Congolese sitendant to take core zoo said that because of the food about 15 feel deep. There are » of the 100-044 cages and pits. He shortage in the city, government couple of black bears, three rae spent most of his time refilling officials will not ear-mark food coons, a coyote and a red fox the two gorillas' water buckets. for the 100 who holes on semi - paralyzed : The goriling, 8 The entrance fee is 10 francs Wind quarters. A sesl swims f of Pakistant gordiers bos 8 (30 cents) for adults and five|!ssily In 8 pool of dirty water, / eglecte Ee ip & Spor hands, francs (10 cents) for children, |A Bross snake occupies 8 glasy/ pis, . rR 4 There is a variety of monkeys, cage with a couple of cobras o dance around their cages, wind-| African deer and antelopes, leop-| One side ana a hali-dozen py- LEOPOLDVILLE (CP Sust| The privately-owned zoo 1s oe- ing up by tossing the water|ards, elephants, wild hogs, per thons on the other, other things in the|eupled by & wide variety of ani- bucket to the seurrying, lsughing vet to Congo, Leopoldville's 100 is going|mals captured in African jungles, | soldiers rots, owls, and multh - eolored| I food is scarce for swimals, | There are & few animals native! Then the gorillas, who smoked smaller birds, ostriches and 8 it's scarcer for unemployed couple of lions, There Is one i000 An old man fished quiethx to Novth America and Furope, lighted cigarets tossed in by sol fon 4 They all look sick and hungry. diers, climbed the iron bars and siralie n the crocodile pen, his fishing During a twohour tour of the screamed with anger, North America's animal king |! through the Iron lz00, this reporter saw only one Congolese who often visit the {not counted the home esnvess| figure stands at $11,000. From commerce, $3100 and industry $2100. These figures add wp lo $16,200, The canvass ahowt #0 per cent compieie The canvassers are looking for $25 from esch home and sp far @ large majority of residents are donating this amount by cash o pledges A specisl names list is be heard from and the s highly optimistic that down the home BIreten . ovis i, Sovte, Ge 1 "Pool Fund Hockey League Is yo 511.000 Started Today AIA wn be em iport on the progress of the eur rent campaign for funds for the used to begin the Ajax Memorial Swimming Pool gives every indication thet the target of 566000 will be reached if those yet to be canvassed give as the generously 'as those who have Earlier this year the Executive peo, sooronched duce the smo of the VHA lsid is plans for ; 4 Ye ie yi for al Teast With some returns collected but! $65 000 nil weer . 8 many AJAX Beatty The Maxirink will be Minor Hockey lesgue gets into season and later the today with 130 registered|he split with somae of the players going to Port Perry cague wil 0 seed ne animal hie Fonna EAVES commitiee the drive pre target artion players ice time ot are dirty hy fallen The ani igen cary ered intended the Bowmanville nt Kodiak bear kept in a big pit'fence -------- dom is represented by a huge rod poking of hockey {house eague | i : ), THOMAS Asks Help For Fund - The following letter en- dorsing the 1960 Fund Cam paign Drive of the Ajax, Pick er and Whithy Association f Retarded Children we by T. D. "Tommy" MPP for Ontario Rid It was sent fo Mrs A Tranter, public informa ian of the drive an ary chairman of the Camy n for the Ajax and Whithy School for f citizens to of all handicaps mental re and what we ean all During the Campaign ext week 1 haope those i this may consider the opportunities open (0 p these unfortunate chil: 7 15 on of all our heart-breaking e last session of Parlia I noted that the members 1 better informed and nterested in this subject y means that the organiza tions of parents and eitizens to helr etarded children of our commu es are making their In fluence f A children indi do these In Ajax Ww have their problem at heart have handed together are building & school in which special classe help these children learn to take their own places in our ely, Seventy five per cent of them can become nearly self SUPpOrting, as we now know Let not fall them this year G generously, as your heart dictates, to help finish their school! t ger wih né duals 8 Faithfully yours, THOMAS, MPP Ontario Riding CROSSWORD ACROSS LL Incendiare ism . A transtey picture . Nettle Elephant T™D 4. Belonging tous 8, Northeast (abbr) 0. The afore sald thing %. Girl's name 8. Young » horse 9, Extent 20, The Hamp (astron.) 