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The Oshawa Times, 17 Oct 1960, p. 14

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14 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday October 17, 1940 Coll The Direct Clessified Mumber RA 3-3492 THE OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS ver ah TIMES, Mendsy, October 17, 1966 OFFICE HOURS BAM te 5PM, MONDAY te FRIDAY SATURDAY 8 70 12 1 rhecountants LI PEW AR a "oh oA Aisi (Hen Bing #50 PE Ginan i van Voir A FEIEDLABRER. Wi GRR aia ha audits 0% CLANCY'S whi wan £m Barvices Bree Fe a INGH, y [PH MONTEFIH MONTEITH. RirWi (Rpriased Ac cminiah H eR Wes Aen 195 » North i Alex RONALD ' inant, » n. WIAON Oshans, OBiane harteis i WH 2---Barristers JOHN A EAMERON PR ¥ ' I HIMFHRE ve Kar te phieys, GC; 6 H wn, LIB Phones: Off § Whith nih i Mo Vi 04 or Mone KALFH JONES irees le wilors, 130 King BA [He wel bu MAK) Morig DONALD pong ny RA sWAKTY inl KA WANGAN wi Pe GREER Aen ALMIE RE S741 BAVIDE we RA Fie BOWMAN dence, BA B We IRBON ( HA i f f we CREIGHTON, FRASER MURDOCH ' ' DRY SOUTH WAVEN oh ontario. | ne ly castle : LRH anytime welcome al ym Optometri F. RICHARD BLACK ' f nation longs 1 Hn TUCK f BECOURTS War amined 7 -=Surveyors HORTON Land MO 8 " V i DONALD ROLLOPY Onta Adelaide oh FLEISCHMAN pre DONEVAN AND HOMES--COTTAGE! GARAGE! RA 8-4614 OSHAWA SUB CONTRAC TORS BRICK BI TONE W ¥ MO 8.41% 4259 Whitby WARD DIGGING BY MACHINI Phone MO 8 Ww WELL i» PECIALIZ 1 - : NC WHITBY, ONTARIOQ RA 8.1177 PRECAST CONCRETE TANK! ABS PTIC WALK St LORED PAT RA STE! CURBIN( WELL Tilt BROOKLIN CONCRETE PRODUCTS Wl 13-~Gardening & Supplie CEIAR "e 14 Buniaplerd Ai il ABY wns of Sovien work by sEper LRSONAIE THA 1 FABLE RE ged roan ! Le wh FL add HA Vuane The home of Quality Dutch BULBS Jan Belle Gard Hardy Privet , 10c and up Chinese Elm , Be ond up LAN 9642 ARE VLAPING RA BROTHER REE EXPE ie ee plant G, CovIly w Phone RA § CLIFF BROWN GRAVEL & SAND LOAM WATERVPEOOVING f CARPENTRY Prompt Delivery RA 8-895] SODS Building Trades i BLELLDOZING BULLDOZING # J 10 Hin RA 0 lion ive, W OSHAWA ACME HAKDWOON H HAULAGE LTD, PLUMBING tir 1" KAWARTHA AT RA h28 CROSS TOWN SOD SUPPLY RA 5.8504 HILLSIDE Business Opportunities EMPLOYMENT or I WPLOY ME Oshawa / Home Landscaping ri APLETE SERVIC Call RA 8.6366 T4--Household Repairs CHERTERDIELDY LAK yepaveyed 0 rates araneed Dpholyier Dial HA rehy hh, HHIEY Oshawa Hond Street Wes! Chim repaired ¥ A dt 12 ALYY nie 13 FOR NTLEMEN vaeuumed. Free esti CHESTERFIELDS amd 1 n \ 1 Ike n Giel the ~Bressmaking " ATION ald hairs ve far Ie free \ \ a nolstering \ IMARING LL DECORATING or nr os Rosa Free estimates PAINTING an. int rin ik guaranteed HA § ERVICES Huy hing pha Phone satintied KLEENER PAINTING and paper hang pre vO ree ni timales HA want painted 0" ¢ work Let Andy Rioontje anteed al low LRU) ndrew phat VR 0aver FURNITURY ore i 0 HA | PAINTING and RA mates, work guarantesd FURNACE SALES AND SERVICE Lig epalred niterial Dalton, 74 Charles Siveel gree on "Ha Aeoarating, Free HA 3 nr Ga a Home NO. 1 TOP SOI Call