone WH Finanoe con be arranged scaped, quilted ¢ Cc imecoe rooms HA schools radio, heater, in : frye Breet exchange #6 FORD four door g good gondition, 250 tioned washers and stoves, FOR RENT = with opt hedroom brick hungale newly dees Faleq, and sey ns Private paved drive, excellent condition, aval ahie November 1. MO B-8734 on to buy, four ms mom fd weleome RA 57481 HAVE threeroom and hath apartment, private entrance, heavy in available now, $60 monthly phone RA 53079 TWO : room apartment unfurnished, private hath GM. RA 32315 or apply South six apartment for glose to hus rent Phone hasement wir Tele furnished or near south 790 Bimene room house, full basement, auton Foatate PRIVAT i | oF eh eon entences we | lax Ful dawn RA NEW fliveroam bur Gar shooning centre Phone afler 8 BA 57126 |G. MILLER REALTOR ale,| strnet| | 2 MASTER BEDROOMS $19 300 f ror € size featuring full 4 fi #1 PONTIAC deluxe, clean | pana, and oul, Al mechanically, good fire automatic transmission, radio ater. HA #§ i CHEY RA 33043 MM MERCURY hardiop lent condition, $1795 fully equi tra exh Private washr m, covered living room, hting nin every r orth € ning ff large Vers Built Phone ce. Cross and a f m d cellent cond 3714 sedan, ¢ or NA Hiv A-door radio and tras. In frst class 10 BA61T NASH conomiesl, iter 5 p.m 10100¢ B era har many vondition JOHN A, J BOLAHOOD Metropolitan, best offer low $1405, 19 mileage lish Call RA 50024 priced to sell at $005, or best offer, RA NSH FORD tudor, ol and nies d, owner going to ¥ SBI41 GYenings side | 85 CHEY tires, Whithy MO BRAT 0LDR,, ily enuipper teering and brakes, | 3 H47) n pped, MO B-L400 1 wo tone onths 40 pay at your home call er cent reonsl service diop, 5 CHEVROLET six and economical, exellent lindey 82703 uns 7' Slates, 8795. RA DOMINION Appliances (a division of ondil Pickup A +1 condition Mar ap radio, power RA DOUBLE Very AVLATATE Ain Insurance, Save up 10, Phone HA_#1742 4 of RA | IN elesn condition,! MAX Market, Hampton, CO 32241 Beatty Bros.) now sold at Paddy's ket, Hampton, A complete line of lances ab hard to beat prices. CO 32241 and smooth new eondition Brock Bt, East BED, spring mattress, in reasonable LL] topped CH continental Serta smooth top bed, almost news also porcelain top table and two ehairs, 536 Monteith Ave argain Centre for the new ¥ng- washers, S805, with sutematie pump, Syear warranty, English auto. matie Citation driers, 516250. New and combination wooden storm door, 80" hy i Thor washer with wringer, good ion, reasonable, RA 57736, SELLING furniture? We'll buy it, Re- frigerators, TV's, washers, pianos, cloves, ete, For top cash offer, con tact 10 Prince Street, Phone RA 81131, B, ¥, GOODRTCH Flores ~ tires, bit teries, Kelvinator refrigerators, tele. vision, Thrifty Budget Plan, RA 54543 TREADLE sewing machine, Singer, #25, Telephone WA 59623 ELECTRIC razor service, All makes, |eutting heads, cords, ele, fee the new | Philashave Specd flex razor! Meagher's| 5 King Street West WALLPAPER for every need at | We are glad to hear Mrs, Alf her fifth birthday on Oc, 7, She Hamilton is improving in Ux.