14, Classify 16, Algonquian Indian 20, Metal tag (var) Not so fresh , Fish's milieu Camp bed Chinese pagoda i, Bigoted » Move 20, Intact restlessly 21, Craze Wandering 22, Philippine workman tree » Poplar tree l Caesar, for one Venture Officer the law Panga Exclamas tion Point 47, Unhappy 40, Correct * 42, Number 43, Sultan's decree 44. Apart 45, Greases 16, Handsome i off an as an DOWN 1, Wallahas 2. Opera singer, Miss Stevens 8 Waste 150 boys beginning Oct, 15 Basically the plan will provide a fourdesm pee wee house 5 three . team bantam a threedesm mid get house league ALAASTAR TEAMS In addition sn all-star team in each group will he selecled to play in the OMHA fee time st Port Perry and Bowmanville each Saturday has been contracted for. Buses will be used in transporting the young. sters Volunteers to manage end coseh each team have been call ed for and at the moment it ap. pears as If the AMHA is off to 8 well planned beginning Supplies, sweaters, sticks and pucks and all the expendable equipment to keep the boys fully equipped has been purchased each team wil wear different leolored sweaters and will be namea All this adds up to shle budget for the time and transportation considered To meet the expenses, there will be an initial registration fee | Then each week the boys will eon {tribute 50 cents each, This will |produce nearly $2000, which Is than half of the estimated budget | To raise the balance the AMHA § sponsoring a dance and draw on Nov, 4 gt the Community Cen tre, Other fund raising projects are contemplated during the win ter months Head coach, Art Rennick is op fimistic that all the necessary parental help will be foghcom He has set up a iia 0 tem of coaching so that as the boys progress from one age group fo another they will receive some uniformity in instruction With the guaranteed help of volunteers and public support of the fund raising projects it looks as If a large group of boys will have a good season of hockey for a reasonable cost These columns weekly summary and progress of teams ider when is a. con season will carry a of the games the individual TOP TENNIS TEAMS MONTREAL (CP)---University of Montreal and McGill Univers.| ity, boasting. some of the best! young tennis players in Canada, are certain of deciding the east ern Intercollegiate tennis cham plonships between them, Thurs day, in the second day of a three day tournament among five unl: versities, MeGill led with 17 vie tories and U of M was second with 14, Montreal is led by Fran cols Godbout, 22-year-old mem ber of Canada's Davis Cup team, | who has not lost a mateh, Uni versity of Toronto has won eight matches, University of Western Ontario five and Laval Univers-| ity three | rl 24, Thing left out 20, Ferry boat (rare) 26. Bingle unit 28, Space B80, Btistly dees orous $2. Long-eared rodents 88, External seed covering 84. Queen of heaven (myth) 86, Ata distance 88, Bhakee speare's river #0, Challenge 41, Queer 42. Girl's nickname #4, Jewish month SAVE,449 one [oar MULTIPLE VITAMINS 25 days wpply FREE when you ° buy 100 days supply WOULAR SPECIAL Ba s598 *449 MITC Drug. 9 SIMCOE ST. N. LL' Store You've Heard About It! Read About It! NOW IT'S HERE!! "The World's Finest Home Food Freezers" READ! How Your Family Can Eat Better for LESS! Model DF 180 holds 609 pounds of food 17.4 cubic feet HOLDS MORE! COSTS LESS! the All-New Deepfreeze HOME FRERZ ER MOST FAMOUS NAME IN FREEZERS Lowest price per eu, ft, ever! Holds wp to 18% mere food! Amazing double warranty --on both the: freezer and the food stored in it! Now, you ean save money on a genuine Deepfreeze home freezer, The one all the feats wres It's bigger inside no bigger outside. Holds up to 18%, more food, Yet there's no skimping on insulation And you enjoy péace of mind with the famous Amana Double Warranty, 6-year warranty of the complete re frigeration system -- 3-year warranty against