ARNE " M Via i on RA 5.595 162 = $7 lab 15-=Instruction PRIVATE eaci 1 al 0, hy tent VERY IRW Only A ww MA HARVEY DANCE ACAREMY Tap, Raval Acad Balle 3 King Weal Baton Wi He RA ody Daten LILLIAN Mae a n NG Maish halle dance ay A RE Temple DRESSMAKING COURSE OPENING OC | wie AN wirk 1 S5--Anstruction ¢ the Oshawe Dr 4d by the Po J trained in Yar a rd, A HOmais | RA 8.0091 | To--Insurance ALIRIATE A ow W per ona 13 cer & Comm f SArEror a ses Ge LEARN ro DRIVE TT --Money To Loon ERLE IOIES BY frist & LRA WE HAVE pr and AEFREIRETE wl Bing 43 oh wile tyept wisn py w baie East, ODohawi CLIENTS gage: Morigas pf HA Creighton, Fraser, Amin Haney to loan or and mata e # Prynsn apd ETRE EI FIRST and PEFERINERLE PUFEN in and Henne liost East, BA MONEY TO LOAN wind "fi TAH B--Loan Wanted MONEY £2,000 00 000.00 mmedighe M 19--Personal HYGIENIC su malled pi | | Deg Hamilton AA nime 21--Personal Service ALTERATIONS int nal Ihre am aks Telephone PETER 45 yi all B40 wom HA PAN day day 0 Frida The 116 NOrith, Osha Pry WAGANRS \ tals. Call - BAR Chi I ! hh Ir n chi hami mil hake MODERN GF RELIVE! ¥ 22-~Radio Repairs GEORGE'S ralato » urg LI Wi A! | moved, repaired. Free ¢ A ooILY Al RA 38 als Anywhere Hits, Phone SPECIAL ON FAMQU SAMPSON TV TOWERS HA § Nasa | RA 8.8180 OSHAWA TV GIBBONS §7 A) i6 1 Sn. TV TOWERS ring tow 40.11 3 ( plet v \ y W Mas! ' | Enterprises Drew St TV TELEVISION SERVICE CO BOLE REA "Hm an ranked TO LOAN B.QUED CHICKEN PECIAL Phone [FOR RENT 22-~Radio Repairs ir AY L LE CALL # RA Ye Laity OSHAWA ELECTRONICS 8-5 DID J SEE NEW ALL GALYAI RADE Y Ol i WANT 174 and RADIO 286 sen OUR IZED TOWERS Wk mgr Wave WW fechy Is till ow That Have Same Day TRY US T.R.1LO. TELEVISION 171 BOND 57 RA 8-678 40-FT IANNEL MAST i 5.00 Night TV. Elg TV OVERHA nmer Antens ' we £ Of 830 J EAS ER TOWERS tronie ULS trol ' lahar ry $24 95 JT y M RA T V. Of I /B44 23---Women's Column 24---~Market Basket HONEY f f and yi A hp wih ATTENTION eo het (WT I euch, etal KA # alter 4 pom. at | Tele APPLE 5 and Snow hie He half le no ma Orel 25--Pets & Livestoc TERED duchsl Peleg nl pu Vie BOARDING, 1 Kennel HA ®|alhin, HA § Digs train hone Kennel ALTE L Aj i" | | asl ald BONER I Pi inteved, 1 Pe VE Boas 20~ WELL ated wo OAT straw MO Bd avres DEAD am pillpet Margwill | I 27 nny picked up col rane Fuel ry Wood plan wil epl Witahle HA #0 anil deliv Hairdre tock 58 50 SINE HA Onee again niht for wints Gand ill hil Ww, Thih ) floor, Vern 1] Coda HA fil hone ne Road Algo on ail, ppies Cedar i062 i, deflea LEVIN ni My nl one Fart Farmer's Column | RA #8052 in field promptl 1-378 hy TL LI] 20--Summer Properties COTTAGEN, camps, homes, a beautiful Kawartha Lakes di yihoist Taranta, For ie Howe and Pelerhnrough Trailers tent oandition AVERUE 280 ArACHE and y Churehill i evening sles May 0) | Font trailer wy peamadates six peaple, PY 29--=Summer Properties For Sale ACUGOG rn LARS wil hed ¢ Wen Ltn live all ARR ar YL COTTAGE L al winte partly Aa vo WANS WY Hoi 30--Lost & Found Brown wallet nv HA A LLR] Loy Ane od vs. Rewa Light brawn Collie ak 