| had her father take all the guests bridge Hospital, She expects tolup through the fields on a hay come home this week, ride, We are sorry to hear Mrs, Wil-| _ Mr, and Mrs, Frank Honey and liam Knox has been lI this last Richard had Sunday dinner with week, | his sister and brother-in-law, Mr, For anyone interested in His. and Mrs, M, Annis, torical things a visit to Pickering] Mrs, 0, Edwards, Mrs, L, Township Musuem at Brougham Honey and Richard had Sunday would be well worth while, It is|dinner with his sister and bro located in the old school at the|ther-indaw, Mr, and Mrs, M, Ane west end of Brougham on the nis south side of No.7 Highway, Mr,| Mrs, 0, Edwards, Mrs. L, John Gillman who lives this side Honey, Mrs, J, Hepton, Lynda GMO 1 M, throughout after 7 pm. RA ton pileup Orpwo 1 MQ coups will show anyone through and Tommy called on Mrs, heater, ele nance. 113 FORD, niece condition all around, 25. Apply 513 Perry Street, Whithy PUBLIC every Baturdny, 0am pximately 100 ears offered | RA 5-6544 [onan Gor 'Rushon, 10 drontone wx] NORTH OSHAWA on ouvir YR LOW DOWN i Hiadebaker Aufomal Id droom ni" Vraremission, mn nawa's ellon, Waylough, e ane 11 perfect contd lysed appliances, furniture, New deep | Edgar's, Keonomy room lots and ex d Texaeo, WA freezers, 17 eu, ft, special on sale, from pensive imports, hundreds of patterns wrk Mond no 0070 nian amninetura, 'ive your \Lensive imports, hundreds of patterns) poLyp MEET [Annis on Monday afternoon, CONEY. Bisenvne, four-door Ad con. (wareanty, Complete food insurance, |\ines, Ask for afree yardstick st) 'The regular meeting of Joy Mr, and Mrs, Clifford Wonnop dition. Auly 324 wilson Tosd Bouth or Just off No, 2 Highway, Harwood North, | Edgar's Paint and Wallpaper, across| Rebekah Lodge was held on Oct.|had dinner with thelr daughter Phone HA 5152 Ajux Al party new und used for wash: (from Dominion Wore, 34 King West, | 10 with three officers absent and and family, Mr, and Mrs, Gordon -- AREAS |UNFAINTED bookcases, only #9 with! (otal of 19 present, Mrs, Ethel! Hughson of Brock road en Sun. dal > {947 POUR-BURNER electric range, purchase of any ce of unfinfshed " Grand 4 day WILL 1S MOT ORS thermostat control oven, lke new, rea: furnitures students' desks, $14; chest Wonnop, No le irand, was In Gay. i 4 sonihle, IA B40, of drawers, $17; hookenses, $5.99; van: charge, assisted by Mrs, Philip| Mr. and Mrs, Bob Davis an AUSTIN SALES SERVICE GOOD ASSORTMENT LIMITED REALTOR INSURANCE if g | J S spotless condition, radin 1200 fov quick sale. Will fi. Hon Harmony Hoad North Li heat, driveway, Whithy, RA RA 5.2993 440--Rooms For Rent Stvepoem haus, tom ua « 167 SIMCOE ONE Targe unfurnished room, reason rel ahle rent. 26 Prince Street ONE furnished r Apply 620 Bir FURNISHED " OM. Apply 841 6061 sur conditio very ve ear Auction, Tot privat n North gentleman garage, many Eauth 5170 Bouth close to Street mene "A 4 hasement y and dry, sult two or three lows, Apply after 3 pm Street or HA 1.9675 NICE furnished rool ie, body awled mato i miles per Road North, Ple RA term Jubb, thre ne of OQ sections, Larg Must be bri h top residential fully landse d lot f and screens, Full asking price $12,500 Il now vou this really ing buy, Fer further call Bill Swarbrick 5-6544 or 5.8342, $500 Will teke as low as rig, central A d this twe two gentlemen, Appy 10 dt thr som bun . Large kitche floor just and transpor for Bill Swarbrick, RA 5.8342 74 Quebec Trull's mile | 8 BEL AIR Chey, goach, Nitlon, one, owner, Must mediately, Telephone RA 6 187" LINCOLN convertible, half ton [truck trade considered as down pay | ment. MO B6451 or OL H5469, Drive a Lineoln for the price of a Chevrolet | 50 CHEVROLET Bel Air, two door, ear shift, RA 58140 1's CHEVROLET two door, radio, good dition, low dawn payment $1060, RA $500 4-5208 after & pm vear old, | TRIUMPH MOTOR CARS | dern T.R. 3, VANGUARD, tie ENSIGN & HERALD Coll nay. Bik ON DISPLAY AT 5.6544 SMITH SPORTS NORTH SIMCOE RA 8-5912 CASH FOR YOUR CAR VAN HEUSEN | * MOTORS condition 149 KING ST. W room. al sonveni-| en Apply 24 Royal Street or phone RA 5.8505 FURNISHED bedroom, girl or older lady, in new hors with M busipess lady, close to Adelaide Me Laughlin School and new Board of Edu D cation. Meals optional. RA 58787 THREE rooms and hathreom, suitable A aeifin,uh dateem JE 61 500 DOW hospital, Write Box 123, Oshawa Times / w| Large -r0 k I Co-op Through Office of Real § in good con be sold Im 1805 after 6. SABYAN MOTOR SALES LTD. STUDEBAKER, VOLKSWAGEN SALES and SERVICE RITSON RD, SOUTH OSHAWA, ONT RAndaolph 3-346) uit ) wit working with easy ond let us outstand letalls at RA only terms, C Bo how mbers Oshawa trigt fate LARGE turnished housekeeping roo (+ twin beds, suitable for one or two. Par ing, Aprly 708 Carnegie LARGE furnished room for one or Court Blres SINGLE Ness man West after ™o mel vely landscay 334 Tel m, m d and pero sche ng ro hard ste BUYING OR SELLING SEE TED CAMPIN® MOTORS 607 KING ST, == OSHAWA (just East Wilsen Road) RA 3.4494 Res 5574 1959 PONTIAC V-8 PARISIENNE husi Street bedroom " fumishen Apply 4 pm furnished for n Colborne ioe rooms, ground flooy private entrance, newly decorated on | Gibh Street, Phone RA A472 Is or yGa or FUANISHED room, suitable for gentle: | . - p Pan, close to hospital, private entre 108, | ATTRACTIVE HOME parking space. Apply 241 Kendal Av enue rated five od [ FURNTRHED Toom, $5 per week bungel tevens teman hone RA 52051 N. district, enly old. Very lovely to « specifi the price only $14 Call Anthony Siblock 5:6544 or 5.4362 $500 DOWN N.HA. 6% mortgage, ms d rated Four bath with vans 12 20 ree Apple Mill, ] To inspect Appleby at RA 31-3398 of $11,800 $139.00 LLOYD AYERS REALTOR-RA 3.2254 and To inspe Beautifully {LT room brick n's Rd three vears plan built 8 1 call or MINGLE furnished room, also two fur. | nished yooms with light cooking privil: | ehes, use of phone, central location Apply 180 Bruee Street WHITBY CLASSIFIED roomed apart: (FOR RENT Large for housekeep: [miles ost, Whithy Whithy modern convenlenoe Modern two hed Phone MO #719 ont. Available Noo FOR RENT Green hires {keeping 10 MO (F] able fog wner's catior 900 at RA r hardtop, excellent low mileage, coms May be fis party RA 8. pletely equipped -- nanced te responsible at reasonable rate 1461 after 5 48--Automobiles Wanted ANDY NAGY'S BODY SHOR MERCEDES - BENZ FOR RENT Thies 1, all convenionoes 8 Green Nireel FOR RENT hes 1 a i men n AVY salon Joe Three furn 5.6544 or na, with Ivate two adults. Central hed house hathroom. | MO | Oshawa Estate Member District of Real rotted m 0 bd load delivered, [TWO degorated housekee pis heated, # 1 to ane ehild per rn newl parkin 16 nn Phone MO foot anna WANTED flor f orn thie 1 Phone art 1108, FOR RY Hyron ont Any hing MOB SPOT CASH PAID FOP Good clean cars, - Trade or down, Liens paid off DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD, § RA 