food spoil age due to mechanical failure of the refrigeration system WHAT A BEAUTY! WHAT A BUY! ® FLOATING ACTION HD legyes ® HIGH DENSITY INSULATION both hands free locks in "seracold' ® FULLY ADJUSTABLE BASKETS ond dividers ® AUTOMATIC FLOOD HIGHT for "full, fourcorner vision © WRAP AROUND FREEZER CONS surreund feed in blanket of cold freezer that ha ® RADIANT CONDENSER aliminates cabinet "sweating @ SUPER STRONG CABINEY ® DOUBLE WARRANTY in wilting & NEW CONTOUR STYLING THERE'S A "JUST RIGHTY" SIZE DEEPFREEZE FOR YOUR FAMILY TOPS IN TV PETER LIND HAYES W320 AM, TUESDAY Also available 11 and 24 cv Deepfreeze HOME "REEZER made only by Amana, JONNY CARSON Show 3:30 P.M. THURSDAY ON ABCTV oy . IT BON rine ECONOMY. PLAN AMANA ANNOUNCES THE RESULTS 'AMANA PLAN FOR BETTER LIVING' Based on replies Yo questionnaires sent to over 6,000 families paficipating throughout the nation In the Amana Plan for Better Living OF ITS NATIONAL SURVEY* OF FAMILIES Mere's what participating families say about the benefits they enjoy from their Amana Plan for Better Living +ouvs 8 out of 10 families shop for groceries less often! Fewer shopping trips are needed as the Amana Freezer is # "supermarket" right in the home, TN ioe @ out of § families eat better food! Becmuse they own 8 freezer, 81% of the Amana Plan families find they can buy mere, better food at less cost, cease 7 0Ut of 10 families save money! Fewer shopping trips . . . use of leftovers , , , quantity buying and cooking . « . make possible big new economies to Amana Plan families 87% make fewer unplanned eostly purchases! Seven out of eight Amana Freezer owners say they buy less on "impulse" now SATISFACTION...IS GUARANTEED, , BECAUSE THE AMANA FREEZER 8 GUARANTEED TO OUTPERFORM ALL OTHERS! ® Amana freezes food up to 2¥; times faster than other methods «wo keeps food fresher, safer longer. ® Exclusive STOR-MOR door puts more than & month of meals right at your fingertips, ®& Amana Double Warranty , « , § years on refrigeration sysies and on food spoilage due to mechanical failure OWN A GENUINE AMANA STORMOR FREEZER AND EEE 0.83 FOR AS LITTLE AS For complete details, telephone or come in today = me ebligatiom (Mverage family of foun FREE! Act now to get in on the fabulous Amana Phan for Better Living wll receive your free copy of "Basle Freerer Cookery," popular mew eookbook by Amana Home Economist, An MacGregoss with the (rele th » GUARANTEED to catperiorm afl afhorsy Why Not Start lo Enjoy BOWMANVILLE FRIGID LOCKERS Phone MA 3.5578 NOTE! Under "Amana" Food Plan All Frozen Foods Will Ge Supplied Locally By --OSHAWA-- AL BLAIR Phone RA 8.0356 ~ © the Advantages of "AMANA' Today! L L With the Freezer that is Guaranteed to out perform all others! Now! New built-in* look ... and only 32 inches wide ad MODEL 5:20, Total capacity of 20.) eu, 11, holds 704 pounds of frozen fodd. Exclusive Stor-Mer dear gives extra storage space, everything within easy sight and reach, Autamatic inventery control = first package in is first package oul, Glide-ayt basket for bulky, hard-ta-stare foods, STOR-MOR FREEZER GUARANTEED TO OUTPERFORM ALL OTHERS keeps food fresher, safer, longe: The new Model 8-20 Amana Stor-Mor Freezer is the world's most efficient freezer -- and the ultimate in handsome compact styling, Only 32 inches wide. New style-line design gives you the built-in look without built-in cost, and may be built-in if desived * Only Amana gives you fast, efficient Amana-Matie contact freeging-up to 214 times faster than ordinary freezing. There are six fast freezing plates so all food is on or below a fast freezing surface. Even "zero" temperatures keep foods fresher, safer, longer Amana's exclusive Stor-Mor door gives you extra storage space, holds more than a month of meals, Only Amana gives you so much beauty, so much performance plus assurance of lasting satisfaction, You get a five year warranty on not only the freezer but even on the food you store in it Amana brings "The Garry Moore Show" ave ot ly moming CBS Radio bid COME IN AND SEE IT TODAY! BOWMANVILLE FRIGID LOCKERS (Exclusive Dealer For The Amana Plan For Better Living) 73 KII'G ST. WEST BOWMANVILLE PHONE MA 3.5578