104 Gibbon fram 6i Street Hack Ady nO TE) Ae 32-- Articles Wanted SCRAP 1 CASH FOR BUY BATT Cocks Fhurstonia oh sale Answers oreake in riot Nl ree list Lim Riverside four, In sen al one RA week 8233 one MA raed six hase rowed # 0) iL Park For nn allagher or Alwh \einity sh hack Tack HA {I 0 call relvievey ans AIPA VAR We oy 1 tRIES & NANTED SONS POULT "Simone 32-~Articles Wanted whi Abin Ew ianiliand » y ow V9 io oh, 4 4 Wish a Ghee WANTED ala ot WANTED Vhnne RA FF ak # Phone £4) ined Canadian vive WW; wie Js Wh wah iA vy uk. hw dd Vai naition PrESSIIR WY CEDARDALF SCRA RON META ROMS h PAPERS OPEN BA 5.34 pes HOE. KA "60 ANNIS WATURDAY PICK AS Pp Le METALS RAGS ALL DAY 5.4159 STREET SHAW AUTO WRECKING CO ant for cars for ale, also metgl el he all Saturday RA 5-23 day WIE! CIO ing f iron end Jghit Open Phone 9 BLOOR E, 35--Employment Wanted LADY desire londay 16 1) I ADI ' ng Hes PA mi GENTLY MAN v ad Jike k. Vr RA oa EXPERI in my he ith o NEED ds or hh Wi Fhune RA. i 36--Female Me BELIABLE on i) children, | We WOMAN ih ull ley rr KA. 37 Bestaurant Park - Re NEED extri ' ro] Int (shawn Th none wold} 1] aur list and phone INTERESTING yenuired take | tn Ler nee Jew Dancing Io ale | plicant appl ol Dancing TRE In pei ALD PARTIES WANTED RRIF Soe oR Round West NEED ex dm ( Dept Hamiltor CHRIST 16, 4 house work hy the ds preserved. Wile Ip Wanted Prutel fou BA ferah «phone htm Ci and Hil # fast a 4 Mikes A 34482 toda nen 50 00 / Last MAS 1S COMING Ladie i Mone a product that | and well advert gate the opportu hy Avan Cosmet lingten Tawnshis ¥ Ma treet, Paterbore well | ed, invest red ity offe Dar ATTENTION WOM With ar Christma A na letries more infomation sal LE | ERICE 6-0627 alles TT --Male Help aling Aust he A man. pa Ap 1] faulted Sheet Aouth EN Wanted {oor fall ply Haren's A 30063 Hime a 39--Agents Wanted MEN Pleasant ale 52 per hour Ne ¢ Wille Rawleigh's 008 Richelion. Montves CHRISTMAS ada's heat weleotion RPORLINE cards. Over a ram. Special business VOur tre Album tad And associates Lid, A Card a8 a1--Room & Board LARGE far twa ta desired Bathranm Room ni, s0ed hime TARY ROOM ne a RTH ROARD sepaTale Chuieohe ROOMY downtown and ol Kast oy ROOM and yontiemen conked weal Avenue ROOMS LRLUTILRERL SEAS shave, WEht Parking a Apple Hill & and hoard far voaked LE) hoard wood SHOPPING for vent andl ay shave andl hoard ot NGM a Phone hoard fo all ponve RA §0 on Roe ROO Neal Avie TWO ge Name Wnehes and hoa Ww CORLIIARS hat street. RA Satie men vile Wn ges packed ROOM and + ROUM Ahan ¥ RA +003 antdany Whithy RA & work. Aver AREVIERCE eons Pept. LA1VY al ents of oan wll personalised 0 chase cards, Wile tag y. W 1 amith Jas, Ont ale home, ideal housekeeping oilities Private itriel. RA §M gentloman. park WOAlS. Alsh ga will RA gentlemen ali Phane elderly ladies @ NOME. lose MO #0 0 plese 10 A Elgin desired Apply LIE) twa three ha Gladstone NERO "2 we walel. Apply 48 Wie heds meal single voaked 1) share hone RA 5 Can | | | 4) ==Room & Board we "Be or Bished rao LR He ema, Mpphy wre We AVIS and bx SG ue 15 # mipaie