3.9421 me th ALUMINUM siding, pastel golors, estimates, will Anywhere Har 205 Green Street, Whithy #1 COLD Ww | UR NT Whith free Phi} MO Wy et, Plekering, at Kk door ROOFING from up [GUNS ammunition and hunting sup. |1ty dresser, $26, Wilson Furniture, 30 fllicott, Vier Grand. Plans were| (heir daughter and her hushand plies, new and used, terms 10 per cent) Church Bireet {made for the Installation of our|#nd new son called on Mrs, J, USED CARS old, Frigidaire electric stove, 42" Bar: | ¥. Goodrich Btores, RA 5.4545, . TAUNTON RD, EAST {hy Mrs, Gertie Willson, and Mrs, Chas. Surphlis, SINGER treadie sewing machine, §00d | Phone RA 3-4069, Thanksgiving dinner with Mp, noon, bination desk, Phone MO B83 and Mrs, Ross Willson and Ruth,| Mr. and Mrs. John Knox and Pryer Backhall, color wine with one | oo guests of Mr, and Mrs, Sam MIs. I', Carter and Diane, Mr, and Mrs, Oscar Dodon of 021 " (with his father, W. W, Horn, dur| parts, attachments, brushes, ® an: | PAINT, interior, exterior, $4.08 gallon [Mrs, Bruce Caverly, Oshawa, | At Brougham WAREHOUNE "glontance of odds and | Many | with Mr, and Mrs, Lewis Trull rors, regular #50, special 3 rougham, on Saturday, Oct, 8 ore autur ve silk organ. Sncay, A Vis # Yi [wore autumn mauve silk org maple dresse Wakely, Ernest, Catharine andi gure of uniting in marriage Mr, and black trousers, springiiiien mattresses, slightly soiled, fancy; values 10 430.00, out hey un, $41 Mr, and Mrs, Donald Orr, Oak-|§leigh, both of Toronto, presided during the ceremony ALE DKW ph {$160 CANM for good old oar, year '47 or |pheasa 4 and Janridfe Debble, Ronnle and David, and|galine gown, trimmed with rhine.| Following the ceremony a re f S D SERVIC ' wey, oF Pontiae, Apply 118 A onahle ten, 4 t ; N y ' i ' [ vi 40, Chev Yontiae, Apply 110, Agnes tosstnabic rites hd o|[Mrs, Stewart Frost, SCUTEOTG) alones and seed pearls, hor head:| ception was held at the home of 1 Street East H LAKESHORE Auto Wreckers have cars pad Mr, and Mrs. Hilton Peters] The mald of honor, Mrs, E, cious Thanksgiving dinner in the for wrecking, Highest prices paid, RA MATERIAL remnants of all kinds land Ralph, Toronto, and Miss|/Lindo in autumn blue silk organ. Hall and dancing followed, Out cabinet kit, portable typewrit wort ga ter, Miss Nancy Sleigh, brides-(Orono, Hamilton and Toronto, OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE Mr, and Mrs. Murray Yeo and| and ian Free esti | Ph \ p 225 Mo ea RA 5-6588 [eres Went" Ha Dass ore On RY Nino Sondiiom. Wegamg | DEW officers on Oct, 24. Pollow. Davis on Sunday. A greatgrand: A ' . dress, sive 10, Telephone RA 8.0161 ing thie meeting a cup of tea and| son for Mrs. J, Davis, een WO | GRE Tires most oll sizes. 83 and as |lMch was served by Miss Twee.| Mr, and Mrs, David Niven and : 1 i¥ieh Htore fo4544 "die and Mrs, Tweedie assisted Lavo) had Sunday dinner with gain. All articles in very good condition, | a) Mr. . 5 4.4799 |ORDERS taken for storm sashes, wood 4 RA 5.0331 Phone RA 3.4739 {or aluminum, free estimates, Terms,| Mr, and Mrs, Warn Willson, | in ad Wns, Po Brovy and also Mr, and Mrs, Francis Will. family called on Mr, an TS nl der, 15 years oid, il, ' hay k Waring grist: 1s years old, swat oe {son and daughter of Wost Hill had) Charles Surphlis on Sunday after. |OWINA cabinet, walnut, upright, coms HAMPTON 24, I FULL, wedding dress In ood condition. | lin thelr new home In Toronto, family of Hampton had Sunday 292 William Breet, Api, 3, | HAMPTON ~ Mr, and Mrs, T.