REFS, RRIREn lov rept. Apply KooM ond howd, in pew af "4 hh Buying GM, howe fir KOOWERS 5 Bike Geptiemen III RS | Pr hai Lire Woun oly 0 Wing KOOWE ad wid hosed for twa wad home Street Fast vw apled we hath Apply pry Aowplowp gentieman Corners whom i bowird for 4 4 ¥ mix ROOM snd fonrd for ladies wr WER, Close | 1a dowplown snd Apply B Vlem Esst wr BA 4 Wi anol th Apply £1 [i £ iis ad ERE add 194 uM wlam eniieman CAGRIRE two He Al we wentie Yau 42--Room & Boord Wanted oom and ord wanted in 6 duties. Good Oshawa ¥ pariAlme {Write Box 126 143. --~Wanted To Rent WANTED ding #9 THRE ona 44 44---Houses, For Rent for worage. Phone hed room preterred home VRIBTRICE A HORE RTT 0 Viens. Re THERES sh CONTAINED theee «oon BA BHo66 BOWMA SYILLE Hepted, partls BRR LMEN coriled yath. 1 a pints » | 8 TWO ron furnished, Kitchen [ i ear King RA 5454 MODERN 2 BEDROOM APARTMENT treet FOR RENT BARNOSKI REALTOI els, bre APARTMENT LAND MCOL PHONE RA 5.3302 BUCKINGHAM MANOR APARTMENTS me lly Bry RATAEE north ERLE anLE P hanger handyman cesmmrm-- | 4 jor or BA or HA Apts, Flats yar hen 1047 flat hone three central built Blreet. P hans ip loam in [ $100 Apart ean ped best loge $85 and $100 month! A98 North, Ap. 15 Mimeoe PARKWOOD MANOR St RA B.-B676 APARTMENTS ON SAGUENAY AVENUE PARK RD, & DISTR TON KING ICT) OPEN FOR INSPEC ntial street bedroom Apartment frigs, T.V. outlet parking, et $90 monthly Quiet, reside PHONI FOR RENT Pa elevator New cated Maderate nner building, Centrally downtown Le in rent 11] THE TIMES BUILDING Contact T. L. WILSON Phone RA 3.347 TWO BEDROOMS LOWER DUPLEX 549 LANDSDOWNI AT WILSON RD, N OPEN FOR CALL WRITE FRANK HAZLETY BATHURS OR 1005 f 5.5787 SPACE service fo aren now 4 DOR INSPECTION Ab--Houses, Apts, Flots For Rent AFAR HE of pery A4--Mouses, Apts, Flots For Rent hy £4 Meso pins ont, 19) WEA as chiigeks, BH monile wae Dlrest Worth ladiws or waringg Pavs nd water wi Bia WHITHY ahh FRRBIB AINE VERE Rah Ont Wing ByRin praia Einy » W, Appiy by A 44 BA 98 nail os SEBIETAER appro Ha t boiding, # pes Apply wi 211 Bin Bliuet Fy [A . Adobe rooms iy oh btahen and BA 8129 ApRstment 8 spait vk, Etrigeraior and eRsODIIE Fem North GM. Call we i Viume inhi a J reingersioy. Beicony . lawn IY ahianns * pring, TY » Bowed. MO Have Le aad Apply Apt. 19 ¥ 4 fo # bu ded fag fiat oi hep part. Avaigine Boy, | jencsd BA B19 WBE THREE toon MNREIa. Wr WHTEING or groend Noor sinsed hath BUH BOR RE PRIERS BA #370 dd yd w EPALIOLS thes newly RBOY pel coe - Shree ' AORIlnent, newly ree wie hath, new Eas Hovey Bovil eng. Ahsamers, iL LOOM Apartment a Becorsiad, Bin PIRELINED. IRE ncinded. BA §- 129% haan Grapes con Sly NEAR OCVI three rooms, bie hath, pte yi ion » Boscn, Resiior, UNFURNISHED EPL apartment, hesied Wha Enki anes. Available phone BA #144 wo ment, wove, whed., toy i BA BAI HONERN FEI VERY BAA Thomas Sires BELLY r contained apariment h busine I wymiahie we oy Fa BA oi HE JHE BASEMENT bparimint AER y ike hath Bhd ens anes come, Aon Doyshesping siound oor spent Led na or phone BA 80253 BBA WASHIBE BRchIBE $0: ONE