| Mr. and Mrs. Alec Sashko of (dinner with Mr, and Mrs, Robert THRKE piece chesterfield, exclusive | Wray were Sunday evening din {Toronto spent the weekend with] Miller and family, ee ta, 1 eondiion, Tela: | ate, OfhaWa | Mrs, ¥, Carter and Diane drove| Calgary had dinner on Saturday. [MODEL A Ford and box trailer, Dr, and Mrs, Wallace R, Horn, |UP_fo Lindsay on Monday and| with William and Mrs, Knox. i ---------- Montreal, Que, were visitors VACUUM cleaner repairs, LJ toed rebuilt machines, Estimates free, | INE the weekend Preit Wed 1n Rentals, Vaeuum Cleaner Repalr Serv:| Mr, and Mrs, Ken Caverly were HA _8:0001 anytime . Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and| All ool [4 lors, diuaranteed, . it, % Mr, and Mrs, Lorenzo Trull Church Street, RA 3.7634 were Sunday guests of Mrs, Hazel | NaupHoUse sietance of Ruttan, Gravenhurst, They were| BROUGHAM == My pretty au-/maid, wore autumn yellow silk famous brand lines, forgotten, | 0 oo Ohe Lake {tumn wedding was solemnized Injorganza and carried mauve car. tremendous savings, with Ee daa, y, Chemong Lake, on §¢ John's United Church, nations and Mrs, Lillian Sewell chest of drawers, regular : B to. 30; Mr, and' Mré, dou 0 \ Oliver Hubbard | The church was beautifully de-|za and carried yellow carnations, maple dresser, | and Mrs, Lottie Hastings, Osh+| corated with autumn flowers, | "The groom, best man and ush. Ripase snuer Cavenpom, awa, Mr. and Mrs, Gordon| Rev. Cresswell had the plea:|ers wore white flannel jackets Ite top desks, reiular 520 05, sale §19.06; Toh n t Sund John, oronte, were Sunday Clifford Gerald Payne (brother avout $14.68; pl | | Labs: 'ronnar' o14 5, seven ome. soy VINIIOrS with Mra, Luther Allinlof Mrs, E. Lindo, Locust Hil, MOLD RECEPTION walnut and blond end tables, plain and |and family and Mrs, Sarah Allin, RR 1) and Myrtle Christine] Mrs, Howard Plaxton, organist, floor lamps, reqular 510.08, slashed to ville, were Thanksgiving day visit:| The bride entered the church on/and Miss Gail White sang, "0 87. Wilson's Furniture, 20° Church St, | ors with the Allins, the arm of her father, wearing Perfect Love" during the signing [DUCK season special, migratory birds,| Mr, and Mrs, Bob Fernandez, a lovely ivory princess style ben: of the register n C ftreet {Goods, BA Albert Street 408 KING ¥: SiHAwA HALESTON pickin "84 10 160, will pay [RA 5.708 iE a. were guests of Mrs, 8, G. Nid dress was a pearl tiara with waist Mr, and E, Lindo, and RA 3.7132 cif, must "ho mood condition, MO URED 17" and 217 TV sols, as Tow as /dery and Miss Mary Niddery on{length veil and she carried red At seven o'clock the ladies of . hy A5--Reel Fotos Ri Si A431 or OL B:0400 10.50 and up, Trig Television, 171 Bond | Saturday, roses Brougham WMS served a deli- Ya -- {8.1181 [fur big bargain More, opening 2M On M Pot Thanksgivi 2a. with hoaddre to matel | -------- aria Hireet, October 10. Lowest prices Mary Poters, were Thanksgiving 2a, Address to match, car. ) 0 | town, | TM weekend visitors with Mr and ried pink carnations and wore Of town guests were from New eq Of RIFLEN shotgun, gun cabinet, shells, Mrs, Harold Salter and Mrs Te ver shoes