piece bath, sysilable Noy hk ok hire ld hike roumey children wels wom. 8 bedroom whe 9 PRE nEpt, heavy i-contpined, TY gutiet, HA by we rooms lor Yih pl poner Mi fuimash ok KEE " iow fen (2 FHKE rigs 0 wa an apartment, slyve SGM. Re BRIN. Burden, oi Newcastle PPT hathronm, -- Vhone furnished BOWIE BE BREF now, Phone ed » ar ment, ground ample parking Fast. KA apariment wh 72408 PORT FERRY YRRIENLES, LEM EIlY ay. Phone YUhon Ld Fou BROOM seh contained ! apartment yey germ £ a ro K y Pry pls Thine LT Abily 4 wing lnc aled, M46 monn ud nents, ree CHARI s welcome, Wh BOA LHR BPRS 0 pr COE pt sreet sinks emia rile Howard ONF ladies » wart ding Yew vk mown ose Lo How fin ry Apply slialrle Day Work apaitmen gentlemen raphe veh 10 1% x mother Hon shed fiat y Enaries Street FERS Phone gh ty 4 Foup inulg #0 arbinent couple ony om # shire hath oF URTOmm APRFImMER, Hive home 175 Athol, 9 fons corners, Apply 172 Ce hone RA B-13I8 slicer 6 nr of y " 6.0 FURNIS Hen rr plahle 19 Waa Street ho fur hedinnn ligh wking kitehen Wa sharing facilities, Ap hed wisn three-ronm ment, wove cup 0 Adult THRE) wm pr AVARTMENY tun large rooms, hed LAE room, KHehen, cuphosrds sad ' and relvigerator i desired West p arn neinded, secs d oor, m CRLERREE, HIEE WIR, KY ala Bik Ww South GM. KA B-5217 "FURNISHED apprtment, Private entrance floor washe relrige Wibn ke furnished room Apply 96 Cente blips LARGE Priv ale adult THRE) hed apartment DOPPIRE LEBLYE Ren 7 0 bATTT. B30 King THIEF FON RpAFtment histh snd entrance, hepled, heavy ring. Phohe BA $3522 THRE apartment wo © ream Sround PRIKIng ential yonm private en le and hardwood, modern kit outlet wiring, hy Phone KA ded ¥ apartment please, Apply Apnriment KENISHED LOVE Fm lo Very hit $0199 apartment, parking, ONE rem madern close tu dowplown 880, HA BNI 100m hasement apariment building. No ehildren, 103 Wilson Road North hedronm | rey full oil heat CADUIE # ot in Kendal, Ontario option of buying, low arranged, Phone Hope cellar, stem id Hawn TUine ri partment ineiug FEIRIKRY BAF wn Kilchen gentle sink couple, the es oF thiee en, central. BA BAZ Fort LARGE » Coleg 85 a month ) 9622 ays TREE Biwi bk Ben FOUR FORM Apartment pied line private "ose ty parking } hath, ' hop 1) YOUN hen dre } BA ping RA 5888S # oh vening Basement rr Apply for BA apnrtment, Foun nent, suitable entrance, |; . p furnished whitey Bik hil f Possession re treet FURN}S Hen FEAT ne deco file ree rooms and hath, andran Linoleum, central, KA hacheln hed iteher apartment full sve sled, ne Ef\ipped ENF anee witphaard refvigeritn 07 Forme h p, business couple. 13 Bl Fou upst apartment ye hie November weleome ih Foun 0 RA » ate Vs cuphnag two hedrogs or 16) Ae aller weleame apartment Ate it) Jil pri middle n Apply hh [1] 4 MALI arated thre mn apartment, newly ENLANEe, NERF his ingluded, S14 eel while mothers nie de bungalow . trieit immediate POBBEAEION Roud North $45 month iA Will "w ehildren Dtaide | ) Bally eluding ge: | HO untirnished qr oentinl Eas! tel A i164 Foun | hed room husiness roam Jk ate LL iil waded, one a1 Bloor apartment oa week Fam apartment Neuvy wiring couple preferred niown, available alter 7 pom hel weloame IA 3d dn (WELT Foun neal RA SIX © room house He heat, drive full basement Whithy, Alitm HA Wirth ": GM and South mom apartment and his aloe ipl 0h La THREES unfurnished hath, cential Gung couple THA 3-4708 THEY apartment entranee, A 4do--Rooms For Rent ONE suit Fhone unfurnished Stree! 