Brunswick, Ottawa, Preston, sonable, RA 4 Seer RA | REGULAR wee tennis (able, aimost (daughter. were visiting at Algon. | FBI B R new; bathroom sink; ore 4 i recke Reasonable, Phone MA saps (auin Park during the weekend.) OSS aps LOWENT. prio n town! Curity diapers Mr and Mrs Pearn Lock: Soria first quality, regular $4.99 per donen, Wood and family visited at Lind. hd hd ti, Sa Al Baby sng sh vay Il rime nate h © hed e, i | 'S rv con ho ony is afb oi Mr, and Mrs, Mervin Mountjoy Yprink filed orib mattresses, #988; attended Norwood Falr on ' Dlaxbens, 2000 (Eh ehiire, 780 Thanksgiving day. By HAROLD MORRISON (ver, "A surging teen « age aren tree Vilaon Furalture, ni A family gathering was held at| Covadian Press Staff Writer |underworld--one which practises "VOLUMES Coll y : he aters Kersey on Thanksgiving evening, | United States has one of the utter contempt for the rights and | A canvass for the Blind is be. Mahest crime rates in the world, | welfare of others--has arisen to ling conducted by members of the| 1'BI chief J, Edgar Hoover esti: challenge the forces of law and (Women's Institute next week mates that one serious crime is order," for six: | . 8 00 hree i 5 room bungalow, Standard Phone [Bible Class will canvass for the Seconds--three-a minute, Auto ; A AMAL RA 8.1700 Ci ["Bible Society" in the near fu. Mobiles ave stolen at the rate of| Juvenlle arrests have more J ONE MERCURY outboard motor § hp ture, Both these are worthy One every two minutes; murders than doubled during the last 13 $33, one sel ear top racks, 87". Phone |oqyses and no doubt the canvass: And rapes are committed at the Years iu an age glu) whose |ers will be welcomed to your 4 doors "America enjoys the world's|J0 ber cent in the same period, | A very special and Interesting Mihest standard of living," re.| "Today youthful offenders acs , me [OVONE. of last week's activitios| Marks Hoover with a touch of count tor more than one-fourth of BRIGHTEN up your home with new enriehe Ai poo a Ll ii woven William A WLI I ot Os 1 4 an, Pi 0 Moi ot, Whithy FOR NATE Black loam, 1 ardens. Call MO RA514, Whit FOR RENT Lar be suitable | HMOUSTON'S GARAGE AND SERVICE STATION BRAKE SPECIALISTS, COM. PLETE BRAKE SERVICE MOTOR TUNE. Up GENERAL REPAIRS JUST TWO BLOCKS FROM for rent, bache and ell Paved parking $75.00 and $97 50 REQ PRESTIGE AREA this | 6-1 storey, m and living r y bed arge landscaped lot with paved drive and brick appointment to inspect call RA 5.6588 i Total pleads cont awa RA 34830 ahout vy furnished mater t \ family FOUR al' Oshawa twa be \ ing Centre Apartments Wasbing and drying | Stoves and fridggs. Immediate possession cen | tment MO ar rearated room Ape oe and bath, | a Haat er, hydr MO FOR the private en to mult neluded, FOR RENT and gas Pel FOOM Anal Ih neo and bath tment we MO Enoyclopasdia, - AND Telephone HA 53180 i AIR compressor, welding toreh, grind 67 KING ST WW. evs, floor jack, vice, spray guns, lawn mower, Apply 451 Adelaide | Avenue 1 RAJ 722) {West between & and 7 pon 50---Articles for Sale [STORM windows and sor INSULA mon best in N PAL-O-PAK Save a ST apartment in anartment yourself, ar we can do it for you. Fo chools and shoppin fren estimate call H, H. Goode and ol Son's Lid. 601 Brock North, MO 8.2017 USED FURNITURE elo, We buy, » exchange Hamilton Used Furniture, Strent So MO 88491 TYPEWRITERS, now down payment, $30 up cabinets, hdding machines, eash regis tera. Hamilton Ofies Outfitters, 103 Byron Street South, Whithy, MO #843) FOR RENT Thies apartment No children Dundas Street West FOR RENT Modern apartment with haloany, Kitehen ) MO gat = Three bedroom bungalow kitchen combination living room four-piece hath, storms and sereens, TV antenna, reasonable. | MO 8545) FOR RENT Suitahle located we | Owner transferred with large | re Extra 4] For 8 to leaving ly brick 2 m n $30 monthly. Phone tel i Rroaklin ) m3 SEPTIC TANKS way, new tanks in 2304 Chestnut West LIVE IMs and rage cleaned the sanitary talled Waiter Ward phone MO 8.2562 wanted Jake anpliances anyihing 100 Byron ai ace heater, Westinghouse re washing maghine, all in good Apply 63 Thickson's Road \ Hillsdale Terrace duty to furni sland to Last weekend for Go east on R assist you ed model Central home Park also feather prices paid poultry, Highest market Parker, MO 35444 eollect CLEARANCE sale -- Boys! long sleeve earduray and & Sizes 10 ta regular #7 Mercantile and used, low Salesman Desks, filing |r on | condition North ALUMINUM DOORS AND WINDOWS! Special Reduced Price, or We Sell, Cash and Carry' CALL FOR QUICK SERVICE ALEX VAIDA 481 DREW ST. RA 3.985) now only { on Sunday. aypons, 30.88; high chairs, #700; {the home of Mr. and Mrs. 8! WASHINGTON (CP) The open defiance of the law and .|Also members of the Ladies' committed In the US, every 20/ypape 1rss LENIENCY Wi RA 8-108 | rate of one every four minutes, Population has risen by p Jackets { I colors, 82.00 ont GENDRON carriage, 820; Lloyd twin stroller, $10; Coffield washer, with daily dipper, 818: office desk with swivel | chair, 823. RA 8.0788 | Office Open Evenings and All Day Saturday onmed unfurnished i 3 Apply 312 "but at the same time (he arvests for robberies, ones f the world's high. half of the burglary and larceny Representative ' 0 ved | irony Nets Ny floor and wall soverinks from Wien | Was the lovely banquet served A) Furniture. Floor ooverings, clearance |In the new Township Hall by the/SUlers one o ate n of, Wscontined vatlerns, Many eheer: Hampton Ladies Service Club to/est crime rates." Rirests and nearly pathints & ul designs, vedue or , 28 eh \ rar o conts bor Va py Liv celebrate the 60th anniversary of| Hoover has no political axe to thet al rests for automobile Unealewm, he tv, long wearing, [the Women's Institutes. This in. Erind. At 65, he has headed the NCHS, ' regular 81.99 Wh oy | Halt price ¢ Congowall, one hedroom Llavd Corson Bin Elliott fully eq od 108 Cravdon Road. Phone FOR RENT Boating, Dic} ing supplies, gardening and lawn equipment, power tools, box, boat and cabin trailers FOR SALE Used boats, motors, trailers WILDE RENTALS Service and Dundas E Young OPEN HOUSE Today Until Monday, Oct. 17th $558.00 DOWN $558.00 $10,500.00 camps | to! 1 ranche Federal Bure of Investigation| Hoover advocates a tougher 3 A SL eluded all the branches in the iy au ¢ gation J 8 o,. omphoiy Yalth West Durham District, It wag/for 36. years under Republican policy on Juvenile delinquents, border, regular {9 cents per faoh out|largely attended and the boun. and Democratic administrations, Too often, he says, the juvenile Furniters, 4 Eine di ont: Wilsoa's itequg turkey dinner provided was He has a special agent stall of