00m, reason. Prine Rath ON} furnished pit FURNISHED GA Apply #41 008 poms and twa reams elbeontained, with own Gibson (uy RA 5.766% roam for Navth gentleman, e0R pl pips), 149 Celina APARTMENT nye and onthly. H Slyeel diame tant gluse In Blyest Nouth Bouth Him one HA wo and di rooms and hath yetrigeratar, Vacant ind K Hauvdware, South, Oshawa fon 8h on well heated young fel 74 Quebes husement room three pm wit we mr witer 4 LE] Appl Street or HA NICE bedroom apartment, modern and dinette, large bright living ani aidinhe, plathes closet a in Apply 100 Craydon Road, Apt 11. MO #8383 oun am apartment, bathroom Felephone HA apply 845 Bloor Street West, THRE apartment tor and furnished, shared Ap 15 Fairbank Avenue. HRA 5 aN [iitehen hed N 8 fini ¢ \ room Royal all convenis top 0 nl Street oF phone HA twipioee | FURNISHED 276d or | EI] OF Blder 1a husing Lauanlin i Bil in sail working new home with 1] se to Adelaide Mer hehoal and new Board of Edus roam refvigern Mauls - optional, RA 58747 hath 1300 ation (ynne | BOVE bathroom, suitable Biles, close (0 Oshawa Times, and wn or thie nile hospital. Write Box 184 kARd | win bed Appl [THREE tor and able far husines Road North THREES school hus Ral South GM TB ronm SiOV# apartment Private FOEigera CULE couple, 272 raished witahle Tom ( housekeeping for ane ar twa neg e sit Ritson room, Fark ing bungalow ne and park, Re: |FARGE gas heat, near Or one 7830 Court ol SINGLE Ness Man West alls FURNISHED ron man tn hospital spine. Apply hedroam shapping and Phone wa roam central, Appy 108 frig oi gentlemen stave RA split level igneed yard athoals, Sih unfurnished | siltabie to (ainevs, Vaeant [ven ar WA 3-487 contained ground 100 IW Person Phone WH 3.8673 UNFURNISHED apartment near Shopping Centre ane ar two business persons orn. RA A-hond |pUpLEN AM fur bedroom 1] for Colborne huss - with Hireet ear South #0040 room bungalow ream RA Fame married November THREES Hinhie Private Mu for gentles entrance, Kendal Aw Nght wir ehuple. ah 9 Wa eins parking "nie also twa furs ooking privil neal logation, SINGLE nished ages, wap of J Apply 180 Bony COMFORTABLY fined | roam hihi une, ot Blreet flags Private wile on a0 with gar suitable tor Abstain eloan Very Baal am for res cential, Apply ar phone RA ane gentleman Ign Siveel 0767 ontranee, four atte, hot watep (FARGE mam heavy duly wining Nah ¥ located. RA Ba6ad Pf it Private hath {heating cupboard TV outlet sentially LAN OM apariment, private | ehine (hath, near South GM, Possession Octo: | and her 1 Apply 3540 Malaga Road ] [FURNISHED thee LARGE fwinished front eh [Rieasant surroundings, all conveniences, housekeeping privileges. se