view that he can get away with ---- - zg (MUCH enjoyed, Following this a 800 anything 1s fostered by leniency : splendid program was presented, Wherever he speaks, Hoover of officials involved, OUTBOARD each group being responsible for|KeUDs hitting this big point I (his, Hoover may be reflects MOTORS one or two numbers, all of American people ave being ing some of the views of Pres which provided enjoyment {fleeced by the criminal element ident Elsenhower, who seems to FOR RENT | The Sunday Church services|/®8 never before, Our nation's agree that American children were fairly well attended. - The #unual crime bill now totals tend (0 be coddled and over-pros MARINE STORAGE and SUPPLY Ltd. | BROOKLIN ONT, OL 5.364! Large, nicely furnished for ane or two, een Meals optional, MO Sales MO 83224 | 'PLANT YOUR BULBS NOW We have a large variety Dutch bulbs. Nursery Stock Landscaping BEVERWYCK GARDENS HIGHWAY 12 3 miles north of Whithy PHONE OL 5.3570 Residence MO 8.4738 1418 FOR RENT 1100, maeulate bungalow, newly decorated soreens, paved o school. MO 8.5453 TURKEY dinner at Centre Street Unit od Chureh on Wednesday, October 19 from 4 pm. on. Adults $150, Children pentS. | two _yeafold im three hedroams aluminum storms and ve wo blocks from SEE HOME APPLIANCES OSHAWA LTD 90 SIMCOE SOUTH FOR FRIGIDAIRE SALES AND SERVICE Domestic and Commercial RA 5-533 SALE minum Product 6-room Brick Homes And $10,800.00 $68.00 per month plus taxes, 1050 square feet, bungalows or 1,150 square feet full two stories, completely modern with all the extras, and top quality construction, second to none Lloyd Realty Ltd. Realtors RA 8.5123 RA 8.5124 RA 8.5125 101 SIMCOE ST. NORTH morning church service was cons $22,000,000,000--an amount equiv: tected by their parents. ducted by. our 'pastor who pre.| dient to $128 for every man, wo Eisenhower made that point at sented a splendid Thankagiving| fan and child in the United's progs conference where he message, The choir selection was Tho octre of Juvenile torsal observed that generally European .also fitting, The lovely Thanksgiv- oil ? Spee ke o Fivenie Jorpun children seemed to be in better Ing decorations at the altar were Ist A and pang sty ¢ htimic ation shvsical hape because they kindly supplied and arranged nangs menace ingly over commun: walked and eyeled more, The by Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Axford, | alter community," says Hoo 'gooiage American child usually consisting of beautiful flowers, | goes to school by car or bus, Part vegetables and fruit which were/tismal service will be held next of the reason for this, apart from {much appreciated and reminded Sunday morning at 943 in distance, is parental fear that |one of the giver of all good gifts charge of Mr, Beech, Sunday the child may be molested or 'who supplies all our needs. A Ba-| will be held at M am 'kidnapved. \ \ Ps -- eee | Of 4 FOR C.IL, PAINT CALL Dodd & Souter Paint and Wallpaper Stare 107 Byron Street South MO 8.5231 All o awnings Or & CC nly For free products w= ower doors, TV towers, paving, tract, nothing down, estimates coll Aluma Seal Co. RA 5.9345 ANYTIME aluminum Al of the windows, best quality ¢ 0 best } es Tully Pout hun ie $18. Cal rs anteed hung windows ahi Lymer Aluminum Co. RA 8.5385

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