east end of oily, available widdle of [tranee, near hus lites. Phone WA fork, November, Abstainers, adults only, RA 14034 TWO large unfurnished roams N cupboards and heavy duty wiving, hor BUNGALOW vale enlr AOR, Suit one oi twa Iady In quiet {south end Phone RA 5.2553 hus stop at the sompletely finished usekeeping, melnding eleps heat, Hghts and. oons wae oF washing ma, ventral to dawniown Ait working sil, and dryer entre hopping | A907 weekly EOOm apartment Yom, nearly ol heat new SIX ronms, Telephone RA 15 TORS wo \ FOR RENY ham bedroom hrlek Hany rated stars ana reens Private paved drive, exeallent condition, avail: | MOOM {While November 1. MO A878 ih in [THREE am {One ohild weloame by RNISHED andl acation, RA 41a Lave nA ATR threevaam and hath Apartment, private entrances hb RNIN} h AVALANS now, SHO Wie, very HA 52078 Lisi TOO elderly ont onms in yedasnnahle RA 3 IN Private mallvess Strepl East With aption tn buy bungalow, newly deen our JAR Very ventral gentleman. 10d ately Wace, home suit Apartment fay vent (ey i lose 10 bus, Phone hetlvom parking fron eontval hasemeni heavy Marthiy oantinunus hot Telephone RA hedronm wit eential Tele Phone TW Anartment ' . uniuraishod, private bath, near seuti 1A GATS GAL RA S808 op apply 730 Simeas TWO furnished ROM Ele, Alea ty TEN HA Wo i ATTRACTIVE {ph Suitable for subletting or roaming [able in A SAO per month to reliable ten: | Navih 5 nw hone CHA FAL daytime ar RA FURNISHED spring-filled rivals and Park alley LIGHT housekeeping roam, central, rnished « fonms, suit bachelor ap vo Ww hoarders wanted, parks om Rata ng 06 Pacitie Avenue We Bathroom With we centrally Kitghens laeat avail Road wo ished TOONS ame, #8 Park on "A LLL a 11 win ATTRACTIVE [street level save, reivig central hed may be Ae, plose Mantvave with shaw w Avs anim mative Kitphen Road hoe private SYA RA 100M Apartment, ed three pioee hath, [King ANSLAIROIS, adult [eu AMER evenings wr LARGE Hed mattresses nen SATO duplex apartment, sams lifes. wuiet d ol pletely private, 30.minnte bus service, WF phone RA #1504 alan large furnished hedvon ERT A fd bedroom, RA §:85 LIGHT FRENCHMAN'S BAY Winlevisea eatlage 'ean Mevinger's Stave MODERN ARAL BI mediate I" URNISHERD home. Private Os RLY RENT now Shopping Centre RA 30066 wr name | {St win hods, spring { DAKINE Ww Avply 43 Thew two Coline for Rl how sekeening four ram | eRteme A around does: [05 RA TEmple S90. (yy RNISHEN, hroakiast optional, ANA | south ond wants Aly' wa Simone South, Dial RA A ha0p, TORN Apply PAREN SO + furnished, basement hee piece Bath, navih end possession. Phone RA 3.4308 Nn Christian a5--Real Estate tor § Ah ACRES apartment Bath and entrance Phone RA &0Tw STR I Woe n FOr ninumation RA WETS orms Vindall Re Wesl, RA PRIVATE Sak Ww Aol SOIL SINTON house, LALLY Hye OW Pho | [THREE foam 0 CRRA ed. eontral. Call BUNGALOW ¢ with gay exchang oly Pape tate 3 Band Steet hasement private RA Apartment eRltance ary IRE i RU Dungalaw, all Completely | hao RA equi ed Retorences L

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